The Longest Promise (2023) s01e30 Episode Script

Episode 30

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 30=
I'm willing to tell you
everything I know.
After it!
This is an illusion.
Don't let your mind be distracted.
That's strange.
I used sweet Osmanthus just now.
If we follow the scent,
we should be able to find the entrance.
Shi Ying?
(Lang Gan, Emperor Xingzun)
Who are you?
Didn't you already know who I am,
Shi Ying?
It's really you.
I killed him.
The Ice Clan had served its purpose.
They no longer have my protection.
So there's no need to fear them anymore.
Emperor Xingzun,
you're indeed still alive.
I'm still alive.
It's because
of my obsession with Bai Wei.
That's why
I've been living like a walking corpse
for a thousand years.
If you have such an obsession with her,
why did you conspire with the Ice Clan
and destroy
what you both created,
the glorious Kongsang era?
Kongsang has fallen
and can no longer be called
a glorious era.
I can't stand by
and watch all the efforts Bai Wei
and I made
go to waste.
That's why I want to destroy it myself
and rebuild order.
Only then I can give back to Bai Wei
the prosperous Yunhuang
she never forgot
until her death.
You're so infatuated
with Empress Bai Wei.
It's not an infatuation.
It's deeply ingrained in my heart.
You came to kill me.
It was you
who ignited the resurgence
of the Ice Clan.
I'm the Priest of Grand Preceptor
from Jiuyi Mountain,
and I'm also a citizen of Kongsang.
Anyone who is an enemy of Kongsang,
even if
that person is you,
I'll fight against them.
you're a citizen of Kongsang.
You're the chosen one,
the chosen Emperor of Kongsang.
I am not.
Back then,
I let Bai Wei down
despite her unwavering love for me.
I made her misunderstand me,
and I pushed her further
and further away.
I spent decades
loving her
but spent a thousand years
regretting my mistakes.
Do you know this heartbreaking pain?
You won't understand.
we stargazed together,
and I asked her
if the nearest star to us
was an unreachable distance.
She held me
and comforted me, saying,
as long as you reach out your hand,
you can touch it."
But I pushed her away
step by step.
Now, you've seen
how I ended up.
I've been drifting in this world
for a thousand years.
I'm very tired.
I knew you would come to me.
So I've been waiting for you.
I know everything
that you've done.
Now that you're here today,
I can finally
let it go.
You can choose
to be a ruler
or choose to be someone
who assists the ruler.
With you,
Kongsang has a glimmer of hope.
Then I
can peacefully go
and meet her.
Do it,
my child.
Emperor Xingzun,
please rest in peace.
Where did he go?
I was worried sick.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Let's go.
What's inside?
Where's Wu Xian?
Did you see the sage?
The sage was none
other than Emperor Xingzun.
He developed an obsession
because of Empress Bai Wei.
So he used the Ice Clan
to deal with Kongsang.
Then where is he now?
He has ascended
to the realm of immortals.
The Ice Clan has lost his protection,
and the leader of the Ten Sorcerers,
Wu Xian,
was also killed by him.
The Ten Sorcerers will collapse
and the Ice Clan is no longer a concern.
The current crisis
that Kongsang is facing
is only the Merfolk Marine Force now.
Stop right there.
Releasing these captives hastily
may lead to unforeseen consequences.
It's better
if I bring them back to Ye City
for thorough interrogation.
General Bai.
General Bai,
I'm here on the orders of Prince Shi Yu
to investigate
the identities
of these Merfolk marine force soldiers.
If they're
just ordinary soldiers,
they'll be sent home
to reunite with their families.
Thank you for your help, General Qing.
But these Merfolk marine force soldiers
are all cunning and deceitful.
You may excel
at leading troops into battle.
But interrogation methods
require skills.
If not executed properly,
our efforts may go to waste.
The total number
of Merfolk marine force captives
is less than ten thousand.
But at the very least,
there are eight thousand.
I'm willing to share
some of the burden with you.
It's all right.
There are laws in our country,
and the military has its regulations.
Moreover, the Priest of Grand Preceptor
has instructed us
not to abuse them
with private punishment.
General Bai,
it's a large number
of Merfolk Marine Force soldiers.
I need to start dealing
with them immediately.
Take them away.
If we treat the Merfolk well,
it won't be long
before this battle comes to an end.
Then how can I
achieve military accomplishments?
Shi Ying,
I'll remember
what you and your disciple
owe me.
You did it.
I'm glad I didn't let you down.
Shi Yu is currently overseeing
the withdrawal of troops.
However, it'll take some time
to restore the relationship
between the two clans
to what it was before.
But I've obtained an imperial decree
that guarantees the safety
of the civilians.
who have lost their homes in the chaos
can seek assistance
from local authorities.
Whether they are Merfolk
or Kongsang people,
they will be given the same treatment.
Thank you for being thoughtful of us.
I hope that after this battle,
there will be no more conflicts
between the two clans.
May peace reign in Yunhuang.
After the war has ceased,
Sea Emperor must fulfill
his promise.
Farmers have their own fields.
Weavers have their own looms.
Everyone should have a home.
The elderly and the young
have someone to rely on.
People are wise and knowledgeable.
Those who speak have no fear.
Everyone can utilize their abilities
to the fullest extent.
Learning from the past
while embracing new progress.
These will ensure the long-lasting haven
and well-being of the citizens,
The country will also be prosperous
and stable.
Now that the matter of the Evil Star
has been resolved,
So after this,
shouldn't you leave the priesthood?
Fortunately, I have the foresight
and have chosen a pet name
for you earlier,
Ying Ying.
How about it?
Does it sound like Zhu Zhu?
Isn't it a good match?
Who's Zhu Zhu?
Who else?
It's Zhu Yan, of course.
After you leave the priesthood,
your relationship will change.
Perhaps it's time to change
how you address each other as well.
Stop talking about it anymore.
Can you honestly say
you didn't leave the priesthood
because of her?
Do you dare to deny
that you leave the priesthood
because you want to be with her?
I do.
Now that's more like it.
Zhu Yan has been
the one pursuing you.
You have always been free
from worldly desires
and truthful without pretense.
So how do you plan
to explain it to her?
I'm indeed
not skilled in this matter.
If I were to express my feelings
to her rashly,
I'm afraid it would scare her.
I should wait until
after I leave the priesthood
before making any decisions.
What kind of joke are you making?
Are you afraid of scaring her?
Do you think
she's a delicate woman?
You're actually afraid
of scaring yourself.
Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Lord Chong Ming.
I heard you talking
about Princess Zhu Yan just now.
If it weren't for her mediation,
we wouldn't have been able
to trust each other.
The war wouldn't have had room
for resolution so quickly.
The ceasefire
was thanks to her.
Priest of Grand Preceptor,
I know there are some things
I shouldn't say.
But I have to say them.
The happiest time
in Princess Zhu Yan's life
when she became your disciple
and lived with you on Jiuyi Mountain.
But the most painful time for her
was when you expelled her
from Jiuyi Mountain,
that she would never see you again
in her lifetime.
I watched her grow up
little by little
and took care of her like family.
Now, I have to go
and serve my clansman.
I can't stay by her side all the time
to take care of her.
Priest of Grand Preceptor.
You're the one
who truly brings her happiness.
Since there will be peace in the future,
I hope
she'll never shed tears again.
That's my only wish.
I've said things I shouldn't have.
So I'll punish myself with three drinks.
I promise you.
Please sit down.
As Merfolk, we can live
for hundreds of years.
So we're used to facing life and death.
I thought I wouldn't care
about anything anymore.
But recently,
I couldn't help but think of the past.
Do you remember
the heartbreak I mentioned to you
about hiding in the Western Huang
for over two hundred years?
The last time Kongsang and the Merfolk
signed a peace treaty,
it was presided over
by the woman I love.
She was the Chief of the Crimson Clan,
Chizhu Feili,
who was also Zhu Yan's
It happened over two hundred years ago.
The first time I saw her,
she was dressed in red,
with a heroic demeanor.
Her swordsmanship was outstanding.
It was unforgettable.
Did you stay with the Crimson Clan
because of this?
Chizhu Feili,
the Sword Saint of Kongsang,
advocated for a ceasefire
with the Merfolk
and the expulsion
of the invading Ice Clan.
She was born into a prestigious family.
She was radiant
and splendid,
attracting the attention
of countless noble families
and the admiration
of the Six Ministries.
I'm worlds apart from her.
I shouldn't have any delusions.
This is the destined sword
that accompanies us Merfolk since birth.
You're the one I drew the sword for.
From that day on,
it has accompanied you and me
in sword practice,
as well as in our war campaigns.
But I haven't figured out
what to name it.
Just now,
I decided to name it
Extreme Biluo.
Extreme Biluo?
Because your Extreme Wind City
is my sanctuary.
Yao Yi,
you have a weakness
because of me.
But I'll spend my whole life
repaying you
by being your sword and armor.
Then it's a promise
that you'll repay with a lifetime.
I only wish that this lifetime
were longer.
Extreme Biluo.
The deep affection of a sword.
At that time, as the war continued,
I didn't know
if we would ever be separated.
So I decided to disregard everything
and express my feelings to her.
Even if it ends in heartbreak,
it's better than regretting it
for the rest of my life.
The best thing I've done in my life
is to tell her in person
that I love her.
(Shi Ying,)
(I leave it to you)
(to tell her in this lifetime.)
♪Whose longing has been stirred up♪
♪Unfinished fate and love
while passion has gone♪
♪Like a nightmare♪
♪Longing to meet again in dreams♪
I wonder
what Master is doing now.
♪Like the bright moonlight
quietly sneaking into the night♪
♪When this life reaches its end,
fallen petals become intertwined♪
♪Snowy Rosa at the temple,
blooming the most beautiful verses♪
♪Through the years, through time♪
♪Only your appearance♪
♪I will forever remain in the past♪
Let me go!
I don't want to take a bath!
I don't want to take a bath!
Someone is trying to kill me!
Help! I don't want to take a bath!
Help me!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Help me!
Someone is trying to kill me!
I don't want to take a bath!
I must hurry.
I can't clean this in time.
I've been too busy
to visit you lately.
Are you all right?
(How can I let Master)
(see me in such a messy state?)
I'm all right.
It's just
that I'm not accustomed
to the environment here.
about you write a prescription for me?
I wasn't attentive enough.
Wait for a moment.
(Take this with water)
So beautiful.
follow this prescription
for your recovery.
I'll come and visit you tomorrow.
I'm just making a fuss about nothing.
If you have something important to do,
please go and do it.
I said before
that no matter what you say
or where you are,
I won't
have any more resentful thoughts.
The matter of the withdrawal of troops
was also
because of your speech in the hall.
When I was in the streets,
I saw many people
clapping and cheering.
My master sure is amazing.
I've entrusted the matter
of Kongsang's soldier withdrawal
to Shi Yu.
As for Merfolk marine force,
Zhi Yuan is taking care of it.
I have no other matters to handle.
tomorrow is the Lantern Festival.
Would you like
to accompany me to the market?
Master, is there
anything you want to buy?
Just let me know.
I'll have someone buy it for you.
You once said
you'd show me around
in Extreme Wind City.
It didn't happen back then.
How about we do it
in Ye City instead?
You want me to come with you
to the market?
Just for the sake of wandering aimlessly
and having fun?
Would you like to?
All right.
I'll see you tomorrow.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Young Lady.
Did you see that?
My master came to visit me.
The Priest of Grand Preceptor just left.
So what I saw
wasn't an illusion.
My master did come.
Something's not right.
Could it be
that someone transformed into my master
to deliberately play tricks on me?
Young Lady,
what are you talking about?
No, that's not right.
What nonsense am I spouting about?
that's my master.
He came to my room.
He said he wanted to go to the market.
Young Lady,
He came to my room.
Isn't that a good thing?
Go to the market.
Why do you look at it
as if it's a catastrophe?
You're right.
It's a good thing, Yufei.
Master is taking me to the market!
Young Lady!
it has been a long time
since I dressed in this.
It feels like returning
to Jiuyi Mountain.
Is this the place
you wanted to come?
Of course.
I share the same preferences as you.
I like whatever you like.
(Calligraphy and Painting Hall)
this painting
was painted by Master He Yu,
who is known as a master of painting.
They say it vividly depicts
a beautiful woman with bright eyes,
a charming smile,
and lifelike details.
It's one of his representative works
(Huanxi Sand)
It's one of his representative works
(Huanxi Sand)
called "Huanxi Sand".
Legend has it that the woman
in this painting
was someone he encountered by chance
during a spring outing.
he didn't express his feelings
at that time.
After completing this painting,
he went in search of her,
only to discover
that she had already married.
(Master is happy with my explanation.)
(I'm glad that my efforts yesterday)
(were not in vain.)
I have noted down
all the renowned artists
and their most sought-after works
in the calligraphy and painting shop,
just in case we need them in the future.
Among the ancient books and paintings,
the most famous should be
Master He Yu.
He excels in portraying beautiful women.
Beautiful women portrait?
And this landscape painting
was painted by Gu Ruobai.
There are various opinions
about which scenery he painted.
Some say it's the forests
between the mountains,
likely from the Tianque Mountain
in the east.
- So it's Tianque Mountain.
- Tianque Mountain?
It's the first time I've heard of it.
So that's the place.
Who is she?
are they looking at us like that?
They probably mistake you
for the commentator in this art gallery.
Watch how I make them leave.
May I ask
about the background of this painting?
This painting
is by a renowned painter, Xi.
The name is quite special.
It's called
"Early Moon, Blossoming Spring".
It has gained great popularity
in recent years.
"Early Moon, Blossoming Spring"?
This painting clearly
belongs to Qin Zhang,
titled "Begonia under the Moon".
"Early Moon, Blossoming Spring"
is pure nonsense.
Her boasting went too far.
That's right.
So she was just pretending.
This work was actually painted
by Qin Zhang
during his retreat on Xishan.
He gave this painting
to his friend Li Hezhi,
who returned the favor
by writing a poem.
"The moon sets on Xishan early,
begonia blossoms in early spring."
He also left a note as the name implies.
So "Early Moon, Blossoming Spring"
has its own significance.
it serves as the best witness
to their deep friendship.
(I made things up on the spot.)
(Master can even cover up for me.)
(What else can't he do?)
may I know
what's the background of this painting
on this folding fan?
This landscape painting
is one of the representative works
of Master Lin An,
and it's called
Did she say "Foliage"?
This clearly belongs to Master Lin An's
"Orchid and Jade Tree" painting.
What does this have to do with foliage?
It's true.
"Foliage" also has its own significance.
As for the specific background,
I'll let my Master explain it
to everyone.
Master Lin An has a unique way
of titling his works.
He can have a straightforward title,
a tangential title,
or even a lying title.
he often hides the true title
within the calligraphy.
He was right in front of me
when he created this painting.
The true name of this artwork
is indeed "Foliage".
It captures the essence of spring,
symbolizing the birth
of the smooth and soft foliage.
Without the foliage growing first,
how could
the orchid and jade tree grow?
He has a point.
If you look closely
at the second pine needle
of the third branch
from the left.
It has a slightly lighter shade of ink
compared to the others.
That's because I added it
when I was young.
It's true.
Excuse me, sir.
May I ask who you are?
Just an ordinary person.
Not worth mentioning.
time to go.
He's indeed an expert.
Show it to me.
Come and take a look.
You sure have picked up a treasure.
Right here. This is the one.
It's indeed there. It's really there.
Let's go.
(Calligraphy and Painting Hall)
you're so impressive.
Are there any lies in this world
that you can't cover?
Luckily, I know
Li Hezhi and Lin An.
If we stayed any longer,
our lies will be exposed.
I can be mischievous at times,
and you've always been strict with me.
I didn't expect you
would go along with me.
I'm truly overwhelmed
by the unexpected favor.
What do you expect me to do?
Leave you to perform a one-man show?
But I didn't expect
it would be this amusing
to engage in nonsense with you.
you don't have to continue seeing me
as your master all the time.
No, I can't do that.
A joke is a joke.
Once a master,
you'll always be my master.
As a disciple,
I should adhere to the rules
of being a disciple.
why are you suddenly saying this?
Oh, I get it.
It's because you're a cultivator.
You don't want
to reveal your identity
in the mortal world.
You can put it
that way.
Then Master
where would you like to go next?
I'll go wherever you go.
No, I'll follow you.
All right, then.
When I was young,
I once watched a shadow puppet show.
But I couldn't wait until the end.
I've always had regrets about it.
How about this?
You can accompany me to find it.
If we can find
that particular shadow puppet show,
it would be fulfilling
a wish in my heart.
All right.
I'll definitely find it.
That way, your effort
to fulfilling my wish
won't be in vain.
We've already searched several streets.
But we still haven't found that fish.
Master, do you still remember
the color fish?
I remember it was red.
it's no longer there
after such a long time.
Then do you remember
what the shadow puppet show's venue
looked like?
I only remember
two large fish swimming around.
They looked happy.
- Awesome!
- Incredible!
- Great!
- Marvelous!
If I find it,
what reward are you prepared to give me?
Are you making me promise you
something again?
Stop right there.
Your injuries just recovered.
Don't run.
All right, Master.
Do what I say.
That's so beautiful!
Later, you can
just lead me the way.
Don't run.
All right.
(Did Master hold my hand earlier)
(because there were many people around)
(and it wasn't convenient to use magic?)
(That must be it.)
(It must be because of the crowd.)
- Wait for me!
- Coming!
Let's go!
It's these two fish, right?
It was probably
the lights from the shadow puppet show
casting onto the fish,
making it appear
as if they were swimming around.
We finally found them.
thank you.
But don't forget
you owe me a favor.
All right.
I'll remember.
do you happen to know
if there's a place nearby
where there are shadow puppet shows?
I remember you.
You're the owner
of the shadow puppet show.
I've been performing
for more than ten years.
Paper-cutting and shadow puppets
have a similar effect.
Ten years ago,
I watched your show halfway here.
Ten years ago?
The most popular one
was the "Tales of the Righteous Demon".
could you perform it again
for us?
We'll generously compensate you.
Miss, there's something you don't know.
Just the other day,
Consort Qing summoned
the Princess of Crimson Clan
to the palace to reprimand her
for her improper behavior,
which made us ordinary folks
bear the consequences too.
we can no longer perform
any romantic love stories.
It has also affected
my business by half.
Innocent people like us
were implicated for no reason.
I have to apologize for declining.
Since you're old acquaintances
and have come to my stall.
How about this?
Let me make
a small paper-cut portrait for you.
Then can I trouble you
to teach me instead?
I'll do it myself.
Sure, sure.
(Master must be compensating)
(for the unintended harm)
(we caused we caused)
(to the old man's business)
(out of guilt.)
please have a look.
It truly is a masterpiece
from the hands of someone
with deep affection.
I've been doing paper-cutting
for decades.
But I've never seen
such a lively
and exquisite work.
that the paper-cut portrait is finished,
you can choose
a congratulatory wedding scroll.
A congratulatory wedding scroll?
Have a look.
These words
from the scripts
of my puppet shows,
as well as some fine quotes
from scholars.
Both of you
can choose the one you like
and stick this paper-cut portrait
on top of it.
You misunderstood.
We're not
(A perfect couple?)
(An ideal match?)
(Isn't this)
(the congratulatory wedding scroll
he gave me back then?)
(A perfect couple and an ideal match)
These characters come
from the story of a virtuous woman.
It tells the tale of a girl
named Liangnv
who fell in love with her lover.
However, their parents disapproved,
and their attempt
to elope also failed.
Her lover died
and turned into a star.
The story may be good.
the ending is tragic.
When you sent me
the congratulatory wedding scroll,
you were already foreseeing
my future as a widow.
(A lifetime together, never lose, never forget, never be separated)
(If a handsome man like Master)
(were not a cultivator,)
(I wonder how many women in the world)
(would be infatuated with him.)
Which one do you like?
I like
Oh, you mean
the congratulatory wedding scroll.
I like
This one?
It's a riddle
from the play "Jade Casket."
It refers to a couple in the story
named Orchid
and Jade,
who eventually
and grow old together.
We happened
to see the "Orchid and Jade Tree"
painting earlier.
It seems
it's pretty fated.
"A lifetime together,
never lose, never forget,
never be separated".
I understand it now.
Master, what is it
that you understand this time?
Why are you looking
at this scroll again?
Could it be
that you intend to choose this one
when you give me
the next congratulatory wedding scroll?
I've planned
to leave the priesthood
and resign from the position
of Immortal Official
after the withdrawal of the troops.
Shi Ying!
Shi Ying!
Shi Ying!
Chong Ming?
I've finally found you.
Something happened to your brother.
I heard he was carried back to Jialan.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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