Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e28 Episode Script

Episode 28
You planned this dirty game
Come and see me.
MelikShah had Bashulu abducted.
I will make him pay for this game.
I will give him such an
answer that he'll regret.
The Seljuq is attacking
our walls, father.
It is going to be hard for
us to stop them with archers.
The secret is going to be exposed
since MelikShah had Bashulu abducted.
The mess in the palace
will affect their soldiers,
they won't be able to
attack for some time.
Send news to Mitras.
He'll send Byzantine's secret
weapon for the walls' defense.
He knows what it is.
Yes, father.
I will send such a trouble
to MelikShah that it will,
turn his dynasty, sultanate
and throne into a fireplace.
How could you do this to me?
How could you make
a decision about me
without letting me know?
For the state.
For the state!
I understand that you didn't
want to mention about Sencer.
I promised not to see him
although I knew about him.
But how could you make me
think that Bashulu was dead?
hHow could you make me
think that she was dead?
I carried the sting of my conscience
because I thought I couldn't protect her!
How could you do this to me? How?
It was dangerous for
you to see Bashulu Hatun.
Kipchaks were after her then.
I didn't tell you how many
times I saved her from Kipchaks.
But you never stopped seeing
her despite what Happened.
I know how much you loved her.
Making you think that she
was dead, was the only way
to save her and make you live.
Didn't I take an oath to
stay away from my own son?
I would harden my
heart and stop seeing.
Bashulu just like I did
for my son for years!
Wasn't I able to keep
the secret that you kept?
But you put guilty conscience in my heart.
You've told me the biggest lie!
You betrayed our confidentiality!
Do you think I never had
on my conscience for years?
Do you think I never questioned myself
everytime you mentioned
about Bashulu Hatun
everytime you mentioned about
your son
and everytime they mentioned
about you?
Do you think it was easy for me to
it put my head in the
wolfs mouth every day?
You never came up to me and,
asked about the chances we had.
Did you ever come and explain
why I shouldn't visit Bashulu?
Did you ever think of solutions?
You didn't.
You were on your own
when telling these lies.
You chose the most impossible way
when we could find other ways.
You've told me the biggest lie!
There is no explanation
for the guilt you
attempted, and there
won't be forgiveness.
You will be punished!
Now get lost until I make
a decision about you!
Leave this palace! Right now!
He must be angry now.
It's like even the walls
don't want me here.
This place is always
your and Sencer's home.
It was hard for me to accept
the truth in the beginning.
My father will understand
you after his anger cools down.
I wonder what Hace is doing right now.
Our Sultan might have
him executed with this anger.
What did our Sultan say?
He was mad at me.
He hasn't made a
decision about me yet,
but he wanted me
to leave the palace.
The destiny was going to
make me face him one day
today was the day.
I might be sentenced to death
but a heavy burden has been
removed from my shoulders
after the exposal of
the secret although it hurts.
Now he wants to see you.
I was a baby named Ahmed
when I was swaddled with secrets.
I grew up I left my mysterious
swaddle and put mysterious swords on.
I mignt've walked through this hall for a
thousand times with the name of Sencer.
One day, I carried the
most important holy artifacts.
One day, I received the
biggest gift from my Sultan.
One day, I was blamed for
betrayal and put into a dungeon.
And now, this way is not taking
me to my Sultan but my father.
should I call you?
Or Ahmet?
Whatever you like, my Sultan.
While I longed for
a secret son for years,
You had
a longing
for your father in front of
your eyes in front of your nose.
My son.
My precious boy.
As you get further away from me,
you will get closer.
I remember the day I
held you in my arms
like yesterday.
I had
..the blood stains of the Barzam Battle.
And I could take the smell
of the death and victory.
Khayyam gave you in my arms.
You were so little
Your cotton-like hands were so little.
you knew your destiny
meant to be without a father.
You look at my face
with such a strange grief.
I had to give you away.
I had to give up on you.
You witnessed that I
fathered your brothers.
Who knows how much it hurt you?
Who knows the longing
for a father in your heart
got worse?
You are right, my Sultan.
But when you gave me that skin,
the feeling of being an orphan vanished.
My part left without a fater
doesn't hurt anymore.
I made this wolf skin myself years ago.
It was so precious to me.
Let this skin be the sign
that we keep you warm as your
Sultan who you regard as a father.
But Bashulu..
How could you tell such a lie?
We had to, my Sultan.
For your, my and my mother's
And my brother's safety,
we had to do that.
You were
like my hands and arms.
You never exposed yourself.
But how could you
keep silent about while
your mother was
made to look dead?
Didn't you care about me at all?
I had to stay without a father
so that this state of the
world wouldn't be without father.
Just like you had to hide
me like a secret once,
I had to keep this secret too.
I understand your anger.
But I'm not worried about myself.
You may not take me as a son.
You may not declare me as a melik.
It doesn't matter.
I'm used to being an orphan.
I'm worried about my mother.
She endured so many hardships.
Many storms broke out in her life.
But even once she
couldn't say was alive.
She saw you,
but couldn't look.
 She got close to you,
but couldn't touch.
She needs to
say some words and
express herself, my Sultan.
Get angry or punish her.
But see her just once.
Who are you going to
send this note, father? 
To the dark trouble we will
send over MelikShah.
Who is that, father?
MelikShah's uncle son.
Turhan Shah, the melik of Kirman.
Turhan Shah swallowed his
father Kavurd's deatn.
But when he learns that MelikShah
got the throne by keeping a secret,
..he will cause great distress
both for him and NizaniylMulk.
Even if Turhan Shah defeats
Sultan and NizamulMulk,
don't you think he will
be a trouble for us, father?
I thought about that as well.
Don't worry.
We will get the dark trouble
coming from the dynasty..
..shielded by someone
else in the dynasty.
Our rafiqs who got the note..
..will propetly deliver it to Turan Shah.
Now fly, beautiful bird.
Send the dark trouble
Turhan Shah over MelikShah.
I don't care about myself anymore.
 I don't, but
The news of the secret
must have spread everywhere.
Hard days are yet
to come for the state.
Things that occurred in the palace..
..will effect the army
near Shalamzar as well.
All of the must have
got loose by now.
We need to save the soldiers
as well as the people in captivity.
We should get this matter settled.
..and go quickly back to
them to Shalamzar, Hace.
All hell will break loose
..when the other dynasty
members learn that.
An unprecedented war is yet to come.
What happened?
What did father tell you?
He discussed the matter.
That's all.
He didn't take you in his
arms and call you son?
He didn't tell you that he
would declare you as a melik?
He'll probably want to see me now.
We should go back
to our tribe, mother.
That means..
..he didn't want to see me?
It's not easy for my father, mother.
Give him some time.
I'd like to talk to hatuns alone.
Beys should leave us alone.
After so many years,
how dare you come to the palace?
You may have forgotten
that you worked as a spy and..
..sold this state out to the enemy.
But we haven't forgotten.
I'm not a spy.
They slandered me..
Is that why youj made yourself
look dead and hid for years?
Besides, you didn't mind
the situation that you fell into,
and had a baby from
MelikShah with no shame!
People like you never
wanted to see the truth!
To get titles, you always
believed the slanders!
It's you who should be ashamed!
I will tear your forked tongue off!
Hitting someone under my
protection, in my presence
is beyond your power.
You are
You are also a part of this treason!
You all worked together
and did things behind
MelikShah's back.
But you will get even
worse than you deserve!
You can't
come back to this palace or
get in the dynasty after years.
I won't let anyone
..steal either my own right or
the right of my baby to be born!
Even MelikShah didn't want to see you.
If you have a little dignity, won't stay where
people want to see you.
Now that our Sultan has
sent you off the palace,
..I'd like to host you in my tribe, Hace.
You better be with us.
Because of us, things
got chaotic in the palace.
My father doesn't even,
want to see my mother.
It seems we're meant not to
be able to fit in our own family.
Nobody here will accept us.
What's going on, mother?
Why are you so furious?
Don't you even think could come after years
and live here like in a heaven!
Now that you've
thrown a fire around.
From now on,
everywhene you can step in
the place, will be the hell for you!
Don't do this, Bashulu.
Where are you going, mother?
I will not tolerate him turning his back
as if we did a bad thing to him on purpose.
We gave up on many
things for this state.
And he is treating
us like we are traitors.
He can throw up his anger,
and punish us the way he wants.
Let Zubeyde Hatun stop her.
Bashulu, stop!
Bashulu. He will get angrier.
He will get angrier
Tell our Sultan that
I want to see him.
Our Sultan does not
want to be disturbed.
I am going to tell him a few things.
I'm sure he will not reject me.
Stop, Hatun!
He makes them close the
door whenever he wants to think.
I guess he wants to think.
He is not ready to talk to you yet.
Leaving is best thing
for us and for my father.
Let's go back to our tribe.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Be patient, father.
They say that there
is a talented healer.
He heals eyes with his own method.
I just want to recover.
I can give him the world.
-Can I come in?
-Come in.
I came here to be a
remedy to Melik Tekish.
You must be the healer
they mentioned about.
Come closer.
Let's see if your knowledge is
going to be enough to heal my father.
Your eyelids were burnt.
But you are lucky, your
sclera wasn't melted.
But to open the eyelids, I have to know
the slightest details about the operation.
Do this and then
wish anything from me.
Now we need dandelion.
Can you bring us dandelion while I am
taking care of Hadhrat Melik, my son?
I will set off with the
soldiers and find it.
Am I going to be able to see?
You are
You are going to see better, then we
will descend upon our enemies together.
Our enemies?
Who are you?
Hasan Sabbah.
Hasan Sabbah?
You dastard!
I came here to heal you!
Are you going to kill me now?
Do you want to stay blind?
I came here to serve your
revenge on a silver platter!
How can you serve my revenge?
MelikShah cornered you
in Shalamzar like a rat!
-You can't even save yourself!
-The secret is exposed, Melik Tekish!
Everyone found out that
Bashulu Hatun is alive and
Sultan Melik's son Sencer.
What did you say?
Is Bashulu alive?
I was right
It was obvious that Sencer
was hiding something.
He blinded me for nothing.
For nothing!
Stop! It is time for revenge, Tekish!
Your cousin TuranShah is
going to raid Isfahan soon.
And we will push
MelikShah together.
Why are you doing this favor?
What is your profit, Hasan Sabbah?
You will control Shalamzar that we took.
And we will live freely
under your shadow there.
MelikShah's reputation will be ruined
and you will bring
an important place like.
Shalamzar under your
control, and we will win.
Why are you punishing
us, Melik Turan Shah?
My father Kavurd Bey
got into a throne war
against my cousin
MelikShah and got defeated.
MefikShah killed my father with
the provacation of NizamulMulk.
And you were fighting for MelikShah.
Now you will be punished for this.
Years have passed.
This is not fair, Turan Shah!
But I learned that MelikShah
practiced a deceit now.
He broke the rules of our
state and had a child illegitimate.
NizamulMulk planned this.
My father died for nothing.
I will take my revenge from
everyone that took part in this!
We are Sultan MelikShah's sergeants.
He Will make you pay for this.
Do you think I will not make
MelikShah and NizamulMulk pay for this?
I will start taking
my revenge with you.
MelikShah and Niz'amulMulk
will also pay for it in a bloody way.
Take their pieces and hang
them on the doors of Kirman!
Everyone must now, TuranShah's
war of revenge has started.
What are we going to
do now, Hadhrat Melik?
They took the throne on
false pretences, and they are
expecting us to see the child as a
member of our dynasty after years.
Now we will go to Isfahan
and behead NizamulMulk!
Whoever that Sencer is, he will have
no rights over the state and the dynasty!
If necessary, we will dethrone MelikShah
at the end of this war.
How many Rubais have
you written about friendship
loyalty and honesty, Khayyam?
I can't count, my Sultan
None of them is
valuable for me now.
Because you betrayed our
friendship, loyalty and honesty.
You are right.
But I had to.
You had to.
I entrusted the woman I loved and
the child she was carrying to you
when I was leaving for Berzem war.
Yoy betrayed the entrustment
by saying that Bashulu died.
What pushed you for these betrayals?
The state and you, my Sultan.
Or else, you wouldn't have
been able to take the throne.
The state was going to be left in a mess.
When I went down on my
knees on that gray day
I suffered in front of you!
My heart was burning!
Would the men who think about me
let me suffer that agony
with their eyes open?!
tolerated not seeing my
son for years, Khayyam.
We could also hide
Bashulu with him!
What happened after making
me think that she was dead?
Isn't it exposed now?
Don't our enemies know
about the secret now?
Everything you were scared
of that day will happen now!
And you are also suffering from my anger.
You lost my friendship
and my trust.
Tell me Khayyam.
What kind of an excuse can
make up for that mistake?
You are talking about loyalty.
I was loyal to the secret.
You are talking about the truth.
I believed that the secret was true.
And if you look at the result
of loyalty and the truth
you will see yourself.
I showed loyalty and honesty
mostly for you, my Sultan.
I told you about my secrets
and problems for years.
I thought that you were my friend.
Loyalty is not lying while
looking into your friend's eyes.
And honesty is not hiding
the truth from your friend.
May those lies be your friend now.
You can leave.
No one is going to follow me!
-My Sultan..
-It is an order!
My mother is saved.
Thanks to Allah! You
came back safe and sound.
Thank you my daughter.
Hace will stay in the tribe with us.
Arrange a tent for him.
Go and have some rest, Hace.
-Thank you, Sencer Bey.
My mother doesn't seem
good although she is safe now.
She got over a big trouble in Shalamzar.
She needs to have some rest.
Don't worry.
My Bey. Why did
Hace come to our tribe?
And we opened a tent for him.
He won't be our guest, apparently.
Did something bad
happen in the palace?
I will talk to you about
something important tonight.
Until then, do not disturb Hace.
Yes? My Bey.
Let's go out of tribe, Turna.
I want to talk to you.
You have a son, now.
What about Bashulu?
She went bad after the birth.
The midwife couldn't save her.
We lost her.
Making you think that she was dead
was the only way to save her
and make you live.
How could you lie to me?
How could you do this to me?
How could you do this to me?
We are very thirsty.
Do you have water?
Who are you?
Where do you come from?
My husband was a soldier in Sultan's army.
Batinis martyred him in Shalamzar.
We are left unprotected with my children.
Now we are going to migrate, but
I don’t know what we are going to do.
Why would you be left unprotected?
You have your Sultan.
He never leaves the families
of martyrs unprotected.
Sultan MelikShah is dealing
with his own problems.
He is taking care of his own
children and his own family.
Innocent peoplefare
still captive in Shalamzar.
And he didn't answer to those
who martyred my husband.
It is our destiny, my Bey.
My father used to say "Sultan
MelikShah is our father
he will protect you even if I die."
But he is also not around.
Now we are left without a father.
Don't say that.
Sultan would never
leave you without a father.
You are his children.
Drink it.
You will see
Sultan will look after you as well.
He will also avenge your father.
A matter which concerns both me
and mother occurred in the palace.
Everyone will know soon, anyway.
Everyone will know soon, anyway.
But I wanted you to..
learn it from me before everyone.
What is it, Sencer?
You made me curious.
For years, whenever I looked at myself,
I saw a different person
Private Soldier Sencer.
Tribe Bey Sencer.
Orphan Sencer.
But I couldn't tell
anyone who I really was.
Years ago, that truth
was covered by a secret..
and buried in a grave
near the old house.
That was also the reason why my
mother and MeliK Tapar met secretly.
Who is the truth in this face?
I am
Sencer, son of Sultan MelikShah.
I kept this truth for the
state’s good for years.
You carried such a painful secret
in your heart for years.
You endured all the dangers on your own.
Now I'm sad, of course.
But I'm sad
because I didn't share
the grief in your heart.
Once, you hesitated
because I was a daughter
of an emir and you were
a tribe man, remember?
You also siad that we might not
able to get married due to this.
But you were a melik.
We don't know if my father
will accept me as a son.
I hid my mother from him for years.
Maybe, he won't forgive me forever.
Maybe, he won't even
declare me as a melik.
I saw such a Sencer in this character..
that all other characters mean
nothing compared to him.
Sencer who jumped into deaths
but carried our love in his heart
like a life in the deaths/.
Sencer who brightens my love and
his light in his heart whenever he looks.
I will let nothing make my
Sencer's heart feel cold.
Our love can warm
up every kind of cold.
I can get over anything.
Your dark hair is like the night itself.
The love in your heart makes
me forgot all of my troubles.
My Sultan.
These children are the
daughters of martyrs.
We will look after them.
You raised many girls and
became a mother for the state.
I also want you to raise
these girls personally.
These beautiful girls look
like unblown buds.
Theywill sprout in our hands and
turn into beautiful flowers.
Don't worry, my Sultan.
Forgive me, my Sultan.
I couldn't recognize you
It's us who should have
turned our eyes
and should have seen,
known and recognized you.
Don't worry, hatun.
From now on, you are
under our protection here.
May Allah be pleased with you, my Sultan.
May Allah give you a long life.
My Sultan.
If you have time, I'd like to talk
to you about an important issue.
We'll talk later, Terken.
The matter which appeared
today kept me so busy.
Unrest occurred among our
soldiers near Shalamzar. .
We should deal with NizamulMulk and..
..Sencer thing as soon as possible..
..and then take care of Shalamzar.
So many innocent people and
soldiers in captivity are waiting for us.
The issue of today concerns
the state and the dynasty.
I will consult the Great Council.. punish the oftender and
determine the situation of Sencer.
Taculmulk, be present
in the Great Council.
As you order, my Sultan.
Both NizamulMulk and Zubeyde have
a big part in this secret thing.
For them to be punished, your best in the Great Council,
Don't worry, Terken Hatun.
I will do my best.
How didyour mother
keep it for so many years?
How did she tell the truth,
looking at your eyes?
I find it strange.
No matter what, a mother's heart
shouldn't have let that happen.
What's done is done, Gevher.
There is no point
in dwelling on it.
Sencer is a brave and honest person.
But if he's declared a melik, he'll
have rights in the state and the dynasty.
I’m worried that
..he may get overwhelmed by his
ambition and'cause a trouble for you.
Sencer isn't a person with such ambition.
IF he were, he would have
revealed the secret years ago.
Don't be worrying
about my brother.
It's not good Batinis captured
Shalamzar just after you becamean emir.
What if you can't take
back the city from Batinis?
Allah forbid, your reputation
would be devastated then.
The things which happened
have affected the soldiers.
The Great Council will
be held about this issue.
We'll go to Shalamzar
after we make a decision.
And we'll take it back, with Allah's will.
Just pray for me.
-May Allah be your Helper.
This is Grejuva.
It means Greek Fire.
It'continues burning
in every condition.
In the soil and in the water.
This fire doesn't need air to burn.
You need sulphur, pitch, limestone,
gunpowder and resin to create this fire.
But more importantly,
it's Byzantine master's
talisman that makes
this fire invincible.
Constantinople hasn't been captured by
Muslims so far thanks to this magic fire.
As long as I have this fire,
MelikShah can't get close to my walls.
We need more material for this, Mitras.
I will gladly give you more.
You'll use them against
MelikShah, after all.
But it's difficult to transport
them. They're all in Queli.
Besides, even if I send you the
materials, you can't prepare the mixture.
As I said, you need
Byzantine masters for that.
Where can we bring them from?
We can send news
tofConstantinople if necessary.
There are four in Queli.
I've brought them with me,
I can give you two of them.
If you promise to provide
safety on the way, though.
Don't worry.
MelikShah is too busy now.
The soldiers around
Shalamzar have scattered away.
Send the materials
and the masters.
So we can get them before
Seljuks recruited again.
Be ready then, Sabbah.
Soon you will have the
hell called Greek Fire.
But are you still sure that you can defend
Shalamzar against MelikShah's army?
Don't worry. I took swords from you.
I made myself an ally of Tekis.
And I sent Turan Shah over MelikShah.
Such a hell will break loose in the
palace that MelikShah will be devastated.
What's the situation of our
soldiers around Shalamzar, Tapar?
Things that happened in the palace
have affected them too, my Sultan.
Harassing attacks are over.
The order of the troops got loose.
Everyone is waiting for
this issue to be settled.
Just as we were about to trap
Batinis, we gave them an opportunity.
Now they will fortify
the defense of the city.
Many innocent people
are in captive there.
They expect our help.
As soon as we make a decision
about NizamulMulk and Sencer,
..we'll take control of the troops,
capture the city and save the innocent.
 This secret who shook the state and the
dynasty was organized by Hace NizamulMulk.
He both did things
behind our Sultan's back
and thought of himself
superior to the state.
Hace NizamulMulk exceeded
his authority with the things he did.
If he doesn't pay the price,
that will an example for others..
Everyone will do
things behind Sultan's
back and act like a
state withing the state.
For this reason, he should be
punished with the heaviest price.
Hace NizamulMulk
served this state for years.
Both he and the man he trained
already proved their loyalty.
For this reason,
..he can't be accused of thinking
of himself superior to the state.
He kept the secret for the
good of our state and our Sultan.
If he hadn't kept the secret, Sultan
MelikShah wouldn't be ruling today.
Then those who are accusing
him today wouldn't be here either.
You also kept the secret from
our Sultan too, Zubeyde Hatun.
Zubeyde Hatun is both a
heir mother and Head Hatun.
But the thing she did
doesn't suit her title.
A Head Hatun shouldn't keep such
an important secret from our Sultan.
 For this reason, Zubeyde Hatun
should be dismissed from her title.
Zubeyde Hatun learned
the secret a short time ago.
She didn't want to reveal it
because of the chaotic events.
For this reason,
She doesn't need to be
dismissed from her title.
What about Sencer Bey, my Sultan.
If he gets rights
in the dynasty,
all the dynasty
members will rise against.
About Hace NizamulMulk
and Sencer Bey,
we need a decision
to satisfy everyone.
And it should be decided that
they'll get what they deserve.
My Sultan, your uncle's son
Melik Turan Shah is in Isfahan.
He's about to enter the palace.
My uncle's son MelikShah.
 You've made this palace the
center of tricks, plot's ans games.
We will destroy all their games
and tricks, Hadhrat Melik.
Is Sultan MelikShah here?
He's waiting for you.
Leave your swords.
If Melik Turan Shah wanted to
harm Sultan, he would do it bravely.
Nobody can take his sword.
Now put your hand down
so you won't lose your head.
Turan Shah.
How dare you get in my
presence so impertinently?
I'm here to ask about the trick
made for the throne, Sultan MelikShah.
You fought my father Kavurd
Bey for the throne years ago.
I swallowed my father's death,
thinking that it was Allah's wish.
For years, I obeyed your
orders with loyalty for years.
But now I've seen that..
you got the sultanate with trick.
You killed my father unjustly.
I want you to punish
whoever took a part in this.
I fought my uncle in the battleground.
What trick are you talking about?
Bashulu Hatun who got exiled
because of spying has come up.
And you have another son from her.
If it had been known, the dynasty
would have never obeyed you.
This is literally a trick!
Bashulu Hatun was never a spy!
But you all wanted
to believe that.
This unjust action of yours was
replied by me in the way you deserved!
You have no evidence that
she wasn't a spy!
All these games were
planned by NizamulMulk.
It was him who urged you to
execute my father Kavurd Bey.
I want him to be punished
the way he deserved!
Otherwise, I'll do
what needs to be done.
I will punish whoever
needs to be punished.
If you attempt to exceed your authority,
you'll bear the consequences, Turan Shah.
Your legitimacy was
weakened by the fact that.
Bashulu and your secret
son Sencer got exposed.
You drew all the arrows
of the dynasty on you.
NizamulMulk will get the
punishment that he deserves.
Don't give Sencer any rights of
dynasty by deciaring him a melik!
Because he has to disclaim the inheritance!
-He can’t take anything from the dynasty!
-How dare you set conditions to me?
I'm a dynasty member
seeking his right!
What's necessary should
be done after all this shame!
If you have the title of just,
you should show your justice.
If you try to protect
NizamulMulk after what happened.
And if Sencer gets any
rights from the dynasty,
all the dynasty will
unite against you.
Tutus, Tekis, Arslan Argun
Even Kilicarslan that you imprisoned.
We'll all unite against you.
You shoulfi know that.
I'm the one who
gave you these titles.
If you don't fit into these titles,
..I will make you all
fit into the same grave!
If I'm not taking your
head now, it's because I
don't want others to
rise and lose their heads!
You'll either bow your
heads to my decision..
..or I will make your
heads bow with my sword!
I haven't been holding
a sword for a long time.
Let's practice, so our strength will remain
the same after we start seeing again.
Ya Allah.
Are you sure that the ointment
will heal your eyes, father?
Sabbah is a bad man.
What if it hurts you?
He would kill me there
if he wanted to hurt me.
He gave us a chance
to dethrone MelikShah.
Use your brain.
Turan Shah must’ve gone to
the palace and stormed around.
He'll come here tonight.
We will make an
alliance with him.
We will take Shalamzar first
and then ruin Sultan's reputation.
Then we will unite, and end his sultanate.
Ya Allah!
You called me, MelikShah.
How long are you qoing
to live in seclusion?
How long have you
been hiding this from me?
You were not only my
Hatun but also my confidant.
You were my friend that I took
shelter in during my bad days.
How could you do this to me, Zubeyda?
How could you hide the truth from me?
I found it out after I came to the palace.
Your poisoning, Tekis' issue, the
incidents that happened after these
I had to keep the secret
after those incidents.
This is why you are still Head
Hatun and sitting in front of me.
But it doesn't change the fact
that you harmed our friendship.
You visited Bashulu secretly
when I was your Hatun.
You had a son from her.
Didn't you hide it
from me like everyone?
Didn't it harm our love and friendship?
Nevertheless, I kept this secret.
Because I Believed that it was
necessary for our state and dynasty.
I am the state. You are not the state.
It is not your business to
protect my Hatun from me!
Those who kept this
secret were your eyes
in dark places and
your ears in quiet places.
It is our job to think
about you before you do.
Those people have been suffering the pain
for years that you are just experiencing.
Did you ask them how they
carried this burden?
-Not enough, MelikShah.
You think that you are rewarding
me by not dismissing me.
But I am sharing this
dynasty's blood just like you.
Besides, I am the Hatun of the Sultan.
This honour will be enough
for me to carry until I die.
I don't care about any other positions.
I don't even care about death.
I know the bird of death
will not find me in my bed
it can find me with a
wound of sword or an arrow.
it's enough if it's for the state.
Now, you can punish me
the way you want, I won't blink.
Because I believed
that keeping this secret,
was good for the
state and our dynasty.
And I won't regret.
-I would also
-My Sultan!
We received news!
Melik Turan Shah
You told us that you were going to
talk about an important issue, my Bey.
We are curious and waiting for you.
I brought Sencer Bey and
Bashulu Hatun to this tribe.
Everyone knows that Sencer
Bey's father was martyred in Berzem.
We were trying not to
talk about this for years.
Now everyone should know
Sencer Bey’s father
is not a martyr.
Sencer Bey is
the son of Sultan MelikShah.
Why did you keep it as
a secret for all this time?
I will tell you in detail later on.
But we had to do this for
our state and for our Sultan.
It's enough for you to know.
If something is exposed, it is the secret
of the ore in your blood, Sencer Bey.
Now the reason
of carrying the flag
of gaza for Allah’s
da'wah is known.
It comes from your noble
ancestor, Seljuq Ghazi.
Now the reason of
standing like a state with
your attitude, look
and senrse is known.
It comes from your greatfathers,
Tugrul Bey and Cagri Bey.
Now the reason of your
eagle eyes is known.
It comes from Sultan Alparslan.
Now the reason of the bravery and
nobleness in your blood is known.
It comes from your
father, Sultan MeliKShah.
Now we won't see you as Sencer Bey,
but Melik Sencer Bey.
I can't carry that title
before our Sultan gives it.
We don't demand titles,
they are given to us.
Sultan MelikShah's cousin
Turan Shah came, my Bey.
Turn Shah's anger is like a fire.
He must've learnt about the secret.
He must've come here
to settle accounts with me.
Don't go.
Stay in the tent, Hace.
I will make him know his limits.
If you take one another
step, I won't care about
your name and positions
and make you pay Turan Shah!
You must be Sencer, since you are
the to one who came to the forefront.
The spy's son, Sencer.
Don't spread poison with your
snake tongue, Turan Shah!
Your presence was always
bringing bad luck to our dynasty.
Now you came here
with your bad luck.
I won't let sinister
thungs happen this time.
And you will never be Melik! You will not
have rights over the state and the dynasty!
Our Sultan's decision
are important, not yours!
If you break his rules, you will have
the same ending with your father.
I came here to question
you about my father first
I heard that Nizamulmulk was here.
I will take him and leave.
Even if you come with an army,
you can not take Hace out of here.
Don't go over your limits, Turan Shah.
Or else the only thing you can take,
will be the furor of my sword.
Come out! Don't hide like a coward!
You always hid behind the Sultan.
Come out if you are brave!
Turan Shah!
Don't Hace.
Don't! He is bad-intentioned.
He is provoking you.
Don't give him a chance.
Am I going to stay silent, Akbilge?
You can not take action with
the words of a stupid person.
You must be the one
who knows it the best.
If you come out, Sencer Bey
will start fighting to protect you.
blood will be shed.
Too much blood.
Calm down.
Calm down.
If you don't surrender NizamulMulk,
I will set fire in all the tribe?
And he will burn alive
wherever he is hiding.
Burn the tribe!
Take one step and
I'll take your heads!
Then I'll burn the whole tribe and
take everyone including women captive!
If you do such a thing, you'll
Heave this tribe with a woman dress.
You're talking to Melik Turan Shah.
Know you place, impertinent!
I’m Sencer son of MelikShah.
If anyone tries to dishonor
my wife, I'll take his head.
I'll paint your tribe with blood.
Put your swords down!
How dare you raid a
tribe and draw a sword?
Sincer killed my best man.
-I want blood for blood.
-He even has a right to cut your head.
I'll make a decision about
NizamulMulk. You can't.
Trying to get him means
disobeying my orders.
The best order for NizamulMulk is
death! And it's my right to kill him!
He urged you to kill my
father! I will avenge him!
I've also drawn my sword now.
If you are ready to fight me,
go ahead!
Now go get NizamulMulk.
NizamulMulk will die.
If you don't, I will kill him.
Even by looking at your eyes!
Sencer won't take any
place in the dynasty!
If he does I'll be ready for anything.
If you do things to disobey
my orders, Turan Shah, will pay
the price heavily.
Now take your dead
man and get out of here!
I invited you from Constantinople
to make Greek Fire for Queli, but
..something urgent occurred.
You'll make Greek Fire for Shalamzar.
MelikShah will be busy
there so he can't come here.
As you order, Commander Mitras.
Will we be able to get in Shalamzar.
Seljuk soldiers must be on our way.
Seljuks are having domestic issues.
Soldiers have been affected by that.
There won’t be many soldiers on the way.
Besides, we II send other carts
beside yours to confuse them.
You are the important masters who have
the special secrets of Byzantine Empire.
Don't risk your lives no matter what.
Don't worry, commander Mitras.
We can't wait to Burn
Turks with Greek Fire.
Then, you can leave now.
May God protect you.
The arrival of Turan
Shah will shake everyone.
The order of the dynasty
and the state is in danger.
The problem is that he
won't only attack himself
but also unite all the
dynasty against us.
His wish is my death, my Sultan.
If the order is maintained with my death,
..I'll gladly do that I'm ready, my Sultan.
I've never demanded
any titles or positions.
I can renounce my dynasty
rights if I have any, my Sultan.
I made the decision that
should have been made,
didn't mind other
people's demands.
You say that you did
everything for the state.
You say that you took my
wife away from me for my good.
But no excuse can cover
the mistake you made.
It can't cover the fact that
you did things behind my back.
Although your intention was
good, what you did is unacceptable.
If we don't punish you, everyone will.. things in their own way
behind Sultan's back with an excuse.
For this reason
you're dismissed from the
palace until a second call.
You won't get in my presence.
You will also give up
dealing with state issues.
Long live the state.
Long live you, my Sultan.
I made this decision because
you served the state for years
..and you had good intention
while doing that mistake.
your punishment would'be death.
Sencer and
will continue living in their tribe.
My decision about them is this for now.
As you order, my Sultan.
Innocent people and our soldier
in Shalamzar are captives now.
We should save them and take
he city back as soon as possible.
All the intelligence, the
command and contacts
about Shalamzar are
your responsibility, Tapar.
We'll recruit the army and
attack, as soon as possible.
As you order, my Sultan.
Good night, mother.
They killed my best man
in front of my eyes.
I'll make them pay
for this with my swords.
I'll kill everyone who are
in the shadow of MelikShah.
Sultan's tricks have been
exposed, my uncle's son.
They will do anything
to save themselves.
But we won't leave morals
and the state to them.
For the throne, they played
a trick and killed my fafher.
They abacinaied your eyes.
And they also shed our blood
and didn't punish the guilty.
MelikShah forgot the morals
and became a cruel ruler.
So we have to destroy
his reign in the state!
Sencer's time will come as well.
But first I will punish NizamulMulk.
I will take the head that
Sultan didn't surrender.
Sultan let Batinis capture
important place like Shalamzar.
And now he's having
difficulty to take it back.
If I take it back, Sultan's
reputation will be devastated.
And you must collaborate with
me for this cause, Turan Shah.
I will do anything to
destroy MelikShah.
We just should stop him,
if he moves his army to Shalamzar.
Keep an eye on Sultan.
You stop him.
I will do the rest.
My Bey, welcome.
I felt a little grieved.
So I wanted to relieve my heart
with the strings of my kilkopuz.
The tune of your music
already shows your grief.
Sit down.
Obviously, you're disturbed
by a trouble, my Bey.
A trouble that has been chasing
me since I was born, Ayaz.
My father knows
that I'm his son, but
But he doesn't call me son.
Maybe, he won't even
give me a duty again.
Don't worry, my Bey.
You know that
your father is alive.
You have a hope
for uniting one day.
What about those who won't be
able to see their parents again?
I was a little boy when the
heathens raided our tribe.
They slaughtered everyone.
My parents hid me. But they
killed them both in front of my eyes.
I barely saved my life.
But I never forget
the way they died.
At least,
..Hace gave you a hand
like he gave eyeryone.
And made us brothers.
We relieved the pain of our
loneliness with each other!
I'm sorry that he's been dismissed.
The name of the
music I played is Secret.
When Hace one day heard me
playing this, he felt so grieved.
He wanted me to play
Secret whenever we had time.
One day, I asked Hace why
Secret grieved him so much.
He said he had an experience about Secret.
But I could never get an answer.
This is the answer, Ayaz.
That music has me..
my mother
..and my Sultan father.
That's what grieved Hace.
You keep playing it.
Come, Tapar.
What's the matter?
We've got news from our
spies in the Queli Castle.
They got lots of sulphur,
pitch and limestone in the carts.
And they mingled in the
group going to Shalamzar.
They are the materials of Greek Fire.
They're sending them to
Batinis to defend the walls.
The convoy coming to the Shalamzar
tomorrow should be stopped, my Sultan.
Find the group with the
Greek Fire and seize them.
And get in Shalamzar
with the convoy.
The army will be outside
and I'll attack with the army.
Don't do anything before I arrive.
If you don't get support from
outside, you can't get out of Shalamzar.
Make Abdullah Ali join you.
As you order, my Sultan.
Tapar. Ahmed..
Let Sencer Bey know too.
He will join you too.
As you order my Sultan.
The biggest punishment to my
mother is you not talking to her.
And I think she had
enough of this punishment.
I'm saying
You should talk to her.
Even if you're not going to forgive her,
say that to her face.
But you should talk.
Sencer, one day
asked me abou my feelings
for Bashulu. Do you remember?
You apparently
loved Bashulu Hatun so much.
May Allah bless her soul, I am carrying
it with an endless love and loyalty.
I remember
I thought your mother was dead
and had a guilty conscience for years.
I carried her in my
heart with loyalty.
When I saw her alive,
my pain took shape.
My remorse turned into anger,
because of being betrayed.
Now talking to her will
be like touching fire for me.
 That fire will burn her
and me.
Tell me son.
With what feeling can I talk to her?
If I think of her as a mother
of my two children, my
two children have suffered
because of this lie for years.
I get mad at it.
If I think about loyalty
I understand that it was for nothing
because of the lies, I get mad at it.
If I think about my remorse
I was punished with
remorselessness among lies.
I get mad at it.
I trusted people close to me the most.
Now I am betrayed by the
people who were close to me.
And I can only take
shelter in my heart now.
And I can't stay or do a thing
before the judgment in my heart ends.
It was a tough day.
Sherbet will take your
distress away for a bit.
You showed mercy to NizamulMulk
by sending him away from the palace.
Because the punishment of
what he did is much heavier.
Zubeyde was also his ally.
How could she hide the truth
all this by looking into your eyes?
And she is the mother
of heir to the throne.
You have the will,
but you rewarded her by
not dismissing her.
Don't talk about this issue, Terken.
What is done is done.
I told so many things.
Now we are dealing with other issues.
There are still things to tell about,
Bashulu and Sencer
What is going to happen to them?
Bashulu was sent from this
palace because she was a spy.
Is she going to come back now?
Doesn't it mean breaking the rules
of our state and ruining our reputation?
Besides, everyone knows she is a liar.
Bashulu is not coming
back to the palace, yet.
I didn't even talk about this.
Why are you worried?
It hurts me the most.
Don't you see?
 Zubeyde's son became
the heir to the throne.
I stayed silent.
Now we know that she was their
collaborator, but she is not punished.
Sencer and Bashulu If they
take places in our dynasty
Will it be alright for you?
What is going happen to me?
It's enough Terken!
You are pushing me although
I told you not to talk about this!
Do you think I am not
able to think what you think?
Can't I tell you a few words
about this as your Hatun?
Don't you see Turan
Shah, MelikShah?
Troubles like him will rain on us if
Sencer takes a place in the dynasty. .
It is my job to
think about this.
I am the Sultan of this state
and father of the dynasty.
I spent years, for this state and
dynasty! And I took nothing in return!
Now I am just thinking about my
state, and that is why I am worried.
Am I making a mistake?
If you are worried about our dynasty,
take care of yourself and our child.
If you are worried about the
state take care of your duties.
The rest is my business. I
closed my doors on this issue! 
Do not push me to open it!

Bashulu and Zubeyde
drowned you in their lies.
But you make your furor rain on
the most innocent one, on me.
May you feel better, MelikShah.
I stayed silent to many
unfair things for you
and I will keep staying'silent.
I Will think about my
state and my duties.
If Allah grants me with giving birth
to a healthy child, I
will give it to the dynasty. 
But I will not open my mouth.
I and my child are not going
to get what we deserve anyway.
Is my mother still sleeping?
The incidents must've gone harsh on her.
She went for a walk in the fresh air.
I am worried about my mother.
I can’t do something for her.
Don't worry. Our mother is strong.
She got over many things.
She will get over this as well
with our support inshaAllah.
Do I have permission my Bey?
Come in Bozkus.
-We received news from Melik Tapar my Bey.
-What is it about?
Byzantines sent a caravan to Shalamzar
that carries materials for the Greek fire.
They will raid that
caravan and take it down.
Our Sultan gave you
a duty as well, my Bey.
So he gave me a duty.
Then tell our valiants, Bozkush.
We will go there to fulfill our duty.
Yes my Bey.
By the way, Hace left the
tribe early today, my Bey.
He is going to visit Khayyam.
It would be good if he didn't.
Turan Shah is mad at him, we
can't know what he is going to do.
We would call Omer Khayyam here.
We gave him two alps
just in case, my Bey.
Well done.
Thanks, Bozkus.
A son is an arrow in a father's quiver.
You’re your Sultan father’s best arrow.
Obviously he didn't ignore that.
You were worried that he
wouldn't give you duties.
Thanks to Allah,
he made you happy.
Thanks to Allah, my Turna.
Thanks to Allah.
For years, I tried to preserve
the order of the state and the
sultanate that our Sultan deserved.
But he got idea
that I kept a lie.
That's alright.
As long as the state prevails.
The state will prevail forever,
with Allah's will.
But another NizamulMulk
won’t come to the world easily.
InshaAllah, you'll be back to the
palace and the state affairs soon.
A NizamulMulk will leave, and a
thousand will will come, Ustadh Khayyam.
We put seeds in the soil
of this state for years.
One day, all of them will
turn green and grow up.
We are the fruits of
those who came before us,
and tomorrow they will
eat our fruits, inshaAllah.
There are thousands of
soldiers who are loyal to you.
Will they overreact
when they heard that you
got dismissed from the
palace and state affairs?
I sent news to them all.
They won't make mistake in
such hard days, inshaAllah.
They should continue to serve the
state just Hke they have done so far.
What makes me worried
is Sultan MelikShah.
May Allah not make the fire
in his heart burn him more.
For years, I witnessed that he
felt sorry for Bashulu and Ahmed.
When his heart hurts a little,
my heart bleeds.
There is deep resentment
in his heart now.
It's not easy to endure or accept it.
 We sometimes should leave things to time.
Just like the fire burns
the skin and hardens it.
And you don't feel the pain then.
The broken part of his
heart will burn like this,
and he won't feel the
pain after some point.
If you'll excuse me now.
Turan Shah will never
stop coming after you.
What about then?
Whatever our fate is, that
will happen, Ustadh Khayyam.
We have always accepted
whatever our fate brings so far.
Take care of yourself.
Where did they come from?
What do you want?
-We'll inspect. Uncover your things.
We're carrying food.
What will you inspect. Don't delay us.
Take this and get out of our way.
Lift the covers.
I told you that we were carrying food.
This is the flammable material.
It's not flammable material!
Get away from them!
Stop! Don't do that!
Inglorious heathens!
Kill them all!
Leave these two alive.
We got the right group.
They're carrying the
materials of Greek Fire.
Obviously, they’ll use
them to defend the walls.
Masters of the Greek
Fire are so important to us.
We should take
them captive, brother.
To use them as a
leverage against Byzantine.
Take them all!
Let our Sultan know!
Turan Shah!
I could have taken you on the way!
But I took you in the
middle of Isfahan.
So you'll know I can take
everyone wherever I want!
this is the end for you, NizamulMulk.
Now you will pay for what you did.
My Sultan.
Melik Tapar and Sencer Bey raided
Byzantine convoy and captured them.
They're traveling disguised as
merchants to get in Shalamzar.
Get the army near Shalamzar ready.
As soon as Sencer and Tapar infiltrates in,
we will attack from the outside!
If we don't arrive in time,
they will be exposed and caught.
Come on.
This is the document Sayyiduna
described. You can pass.
My Sultan
Turan Shah!
Hadhrat Melik.
Sultan MelikShah left the palace.
He is going to Shalamzar.
How could you do such a vile thing?
The vile was what NizamulMulk did.
I'm doing what he deserves.
I said if you disobeyed me,
you would pay a heavy price.
And I said if you didn't Punish him justly,
I would do it in front of your eyes.
NizamulMulk betrayed you
the way he could do most.
Although you needed to take his
head you didn't even take his seal.
Sencer shed our blood in the
tribe and you defended him.
If you are satisfying him
instead of satisfying us,
I will provide the justice
to satisfy everyone then!
Don't do something wrong.
Release him.
Get out of our way!
What is that hurry?
Our Sultan must be close to Shalamzar.
We should open the gate for him.
Get soldiers to take
positions in the streets.
You command them.
We'll open the gale.
As you order, Hadhrat Melik.
Come on.
Don't do anything before I arrive.
If you don't get support from outside
you can't get out of Shalamzar.
I said release him! Get out of our way!
Otherwise, l'll step on your dead body!
Firat, what the punishment I'll give!
Then you can go wherever you want!
Our sultan hasn't come yet.
He should have been here by now.
We can't start the
attack before they arrive.
Sons of MelikShah!
Don't be afraid!
I will send you out of here.
But only your dead bodies!
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