Enheraf (2022) s01e30 Episode Script

Episode 30

Iyad, I love you.
What are you saying, Wisam?
Is this a joke?
It's not, I swear.
I really love you,
the romantic kind of love
that we see in movies.
I obviously made you cross
many boundaries by being nice to you.
Why would you say that?
I thought you'd say it back.
I know you love me.
I know it in my heart.
Yes, you do.
If you sense any love from me,
then you're wrong.
But, Iyad, I
Dr. Iyad.
My name is Dr. Iyad.
If you ever need me,
we'll talk in the break area.
But not here.
Don't show up in my
office again, understood?
He rejected me.
He treated me very harshly.
It was a big shock to me.
The only person I ever loved
rejected me.
It was the worst feeling ever.
To be rejected.
To be told you're not wanted.
Did you ever find out his reasons?
I didn't want to.
I didn't want to understand or think.
I went into my room
and locked myself in again.
I stopped eating.
I stopped taking my medication.
He came to me and said,
How are you, Wisam?
I love you.
What did you say?
You love me?
I knew it. I knew that you loved me.
Yes, you love me.
I love you but in another world.
What do you mean?
What other world?
What do you mean?
Had our situation been different,
had we met outside the hospital
in a cafe, movie theater, seminar,
we would have fallen in love
like they do in the
movies you mentioned.
Right, but we weren't meant
to meat outside.
It was our destiny
to meet here at the hospital.
We met here.
That's why I can't love you.
Even If I had loved you,
I couldn't tell you.
Because that would be a crime.
Crime? Why would it be a crime?
Yes, it's a crime
for a psychiatrist to love his patient.
He should support his patient
and be there for her.
If she loved him,
he shouldn't love her back.
Because they wouldn't be
like any two lovers.
It would be a doctor
taking advantage of his patient.
But you didn't take advantage of me.
I do love you,
I am sure of it.
I didn't love Iyad the
doctor, but the man
who was there for me and helped me.
I didn't love you as a doctor,
but as a person.
In a different time and place,
we could have met and fallen in love.
We can't do that here.
Even if my heart loved you
and accepted it,
I can't. Okay?
No, Wisam.
I don't want to see you sad.
I want you to be happy instead.
I'm not rejecting you as a person,
for you are the most beautiful woman
I've ever seen.
I am only rejecting you
because of our situation.
Do you understand?
I understood him,
and accepted his explanation.
I was convinced.
We can't have everything we want.
On the contrary,
some things shouldn't be obtained
to maintain our love for them.
But I still loved him.
I loved him very much.
My heart loved him.
I would fight any thoughts I had
of him loving me back.
I got better.
I went back to normal.
One day,
a new patient came in.
Her name was Hor.
What? Hor?
Wasn't she part of your imagination?
Was she real?
She was very beautiful.
She was found lost in a mall.
She didn't have an ID on her.
No one knew who she was,
and she didn't know anyone.
She was taken to this hospital.
All she ever said was,
"Help, they're trying to kill me.
"Help, I'm scared. Save me."
Did they send you?
They sent you, right?
-Did they send you?
-No, no one sent me. Calm down.
-Didn't they send you?
-No, calm down.
What's your name?
-Do you love me?
-I do.
-Do you love me or not?
-I swear I do.
My name
My name is Hor, Hor Elwan.
Hor Elwan, I see.
What's yours?
I'm Wisam Abdulhamid.
You look very kind.
You're beautiful.
Do you love me or not?
-I do.
-You do?
-I really do.
-You love me?
Do you really love me?
I swear I do.
This is the first time I'm ever loved.
I love you so much.
You look very kind.
I'll let you in on a secret
since you're kind.
Do you want to know what I did?
Because of the people who hate me,
I went to the bank
and took out all of my money.
I bought a lot of gold,
and put it away.
You put it away?
I put it all away.
Listen, no one knows.
But I'll tell you since I like you.
Don't you ever tell anyone
or let anyone take it!
No, I won't tell a soul.
-But listen.
If anything happens to me,
you take it.
-No, dear.
-No, take it.
Nothing will happen to you, Hor.
If anything happens, I like you.
-Don't you love? You said you did.
-I do.
They want to kill me.
If they do, take it. I
want you to take it.
Okay? I'll tell you where it is.
-Is someone there?
-Someone is there.
-No, Hor. Calm down.
-I trust you.
I'll whisper it to you
so they can't hear.
-They are spying on me.
-No one is, Hor, I promise.
-I swear there's no one.
We woke up one day to find Hor dead.
She died of a heart attack in her sleep.
We never found her family.
She was buried in a common grave.
Her story was over.
And with that,
yours begun.
Kind of.
You look amazing today.
I have good news for you.
What is it?
You'll be discharged next week.
Why? You're all better now.
Are you upset?
I didn't know where to go
after being discharged.
I couldn't go back to my Aunt's
after they got rid of me.
I kept walking around.
Then I remembered what Hor said.
Although I didn't believe her back then,
I thought I'd give it a shot.
I was out in the streets anyway.
And so I did.
Hor was just like me.
She had no one.
Neither did I.
I decided to leave weak
and poor Wisam behind,
and become Hor Elwan.
What about
the doctorate and certificates?
I forged a few medicine degrees,
bought some from abroad,
as well as a few honorary degrees.
I got it all with Hor's money.
Then I opened up a clinic,
and became Dr. Hor.
I was mostly depending
on becoming known
because this is how we gain power
in this country.
Until I found a lead.
I found Talaat Aldakkak.
Talaat had a different facade this time,
that of a businessman and investor
with a vision in Egyptian real estate.
I tried to meet up
with him, but couldn't.
I went to his company,
pretending I wanted an apartment
and still failed.
You know,
it would have been easier
to meet the U.S president.
Since it wouldn't happen on its own,
I had to make it happen.
Are you still with me?
-Are you with me?
Do you see this space?
You've been staring
at me since I got here.
You should have seen his face.
He was shocked by my bold move.
He thought he was winning me over.
He didn't know I'd end him.
I wanted to tell him then
that I knew about his games,
that he was a fraud and thief
who lived off of women's hard work.
-A pest!
-Calm down.
Should we talk later?
I'm fine.
Go on. What happened next?
Psychiatrists are
so much more beautiful nowadays.
When I saw you there,
I thought you were an ad model.
But you weren't happy at all.
How did you know?
The man who was with you
was talking about important stuff,
and you weren't following.
He was chattering away,
and you were sick of it.
You looked around for three seconds,
saw me and gave me your attention.
You seem to be an
excellent psychiatrist.
Now tell me,
what's your name?
Talaat Eldakkak.
We went on two dates.
He proposed on the third.
You got married?
It was a common-law marriage
to avoid being traced back to.
When something happens to him,
there would be
no official relationship between us.
I had it all planned.
I knew what I was doing.
It was like
I was acting.
I would pretend every time I saw him.
It felt like I was in a bad play
that just won't end.
I wanted to pull the curtains down,
and for all of this to be over.
Until it worked,
and he started to trust me.
He introduced me to Habib.
Have a seat.
This is my wife Hor.
Speak comfortable. It's safe.
This is Mr. Habib.
All right. Nice to meet you.
My pleasure.
He says he'll only take
90% of your goods.
What about the remaining 10%?
He doesn't need them,
so he won't take them.
He'll take what's good,
then you and I take the loss?
Business requires compromise,
to make him buy from you.
Because he might refuse buying it all.
Well said, Hor.
See? She's still new at it,
and she's saying that.
What do you say?
Do I have a say in this?
You put me in a corner,
and ask for my opinion?
Whatever you say, Mr. Talaat.
There is no corner.
I'll tell you a joke.
It's very good and fresh.
Hit me.
It's the best.
I'll tell you. Should I tell him, Hor?
Of course, darling.
A man bought potato
and it caught a cold,
so it sneezed "Chips, chips."
Very funny.
So things were going well for him,
and he wasn't caught.
What pushed him
to file for bankruptcy?
He was building a compound.
He waited for money
from abroad to continue.
Poor thing.
He bought artifacts from Habib
with all his money.
God, all-knowing,
wanted the big swindler to be swindled.
God is indeed the Avenger and Compeller.
They all left him.
He couldn't get any money to continue.
Then why did you kill him?
He was as good as dead anyway.
Every time I would see him,
I would look at him,
and think of ways to kill him.
We would meet a lot in private.
Killing him would have been easy.
But no.
I wanted to enjoy his pain.
He was suffering from his fear
of imprisonment, bankruptcy and poverty.
Until I found the right moment,
and killed him.
I killed him while he was down,
unable to fight back,
unable to yell for help.
He wasn't able to.
Did you know you'd get caught?
Of course I knew.
I knew it was only a matter of time
until a cop came
and handled all of these cases.
And connected the dots.
And it was you.
When you investigated Talaat's case,
and I first saw you,
I had a feeling you
were exceptionally smart.
I saw your persistence.
I thought to myself,
"He will definitely be
the end of me."
That's why I got close to you.
To gain as much time as possible.
How did you get the bracelet
after you lost it at Ameer's?
I never went back to Ameer.
I was too scared to go
lest someone sees me.
Did you forget?
The box had the shop's name.
I went to the shop owner,
and paid him handsomely
to make one just like it.
And I brought it to you.
How did you know
there was a Radia at the hospital?
Through contacts.
I contacted the nurse,
and heard of a patient called Radia
in a room next to Taghreed's.
So if I was caught,
I'd find an excuse for
being at the hospital.
Very well done.
You took everything into account.
I really did
take everything into account.
Except for this moment,
the moment I want to go home,
to you and to Habiba.
That's what I forgot
to take into account.
These sweatsuits are for you, Ahmad.
These are foreign brands, Um Ahmad.
They are nice and soft.
You're right.
This one's very soft.
-I hope it fits him.
-Hopefully it will.
But it's a bit more expensive.
Nothing is too expensive for us.
I just want it to fit.
I'll make you happy.
Here's half the amount.
Thanks. Take your time
with the other half.
God bless you, Um Abeer.
-Do we have a deal?
-Of course.
-Thank you for visiting.
-It was our pleasure.
Next week, I'm getting sweatsuits
for men and women. You'll love them.
Keep some aside for me.
How are you, Abeer darling?
-How are you, Um Ahmad?
-Fine, Thanks, sweetheart.
Take care, dear.
Thanks for stopping by.
What is this now?
Enough already. I'm done.
Enough what? What did I do to you?
Why are you coming in like this?
You're asking what you did?
What haven't you done, mom?
All mothers live worrying
about their children except for me.
I'm always worried about you.
All mothers save up
for their kids except for me.
I save up to pay your debts
because I don't want
to see you in prison.
Are you holding it over my head, Abeer,
that you paid my debts
and got me out of prison?
To your own mother?
I would never hold it
over your head, mom.
I'm just reminding you
because you started doing it again.
You're back to buying
and selling on credit.
You'll be put behind bars,
and no one will have your back.
I'm reminding you that the nice lady
who helped us and gave us money
is no longer around.
No one will save us this time, mom.
I learned how to be careful.
That won't happen again.
This is too much.
Stop experimenting with me
and my reputation on the line.
Do you know why I'm the only
single girl in the neighborhood?
Because they all call me
the prisoner's daughter.
When someone even thinks
of looking my way,
they are warned away
because my mother is troublesome
and has been to prison.
Enough already.
You know how sensitive
this is for my family.
Such a case will ruin my family and I.
We'll be humiliated.
They're all waiting
for The Samman family to slip.
Your family name speaks for itself.
I'll take on the case.
You're in Egypt's top law firm.
You already know,
my reputation precedes me.
They're going down.
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