ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e28 Episode Script

Mumm-Ra of Plun-Darr (Part 2)

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
- [rumbling]
- [all screaming]
[all screaming]
[all shrieking]
- Quit hogging that thing.
- It's my turn.
- Let me have a turn.
- No!
Vultureman, Monkian
won't let me play
with the ThunderCats' advanced
technological weaponry.
You know the rules.
If you want a turn,
you'll have to be patient.
And then attack him
when he doesn't expect it.
Yeah. Wait, what?
- [both growl]
- [yelps]
- [Monkian grunting]
- [laughs triumphantly]
This is so convenient.
Now we can terrorize the planet
from the comfort
of our new home.
[Jackalman sighs happily]
[Slithe] Sword of Omens,
get big!
[groans] Come on, get bigger.
How come Lion-O
can make it work?
He's a doofus!
Maybe there's a password?
- Uh, admin
- [rumbling]
[all yelping]
This way. Right over here.
[Berbils chanting]
Build. Build. Build.
Mumm-Ra, you've returned
with the Berbils.
And the Berbils have bricks.
Very good, Slithe.
Thank you for saying
the things I'm doing.
It's very helpful.
Can I ask why?
The Berbils are
building me a pyramid
surrounding Cats' Lair.
It's for added protection.
And it also keeps
the Berbils busy.
The last thing we need is for them to
build a new lair for the ThunderCats.
Hear that, Berbils?
Get ready for an eternity of
soul-crushing, back-breaking labor.
- Hooray!
- Huzzah!
- Those guys creep me out.
- Agreed.
But it's no matter.
A new age is upon us.
we have the technology,
and the ThunderCats
have nothing!
[all laughing maniacally]
What a tall man.
[thunder claps]
[laughs] I'm telling you guys,
I'm having the time of my life
out here.
I thought I'd miss
all my advanced technology,
but my stick nunchucks,
they're almost as good as
the real thing.
And I'm loving this bolo-whip
you made out of vines.
Ah Uh-oh.
Uh, I like this big stick,
but I miss my real bo staff.
A bo staff
is a big stick, right?
What's the difference?
You wanna find out?
[laughing nervously]
No, that's okay.
- [stuttering] I'm sure there's a difference.
- [groaning]
You guys, calm down.
We're gonna be fine.
If ancient Thunderians survived
using sticks, so can we.
Well, they didn't all survive,
if you wanna get technical
about it.
I don't.
[all screaming]
- [ThunderCats screaming]
- [Hydra Trout yelping]
[all grunting]
Let's just take it around back.
[whimpering] Thunder. Thunder.
Thunder. [sniffles]
Oh, man, I'm useless
without the Sword of Omens.
Lion-O, I hope you're hungry,
because we're making
Hydra Trout omelets.
You better eat up.
You're gonna need the energy.
Today's the day we take back
the Cats' Lair. Up top!
- [Lion-O crying]
- Hey
You don't need my help.
I'll just mess everything up
like always.
Nope, we're definitely
gonna need you, buddy.
There's one final
security measure
that I installed
in the heart of the Lair.
If we can get to it,
we might have a chance.
But it takes every ThunderCat
to activate it.
So, you do need me?
Well, it's a retinal scan,
so we really only need
your eyeballs
if you wanna get technical
about it.
Which we don't.
We need you, Lion-O.
But how will we even
get inside?
We sent the Thunderkittens
on a reconnaissance mission.
They're the best at hiding,
so they'll do some scouting
and come back with a plan.
- Hey, guys.
- [Tygra shrieks]
- You're back! So what's the plan?
- [both chuckle]
All right, guys, check it out.
The Berbils are moving
Mumm-Ra's stuff
into the new pyramid
around Cats' Lair.
All right, this is our chance.
I'll probably just
mess it up again.
Come on, Lion-O,
think positive.
Disguises on, everyone.
[suspenseful music playing]
[WilyKat] Hi, we're Berbils.
[Cheetara whispering]
Play it cool, WilyKat.
[WilyKat whispering]
I am. This is how they talk.
All right, get Berbiling.
- [all gasp]
- [snoring]
[Berbils] Berbil, berbil,
berbil, berbil.
[Tygra] How did they do that
to the ceiling?
- [all snoring]
- [ThunderCats] Hey, Mutants!
Will you Berbils be quiet?
Some of us are trying to
Wait a minute.
You're not Berbils!
[Panthro] Now!
You don't have a chance
without your weapons.
[yelping] What are those?
Oh, they sting!
[squawks] Get your foliage
off me.
- [Tygra] Whoa!
- [yelps]
All right, stick nunchucks,
don't fail me now [snaps]
Looks like I've got
the upper hand [grunts]
I'll get you for it.
Ow! [groans]
[Jackalman laughs]
- Owie! She took my stick.
- It's a bo staff.
- What's the difference?
- I actually don't know.
- [both grunt]
- [Tygra] Oh, there's the difference.
Ah, take it. Stupid sword
doesn't even work.
[sniffles] Thanks, Slithe.
You want my stick?
Oh, um, uh Yeah, thank you.
You pesky ThunderCats
may have your weapons back,
but let's see how you hold up
against your own defenses!
- [cackles]
- [Tygra yelps]
Is that it?
- [ThunderCats yelping]
- Remember the plan.
Everyone get to
your stations. Now!
- [beeps]
- [yells]
- Is everyone ready?
- Ready.
[both] Ready!
[all cackling]
[whispers] Ready.
Let's do this.
- Thunder-King-Battle-Lord, engage!
- [rumbling]
- That doesn't sound good.
- [all screaming]
[Mumm-Ra grunts]
What's going on?
[announcer] Tygra, Cheetara,
Lion-O, Kittens,
Snarf and Panthro.
[growls] Where are
those brainless Mutants?
- Uh, let's just stay here.
- [Mutants] Yeah.
- [beeping]
- [purrs]
[all screaming]
[all screaming]
Guess who's not
gonna be kings anymore.
[all] Whoa!
[Mutants in distance]
We're okay.
You're still no match for
the Sword of Plun-Darr!
We'll see about that. Attack!
[Lion-O] Whoa!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Left, right. Left, right. Left, right, Lion-O.
I'll squash you, Cats!
[laughs and grunts]
[ThunderCats scream]
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Lion-O, get it together.
Whoa! [whimpers]
I can't do this.
It's true.
I am just a big tool.
Jaga, is that you?
I've come from the Astral Plane
to tell you that you are indeed
a giant tool.
Thanks a lot.
And what's so bad about being
a tool, Lion-O?
The Sword of Omens is a tool,
and it's awesome!
Now, what kind of
even bigger tool
would it take to wield it?
Oh Whoa!
Jaga's right!
I'm the biggest tool ever!
Take over both legs, Cheetara!
Oh, I thought you'd never ask!
Thunder, thunder, thunder.
Thunder, thunder, thunder, thunder, thunder,
thunder, thunder, thunder, thunder!
[scoffing] We already did this.
You're too small
to hold a sword this big.
Maybe I am, but they aren't.
Hey, I think I get it,
you guys.
[yelps] ThunderCats
[announcer] Thunder-King-Battle-Lord,
now with giant sword too!
[all scream]
[all] Yay!
[all scream]
[Mumm-Ra grunting]
- [ThunderCats yelp]
- [Lion-O] Whoa!
[all scream]
Time to finish you off.
[laughs maniacally]
[Bolkins whimpering]
[all screaming]
Looks like I win, dumb-dumbs.
You may win Dum Dums,
but we're gonna win the fight.
activate the grappling arm.
[both] Grappling arm?
Oh, cool. Ha!
All together, everyone.
On your feet!
ThunderCats are on the move
ThunderCats are loose
[groans] Huh?
Cheetara, let's dump
this mummy-chump!
On it! [grunting]
Thunder, thunder, thunder
ThunderCats ♪
- Kitty blast!
- No!
Thunder, thunder, thunder
ThunderCats ♪
[yells] We win!
Thunder, thunder, thunder
ThunderCats ♪
You may have won this time,
but wherever evil exists,
Mumm-Ra will
[groans] Mummy wipes.
- [all] Yeah!
- Great job, everyone.
Sorry we doubted you, Lion-O.
Yeah, man, you're not just
our biggest tool,
you're also our coolest tool.
So, uh, is our house
a robot forever now, or
[laughs] Don't worry.
I think this time, everything
will go back to normal.
Except for this.
What do we do with
the Sword of Plun-Darr?
Hmm. What did Jaga say
we should do with it?
I know.
Throw it in the volcano.
No! That's what you did
and it was terrible.
That's why Thundera exploded!
Oh, yeah. Well, uh,
I knew there was
a volcano involved.
I'm just gonna break it.
- [whooshes]
- I'm a little annoyed that was so easy,
but, I'm proud that Lion-O
has proven himself to be
very responsible after all.
[laughs] Yeah. I wouldn't want
this planet to explode.
We just got used to
living here.
- [all laughing]
- [all] Yeah, we did it!
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