Wishbone (1995) s01e29 Episode Script
Little Big Dog
What's the story, Wishbone?
What's this your dreaming of?
Such big imagination
on such a little pub.
What's the story, Wishbone?
Do you think it's worth a look?
It kind of seems familiar,
like a story from a book.
Shake a leg now, Wishbone.
Let's wag another tale.
Sneffin' out adventure
with Wishbone on the trail.
Come on Wishphone.
What's the story, Wishbone?
Watch the story Wishbone?
Watch the story, Wishbone?
Watch the story, Wishbone?
Watch the story? Wishbone?
What's the story, Wishbone?
This is a lovely vacation suite.
Um, which way to the snack bar?
I'm gonna miss you, boy.
I want a postcard from
you every day, young man.
He hates the kennel.
Oh well, Vancouver, here we come.
You gonna love it.
Wishbone doesn't travel light.
Um, Joe, our plane leaves in two hours.
We better get moving.
Okay, let me make sure
I've got everything.
Your gym clothes and your dirty socks?
Oh, Joe, you didn't.
Well, it's my scent.
It makes Wishbone feel
a little less homesick.
Mm, home away from home.
Emily cannot wait to see Wishbone.
Oh, bad.
Ooh, is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Good thing!
Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Milk cookies are my 10th favorite.
And my 11th favorite,
anyway, I love them.
Emily, what happened to all the cookies?
He ate them all.
You know that's not true, and
he shouldn't be eating cookies.
Emily, we've been busted
by the Diet Police.
I did not expect this of you.
I found this upstairs in the closet.
You know how important
Grandma's vase is to me.
But a vase is just a vase.
I'd rather have you tell me what
happened than to try to hide it.
I'm really disappointed.
Mom, you got this all
wrong. I didn't touch it.
It's not just the vase.
It's the principal.
I'm talking to David, Emily.
It's important.
But, Mom!
What is it?
I believe this.
What? Honey?
David, I think I owe you an apology.
I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions.
Emily, I gotta hand it to you.
You may look like a little kid,
but you faced up to a big problem.
Being little is only a state of mind.
Think about the story
of David and Goliath.
You can find this ancient tale.
in the Bible.
David was a talented
musician and hard worker.
He was the youngest and
smallest of seven brothers.
They thought all he could handle
was watching the family's sheep.
It wasn't bad.
Out in the meadows, he made
beautiful songs to entertain himself.
David also practiced his slingshop.
He wanted to be ready to
serve his king and country.
He had no idea how big a
park he was destined to play.
Saul, the king of Israel,
was terribly sick.
He could barely sleep.
And in sleep, he had nightmares.
I have tried every one of
these worthless elixirs.
The portions of Egypt, of Phoenicia,
of Shiba, of all the world.
None of them work.
Take them all the way.
They are medicine for the body.
Not for the soul.
I need something to soothe my soul.
Soothe the soul.
Uh, that, that's enough. Next.
No, no, no, no, no,
Jonathan, take them all away.
Music is not the cure.
Your Highness, don't despair.
I once was walking through
the hills near Bethlehem.
When I was walking through
the hills near Bethlehem.
I heard the sound of an angel.
When I got closer, I saw it was a
young shepherd boy playing his harp.
His name is David, son of Jesse.
I'll find him, Father.
Listen, you must have made a mistake.
Why would the king want to see me?
Father, this is David, son of Jesse.
My king, how can I be of any help to you?
You're my last hope, David.
Well, I'm not a professional or anything.
I just make music for myself.
Whatever comes from inside.
That's all I have to give.
Why art thou cast down, O my soul?
And why art thou disquieted within me?
Hope thou in God.
For I shall yet praise Him, who
is the health of my countenance
and my God.
David, a little bit of my little.
No little boy no one really noticed
was the only one big enough to
chase away Saul's nightmares.
And he soon became
like one of the family.
Do you have to leave now?
I'm sorry, but they need me back home.
Please thank your father for sparing you.
You have been a blessing to us both.
You will always be welcome here.
I wish you could stay.
Me too, Jonathan.
But I'll always be proud
to serve my country.
I am so proud of you for
telling the truth today.
What made you change your mind?
I don't know what it was.
I just had a feeling.
A feeling?
You know what that feeling is?
That feeling is your conscience.
Everybody has one.
Yeah, you just had to listen to it.
even when it barely whispers.
It'll tell you a lot of
really important things.
And what do you say we go wash your
face with some cold water, okay?
And don't worry about that old face.
You've been very brave.
Let's go.
You know, the bravest heart
can be in the smallest body.
That's why I like the
rest of David's story.
Israel was on the brink of
war with the Philistines.
Bad times were a heartbeat away.
All David's brothers joined the army.
David got left behind.
Father, the Philistines
could destroy everything.
I've got to help.
David, there's more than
one way to be brave.
Your brothers will defend the
nation against the Philistines.
King Saul needs all the men he can find.
I've helped him once. I
know I can help him again.
Son, you're too young for battle.
Too young?
I was the one who saved our
sheep from that huge bear.
I was the one who took on that lion.
I feel it. I feel ready.
I need you here.
I need your here.
strength and bravery to watch our flocks.
The Philistines are too
big for you to take on.
It's not about big or small, father.
It's about faith.
Something in me knows that I must go.
It's the right thing. Honest.
Son, tomorrow I was going
to take food to our army.
You go in my place.
I'll take yours for the day.
David set out full of hope.
He reached the valley where both
armies stood ready for battle.
David thought he would find
his countrymen fighting blade.
David thought he would find his
countrymen fighting blade through.
But something was terribly wrong.
The giant, Goliath, had come.
What's going on? Why
is everyone so scared?
Okay, so the guy's got
a big shield. So what?
He's a show-off!
Okay, so he's a huge face
- smashing, bone-crunching show-off.
He can't be that bad.
I don't know.
You know,
I've come to you
again again, again, again, again,
to you, to offer,
challenge. If any Israelites can defeat
me in battle, we will surrender to you.
And if he loses, you
will surrender to us.
Are there no men left in Israel?
That does it!
Won't someone take on that bullet?
Where are you going?
Hey! Wait! Come back!
Where is our faith?
I can't believe this is happening.
Okay, now everybody, open their eyes.
Dad, that is so cool!
Who gave it to you?
I gave it to you.
One of those
I've always wanted this.
You, it's yours, kind of presents.
Which reminds me,
I think I'll be looking for
a box of dog treats for Joe.
welcome home present.
Well, if you're really nice to me,
maybe I'll let you drive
it to work now and then.
Well, here it is.
Why it is?
Why aren't your parents driving it now?
It's not big enough.
After church, they take a whole bunch of
groceries around to all
of our older relatives.
I'm in a car just like this.
As soon as I get my license,
I get an old Mustang convertible.
Freaking cruise.
We'll get in.
Ah, did you say get in?
Bad idea. David.
Look, mom left the keys in the car.
You wouldn't hear what it sounds like?
What's wrong with this picture?
Oh yeah.
They don't know how to drive!
Oh, David, maybe this
isn't such a great idea.
David, do you know what you're doing?
Of course, it's just another machine.
All I've got to do is.
Pull it up a little bit
and straighten it out.
Emily! Emily! Say something!
Oh, yeah. That pretty much says it all.
Didn't stop!
This is the biggest
mistake we've ever made!
Mom and Dad are gonna kill me!
Unless they don't find out.
Okay, it's ready to be glued.
Apply generously to both clean surfaces.
Wait ten seconds.
Join the surfaces.
Join the surfaces and
clamp together firmly.
Six to eight hours?
Overnight for best results?
David, I don't think this is gonna work.
It's gotta work.
I just can't face Dad after this.
Do you smell that glue?
Hey, David, some of us
still breathe oxygen.
Mommy and Dad are gonna be mad.
Mommy and Daddy won't find out,
because you won't tell them, right?
You promise?
So here.
This should be interesting.
Hi, kids.
Hey, Sam. Hey, buddy.
Hi, Mom. I'm just showing her the car.
Yeah, it's really nice.
Yeah, it's beauty.
It's sweet. It's mine.
Yeah, it's all yours. Come on.
Too hard. David!
Oh, my skull needs a break.
Oh, my skull needs a break.
I've been thinking.
Shouldn't we tell Mommy
and Daddy what happened?
Well, you know I'd do it for you, kid,
but no one ever listens to the dog.
Emily, this is a lot different
from breaking a vase.
I'll be in really big
trouble if they find.
out. This is bigger
than you can understand.
So just let me handle it, okay?
Brace yourself, David.
She may be your teeny-tiny-tiny sister,
but she of the sticky fingers is right.
Goliath will destroy Israel
unless someone stopped him.
David rushed over to find his brothers.
Elliot! Abinidad! Abinidad!
Why are you hiding?
That gigantic jughead is winning
this war without a fight!
Why don't you challenge him?
David, what are you doing here?
You think it's a show
for your entertainment?
Go home and serenade the
sheep with your songs.
If no one else will, I'll
answer his challenge.
You? You can't even hold a spear!
And even if you could, where would you
throw it? His left or his right ankle?
He wants to try letting.
No one else will.
Come. I'll take you to the king.
Jonathan? King.
David. You've heard of my troubles then.
It's good of you to come, but they won't
be charmed away with music this time.
however pure and divine it is.
I don't plan to charm them away, my king.
I mean to slay the giant.
With your sweet music.
That music comes to me
from the God of Israel,
the same God who gives
me the strength to say
that I must at least
try to save our country.
Father, he has strangled a
lion with his bare hands.
And he stopped a bear in its
tracks with his slingshot.
Give me your blessing,
and I'm a blessing,
I will give you the
last beat of my heart.
The bravest man in my kingdom.
A shepherd boy.
A boy who makes music like an angel.
I give you my blessing.
I give you my blessing.
You know I love you like a son.
Now that I can combine
your faith with mine,
I am ready.
This is where the dog belongs,
at the head of the table.
David, the plate is lovely,
but wouldn't it look really
pretty with some food on it?
You know, David, telling the
truth about grandma's vase
must have been really hard for Emily.
Aren't you proud of your little sister?
Sure, I guess.
It was so cute.
This afternoon, she even
found the need to tell me
that she hadn't made
her bed this morning.
I tell you, she is so impressed by
the fact that she has a conscience,
and she can really listen to it.
I just hope she doesn't
turn into a tattletail.
Well, what makes you say that?
Ruth, look at this.
Whoops! Family business?
Um, I'll just come back
for some leftovers.
You drop something.
You drop something.
David, be careful.
Getting a little tents
in the Barnes household.
What's wrong?
What's wrong? This is what's wrong.
He just bought the car five days
ago and it's already falling apart.
It's on my way home from work and
went to adjust the mirror of stuff
and it just broke off like a twig.
Look, it's not even bolted.
It's like somebody just glued it on.
See? See? You trust people
and this is what happens.
This is unbelievable.
I'm calling that guy.
I'm calling him and I'm
giving him a peace of my mind.
Been too much money for this
carpetist to act like this.
What do you intend to do about to me?
What do you mean there's
nothing you can do about it?
Well, hell, there's
plenty I can do about it.
What? I've already talked to a lawyer.
I'll see you in court, mister.
David, can't court, mister.
David, can a person?
I don't have two consciences.
I don't think I'm the best person
to ask about having a conscience.
Because one one says to tell Daddy, but
the other says not to get you in trouble.
And I'm so mixed up.
Emily, you're not the one who's mixed up.
I am.
The reason you're confused is
because I need to tell them.
But I've been too scared.
I'll go with you.
That's all right. I
need to do this alone.
I'll go back to bed.
Good. Emily? Thanks.
Your conscience is coming
through loud and clear, David.
You're ready to face your giant mistake.
David was ready to face
Israel's giant problem.
I need five of the
smoothest, roundest stones.
So smooth they'll make the
air sing when they fly.
You flees.
I will pop you one by
one between my fingers.
Hey, you!
That's it!
No more talk!
I accept the challenge!
You have a problem?
You have a problem?
What am I, a dog?
To be chased by a boy with a stick!
Laugh all you want!
But today is the last
day you threaten Israel.
Why, I will tear you
apart with my bare hands
and feed you to the
jackals and the vultes!
Something inside tells me you want!
Let me.
Armed with his fate,
David defeated the giant,
and ensured the safety
and freedom of his people.
A pretty big feat for
a little shepherd boy.
The strength I had was given to me.
I don't claim victory for myself.
I'll try my best to live up to dishonor.
First off, let me say that it was
really grown up of you to tell us.
Go easy on him. He's a good kid.
Yes, it was.
But that doesn't erase what you did.
So for starters, David, you're grounded.
That means no computer for a month.
Honey, you know we love you and
we want to be able to trust you.
But when we leave Emily
alone with you here,
we have to know that you're
going to be responsible.
That means making good decisions, son.
Right. If we can't trust
you when we're gone,
then we're just going to have to get
a babysitter for the both of you.
What, but
So can we count on you?
I'll do my best. I promise.
All right, David.
I'll give you one more shot.
You're going to have to show us all the
pictures as soon as you get them developed.
Can he eat ice cream?
Yes, of course. Raised on the stuff?
No, although I wonder, what can't he eat?
Mom, my conscience says
I better have two scoops.
Emily, what a coincidence.
You're a mind reader.
Well, are you sure that's
your conscience talking?
or your tummy.
Emily, you look like you
might need a hand with that.
Can I have a little bite?
Please. Please.
Emily, please.
Just one little bite. Please.
I need something to soothe my soul.
Soothe the soul.
Just what the doctor ordered.
But can music really
make a good story better?
So the next time you're
enjoying my show, remember,
there are a lot of
musicians behind the scenes
painting the perfect moods with music,
which is why every show
ends on just the right note.
What's this your dreaming of?
Such big imagination
on such a little pub.
What's the story, Wishbone?
Do you think it's worth a look?
It kind of seems familiar,
like a story from a book.
Shake a leg now, Wishbone.
Let's wag another tale.
Sneffin' out adventure
with Wishbone on the trail.
Come on Wishphone.
What's the story, Wishbone?
Watch the story Wishbone?
Watch the story, Wishbone?
Watch the story, Wishbone?
Watch the story? Wishbone?
What's the story, Wishbone?
This is a lovely vacation suite.
Um, which way to the snack bar?
I'm gonna miss you, boy.
I want a postcard from
you every day, young man.
He hates the kennel.
Oh well, Vancouver, here we come.
You gonna love it.
Wishbone doesn't travel light.
Um, Joe, our plane leaves in two hours.
We better get moving.
Okay, let me make sure
I've got everything.
Your gym clothes and your dirty socks?
Oh, Joe, you didn't.
Well, it's my scent.
It makes Wishbone feel
a little less homesick.
Mm, home away from home.
Emily cannot wait to see Wishbone.
Oh, bad.
Ooh, is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Good thing!
Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Milk cookies are my 10th favorite.
And my 11th favorite,
anyway, I love them.
Emily, what happened to all the cookies?
He ate them all.
You know that's not true, and
he shouldn't be eating cookies.
Emily, we've been busted
by the Diet Police.
I did not expect this of you.
I found this upstairs in the closet.
You know how important
Grandma's vase is to me.
But a vase is just a vase.
I'd rather have you tell me what
happened than to try to hide it.
I'm really disappointed.
Mom, you got this all
wrong. I didn't touch it.
It's not just the vase.
It's the principal.
I'm talking to David, Emily.
It's important.
But, Mom!
What is it?
I believe this.
What? Honey?
David, I think I owe you an apology.
I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions.
Emily, I gotta hand it to you.
You may look like a little kid,
but you faced up to a big problem.
Being little is only a state of mind.
Think about the story
of David and Goliath.
You can find this ancient tale.
in the Bible.
David was a talented
musician and hard worker.
He was the youngest and
smallest of seven brothers.
They thought all he could handle
was watching the family's sheep.
It wasn't bad.
Out in the meadows, he made
beautiful songs to entertain himself.
David also practiced his slingshop.
He wanted to be ready to
serve his king and country.
He had no idea how big a
park he was destined to play.
Saul, the king of Israel,
was terribly sick.
He could barely sleep.
And in sleep, he had nightmares.
I have tried every one of
these worthless elixirs.
The portions of Egypt, of Phoenicia,
of Shiba, of all the world.
None of them work.
Take them all the way.
They are medicine for the body.
Not for the soul.
I need something to soothe my soul.
Soothe the soul.
Uh, that, that's enough. Next.
No, no, no, no, no,
Jonathan, take them all away.
Music is not the cure.
Your Highness, don't despair.
I once was walking through
the hills near Bethlehem.
When I was walking through
the hills near Bethlehem.
I heard the sound of an angel.
When I got closer, I saw it was a
young shepherd boy playing his harp.
His name is David, son of Jesse.
I'll find him, Father.
Listen, you must have made a mistake.
Why would the king want to see me?
Father, this is David, son of Jesse.
My king, how can I be of any help to you?
You're my last hope, David.
Well, I'm not a professional or anything.
I just make music for myself.
Whatever comes from inside.
That's all I have to give.
Why art thou cast down, O my soul?
And why art thou disquieted within me?
Hope thou in God.
For I shall yet praise Him, who
is the health of my countenance
and my God.
David, a little bit of my little.
No little boy no one really noticed
was the only one big enough to
chase away Saul's nightmares.
And he soon became
like one of the family.
Do you have to leave now?
I'm sorry, but they need me back home.
Please thank your father for sparing you.
You have been a blessing to us both.
You will always be welcome here.
I wish you could stay.
Me too, Jonathan.
But I'll always be proud
to serve my country.
I am so proud of you for
telling the truth today.
What made you change your mind?
I don't know what it was.
I just had a feeling.
A feeling?
You know what that feeling is?
That feeling is your conscience.
Everybody has one.
Yeah, you just had to listen to it.
even when it barely whispers.
It'll tell you a lot of
really important things.
And what do you say we go wash your
face with some cold water, okay?
And don't worry about that old face.
You've been very brave.
Let's go.
You know, the bravest heart
can be in the smallest body.
That's why I like the
rest of David's story.
Israel was on the brink of
war with the Philistines.
Bad times were a heartbeat away.
All David's brothers joined the army.
David got left behind.
Father, the Philistines
could destroy everything.
I've got to help.
David, there's more than
one way to be brave.
Your brothers will defend the
nation against the Philistines.
King Saul needs all the men he can find.
I've helped him once. I
know I can help him again.
Son, you're too young for battle.
Too young?
I was the one who saved our
sheep from that huge bear.
I was the one who took on that lion.
I feel it. I feel ready.
I need you here.
I need your here.
strength and bravery to watch our flocks.
The Philistines are too
big for you to take on.
It's not about big or small, father.
It's about faith.
Something in me knows that I must go.
It's the right thing. Honest.
Son, tomorrow I was going
to take food to our army.
You go in my place.
I'll take yours for the day.
David set out full of hope.
He reached the valley where both
armies stood ready for battle.
David thought he would find
his countrymen fighting blade.
David thought he would find his
countrymen fighting blade through.
But something was terribly wrong.
The giant, Goliath, had come.
What's going on? Why
is everyone so scared?
Okay, so the guy's got
a big shield. So what?
He's a show-off!
Okay, so he's a huge face
- smashing, bone-crunching show-off.
He can't be that bad.
I don't know.
You know,
I've come to you
again again, again, again, again,
to you, to offer,
challenge. If any Israelites can defeat
me in battle, we will surrender to you.
And if he loses, you
will surrender to us.
Are there no men left in Israel?
That does it!
Won't someone take on that bullet?
Where are you going?
Hey! Wait! Come back!
Where is our faith?
I can't believe this is happening.
Okay, now everybody, open their eyes.
Dad, that is so cool!
Who gave it to you?
I gave it to you.
One of those
I've always wanted this.
You, it's yours, kind of presents.
Which reminds me,
I think I'll be looking for
a box of dog treats for Joe.
welcome home present.
Well, if you're really nice to me,
maybe I'll let you drive
it to work now and then.
Well, here it is.
Why it is?
Why aren't your parents driving it now?
It's not big enough.
After church, they take a whole bunch of
groceries around to all
of our older relatives.
I'm in a car just like this.
As soon as I get my license,
I get an old Mustang convertible.
Freaking cruise.
We'll get in.
Ah, did you say get in?
Bad idea. David.
Look, mom left the keys in the car.
You wouldn't hear what it sounds like?
What's wrong with this picture?
Oh yeah.
They don't know how to drive!
Oh, David, maybe this
isn't such a great idea.
David, do you know what you're doing?
Of course, it's just another machine.
All I've got to do is.
Pull it up a little bit
and straighten it out.
Emily! Emily! Say something!
Oh, yeah. That pretty much says it all.
Didn't stop!
This is the biggest
mistake we've ever made!
Mom and Dad are gonna kill me!
Unless they don't find out.
Okay, it's ready to be glued.
Apply generously to both clean surfaces.
Wait ten seconds.
Join the surfaces.
Join the surfaces and
clamp together firmly.
Six to eight hours?
Overnight for best results?
David, I don't think this is gonna work.
It's gotta work.
I just can't face Dad after this.
Do you smell that glue?
Hey, David, some of us
still breathe oxygen.
Mommy and Dad are gonna be mad.
Mommy and Daddy won't find out,
because you won't tell them, right?
You promise?
So here.
This should be interesting.
Hi, kids.
Hey, Sam. Hey, buddy.
Hi, Mom. I'm just showing her the car.
Yeah, it's really nice.
Yeah, it's beauty.
It's sweet. It's mine.
Yeah, it's all yours. Come on.
Too hard. David!
Oh, my skull needs a break.
Oh, my skull needs a break.
I've been thinking.
Shouldn't we tell Mommy
and Daddy what happened?
Well, you know I'd do it for you, kid,
but no one ever listens to the dog.
Emily, this is a lot different
from breaking a vase.
I'll be in really big
trouble if they find.
out. This is bigger
than you can understand.
So just let me handle it, okay?
Brace yourself, David.
She may be your teeny-tiny-tiny sister,
but she of the sticky fingers is right.
Goliath will destroy Israel
unless someone stopped him.
David rushed over to find his brothers.
Elliot! Abinidad! Abinidad!
Why are you hiding?
That gigantic jughead is winning
this war without a fight!
Why don't you challenge him?
David, what are you doing here?
You think it's a show
for your entertainment?
Go home and serenade the
sheep with your songs.
If no one else will, I'll
answer his challenge.
You? You can't even hold a spear!
And even if you could, where would you
throw it? His left or his right ankle?
He wants to try letting.
No one else will.
Come. I'll take you to the king.
Jonathan? King.
David. You've heard of my troubles then.
It's good of you to come, but they won't
be charmed away with music this time.
however pure and divine it is.
I don't plan to charm them away, my king.
I mean to slay the giant.
With your sweet music.
That music comes to me
from the God of Israel,
the same God who gives
me the strength to say
that I must at least
try to save our country.
Father, he has strangled a
lion with his bare hands.
And he stopped a bear in its
tracks with his slingshot.
Give me your blessing,
and I'm a blessing,
I will give you the
last beat of my heart.
The bravest man in my kingdom.
A shepherd boy.
A boy who makes music like an angel.
I give you my blessing.
I give you my blessing.
You know I love you like a son.
Now that I can combine
your faith with mine,
I am ready.
This is where the dog belongs,
at the head of the table.
David, the plate is lovely,
but wouldn't it look really
pretty with some food on it?
You know, David, telling the
truth about grandma's vase
must have been really hard for Emily.
Aren't you proud of your little sister?
Sure, I guess.
It was so cute.
This afternoon, she even
found the need to tell me
that she hadn't made
her bed this morning.
I tell you, she is so impressed by
the fact that she has a conscience,
and she can really listen to it.
I just hope she doesn't
turn into a tattletail.
Well, what makes you say that?
Ruth, look at this.
Whoops! Family business?
Um, I'll just come back
for some leftovers.
You drop something.
You drop something.
David, be careful.
Getting a little tents
in the Barnes household.
What's wrong?
What's wrong? This is what's wrong.
He just bought the car five days
ago and it's already falling apart.
It's on my way home from work and
went to adjust the mirror of stuff
and it just broke off like a twig.
Look, it's not even bolted.
It's like somebody just glued it on.
See? See? You trust people
and this is what happens.
This is unbelievable.
I'm calling that guy.
I'm calling him and I'm
giving him a peace of my mind.
Been too much money for this
carpetist to act like this.
What do you intend to do about to me?
What do you mean there's
nothing you can do about it?
Well, hell, there's
plenty I can do about it.
What? I've already talked to a lawyer.
I'll see you in court, mister.
David, can't court, mister.
David, can a person?
I don't have two consciences.
I don't think I'm the best person
to ask about having a conscience.
Because one one says to tell Daddy, but
the other says not to get you in trouble.
And I'm so mixed up.
Emily, you're not the one who's mixed up.
I am.
The reason you're confused is
because I need to tell them.
But I've been too scared.
I'll go with you.
That's all right. I
need to do this alone.
I'll go back to bed.
Good. Emily? Thanks.
Your conscience is coming
through loud and clear, David.
You're ready to face your giant mistake.
David was ready to face
Israel's giant problem.
I need five of the
smoothest, roundest stones.
So smooth they'll make the
air sing when they fly.
You flees.
I will pop you one by
one between my fingers.
Hey, you!
That's it!
No more talk!
I accept the challenge!
You have a problem?
You have a problem?
What am I, a dog?
To be chased by a boy with a stick!
Laugh all you want!
But today is the last
day you threaten Israel.
Why, I will tear you
apart with my bare hands
and feed you to the
jackals and the vultes!
Something inside tells me you want!
Let me.
Armed with his fate,
David defeated the giant,
and ensured the safety
and freedom of his people.
A pretty big feat for
a little shepherd boy.
The strength I had was given to me.
I don't claim victory for myself.
I'll try my best to live up to dishonor.
First off, let me say that it was
really grown up of you to tell us.
Go easy on him. He's a good kid.
Yes, it was.
But that doesn't erase what you did.
So for starters, David, you're grounded.
That means no computer for a month.
Honey, you know we love you and
we want to be able to trust you.
But when we leave Emily
alone with you here,
we have to know that you're
going to be responsible.
That means making good decisions, son.
Right. If we can't trust
you when we're gone,
then we're just going to have to get
a babysitter for the both of you.
What, but
So can we count on you?
I'll do my best. I promise.
All right, David.
I'll give you one more shot.
You're going to have to show us all the
pictures as soon as you get them developed.
Can he eat ice cream?
Yes, of course. Raised on the stuff?
No, although I wonder, what can't he eat?
Mom, my conscience says
I better have two scoops.
Emily, what a coincidence.
You're a mind reader.
Well, are you sure that's
your conscience talking?
or your tummy.
Emily, you look like you
might need a hand with that.
Can I have a little bite?
Please. Please.
Emily, please.
Just one little bite. Please.
I need something to soothe my soul.
Soothe the soul.
Just what the doctor ordered.
But can music really
make a good story better?
So the next time you're
enjoying my show, remember,
there are a lot of
musicians behind the scenes
painting the perfect moods with music,
which is why every show
ends on just the right note.