Falling Into Your Smile (2021) s01e30 Episode Script

Episode 30

Next we will play against ZGDX.
I look forward to beating them up again.
To be honest,
of all the opponents in the semi-finals,
we are only worried about ZGDX.
ZGDX will not fall in
the same place twice.
We are the champion.
I didn't expect
our team was lucky enough
to make it to the final four.
I think
Smiling must have prayed for me.
Let's meet in the finals together.
=Falling into Your Smile=
=Episode 30=
Nice! Come on, Ming.
Come on, Chubby.
Come on.
Let's go.
Lu Yue.
Here you are, Tong Yao.
Then Cheng.
Go for the finals!
(Congratulate Tong Yao
to get into the annual finals and Cheng.)
(And by the way I remind you that
this month's KPI is not completed. Rui.)
What are you reading?
The day YQCB won FNC
and got the ticket to the national finals,
the boss of the next-door team
was standing at the door,
holding a pile of red packets.
The team members got out
one by one to receive the red packets
which seemed to be thick.
- While we…
- While we
We too reached the finals.
Why next-door team can get red packets
while we only receive candy and greeting cards
without even a good meal.
I don't feel convinced.
I feel I'm being discriminated against.
It is rarer to strive for the first
and keep the second place
now in the final exams,
given you were the second place
in the class in the midterm,
or to strive for the first
and keep the second place,
given you've always
been at the bottom of the class?
We made it to the national finals.
It means we have reached
the level of our previous performance.
So what's to reward?
I'll reward you a candy.
Cheng, well,
I need to talk to you.
What's wrong?
Lu Sicheng, you are cruel.
K, what have you bought here?
A face mask, MIHOO.
[Unisonant with "little fool".]
K, what's wrong with you?
Who are you calling "a little fool"?
We just finished the game.
You two are so close
that you call each other name of endearment?
Shut up.
This is MIHOO masks I just bought.
We stay up late every night training.
My skin is extremely dry.
This mask is very good at water-replenishing.
I shall replenish water for my skin too.
You've had so much.
Little fool.
Want to try it?
Does this work?
Are you calling the mask or me?
Cat's reflex arc can circle the earth three times.
You shut up too.
after we finish this game today,
we are going to face the final then.
But I still want to remind you.
YQCB is no longer the relegated team it once was.
He defeated FNC
and got into the finals with us.
Back to the point,
from now on
until the finals starts,
our whole base
will be closed for training.
What kind of closed training?
Is the club
going to completely adopt us?
As how closed it is,
we want to guard against the opposite team
as if it's a secret agent.
For example,
no dinner, shopping, chatting in private
with the rich and beautiful lady next door.
No discussion of tactics
in the name of clipping dolls
with the ex-boyfriend
and current opponent next door.
Of course.
Biscuit and Scallion also have to be grounded.
They can't interact with
the next-door midsolo's cat.
Wait a minute.
Can you even draw a map on the back of the cat?
Why don't you just
build a concrete wall,
the kind that's thick and eavesdropping-proof?
A concrete wall?
It would be better to paste it directly
on the entrance of our midsolo.
If we paste on the entrance of our midsolo,
how can Tong Yao come out?
Our topsolo is somewhat retarded.
Why don't we consider
finding a substitute for him?
No, no, I can do it.
My brother wouldn't let me play midsolo anyway.
- Seconded.
- Shut up.
Shut up.
Let's go.
Before we officially go into the closed training,
I'll treat you to something good.
Long live Cheng.
I'm so excited about this.
- Let's go, little fool.
- Let's go.
- Let's have a nice meal.
- Don't call me that.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
- Hurry up.
- Go.
Come on. Have a drink.
Isn't that DQ.Five?
What happened to them?
They don't have their curfew anymore?
They've been relegated.
While you were playing in the top 8,
they were still playing for promotion.
No one was paying attention to it.
So there was no discussion.
They lost their relegation match?
They got relegated,
and have to play for the seat match?
DQ.Five is no longer in the 12 teams of
next season's Onmyoji Arena Pro League?
He is Civet Cat.
I know.
He is the captain and support of DQ.Five.
He is an experienced player.
You guys should behave yourselves.
Don't cause any trouble.
This year,
don't mess around this year
and play well in the national finals.
When you get the World Championship ticket,
win honor for
our Onmyoji Arena Pro League
in front of the world.
I can't back up you guys like last year.
I really like playing professionally.
I really like the feeling
of playing alongside my teammates.
Even though there are a lot of pities,
I'm still very happy.
Now I've come to the end of the road.
But I know
someone will continue to go on for me
and go farther.
I hope you are among the lucky ones.
Come on.
I gotta go.
I'll go see them off.
Enjoy your drink.
See you later.
He just said back up.
What does that mean?
Before, when our ZGDX
were unexpectedly absent from the national finals,
it was DQ.Five that took our place
in the World Finals.
(Boss, settle the bill.)
I didn't expect that after Hsu Tae-lun left,
they lost their core again.
They didn't win a single game
in the second half of the National League,
being directly relegated to the seat match
with the bottom ranking in the league.
It can be said that
fans were full of from hope to despair.
How hard it was to endure
the process like boiling a frog in warm water.
Dismissal meal.
The team was disbanded just like this?
It's simply impossible
for any team
that falls into the seat match
to come back with the original lineup.
After all, the professional league
is a realistic industry.
After the team is relegated,
those players who play well
will be hired by other new clubs
and continue to enter
Onmyoji Arena Pro League
playing for other teams.
Those players who don't play well
have to find their own chances.
Those teams that fall into the seat match,
to put it bluntly,
are just empty shells.
Yes, they are.
And that kind of dreamlike thing
that five people worked together
to come back to Onmyoji Arena Pro League
from the seat match
couldn't even be seen in a novel.
for the people of DQ.Five,
their team
announced their disbandment on the spot
the moment they failed to avoid relegation.
Whether they can sit down and play together,
have dinner and chat
like the old days
really depends on fate.
So, back to the point,
let's cherish the time we spend together.
That was close.
Our team
once almost had a dismissal meal.
I don't want to have the dismissal meal.
But I can have another bowl of
your potato and beef curry rice.
- I want to eat it too.
- I want to eat it too.
I want to eat it too.
I want to eat it too.
- I want to eat it too.
- I want to eat it too.
And it's the kind that
hides meat at the bottom of the bowl.
All right.
When we finish the game with YQCB,
I will satisfy your demands.
Now let's toast first.
Come on.
- Come on.
- Cheers!
Clad in thorns and feet in scorching sand.
Never give up.
(It's like a chronic death)
(with a death notice.)
(How can I not be desperate?)
(But now,)
(I can finally get a moment of peace.)
(It's time to take a good rest)
(both for us)
(and for all of you lovely fans.)
(You had the glory.)
(Where you go, we go.)
(It's not scary to go to the seat match.)
(We are with you.)
(Civet Cat.)
(Will we ever see you again
in the Spring Playoffs)
(with smile, holding the spring trophy?)
(I don't know what to do
after the disappointment.)
(I've never liked a team so much.)
(I'll probably never watch)
(Onmyoji Arena Pro League anymore.)
(I really feel so tired.)
(Why do I have to like e-sports?)
(In fact, sometimes I always persuade myself)
(to like the South Korean TAT)
(or ZGDX.)
(That's great.)
(They can always win the game.)
(How happy it is to be a fan of theirs.)
(I've said it a million times)
(but still end up coming to watch)
(your games.)
(- Fans are really disappointed.)
(- We feel desperate if you lose)
(and then optimistically)
(hold the thought that
you can win again next time.)
(It's stupid.)
(What can I do?)
(I'm desperate too!)
(I can't break free.)
(I can't escape.)
(I didn't come when you're at the top.)
(I don't abandon you when you're at the bottom.)
♪We'll be your heroes♪
♪Who will come for you♪
♪Think of it as a pilgrimage♪
♪The so-called rivalry
is only the demon of your own heart♪
♪Nothing can't be defeated♪
Guess what I'm thinking.
When I first met you,
it was the same situation as now.
I could only look at you from afar at that time.
But now
I can stand together with you.
♪Flashing gestures at the corner of mouth♪
But it's cute.
I like it.
♪We'll be your heroes♪
Are these all from the fans?
It's too good.
You should eat less.
Everybody, relax.
Now that we're in the finals,
it proves that we do have the strength.
Don't be so nervous afterwards.
Since we are here in Shanghai,
I'll give you all an afternoon off
to have a good time.
To do what?
A day trip to Onmyoji Arena battlefield
is better than
to this popular tourist city
recommended by internet celebrities.
Now that we're here, let's go have fun.
That's right.
If you go back home
and people ask you,
what did you see in Shanghai?
You go like
"staying in the hotel
and playing games are really cool."
How embarrassing!
That's right.
Where do you want to go later?
It's all right.
I will go wherever you go.
But there's nothing I want to buy.
A human cash machine is standing next to you
and you're telling me this?
Do you think I like you for your money?
Do you?
Fine, buddy.
What's wrong with you?
You're so desperate to spend money for me.
If I like a person,
I'd love to spend money on her.
If I have 10 yuan,
I would spend 9.5 yuan on her
and save the remaining 50 cents to buy buns,
because I'm afraid she'll be hungry.
Ew, ew.
I've been your support for two or three years
and let you kill countless times.
I don't ask for much.
Just pay for the new DW watch
in my shopping cart.
Look, look, look.
This one
shows a good taste and elegance.
It fits my temperament, right?
Is that all you've got?
(Amao's Mom)
You're not eating?
Then I'll eat them all.
Eat, eat, eat.
Don't be too full.
Chubby, you can really eat so much.
Hey, Jinyang.
We are discussing
about a day trip in Shanghai.
What's up?
Isn't it your birthday today?
How are you going to spend it?
This is the first time that the two of us
can still get together even not in Shenzhen.
I think it's worth remembering.
What should I send you this year?
A bag, shoes?
A necklace, jewelry?
A wedding dress?
Forget it.
I should let your man give you
the jewelry and wedding dress.
It's not that I'm jealous.
He has more money than I do.
If you say you want to celebrate your birthday,
he can buy the Oriental Pearl Tower
and change its name
into Happy Birthday to My Wife Tower.
Don't tell him it's my birthday today.
If he really buys something expensive,
I can't pay him back
even if he sells me in pieces by the pound.
Your getting chopped up
are not as valuable as the whole girl.
I also want to have a boyfriend
who can give me something so expensive that I feel
I can't afford even by selling myself.
What's wrong with you today?
Why are you always talking about my birthday?
It's about your dear mother.
She just called me,
telling me that this is your
first birthday alone.
She asked me to spend it with you.
Is she my mother or your mother?
Wouldn't she just tell me about such things?
She's too embarrassed to tell you.
Auntie should tell you.
I know that now
young people are
all about romance on their birthdays.
Especially Tong Yao, she has a boyfriend now.
Her boyfriend is quite good.
He's handsome and educated.
So it can work.
It's just that Auntie needs to ask you
to remind Tong Yao
that girls should be more cautious
and pay attention to protection measures.
Let me translate it for you.
Your mother is still young.
She doesn't want to have grandchildren yet.
Okay, okay.
I have to go now.
Why are you so flushed?
My mom complimented you on your good looks.
No way!
Chubby ate it all by himself?
He didn't even leave me
a single crabmeat dumpling?
not enough for Chubby to stuff his teeth.
That's right.
Shanghai crabmeat dumplings are really delicious.
Are you okay?
You're too full?
I'll go check it out.
Are you okay?
I'm not okay.
(The Eighth Hospital of Lanshan University)
It's been so long.
Doctor, is he okay?
Nothing serious.
Acute gastroenteritis.
He still has a fever.
But you can rest assured.
He's young and in good health.
After the infusion of fluids,
he can be discharged tomorrow.
Thank you.
That's good.
How are you doing?
Much better.
You guys, you guys.
You guys are just trying to screw me.
Whenever there's an important game,
you must
make a mess.
Do you think I live too long?
I have to finish tomorrow's game
even if I'll be lying down.
Good for you.
I'm hungry.
I want to eat cookies.
Say it again?
I've already thrown up everything I need to.
If it goes on like this,
I'll die of hunger before I get well.
In the rest of your game,
you have to finish it with Tong Yao,
the handicapped support.
Aren't you afraid?
I just want to eat cookies, okay?
It's not a crime to eat cookies.
Who will buy me a pack of cookies?
Tong Yao.
Buy me a bag of cookies.
Hurry up.
If I won't get well,
you'll have to work as support for Cheng.
Think about how miserable you were
when you were his support.
What do you want to say?
Why don't we buy Chubby a pack of cookies?
He's so hungry.
I feel bad.
What are you doing?
I didn't take my wallet with me.
And my cell phone is dead too.
I can't buy cookies with a credit card, right?
Wait, he'll be right back.
How can you be laughing?
Don't be mean to me.
I'll get sore again if you do.
Hello. How much?
Hello, please wait.
(Emergency Department)
(What are you going to do for your birthday?)
(Do you want to join me?)
(I'm not going to make a big deal out of it.)
(I'm still in the hospital.)
(How can I have a birthday?)
(Happy birthday.)
(It's a happy one.)
(Mother: Happy birthday,
my dear daughter)
(Mua, mama.)
(Make a wish.)
♪Happy birthday to you♪
♪Happy birthday to you♪
♪Happy birthday to you♪
♪Happy birthday to you♪
♪Happy birthday to you♪
♪Happy birthday to you♪
♪Happy birthday to you♪
Happy birthday.
How did you know?
When I took your wallet just now,
I wanted to see your ugly ID photo.
Luckily I ran fast.
Otherwise, the mall would have been closed.
Happy birthday, e-sports Mulan.
Have you two had enough?
We are really a little hungry.
Can we eat the cake now?
Actually, I didn't even plan to
celebrate my birthday.
The game is around the corner.
It's almost the same
whether I celebrate it or not.
Even if we have to play the game,
you still have to celebrate your birthday.
Hurry up, hurry up, make a wish.
Yes, come on, make a wish.
Smile necklace.
A necklace for this year.
A diamond ring for next year
with a wedding certificate.
Does it look good?
You look good in anything.
So romantic.
Wait, wait, wait.
Shouldn't you pay
more attention to me in my ward?
We can't help it.
The protagonists tonight are destined
to be the Double Carry players.
By the way,
I have gifts for you today.
I care about you all the time
as your housekeeper.
I can't fight for you
on the field.
But I can do all the logistical work.
to ensure that everything goes well next
and all the bad luck
steers away from you,
I specially sent someone to get
this for you,
an amulet
that blesses you in terms of food,
clothing, housing and moods all-round.
Come on, one for each of you.
Make sure that you'll do a great job
in the finals.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Not bad.
What's that look on your faces?
Think about it yourselves.
All the way through this league,
you've been injured and sick.
About this,
if you believe in it, then it's true.
If you don't believe it,
you can use it as a talisman,
a souvenir or something.
It doesn't cost you
a piece of flesh with you, right?
By the way,
it's not that the club doesn't have faith in you.
I've made a vow
to take back the trophy of the finals
and go to the World Championship.
Otherwise, I will
He can't do that.
Even if he's to be a bus driver,
he has to follow us.
But to tell you the truth,
no matter what the outcome this time is,
I will always support you guys.
No matter what happens,
just betray me, I'll take care of it.
All right, just give me one.
I also want to make a wish.
I've seen those internet celebrities
say this is quite effective.
Does it really work?
What do you want to wish for?
I'll help you make it happen.
Cheng, I have a wish too.
I also have a wish.
What's the point?
I mean, Double Carry players.
This isn't appropriate, right?
Although I told you to relax,
you guys don't have to do this, right?
Our primary goal now
is to win the national championship.
Yes, you two have a long way to go.
Please be a little more sincere.
I really don't want to be a bus driver.
My wish is
to beat YQCB,
to win the national championship
and go to the world.
That's right.
No more?
To celebrate,
how about we go eat some meat?
- Good idea.
- You still can eat?
Chubby, why don't you behave yourself?
What follows is not just the national finals
but the ultimate showdown
of Light and Shadow.
You should train hard
after you leave the hospital.
If you do a good job,
I'll treat you to crab noodles.
If you don't do well,
you won't even get a cup of tea.
Good for you.
Good cop and bad cop.
You cooperate quite tacitly.
This is called good intention.
What did you wish for?
What else could it be?
It must be that we can win YQCB smoothly.
And one more thing,
ZGDX will not disappear from the field.
Bro, why are you bringing up
the same old story again?
Ming, you believe in this too?
we do need some luck.
You have proven yourselves
to be the best professional players
in the world.
Next, just like what Rui said,
we still need a little bit of luck.
As long as we stay together,
all our wishes will definitely come true.
- Yes.
- Yes, come on.
Come on.
Come on.
go for it!
Come on!
Go for it!
This person
likes to hide in here.
So we must be careful
in the fight.
And I practiced these shikigamis
by watching the video of Tong Yao.
Hierophant is back.
Why did Hierophant clip so many dolls today?
Does it
represent the level of tension in his heart?
So many.
Will he give them to the fans in the finals?
We've just studied
all of ZGDX's national tournaments
and summarized the habits of
their Double Carry players.
Do you want to take a look?
- What's wrong with him?
- What's wrong?
He doesn't look good since the fight.
Yeah, he's been sullen.
Did something happen to him?
- I don't know.
- I don't know.
Liang Sheng.
My palms are sweating.
My heart is beating a little fast.
What's wrong with me?
You're nervous.
I'm nervous?
It's normal.
Have a Coke
to calm yourself down.
I never get nervous
before I play a game.
Think about it.
The national finals are around the corner.
it's also the final match
between you and Lu Sicheng.
I think
you should be nervous.
I'm already 26 years old this year.
before coming to China,
I didn't think of it
as a real battlefield.
I just wanted to
make the last part of my career
And then what?
I don't know.
Maybe I didn't expect it to be
so hard.
You made me…
What's that saying?
You guys have broadened my horizon.
- Sometimes.
- Broadened his horizon?
He's complimenting us.
I may have made some decisions
only to defeat Chessman.
But you'd still treat me,
you'd still trust me…
Absolutely trust.
That's right.
That's it.
That's for sure.
You're indeed a good player.
That's right, buddy.
you guys made me think
we have a chance to go to a bigger stage.
Even though we're only a relegation team,
we've come a long way
to the national finals.
Nothing is impossible.
Yes, it's for the dream.
I want to go with you to the World Championship.
Let's take the first place in the country.
- Come on.
- Okay.
What a bunch of losers!
What are you guys doing? Come on.
Let's do it again!
Three, two, one.
Stay together to dominate!
- Come on.
- Come on, come on!
- Go!
- Go!
Have you thought of any other wishes?
Peace of world.
Don't be so corny!
I wish we could win the championship.
No more?
Not just the national champion,
but also the world champion.
That's all?
You're really not going to tell me?
Wishes don't work if you say them.
I don't believe in it.
Other than myself,
who else can control my destiny?
Our future only belongs to
your and my hearts.
What about you?
If you're asking me what I wish for,
I wish
I could be by your side for the rest of my life.
♪You'll only want to see more♪
♪We love the sharpness that comes with it♪
♪Young faces, desperate for it♪
♪You know we won't give up♪
♪But we're taking it on the chin♪
♪We choose our own edge♪
♪The future is inexplicable♪
♪You know we won't give up♪
♪We'll fight to the stars♪
♪Against the wind, with our own hot stubbornness♪
(ZGDX is all set.)
(We can start whenever you're ready.)
(I'll take care of everything here.)
Okay, copy that.
♪Stand up, stand up♪
♪Don't be afraid to take chances♪
♪Better be sober♪
I'm so nervous.
What are you nervous about?
You just looked in the mirror a thousand times
before we left today.
You still nervous?
Don't be mean to me.
I've never seen the world before.
Get used to it.
You are going to
conquer the world stage with me.
(Please welcome the players
of both sides to the stage.)
♪We love our own sharpness♪
Come on!
♪We want it so badly♪
♪You know we won't give up♪
(Ladies and gentlemen.)
(Welcome to the scene of national finals)
(of Onmyoji Arena Pro League)
(in 2020.)
(Today is a battle of the strongest,)
(a narrow encounter between Light and Shadow.)
(ZGDX and YQCB,)
(these two super teams love each other
and fight with each other,)
(which team will win?)
(Let's wait and see!)
(ZGDX is a starry team,)
(a team dressed with thorns
and stepped on blazing sands.)
(It's a team that had a rough time at the top)
(and finally got back to the top.)
(The team that climbed back to the top.)
(YQCB is a dark horse team)
(that once fell to the relegation-avoidance.)
(With the arrival of Hierophant,)
(YQCB, whose potential has been stimulated,)
(has been soaring)
(finally to the stage of the national finals)
(for the highest honor)
(in Onmyoji Arena Pro League.)
(All right, the live audience!)
(Let's count down together)
(to welcome their arrival!)
(Come on.)
(At this moment,)
(I announce that)
(the year-end festival of 2020,)
(the final battle)
(is hereby opened.)
(Onmyoji Arena Pro League)
♪You say the world
is always not gentle enough♪
♪Fortunately, you're free,
the most special player♪
♪Invite me to be your number one teammate♪
♪So I had my first encounter with my dreams♪
♪You said you'd always be behind me♪
♪Rumors ran to me and hurt you♪
♪How long will it take
from now to the future♪
♪You're love that never needs a reason♪
♪I want to be close to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless
and pretend to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones
in the world who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪I want to be closer to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless,
pretending to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪I like in every season♪
♪I'm at the top of your list♪
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