Three-Body (2023) s01e29 Episode Script

Episode 29

=Episode 29=
The existing nanomaterials
If this plan is followed,
the distance between the two filaments
should be at least 50 centimeters.
That is to say, the ship
has to cross the canal during the day.
Why exactly?
People on board have to sleep at night.
(When a person is lying down,
the gap of 50 centimeters is too much.)
(No matter whether he is standing,
squatting, or sitting during the day,)
(the distance)
is enough.
You are indeed a devil.
I have a question.
50 super-strength nanowires
of 160 meters
are connected to two steel columns
with 50 centimeters apart.
How do we ensure
the safety of other ships?
So I suggest that
each nanowire
is connected to a piece of
ordinary steel wire on the shore.
(One end of each column
is connected to a movable winch.)
(In this way, the nanowires can sink
to the bottom of the river)
(through the weight falling on it.)
(When the last ship passes
before Judgment Day,)
(we should retrieve the wire.)
(Then we connect and fix
the nanowires to the pillars,)
(and finally erect the pillars.)
It sounds
This should be the best solution so far.
Good idea.
The best Havanas.
All yours.
Thank you.
How long will it take for Judgment Day
to pass through the Gaillard Channel?
According to our calculations,
if Judgment Day
travels at the current speed,
it will take about 96 hours.
This is our preparation time.
It's time for humanity
to help each other.
Now let me assign
the next step of action.
First of all, if there is no doubt,
the Asian Combat Zone,
as the commander-in-chief
of this operation,
will conduct a comprehensive dispatch.
(The European Combat Zone
is mainly responsible
(for engineering construction
on both sides of the Gaillard Channel.)
(After the operation is completed,
the Global Joint Operations Center)
(is responsible for the search work.)
(The front line
will be commanded by Colonel Stanton.)
(The Oceanian Combat Zone
is mainly responsible for the aftermath,)
(including the passage of ships
in the later stage,)
(disaster prevention and rescue, and
the migration of ordinary people, etc.,)
(to ensure that the normal life
of the people around the Panama Canal)
(will not be affected.)
(Professor Wang.)
(You and your Nanomaterial Center
will be solely responsible for)
(the technical support of this operation.)
We named this operation
Operation Zither (Guzheng).
I hereby declare that
Operation Zither
has officially started.
Nice to see you again.
So where's your partner Mr. Shi?
Not coming?
General Chang said that
they need him more.
My partner said that this is for you.
Chinese flavor.
Thank him for me.
You are welcome.
Magnificent, isn't it?
They are executing your plan.
For all these days, I have a question.
This operation
will affect the innocent?
The crew on Judgment Day
they might know nothing
about the ship.
We've done a series of investigation
on the crew.
The result is rather surprising.
they are the worst criminals
in the world.
Terrorists, serial murderers, pirates, murderers
and including an old friend.
Old friend?
I commanded an anti-terrorism
when I was in Marines.
We got a dozen of them.
Enzo was one of them.
He escaped prison and off he went.
He stalked around my home for a month.
When my wife was out,
he killed my youngest son.
He slit him from throat to belly,
and hung him on the front gate.
He left a note,
said it was for my salvation.
He was seven years old.
Only seven years old.
Do you have any children?
A girl of seven.
I bet she's cute and smart.
I don't know how and why the ETO
brought together these criminal crew.
But without a doubt,
it's the devil's cage.
What a pity I can't look at him in the eye
as we take the ship out.
Why did you kill him?
Because I love the feeling of my knife
slitting in someone's throat
and cutting him up bit by bit.
Of course this requires a sharp knife.
I'm asking you.
Why did you kill him?
He wanted to go ashore
and that would have exposed us.
We've already had the permission
to enter the canal.
I want to say this again.
He was going to expose us.
I have been serving here
to keep us all alive.
Tell me.
Do you want to die?
Besides, it's been quite long up here.
And it's about time to have some meat.
His death is for your salvation.
The Atlantic and Pacific.
The two great oceans meet
at the Gaillard Channel.
What a magnificent display
of human intelligence.
Let's not get too cocky.
Human intelligence is exactly
what's been threatened.
Judgment Day is under our surveillance.
Everybody is going crazy,
killing each other every day.
I saw them throw the corpses
of the comrades overboard into the sea,
like they were trash.
This is human.
These people, they don't deserve
to be serving on the Judgment Day.
That's what human nature is.
You should have known this very well.
Think about it,
what's the difference between
you and them in essence?
That's what human nature is.
(Monitoring group, how is the channel?)
(There is a cargo ship
going through the channel.)
(Where is the Judgment Day?)
(Expected to enter the channel
around two hours.)
(Operation Guzheng is about to start.)
Have you been to
the Panama Canal before?
I was there in 1990.
But it was
the most unimpressive experience for me,
(except for playing Jackson's rock song.)
(Nowhere to Run
in front of the embassy.)
That was my idea.
Speed up like a rocket ♪
Fire at Panama ♪
Driving like a tank ♪
Kick in Panama ♪
Come on, come on.
Put yourselves together, boys.
Go, go, go.
Only the captain knows what the end is ♪
Everyone there thought
they had a second chance ♪
Oh, no second chances ♪
Big broad rivers ♪
Have no rules ♪
Big broad rivers ♪
Have nothing true ♪
Big broad rivers ♪
Have no rules ♪
Big broad rivers ♪
Have nothing true ♪
The name of this operation
is Guzheng.
Is it an instrument?
It's a Chinese traditional instrument.
(Confirm everything is in order.)
(The zither is ready for sinking.)
What does it look like?
(a rectangular wooden base,
with many strings and pillars.)
(One pillar for one note.)
(The zither is sinking.)
Operation Guzheng.
An apt description.
(The zither is set.)
(Everything is in order.)
(A cruiser is passing the zither.)
(A cruiser is passing the zither.)
(A cruiser is passing the zither.)
(All ships have left
the operation area.)
(There is no more ship
in front of the target.)
Raise the zither.
(Raise the zither.)
Don't worry, professor.
They know what they are doing.
Your nano Flying Blades
are really miraculous.
Looks like nothing's there.
But there is a deadly trap in place.
(The target has got four kilometers.)
The second time I came to Panama
was in 1999.
(For the handover
of the canal for Panama.)
when we got to the authority building,)
(the stars-and-strikes
was already down.)
(Seemed the US government had requested)
(the flag to be lowered the day before)
(to avoid the embarrassment
in front of the people.)
Back then I thought
I was witnessing history.
But now it's just a drop in the ocean.
(The target is three kilometers
from the zither.)
Judgment Day will appear there.
(Ever since I knew the spaceship
was coming,)
(it's like I have had amnesia.)
(I can't remember
the things from the past.)
(All the wars I've been in,)
(everything I've done
seems so insignificant.)
(The target is two kilometers
from the zither.)
After becoming aware of this,
every single human being
became something different.
(Imagine if thousands of years ago,)
(we had known that the alien plate
was going to arrive,)
(what would become of the civilization?)
Professor, can you imagine?
No, I can't.
(The target is 1.5 kilometers
from the zither.)
I think you're gonna be
the Gaillard of the new era.
We're looking forward
to your canal being built.
I can't design a canal.
The space elevator is a canal.
Just as this canal
connects two oceans,
your canal
will connect the Earth and the space.
(The target is one kilometer
from the zither.)
It's here.
This is the current speed
of Judgment Day.
It will soon enter the Gaillard Channel
from Gatun Lake.
(The target is 700 meters
from the zither.)
(The target is 700 meters
from the zither.)
The end of Gaillard Channel.
(Ready for the 20-second countdown.)
Don't worry.
It's gonna be okay.
(Countdown begins.)
(It's passing the zither.)
What the
What's going on?
(Operation Guzheng is completed.)
(Judgment Day has been cut.)
(There is fire on the ship.)
(The Oceanian Combat Zone
has already started the afterwork.)
(Waiting for Colonel Stanton's order.)
(We'll start searching for
Trisolaran civilization info.)
Professor Wang.
One day I want to hear
a real Guzheng performance.
Go. Go. Go.
Go. Go. Go.
Go. Go. Go.
Put yourselves together, boys.
Come on. Come on.
Put yourselves together, boys.
- Find the hard drive.
- Where is the target?
Do you know Trisolaran Civilization?
We have
very limited information.
In fact, apart from Evans,
none of the core members of the Adventists
who intercepted
the Trisolaran information
knew the true and detailed appearance
of the Trisolaran Civilization.
Then why do you have such expectations
for the Trisolarans?
Do you think they can transform
and improve human society?
If they can come to our world
across the stars,
it means that their science
has developed to a considerable height.
A society with such a prosperous science
must have a higher level of civilization
and morality.
Do you think your conclusion
is scientific?
Professor Ye.
We have obtained all the information
about the Trisolarans
intercepted by the Adventists.
How is
Is there a lot of information?
About 28 GB.
No way.
The efficiency of interstellar
ultra-long-distance communication is very low.
How is it possible to convey such a large
amount of information?
I thought so too at first.
But the truth
is beyond our imagination.
Do you know the Three-Body game?
There is a game client in the 28 GB,
just like the game
on the server we shut down earlier.
They are all produced by the ETO
based on human imagination.
I heard that the file doesn't even record
what Trisolarans look like.
General Chang.
I have a request.
Did everyone of
the Battle Command Center go in?
Chang wants scientists like you
to go in and have fun.
Perhaps there will be more discoveries.
If we win this war against Trisolarans,
you will be a hero, a veritable hero.
A hero who plays the game?
I used to think that playing games
was not a serious business.
As usual. Meet up as soon as we get in.
There are many monitoring
and transmitting devices here.
It should be the astronomical observatory
of Trisolaran.
But operating such an observatory
requires dozens of people.
Why is there no one here?
Did the Chaotic Era
suddenly occur again,
and everyone is already dehydrated?
All the materials used
in the Listening Post
are constant temperature materials,
which can ensure the supply of life
and don't need to be dehydrated.
And it's been hundreds of years
since dozens of people
ran a listening post.
Is this a Trisolaran?
This should be the Trisolaran
in ETO's imagination.
It seems to have a casing.
They should have speculated it
based on some data.
Are you a monitor?
There are thousands of listening posts
like this in Trisolarans' world.
They are attentively listening to
the information of possible
intelligent civilizations in the universe.
Thousands of?
Are there thousands of scientists
like Ye Wenjie here?
We are not scientists, just monitors.
Monitor is a humble occupation,
totally different from a scientist.
We are just watching the monitor screen
and living in the dark.
See the desert outside?
It's desolate and lonely.
Totally unbearable.
I really wish
I could turn off this screen.
The recognition degree is ten.
It means that the received information
contains a self-interpreting system.
(We extend our best wishes to you,
inhabitants of another world.)
(After reading the following message,)
(you should have a basic
(of civilization on Earth.)
(By dint of long toil and creativity,
the human race)
(has built a splendid civilization,)
(blossoming with diverse cultures.)
(We're also getting to know
the laws of nature)
(and the development
of human societies.)
I know this message.
It was sent from Earth in 1971.
It takes four light-years to travel here.
That is now 1975 on the Earth.
There is a world with only one sun,
always in Stable Era.
Human civilization was born
in that well-seasoned paradise.
It's not a dream.
Is it possible for this message
to be hidden?
Thousands of listening posts
scattered all over the world
have also received this information
that Trisolaran Civilization
has been awaited for eons.
Now the government
will definitely send a message
to that distant world,
tempting them to answer.
The message may have been sent
or maybe not.
If it is the latter,
my humble life
can finally burn once.
This world has received your message.
(I am a pacifist in this world.)
(It is the luck of your civilization)
(that I am the first
to receive your message.)
(I am warning you. Do not answer.)
(Do not answer.)
(There are tens of millions of stars
in your direction.)
(As long as you do not answer,)
(this world will not be able to ascertain
the source of your transmission.)
(But if you do answer,
the source will be located right away.)
(Your planet will be invaded.)
(Your world will be conquered.)
(Do not answer.)
(Do not answer!)
The launch is complete.
He should be the monitor
who sent the warning to Earth.
As long as there is no answer,
the position of Earth
cannot be locked by the Trisolaran.
He betrayed Trisolaran.
The lifespan of Trisolaran is generally
between 700,000
and 800,000 Trisolaran hours.
And I have only
100,000 Trisolaran hours left.
Today the world of Trisolaran does not
require extensive monitoring anymore.
Outdated listening posts like No. 1379
will be eliminated.
I will face the fate of being incinerated
after forced dehydration.
All I have in my life
is the endless solitude
in the little space
of the listening post.
Even in my dreams, I don't want to lose
that distant paradise.
For this
For this, I'm willing to stand trial.
Why are you doing this?
In order not to waste my life.
The warning message you sent out
may cause Trisolaran Civilization
to lose a chance of survival.
But I gave Earth civilization
a chance to survive.
What made you think about betrayal?
Today's Trisolaran Civilization
possesses the living space
like a very hungry person's
desire for food, strong and endless.
It is absolutely impossible
to share that world with earthmen,
but will only destroy the Earth civilization
without hesitation,
and completely occupy the living space
of that planetary system.
Am I right?
There is another reason
to wipe out Earth civilization.
They are also a warlike race,
so they are way too dangerous.
They will learn technology very quickly
when we coexist in a world with them.
Neither civilization
can survive this way.
The policy we have established is that
after the Trisolaran Interstellar Fleet
occupies the solar system and the Earth,
the earthmen can completely
live as before.
Only one thing is forbidden forever,
That means destruction.
You want to be the savior of the Earth,
but you have no sense of responsibility
for your own civilization.
Please look at our life.
Everything is for the survival
of civilization.
The Trisolaran society
is in extreme tyranny.
There are only two levels of law,
the guilty are executed
and the acquitted are released.
Everything that
can lead to a fragile spirit is evil.
Literature, art,
and even love cannot be poured out.
Does such a life make sense?
The kind of civilization you yearn for
once existed in Trisolaran world.
But in the reincarnation
of all Trisolaran Civilizations,
this kind of civilization is the most fragile
and short-lived.
And if the Trisolaran Civilization
finally occupies that world,
we can also create that kind of life.
I am a nobody.
If I can save a distant and beautiful world
that I fell in love with,
at least my life will not be in vain.
There is no doubt that
you are guilty.
You are the worst criminal among all the
reincarnated civilizations of Trisolaran world.
But there is now
an exception to the law.
You are free.
Being dehydrated and burned
is a small punishment for you.
(I want you to know that
you will not be able to)
(save the Earth
that holds all your hopes.)
(I will let you live
until the day it loses all hope.)
All right. Leave.
(Do not answer)
Commander of
the Trisolaran Interstellar Fleet.
I will ask the Council of Archons
to consider my plan.
Set sail immediately
after the Fleet is built,
and head in that direction.
Even directional positioning
can't be very accurate
on that receiving frequency.
We have to take the risk.
When I woke up in the morning ♪
Everything is different now ♪
The world is still out there ♪
But nobody else is here ♪
When I woke up in the morning ♪
I can't find you anymore ♪
Where you are ♪
When I woke up in the morning ♪
Everything is different now ♪
The world is still out there ♪
But nobody else is here ♪
When I woke up in the morning ♪
I can't find you anymore ♪
Where you are ♪
When I woke up in the morning ♪
Everything is different now ♪
The world is still out there ♪
But nobody else is here ♪
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