Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e29 Episode Script

Secret Book Club

Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
You guys, you guys,
you guys!
I have a book
you have to read.
It's called,
"Baronica and the Time Spoon"!
It's about this girl
in Victorian England
named Baronica,
and she finds a spoon
that lets her travel
through time,
but only when
she eats pudding!
Trust me,
you're gonna love it.
There's this part where Baronica
meets up with this eagle.
No, no.
I shouldn't start there.
Um, okay.
She's in this room,
and there's all this velvet --
No, that's spoiling it.
Okay, just -- you have to
read it! It's really cool!
This sounds
Yeah, I've already got
a lot of assignments
from my reading group.
I'm gonna
have to pass.
-[ Gasps ] Kelsey?
Please, please, please,
tell me you've read
and the Time Spoon"!
Uh, I've been so busy
with book reports,
I haven't had time
to get to that one.
I'm dead, Stacks.
You killed me.
You okay, bud?
Yeah, I just --
this book is so good.
And I wish I had someone
to talk to about it,
but Craig and JP
aren't interested.
It's so frustrating!
I know how you feel.
I mean, I started a whole
business around
writing book reports for kids
who don't wanna read stuff.
I blame it on
the presentation.
Kids just think of reading
as homework,
so it sounds
super boring.
If teachers really want
kids to read books,
they have to make it feel
like something special.
How do I do that?
[ Knock on door ]
Oh, one sec, Kelsey.
Hey, uh, you got that, uh,
ook-bay eport-ray?
Payment is needed
for text exchanged.
And your treasure transport,
like we arranged.
Here you go!
Just remember, if you get
caught, I don't exist.
[ Whispering ]
It's a secret.
Hmm, secret.
I. Am. A robot.
Look out below!
Unidentified paper
at the stump.
[ Grunting ]
Reading. Note.
What the?
It's a bunch of weird
symbols or something.
Maybe -- "Meet me two
backyards down the creek,
where the sun plays
hide and seek."
This must be it!
Together: Whoa!
John Paul Mercer.
Craig Williams.
to the bush of secrecy!
You've been
hand-picked to join
one of the most clandestine
societies in the creek,
a club whose name is only spoken
in hushed whispers --
[ Whispering ]
Secret Book Club.
Together: Cool!
Each month,
we choose a secret Tome.
Within the confines
of this bush,
we share our thoughts about
how good the book is!
But be warned, these novels
are not for the faint of heart.
They are chapter books.
I want in!
First, you must
be initiated.
Tear out a page, any page.
From henceforth, you will
be known as Page 12.
Now you.
From henceforth, you will be
known as Table of Contents.
Now consume your pages
and complete the sacred bond!
You can just chew it
until the ink's gone.
I will now reveal to you
the first secret book
of the Secret Book Club.
aan na na naaaah!
"Baronica and the Time Spoon"!
Is this the book
from the library?
Nah, that one was about
a spork or somethin'.
This one seems
way cooler.
Now go, begin the book,
and we will meet tomorrow
to discuss what we've read!
And remember to read
[whispering] secretly.
-"Chapter One"
-Hey, Craig!
-What are you reading?
Nothing, it's homework.
I dropped something.
Ooh, I gotta go get it.
"Chapter One.
It was the night of the big ball
at Hazelnut Academy"
[ Pounding on door ]Jessica: Craig!
Craig, I need to use
the bathroom!
Can't you hear
I'm using it?
Yes, but it's time for me
to start my bedtime routine.
Well, you're gonna have to wait,
'cause I'm using it!
Craig, I need to start
my routine on schedule
so I can sleep.
Sleep is important
for my brain development.
And if don't sleep,
I'm gonna throw a tantrum.
And I hate throwing tantrums,
but I feel like
I'm gonna throw one
right now!
All right, all right.
Let me finish up.
[ Splash ]
"Chapter One.
It was the night of the big ball
at Hazelnut Academy,
and all of the students
were at twitter with excitement.
There would be dancing
and singing,
but all Baronica Spoonsworth
cared about was the pudding.
There would be all sorts --
chocolate pudding,
bread pudding, figgy pudding,
and her most favorite of all"
[ Snores ]
Benny: All right, solders!
The paintball war has escalated.
My brother Mikey pooted
on my pillow last night.
It smelled like I was sleeping
on old managod,
so we have to strike back.
First, we'll launch an offensive
on the Southern front.
Derby, Myles, you guys head
past Brian Dapalone's house.
JP: I couldn't get any
reading in either.
My cat, Goo,
kept snooping around.
Abort, abort, abort!
Yeah, I tried to read
some more on the bus --
Halt! You are trespassing
seventh grade territory!
What is your business here?
Uh, n--nothing!
What are
you guys doin'?
Makin' a little --
little village?
Little rock village?
Uh, no.
Yeah. Great.
Looks like we're all
up to nothing.
Okay! We're gonna walk,
right -- right now.
Go, go, go, go, go!
Those kids are up
to something.
Kelsey: Welcome back
to the fold, pages!
What did everyone think
of the reading?
[ Indistinct chatter ]
Baronica's got one of those
attitudes where she's like,
she seems quiet but she's got
a lot of inner confidence.
Pages, we turn one at a time!
To remember our place
in the story,
whoever holds the mark
of books shall speak.
I really liked the detailed
descriptions of pudding.
Five pages on tapioca?
I was in heaven!
Yeah! I had the craziest
pudding craving.
I must've eaten, like,
four cups!
Yeah, me too.
But I only had my mom's
digestive yogurt
in the fridge,
so I am barely holdin' it
together, you guys.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Pudding's great,
but what did you think
about the part
when Peter Puffin sacrificed
his tail feathers
so Baronica could escape
the Big Ladle?
I mean, how many tears
did you cry last night?
Who's Peter Puffin?
You -- you guys didn't get
to Peter Puffin yet?
Did you even get to
Baronica breaking into
the citadel?
She did what?
I didn't get that far.
I'm only up to where
Baronica gets her Time Spoon.
She gets a what?!
You guys! You've only
scratched the surface!
The whole point of
Secret Book Club
is to get to the good parts
so we can all talk about it!
[ Sighs ] I want you all to get
to chapter seven by Friday.
Together: Yes,
your Highest Bookshelf.
[ Gasps ]
What's a Ba-Ron-Ica?
Jessica, you fool!
Don't sound out another word!
This place is no longer safe
for reading.
"Baronica knew
where she had to go --
the Citadel of Time.
Chapter Seven,
The Citadel of Time.
Eagleton soared overhead."
[ Bird screeches ]Whoa!
Welcome to the Library
of Time Pudding.
Every dollop represents
a different point
in the time-dessert
So much magic.
If we can just find
the right flavor --
[ Gasps ] Then we might
be able to free
my father
from the Time Dungeon.
I'm Peter Puffin!
So much drama!
We must hurry,
The pudding police could
be here at any moment.
You again?!
What are you doing here?
Who sent you?
Was it my brother Mike?
I can't say.
Did Mike send you to spy
on our top-secret war plans?
I can't say!
Did Mike send you to spy
on our top-secret war plans
and hide them in that book
as part of the ultimate
paintball offensive
to finally destroy
the seventh grade paintball
coalition once and for all?
And don't say
you can't say!
Uh, is that an eagle?[ Gasps ]
Everyone, get the spy!
[ Panting ]
You guys!
Paintball Benny is here
with the whole army!
Benny: I know
you're in there, spy!
Now come on out and show us
what your hiding,
or we're gonna let
the paint fly!
Together: What do we do?
What do we do?!
We've been
You know
what must be done.
Kelsey: Kelsey had a life
or death decision to make.
Keeping the book club a secret
was the only thing keeping
her friends interested.
If it were revealed,
she'd never get to talk
about the book
with them again.
But surely her friends getting
paintballed was no better.
I have to tell Benny about
the secret book club.
-[ Gasps ] What?!
Listen, Craig.
I love this book and I wanted
to share it with you both,
but it isn't worth our lives
or the damage
to library property.
All right,
warrior girl.
Hand over the war plans
you're hiding,
and nobody gets splatted.
Craig isn't any part
of your wars.
He was just trying
to protect this!
[ All gasp ]
But this is just
a library book.
[ Laughter ]
Just a library book?
What lies between
those covers is a world
that cannot be contained
by the rules of time,
where animals
talk like you and me,
a land where spoons
are portals -- and spoons.
You see,
what you call a book,
I call a doorway
to the land of imagination.
It is a pool from which I will
be drinking inspiration
for the rest
of my days!
And it's really,
really good.
[ Sniffs ] I couldn't
have said it better myself.
I -- I knew
you'd like it.
Drop your weapons.
There's no big secret here.
Just some complicated
fantasy novel.
Solders, let's move out!
I'm gonna keep
this book
as evidence.
Can I just say,
I did not see
Peter Puffin's
sacrifice coming at all!
I never thought anyone
could be so selfless.
Oh, my goodness.
I totally agree.
It was literally
the best part ever.
-My head hurt.
-For real.
I thought it was the way
I was leaning.
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
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