The Heights (2019) s01e29 Episode Script

Episode 29

1 Previously on The Heights Jesus, I could kill you.
Where the hell have you been? Down south.
Place called Port Henry.
(SOBS) You need to control your life.
No-one else will do it for you.
- Bring me on.
- I'll think about it.
For God's sake, Bobby, just say yes.
I've got to get dinner on.
I shouldn't have hit him, but I'm not going to apologise or feel ashamed about who I am.
Need all three signatures to sell the pub, right? I'm here now, so we can finally sell.
You've been here for two minutes and you're already calling the shots.
Oh, how time flies Passing by like Bird in the night 'Cause I never imagined Way back when Time was on my side And I learnt to play guitar every night Back before Web 2.
0 Shattered my thoughts And my prose Oh, how time flies You and I Were ships in the night Sometimes I wish we'd collided And sank down together Like Romeo and Juliet, the most poetic Of where the burn was still on the surface Still floating around What you doing, babe? Aimlessly drifting and constantly found I just wanna be lost You alright? For a little while ANA: So, I've been hanging out with this guy from work.
Yeah? What's his name? Evan.
Do you like him? Yeah.
He's cool.
Go on.
I don't know, he's he's nice.
- He's nice? - Yeah.
Does he give you the fanny tingle? What?! (LAUGHS) Oh, my God.
What is that? That feeling you get when you think about them and you get butterflies in your taco.
You don't get that with him? Um I mean I do like him.
But? Someone else giving you taco butterflies? (GASPS) Who is it? Watto.
Yes, Watto.
(LAUGHS) Just tell me.
I can't.
Ryan? I knew it.
There was something going on yesterday.
Have you guys? So, why Lottie.
Is it more than just liking? Please don't say anything.
Think he feels the same? No.
I don't know.
So what happens now? Nothing.
He stays with Lottie.
- Right.
- Yeah.
Does Seb give you taco butterflies? (BOTH LAUGH) Absolutely.
I'm the happiest I've ever been.
That's really good, Shan.
He saved me.
He got me to face up to it all.
I honestly don't think I could have come back here without him.
- (LAUGHS) - (BABY GURGLES) What are we gonna do with you today, little man? RENEE: OK.
Socks, shoes, school bags, go.
I want to tell the kids.
It's Friday.
They'll have the weekend to process it.
- I read this article - Renee Talks about the top six mistakes that parents make when they tell their kids.
Could you just slow down for a minute? Don't make this harder than it already is.
- No, I'm not making it harder.
Just - What? I'm not going to change my mind.
Look, I just I don't see why we have to rush into it.
You're not living here and they're asking questions.
Can't we just hold off for a bit? We're telling them.
What are you looking at? Nothing.
You're not watching dirty films, are you? Yes.
That's exactly what I was doing.
I'm actually picking subjects for next year.
For uni? Are you going back? I've been thinking about it and I'm willing to work hard to get a better grade next year.
I know you wanted more for me, but this makes me happy.
I'm heading out.
Hm! Happy.
(DOOR ALARM BUZZES) ERNIE: You'll never get a better price than this.
So soon? Phone's been ringing off the hook for three days.
That looks Phew.
So, we doing this? I think we are.
We're doing this.
- Marvellous.
I'll sort thepaperwork.
- Great.
Guess you lot have had the last laugh over Bill after all, eh? Cause for a bit of celebration? It's nine am.
I'll leave you to it.
Thanks, Ernie.
So, what are you going to do? I think, go back to London.
When? Pretty soon.
Lottie's sister's about to have the baby any minute and the agency I used to work for is looking for people, so Funny cat videos aren't gonna make themselves.
I'll make sure I'm here for every Christmas.
I still want to be a part of this.
Of Patch's life.
And London's your place? I don't know.
I think it is.
Home is where you make it, right? And you made yours in London.
You need to go back, you love it there.
What about you? What are you gonna do? I want to take Patch back to Port Henry.
- I just thought, now you're here - I know.
I just feel that's the best place for me and Patch and Seb right now.
We can be a proper family.
(TRAIN HORN) Peace at last.
- SULLY: Come to see you? - Yeah.
There was this one guy, he dropped his pants down in the middle of the shop Come on.
Imam is expecting us in 10 minutes.
- Sorry - it was bum cancer! Hey.
Mark no, you can't be here.
Actually seriously, you can't I was just down the pub about to have a bet.
- Jesus! - No, but I didn't, Renee.
That's the thing, I was right there and I didn't go in.
I thought of you, and I stopped myself.
I am getting better.
You know I'm going to G.
every week, I want to fix this.
I know you want to fix this.
I'm aware.
- But you need to go home.
- No, this is No, no, this is what marriages are.
They're through thick and thin.
Yeah, and I can't keep living on high alert.
We need a break, and we need to tell the kids.
We both came from broken families.
Come on, this is exactly what we didn't want.
Yeah, we can handle things better than they did, and that starts by us going in there as a united front.
Except we're not.
See, I don't want this.
- Mark, you'll have to accept this.
- (SHOUTS) I don't accept it! Shhh.
Mark was just leaving.
7pm, with or without you.
All this global warming stuff, I don't know.
Well, if you turn your reading lamp off at night, then you'll save the electricity, Baba.
I like it on.
Anyway, one bloody lamp isn't going to change anything.
It's you're fault the polar bears are dying.
(BOTH LAUGH) (DOOR OPENS) From Embleton.
Can we open it? No way.
Kam has to.
Where is he? - Can I come? - Can I come? - Hey.
- Hey.
Thanks for meeting me.
Yeah, of course.
I wanted to talk to you too.
So, Shannon told me she's leaving.
Well, how does she seem to you? She seems fine.
And Seb? I like him.
She only just met him.
So? So, that's pretty quick to be playing house.
What are you saying? People coming out of trauma aren't meant to get into serious relationships this fast.
Why not? Because they're vulnerable.
And when you make a person the reason you're happy, you give them the power to break you.
I don't know.
I think she's in a good place.
You haven't seen her in 12 years.
You don't know what normal is for her.
So, what? You want her just to be messed up.
I just think we should be keeping an eye on her.
For her to be here, not off with some dude she just met.
Not everyone wants to live in Arcadia, Ana.
That doesn't make them crazy.
And I guess that brings me to what I was going to tell you.
I'm going back to England.
But people need you here.
Shannon and Hazel.
Shannon was the one that told me to go.
She told you that? Yep.
So when you said, when we were trapped in the bathroom, and you said, "Arcadia" I I just feel like I should aim for something more.
You totally should, yeah.
(DOOR ALARM BUZZES) Seen Kam? He isn't working today.
- Is that the letter? - Yeah.
- Did he get in? - That's why I'm trying to find him.
Well, come on, let's go.
Wait, but, who's gonna cover the shop? I don't think I've ever seen you close during daylight.
That's because I haven't.
Come on.
Let's go.
(CALLS) Kam! Kam.
- I wonder where he is.
- WATTO: Hey! I'm sleeping here! It's, like, 4pm! It's, like, a siesta! Does he have a phone? He's not answering.
He'll turn up eventually.
But it's urgent! - His results came through.
- Syphilis? Go back to sleep, Watto.
It's for Embleton.
Big day.
- I'll keep an eye out for him.
- Thanks.
So will I.
After me nap.
WOMAN: Yeah, I kept thinking, "This is going bad, "but if I get a quaddie everything will be sweet and nobody will know.
" That was my mindset a lot of the time.
My kids copped it at school.
They still don't talk to me.
When you're gambling, you're never taking stock of what you do have.
You're always thinking about what you could have.
And that's what I've had to relearn, you know? What I did have.
It's your kids.
It's all that matters.
MAN: Thanks, Darlene.
Would anyone else like to speak tonight? Yeah.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind.
Um My name's Mark and I'm a gambling addict.
I used to have to sign two detention slips a week for Laila, but since Sully started at her work, not one.
- Really? - Really.
(TAPS CUP) Can I just say, thank you very much for being here.
It's very good of you to come and support Kamran.
Look, as the intelligentsia of Arcadia, we wanted to show our support.
Did you all know that I had a masters in English literature specialising in great poets? IRIS: Sounds interesting.
You should not have said that, trust me.
You see, Iris, words have power.
They're spells, magic.
That's why I love poetry so much.
So does Sully.
When he was a little boy, always has his head in the books.
That's why he's going to be a great teacher.
"Whatever is unsure in this stinking dung hill of a world, a mother's love is not.
" - Not bad.
- (LAUGHTER) - Hey! - Here he is! - Where have you been? - I was at the library.
Guess what? It's here.
It's no-one's business.
Just nerves.
(ALL CHEER) - Yes! - (LAUGHS) Little bro.
Gather round, sing me a song of peace An occasion like this calls for the good stuff.
- That's the good stuff? - Not yet it isn't.
(LAUGHTER) Are you definitely ready to take Patch? Yeah, I am.
I just feel so bonded to him already.
No-one knows how to be a mum until they are one, anyway.
She's been really good, you know.
I know.
I think she was trying to make up for it.
- Everything with us.
- Yeah.
She did.
Am I doing the right thing? Going back.
Yeah, totally.
You guys going to have one? No.
Never? I'm an aunty, not a mum.
HAZEL: Here we go.
Well, technically, it's I mean I don't even know what it is.
Shut up and drink it.
To the sale.
ALL: To the sale.
Thanks for having us, Hazel.
This is actually really good.
'Course it's good.
What's going on out there? (MIDDLE-EASTERN MUSIC) Party! Come on, everyone.
- Are you on the sparkling goon, love? - Might be.
Well, why don't you share it around then? So So Um I really want to thank you.
I couldn't have done it without you.
You deserve it.
You can start late tomorrow.
Have a sleep-in.
Can I play on the iPad? Not yet, darling.
Why are we sitting in here? We are going to have a little bit of a talk.
About what? You and Dad are getting a divorce, aren't you? This is how Ruby's parents did it.
Mum, is that true? Your your Dad and I are taking a break.
What does that mean? It means that we'll be living apart, but we both love you so much.
Do we still get to live with Oddjob? Yes, mate.
But I don't want you to break up.
Yeah, I know, Franks.
It's OK to feel sad.
Can I tell my friends at school? Yeah.
You can tell them whatever you want to tell them.
- I just had a thought.
- Hey? About what we can get Kam for his scholarship gift.
Too soon? Must feel pretty good, though.
Knowing you helped him get there.
Mum, how you feel right now, that's why I want to be a teacher.
I was surprised to hear you with Watto, telling him what I do.
I'm getting used to it.
I understand how much you want me to be a success.
All work is hard and thankless, so I felt you may as well earn a lot of money doing it.
But not all work is hard and thankless, Mum.
- Mine has been.
- I know.
I know how much you sacrificed.
I'm not giving you a guilt trip.
That's new.
You know, I had to work very hard to build what I had from the ground up and I don't want that for you.
But it's not going to be like that for me, 'cause I love what I do.
What are you going to tell Aunty Lin? I'm going to tell Aunty Lin that my son loves what he does.
I saw you're going out with Matt again, huh? How do you know about that? - Pharmacist, right? - Yeah.
Well, at least one of you will earn a decent living.
I guess so.
Thank you for being here.
We should work out a timetable of who sees the kids when.
I'd like to spend some time with them tomorrow on my own.
Mark? What? Well, I dunno, I just I thought It's done.
You got what you wanted.
OK? I'm just doing what's right by my kids now.
She's not saying anything, but I can tell she's upset.
Yeah, sure.
And Ryan going back to London Come on.
We talked about this.
If he stays, he's going to want to keep the pub, then we don't get our money, there goes our chance of getting a house.
I just feel like I've screwed over my best mate.
She still has feelings for him.
If they were meant to be together, they'd be together.
What if we stayed for a bit? Well, how long? I don't know, just a while.
Let Mum help out with Patch, show me the ropes.
Come on, you said it yourself, this isn't the place for you.
And what now, all of a sudden you want to hang round? It is home, I guess, that's all.
Look, I was going to surprise you when we got back, but our house is up for sale.
And we can afford it now, we just gotta get in there.
Can't we just make an offer over the phone? Do you really want this? - What do you mean? - Us.
- Of course I do.
- 'Cause it kinda feels like you don't.
I do, bub.
I'm I'm sorry.
You know, if you stay, you're going to turn into her.
You really want that? Must be nice.
What? Getting what you want.
Selling the pub.
A new life.
We both got what we wanted.
Thought Ana would be here.
Maybe she's got a shift.
I'll get Max a top-up.
You could ask them to stay.
No, I can't.
Why not? I don't have the right.
If this is what they want, I've got to accept it.
I still hold onto you Your body that you let them borrow HAZEL: We made a good team, for a while.
We did.
I don't understand.
How did you pay for all of this? Told you I'd find a way.
How much for this? So, what now? I have no idea.
Is his name going on the title of this property? We share everything.
Yeah, and how much are you putting in?
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