Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e29 Episode Script

Episode 29

You were expecting
your father's arrival, right?
He can't come.
Turan Shah's sword stopped him.
Nobody can stop Sultan Melik Shah's sword.
Even if you kill us here
our Sultan's sword will hit
you and Turan Shah one day.
Let's see what he will do when he
sees I hang his sons at the walls?
Kill them.
Attack, my heroes! O Allah!
I'm warning you for the last time.
Release Nizam Al Mulk.
Don't make me shed blood.
This man provoked my father's death.
I asked the blood that I
deserve and you didn't give me.
Then I know how to take it.
Let there be no limit to the
amount of blood to be spilled.
You shed the blood of a dynasty
member for a rogue, Melik Shah.
This doesn't end here!
Stop! We don't have time to deal with him.
Leave me here, my Sultan.
Go help Senjar and Tapar.
We'll do that. We will.
He passed out.
Kinik plain is close to here.
Take Nizam Al Mulk to Kinik plain.
Tell the doctors of palace
to go to Kinik plain. Now!
We have to catch up with
our army around Shalamzar.
Don't let them escape!
We have to repel them and leave Shalamzar.
This won't end by killing them. Come on.
-Seyyiduna got shot!
- Seyyiduna Hazrat!
Cover him! Cover!
Let's get out of here.
Father, wake up.
This will be our doomsday, father.
We have to carry him! Come on!
Sabbah said Turan Shah stopped our Sultan.
That's why he couldn't come to Shalamzar.
Something bad could happen.
Let's go to Isfahan. Come on.
How is my father?
I have to take the arrow out
first, then cauterize the wound.
Let's pray that the arrow didn't go deep.
The Great Imam, help.
Don't worry Hatun. Families of
martyrs are always entrusted to our state.
Cook your meals in the almshouse
I had built and take it to your house.
And your son will be sent to
school under my protection.
May Allah bless you, Terken Hatun.
May Allah bless you too, Hatun.
You haven't been leaving the
palace for a long time, mother.
But your place at the
people's eyes are still fresh.
I have done these things
for years, my daughter.
I am not going to neglect my
work just because Zubeyde arrived.
I didn't gain my reputation in one
day, thus, I can't lose it in one day.
They are not providing me my rights
and letting her be the Head Hatun.
And from now on, I will do
my best to get what I deserve.
Zubeyde will want to bring
Bashulu to the palace, Gevher.
She caused Tapar to suffer because
of longing for a mother for years?
She lied to him while looking into eyes.
Is she going to come to the palace
and act like a Melik’s mother now?
She started deceiving Tapar already.
She can control his thoughts, obviously.
May Allah forbid, she can even drive a
wedge, between you and Tapar in the palace.
I won't let anyone make
Tapar think bad of me!
Think about it. There is also Turna.
An Emir’s daughter will come to the
palace as a Melik’s Hatun and show off.
Is it what you deserve?
Turna and I are friends.
I know her. She is a good person.
It must be because she wasn’t
tested with positions and ranks.
Let her come to the
palace first and wander
around it as a Melik's
Hatun, and see how it works.
Then you see it.
That's why every words that can
cause Basulu come to the palace
we have to prevent it.
Otherwise, the guilty ones
will be held over heads.
And they will unite against us.
Before they destroy us,
we should stop every
move that they make.
My Sultan.
My Sultan.
What are you doing here?
Sabbah trapped us in Shalamzar.
But we broke through them.
He said Turan Shah would block your way.
We were coming to find you.
They caught Nizam Al Mulk.
They wanted to punish him
by death in front of our eyes.
Is Haje alright?
He's wounded.
We sent him to the tribe for treatment.
How did you get out of the ambush?
Sanjar Bey shot Sabbah.
So we managed to break
through them, my Sultan
Sabbath's getting wounded turn
Batinis into a chicken without head.
Maybe, Sabbah is dead.
For this reason, we will head
for our army near Shalamzar.
We'll have get in order
and attack Shalamzar.
We will save both the innocent
prisoner and the city from them.
What on earth is this?
Haje is wounded!
Tell me what happened.
Turan Shah did this.
Our Sultan saved him.
-And ordered him to be treated here.
- Take him to the healing tent!
Welcome, the head doctor.
Our Sultan ordered us to
take care of Hazrat Haje.
-We should go see him.
- Alright.
Melik Tapar and Sanjar Bey
were supposed to raid Shalamzar.
What's the situation?
Did our Sultan help them?
Our Sultan was delayed
because of Turan Shah.
He headed for Shalamzar fast.
But we don't know if he arrived in time.
Turan Shah.
Did you kill Nizam Al Mulk?
You can see.
There are such strong
hands reaching out for me,
Melik Shah’s hot iron bars
aren’t enough to blind me.
I injured Nizam Al Mulk.
But Melik Shah managed to save him from me.
How did he do that?
He stabbed me with a dagger.
He shed the blood of dynasty.
He added another curse
beside his own curse.
I will take both the revenge
of my father Qavurd Bey,
and take back our
state that he seized with lies.
I won’t let that demon step on our morals.
He managed to save Nizamul Mulk.
But he won't be able to save
his son Sanjar from my claws.
He’ll be the first to lose his head.
I will take the throne with blood.
He has probably gone to Shalamzar.
But he will never be
able to capture that city.
First Shalamzar and then all
the Seljuk Empire will be ours.
It doesn't matter who
takes Melik Shah's throne.
These lands will be divided into two.
I will have my throne in the east.
And I will have mine in the west.
I swear that.
The reign of Melik Shah
who broke our morals
and seized the throne
with lies will be over.
When you assigned me in Shalamzar.
my first job was to learn
the whole order in the city?
Here are the doors and walls, my Sultan.
South Gate.
This is the gate which is the
closest to the city center, my Sultan.
If we get through it, we
can capture the center.
What do you think, Sanjar Bey?
We should do as Hazrat
Melik says, my Sultan.
We should push the South Gate.
If our arches send arrow rain
on the followers on the walls.
our soldiers can push the
gate with the battering rams.
So we can enter the city.
The Greek fire materials that they
brought from Kuvel are in Shalamzar.
What if they attack back with Greek Fire?
They don’t know how to use
those materials, my Sultan.
We captured the masters
who knew how to use it.
For this reason, they can't
attack back with Greek Fire.
Alright then.
Even if Sabbah isn't dead,
we should attack before he recovers.
Come on, brave men!
The captives in Shalamzar
are expecting us to help!
They are expecting salvation and victory!
May your arms be strong
and your swords sharp!
- Amen.
Thanks to Allah, you have waken up.
What happened to Sanjar and Tapar?
While we were taking care of
you, they escaped, my father.
Now that they have escaped,
they will come back
with Melik Shah like a storm.
-Get me up quickly.
- You should rest, father.
I can lead our followers against the
attack according to your commands.
It's not a good time to rest.
Seljuks will think that I'm dead and
my followers stayed without a head.
And they will attack the
city without losing any time.
Besides, my followers
should see me standing alive
so they'll be more motivated to fight.
And they will fight with heart
and soul against the Seljuks.
Every hour, refresh the ointment
and change the bandages.
We can see if there is a permanent
damage only when he wakes up.
We've got news from the army.
Melik Tapar and Sanjar Bey
escaped from Shalamzar alive.
Thanks to Allah.
They are heading for
Shalamzar with our Sultan now.
Today, they will attack
to capture Shalamzar.
Shalamzar was the land of
my ancestors and my whole life.
It’s been tearing my heart
out since Batinis took it.
I wish I could take my sword and
fight against those ignoble ones.
Don’t be worrying.
Our Sultan
Our soldiers.
They will do the necessary sooner or later.
Hazrat Seyyiduna is alive!
-Thanks to Allah, High Imam!
- Long live Seyyiduna!
Long live Seyyiduna.
I will never leave you alone and desperate.
I won’t die before I see the
demons have got destroyed.
Place the pipes of Greek Fire on the walls.
Shalamzar will be the hell for Seljuks.
Come on, my followers
Do not stop Go ahead!
Go ahead!
Father, you are placing the
pipes of Greek Fire on the walls.
We have the materials but
we don't know how to make it.
You seem to have forgotten the ready
Greek Fire that Mitras left for us, Faysal.
We have enough for one shot.
But even that will be
enough to push Seljuks back.
Now they will think that we
don't have any Greek Fire..
..and they will attack.
But when we throw some on them
they will be afraid and run back.
And that will be enough to keep them
away from Shalamzar for a long time.
Hazrat Seyyiduna, Seljuk soldiers
are within the range of vision.
Are the archers and battering rams ready?
Yes, my Sultan.
Cover the pipes of Greek Fire completely.
Seljuks shouldn't see them and
take any measures.
They will attack like a raging bull.
Only then we will use the Greek Fire.
and give them the terror
that they weren't expecting.
Archers, get ready!
Take your place behind the archers.
Melik Shah’s army is
preparing to attack, father.
Very good. Very nice.
Come closer, Melik Shah. Come closer.
The hell is waiting for you.
Get the shield.
Shall we make a counter
arrow attack, father?
Let them think we are cringed
and get closer to the walls.
Then we will throw fire on them.
Be patient.
Hold on, my followers.
Wait for them to get close to the walls.
Attack, my brave men!
Seljuk soldiers are
getting close to the walls.
It is time for the hell now!
My followers, burn them!
It's Greek Fire.
Burn them!
-My soldiers are burning.
- My Sultan.
Extinguish it immediately!
My Sultan, it’s Greek Fire.
We can't extinguish it.
I can't leave them in
flames! They are my men!
My Sultan, we will
wait for the fire to die.
You can't help them anymore.
Seyyiduna's hell will turn you into ashes!
My Sultan, they hid the
Greek fire and the tubes.
They rained fire on us. Hassan Sabbah
was commanding them, he didn't die.
Sayyiduna! Sayyiduna
Sayyiduna! Sayyiduna
Now you are not invincible, Melik Shah!
I defeated you!
I burnt your army!
It’s only the beginning, huh!
I will be the only one who is invincible!
I will be! Hassan Sabbah!
I will imprint my name on your
hearts with daggers and fire.
Sayyiduna! Sayyiduna!
You told me that they
didn’t have the Greek fire.
You told me that they couldn't
make it without masters!
It’s not possible for them to make it with
the substances they brought from Kuvel.
Even if they had masters, they can't
have had it done in such a short time.
They apparently had it in
advance, they must've used it.
Don't tell me anything
except for a solution!
The solution,
is the masters of Greek fire, my Sultan.
The masters of Greek fire must have
knowledge about how to fight against it,
just like the masters of
poisons know the antidotes.
We can find a solution by asking them.
We locked the masters that we caught
in the dungeons near Isfahan, my Sultan.
Dungeons are closer to
the tribe than the palace.
Take those masters and
bring them to the tribe, Ali.
We will make them speak and learn
how to take precaution for the Greek fire?
Yes, my Sultan.
Besides, we have to go
and check Nizamul Mulk.
Soldiers will keep being deployed here.
They will check everyone who
goes in and out of Shalamzar.
They won't let them breathe.
And our martyrs will
be taken to their families.
Even if Batinis become a volcano,
I will put them off with blood.
I will save the innocent
ones and take my city back.
I will put their flags down
and hang them there.
Well done, my kids.
Well done.
You will get used to riding by riding
rams first. Then you will ride horses.
Teach them how to use a bow. Then teachers
will teach them how to read and write.
Yes, mother.
Spare me the closest room. Renew the goods
inside and make sure nothing is missing.
What is it, Zubeyde Hatun?
Who are you sparing the room for?
Is someone coming to the palace?
You will learn if someone comes.
Don't ask about things
that are not told to you.
If your intention is to bring those
people who are not wanted by Melik Shah,
I suggest you to not.
You should know that I will do my
best in this issue like I always do.
If I do something, it means that
Melik Shah is already convinced.
And your power will not be enough for
those who are more powerful than you.
Pray for our Sultan's succeed instead of
listening to people and getting paranoia.
Do something useful like
those little girls over there.
Your command is only valid
because the state says so.
And for me, it has no meaning.
It doesn't change the
fact that you don't deserve
that position just
because Melik Shah didn't.
I will not go and complain about
your misbehavior to our Sultan.
So that the swords are drawn, I
will be the one who will question.
That sword is already above your head.
Everyone will see who is going to question
who after I lower that sword on your neck.
My Sultan.
How is Nizamul Mulk, doctor?
We're waiting for him to wake
up to understand how his situation.
What do you think about
Haje's situation, my daughter?
He is badly injured.
But he is strong. He will recover soon, my
May Allah bless your healing.
Thank you.
Allow us.
You were still thinking about Tapar
and Sanjar when you were injured.
You were concerned about your state.
Thanks to Allah, I found
my children safe and sound.
Shalamzar is still in
the hands of traitors.
Those dogs made fire rain on us.
Turan shah came out and did this
traitors taking Shalamzar
the resentments.
their reason is the secret you kept.
You are in a deathbed and I am.
turning away from my children's mother.
I don't even know how to treat them.
Was it worth it?
Was it worth all of these?
Now both of us are paying
the cost of this secret.
You are fighting for your life on that bed.
and I am fighting against
enemies for the state.
both of us will win.
They did everything to take Shalamzar!
How are we going to take Shalamzar
back while they keep doing evil things?
We will find a solution, my Turna.
We directed all of our strength
and thoughts to this issue.
We will take Shalamzar and
your revenge. Don't worry.
I should go.
I shouldn't stay here.
What does that mean mother?
Why are you leaving?
Your father doesn't want to see me, my son.
And I shouldn't stay here
like I want to show myself.
How long is it going to continue like this?
You see how our mother feels.
Is our Sultan never
going to see our mother?
Where is our Sultan?
Bring them to the tent.
We gained an important victory against
Seljuk But Melik Shah will not stop.
He will start attacking once he understands
hat there is no Greek fire left.
We don't have enough followers
to defend for the next attack, father.
What are we going to do?
I’ve taken precautions.
Did you have the passage opened
in Daru'l Hijre that we closed before?
I did, father.
Now I will use it and go out.
Our followers will be on alert
while I am using the passage.
You will have it closed when I come back.
Isn't it dangerous for you
to go out, father? Let me go.
It will also be your turn, son.
Be patient.
I should go in advance and set.
Then it will be my followers turn.
Batinis have Greek fire.
Tell me how many they have?
We don't know how many,
but we were going to combine
the substances in
Shalamzar and have it ready.
What can stop the Greek fire?
You are the masters of it.
You must be the ones who
have knowledge about it.
We just know how to combine the substances.
We don’t know the solution of it.
If I free you now, the
Byzantine will not let you live.
They will think that you told
us the secret of Greek fire.
But I am offering
you to live on our lands.
Tell us how to stand against the
Greek fire and, live on our lands in peace.
Besides, I will have your
families brought here.
If you don't speak, you
will be useless to keep.
Then I will hand you in to the Byzantine.
You should think of the rest.
The most effective way to stand against the
Greek fire is filling camel skin with soil.
Camel skins filled with the soil
can last long against the Greek fire.
Then we will build blockade towers?
We will attack the walls of
Shalamzar and go into the city.
Abdullah Ali.
I am assigning you to lead this.
Start building those towers
in Dark Forest with soldiers.
Take the masters with you. Isfizari
will help you for the measurements.
Make them provide
enough camel skin to attack.
Yes, my Sultan.
How long is it going to take?
The towers and the camel skins
filled with soil, will be ready tonight.
Go to the Dark forest where
they’ll build towers before the sunset.
Carry the towers at night
and take them near Shalamzar.
-Yes, my Sultan.
- Yes, my Sultan.
Batinis will wake up to
our giant towers tomorrow.
And this time, their
fire will not be enough.
We will turn them into
ashes with our furor.
And infidels who support them
will take their share from our furor.
And when we are done with Shalamzar,
our swords will be drawn against Kuvel
If we hadn’t been late today,
we would have taken Shalamzar.
Turan Shah is responsible for this.
Kamac, send a messenger.
Turan Shah will come and see me.
Greek fire masters were being
kept in dungeons outside of Isfahan.
But they were taken out today.
Melik Shah might plan a move with the help.
We have to take those masters.
We don't have any Greek fire left.
We have to make one.
We can make a raid and
save them and take them back.
look at me, Sabbah. The state's emir here.
-There isn't your high follower.
- What are you saying?
Acting like I have to help you.
I didn’t learn what you
did about the secret.
You took Bashulu from
Kinik tribe and told me later.
Why would I help you now?
Because we both need each other.
I don't need you at all, Sabbah.
If I'm the enemy of Melik Shah, I’d
prefer to ally with his powerful enemies.
You keep being defeated by Melik
Shah and demands information from me.
-From now on, I don't need your alliance.
- Are you crazy?
Would you dare to be my enemy?
Don't you think I will reveal your contact
with me when you become an enemy of mine?
Don't you think I will reveal
much information about you?
If I don't provide information from inside,
Melik Shah will destroy you very soon.
I always take the winning side, Sabbah.
Tell me something to make
me sure that I will be the winner.
Melik Shah's collapse
will begin when Tekish
and Turan Shah will
attack at the same time.
That Shalamzar won't be taken by Melik
Shah will open the path for you to be Haje.
Did they speak, my Bey?
We'll start to build towers in Black
forest and then take them to Shalamzar.
My Bey, I know some things
about wood as I make qopuz.
I know what tree is where and
which one is good to build a tower.
Let me go there with your order.
Batinis killed our soldiers
by burning them today.
I have a vengeance fire inside me.
We owe our martyrs this.
In the construction of towers to destroy
Batinis I would like to work really hard.
Ayaz should join, Sanjar Bey.
Swords and towers.. They all are a means.
We will defeat them thanks to the
fire in the heart of brave men like you.
The duty is yours.
May Allah let you succeed.
-Haje Hazrat opened his eyes.
- Thanks to Allah.
Master Khayyam is with him.
Thanks to Allah, you are fine.
When I heard what Turan Shah
did to you, chill ran down my back.
Fortunately, you are alive.
We've got many betraying
daggers on our back so far, my boy.
We've healed many treacherous wounds.
And we have made our
enemies pay with vengeance.
We'll make them pay for this and
teach the morals of wolves to hyenas.
From Master Khayyam, I heard
what happened in Shalamzar.
Our Sultan planned a new move.
Tomorrow, we will capture, Shalamzar.
Who knows how disturbed
Sultan Melik Shah's heart is now
And how bothered his soul is.
I was with him for years on his bad days.
I wish I could be with him today as well.
Who will share his sorrow now?
Who will understand and console him?
His current condition is hurting
me more than the wound in my back.
Don't worry, Haje. While you were lying
here wounded, our Sultan was here with you.
Here with me?
I was the only one responsible
for what happened to our Sultan
But he first saved my life..
and then visited me.
Don’t take the responsibility
on your own, Haje
As we shared the secret,
we’ll share the responsibility too.
Obviously, our Sultan
won't see us his friends.
But he won't deprive us of his mercy.
We all have wounds for my father, Haje.
But time is a remedy for all.
Don't worry about my father now.
When he hears that you are
alright, the sorrow in his heart will fade
Now I believe that you can see.
You're still agile in
fighting like a panther.
We've got news from the palace.
Sultan Melik Shah is expecting
Melik Turan Shah in his presence.
I'll only go there to
show I'm not afraid.
Otherwise, his command
means nothing to me.
Turan Shah!
If you go to the palace, Melik Shah will
execute you due to what you did today.
Why would he do that? For Nizamul
Mulk who broke the dynasty morals?
All the dynasty arrows
are already set on him.
If he tries to take my life,
his injustice will be proved.
And then everyone will riot.
Take this.
I'll go there without a sword.
To show him I'm not afraid for my life.
Even if he is to execute me, what
suits Turan Shah isn't being afraid.
but walking towards the death bravely.
Don't come with me.
I will go there alone.
Come in.
Have you found out where
the master of Greek Fire are?
Yes, Hazrat Emir. They've taken
them to black forest with the soldiers.
I don’t know what they will do. Melik
Tapar and Sanjar Bey are going there too.
-Where did you learn this from?
- From the officers of Haje position.
I learned it easily
because there was no Haje.
Fine. You may leave.
As long as there is no Haje,
I will get much more information.
It seems you are getting Greek Fire masters
to make something secret in black forest.
We'll build the tower according to
the height of the Shalamzar walls.
During the siege, in order to
not get damaged by Greek Fire
we'll cover the tower with
camel skins stuffed with soil.
And fifty archers will wait
for the attack inside the tower.
Do you think a tower made of those trees
can carry both the camels skins
stuffed with soil and the soldiers?
The strongest tree in this
land is the hard oak tree.
And it's strong enough for a tower.
I already told the soldiers to
prepare hard oak trees, Master Isfizari.
Well thought. Thank you.
According to these drawings,
the rest is our job, Master Isfizari.
Thank you.
News from Tajul Mulk.
Let's see if he learned anything
about master of Greek fire.
What does Tajul Mulk say, father?
They took Greek fire
masters to Black forest.
They use them there.
It's possible that they're
searching for a solution.
We have to stop them and
bring back the masters, father.
Take the followers.
Open the passage again and go out.
Go attack the place at the
black forest and kill everyone.
Do everything to bring that
two Greek fire masters, Faysal.
-Yes, father.
Sanjar and Tapar are going there too.
Attack before they arrive.
If those two Greek fire
masters don't come here
we'll lose Shalamzar, huh. Come on.
we'll lose Shalamzar, huh. Come on
We'll go to the forest and carry
the k towers near to Shalamzar.
With Allah's permission
we'll take the city from Batinis.
My life was spent in Shalamzar.
My father's land.
It's like a wound in mu heart
since those traitors seized there.
I wish I could go with you and fight.
I carry you in my heart everywhere I go.
In my day and night
in my happiness and sadness are all in them.
You're in my heart's tent.
Like you said, every time your
heart beats you'll hear my voice.
When you are at the battle
my eyes, my hands will be on my heart.
I'll wait the news of victory from you.
May your sword be sharp.
May your life not get hurt.
May your body not get any wound.
We wrapped many wounds.
Let's just take Shalamzar, then
we'll wrap our wounds with our hands.
Your pretty heart shouldn't be worried.
Our plain and our home entrusted to you.
You had made your son
Berkyaruq the heir, Zubeyde Hatun.
Be happy about it for now.
Because you won't have anything left soon.
You think about your
life first, Turan Shah.
Let's see you can leave
our Sultan's room alive or not.
Think about the rest
if I leave there alive.
Then nobody who seized
the state will be alive.
My Sultan. Melik Turan Shah came.
Kamac. Everyone get out.
If you will execute, don't
bother your executioners.
Take this and end it by
yourself. I'm not afraid!
They'll say Turan Shah died without fear to
save the state's and dynasty's reputation.
It's better than they saying he
broke the state's rules for Sultanate.
Are you protecting the state's
reputation by helping the enemies?
Are you protecting the dynasty's
reputation by rebelling against the Sultan?
I said don’t touch to Nizam Al Mulk.
Does disobeying the
Sultan's order in the customs?
The man you called Nizamul Mulk is a
rogue who plays games behind the Sultan.
A cheater who killed my father Qavurd Bey.
A crud who acted against the dynasty's law.
Justice orders to punish this
man with what he deserves.
If the unfair enters, the laws will leave.
Doesn't my uncle Alp Arslan's sword
mean anything to you that you see everyday?
They fought a lot with my
father Qavurd Bey for this state.
And you cheated for the
Sultanate. You stole it.
You surrendered our state with lies.
You ruined my family because of a slander.
Was I suppose to leave the throne too?
If it was a slander, then prove it.
Why didn't it come out all these times?
If my only issue was about
the Sultanate, would I be silent?
Even though you knew it, you
had a boy with that exiled woman.
Now, you'll start paying the price
of the mistake you did years ago.
Nizam Al Mulk even made
you change your orders.
He made you kill my father Qavurd.
He hid your Hatun for years.
What kind of Sultan you are so you
can't even see your closest man's games?
You can't even make a decision about
the man who played with you like a child.
You already took the
death rope on your neck.
I was patient so there wouldn't
be any issue in the dynasty.
But you made me run out of patience.
All of the dynasty know you're not right.
If you hurt me even
a little bit unfairly
..everyone will come at you..
But I act by trusting anyone.
That Nizam Al Mulk will
be punished as he deserves.
Sanjar will pay the price that he shed.
While you don't do what's
necessary to stay on the throne
I'll do what's necessary
to whoever deserve.
even the smallest rebellion of yours
you'll lose your head.
Nizam Al Mulk and..
and my son Sanjar, if you touch them
I'll erase you from this world
neither your name nor your
reputation and your honor will remain.
Get out!
The oak wood's hardness
will make it easier.
You are right.
- What's happening?
Come on! Come on!
-Kill all the Seljuks!
- Faysal.
Your death will happen
from my hands, Faysal.
You're easy to me.
Let me send your dead body to Sanjar Bey
so he can come to kill me.
-We found the masters from Byzantine.
- We didn't come here to kill you.
We came here to save you from
Seljuk and take you to Seyyiduna.
You'll make Greek fire with the
goods you brought from Kuvel.
Come on.
Destroy everything!
We tied the horses. We'll go to the towers.
Let's go.
What has happened here?
Ay az!
Open your eyes, Ayaz.
Open your eyes, brother.
Ayaz. Brother.
They burned everywhere.
- Ayaz.
Open your eyes.
His wound is deep.
Prepare the horses!
My Bey.
Forgive me.
-I couldn't stop them.
- Don't make yourself tired, brother.
Hang on.
Faysal did this to me.
We'll take your revenge, brother.
Don't worry.
I can't stand up now, my Bey.
Don't say that, Ayaz. You will.
We'll take you.
Are you going to leave us, Ayaz?
We'll go to so many wars together.
Don't let go.
I'll be a martyr.
Don't mourn.
Don't say that, brother.
You'll be good. Good.
- Be proud, my Bey.
Ayaz. Don't let go.
Being your Alp
was the greatest honor.
- Ayaz!
Ayaz! You won't leave us!
-I'll leave this world with that honor.
- You'll get up, Ayaz!
Don't make us grief after a brother.
My Kopuz is yours.
I bear witness that
there is no god but Allah
and I bear witness that
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
Ayaz. Ayaz, please.
Welcome. Welcome.
The masters of hell fire.
-Thank you.
- Thank you.
We destroyed their
place at the forest father.
We killed them all.
One of the Sanjar's
closest Alps was there too.
I killed him.
Very nice, very good.
Even if we didn't kill Sanjar,
we hurt his heart, huh?
Get some rest.
Then you'll start making Greek fire.
Melik Shah armies can't
come closer to the walls.
We'll keep beating them.
Melik Shah asked what he
can use against Greek fire.
We said towers covered with camel skin.
We were making those towers at the forest.
So, how strong these
towers against the Greek fire?
They can resist for a long time.
And when we consider Melik Shah's power
even if we make Greek
fire with everything we have
it's hard to resist.
We destroyed everything
about the towers, father.
But Melik Shah will build them for sure.
As the masters said he'll
pass the Greek fire eventually.
It's so bad he learned the
precautions against Greek fire.
But you still start making
Greek fire after resting.
It seems like Greek fire won't
be the final solution, father.
We need to make a bigger move.
We will.
We'll make our last and
biggest move. And it'll be so big
that it will hit him
where he doesn't expect.
Nizam Al Mulk's recovery
made all of us happy, Melik Shah.
Even though he made
an unforgivable crime
it wouldn't he good him
dying because of Turan Shah.
there are some issues
that made me suspicious.
Nizam Al Mulk, Sanjar
and especially Basulu.
Is there any change on your
decision about this matter?
We argued because of this matter, Terken.
Are you still coming to
me and talking about this?
My decision is the same.
Everyone will know it if I change.
My Sultan, Zubeyde Hatun wants to see you.
My Sultan.
A letter from Berkyaruq. I
brought it to you since it's private.
Read it, Zubeyde.
What does my hero say?
My Sultan. My dear father.
I heard the events.
Know this, to remove
Batinis from Shalamzar
and to give a lesson to Turan Shah
I'm waiting for your orders.
My life, my blood and my sword
are always under your command.
I also know Basulu Hatun and Sanjar.
Like how I love all my siblings.
I want you to know I'll love Sanjar
and I'll respect Basulu as my mother.
I hug my brother Tapar with longing.
My precious mother is entrusted to you.
I kiss your hands.
May your health, your state, and
your shadow be forever, my dear father.
My Berkyaruq who has the look of a wolf.
Berkyaruq says good wishes.
But about his statements
about Sanjar and Basulu
he tries to effect our Sultan decision.
That's not his right and he can't dare.
Talking about Berkyaruq
is not your right too.
My son acted like what suits him about
his brother Sanjar and his mother Basulu.
He doesn't say anything
about his father's will.
And you don't say the things that
you can't say to Berkyaruq's face.
If your son was here, I'd tell
it to his face for 1000 times.
Instead of reaching here from
there, he should do his Emir duties.
He shouldn't think
he can talk about
everything since he
got appointed as the heir.
You and your son
should stop acting together.
Know your place. How can you
dare to argue in front of me like this?
My son, my heir sent the letter.
It's my part to judge his intention.
If both of you do something
disrespectful again
you can't enter here.
My Sultan. The place where
the towers were got raided.
What are you saying, Kamac? Loss?
The tower supplies were ruined.
Ali came to the palace just now.
-My Sultan.
- How did this happen, Tapar?
When we arrived, the attack
already has happened. Batinis did it.
They kidnapped the masters of Greek fire.
We saved Ali with a wound.
And our other soldiers?
They're all martyrs, my Sultan.
Sanjar's closest Alp, Ayaz
was martyred.
There is a mourning at the Kinik plain now.
I seek refuge in Allah
from the outcast devil.
In the name of Allah, the Most
Gracious, the Most Merciful.
By the Quran, rich in wisdom!
You O Prophet are truly one of the
messengers upon the Straight Path.
This is a revelation from
the Almighty, Most Merciful
so that you may warn a
people whose forefathers
were not warned,
and so are heedless.
The decree of torment
has already been justified
against most of them,
for they will never believe.
It is as if We have put
shackles around their necks
up to their chins, so their
heads are forced up
and have placed a barrier
before them and a barrier behind
them and covered them all
up, so they fail to see 'the truth'.
It is the same whether
you warn them or not,
they will never believe.
You can only warn those
who follow the Reminder
and are in awe of the
Most Compassionate
without seeing Him, So give them good news
of forgiveness and an honorable reward.
How are you, Ali?
I'm good, my Sultan.
What hurts me isn't the wound..
it's that your move got interrupted.
Don't worry.
We learned that the tower is
a precaution about Greek fire.
We wont give up even if it
takes a few day to build it.
My Sultan.
When I got injured
I heard Faysal speaking to masters.
Batinis don't have Greek fire to use.
They don't have?
They'll make the masters
do it with the goods they have.
It will take days.
It's nice you learned that, Ali.
Then, we don't need to wait for the towers
You rest.
What are we going to do now, father?
Since we don't need to build towers
then we'll take
Shalamzar like a nightmare.
Prepare the horses.
We'll go to Kinik plain.
They're all mourning now.
They have the fire of revenge.
We will go say we're sorry and
make them stand up for the revenge.
I grep up with Ayaz brother.
We took swords together.
We patched up our wounds together.
He played war songs with this
kopuz and make us go crazy.
He touched our hearts with love songs.
Now, the songs will be unfinished.
I knew him later but he was like a brother.
We'll bury our childhood and
a part of our bravery with him.
I wouldn't get hurt if he got
martyred against a brave enemy.
He didn't deserve to be a
martyr because of savages.
But still the divine decision.
May his soul rest in peace.
You shouldn't get up.
Your wound will bleed.
The hardest wound is lying
here, tearing my heart.
My child.
My orphan Ayaz.
I raised you with my hands.
Was I suppose to see you like this?
All the world collapsed, son.
A wound that did not heal
in my heart was opened.
How will this brave body
enter under the ground now?
It's okay if my eyes cry with bloody tears.
Your wound is opened, Haje.
Take him.
Let's take him to doctors.
His would started to bleed
again, doctor. Take care of him.
Okay, Sanjar Bey.
-Is there any info about Ali from palace?
- No, my Bey.
Sultan Melik Shah.
My Sultan.
Sanjar Bey.
I'm sorry for your loss.
-Thank you, my Sultan.
- Ayaz
fought a lot to protect
these lands against traitors.
Now, he'll go to these lands again.
He did his duty for his
path until his last breathe.
For Ayaz and for our martyrs
we'll do our duty.
To take Shalamzar from Batinis
..we'll make a new move.
Don't be bothered.
We came here to say get well soon.
-Get well soon, Ghazi.
- Thank you.
Mashallah, you got honored
with Islam yesterday
you became a Ghazi today
and got a better rank than us.
No way, sir. How can I dare?
Yes yes.
We didn't give you the name of
Allah's lion, Hazrat Ali, for nothing.
You lived your name. Inshallah, you'll
get better and join more wars for religion.
Your words are big grace for me. But
my comrade Ayaz, who died next to me
and my other brothers are in my mind.
I feel the sadness
because of that.
Why do you say brave
Ayaz and others died?
-I saw it.
- The great Allah says, in His Qur'an
Never say that those martyred in the cause
of Allah are dead in fact, they are alive!
But you do not perceive it.
Your comrade Ayaz got the highest rank
after being a Prophet, with is a martyrdom.
He got the infinite life and Allah's
most beautiful creations.
He became a neighbor
with the heroes like himself.
Just like Hazrat Ali's
brother Jafar Tayyar.
Jafar Tayyar?
Tayyar means flying.
Why did he get that name?
If Nesace Hazrat grants us
by explaining it, it'd be so good.
Battle of Mutah was the first battle
against Byzantine for the Islam army.
Allah's Prophet appointed Zayd
ibn Harithah as the commander.
If Zayd becomes a martyr
Jafar will take the flag and
if he becomes a martyr too
Abdullah ibn Rawaha
will take it, He said.
On the first attack
of Muslims to the
Byzantine army which
was bigger than theirs
Zayd got martyred.
When Jafar took the
flag at the Mutah battle
the devil tried to make him
love the earth and death look ugly.
But the hero Jafar
didn't believe devil's lies
just like a hunting lion
went to fight enemies.
When the enemy cut his arm..
he took the flag on his other hand.
When he lost his other arm too,
he put the flag under his armpit
he didn't drop the Islam's
flag until he became a martyr.
Then our Prophet to His followers
Allah gave a pair of wind
to Jafar instead of his arms
..and I saw him flying at
the heaven with angels
He talked about his position like that.
After that day, Jafar was
remembered as Jafar Tayyar.
Such a beautiful life.
Ayaz got such a good neighbors.
I wish I could get a martyrdom like that.
If it's in your fate, you'll
get it when the time comes.
But now
we need you in this world.
That's why try to get better.
Pray for me please.
We don't see you
different that us, Ghazi Ali.
You are always in our hearts.
And you don't take us our from your heart.
- Send this to the necessary place, Faysal.
- Will this trap stop Melik Shah?
It'll stop him so hard like
a blade cutting his path.
They know what to do when they learn.
Melik Shah will face biggest
horror of his life tomorrow.
We learned that Batinis don't
have ready to use Greek fire.
It'll take days to make it. That's why
at sunrise, we'll take our
positions and attack to Shalamzar.
I'll join you with my Alps
after we bury Ayaz, my Sultan.
Our priority
is not let the innocent prisoners
get hurt. Be careful about that.
We'll attack trough all
the doors of the city
and trap them in there.
We'll stop if they surrender.
If they don't, they'll lose their heads.
As you order, my Sultan.
Now, leave me alone with Sanjar Bey.
Your heart is burning with the
pain of a brother and revenge of fire.
Yes, my Sultan.
The fire inside you
is the shirt of the Bey made with fire.
It's the burden of that. It's
the responsibility of that.
It seems like this is the first time
you lost someone so close to you.
Tomorrow, you'll lose others too.
If you were just an alone hero,
you'd do anything you want.
But you're a Bey.
You'll have to think about your
plain, your path and you tribe.
When those days come
you won't have the revenge immediately.
You'll have to do the
things you don't want.
That's why
you'll learn how to be patient
against the pain of the fire shirt.
That was your first exam.
I tell you these so you can learn well.
Because who knows
when you get higher ranks tomorrow
then you'll get many tests.
You'll understand better
when those times come.
The meaning of being responsible.
When the time comes,
you'll understand better.
For your responsibilities
you'll have to give up
even on your loved ones.
The moment I was born..
I learned to be become far away from
my loved ones because of duty, my Sultan.
You said exam
I had the pains of that
exam for days for years.
I learned to be patient.
none of us can be
tested as hard as you
or be patient about it.
Maybe, if I get higher ranks one day said I'll get harder exams.
You're right. My only wish
is that exam
won't separate my kids
from their mother and father.
Because I suffered enough
for this for my whole family.
I'm sorry for your loss.
may He give us patience for tests.
According to the news from Hassan Sabbah
saving masters of
Greek fire isn't useful.
Sultan Melik Shah will attack.
Now, he expects us to make a
move to stop Sultan Melik Shah.
What kind of move will we make, father?
What happened, Tekish? What's the important
news so you brought me here from my bed?
Good news, cousin.
So good.
The time we were expecting has come.
What time? Will we kill Sanjar?
You couldn't get over that Sanjar.
Our target is bigger, cousin.
We'll act against Sultan Melik Shah.
What act?
Sultan Melik Shah will
attack Shalamzar tomorrow.
We'll make our move and stop him.
We'll make such a move
he'll be horrified.
He'll be surprised when he sees us.
First, I'll seize Shalamzar.
Taking the throne is yours.
Then our era will begin.
Shalamzar is mine, the throne is yours.
Melik Shah will pay the price
of all the tricks and cheats.
We cut our Ayaz brother's horse's
tail according to our customs, Bey.
Our brother Ayaz who
lays here was martyred.
Everyone should know his horse
and his sword don't have an owner now.
But know this too
his revenge has an owner.
we'll meet with our
Sultan and attack Shalamzar.
We'll take the revenge of our shed blood.
Today, either we'll be martyrs or Ghazis.
But at the end
we'll take our revenge from Batinis.
Eye for an eye!
There is a mourning at Kinik plain.
Go there as the wife of a Melik.
And kiss my mother's hand.
You see my situation, Tapar. All those
ways make me tired since I'm pregnant.
Now, I can put my child in danger
just for a mourning and a kissing.
Shalamzar is still under Batini's
control. Think about that first.
That's the place you're Emir for.
While it's under enemy's control
your reputation will get weaken.
Where am I going?
For hunting birds?
We'll attack today.
You don't talk about the
things you're not responsible for.
Your mother who didn't see you for years
she'll be there again, don't worry.
But if you lose Emir
rank, you can't find it.
You started to make me nervous again.
But I don't say anything because
of you being pregnant, know that.
Either stay or go. I
can't say anything more.
My Sultan.
Ayaz funeral ended.
Sanjar Bey and his Alps
started going to headquarter.
They're waiting for you on the road.
Where is Taper?
My Sultan. It took a long
time to get ready. Forgive me.
What happened, son?
Nothing, my Sultan.
Don't worry.
We'll take Shalamzar from Batinis today.
We'll save the reputation of
our state and innocent ones.
You'll get the Emir
duty that you deserve
and make everyone happy.
Now, we'll meet Sanjar
and go to headquarter.
Then we'll hit Shalamzar like a lighting.
Come on.
When a brave of the plain get martyred
because of the customs, other heroes
walk around his tent with their horses.
So they pay their respects to his bravery.
That's palace's car.
My bride in law Gevher came.
If she got Terken next to
her, it wasn't a good arrival.
-Take them to the food place.
- Yes, mother.
Even if you're against Tapar, it's
nice you came to the plain, Gevher.
Showing your attitude about Basulu
will break their goal.
I'm sorry for your loss, Basulu Hatun.
Thank you, Terken Hatun.
It made us happy to see
you in such a difficult day.
Thank you.
Did your tongue forget to say mother?
Basulu Hatun is the mother of your husband.
She's your mother too. You have to
call her mother and kiss her hand.
You are the head of Hatuns.
You know the tradition better than me.
You can't kiss the hand of someone
who isn't higher than you.
I'm the wife of Melik.
What's Basulu Hatun's rank?
Basulu Hatun is the hatun of Sultan.
While you didn't have any
rank, you got it because of Tapar.
And she's the hatun of Sultan
who is the father of Tapar.
Our Sultan didn't forgive Basulu Hatun yet.
And twenty years passed after it.
That's why Basulu Hatun can't
be counted as Sultan's wife.
There are two Meliks like
mountains. And their mother is Basulu.
No decision can cover that truth.
Gevher will kiss Basulu Hatun's hand,
Shall we change the tradition because
of you being stubborn, Zubeyde Hatun?
I won't allow. She won't kiss.
Who are you while I'm here?
The order is mine.
Gevher will kiss that hand.
She'll act against your word.
If she doesn't kiss, she'll pay the price.
That's Melik Tekish's flag.
Why are they hanging there, my Sultan?
can see.
After they got burned, I had
opened it with good healers.
Even if it's not fully, I can
see my surrounding a little bit.
We heard Batinis have
given you so much trouble.
I attacked with my
soldiers and took it back.
Melik Tekish took
Shalamzar with his sword.
It's his according to law.
What are you saying? What do you
mean Shalamzar belongs to Tekish?
Since you did something
good for the state
then the decision is
the state's about this.
So it belongs to me. Not you.
You already got the
attention of the dynasty.
Now, are you going to act
against my right and be unfair?
Will you make everyone an enemy?
If you take Tekish's right,
you'll fight against our armies.
Make your decision.
Either Shalamzar or war!
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