ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e29 Episode Script

Mandora's Law

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[both screaming]
Drop the kids, Scorp-Iax!
Surrender now or face
the legal repercussions.
- [hissing]
- Put us down, you dumb robot!
Don't worry, I'm gonna bite
my way free!
[screams] Ow.
Quick, while WilyKit
still has teeth!
ThunderCats HO!
[grunts] Nice trick,
but that laser is no match
for my blade!
[grunting with effort]
[hisses angrily]
[WilyKat screams]
All right, Panthro,
let's take out its legs!
- [grunting]
- [hissing]
Whoa, he's strong!
[meows aggressively]
Whoa! Nice one, Snarfy!
All right.
Eat soap, you dirt!
Take this, Robo-punk!
Another criminal
off the intergalactic streets.
Thanks for your help,
ThunderCats. I'm outta here.
Ooh, wait!
[stutters] Don't go, Mandora!
I think there's some more laws
being broken right over there!
Hey, Brutemen! You guys
want some Candy fruit?
Open wide! [laughs]
- I love this game.
- [all laughing]
So rude! All right,
what's the plan, Mandora?
How we gonna
take these guys in?
Sorry, Tiger-Oaf.
There are no laws
on Third Earth,
so everything that happens here
is legal.
That can't be true.
Are you questioning
my knowledge of space laws?
Um, no [chuckles nervously]
Of course not.
Let's check.
Hmm. Let's see. Thantos Five,
Thiradorath, and uh
Thir gax. Nope,
nothin' here for Third Earth.
Really? How old is that book?
Maybe, we're still listed
as Second Earth?
[nervous chuckling, stuttering]
Um, I mean,
but you arrested Scorp-iax!
Scorp-iax copied and sold
holo-films on Thirgax,
which violates Thirgaxian law.
Wait a minute!
What if I made a law?
You'd have to
enforce it, right?
Of course. But making good laws
is complicated.
- It takes a long time
- [gasps] Ooh.
lots of paperwork
and many people
- need to work together.
- [gasps] Ooh!
Are you listening to me?
You wanna make some laws,
go for it.
But think about
what you're doing, Tiger-Oaf.
Laws have consequences!
[Scorp-Iax] Laws are stupid
and hard to figure out!
Can I be her when I grow up?
[announcer] That night!
[kisses, sighs]
[announcer] 30 business days
[gasps] I made a law! Yes!
[all laughing]
Hey, Brutemen, guess what?
We're gonna come in
and beat you up
and steal all your diamonds.
And there's nothing
you can do about it!
- [all laughing]
- [Tygra] Oh, yes, there is!
Check it out!
Third Earth's very first law,
[reading] "No trespassing."
Which means no entering
the Brutemen's Village
without permission.
Lemme see this.
[mumbling, laughs]
Uh, excuse me, Brutemen.
Could we please come in
to beat you up
- and steal your diamonds?
- [both moo]
- Thanks, Dingus!
- Hey, wait a second.
[all cackling]
[Monkian groans] Ooh. Ooh.
Fast ball, comin' at ya!
- [moos]
- Ooh. Strike! [laughs]
Um Butt time!
- [laughs]
- Hey, you can't do that.
[Lion-O] ThunderCats HO!
Cease and desist, mutants!
[laughs cunningly] Wrong move,
Mandora, come quick!
The ThunderCats trespassed into the
Brutemen's village without asking.
- Hey, that's not fair!
- You can't call the cops!
All right, ThunderCats,
explain yourselves.
We came in here to save
the Brutemen from the mutants!
Hmm. Brutemen,
did these guys ask
for permission
- to enter your village?
- [both moo]
- What about these guys?
- [both moo]
But they're beating them up
and stealing their diamonds!
There's no Third Earth law
against that, yes?
Uh, I'm actually asking.
There isn't, is there?
There is not. Looks like
you ThunderCats broke the law.
If you don't leave right now,
I'll arrest you all!
Thanks for the law,
[moos in pain]
[grumbles] You won't
thank me next time.
[announcer] Next time!
[announcer] 30 business days
Ha! I rule!
Thanks for the diamonds,
- Not so fast!
- [both gasp]
It is now illegal to touch
anyone else's stuff!
Give them back the diamonds
or we're calling the cops!
We'll see about that!
Hey, Brutemen!
Take the diamonds
back to Castle Plun-Darr for us!
- [mooing]
- [laughs] I love these guys.
[all mooing]
Hey, what
No! That's cheating.
I know how to fix this.
ThunderCats HO!
Take a load off, friend!
[all] Yay! All right.
[laughs cunningly]
[all groaning]
Touching the Brutemen's
- Argh!
- You should know better, Tygra,
you wrote that law!
Ugh. Yeah that's the letter
of the law, Mandora.
But the spirit of the law!
The spirit!
Sorry. As an officer of the
Interplanetary Control Force, I am sworn
to enforce the laws as written.
- [laughing wickedly]
- Fine! I'll just keep
passing laws
until I get you darn mutants!
You're no match
for my legal prowess!
Laying down laws!
He's laying down laws! ♪
No punching allowed
That's a new law! ♪
Stopping the mutants
And the trouble they cause ♪
The mutants are kicking
He needs an another clause! ♪
He's gonna save Third Earth
Gonna get some applause ♪
By laying down, laying down
laying down laws! ♪
A speed limit made it worse ♪
But Tygra won't give up
his cause! ♪
Maybe keep them off
your lawn ♪
By laying down, laying down
laying down, laying down laws ♪
There's too many laws
Here come more laws! ♪
Laws! Laws! Laws!
Laws! Laws! Laws! Laws! ♪
Ten thousand hours
of community service.
Those tickets really add up.
I barely recognize this place.
What were you thinking, Tygra?
Look, I didn't think
the mutants
were smart enough to get around
every law and take over!
I admit,
I got a little carried away.
A little?
You outlawed Candy fruit!
I wanted to stop people
from throwing them.
And they're bad for your teeth.
They are not! See?
- That was a baby tooth!
- Hey!
I parked here for five minutes!
Watch it with the noise!
Oh, great,
it's the ThunderCats.
What are you gonna do,
kick over my box?
What happened to you?
The mutants have eminent domain
over my pyramid!
- What does that mean?
- They took it over,
and they're using it to store all
their loot. What did you guys do?
[all] Huh?
Uh, I tried to make Third Earth
a better place?
Well, that worked out great.
Oh, look, it's time
for the jerk-face parade!
- [all gasping] Huh?
- Later, losers!
[Brutemen mooing]
That's it. Put your
backs into it. [laughs]
[laughs heartily]
[giggles] This is great.
Everybody loves us!
This is awful.
We have to do something.
- Let's punch 'em!
- Punching is against the law.
Then I'm gonna use
my Sword of Omens!
Using weapons is also
against the law.
Plus, you can't say
"ThunderCats HO!" anymore.
Tygra, why would you
make that a law?
Yeah, man. That's uncool
even for you.
- [meows aggressively]
- No, Snarf, no biting!
- [meows disappointedly]
- There's gotta be some
- legal way to save the Brutemen.
- Oh, forget it!
Laws aren't worth following
if they get people hurt.
Let's solve this
the old-fashioned way!
- [all] Okay.
- [grunts]
ThunderCats [muffled] HO!
- [all mooing]
- [all gasp]
Hey, mutants.
This parade is canceled!
Why? Are we breaking one of
Tygra's little laws?
- Nope! We are!
- Looks like I'm gonna have to call
- [groans]
- [all mooing]
- Let's get 'em!
- [all grunt]
All right, mutants. We've come
this far obeying the laws.
We can't afford to lose
our status by committing
an infraction.
You know what to do!
Assume the only
legal defense position!
Forget your legal positions!
You're about to get litigated!
- What's that mean?
- Why don't you find out?
Weapons are illegal!
So is stepping on
the Brutemen's lawn!
I do not consent to you
in my space!
I don't consent to you
being in my space!
Laying down laws!
He's laying down laws! ♪
Ah, my beautiful float!
My bad, I guess this property
belongs in your estate!
Uh No!
So you guys are just gonna
go down without a fight?
Can't you see we're in
the middle of a legal dispute?
- [grunts]
- [Lion-O] Yeah. Well, you just touched my stuff
- [gasps] Argh!
- without my permission.
[grunting] Mutants,
we've got nothing to lose now,
let's get 'em!
[all screaming]
- Hmph.
- [grunts]
- 'Supe you!
- [yells]
[both screaming]
- [cackling]
- Ew! Stop that!
I'll break you
like I broke the law!
Head butt!
[all grunting, groaning]
Everyone freeze!
What are you doing?
Do you know how many laws
you just broke?
I don't care! Laws are stupid
and hard to figure out,
and I'd rather be good
than lawful!
Also, we broke 24 laws.
I counted.
See? I told you making
good laws was complicated.
It takes a lot of people
working together
for the common good.
Not one person trying
to create a quick fix
to a single problem.
Oh, that's what you meant by
"think about
what you're doing."
[chuckles] Looks like Mandora
was teaching you a lesson.
I'm sorry, Mandora.
You were right.
I just made up any old law
and didn't think about
the consequences.
I won't do that again.
I'm glad you've learned
to treat laws
and lawmaking with respect.
Wow, I can't believe
you let him make up
all those fake laws
just to prove a point.
Wrong! Those were
real laws you broke.
You're under arrest.
Wait! Can't I just
repeal the laws?
Sure. It's way more paperwork.
But don't worry, you'll have
plenty of time in space jail.
Interplanetary Control Force,
I have ten criminals coming in
in for processing.
Hold on tight.
[Lion-O] Aw, man, space jail again?
Mmm, man, I thought those guys
would never leave.
I know right? Phew.
Wanna go beat up some bolkins?
- [laughing]
- Yeah, right.
Laying down laws!
He's laying down laws! ♪
There's too many laws
Here come more laws! ♪
Laws! Laws! Laws!
Laws! Laws! Laws! Laws! ♪
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