The Assassins (2024) s01e29 Episode Script

Biography of Mawlana

Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Hassan Al-Sabbah.
He sensed the beginning of the end.
He began to teach
his son everything.
I always want you to stay connected with
me, even when you're alone in your chamber.
Meaning, to see me and to
hear me, even when I'm far away.
Among your wives and your children, there
are enemies to you, so beware of them.
God Almighty speaks the truth.
Cheer up, our master.
May God reward you
greatly in Doniazad.
And he tells him about the story that
will be told after his death and departure.
Finish writing the book.
Al-Hadi will be Hassan's successor
and will rule his castle after him.
So here I declare him
before you, my successor.
The owner of my place and position, and
the keeper of the key to heaven after me.
But Al-Hadi didn't have Hassan
Al-Sabbah's sagacity and strength,
and the jealousy around
him started to increase.
My obedience to you
is unto the last day
My master, son
of my great master.
Now you must understand that
you are not the same as before.
And of course, be
cautious of Barzak Amide.
And the young man was less and
simpler than what was expected of him.
Episode 29
"The Legacy of Our Master"
From our master, the
caller to God, the True King
our Imam,
the holder of the key to
heaven, Hassan Al-Sabbah,
to our loyal follower
and our secret servant, Siraj.
How's the toy that
you're moving?
I want you to start fueling his doubts
about the Abbasid caliph's intentions,
I want you to start fueling his doubts
about the Abbasid caliph's intentions,
To become scattered between a conspiracy
of many parties, relatives and the caliph.
And for you the peace
and prayers for safety,
and await our next command,
holder of the key to heaven.
What is it?
What is it?
What are you doing?
My lord!
My lord!
What is happening?
What have I done wrong?
Why is this happening?
I apologise if I
disturbed your sleep,
in your room and
your comfortable bed.
We just came to check on you.
Check on me how?
Get out.
My lord.
My lord, what have I done?
My lord.
Just let me understand.
My lord.
I want you to experience
sleeping in hell.
The fire will ignite on the bed,
then, on your clothes,
and then it will eat your body.
I want you to taste
the sleep in Hell.
From our lord, the great Sultan
To Hassan Al-Sabbah,
the rebellious
Resident of the
castle, the misguided
The minister Siraj has
preceded you to hell.
He is now waiting for you.
His ablaze body was a meal
for the starving castle dogs.
And they remain hungry.
And they remain hungry.
Waiting for your inevitable fate.
Here is Omar Khayyam's last home.
Honestly, the
place is beautiful.
You will enjoy it here.
Especially as there's no
neighbor to bother you.
You'd enjoy being
buried here a lot, Omar.
Omar Khayyam's tomb
To its right, we’ll
plant a grapevine.
So sweet, to drink something
fresh in the morning.
So sweet, to drink something
fresh in the morning.
And on its left, the flowers
of Narcissus and Jasmine.
And when the breeze
blows, it stirs the leaves
The scent of
flowers fills the world.
People come to visit the kind
dead man who lived and died.
while trying to understand
the reason for his existence.
The reason for your
existence is to perplex Sahban.
Your presence in this world
Is to increase Sahban's confusion.
I wish I never knew you.
I wish I never knew you.
And when you visit
me, squeeze the grapes
And make a drink that reminds
you of your friend Omar Khayyam.
Wind blowing towards our
destruction, and no other purpose it has
But the assassination of
our souls is its intention
Sit in this radiant
garden and sip the wine
For from our dust the
garden will sprout tomorrow
Does it mean you'll
be a grape cluster
Or a flower, or what
exactly? Just so I know?
In time, Omar Khayyam
Under the ground turns into dust.
The dust with water comes
alive and turns into a tree
Or a flower.
Or a grape cluster.
People squeeze it and drink it
And say, this drink reminds us
of a poet who lived and died
His name was Omar Khayyam.
Some will say, may he rest in peace
Some will curse his soul,
And some will ask who
was Omar Khayyam!
As if I'm multiple Omar Khayyams.
As if I'm multiple Omar Khayyams.
One my say, this is the tomb
of Omar Khayyam, the infidel.
And one may say,he
was faithful and ascetic.
One may say, the madman.
One says, the scholar.
Another says, the poet.
Everyone has their own word.
But which one are you, Omar?
Only the creator knows
the truth about Omar Khayyam.
Praise be to God.
No one will remember Sahban
When he dies, neither
for good nor for evil.
You're lucky, Sahban
This is great fortune.
So what is great fortune?
To die without a memory
No judgments or
evaluations from humans.
You are the lucky one, Sahban.
Neither for you nor against you.
The book of our Master's legacy
Which the angels dictated
to our master, Al-Hadi
Is a secret matter.
And within is special knowledge.
Glory be to God.
A strange matter.
If the people heard about it
Their minds won't believe it.
I heard our master say
Whoever memorizes
his book perfectly
Word by word
And letter by letter
Has no reward but heaven.
With a promise from our hidden Imam
For my part
I will memorize it by heart.
God bless you.
Memorization is The first
guarantee of the book's continuity.
It must be copied and distributed
To all preachers in the countries.
This is your task.
Copy the book
at least twenty times.
Each of us copies it And
memorizes it at the same time.
My father was a Shiite Muslim man
And I memorized
the Quran and Hadith
And I knew the virtues
of the Prophet's family.
And I aimed to know
Our distinguished Imam.
Then I got busy with worldly
matters And service to people
And I forgot the
honor of the search.
So God inflicted my enemies on me.
So I fled from city to city
So I fled from city to city
And when God saved us from
the predicament and I returned
I returned to seek the truth
I found all the caliphs
of the Abbasid Muslims
with no chivalry.
So I fled to Egypt
I found the true Imam
The caliph, Al-Mustansir Billah And
his successor Nizar, peace be upon him
So I recognized my
Imam and adhered to him.
But God inflicted on me the prince Of
the armies and he chased me to the sea
And God saved me with
the blessings of the Imam.
And God saved me with
the blessings of the Imam.
Barzak Amide.
Thanks to him, I'm not a
martyr of Nizam Al-Mulk.
Excuse me, Master.
Don't worry, Barzak, and
don't think too much.
Don't worry, Barzak, and
don't think too much.
Stay true to my covenant with you.
Kind-hearted and well-thinking.
And a believer.
It's like you're
hearing my questions!
It's like there's no veil
between my thoughts and you.
The doubt, Barzak
is the gate of hell.
Not only the chosen youth will
go to heaven on my promise.
You too.
And all the believers in
the high ranks of heaven.
Because you believed.
Praise be to God.
It's not me, Barzak, who
chooses the chosen one.
Nor did I choose you.
They are chosen by God.
And I rejoice in his choice.
And I accept it.
May God honor our Master.
May God honor our Master.
rejoice in Lord's choice
for you to be with me.
And he who rejoices
Does not question.
Because questioning ruins the joy.
My master, Al-Hadi.
Why are you standing alone?
I'm learning to think and meditate.
Like our Master.
Standing alone in the
castle is dangerous for you.
Dangerous from whom, Barzak?
I am in Alamut castle.
My father is it's lord
and I'm his successor.
Exactly my master.
You are his successor.
That's why it's a big risk for you
to be here without me or the guards.
Everyone in the
castle is my follower.
Should I fear my followers?
Everyone is your
father's followers,
Our Master Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Our Master Hassan Al-Sabbah.
and there's no
guarantee of loyalty.
Do you think your father
trusts any of his followers?
Then who does he trust?
Only Hassan Al-Sabbah.
That is the secret
of his strength.
You should also trust only one.
He is Al-Hadi.
But my father loves
you and trusts you.
Poor Master Al-Hadi.
He is still young in age.
Your feeling of his
lack of love for you
Is because you are
no longer his successor.
Your father really loved me.
But not as much as
he loved Doniazad.
And who will be the
successor of our Master
Time will tell.
I'll leave you to your
solitude, my Master.
But I will keep my eye on you.
With your permission, of course.
If Master Al-Hadi is
studying the stars and the sky
If Master Al-Hadi is
studying the stars and the sky
It's best he stands in the
same place our Master does.
A high place.
Our Master.
I asked for Al-Hadi.
I really don't know what to say!
Master Al-Hadi.
Atop the castle.
Atop the castle.
He stood, smiling in a strange way.
His face was lit
up like a full moon.
As I approached him.
He raised his hand as if to
stop me from coming closer.
Then he raised both hands upwards
Like he was praying.
And he began
He began to rise off the ground.
He ascended upwards.
An inch.
As if he was climbing
on the shoulders of angels.
And I stood there,
frozen, not believing.
And my mind was spinning.
My master Al-Hadi
is ascending upwards
While smiling.
Until he disappears into the sky.
And all I could see were the
sky and the twinkling stars.
And there's no
trace of master Al-Hadi.
Speak something else.
Speak more merciful words.
Al-Hadi ran away
like Doniazad!
Say that Al-Hadi ran away and buy
yourself some life and give me hope.
He didn't run away.
So you must've killed him!
God forbid, my master.
This is a miracle that I
have seen with my own eyes.
Who am I to kill our master,
Al-Hadi or to harm him?
I'll make an example out of you.
I'll cut you into pieces
while you're alive.
If he ran, I'd have said so.
It would have saved me from
your doubts and save my life.
But he didn't run.
And if I harmed him,
where would I hide his body?
You had said yourself that master
Al-Hadi wasn't an ordinary human.
That angels dictated him
and he had great traits.
Even now, I'm still shocked
And I can't believe
what my eyes have seen.
I thought surely our master, the key
holder of heaven, would explain what I saw.
Master Al-Hadi ascended.
He flew into the sky.
That is his position
And his miracle and his status.
He is now with our master Nizar.
And the rest of the pure Imams.
You should be rejoicing, my master.
Not mourn and torment
your servant Barzak Amide.
Free me.
Free me and let
me inform the believers.
Let me tell them about the miracle.
It will make you in the eyes
of not only the castle residents
But in the eyes of all humans
Our lord, the key holder of heaven.
The one who has an
successor in heaven, alive.
What a grandeur!
What majesty!
What a divine inheritance!
Here I saw the wondrous
event with my own eyes.
I swear to God it's the
most amazing thing I've seen.
Our master Al-Hadi ascended upward
until he disappeared into the sky.
I try to catch him but
it's impossible!
There were intense lights
There were intense lights
and sounds like music.
Music unlike anything
I've ever heard before.
It was like
It was like divine joy.
A grand reception
fit for the unique young
man, our master.
I will search for him inside
and outside the castle, Barzak.
I will search for him inside
and outside the castle, Barzak.
If I find any trace
of him, alive or dead
I will not tire of asking.
And I will keep
asking until I kill you.
Your master Al-Hadi ran, and
you helped him, right Barzak?
I swore to you, our lord,
that he ascended into the sky,
ascended right before my eyes.
I'll ask you the question again.
What have you done with
your master Al-Hadi, Barzak?
I told you what happened.
The angels filled dictated the book
to him lifted him on their shoulders.
Out of shock,
I told some preachers,
and asked them
to keep the secret.
You will kill me and
say that I killed him.
and that is a lie.
This will shake their faith in a
miraculous event that happened to me.
Who did you tell?
The first and second preacher.
They were extremely
reverent and believing.
Why don't you want to
believe me when they did?
And their faith in you
and your son exceeds all faith.
Especially after I told them of his last
wish which I was hesitant to tell you
as he bid me farewell
and ascended to the sky.
What was it?
He smiled and said,
Know, Barzak,
that our lord Hassan Al-Sabbah's
status is above all others.
that our lord Hassan Al-Sabbah's
status is above all others.
I swear, I spoke the truth.
As we said in previous lessons,
the believer
is perceptive and discerning.
And it is necessary
one considers
that trust in God
Your beloved Yahya
bin Sa'eed was executed.
And our master is
speaking to people.
And our master is
speaking to people.
Talk after talk after talk,
but your words neither
prevent injustice.
nor end turmoil.
Why are you so rude?
Respect and behave
in our master's presence.
Shakib, the good
sit down.
Make room for him, boy.
Make room.
Tell me.
What's your problem with words?
It doesn't prevent injustice.
The Esoterics are
on the wrong side.
And their leader sits
freely in his castle.
And his demons are everywhere.
What are we doing here?
Are we fighting false beliefs?
And what is our fate?
Execution and torture!
Where is the truth? Who is right?
The Seljuks or Hassan Al-Sabbah?
The Abbasid Caliphate
or the Fatimids?
Yahya is a young man whose parents
were murdered by one of the Esoterics.
And Yahya himself was
executed unjustly by the Seljuks.
So what's the point of words
and what's the point of life?
So what's the point of words
and what's the point of life?
And what's the point of
talking about the religion?
God have mercy on him.
Yahya ibn Said.
A young Muslim.
Very sincere.
But God bestowed upon him a gift.
The gift of sincerity.
And this sincerity is a secret
that God does not
give to just anyone!
This secret existed in Yahya.
And this secret God
places in honest hearts.
for instance
in our time.
If we were truly sincere.
Hassan Al-Sabbah would not
have appeared in our lives.
But unfortunately.
We are divided.
And there are other issues
that need to be discussed
even though Hassan
Al-Sabbah is wrong
but the people around him
may greatly believe in him.
They become a force.
To be reckoned with.
And we
think we are in the right.
And we pray God
that we may be right
but unfortunately.
We lack sincerity.
So we become divided
and weak.
and weak.
We can't stand up to anyone.
no matter how few
the sincere ones are
victory will be their
ally by God's will.
In the name of God, the Most
Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Do you really think that you
will enter paradise without
going through what those who
went before you went through
going through what those who
went before you went through
They were afflicted with severe
poverty, ailments and were so shaken.
Until the Messenger says,
And those who believed with him,
When will the
victory of Allah come?
Indeed, the victory
of Allah is near.
God speaks the truth.
Hang in there.
Come on, one more time.
- It's almost over.
- Oh dear Lord.
It's almost over.
A boy.
It's a boy, Nourhan.
As his father wished.
What will you name him?
And what's above the castle
But a sky that won't answer
your question, Hassan!
Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Who am I, Barzak?
The Proof.
The Evidence.
The owner of the key to heaven.
The imam's image.
The first preacher.
The protecter and
leader of the believers.
Who is Hassan Al-Sabbah's successor?
Peace be upon our master, Al-Hadi.
He was with us on earth.
He was the successor.
He was the successor.
He's not here now.
So who is the successor?
We are all your children, master.
We are all your servants.
Could Barzak Amide be
Hassan Al-Sabbah's successor?
Could you be the
killer of my son, Al-Hadi
And then be my successor, Barzak?
If Hassan Al-Sabbah
Wants to leave the castle
Where would he go?
Would you get out of the castle?
Why? Is it impossible?
Our master does what he wants.
Years go by and I am the
prisoner of Alamut castle.
And praise be to God.
You are my jailer again.
God forbid.
Give your order and leave.
Give your order and leave.
And we are all at your service.
you are all at my service!
Like your life was
dedicated for Al-Hadi!
Isn't it?
Of course.
We are all at your service.
Come closer.
I want you to kill Hassan
Al-Sabbah's greatest enemy.
At your command and obedience
At your command and obedience
Who's your enemy
and I will end him?
He's in front of you.
Hassan Al-Sabbah.
God forbid.
For the sake of all the
days that have gathered us.
for the exile, and prison, and death
that we could face and it couldn't.
Kill Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Kill my master and my lord?
Wouldn't killing myself be easier?
Kill Hassan Al-Sabbah
and then kill yourself.
Kill Hassan Al-Sabbah
and then kill yourself.
Ease your mind, master, and rest.
Rest is dead.
Doniazad was my comfort.
Where's Doniazad?
She was killed.
And Hussein, my eldest son,
was my support and rest.
Where's Hussein?
He was killed.
And Al-Hadi, my
successor and beloved
And Al-Hadi, my
successor and beloved
Where is he?
How can Hassan Al-Sabbah find rest?
Grant me peace and carry
out your master's orders.
Carry out my final order.
This is the only order in
which I disobey you, my lord.
Sleep is what you need, master.
Imagine, my lord,
there is a child,
son of a sheepherder
His mother claims he is the son
of our lord Hassan Al-Sabbah.
I sent a chosen one that
killed him and his mother
before the lie spread.
My master.
Can you sleep, Barzak?
Where do you get
the ability to sleep?
Moments the mind steals
to complete its day actively.
He was supposed to be my successor.
He was beautiful, smart, and sane.
God chose him for a
larger and greater mission.
My son Hussein,
his elder brother, when he
defied me, I killed him.
I had to do that.
Hassan Al-Sabbah is strong.
If his position comes into conflict with
his heart, he would kill his heart.
From your strength,
we derive ours, my master.
Al-Hadi was supposed to be
in Hassan Al-Sabbah’s place.
But I chose you.
I chose you to punish the castle,
to punish the believers,
and to punish myself.
I've chosen the worst successor,
to the greatest man.
I can't sleep, Barzak.
Even though I've slept before, in
prison the night of my execution.
And the night I
killed my son Hussein.
And the night I killed Donizad,
and the night I
killed Nizam Al-Mulk,
now I can't sleep.
Great minds find it
hard to sleep, my master.
Only the fortunate
ones know how to sleep.
Because they're without
heart and without mind.
Sleep, Barzak.
There's no sleep.
come with me.
People need to know the truth
about our lord Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Master Imam Nizar informed me,
that his pure spirit
has merged with mine.
So I became him.
Who is calling out for
Hassan Al-Sabbah?
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