The Longest Promise (2023) s01e28 Episode Script

Episode 28

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 28=
What's this?
True dragon's mark.
When the Sea Emperor's blood
is affirmed,
it'll appear on the Sea Emperor's body.
I carry the blood
of the Dragon Clan descendants.
The dragon mark represents
the serpent dragon's mark.
At this moment, its appearance
is to pay homage to the true dragon.
When you were young,
I hadn't encountered the opportunity.
But it's within reach.
Yet, I didn't even know
you were the Sea Emperor.
What Sea Emperor?
This is the mission
the God of Dragon bestowed upon you.
Those two Merfolk marine soldiers
also mentioned the Sea Emperor just now.
Merfolk marine soldiers?
They wanted to take our Jade Tears.
They even killed my mother.
Don't be afraid.
I'll protect you.
I'll take you
to a safe place now.
(Oh, no.)
(Elder Jian and the others are coming.)
Time is running out.
I'll take you away from here first.
I don't want to be the Sea Emperor.
You're just like them.
You're a bad person!
I don't want to be the Sea Emperor!
Let go of me!
Put me down!
Let me go!
Let me
The dragon mark appears on his body.
You're indeed the Sea Emperor.
That's right.
I'm the Sea Emperor.
When did you discover it?
Just a moment ago.
Who is this child?
His mother died during the war.
He is alone and helpless.
I can only take him with me for now.
Does the mighty Sea Emperor
need to personally take care
of an orphan?
Indeed, it's you.
It seems when the Sea Emperor helps
the weak and the poor,
it's the moment when heaven
confirms his identity.
Perhaps, it's as you said.
Since you're the Sea Emperor,
then can you fulfill the promise
of giving an explanation you made
in Extreme Wind City that day?
You must not betray
Yan'er's trust in you.
(My blood is getting warmer.)
(It should be Elder Jian)
(getting nearer.)
The explanation you want,
I'll give it to you.
Trying to escape, are you?
I'll kill you,
you hypocritical Sea Emperor!
Don't hurt the child.
Why did you try to escape
when we asked for an explanation?
How can you live up
to Zhu Yan's expectations?
I should just kill you.
If you kill me now,
Kongsang will lose
the only opportunity
to live peacefully with the Merfolk
for the next few thousand years.
Shi Ying,
I have my own difficulties
that I can't avoid.
I hope you can trust me one more time
for Yan'er's sake.
I didn't expect
after we fought together against Diba,
his magic
has made such great progress.
This technique
is the highest secret technique
of the Merfolk Clan.
With your cultivation,
you could have killed him
without harming that child
in that situation.
Don't tell me you still believe
his nonsense.
Or did you show mercy to him
because of Zhu Yan?
We're still unclear if
the Evil Star's return is good or bad.
We need to be more cautious.
Or else it might turn blessings
into misfortune.
Just now,
he saw through my thoughts.
That's why he mentioned the coexistence
of the Merfolk and Kongsang people.
Whether it's just a response
to the situation
or what he truly desires,
I'll need some time
to observe and investigate.
If it was a deception,
he may be lucky to escape today.
But if we meet again,
I can still capture him.
When that time comes,
don't go soft because of Zhu Yan.
Greetings, Priest.
Keep searching!
- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!
I heard the Merfolk marine force
was lurking nearby.
So I was ordered to investigate.
But after a brief encounter,
they hurriedly escaped
as if they had important matters at hand.
It's different
from their usual fighting style.
(must be following the Sea Emperor.)
Lately, I've heard many rumors about you.
Everyone in the army
praises you
and wishes to fight alongside you.
Qing Gang,
I'm a cultivator, an outsider,
to begin with.
Being caught up in these conflicts
is really out of my control.
If you hear them talking about it again,
tell them not to mention it anymore.
may I speak to you in private?
Prince Shi Yu
is currently commanding the army,
and he misses you greatly.
I wonder
if you're willing to meet him.
In recent days, they've been engaging
in fierce battles
with the Merfolk marine force.
But some of them
have contracted a strange cold illness.
Although it's not serious,
it shows no sign of recovery.
Even the military physician are helpless.
Cold-related illness?
this way, please.
(Extreme Wind City)
The Azure River and Crimson River merge
at the lowest point
of the mainland's terrain,
which forms a lake.
The vast lake spans thousands of miles,
known as the Mirror Lake.
(Mirror Lake)
There are many monstrous creatures
and enchanting illusions,
making it impossible to cross.
Please enter.
Birds that attempt
to fly over it will fall.
But Merfolk are able to reside within it.
After the Sea Kingdom's downfall,
they often hide
in the depths of the lake
to avoid being captured
by the Kongsang people,
and establishing the base
of the Merfolk marine force.
So that's what happened.
It's been a while.
Am I dreaming?
Did you descend the mountain
because you read my letter?
I descended the mountain
for other matters.
I'm glad you're the Crown Prince.
No, not at all.
I never wanted to be the Crown Prince.
You know me very well.
Since young, I have no talents
to be an emperor
or to lead soldiers into battle.
It was Mother who forced me to come.
She said if I don't accomplish
any military merits,
I can never see Bai Xueying again.
This battle shouldn't have happened
in the first place.
When the two clans
live peacefully together,
how prosperous Ye City used to be.
But on my journey here,
all I've seen
are innocent civilians displaced
and struggling to survive.
That's right.
The cursed Merfolk marine force
is to be blamed for this.
The Merfolk and Kongsang people
are the people of the Menghua Dynasty.
The Merfolk marine force
did start the war.
But with their strength,
they can't even shake
Menghua Dynasty's foundation.
If they truly cared
about the well-being of the people,
their priority
should be to quickly end the conflict
and not give any opportunity
to those with ulterior motives.
By launching a full-scale war like this,
they are only making matters worse,
deepening the divide
between the two clans.
What you said
is exactly what I have in mind.
I know starting a war is wrong.
But I can't seem to express
the reasons behind it.
I'll do everything I can
to stop the war from spreading.
you must also believe in yourself
that you can accomplish it.
Only you can be a good emperor.
Look at me.
I can't even lift a pen or hold a sword.
I can't even speak properly.
I'm completely useless.
I'm not as good as you said,
and you are not
as terrible as you think you are.
Not only I can't be compared to you.
I'm not as brave as General Qing.
His martial skills are outstanding.
And he can take on
ten enemies at once.
He's the perfect vanguard.
And then there's Bai Fenglin
from the Bai Family,
who's clever and skilled
in strategic warfare.
He excels at defeating enemies
without even fighting.
He also gathered
important intelligence
by interrogating
the Merfolk marine force.
Lan Xiqiao from the Lan Family
and Zi Yaoguang from the Zi Family.
When compared to all of you,
I really fall short.
Shi Yu,
to be a good ruler,
it doesn't depend on
charging into battle
or devising strategies.
It's about understanding
and utilizing people's talents,
placing them
in the most suitable positions.
And just now,
you have shown
that you have this ability.
That's right.
Those in power should never
be stubborn and self-centered.
You have a keen eye for judging people
and are good
at recognizing others' strengths.
With more experience,
over time,
you'll undoubtedly
become a wise ruler
who understands the people
and maximizes their abilities.
This is the prescription I developed
for the soldiers suffering
from the cold disease.
After I leave,
just follow this prescription.
Given time, they will surely recover.
Priest of Grand Preceptor,
on behalf of the soldiers, thank you.
General Qing,
do you have something to say?
Lately, there have been
many rumors circulating
about what Princess Zhu Yan did
in Western Huang.
It was a rumor
about Princess Zhu Yan eloping with you
in Western Huang.
We have to separate
after a brief meeting.
I feel reluctant.
Why not take me
with you wherever you go?
I'll follow you
to the ends of the earth.
It's just some hearsay circulating
among the people.
But after Consort Qing heard of it,
she summoned Princess Zhu Yan
to the palace for a lesson.
Today is the day she enters the palace.
Consort Qing?
Who are these people
to gossip about my disciple?
(Renwei Gate)
Who are you?
Priest of Grand Preceptor
of Jiuyi Mountain.
I've come to the palace on my own
to be reprimanded.
His Majesty did not summon you
to the palace.
Priest of Grand Preceptor,
please leave.
The Princess of the Crimson Clan
was summoned to be reprimanded,
and it's all because of me.
Since it concerns both of us,
it's unreasonable
to punish only one person.
(Renwei Gate)
I, Princess Zhu Yan of the Crimson Clan,
greet Your Highness.
May Your Highness be blessed
with eternal peace.
You are truly as your name suggests,
beautiful and a captivating smile.
You're indeed a budding beauty.
(What kind of act is she putting on?)
Why aren't you replying to me?
You're right, Your Highness.
And I thought Princess Zhu Yan
is omnipotent.
It turns out
she's just
a clueless country girl.
It's your father's fault
for keeping you hidden all this while.
I didn't even know among the Six Clans,
there was a woman like you,
who's beautiful, talented,
and has impeccable demeanor.
As fate would have it,
you've perfectly matched my preferences.
(She's showing her real colors now.)
(I'm sure she's up to no good.)
What do you think?
It's all my fault.
As the only daughter
of a prestigious family,
I believe you wouldn't disregard
the dignity of your parents
and engage in such improper behavior.
I wonder
if it was the Priest of Grand Preceptor
who misled you to speak this way.
If you can honestly tell me everything
about how the Priest of Grand Preceptor
had seduced you,
I promise not to punish you.
(I get it now.)
(She wants to use me)
(to frame Master.)
Furthermore, considering
that Yu is the Crown Prince,
it's my selfish desire as his mother
to find several talented
and virtuous women
as his potential matches
to continue the royal line.
With your appearance,
you'll undoubtedly stand
by the side of esteemed
and noble individuals in the future.
I'll accept any punishment
from Your Highness.
How dare you!
Your Highness is right.
It's all my fault.
You can punish me as you please,
Your Highness.
Is this all you can say?
Your Highness is correct.
It's all my fault.
You can punish me as you please,
Your Highness.
Do you think a few things you said
means I can't do anything to you
because I can't find anything
against you?
I can still rip your mouth.
My hand
It's you.
How dare you trespass
on my Qingyun Palace
and humiliate me.
When it comes to audacity,
I'm not comparable to you, Consort Qing.
Relying solely on rumors,
you abused your power
and resorted to private punishment.
People have witnessed
and heard the disgraceful acts
both of you have committed.
The physician who attended
to the late Consort Zi
during her difficult childbirth
several years ago
was sent by Consort Qing herself.
Not only the Huotu Tribe,
but various tribes
from the Western Huang
frequently send confidential letters
to Consort Qing.
Outrageous lies!
What sorcery
have you used on them?
To believe rumors so easily
is too simplistic.
(This must be
the Mind-reading Spell)
(that Master refused to show me.)
(It's astonishing.)
let's go!
stop them!
His Majesty has arrived!
Where are you going?
I, Priest of Grand Preceptor of Jiuyi,
shall take my leave.
Are you
leaving now?
Your Majesty,
you must speak up for me.
This Priest of Grand Preceptor
of Jiuyi Mountain
disregards imperial authority
and dares to intrude into
my Qingyun Palace
and threaten me.
If this continues,
the entire Jialan Imperial City
may fall into a dangerous state.
If you didn't cause trouble,
how would he have come?
I suggest you refrain
from stirring up trouble.
I want to have
a private conversation with him.
You can leave.
Yes, Your Majesty.
You may rise.
So this is the disciple you've taken in?
You have a good eye.
Please refrain from joking,
Your Majesty.
When I look at your eyes,
they are exactly like mine in the past.
If there's nothing else,
I humbly take my leave.
After so many years apart,
don't you have anything
to say to me?
I have nothing
to say to you, Your Majesty.
I shall take my leave.
I didn't punish you for deceiving me.
Yet, you repay me
with such disrespect?
Shi Ying.
Only the Priest of Grand Preceptor
of Jiuyi Mountain is here.
There's no one called by that name here.
Just great.
The Priest of Grand Preceptor
of Jiuyi Mountain, huh?
You cultivators
are known for following etiquette,
respecting the bond
between parents and children.
If you don't repay
your parents' kindness,
you won't attain enlightenment.
as your father,
I want you to repay my kindness.
Do you think cutting your hair
can repay my kindness?
In my heart,
there's no longer any debt of gratitude.
Do you still think
of me as your father?
Your Majesty,
you only blame Master
for not treating you as his father.
But all these years,
have you truly treated him as your son?
I was at the palace that day.
I even ran into Lady Qiushui.
The incident that day
was not caused by the Crown Prince.
I was young and ignorant.
I accidentally knocked
into Lady Qiushui's carriage
and almost received punishment.
It was the Crown Prince who protected me
and even gave me a flower as a gift.
He treated a stranger child
with kindness and politeness.
Lady Qiushui was already being punished
to copy scriptures.
Why would the Crown Prince
need to resort to killing her?
This action doesn't make sense
no matter how one sees it.
Zhu Yan,
Because of Lady Qiushui's incident,
people all over the world despised
and cursed him,
calling him immoral
and deserving to die.
And as the Emperor
and his father,
instead of investigating
the truth thoroughly,
you hurt him the most.
Talking about this matter
with the opinions of the world is useless.
You're the cause of this, Your Majesty.
So you should've clarified this matter.
If I'm punished because of this,
I have no complaints or regrets.
Since you disregard
the father-son relationship,
I have no choice but to follow the law
and punish you for the crime
of deceiving the emperor.
The Crown Prince didn't
have a funeral back then.
No one in the world
could talk about his life or death.
If a person
doesn't have a memorial tablet, funeral,
or announcement of his death,
how can he be considered dead?
Then the Crown Prince was never dead.
Appearing now is only natural
and reasonable.
How can this be considered
deceiving the emperor?
Is this something you can say?
Look at that.
Look at your disciple.
Just as defiant as you.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Take her away
and flog her forty times!
- Yes, Your Majesty.
- Yes, Your Majesty.
This is my fault.
I'm willing to take full responsibility.
Your Majesty,
please do not redirect
your anger toward others.
I entered the palace without permission.
That's the first crime.
I showed disrespect toward authority.
That's the second crime.
I failed to discipline my disciple.
That's the third crime.
Your Majesty, please count the crimes
and give appropriate punishment.
You're an Immortal Official
who's not involved in worldly matters.
But she's not.
She offended the Emperor.
And the evidence of her crime is clear.
Her crimes implicate her parents,
her children,
and her spouse.
Masters and disciples aren't included.
So tell me.
Who are you to her
to accept the punishment on her behalf?
You have nothing to say, right?
I know spiritual cultivators like you
are unrestricted by worldly constraints.
You can even disregard the law
and take her away.
Then let everyone from Crimson Residence
take the punishment
in her place.
Your Majesty!
stop pleading for me.
I'm willing to accept the punishment.
It's an honor
to be convicted guilty of this matter.
A small action
can have far-reaching consequences.
The repercussions of one person
can serve as a warning to the people.
I shall grant your request.
You shall bear this punishment alone.
♪The endless rebirth of flowers♪
♪Where do they bloom?♪
♪A single step♪
♪Can make a significant difference♪
♪In the face of
the unpredictable nature of life♪
♪Where do I belong?♪
♪The gap between you and me♪
♪Is just one step off the cliff♪
♪Wasting away countless lifetime♪
♪The lonely fleeting youth of beauty
disperses in an instant♪
♪Lost in the remaining years♪
♪Even the radiance between the eyes
has turned into a flower♪
♪Painting an eternal dream
for a thousand years♪
♪Even if others laugh at my foolishness♪
During the execution,
you can't use magic techniques.
They only said not to use it to resist.
They never said I can't use it
for another purpose.
♪Wasting away countless lifetime♪
♪The lonely fleeting youth of beauty
disperses in an instant♪
♪Lost in the remaining years♪
♪Even the radiance between the eyes
has turned into a flower♪
♪Painting an eternal dream
for a thousand years♪
♪Even if others laugh at my foolishness♪
I'm all right.
♪The fleeting nature of worldly pleasures
makes no difference without you♪
♪In the face of
the unpredictable nature of life♪
♪Where do I belong?♪
♪The gap between you and me♪
♪Is just one step off the cliff♪
(I'll never let you down)
(in this lifetime.)
Yes, Your Supreme Majesty.
I have found the Sea Emperor.
How did you determine his identity?
He matched the time and place
predicted by orrery.
And the dragon's mark
was revealed on his face.
He even used Merfolk Clan's
supreme secret technique.
Did you capture him?
The situation was complicated
at the time.
So I intentionally let him go.
You should've gotten rid of him
at that time.
If he's indeed as you say,
this person should be eliminated
as soon as possible.
Your Supreme Majesty,
now that the Evil Star
has become weak and dim,
whether it's good or bad,
the threat to Kongsang
has greatly diminished.
Currently, it's difficult to tell
whether he's a friend or a foe.
I have a feeling
that I'll meet this person again soon.
At that time, I will definitely
uncover the truth
and provide an explanation to the world.
If the matter with Evil Star is resolved,
you'll have achieved
an unparalleled feat.
if you return to the mortal world
at that time
Your Supreme Majesty.
When that day comes,
I'll leave the priesthood.
I'm glad
that you're willing
to descend the mountain.
However, leaving the priesthood
will subject you
to the Tribulations of Hell
to endure countless trials
and sufferings.
At that time, it'll be a matter
of life and death.
I've made up my mind.
All right.
So be it.
Your Supreme Majesty,
leaving the priesthood
doesn't mean I'll return
to the imperial court.
I only wish to live a carefree life
for the rest of my life.
To live a carefree life
for the rest of your life?
Since the establishment
of Jiuyi Mountain,
you're the most accomplished cultivator.
Are you sacrificing
your supreme cultivation
and using your hard-earned freedom
only to hide
in the mountains and wilderness?
You're destined
to revive Kongsang.
I don't have the grand ambitions
that you have expected of me.
I only hope that from now on,
I don't let others down
and remain true to myself.
The urgent matter at hand
is to handle the matter
with the Evil Star.
The fate of the world
lies in your thoughts.
I'll do my best.
(Since I can make you leave
the priesthood,)
(what happens after this)
(is not up to you.)
I only said
what you asked me to.
So, you see?
Consort Qing indeed
couldn't find any reason
to accuse the Crimson Clan.
But unfortunately,
I couldn't hold myself back
in front of His Majesty.
- Don't move.
- Lie still.
- Stay still.
- Don't move.
Stay still.
I knew you would act up.
I've been cleaning up your mess
since you were a child.
I'm already used to it.
But this time,
you were too bold.
What if His Majesty gets angry
and beheads you?
Your impulsive nature
of speaking without thinking.
When can you change it?
Am I not fine now?
why is my room
exactly like the one
in Extreme Wind City?
It's because your father pities you.
He's worried
that you don't sleep well here.
So he turned this room
just like your room
in Extreme Wind City.
Please don't worry about me anymore.
Don't worry.
I won't do it again.
All right.
As long as you remember this.
Don't forget what you said.
Your Lordship. Your Ladyship.
Lord Priest of Grand Preceptor
is here to visit Princess.
Master is here.
- Greetings, Priest of Grand Preceptor.
- Greetings, Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Your Lordship.
Your Ladyship.
It's my fault
for implicating your daughter.
You're her master
who saved her
from danger multiple times.
It's natural for Yan'er
to defend you
in front of His Majesty.
I've brought some medicine
from Jiuyi Mountain.
Thank you, Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Thank you.
you mustn't behave like this anymore
in the future.
Don't worry.
His Majesty probably
won't want to see me again.
it's actually a good thing.
If others find out
that I dared to offend even the Emperor,
they won't trouble me anymore.
Here, drink the decoction.
I should do it myself.
My hands aren't injured.
Be careful.
Just let me do it.
Here, be careful.
Let me serve you instead.
My hand slipped.
Forgive me.
I said
if you go any further,
you will
I told you to stop talking.
It's better to change into clean clothes.
it's just some flesh wounds.
You don't have to worry too much about me.
There are already clues
about the Evil Star.
I was just about to tell you
that Keeper Yuan
is the one I've been searching for,
the one referred to by the Evil Star
as the Sea Emperor.
Yuan is the Sea Emperor?
I've confirmed it.
Over seven thousand years ago,
when Emperor Xingzun unified Yunhuang,
the Merfolk and Kongsang people
lived in peace.
But because the Merfolk Clan
a truly powerful leader
that they never rose to prominence.
The Sea Emperor became the only hope
for the Merfolk Clan.
We're uncertain
if the one Evil Star pointed out
is good or bad.
The Sea Emperor's attitude
becomes the key.
If he is
a cruel and warlike person,
the whole Yunhuang
will be engulfed in a war.
If he is
a compassionate person,
the two clans can continue
to live in peace.
you know the Sea Emperor.
Based on your understanding of him,
what kind of person is he?
If Yuan is truly the Sea Emperor,
that means Evil Star
is a great sign to Kongsang
because he's
the most kind-hearted person,
he never speaks harshly to others.
Every year, he takes me
to release birds and animals.
Everyone in Extreme Wind City
knows that.
So you often accompany him
to release birds and animals, huh?
Before I ascended Jiuyi Mountain,
we would go every year.
The same year I became your disciple,
we also released the Salang Eagle
Yan'er, are you all right?
I'm fine.
It's my fault
for getting too excited.
It's all my fault
that you suffered such a serious injury.
Yet, I kept asking you.
It's not that, Master.
Actually, the things you asked
are the things I've kept in my heart.
To others,
they may see Yuan
as just fulfilling his duties
as a keeper.
But only I know
the depth of his feelings.
In his heart,
I'm his friend,
younger sister,
and family.
Master, I'm Kongsang people.
If Yuan discriminates
against the Kongsang people,
he wouldn't have done
what he did.
I understand now.
Besides, I believe that good and evil
cannot be determined by race.
Just like
there are unscrupulous individuals
among the Kongsang people.
There are also righteous
and generous people
among the Merfolk.
So as long as you're willing
to sit down and talk with Yuan,
I believe
that the decision you two make
will bring happiness to the world
and blessings to Yunhuang.
I'm staying
in my mother's old house
in the east of the city.
If he's willing to come,
I'll prepare tea and await his arrival.
You rest well for now.
I'll come and visit you another day.
All right.
if you like releasing animals,
I can accompany you after this.
What do you think?
Don't move too much
or the wound may come apart.
Or else drinking the bitter decoction
would be in vain.
You sure are insightful.
Isn't this Master White?
Today, let Master White
supervise you to rest well.
Master White.
Is this child really the Sea Emperor?
Logically speaking,
the dragon mark should appear
and fade after a month.
But why is there
not a trace of it on his body?
He refuses to admit
that he's the Sea Emperor.
So the dragon mark didn't appear.
That was how I was able to trick
the Priest of the Grand Preceptor
and make him believe
that I'm the Sea Emperor.
But the blood of the Sea Emperor in him
has already awakened.
That's why his high fever won't go away.
Then we should send him
to the nearby Quanke Village
for treatment.
I know
there's a highly skilled physician
in the village.
Ordinary Merfolk physicians
are of no use.
How could they heal
someone with the Dragon Blood's power
accumulated for seven thousand years?
Would the Sea Emperor be in danger?
The entire Merfolk marine force
deserves to die.
I'll kill all of you.
Why is this child
saying such nonsense?
If I were his age
and witnessed my own mother
being killed
by the Merfolk marine force,
I would also consider
the Merfolk marine force
as lifelong enemies,
to be killed without mercy.
How could this happen?
Deep down in your heart,
you also know Elder Jian's actions
are wrong
and you don't agree
with him causing
unnecessary sacrifices
of our Merfolk brethren.
Am I right?
Elder Jian has been leading
the Merfolk marine force
for hundreds of years.
They've never given up
on reviving our country.
Perhaps now that we've found the Sea Emperor,
everything will change.
They keep talking
about reviving the country.
But now,
the lives of countless Merfolk
like Sumo
were destroyed by them.
Sumo may be the Sea Emperor.
But he's still a child.
I failed to protect you in the past.
But now, I want to protect him.
I absolutely cannot
let him fall into the hands
of the Merfolk marine force.
But this child's body
can't hold on for much longer.
If she makes a move,
Sumo will be saved.
Wipe them all out.
Young Lady, why are you up?
Have you forgotten
you're seriously injured?
Before my master left,
he transferred spiritual power to me
to heal my injuries.
I'm much better now.
I feel full of strength
throughout my body.
Is this for me?
I picked this up at the door.
(An old acquaintance hopes
for a meeting.)
(An old acquaintance hopes
for a meeting.)
(It's from Yuan.)
(Dragon Blood Jade?)
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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