The Assassins (2024) s01e30 Episode Script

Who am I?!

But friendship is a big dream, it
has conditions to be completed.
What dream, Hassan?
What dream, Hassan?
To achieve it together.
And change the unjust world.
Nobody changes the world.
I can.
If we are friends,
let's make a pact now.
Whoever of us makes it,
Will help the other two.
Hassan Al-Sabbah has become alone.
He lost everyone around him.
I came to remind you of the pact.
And I'm committed to it.
He killed his lifelong
friend, Nizam Al-Mulk.
You didn't just save me,
It's like you heard
my heart's voice.
Do you know who's the
closest person to my heart?
Zaid bin Sayhoon
Zaid bin Sayhoon
And the journey companion,
Zaid bin Sayhoon
He killed his son.
And I'll support you
till death, Hassan.
And he lost his wife and lover.
I had to do this.
Hassan Al-Sabbah is strong,
If his position comes into conflict
with his heart, he would kill his heart.
After a long, tough journey that terrified
everyone, from the man in the castle.
A journey from youth to old age.
I'm pregnant.
A strong boy!
Only God knows.
Only God knows.
I'm sure he's a strong boy.
Just imagine, master,
There's a child,
He's a shepherdess's son.
His mother says that he is the son
of our master, Hassan Al-Sabbah.
I sent a chosen to
kill him and his mother.
This marks the end of Hassan.
The end of Hassan is not the end of
the idea, because the idea does not die.
This is the story of our
Master Hassan Al-Sabbah,
Which I heard from many people.
Some of them may
exaggerate his miracles,
Some of them may
exaggerate his miracles,
And some people may demonize him
and blame him more than his actual guilt.
But in any case,
I am here.
What will you name him?
And continuing.
Waiting for our Master.
Waiting for our Master.
Episode 30
" Who am I?"
Help me!
I'm dying!
Help me!
I'm dying!
Where am I?
In Hassan Al-Sabbah's kingdom.
Help me!
My kingdom!
But it's dark and there's no one.
What are the requests
of Al-Sabbah's son?
What are the requests
of Al-Sabbah's son?
My son Hussein.
He was killed.
Where's Doniazad?
Someone was sent to kill her.
And Al-Hadi?
Ask Barzak Amide.
I didn't do all of this!
The one who did this is our master, Hassan
Al-Sabbah, the owner of heaven's key.
I want Hassan Al-Sabbah.
But, I saved you from him.
I want him.
He will kill you!
Who is calling
for Hassan Al-Sabbah?
I have no loved ones.
Voice from heaven!
So I can enter heaven.
Maybe I can enter heaven and
see Doniazad, Hussein, and Al-Hadi.
Could master Hassan Al-Sabbah
have a son from a shepherdess?
My love.
My love.
My love.
My love.
The sound of your
screaming and crying is loud.
It reached me.
Who said that our master
and lord Hassan Al-Sabbah
cries or screams?
cries or screams?
Maybe in nightmares, my lord.
Am I awake or asleep?
And what's the
proof that I'm awake?
The proof is that we
are in the real world.
The real world.
How can Barzak Amid enter
Hassan Al-Sabbah's chamber
in real world
without permission?
Your loud voice is
what disturbed me, my master.
I want you to gather the believers.
And tell them that their master
wants to give an important speech.
And tell them that their master
wants to give an important speech.
Rest, master.
All the believers know
that our lord is in seclusion.
I command you.
I wished to execute the command.
And what prevents you?
Your new status.
What is my new status?
Our master Hassan Al-Sabbah is no
longer merely the lord of Alamut Castle.
Not even the owner of heaven's key.
He holds a higher status.
He holds a higher status.
Greater than any mind can imagine.
Yes, Barzak.
I have become something very big.
Our lord has become not the
mediator between us and our Imam.
He has become one with the Imam.
And in front of that, he paid much.
You killed your son.
Your wife.
Your loved ones.
You endured your son
Al-Hadi's ascension to the sky.
You endured your son
Al-Hadi's ascension to the sky.
And you beared what no believer
or guardian could.
Possibly not even a prophet!
I beared what no
human could bear.
And you became superior to all.
You embodied all
the meanings of holiness
and magnificence.
To the point that no one
can see me or hear me.
Their eyes may be
blinded by your light.
And their souls are too weak
To handle this.
To handle this.
Let your presence be gentle
in their souls, my master.
Yes, it's also clear, Barzak,
that your rank is high
And extraordinary.
A servant and slave of
our master Hassan Al-Sabbah.
You are the only believer
in the entire universe
Who's able to see, hear and
speak to Hassan Al-Sabbah
Without dying or being stunned.
I've been fasting for three months.
I've been barely sleeping.
And my tongue's been busy
with remembrance and prayer.
Just to endure this period.
But how can Hassan
Al-Sabbah, with his status,
weep and scream?
You, our master
have no distinction
Between the world
of fantasy and ours.
Your manifestations in the
world of fantasy and sleep
Are beyond our
comprehension and understanding.
That's between you and our Lord.
So, it's possible that
you're weeping in one world
And ruling in ours.
Sometimes, I and some believers
see you
and hear you.
And your spirit
manifests before us.
I know.
And you've given many
commands and choices
Since the day of your seclusion.
And we carried out all your orders.
Great, Barzak.
Now that we're
in the real world
Tell the believers
about my love for them.
Our master's orders.
I want you to tell me the
story of the shepherdess' boy
You killed.
The soldiers didn't
give him a chance.
As soon as he said
this, they killed him.
Did you see him?
Did you see his face?
I didn't.
But by God's will
Even the liars have
a share in their lie.
The guards say
His face was a
reflection of our master's.
With your permission, master.
As you all know.
Our master Hassan Al-Sabbah,
for years,
has been in a great
seclusion with God.
And I am the supreme mediator,
between him and you.
This is a grace from God,
and an honor from our master,
to my humble self.
Any request.
Any query.
Any command.
Shall be presented to me.
And I will convey it to our master.
And I will convey it to our master.
But his absence is
long, and we are worried.
Our lord is in perfect health
and in the best condition.
And his status is
rising every day.
So, won't we see our master?
God knows.
If he gives the permission.
He might appear
before us right now.
This is not up to me, Barzak Amide.
I am barely a mediator.
And what were his latest orders?
Our lord informed me
that in these days,
it is necessary to improve
the image of Alamut Castle,
in the eyes of its neighbours.
And to remove the strange rumors,
that make souls repel from us.
And accuse us of infidelity.
And deviating from the
true school of thought.
And that's not only
from our enemies,
but also from within the
same school of thought.
Like the school of
thought's people in Egypt.
And the other countries.
What rumors?
Our lord Hassan
Al-Sabbah is a fair Imam.
And he has great dignity.
And a large degree
of his knowledge.
Which he took from the
honorable knowledge.
And he was never like
what the enemies claim.
That his title is the owner
of the key to heaven.
That, of course, is
a lie and an allegation.
A lie and an allegation?
And contrary to the teachings of the
religion and of our lord Hassan Al-Sabbah.
These words must be
erased from people's minds.
He’s the one
with the righteous prayer,
for the entry of young
believers to heaven.
There's a big difference.
And the matter must be corrected,
in our books,
and our messages,
and our correspondences.
Sometimes, delaying
obedience is disobedience.
Sometimes, delaying
obedience is disobedience.
And on behalf of our master,
may God sanctify his secret,
I do not accept disobedience,
nor delaying obedience.
- Understood?
- Understood.
What about is great book
"The Legacy of our Master"?
Is this real?
Or just accusations and lies?
The book is real.
And it has reached many lands.
And it was read.
It became a reality.
It became a reality.
Whoever believes in
it, believes in it.
And whoever denies it, denies it.
It doesn't subtract
or add
to the status of our
Master Hassan Al-Sabbah.
But if you want my advice.
Stay silent.
No denial
or belief.
And this is the way
of the great scholars.
With the books of
the great secrets.
May God bless you
And may you guide others.
And may you guide others.
On the right path
with a clear basis.
We have never seen our master.
The previous generation
said he is in seclusion.
Some people say he ascended
to the heavens like the Prophets.
Everyone has their imagination.
What do you think?
I believe he is
confined to his room.
And disease and
weakness are consuming him.
And disease and
weakness are consuming him.
You've been talking since
the beginning of the night.
But all you say
contradicts our faith.
Don't you believe in our master?
I am talking to you.
If you don't believe in our faith
Then what brought
you here amongst us?
What brought you to Alamut?
Waiting for our Master.
Tell my son Sa'eed a time will come
with less injustice
and less betrayal
and greater faith.
He will avenge who
unjustly killed his father.
Farewell, my love.
Farewell, kind heart
and peaceful mind
tired from philosophy
and poetic sorrow.
Barely remembered.
Elevated in status.
You beat me to it, Sahban.
You went ahead to a
grave I made for myself.
As if you intentionally
wanted to get there first, so
so I could have hope of meeting you
waiting for me, laughing.
Like every day.
The doubts in me are now gone,
and I'm full of hope
to see you again.
and I'm full of hope
to see you again.
And then,
all the beautiful meanings
will become reality.
The dust of Omar Khayyam
will blend with the
sweet, beautiful dust
of Sahban the masseur.
My friend.
My only friend.
The one who truly loved me.
With no intention other than love.
Master, Abdul Qadir
Gilani, how do we make it?
How do we reach the truth?
Any truth that is
not proven by Shari'a.
Is heresy.
So, the Wirds of the Holy Qur'an.
And my commitment to asceticism.
Can they make me fly?
Can they make me fly?
Fly towards reality with the
wings of Qur'an and the Sunnah.
Shariah refines the apparent.
And monotheism and
knowledge refine the false.
Imam Ghazali, may God
have mercy on him.
He fought the Esoterics fiercely.
And wrote many books
and works about them.
Their last one.
"Deliverance From Error".
Don't blame me, master, I.
I've never heard you
speak about them at all.
May God bless Master
Ghazali with His vast mercy.
May God bless Master
Ghazali with His vast mercy.
God bless him.
He spent half of his life
battling the misguided.
He was harsher on
them than the sting of fire.
Rectify your inner selves and strive
to save your souls with sincerity.
And Shari'a and diligence.
And knowledge.
Because Satan, ignorance and
misguidance dominate people.
When people neglect their souls.
Slay the misguidance
with knowledge.
Defeat the falsehood
by seeking the truth.
If your world inside you is
rectified and harmonious.
If your world inside you is
rectified and harmonious.
The world around
you will be rectified.
Walk under the shadow of
the book of Allah Almighty.
And the Sunnah of his
Prophet, peace be upon him.
- Upon him is the peace.
- Peace be upon him.
If you do so.
You will certainly succeed.
And gather all the believing
youth in the square before sunset.
Stay there, my lady.
Stay there, my lady.
The loyal follower,
Barzak Amide.
Is he preventing Khadija, the daughter of
Hassan Al-Sabbah from seeing her father?
Nobody dares to do that.
But in some cases, our
Master Hassan Al-Sabbah.
He'd prefer that his daughter
Khadija wouldn't see them.
What cases?
If he's ill, I'm the most beneficial
to care for and treat him.
Our Master is in perfect health.
I don't like ambiguity.
Make your words clear.
Our Master is a keeper of secrets.
And he is now in a
state of spiritual progress.
In the high stations.
He may see my lady.
And deny her.
Or doesn't recognize her.
Because this is not our Master
Hassan Al-Sabbah that we know.
He's in another world.
When he returns to his usual self
I will personally take you to him.
I'll pretend to believe you.
Because I didn't come here to ask
for your permission to see my father.
But I'll give you a grace period.
And then I'll go to
him without talking to you.
And try.
Try then to stop me.
And see what my reaction will be.
Who is Barzak Amide to stop the daughter
of Hassan Al-Sabbah from seeing her father?
The worst thing is being
forbidden from seeing my father.
My lady, he didn't
say you're forbidden
He said his condition
doesn't permit it.
And when it does, you'll see him.
And when it does, you'll see him.
And who is he to say or not to say!
Why are you upset?
I'm upset.
Upset about the days that let my father’s
follower forbid me from seeing him.
Calm down, my lady
We wait and see him.
I can't wait.
When I want to
see him, I shall do it
Who else is left for him
in this world but me?
Thank God, my lady. Your
destiny is better than theirs.
What are you saying?
I didn't say anything.
I mean
Thank God that your fate is better than
the fate of Master Al-Hadi and Hussein.
Thank God that your fate is better than
the fate of Master Al-Hadi and Hussein.
Master Hassan Al-Sabbah
killed my brother Hussein
by divine command.
His rank was above
the rank of a father.
And he did not favor
his son over the law.
And our master Al-Hadi
was lifted while he was alive.
And he is still
alive in the heavens
And he will return.
He will return with Imam Al-Mahdi.
Peace be upon him.
Either talk out of knowledge
Or you should stay silent.
So you don't expose yourself to
accountability and punishment.
Open the door, father.
Open, my master.
This is Khadija.
I want to see you and check on you.
What you're doing is not right.
How did you get here?
How dare you touch my hand!
How did the guards let you?
They tried to stop
me and they couldn't.
What! Are you going to stop me?
I told you, his condition
does not allow it.
I told you, his condition
does not allow it.
And I told you, I'll go
in if I want to go in.
If it was possible,
I would have entered.
and requested what's more precious than
the castle and all that's in it for me.
I have nothing to do
with your request or with you.
Won't you hear my first request?
My request is you.
That I am honored to marry my lady,
The daughter of our master.
Who are you?
You are follower to my father.
How dare you overstep
and make such a request?
Just like that!
Just like that!
Do you know the punishment for
vanity and arrogance, daughter of Sabbah?
A punishment beyond
your imagination.
Is that you see the state
of Hassan Al-Sabbah
Then you'll know what he is.
And what I am.
And you will humiliate yourself
To make me repeat the
request you insulted me for.
Even if you saw a corpse,
You will continue to serve as
your queen, daughter of your master.
And you will always
remain a brash follower.
Who am I?
Who is Hassan Al-Sabbah?
Who am I?
Who is Hassan Al-Sabbah?
Tell me.
A god?
An eternal, powerful, immortal,
Or a holy man?
One who receives orders from God,
Or a mediator?
Between the Imam
And the creatures.
Or a righteous servant?
Or perhaps a lost servant.
Or perhaps nothing.
Who let you in my room, maid?
You know what!
You know what!
sit down.
You may know who I am.
You are like my daughter.
Who am I, my daughter?
I asked Doniazad and
she didn't answer earlier.
And I asked Hussein,
he didn't answer.
Am I of the Be, and it is,
Or am I a pathetic servant
who is helpless and dies?
Or am I a pathetic servant
who is helpless and dies?
Who am I?
Who am I?
I'm not a god.
I'm not
Not the lord of the castle, no!
I am even weak.
Am I you?
Or who am I?
And the one known as
The Sheikh of the
Mountain has died
Has died
Hassan bin Ali,
bin Mohammed Al-Sabbah
In his Castle of Alamut
In the year 518 Hijri.
In the year 1124 AD.
In the year 1124 AD.
He died without a
single wound on his body.
He died, but
his ideas remained alive
For more than 900 years.
And the Castle of Alamut
still remained after him
for 122 years.
Until it was destroyed
by the Mongols.
In 1256 AD.
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