All That Glitters (2023) s01e29 Episode Script

Episode 29

-Lin Musen, you're a jerk.
What's wrong?
My dear missy, what did I do
to offend you?
Why didn't you look me up
after returning to Singapore?
How did you know I came back?
Aren't you aware
your phone has tracking features?
Unless you're on the moon,
I can keep tabs on your whereabouts.
You've become so tanned
and a bag of bones.
You made life difficult for yourself.
You knew where I was the whole time?
But of course. That's why I said
you made life difficult for yourself.
You could've had good meals
and a high-paying job here.
Yet you chose to do
laborious work at a farm.
But I didn't bother you, did I?
I only called you once
because I had no one else to confide in.
How's your dad?
I'm here to take you to him.
Get in.
Rose, where's my dad?
Your brother just picked him up.
They should still be nearby.
Darned old man, stop moving,
or I'll hurl you to your death.
Then everything will be over
and there will be no more resentment.
But that would be
letting you off too lightly.
Heaven wants you to live
so you can be punished for your sins.
You liked to appear suave and cool.
But now all you do is lie in bed,
with a droopy eyelid and mouth.
You can't walk or talk.
I bet you're miserable.
Come again?
"Go"? Oh, go home?
Sure, I'll take you home this instant.
Mom's waiting for you.
Richard Mo!
Where are you taking Daddy?
Thunder, you're here too?
Long time no see.
Don't be upset, Xuemin.
Mom threw a tantrum again.
She was sobbing and clamoring to see Dad
I just want to take Dad home.
Did you ask if he was willing
to go with you?
Before you got here, he was saying,
He meant go home.
Daddy, calm down and talk slowly.
Easy does it.
Daddy wants to go back to the ward.
That isn't what I heard.
Daddy, do you want to go back with him?
You want to go back to the ward?
See that?
Go away.
Get lost!
Thunder, stay out of my family matters.
Mr. Mo wants to go back to the ward.
He's nothing but an old good-for-nothing.
Take him if you like.
You're on their side?
I'm not on anybody's side.
I'm sorry you went to prison.
But you had a choice.
You could've made Jianzhi the fall guy.
But you didn't.
You made quite a lot of money
over the years.
But you used it all
to repay the investors.
You should know that amount
wasn't nearly enough to help them.
I know.
But at least it made me feel better.
Given your character,
this kind of life doesn't suit you.
Mo Yicong and Mo Xuemin got you into it.
They're your jinxes.
They'll bring you misfortune.
You'd better stay away from them.
Easy does it.
Miss Xuemin.
I'm sorry for failing to watch over Boss.
Uncle Gen, it's not your fault.
You can't possibly watch over my dad 24/7.
I'll be outside.
Mr. Mo.
My dad wants
Daddy, I can protect myself.
Okay Calm down.
My dad
would like you to protect me.
He's worried Richard Mo will hurt me.
Richard Mo has gone mad.
He's capable of doing anything.
My dad
He's scared
Mr. Mo.
Not to worry.
Don't worry about what my dad said.
You're not obliged to do as he says.
I don't need your protection either.
Honestly, I don't think
you're able to protect me.
I'm loaded.
It'll be easy to hire a bodyguard.
In fact, I've decided to
hire one tomorrow.
Go wherever you want
and do whatever you like.
Your dad asked me for help
because he knows I know Richard Mo well.
You're willing to stay and help me?
I must've been indebted to you
in my past life.
Sometimes I think
if you hadn't saved me,
I'd have left this world long ago.
Then many things
would have been different.
You wouldn't have gone to jail,
and my dad wouldn't have had a stroke.
Might as well say the world
would've been a better place.
Don't make yourself out to be so noble.
Hello. Congming?
You have news about Jiahui?
8 JAN 2023
My poor daughter
You died such a horrible death.
Bro Musen, cheer up.
I'll stick it back for you.
I'll be your sister, okay?
Bro Musen, you're awesome.
I'm sure you'll grow up
to be an outstanding person.
Bro Musen, run!
Bro Musen, don't take revenge on my mom.
All right, I won't take revenge
on your account.
In future, you can only date a guy
after I approve of him.
-Don't ask why.
I'm your brother.
I care about you.
Give me some time. I'll return the money
to you, on behalf of my parents.
I can make money myself.
-Woo hoo!
Who's the scoundrel that killed you?
My poor daughter
Bro Jianzhi, please let me off.
I'm sorry. I've realized my mistake.
I mean it.
I don't want to
lose everything I have now.
I don't want to go back to my old life
when I had nothing!
That person will die a horrible death
and be struck by lightning!
Isn't Jianzhi good enough?
I find Jianzhi a little
How come?
He seems to be
hiding many dark secrets.
Do you know Jianzhi and Jiahui?
What did Jianzhi do to Jiahui?
I promised Jiahui I wouldn't tell a soul.
Did Jianzhi do something bad to Jiahui
and you no longer trust him?
It's our turn to offer joss sticks.
Jiahui, rest in peace.
The injustice you suffered
will be redressed.
Auntie, don't be sad.
Take care of yourself.
Bro Ming.
-Do something for me.
I'm hungry. Let's eat.
All you do is eat!
How heartless of you!
Our daughter is dead,
yet you're still in the mood to eat.
I want to pee.
Uncle, you just went to the washroom.
Aunt, Uncle has dementia.
Don't be angry.
He doesn't know anything,
I'm the only one in anguish.
My life is so ill-fated.
Hui, just take your Dad with you.
Take care of your mom.
Don't say anymore and she'll stop crying.
See? My character died.
Mother, Father, have some water.
A small token for you.
Don't be too sad.
I'll offer flowers to Jiahui on every
1st and 15th day of the lunar month.
Thank you.
My condolences.
My condolences.
I'm going to get drinks.
Liu Mu, can you reach Susakong?
I heard the police are looking for him.
Do you think Jiahui's death
has anything to do with him?
Susakong said Jiahui
didn't return to Thailand,
so he came to Singapore to look for her.
But he couldn't find her.
You believe what he said?
What do you mean?
Is he trying to divert our attention away?
I have reason to suspect him.
Think about it.
He was the closest to Jiahui.
And he was the reason
Jiahui went to Thailand to work.
Even her family hardly got to see her,
let alone us.
Remember I told you
Jiahui had asked me for a loan?
It was a large sum.
She told me she wanted to
help Susakong repay his debts.
Could they have hidden something from us?
Only Susakong would know that.
The problem is, nobody knows where he is.
Has he gone into hiding?
I'll go to Thailand to look for him.
I'm going too.
Take me along.
I'll join you guys.
Save it. This is none of your business.
Jintiao, we're not going on a holiday.
We're going to look for
the murderer who killed Jiahui.
Jianzhi, don't jump to conclusions.
We don't know yet whether
Susakong is involved in the case.
Exactly. How could you accuse
Susakong of being a murderer?
He's my master, you know.
That he's your master doesn't mean
he won't commit a crime.
At least I've never seen him
going after someone with a knife.
-But you
-That's enough.
Liu Mu, you know I'd always
regarded Jiahui as my sister.
This has to do with her death.
I want to do my part.
All right.
-What happened?
I didn't see him as I was talking to you.
-Sorry about that.
-No worries.
Let's go.
Why did you ask me to bump into him?
Zhenyu, I'll make a move.
He's gone.
What's going on?
Let's go.
Is Lin Musen still around?
I need to talk to him. You can go back.
It's about Jiahui.
Okay. Be careful.
Thank you for coming with your husband
to pay your last respects to Jiahui.
Jiahui and Zhenting had been classmates
since they were in Secondary 1.
They were inseparable BFFs.
Both of them met with misfortune
one after the other.
It breaks my heart.
I have a suspicion.
Could these two cases be related?
They're both linked to one person
Richard Mo.
Jiahui found out Zhenting
was seeing Richard Mo.
She said she was shadowing Richard Mo
to help you seek redress.
Jiahui was at the scene
when Zhenting met with harm.
She was the only eyewitness.
I did think of the points you raised.
There's someone else I find suspicious.
Who is it?
-What happened?
I didn't see him as I was talking to you.
Sorry about that.
Were you at the scene?
Were you there
when Zhenting fell from the building?
On the day Zhenting met with harm,
I called her.
She answered the call,
but she didn't speak.
I called out a few times
before I heard her calling me Sis.
Hello, Zhenting?
Can you hear me?
Let me go!
Then the line got cut off.
But I heard another voice before that.
A man had let out a yell.
It was the sort of cry you'd let out
when you experience sudden pain.
Was it Arthur Thng?
But it might not be him.
What makes you think that?
I don't know.
I have this feeling
that person seems to be someone I know.
I found his voice familiar.
Who was it?
You suspect Jianzhi was at the scene?
I know it's hard to determine
it was Jianzhi based on the cry.
Two people could
look similar to each other,
let alone the voice.
But the day after Zhenting's fall,
I found out by chance
-You okay?
-I'm okay.
What happened to your arm?
He said he got hurt while working out.
You suspect his injury
had to do with the cry of pain you heard?
That's what I suspect.
But I felt
maybe I was overthinking it.
So just now,
I decided to do something.
I was right.
It was Jianzhi.
You sure about that?
I'm not saying you heard wrong, but
I know.
I'd never suspected Jianzhi either.
But during the ritual just now,
I recalled what Zhenting told me.
What did Zhenting tell you?
She said Jianzhi was difficult to read,
and that he seemed to be
hiding some dark secrets.
She sometimes found Jianzhi scary.
She even told me
What else did she say?
Jianzhi seemed to have
done something bad to Jiahui.
The old man asked you
to protect his darling daughter?
I know what's on his mind.
He has money, and he has
people working for him.
Not that hard to get
a bodyguard for his daughter.
But he doesn't trust them.
My fortune right now
is so much bigger than his.
I can easily bribe anyone
who's working for him
except you.
But I believe
anyone can be bribed
so long as you can afford to pay for it.
Come back and work for me.
If you say yes,
you'll get US$5 million right away.
You'll also get US$10 million every year,
as well as bonuses.
Sounds enticing indeed.
it doesn't work on me.
Tell me straight out,
how much that old man gave you.
You fancy Mo Xuemin?
I'm indebted to Miss Mo.
I repay kindness
and take revenge on my enemies.
I see we do share something in common.
That old fogey abandoned me
and my mom back then.
My mom went through hell.
He has to pay me back double.
I want him to suffer
a fate worse than death.
Mo Xuemin is the apple of his eye.
If something happens to her,
that old man will be miserable.
I'd advise you
to stay as far away as possible
from both of them.
And also,
consider my offer.
Grasp every opportunity
that comes your way.
Don't do anything stupid.
Hang on.
Do you know Zhenting?
Oh, Jianzhi's friend?
I'd seen her a few times,
but we weren't that close.
She fell from a height
and is now in a coma.
But I feel
it wasn't an accident.
How unfortunate.
Hope she'll pull through.
Thank you for staying with us.
I know his address.
Hello, granny.
Is Susakong at home?
We're his friends from Singapore.
He owes me money.
What did she say?
She said Susakong owes her money.
Ask her how much he owes.
How much does he owe you?
I don't know.
Here it is.
Thank you.
Whoa, what a mess.
Someone must've searched this place.
The police looked for him, to no avail.
I'll get back to work.
Thank you.
What did he say?
He said he has a business with Susakong.
But he hasn't appeared since last week.
Susakong didn't take his calls.
The police couldn't find him either.
What now?
It's been two days
and we haven't made much headway.
We can't go on like this.
Go back if you're busy.
No need to be so aggressive,
I haven't finished talking.
We're in an unfamiliar place
and there's a language barrier.
It won't be easy to find someone.
Let's hire
a private investigator tomorrow.
I know you're rich, but there's
no need to flaunt your wealth.
So what if I'm rich? Does that upset you?
-Yeah! You
-Stop arguing!
We're here to look for Susakong.
Don't fight anymore.
I'm hungry. Let's eat.
Ignore him.
I have a call to make.
How's it going?
Carry out the plan. Be careful.
How much?
-500 baht. Thank you.
Don't take it.
His money is dirty.
-500 baht.
-Thank you.
What did you tell him?
I told him your money is dirty.
What's wrong with what I said?
You know full well
how you made your fortune.
Want to fight? Bring it on!
I'm going to get beer.
Sit down.
Why do you keep picking on him?
Don't you think he's obnoxious?
Hello. Susakong?
Susakong, is that you?
Susakong should be fine, right?
He'll be all right.
Focus on driving.
Pull over there.
This should be it.
Liu Mu, let's go in quickly.
He asked me to go in alone.
Wait here for me.
A million baht.
Be careful.
Do be careful.
Hello Hello?
Liu Mu.
Go, quick.
Don't say anymore. I'll release you.
Hang in there.
Get up.
Watch out!
Take revenge
for Jiahui.
Hang in there.
Where are you going?
To look for Liu Mu.
He asked us to wait here.
Stay here since you're a wimp.
Liu Mu!
You okay?
You want to kill me?
You came to Thailand
not to look for Susakong
but to get rid of me.
You've been guarding against me?
I've been watching your every move.
You know Thai, don't you?
How much?
500 baht. Thank you.
Don't take it.
His money is dirty.
-500 baht.
-Thank you.
How's it going?
Carry out the plan. Be careful.
Nothing can escape you, huh?
Why do you want to kill me?
I've never thought of killing you.
It's true.
I've not had any friends
since I was a kid.
You and Jintiao are my only friends!
How I wish we could be buddies forever.
Do you remember
we said we'd walk on golden path together?
I did it for the three of us!
I have money, a house,
a wife and a kid!
You were the one
who chose to give up all this.
But I can't do it.
To me, having nothing to my name
is worse than death!
You're afraid I'll ruin your life.
What don't you want me to find out?
Why are you so scared?
What did you do to Jiahui?
Even Zhenting was afraid of you.
Tell me.
What did you do to Jiahui?
Out with it!
I'll talk
Tell me!
I slept with Jiahui.
Jiahui took you for her brother.
How could you do that to her?
She seduced me.
She said she wanted to be a bad woman.
Shut up!
I have two questions for you.
You'd better tell me the truth.
You killed Jiahui.
Zhenting's fall
is to do with you too.
Am I right?
Tell me the truth.
Out with it!
Is that still important?
A pull of the trigger
and everything will be over.
None of this will matter anymore.
Liu Mu.
Let it go.
Why was there a gunshot?
Liu Mu.
Liu Mu.
It's not him.
Out of the way.
I really don't wish to kill you.
But you leave me with no choice.
He's over there!
After him!
Stay right there!
Go to hell.
Run, quick!
Get in.
No! Liu Mu isn't back yet.
Listen, Liu Mu is dead!
-Get in!
-What did you say?
Subtitle translation by: Youshi
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