ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e30 Episode Script

Thunder Road

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
Look out everyone.
If Lion-O rolls
a four or higher,
he wins board game night!
I got a three!
Three, two, one, zero.
- That's four! I win!
- [all cheering]
- [overlapping chatter]
- No, that's not Ugh, fine.
[all chanting] He got four!
He got four!
Hey! Are you guys
the ThunderCats?
Uh yes?
Well, next time
your planet explodes,
try filling out a change
of address form!
I've been trying to deliver a
package to Thundera for weeks!
Says something here about a
[reading] "Sword of Omens?"
- [all gasp]
- [spits]
There's another Sword of Omens?
Actually, it's 50
Sword of Omens.
Fifty Sword of Omens? Hmm.
That's three,
zero, eight Whoa!
We'll be unstoppable
with all those Swords of Omens!
Wait. Is it "Sword of Omenses"?
No. "Sw Swords of Omen?"
It's a metric
butt-ton of swords!
- Where do you want 'em?
- Deliver them
to Castle Plun-Darr!
Slithe? Are you spying
on our conversation?
Don't listen to him.
Send them to the ThunderCats.
I'm a ThunderCat,
send them to me!
How many people
are on this call?
Hello? Jimmy Spigatoli?
This is your grandmother
Ooh! Wrong number.
Look, you ThunderCats
all gotta decide
which one of you
wants the swords, okay?
Just deliver them
to the building shaped like
a giant cat!
What is wrong with you?
All right, smart guy!
How about I dump the package
in this canyon,
and you could come get it?
Good luck, losers!
I always wanted
to visit that canyon.
It does look very nice.
Um, we should probably
get those
[speaks frantically] We gotta
get those swords!
- [rings]
- Hello, I'd like to order
a large pizza.
Oh, wrong again.
Let's roll.
- Come on, mutants! Move it!
- Uh, okay.
- Yeah, I'm comin'.
- Oh, wait for me!
[cackles wickedly]
Here we go.
The second quickest way
to the bottom of the canyon
is No Man's Road.
What's the quickest way?
Falling straight down and
exploding into a ball of fire.
No Man's Road it is!
What's everyone gonna do
with their swords?
I'm gonna tie
a bunch of them together
- and make one huge sword!
- Your sword already does that.
- Darn right it does!
- Hey, Thunder-dorks!
I hope you're not makin' plans
for those swords!
'Cause you're never gonna
get 'em!
- [all screaming]
- Watch where you're going, Thunder [screams]
Look what you did, mutant!
They oughta take away
your license
after you get to be
a thousand years old.
- [all] Oh!
- Ha! You're old!
Hey, you don't get to say that,
- only he gets to say that!
- [all scream]
[male announcer reading]
[all grunting, groaning]
Those 50 Swords of Omenses
belong to us!
They belong to whoever gets
to the bottom first.
[both] Oh!
Say, Hurrick, sounds like
everyone wants those swords.
Why, if we had 'em,
we could sell 'em,
and bring prosperity
to our whole village!
But, Bundun, us Bolkins,
have never been sword thieves.
Then again, times are hard
Let's go look at them.
After all,
a little arms dealing
never hurt anyone!
- [Slithe] Those swords are ours!
- [Monkian] Give us
- those swords!
- [Jackalman] Give up! We're gonna get 'em!
Ah! Those sweet little Bolkins
are headed for the swords!
- [shouting] To our respective vehicles!
- [all scream]
[both gasping] Oh!
- Come on, Panthro! Ram somebody!
- You got it!
Ah! [grunts]
- Now ram them!
- Gladly.
[all screaming]
[cackles wickedly]
[all coughing]
Rollin' coal, baby [laughs]
[tires screeching]
[both together] Oh!
Super safe and easy.
[tires screeching]
Come on! Get off!
- Ah. That's better.
- Look out!
[all screaming]
[all continue screaming]
[all groan]
Well, at least we're not stuck
to the mutants anymore.
I'll check on the treads.
Wow, you can see
a lot from up here.
You know, it's easy to forget
to slow down once in a while,
and smell the roses.
Oh, well. That's life, I guess.
- [horn tooting]
- I'm coming, I'm coming.
[both scream]
Think of all the good we'll do
for our village
once we get those swords!
Let's not get ahead
of ourselves.
I don't think
we're ahead of anyone.
We have to go back for Tygra!
No, Cheetara,
we've gotta get those Swords.
We'll do it in memory
of Tygra and Snarf!
- Snarf is still here.
- [purring]
Oh. See? [chuckles]
It's not so bad.
[all scream]
[Vultureman laughs]
Wow, there's so much
leg room in here.
Aren't you supposed to be
attacking me or something?
Ooh! Are these heated seats?
Yeah. I know it's supposed
to be vintage,
but I added some stuff.
A modern twist
on a classic design. I love it!
Oh, thank you. [laughs]
You know, we don't have to
actually fight
until we get to the Swords.
I was thinking the same thing!
Why not enjoy the
[both gasp, scream]
[all screaming]
Huh. That worked out even.
We don't have any front wheels!
Looks like we have to use
the spares.
Oh, ooh!
[Monkian] Steady
- Oh, look out!
- [all scream]
- Ugh, huh?
- [both giggle]
[both scream, grunt]
Have a taste of my
Try a Megaton-X-Ray-Atomic
Just wait until we mutants
get those Swordses of Omenses.
They'll be more powerful
than all our gadgets
put together!
When we get the Swords,
we won't even need gadgets!
Well, then I guess, you and I,
will be out of a job.
Uh Yeah.
- We gotta destroy those Swords!
- Agreed. But how?
We don't have a vehicle.
All we have are two halves,
and our building skills.
[despondently] Our useless,
useless, building skills!
Hmm. That's it!
[both] Building skills!
Look out! We're entering
a Sponge Fog!
[all grunting]
Try hitting them this time!
Come on, Monkian.
You can do this.
- [all gasp]
- Ahh!
[all groaning]
Do you ever look at the scenery
we have here on Third Earth?
I mean, really look at it?
- Not often enough, I tell you.
- [camera shutter clicks]
- Hey!
- Gotcha!
Ugh, don't. I look terrible.
Oh, stop. You do not.
Does my face
look like a raisin?
Come on, Monkian,
don't mess up again.
- Let me try!
- Hit them with something
that won't come back!
How about
the Electric Boomerang?
No, that's exactly the wrong
- [all scream]
- Ooh, that was close.
Don't worry,
I'll get it! [screams]
[all screaming]
[Zombie Berbil] Wait!
Come back, new friend!
Now who will we un-build?
We made it!
The Swords of Omens
belong to us!
- [all cheering]
- Back off. They're mine!
Oh, no, they're not.
Hey, those swords are ours.
[all scream]
[spitting] Wha Oh!
[male announcer] The Swords!
Look, Snarf! The swords!
ThunderCats! Swords, HO!
[laughs wickedly]
Gimme, gimme, gimme.
- [groans]
- [both grunt]
[both screaming]
[both groaning]
[both] Tygra,
you're on our side!
Oh, uh, it must have been
mind control!
Yeah, that's it. Mind control.
Ah! How does this
keep happening?
Curse that Mumm-Ra and his surprisingly
supple skin. [chuckles nervously]
- [groans]
- [both laugh]
- [Mumm-Ra laughs]
- [all screaming]
[screaming continues]
[both] We did it! Hooray!
This will really
help our village!
Ugh, come on! Did we just
lose to those guys?
Well, at least they're gonna do
something good with them!
But why should we help
anyone else when we could
[continues aggressively]
rule all of Third Earth?
[both laugh wickedly]
- Uh
- Wait a minute.
[both together] Thunder!
Thunder! Thunder!
Hey, why isn't
anything happening?
And where are all of our
bulbous muscles?
And our robot cat butler?
Oh, right! The Sword of Omens
is useless
without the Eye of Thundera.
Yup. And I've got the only one
in existence. [kisses]
These are just plastic swords!
[chuckles] Isn't that funny?
- [all] No!
- [metal thudding]
[laughs boisterously] It works!
- Now, Vultureman, do it.
- Okay.
Ahhh, we did it!
- Yes, nice job!
- [both laugh]
Guess you still need
our inventions after all!
- [all gasp]
- [laughing]
[stops abruptly] What?
[male announcer] It's over.
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