Ghost Force (2021) s01e29 Episode Script

Meta&lix / Cookieflame

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep
Full of fear,
please make them disappear
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour
Like the night, glow forever
Ghost Force
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere
Creepy crawlies
in their lair
Out of sight,
waiting in the night
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
- Yay!
- You did it, Ghost Force!
And another ghost
bites the dust!
There's no better way
to start the day!
- Mmm.
- Ugh!
Why does the geek clique
always have to hang together?
Says the girl who's joined
at the hip with her sister!
Am not!
BOTH: Our hips
are totally independent!
Oh, thanks girls. You just
gave me an excellent idea
- for this morning's class.
- Woof!
- So unfair!
- Oh, come on, Jane.
It's not that bad.
Easy for you to say.
You got Drake as your partner,
while I got
Your assignment is to spend
the morning with a classmate
outside your usual circle,
discover what you have in common
and present your findings
to the class.
We all have something
that brings us together!
- Right, Asta?
- Woof, woof!
Now fly away, my birdies,
and go and discover each other!
Isn't that
the new metal detector?
Yeah, but it hasn't detected
any treasure yet.
Oh, maybe I can help.
So, Rajat, is that a physics
book that you're readin'?
Indeed, Andy.
Come on, let's find what
you've got in common with me,
like maybe b-ball?
Let's face facts. You and me
are like chalk and cheese.
I say we fly solo until class.
First good idea you've had ever!
But what are we gonna tell
Professor Pascal, genius?
We'll wing it,
like you always do.
Works for me!
- Sorry!
- My bad.
BOTH: You?
Are you following me?
Who'd wanna be downwind of you?
You like Melano Fredo?
He's only like
the modern da Vinci.
It's called The Eternal Spiral.
Check out how the magnetic coil
keeps the sphere spiralling.
Which represents how crazy
the modern world is.
OK, Andy, um, I'm going for it!
- Three, two, one Lift-off!
- Andy!
That's more
of a physics problem,
but I'll catch you
if you wiggle out!
- Get me down!
- Really think you can tweak it?
'Cause there's an urban legend
about pirate treasure here.
I don't know about that, but
I do know about metal detectors.
Wow! You were right.
It works way better now!
How'd you do that?
I haven't done anything yet.
Aaah! What's happening? Whoa!
Ghost! Aaah!
- Whoa!
- No! Rajat!
Mike! We've got a two times
seven situation here!
Um, not a good time
for a math quiz, Miss Jones.
No, I'm talking about
two ghosts, each level seven!
Meta and Lix
work as a magnetic pair!
One attracts
and the other repels.
Ooh! It affects metal
and boo energy!
Wait. Where's Liv?
- With her new bestie.
- And we've only got eyes
- on one ghost right now.
- They must have split up
to strike twice as much fear!
Cut their reunion short
before they boost!
I'll contact Liv.
BOTH: Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
Melano was inspired to build
that after he travelled
around the world on a unicycle.
I'm beginning to like your style
almost as much as Melano's.
But keep it on the downlow, OK?
- Uh
- I don't want Stacy to know.
I know she's my sister
and everything, but
She just doesn't get
that I like different things.
- (Phone ringing)
- Uh Am I boring you?
What? No.
It's just my phone was
Ugh! I don't even know
why I am opening up to you.
You get Rajat back down
to Earth, I'll deal with Meta.
I've never un-sunk
a basket before,
but it's worth a shot, buddy!
Thank you, Fury!
OK! Let's boocap it
before it boosts!
- That was close.
- Another problem approaching!
Time for boo fighting!
Huh? Aaah!
What the?
Look out!
Don't tell me they've boosted!
Its magnetism must have
increased tenfold.
FURY: Myst could sure help now!
I can't reach her. I'm sending
Glowboo in for backup!
Anyway, it was good to talk
to someone who gets me, Liv.
Can we keep this convo
to ourselves?
Yeah, of course.
Liv, help!
I'll get help, promise!
Well, at least Myst will.
Spectral arrow!
Greetings, Myst.
Nice of you to drop in.
FURY: Hey, Glowboo!
A bit late to the party, Myst?
Long story. So are we
boo-capping this ghost or what?
- Aaah!
- Fractal Power!
Flexy Blast!
I've never seen a fridge magnet
actually bigger than a fridge.
It's magnetic.
Like Melano Fredo's
Eternal Spiral!
I got it! We distract the ghost
by electrifying
a magnetic spring around a coil,
which will make it spiral
like crazy.
Can you say that in human speak?
A boo-energy spring
around a boo-energy ghost,
add a little spark and boom!
That ghost'll spin
right into our hands!
- Aaah!
- Uh Guys?
Still a little fuzzy
on the details.
Can you create a swirl
of Flexy Boo around the ghost?
That I can do! I just need
some kind of distraction.
Roger that. Distraction.
Myst, feel free to jump in!
Spectral Arrow!
Ha! Two for the price of one!
- So we discovered
- That you can calculate
the perfect trajectory
to make a slam dunk!
Oh, science and sport
coming together! Oh, I love it!
Oh, let's hear more. Did you two
girls find anything in common?
- Totally! We both
- Are like chalk and cheese!
Liv even abandoned me
in the middle of a crisis!
Oh, well, maybe I should stick
to teaching animal biology.
- (Bell rings)
- Woof!
By the way,
I found this in the museum.
A museum? Why?
They're full of old stuff.
There goes your new BFF.
At least you found
something in common.
I shouldn't be so judgy.
I mean, we all put up a front,
but who knows
what's deep inside?
Step right up for a bite
of my latest creation!
First, the hot dog! Then
a bit of the old secret sauce.
Ah! Escargot caviar
flambéed in apple juice.
Sorry, we're allergic to
everything you just said.
New hot dog, try my new hot dog!
Yo, Mike! What's up?
You coming to training too?
I got a lotta ghosts to unboost.
Liv's already there.
Nah, I'm waiting for Charlie.
We've got a date.
- Whoa!
- We're checking out
seashell fossils at the museum!
That's like going to the beach
without the fun parts.
Museums might not be
your thing, Andy,
but Charlie and I love 'em!
But not for a date.
You've gotta level up your game.
You know, be romantic!
Seashell fossils
aren't romantic?
Help! I don't know anything
about romance!
Relax, the only training
I'm doing today is on you.
You think the tie is a bit much?
Nah! You're rocking it!
What is it?
- Charlie's here!
- Deep breaths!
But not too deep,
'cause that's creepy!
Hey, Mike.
You look uh nice.
Oh, this?
Just something I threw on.
You look good too, in your,
um, normal clothes.
Uh Thanks?
What's with the picnic?
I thought we were
going to the museum.
(Coughing) I just thought
we could try something
a bit fancier.
- Here.
- Thanks.
- Ow!
- Oh Sorry!
Uh, why don't you taste
this escargot caviar hotdog?
Uh Oh I just ate.
Do you have something sweet?
fresh from Chewy Chubs' bakery!
Oh, no! I'm so sorry, Charlie!
Ah! Ow! Ooh! Ow!
Ooh! Hot, hot, hot! Hot, hot!
Huh? Aaah!
- (Screaming)
- Huh?
Ms Jones, we've got a ghost
in Central Park!
I'm already on it.
The little rascal is called
I'm on my way, Andy!
Glowboo, you're with me!
As I was saying,
we're dealing with a level-sixer
called Flamagma.
It'll be looking
for something to merge with.
- No sweat.
- And since its a fire phantom,
don't let it get close
to anything flammable,
or it's gonna be barbecue season
all over New York!
It's right next to a barbecue!
Come on, let's take cover!
Right after I record this!
Mike? Mike!
BOTH: Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
- What is that?
- (Screaming)
Greetings, Krush.
You seem to be in a state
of emotional distress.
Is everything all right?
Yeah. Except my date
with Charlie was a disaster!
We'll fix it later, bro.
For now, let's put that
on the back burner,
- 'cause that ghost is on fire!
- I ain't scared of no cookie!
OK, that is one tough cookie.
Chocolate chips incoming!
Let's move!
Since it's a thermal ghost,
maybe we can make it overheat.
Or cool its attacks down
by wrapping it in a blanket
of your fractal energy!
Perhaps we should let Krush
complete his query?
No. It's cool.
Myst is probably right.
Uh, Krush, our ghost
is about to make a house call,
at your house!
(Funky music)
I got it!
- Nice moves, Krush!
- Thanks.
I learned from the best.
Glowboo, get my da Ahem!
- man somewhere safe!
- Roger.
I will get you somewhere safe.
go put that cookie on ice!
I'm gonna eat that cookie
for breakfast!
Krush, go!
Fractal trap!
Nice one!
Now bring on the boocap.
Mr Collins is out of harm's way.
Cocoa does not mix well
with my circuits.
The fractal doesn't work.
What do we do?
And why does he
no longer attack?
Yo, cookie dough! I think you're
getting a little overcooked.
That's it! It's overheating.
I think I know how to
MYST: Fall back!
This is not good! Glowboo's
kaput and I'm low on boo energy!
- Krush, what was your idea?
- Nothing.
- It probably won't work.
- We need you on thi
(Gasps) Speed up!
Mike, where are you?
Oh, I hope
the ghost didn't get him.
We've gotta protect them!
- Aaah!
- Flexy shield!
You're safe now.
It's not safe here!
No, wait, I'm looking for
my friend. He was just here.
Fractal power!
- Whoa!
- You stay safe.
I'll go rescue your, um, friend.
His name's Mike. He's about
your height, with glasses.
Oh, and he has a tie
printed on his T-shirt.
- (Chuckles)
- What's so funny?
- Are ties lame?
- Oh, no. It's just not him.
I prefer his usual self.
Thanks, Krush. You rock!
I think we got everybody.
And our ghost is taking a break.
It can't attack us
when it softens his chips.
Guys, listen up!
We gotta overheat it to make it
vulnerable for a moment.
Which means
we got to rile it up.
OK, but we can't mess this up.
I'm almost out of boo energy.
- Same for me!
- Trust me, we got this.
Let's bake this cookie
once and for all!
Come on, I wanna bite!
Take that!
Eat that too!
This cookie is burn!
And that's the way
the cookie crumbles.
I think this one's overcooked!
Back to the lab.
- Booyah! Awesome plan, Krush!
- It was brilliant!
Should've listened to you.
And you gotta have faith
in a good idea.
You're right, I should.
Thanks, guys.
Excellent work, kids!
I've got some freshly baked
goodies to celebrate!
Sorry, guys, I have a date!
Go for it, dude!
Charlie, I'm so, so sorry
the picnic was a lame idea.
Especially the escargot caviar.
Ugh! Oh, and the tie
I'm just glad you're OK.
So, wanna check out
some fossilised seashells?
Yeah! I love seashells!
What are we waiting for?
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