The Longest Promise (2023) s01e29 Episode Script

Episode 29

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 29=
I was worried about you.
You had me worried.
Everyone is talking
about how you were punished
for speaking up for your master.
Are you all right?
I'm fine.
I've always wanted to speak up
for him.
It was satisfying.
The punishment was nothing.
my master told me
that you are the Sea Emperor.
Is that true?
I am the Sea Emperor.
That's great!
I have the utmost faith
in your character.
If you're the Sea Emperor,
what's there to worry about
when it comes to the Evil Star?
my master is staying
at Empress Bai Yan's old residence
in the east of the city.
You should talk to him.
I'm sure that together,
you two will clear up
any misunderstandings.
I understand,
I know you've only
just returned to the clan.
Even if you are the Sea Emperor,
it will take some effort
to get
the Merfolk marine force
to listen to you.
But you and my master
are the ones
I respect and trust the most
in this world.
I don't want to see the two of you
fight each other to the death.
only the two of you
can stop the war now.
please don't give up so easily,
all right?
All right.
I'll see your master.
if there's anything else
you need my help with,
just name it.
There is a favor
I'd like to ask of you.
It's Su Mo.
You know him?
I met him and his mother
in the Huotu Tribe.
Where's his mother?
Don't die…
Your mother didn't leave.
She is here.
200 years ago,
I helped Lady Yu escape
from the Merfolk marine force.
I ran into her in Western Huang.
I didn't realize that you met
Lady Yu and her son.
If I had been there in time,
Lady Yu might not have died.
You don't have to blame yourself.
The murderers are those
who started the war
for their own selfish reasons.
Su Mo looks very ill.
He's been running a fever.
He needs spiritual powers
to protect his heart.
I am a Merfolk.
I cannot practice Kongsang techniques,
nor do I have any spiritual powers.
I can only turn to you.
His fever has gone down a lot.
His breathing is calm too.
That's good.
you'll be busy
with the truce.
It's inconvenient to keep a sick child
with you.
Why not
let me
look after Su Mo?
Thank you,
I will be troubling you.
When have I been one
to shy away from trouble?
That makes us sound so distant.
You've gone as far
as to call me princess again.
Is there anything else, Yuan?
this is a grave matter.
Please do not mention this to anyone,
including His Lordship, Her Ladyship,
And your master.
Do not bring up Su Mo's past.
Do not even mention me.
My identity is sensitive.
I cannot cause any more trouble
for the Crimson Residence.
Please get up.
All right.
I'll tell them
I picked up Su Mo
on the streets today.
When you have sorted things out
with my master,
and I've healed Su Mo,
when everything settles,
we'll return
to Extreme Wind City together.
Is it really wise
to leave Su Mo in the care
of a Kongsang person?
If he stays with us,
the elders will find out in no time.
Besides, we cannot do anything
about his condition of dragon's blood.
But Yan'er
can ease his pain.
Perhaps one day,
when the Priest of Grand Preceptor
learns of Su Mo's identity,
he will spare him
because of Yan'er.
Yan'er is the destined one
of the Dragon Blood Jade.
Now, you and I have been forced
to leave Su Mo
in her hands.
Maybe this is fate.
we need someone to change
Not the Emperor of Kongsang,
not the elders,
but him.
It's the Sea Emperor
we have been waiting for 7,000 years.
Su Mo is
the hope of the Merfolk Clan.
He will grow up
to be
a great and proud Merfolk.
But if the elders find out
that the Sea Emperor is
still a child,
they will use him
for their selfish whims.
The pain we suffered
and the mistakes that were made
must not happen
to him.
(Crimson Residence)
You're finally awake.
Are you hungry?
Do you want to eat?
I've asked them
to prepare some porridge for you.
Would you like sweet
or savory porridge?
What's the matter?
Don't you recognize me?
go and see if the porridge is ready.
Su Mo,
it was your Uncle Yuan
who asked me to take care of you.
But you cannot mention him
to anyone here.
You have to tell them I found you
on the streets.
Do you understand?
I don't care about Uncle Yuan!
He's a liar!
You're a liar too!
You can't say that about Yuan.
I couldn't meet up with you guys
because I was held back by something.
But after that,
I searched all over the mountain
with my men.
But you were nowhere to be found.
I don't believe you!
Su Mo!
Su Mo!
Su Mo!
I'll kill all of you!
All of you are bad people!
Su Mo!
I'll kill all of you!
Calm down!
I'll kill you!
Calm down!
Listen to me.
Su Mo,
you're not completely cured yet,
nor bestowed with
any identifications.
Do you know
how chaotic it is out there?
Even if I let you go,
you could die
out there!
I don't need you to care even if I die!
I didn't get to the Bamian Peak in time.
I failed you
and your mother.
You can blame me
and hit me.
But your mother
didn't die to protect you
for you
to do this right now.
Do you understand?
Princess Xueying is here to see you.
look after him.
Try to satisfy
his demands.
Yes, Princess.
It's terrible!
The Merfolk boy ran off!
What happened?
It's all my fault.
I brought up
his mother
and angered him.
I immediately sent people
to go after him,
the Valorous Cavalry happened to be
capturing the Merfolk
all over the city right now.
They claimed
he was part of the Merfolk marine force
and took him.
The Valorous Cavalry?
The Valorous Cavalry is
under my brother's command.
My brother just returned
from the front lines
to Ye City.
Bai Fenglin, Governor of Ye City.
My brother has always
despised the Merfolk.
If the child falls into his hands,
he will surely suffer.
I'm going to get Su Mo back.
- Princess!
- I…
I'll go with you.
My brother might spare him
for my sake.
Don't worry.
No matter what,
I am the princess of the Crimson Clan.
Bai Fenglin
wouldn't dare to do anything to me.
Princess Zhu Yan of the Crimson Clan
greets General Bai.
(Bai Fenglin, White Clan of Kongsang)
Princess Zhu Yan.
Why did you stop me?
That Merfolk boy is
a member of my residence.
He is not one of the Merfolk marine forces.
There must be a misunderstanding.
I have business to attend to.
I shan't get down from my steed.
This must be the boy you mentioned.
Su Mo!
Princess Zhu Yan,
you said this boy was
a slave of the Crimson Residence.
Do you have
a slave contract to prove that?
He is a free boy.
He did not sell himself.
So he is not a slave
of the Crimson Residence.
Then, how you vouch for him
that he is not a member
of the Merfolk marine force
or a descendant?
He is like a brother to me.
How could he be part
of the Merfolk marine force?
Please have mercy on him, General Bai.
Lady Zhu Yan,
are you saying that you,
the Princess of the Crimson Clan,
adopted this Merfolk boy
as your brother?
Since you claim that this boy is
a descendant
of the Merfolk marine force,
do you have any proof?
As you can see, Princess,
I'm busy with military affairs.
If you want proof,
come back in ten days.
If I can't show any proof by then,
I will return him to you
in one piece.
But so far,
no Merfolk has ever been able
to hide anything from me.
Bai Cheng,
take these Merfolks back.
They're fighting.
General! General!
Young Master.
(Bai Yan's Old Residence, Ye City)
Sixth Aunt.
Young Master.
You still have a residence in Ye City?
This residence
is under my mother's name.
Sixth Aunt
used to be my mother's maid.
After my mother joined the harem,
she stayed behind
and took care of this place.
My mother used to bring me here
to get away from the heat.
Sixth Uncle and Sixth Aunt
watched me grow up.
Then, after what happened…
Thanks to them staying behind
to look after this residence,
this place isn't overgrown with weeds.
It was such a shock
when we heard about what had happened
to Young Lady and Young Master.
When we heard that Young Lady
was seriously ill,
we tried to visit her at the palace,
but we couldn't get through to her.
Thank goodness
our Young Master has finally returned.
That's right.
Young Master,
now that you're back,
I'll have them
clean up the courtyard
at once.
No rush.
I saw
red lotus flowers
among the grass in the front yard.
That's an excellent herb
for beauty.
Take me to it.
You can tidy up the yard
after I've collected
all the red lotus flowers.
All right.
Please come with me.
All right.
Young Master,
I'll make you some tea.
Thank you, Sixth Aunt.
Young Master,
a Merfolk is asking to see you.
Let him in.
Thank you, Sixth Aunt.
Young Master, the guest is here.
I've kept you waiting,
Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Have a seat.
Sixth Aunt,
was this tea prepared
with the water I brought?
This water is tranquil, pure,
and refreshing.
It must have been collected
in the third month of autumn.
It is devoid
of the bitterness of plants and trees,
with only the sweetness
of the pearl fish.
It must be water from the Li River,
the headwaters of Ge Mountain.
Rumor has it that
the Sea Emperor is knowledgeable
of the five lakes and four seas
as well as
the twenty-four measures of water.
You are really something.
The Priest of Grand Preceptor
tried to test me with this water.
How could I not answer?
His favorite tea is
and to prepare this tea,
you need water from the Li River,
the headwaters of Ge Mountain.
It must be water collected
in the third month of autumn as well,
so that the water is devoid
of the bitterness from plants and trees,
and carry only the sweetness
of the pearl fish.
With the Sea Emperor's intelligence,
you must know what I mean to ask you.
What the Priest of Grand Preceptor fears
must be the prophecy.
You fear
that the Sea Kingdom will one day
destroy Kongsang.
Priest of Grand Preceptor,
The Evil Star is merely
a star in the sky.
It brings neither fortune nor calamity.
The decline of Kongsang today was
definitely not caused by a single star.
Tell me why,
In ancient times,
the various gods
displayed their prowess.
the Merfolk Clan,
and the Ice Clan
coexisted in harmony.
The stars shone brightly.
It was only then
that prominent figures
such as Emperor Xingzun and Bai Wei
came to be.
However, later on,
Kongsang became dominant,
while the other clans
gradually declined.
7,000 years later,
the people indulged in pleasure,
and Yunhuang regressed
instead of progressing.
A state that was a far cry
from its former glory.
That is what led
to the existence of Emperor Beimian,
a man who indulges in beauty
and neglects state affairs.
Lies and deceit.
Are you not afraid that I'll kill you?
I have three reasons.
given your character,
there is no need
to hide anything from close ones.
if you do not even have
the capacity to hear the truth,
then how could you possibly
plan to change the state of Yunhuang?
Well said.
Tell me, then.
What will be
the future state of Yunhuang?
Revive the cooperation
between the Merfolk and Kongsang.
Embrace the diversities
and mutually benefit from one another.
We will surely return
Yunhuang to its former glory, then.
When that time comes,
the farmers will plow their fields,
the weavers will have their loom,
the dwellers will have their huts,
the young and old will be sheltered.
The people will be educated,
no one will be afraid to speak out,
all will make the best use
of their talents,
and we will inherit the past
and bring forth the new.
The stability of the nation
will be everlasting as the sun,
and the prosperity of the nation
will be as radiant as the stars.
Do you mean that
from the bottom of your heart,
Sea Emperor?
Priest of Grand Preceptor,
my clan worships the God of Dragon.
The God of Dragon excels
in rain and water,
not combat or battle.
My clan does not
favor battles.
The God of Dragon chose me
for my compassion,
not for my ability to fight.
I believe
you share the same thought.
Why would you let me live otherwise?
All right.
If this is your vision,
then let us make a pact.
Let us promise
that the Merfolk and Kongsang
will withdraw their forces within a month.
I will do my best.
Do your best?
The Merfolk marine force
may be complicated,
but you
are still
the Sea Emperor
they have waited 7,000 years for.
The Merfolk
will naturally obey you.
What can't you do
if you set your mind
to it?
You are not the Sea Emperor.
You jest, Priest of Grand Preceptor.
I will make good on my word.
All right.
I will trust you once more.
When did you first realize
you were the Sea Emperor?
I was once the Lord Left Envoy
of the Merfolk marine force.
200 years ago,
I was severely wounded in battle.
So I went into hiding in Western Huang.
Recently, I sensed the God of Dragon,
and the Evil Star rose.
Thus, I returned to the Merfolk marine force.
What kind of injury
would require 200 years to recover from?
One of the heart.
Priest of Grand Preceptor,
I'll tell you that story
after I successfully
withdraw the Merfolk marine force.
Oh, right.
You mentioned three reasons,
but you only stated two reasons
why I would not kill you.
The third reason…
Well, if you killed me,
you would lose an acquaintance
to discuss
the art and appreciation of tea.
Young Master,
you've finally returned.
Why not stay for dinner?
I made Ciba cake
with red bean paste filling.
It was your favorite
when you were a child.
Thank you, Sixth Aunt.
You should stay
for dinner too.
Perhaps we can find more
mutual interests.
That's right.
Stay for the reception dinner
to welcome our Young Master home.
The more, the merrier, after all.
All right.
I shall accept your hospitality.
these red lotus flowers
are truly…
He is the Sea Emperor.
You two…
Have cleared our misunderstanding.
Then, I…
Keep your mouth shut
and sit down for dinner.
I'm surprised.
In the time
I went to get some red lotus flowers,
the fisherman
had become friends with the fish.
But I still don't trust him.
Don't let him deceive you.
Lord Chong Ming,
did you save a Merfolk
by the banks of Qingshui River
400 years ago?
Stop right there.
Do not try that with me.
I was born a charitable soul.
I've saved a lot of people.
That man
was a wandering physician
of the Merfolk Clan,
and the spiritual medicine
you gave him
has become a must-have
for the Merfolk healers.
We use it to apply to wounds.
We call it the Chongming Ointment.
In fact, for over 7,000 years,
we've been consuming and using
the same items
as the Kongsang people.
The Kongsang people
cannot live without us, either.
It's only been a month
since the war started,
the Merfolk has suffered heavy losses,
and Ye City is no longer
as prosperous as it once was.
So the truce is not an excuse
for us
to buy time,
but heaven's will.
(Let's go!)
The little ducky can't catch up.
What do we do?
Hurry, hurry!
Hurry, hurry!
Hurry and catch up!
It got it!
Did it get the food again?
my ducky got the food again!
Did your mother plant
the lotuses in this pond
before she died?
My mother's life
was just like the lotus in this pond.
Born out of the mud,
but unsullied and untainted.
Seeing the purity of the lotus,
one knows
the untainted nature of the mind.
Your mother transcended this world.
Her soul
must be free in the other world,
unbound by the worldly matters
of her past life.
That said,
I am admittedly surprised
by your attitude toward the Merfolk.
What do you think
I should have done?
Your true identity has long been spread
across Yunhuang.
What I say today
will not be overstepping lines.
Given your past,
it would have been within valid reason
for you to use this opportunity
to wipe out the Merfolk Clan
to seek revenge
for the injustices done to you.
I never would have expected you
to propose a truce,
Priest of Grand Preceptor.
I am human too.
I would not be able to face my mother
if I said I did not resent Qiushui.
But you fearlessly fought Diba
at Guwei City,
and showed mercy
to the Merfolk marine force
at Extreme Wind City.
That's how I knew
that you could never bring yourself
to take the lives of millions
for revenge.
A man like you is worth
Back then,
you were a high-ranking Left Envoy.
Yet, you were able to give up everything
and went into seclusion.
You were able to heal your wounds
with only time.
You're a man
of great passion and character.
You would rather find yourself displaced
than abandon your responsibility
to your people.
You are a worthy friend as well.
Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Who are you?
Your Majesty.
I'm here to see the Sea Emperor.
All of you, come in.
All right.
Your Majesty,
the Valorous Cavalry is
arresting Merfolk all over the city.
The residents that agreed
to take us in kicked us out
for fear
of being implicated.
They have nowhere to go now.
That's right…
There's nowhere for us to go…
Priest of Grand Preceptor,
the war is raging,
and the world is in turmoil.
These blind Merfolk are unable
to protect themselves.
I've been looking everywhere
for a place for them to stay.
Please do not be offended.
I will take them away now.
These Merfolk are old
and blind.
They have difficulty moving as well.
Why not
let them stay here?
This is my mother's old residence.
The Valorous Cavalry
would not dare
to behave recklessly here.
Thank you.
Thank you
for taking us in.
Thank you.
Please get up.
Thank you.
Priest of Grand Preceptor,
I will never forget the kindness
you showed the Merfolk.
I only hope that our two clans
may cease this war soon
so that these unfortunate people
may live out their lives in peace.
Sixth Uncle, Sixth Aunt,
please take care
of them.
Yes, Young Master.
Madam, please follow me.
we could have been friends
we were not on opposing sides.
This is where
you will be staying.
All of you will get to stay here.
why did you bring them
I told you,
we were evicted.
We had nowhere to go.
You wanted to use
Shi Ying's sympathy.
You wanted to clear his doubts
about my character.
You are using the lives of our people
to protect my safety.
I'm not.
I know you're worried about me.
But I don't want you to become
like Elder Jian,
disregarding the lives of others
for his own selfish purposes.
It is not only the Merfolk
that is in an abyss of peril.
When you take a wrong step
for your own selfishness,
you're one step closer
to the path of no return.
That is why, as your brother,
I must stop you at the first sign.
I understand, Yuan.
I was unable to find the Sea Emperor.
What about you?
By the time we arrived,
there were no longer
any signs of the Sea Emperor.
I sensed that the Sea Emperor
was close by that day.
But all of a sudden,
the Kongsang Army appeared.
By the time I took care of them,
I had lost the Sea Emperor.
If you hadn't started a war
with the Kongsang Army,
I would've brought
the Sea Emperor back safely
to us now.
That was an accident, Your Lordship.
We cannot call a truce
after coming this far.
That's right.
That's what we need to do.
The Evil Star has been dimming.
I suspect it was the war
that had displaced the Sea Emperor.
The odds are against us.
Continuing to fight in this situation
will only put the Sea Emperor in danger
and jeopardize
the great cause of the Sea Kingdom.
That's right.
We should decide our next move
after the return of the Sea Emperor.
The Sea Emperor cares about his people.
He would never let the Merfolk
make unnecessary sacrifices.
and all of you.
Didn't your children lose their lives
because of this war?
We say that the Sea Emperor
remembers the dead,
but he has never even met them.
How could he remember them?
He has a point.
But we've already lost
so many soldiers.
Are we going
to give up the cities
we fought so hard for
just like that?
The Sea Emperor is the chosen one.
He will surely lead
the Sea Kingdom to glory.
Why must you insist on going to war
in such a hurry, Elder Jian?
What if the Sea Emperor is a child?
I see you wish
the Sea Emperor is a child.
That way, you could control him
and rule over the Merfolk,
is that right?
order the troops to withdraw.
Your Lordship,
if we withdraw now
and the Kongsang Army
continues the pursuit,
will you take responsibility
for what happens?
I promise.
As long as we withdraw our troops,
the two clans will cease this battle.
Priest of Grand Preceptor
of Jiuyi Mountain.
I did not summon you.
Why are you here?
Your Majesty,
recently, the Evil Star has reappeared,
and our fate is uncertain.
As the Immortal Official
of Jiuyi Mountain,
I've been investigating this matter,
and recently there has been progress.
It's a matter of great importance,
so I've come here
to report to Your Majesty.
Tell me what progress
has been made.
I have found
the Sea Emperor.
The Sea Emperor has been found?
Is that true?
I have also made an agreement
with the Sea Emperor
to have Kongsang
and the Merfolk marine force
withdraw their respective forces
and cease fire within a month.
Therefore, I ask that Your Majesty
withdraw all the Kongsang troops.
You are something, indeed,
Priest of Grand Preceptor.
A cease-fire is a serious matter.
How dare you make that decision
with the Merfolk by yourself!
What do the rest of you
Your Majesty,
the stakes are high for this battle.
The Priest of Grand Preceptor is unaware
of the situation on the front line,
but he discussed making peace
with the Merfolk in private.
I believe
the Priest of Grand Preceptor is trying
to claim all the credit
for ceasing the rebellion himself.
Please look into it, Your Majesty.
I may not have participated in the war,
but I am well aware that the people
are the foundation of a nation,
and the stability of the foundation
ensures the peace of the nation.
Countless civilians
have lost their homes in this war.
Is the suffering of the people
just a bargaining chip for merit
in your eyes?
The Merfolk marine force of the Sea Kingdom is
nothing to fear.
Your Majesty,
currently, the army led by Shi Yu is
advancing swiftly.
We have received
frequent victorious reports.
Even if minor sacrifices are made,
I do not see
any need
to withdraw our troops
while Kongsang
has the upper hand.
Rather than us having the upper hand
with the victorious reports,
it is better to say that we are merely
injuring a thousand enemy soldiers
while losing eight hundred of ours.
The Kongsang Army is only able
to seize the upper hand
by having an advantage in numbers.
But the Merfolk marine force is determined
to fight to the death.
The battle will not end any time soon.
The casualties on both sides
will only increase.
Even so,
the casualties are necessary.
The Merfolk are not one of us.
The Sea Kingdom has perished
for thousands of years,
but they refuse to give up.
This time,
we must eliminate them all,
without mercy!
- Your Majesty!
- Your Majesty!
The war must not be stopped!
Kill the Merfolk!
Kill the Merfolk!
As an outsider,
the Priest of Grand Preceptor
has repeatedly interfered
with political matters.
Now, he has even overstepped his place
and agreed to negotiate peace
in Your Majesty's stead.
I ask you, Priest of Grand Preceptor,
who are you
to make this decision for His Majesty?
What are your intentions?
Your Majesty,
it's true that I have a personal agenda.
But my concern is only for the fear
of another party
taking advantage
of this feud.
The Kongsang Army
and the Merfolk marine forces
are fighting,
but this has given
the Ice Clan in the north
an opportunity to take advantage of us.
someone in the court has had
a lot of dealings with the Ice Clan.
You failed to answer my question,
so you brought up the Ice Clan
to muddy the waters.
Fortunately, His Majesty is wise
and will not be deceived by you.
The Azure King is right, Your Majesty.
The Priest of Grand Preceptor
has disrespected Your Majesty
and smeared the courtiers.
He must be punished, Your Majesty.
Please punish him, Your Majesty.
Please punish him, Your Majesty.
Please punish him, Your Majesty…
I have proof.
Are you revolting?
Protect His Majesty!
This is the proof.
Bring it to me.
You mustn't, Your Majesty!
This blade may look ordinary,
but it is a weapon of the Ice Clan.
It is made of Dark Cold Iron,
and it is deadly.
The Ice Clan has no problem wielding it
because they have already adapted
to the extreme cold.
If a Kongsang person touches it,
the cold will invade their body.
In the long run,
their hearts and veins will weaken,
and they will eventually die of illness.
Where did you get this?
I found this
in General Qing's camp in Ye City.
Many of the soldiers in the camp
had used this weapon.
It's because of the use of this weapon
that our troops
have been suffering from cold
since the beginning of the war.
The Azure King is so eager to win
that he resorts to using such a weapon.
All the victorious reports
of our advancement
were built
on exposing our troops
to such dangers.
To think such a matter happened…
Rest assured, Your Majesty.
I had instructed General Qing
to change the weapons
before I left the camp.
Azure King,
what do you have to say for yourself?
Your Majesty,
I am innocent.
Up until now,
the Pries of Grand Preceptor
has only been spouting nonsense
without proof.
Even if the Azure Army
prohibits the use of this weapon,
who can prove that it is a weapon
of the Ice Clan?
You were so certain
that no one here had ever seen
an Ice Clan weapon.
That is why you dared to act so boldly.
But you forget, Azure King,
I was attacked
at Jiuyi Mountain,
and the culprit was of the Ice Clan.
This is the weapon they left behind.
I have always stayed in Jiuyi Mountain.
All the Immortal Officials can attest.
Your Majesty can send someone
to check if it's the same material.
We do not have such iron in Kongsang.
Qing Dongfang,
dare you still argue?
A large number of Ice Clan weapons
have made their way
into the Kongsang Army.
Dare you to say
you were not aware of this?
I know
my fault.
But I only knew that this weapon
would make it easier to kill the enemy,
I didn't realize
the severity of this matter.
I was careless.
We have never traded with the Ice Clan.
So where did these weapons
come from?
Your Majesty,
I will
investigate the person
who purchased these weapons
and get to the bottom of this.
Please forgive me, Your Majesty.
The Azure King
oversees all of the military's finances.
How can you push all of the blame
onto your subordinates?
Your Majesty,
conspiring with the Ice Clan is
a serious offense.
Your Majesty must investigate
this matter thoroughly.
Please investigate
this matter thoroughly, Your Majesty.
I believe
it is unnecessary
to get to the bottom of this matter.
As Your Majesty
once said to me,
"One leaf is enough
to tell the arrival of fall.
One guilty is enough
to caution ten thousand."
Since the Azure King
has given up the buyer,
then punishing that person will suffice
to serve as a warning to others.
Azure King,
shouldn't you thank
the Priest of Grand Preceptor
for pleading grace on your behalf?
Thank you, Priest of Grand Preceptor.
You need not thank me.
All this is due
to Your Majesty's benevolence.
I know that Your Majesty
would not take out your anger
on the Azure King,
just as Your Majesty
has always been compassionate
to the innocent
who were caught in the war.
The situation was urgent,
so I took the liberty
of negotiating peace
with the Sea Emperor
without your permission.
whether the agreement proceeds
is at Your Majesty's discretion.
Since you've said that,
how can I
Pass on my decree.
all Kongsang troops
at once.
Priest of Grand Preceptor,
tell me,
who should be put
in charge of this matter?
Crown Prince Shi Yu has been
stationed in the army
since the start of the war.
He is familiar
with the ongoings in the military.
I strongly recommend him.
Your Highness,
a letter for you.
Xueying must have known about the truce
and wrote to me.
(Yu, for Azure Clan's glory, you can't
cease the war with the Merfolk.)
(Soldier's from Azure Clan
will assist you. From Mother)
Your Highness?
Your Highness?
Is something the matter,
Your Highness?
The war between the two clans will cease.
It will be a great achievement.
The withdrawal of our troops
will proceed as we planned.
There's no time to lose.
Who are you people?
What… What do you want?
Someone, come quickly!
Calm down.
I am the Priest of Grand Preceptor
of Jiuyi Mountain.
I have some questions for you.
I don't know anything.
Will you still keep his secret for him
now that it has come to this?
Do you really think
he will protect your mother
and children?
I've sent your son to Jiuyi Mountain.
He is now an outsider.
He will not be implicated.
Thank you, Priest of Grand Preceptor,
for protecting my family's bloodline.
You are an innocent man.
The soldiers of Kongsang
are innocent too.
I do not want
any more innocent lives to die in vain,
I must uncover the truth.
I'm willing to tell you
everything I know.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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