Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e30 Episode Script

Episode 30
We're trying to take
Shalamzar back for a while.
Are we supposed to leave Shalamzar
to you because you took it like a vulture?
Take your soldiers and go away.
Then you should be a better
Emir and took Shalamzar.
Actually, are we supposed to give our
right to an untalented Emir?
You didn’t learn your lesson
after the hot iron on your eyes.
Now, I'll take your unholy eyes out!
Stop it.
I'll go to Shalamzar and check it.
Then I'll make a decision
about who will take Shalamzar.
In such a sad day of ours
there shouldn't be any problem.
It's like you already kissed.
What peace are you
talking about, Basulu Hatun?
The moment you came out,
nobody had peace or unity.
Who knows, what you will do to
us when you go back to the palace.
We were mourning in our plain.
You came and caused unrest.
You don't respect us
but show respect to the people.
You started to talk a lot since I
saw you last time, Turna Hatun.
Or are you already acting
like a Hatun of Melik?
Don't you ever try to do that, Turna Hatun.
Because you don't have any
place at the dynasty or the palace.
Know that very well.
Even breathing the same
air with you is a torture for us.
That's why I don't want
to come to the palace.
- Don't worry.
- That's enough.
I don't want any more
arguing in such a sad day.
The short visitation is the best one.
We're going back to the palace. Come on.
We broke the city's door
with my soldiers and entered.
We killed every Batinis that came to us.
Turan Shah came later.
- He saw everything.
- He's right.
When I entered with my soldiers, Melik
Tekish has already killed most of them.
You killed many Batinis
how couldn't you catch
Hassan Sabbah and Faysal?
Some of the Batinis
escaped like a cockroach.
Probably, Hassan Sabbah escaped with them.
We didn't catch them.
Thanks to our followers
who killed themselves
first Turan Shah believed that
Tekish took here by his sword
Melik Shah will believe too now.
First, we took it from Seljuk.
Now, we'll settle in to Shalamzar
by using Sultan's brother.
You trapped Melik Shah big time, father.
What I saw and what you told
show us that you
took here by your sword.
What you did is good for the state anyway.
Since you took it for the state..
I give it to you.
is yours, Tekish.
This is my right, my Sultan.
Just because they took it like a vulture
how could you give my right to them?
If they took Shalamzar, they've
done it for the state, my Sultan.
Are we going to leave Shalamzar to Melik
Tekish who worked with infidels before?
The past is the past. Our
Sultan made his decision.
Know your place.
You were barking like
a dog when we had you.
Did you become a lion
when you're with your father?!
Don't you do anything because
you're the Sultan's son.
Otherwise, I'll cut your
hand and your tongue too.
I didn't forget my revenge yet. Now that.
Come take it if you can.
I'll take your head
as I took your helper's.
I'll take your life now.
I'll take your heads if
you don't lower your sword.
Shalamzar belongs to Melik Tekish.
Everyone will obey my order.
Now, release the innocent ones.
I'll send you a message to
give you your order paper.
Yes, my Sultan.
I don't care about Shalamzar,
know that, Sultan Melik Shah.
We are waiting for you to do what you
have to do with Sanjar and Nizam Al Mulk.
Inshallah you will not make a decision
that will drag our dynasty into a war.
I will declare my
decision today.
I'll give everyone their rights.
All of you will obey.
My mother will be coming to the palace
today, are the preparations made?
I don't want anything missing.
Your parents won't come here.
- What do you mean?
- They are sent back.
That's what Zubeyde Hatun ordered.
Zubeyde Hatun?
How could she do that?
Is our Sultan back from
the fight? Is he inside?
What does that mean?
You are banned from going into
the Prime Chamber, Terken Hatun
What are you saying?
Zubeyde Hatun.
How could you prevent me from
going into the Prime Chamber?
And you also sent my mother and my father
back, what does that mean, Zubeyde Hatun?
I punished you for what you did
to Basulu Hatun in the tribe.
So that you don't know how
to show respect to parents
then your mother and your
father have no place in the palace.
And I punished you for
giving an order after I give one.
The Prime Chamber is forbidden
for you, until I make another decision.
If you dare breaking my rules,
I will also forbid the palace for you.
Then you can even go to
your father's Karahanli lands.
I will not accept this easily, Zubeyde.
You can do our best.
If you use your position as your
shields, I will also break them.
Now, go to your rooms.
Come on!
Shalamzar blockage is over.
Go back to your soldiers
and the troop you serve.
We were going to
Shalamzar for a victory.
Now we are going back
like we were defeated.
Why did we leave Shalamzar?
If we made the raid, we would catch
Hassan Sabbah and Faysal, my sultan.
We couldn't take our brother
Ayaz's and our soldiers' revenge
and we rewarded Melik
Tekish's shamelessness.
You are going too far.
Are you arguing my order?
I also know that there's something else.
But all signs indicate that he
took Shalamzar with his sword.
If we don't give
Shalamzar to him,
the dynasty and the folk
will see us as the cruel.
They will think that we
took the throne by force.
You should take politics.
I will take everything from them
in accordance with the morals.
I fought battles for this state for years.
Now you haven given
what was my right to
the men who rebelled
against the state.
If this is today's politics,
I don’t need it, my Sultan.
We could have risked
fighting against them..
put our swords on their
heads and taken it anyway.
That’s what should have been done.
I gave Shalamzar to them. But I
didn’t say I wouldn’t take it back.
Don't do anything impulsive, Tapar.
Just be patient.
We of course, will make a move!
Otherwise you won’t only
lose Shalamzar but everything.
Otherwise you won't only
lose Shalamzar but everything.
We'll solve Shalamzar
matter when it is time.
But now Turan Shah matter is more urgent.
I will make my final decision
about you and Nizam.
It should be such a decision that
it shouldn't pose a dang
to put the State in a chaos.
I'll accept whatever decision
you make, my Sultan.
I'm angry with them too.
I also want to avenge my
brother Ayaz and Emir llteber.
I also want Shalamzar to
belong to you, not to Melik Tekish.
But now we should wait
for our father's move.
My reputation and dignity have been broken.
And to fix it, I don't
intend to wait for anyone.
My name is Muhammed Tapar.
I myself will do what is
necessary to fix my own reputation.
We entered Shalamzar with swords.
We used Tekish and ruled with our minds.
If Melik Shah makes a positive
decision about Sanjar and Nizam.
the whole dynasty will have a fight.
And it will be a treasure
for us in a silver plate.
Let us see those days, Great Imam.
Make Seljuks fight against each other,
and open a path for the Batini state.
We came back stronger
to our houses and districts
which they kicked us out.
Now you will be dark with
the dark and light with the light.
You will disguise as
anyone and look like anyone.
Until your seeds spread the Seljuk land,
you will hide your Batinis
side and not get exposed.
When it is time and the seeds sprout,
they will spread the whole Seljuk land.
Send a messenger to our soldiers in Kerman.
Today Sultan Melik Shah will make a final
decision about Sanjar and Nizam Al Mulk.
If he makes a decision
against the morals of dynasty,
we will attack to dethrone him.
When Sultan left Shalamzar,
reputation got damaged.
Not to damage it anymore.
about Sanjar and Nizam Al Mulk, he
won't make the decision that we expected!
If he doesn't, we're
all prepared to attack.
We’ll cut Melik Shah's
lifeblood and get the throne. 
From now on, nobody but you will be
able to unite the whole dynasty forces.
Sultan won’t make a
final decision only about
Sanjar and Nizam Al
Mulk but also himself
I have to carry the whole burden
of a secret that I learned the last
Basulu immigrated to a place
that nobody can return from.
I'm sorry for your loss.
But how could to lie like this Basulu?
We had to, my Sultan
We had to do this
for the security of yours,
mine and my brothers.
If you try to protect Nizam
Al Mulk after what happened,
If Sanjar gets a share from
the state and the dynasty
the whole dynasty
will unite against you.
Tutush, Tekish, Arslan Argun.
Even Kilij Arslan who you imprisoned.
How could you do that?
For the state.
Sanjar, Basulu, Haje
and Tekish and Turan Shah
They all say they did it for the state.
Where am I on this state?
I will go out in public disguised.
Get something for that.
Shalamzar got saved from the
traitors. But this time rebels got it.
How could Sultan Melik Shah do that?
There must be something we don't know.
Otherwise, our Sultan
would have never accepted it.
Just as you said, Haje.
Our Sultan will watch for a
while and make a decision.
What is urgent now is Turan Shah matter.
He's waiting for the decision
about my mother, me and you
If he doesn't like the decision,
he'll fight our Sultan for the throne.
- Do I have permission, Hazrat Melik?
- Come in, Arslantas.
We've got news from the palace, my Bey.
Our Sultan summons you,
Hazrat Haje and Mother Basulu.
It seems that Sultan has made a decision.
I'm afraid he'll make a negative decision
to calm Turan Shah and the dynasty.
Whatever our Sultan decides, we'll
go there with our heads up, mother.
Even if his decision take our heads.
I always told you.
But you got angry with
me whenever I told you.
Your father doesn’t care about you.
He gave the city, which
was your right, to the rebels.
Battle right was just an excuse.
It seems that the efforts I
showed didn't matter to my father.
While he roared like a
lion against everyone,
he kept silent against the rebels.
I can’t stand this much.
Now he'll make a decision about Sanjar.
You’ll see. He’ll declare him as a Melik.
And give him a position
of a higher rank than yours.
I went to the tribe to give
condolence just because I loved you.
Turna Hatun is already
showing off like a hatun of Melik.
If Sanjar is declared as a
Melik, we'll be only servants here.
Zubeyde Hatun even forbade my
mother and father to come to the palace.
She's doing all these to degrade us.
Think about me and our child.
Now we have nobody but ourselves.
Only we can save our reputation and rights.
Don't worry.
My name is Melik Tapar.
From now on, I will let
nobody be unfair to us.
And I will make them pay
for what they did to you.
Tile art is the favorite
art of Seljuk hatuns.
You learn patience by waiting
for the right heat and become tile
and learn grace by
giving it a color and shape.
Melik Tapar wants to
see you, Zubeyde Hatun.
What do you think you
are doing, Zubeyde Hatun?
How could you send my hatun's parents back?
Your hatun is paying for
her impudence behavior.
Don't behave rudely before
you know what happened.
The rude thing was what
you did to the hatun of Melik.
What kind of impudence did my hatun show?
She degraded your own mother in the tribe.
She didn't even kiss her hand
by saying she wasn't her equal.
Which morals do accept such behavior?
My hatun wouldn’t go that far.
And if she makes a mistake.
..I'm the one who should
punish her. It's not you.
I'm the head of all Seljuk hatuns.
Whatever mistake hatuns make
I'm the one to punish
them. It’s not you.
Your duty is to teach
your hatun the morals, but.. seems you failed to do that for years.
Everyone thinks I'm
submissive and treats me unfairly.
But they are wrong.
I saw you as a mother for years.
But it seems you're just like others.
From now on, you should know that
nobody can be unfair to me or my hatun.
Her parents will come to the place now!
They never will.
The punishment of the
impudence is clear by the morals.
And Sultan gave me the
authority to carry out the morals.
Even you cannot break the morals.
You may not see me as
a mother anymore, but..
Go protect your own mother's rights instead
of being filled with your hatun's lies!
And don't discuss
the punishment of the
impudence me before you
teach your hatun manners.
Welcome, my Sultan.
Thank you, Hazrat Nessac.
I left my sultanate outside, but
I brought the matter of sultanate with me.
Because this matter never leaves me alone.
The more responsibilities,
the more matters.
Don’t you have a
so not let the wolves
disturb your people?
But the weather is hazy, Hazrat Nessac.
Some of the wolves are disguised as sheep.
Where I look, I see another matter.
My mind and heart tell different things.
Do you know
..why we hang down
the edge of our turban
we call "taylasan" on
our hearts, my Sultan?
I'll be glad if you answer that!
Taylasan is a symbol of the
bridge between the heart and mind.
It refers the hear and mind
making an alliance on the fact.
We should make the heart and mind one.
Now.. You have come here to ask for
solutions for a lot of problems of yours.
But I don’t have
solutions of your problems.
You have all the solutions
for those problems.
I've found the solution inside me.
I'm sure about the decision
to satisfy my heart and
mind and to serve the justice.
But this decision may harm our state,
our dynasty and many innocent people.
This state is working for people.
If the state and people get
harm due to my decision..
Well.. I'm afraid to
carry this responsibility.
A decision is made with no intention
of carrying out personal ambitions,
And if both the heart and mind
are satisfied with this decision,
that decision from Allah, my Sultan.
If Allah has let you make a decision,
He will also give you to power
to overcome all the hardships.
When I made a decision in the past,
I used to feel the presence of my
beloveds and took strength from that.
I feel like I’m in deep loneliness.
You want to make a
right decision even for
the people who you think left you alone.
You are worried
not for your personal
desire, but for the people.
And you want to do this for Allah's sake.
Allah help people who
do things for Allah’s sake.
Don't be worried that you're alone.
Is Allah not enough for you?
What happened in Shalamzar?
Turan Shah became a trouble
because of those three’s secret.
And the troubles we
are dealing with will
become bigger if we
don't take any precautions!
What our Sultan who
gave Shalamzar to
prevent a war has to
do is not forgive them.
Lion is the sign of fortune.
And those two lions show that
whoever goes through that door.
either leaves with good luck or
with is fortune after seeing the Sultan.
We will see what is
our share from that door.
Don't shake!
You killed Batini dogs before me.
I couldn't taste it.
Let me have some fun.
Hazrat Melik.
Sultan Melik Shah sent news, Hazrat Melik.
He will declare his decision
about Sanjar and Nizam Al Mulk.
And he will also give you
the write-up of Shalamzar.
Since Sultan Melik
Shah is inviting us, he
must've decided to
punish them as we wanted.
He has no other chance.
That Sultan who gave
up on Shalamzar to follow
our rules would not
break our dynasty's rules.
He can't risk fighting against the dynasty.
He will punish Sanjar and Nizam Al Mulk.
Sultan Melik Shah
will never be able to
take Shalamzar back
after I get the write-up.
If you get scared in front
of enemies like this, you die!
Now let's go and see how
Sultan does what we want.
My Sultan, Hazrat Haje, Sanjar Bey
and Basulu Hatun want to see you.
My Sultan.
Keep your head up, Basulu.
My Haje, my companion who
has been my friend for 30 years
My son who I had to leave years
ago but always carried the pain inside.
The mother of my two sons who I
never left alone by facing every trouble.
You were the only people who I trusted.
But you made me live the biggest pain.
Haje! Basulu!
No one can forgive the secret
you kept and the game you played
No one can trust you again. No
one can repair this broken heart.
No one would want to see your shadows.
If I was just a person, Melik
Shah, they would all be real.
But I am Sultan Melik Shah, the ruler.
Even if it burns my heart, I
should make a decision like a Sultan
This is the destiny of sultanate.
Thus, taking the good
part of your game about
the state and my sultanate
into consideration
I decided.
Haje Nizam Al Mulk will
keep doing his duty with his seal.
And Sanjar will be declared as the
Melik of the state since he is my son.
We will organize your
ceremony today, in the palace.
And Basulu will be shown
respect since she is the mother
of my sons and the Meliks of the state.
What about Turan Shah, my Sultan?
He wanted you to punish
me and Haje in Shalamzar.
If I didn't make this
decision and protect you.
Turan Shah would take
advantage and attack you.
He will now know that he will be fighting
against the state if he attacks you.
He will be left miserable.
This decision is going
to drive Turan Shah mad.
And it will be useful for us to defeat him.
Because we will attack
him with his own anger.
May your state be everlasting, may
your sultanate be extant, my Sultan
You rewarded us against the rebels.
We are ready for any duty that
can help the state and your sultanate
Stay for some time. Let's talk.
InshaAllah our Sultan
will make the decision
that will relieve Turan
Shah and our dynasty.
Or the state will be put
in risk for three people.
What is our Sultan's decision?
Our Sultan ordered me to come back
to the palace and keep doing my duty.
Thanks to Allah.
And Sanjar Bey will be
declared as Melik today
It will be announced that he is Sultan
Melik Shah's son and the Seljuq’s Melik.
Our Sultan showed his fairness again.
Now you are a part of the state.
May you live long with the state, son.
Thank you Zubeyde Hatun.
- -May it be blessed, brother.
- Thank you brother.
Our Sultan must have
more knowledge than us.
We will obey his justice,
Our Sultan decided to be merciful.
not to be just, Tacul Mulk.
This decision might be good for
you, but it won't be good for our state.
Making this dangerous
decision about the state
is not good while we are
dealing with Shalamzar.
Is there a decision about Basulu Hatun?
Is she coming back to the palace where
she was sent away because of spying?
My mother and our Sultan is
having a conversation right now.
Our Sultan will make a
decision after talking to her.
Look at my face, Basulu.
That day, when our destiny changed
when I was at your grave
a deep grief surrounded my heart.
This pain was the only thing
that hasn't changed after that day.
Seeing you after all those years
my pain turned into something
that could be hold and seen.
This is the reason why
I didn't want to see you
When you went to
Berzem to fight.
my only wish was to come together with
you and send the news of our son's arrival.
But our destiny draw
different paths for us.
I couldn’t tell you about our son
and I couldn't show
my face to you again.
We lived the purest
and the most beautiful
shape of love with you.
Our young hearts would
beat with excitement then.
Now we have two lion sons
which were raised by this love.
But when they told
me that you were dead.
that love kept struggling.
It kept struggling.
After some time.
it became tired.
It was buried under soil with you.
My heart that used to beat with love.
changed as it turned with longing.
That love was replaced
with loyalty on which
I worked on for years.
I understand you.
One who dies once is never born again.
You will always sit on
my heart's loyalty throne.
But disappearance of
our love wasn't our fault.
I am not mad at you.
Now you are with Terken Hatun.
She is your Hatun with
your Melik in her belly.
I want you to be happy.
and come together with your child.
You are the moth of two Meliks.
The doors of this palace is open for you.
You can always visit this
palace, whenever you want.
I'm Sanjar!
Born with the name of Ahmed,
secreted with the name of Sanjar.
I swore on the sword,
and grew up with battles.
I sharpened my mind
with light of knowledge.
I hid my longing for a
father and brother in my heart
Like an eagle, I protected my
state which I got deprived of it.
I held the patience and
gratitude as a blessing.
I always fought for justice and fairness.
I never gave up on
the virtues I fought for.
Today is the day to serve justice in my
fate written with secrets and loneliness.
I came back as a Melik to the
state that was made forbidden to me.
Sanjar, the son of Melik Shah..
..who is the grandson
of Alparslan who was the
father of conquests and
the brave son of Seljuk
Up until now, with
what you have done,
you have showed that
you're worthy of our dynasty.
From now on, I have no doubt
that you’ll serve as a Melik properly.
Because now you are beyond
Brave Sanjar or Bey Sanjar.
You're the son of the sultan of the world.
You're a Melik of the state of the world.
Now we'll declare this to the whole world.
Always keep this in your mind
in every step and breath of yours.
This is the thumb ring of
my ancestor Seljuk Ghazi.
It's a gift from Zubeyde Hatun, my Sultan.
Zubeyde has given you
what you really deserve.
Now it's our turn.
It seems Melik Shah has
made decision in our favor.
What else could he do? He knows he's wrong.
What does that mean?
What is he doing beside the throne?
Wait for Melik Shah to come.
This may be Nizam Al Mulk's
last standing in that position.
Sultan Hazrat Sultan Melik Shah!
the cause of Allah,
For the honorable
flag whose name is an
entrust from magnificent
Mustafa Muhammad
For the future of this holy
state that my ancestor founded
To be a shield of the innocent
and a claw for the cruel,
I swear that I will use
my sword and position
only to serve my cause!
May you make our state
strong and our dynasty powerful.
Our Melik should be given his sword..
by Hazrat Nessac.
In the name of Allah the Most
Gracious, the Most Merciful.
InshaAllah, you will
have opportunities to use it
in many battle for our state
and religion, Melik Sanjar.
Allah Allah EyvAllah!
May time will bring the good
and the good bring conquests.
May the evil vanish!
May our state be everlasting.
May our Sultan reign all his life.
May those working for
our state and religion
be successful in
their good intentions.
May the enemies of our
state and religion be miserable.
May our Melik Ahmed
Sanjar’s position be blessed.
May Allah let him fight
for justice for a lifetime.
May his life be long and his
sword be sharp with our Sultan.
May Allah always help and support him.
While we expected you to
punish Sanjar and Nizam Al Mulk,
you rewarded
them, Sultan Melik Shah.
How could Sanjar get a share
from the state and dynasty?
How could the liar called Nizam Al
Mulk be back to the Haje position?
I said a throne war would
begin if you didn't punish them.
This decision will cause
irreversible disasters.
Nizam Al Mulk is my Atabey.
Sanjar is my son.
I gave you Shalamzar as
a battle right by the morals.
And now I'm doing what the morals say.
If you don't obey, you
will pay a heavy price.
If you disobey the morals..
I will break your battle right.
While we defeated the
state's enemies, Batinis
no need to start a war inside the state.
Being silent for a while is our duty now.
And we'll talk about the later.
Shalamzar's Emir position, security
and management are yours now, Tekish.
Now, bring the Greek fire
supplies to us from Shalamzar.
We started the preparations for Kuvel.
The Greek fire that we'll make
is going to make us stronger.
I'll leave Isfahan for the battle tomorrow.
Bring all the papers about
Kerman's Emir, Turan Shah.
I'll check what's happening.
We send Kerman's tax every year.
We have a new Melik in our dynasty.
We'll share the province lands.
If I find it suitable
I'll split some of Kerman's lands.
Is there no land left in the
Seljuk so you take my land?
don't have any lands.
It all belongs to the state.
You just bring the papers.
Then I'll make my decisions.
As I said, if I find it suitable
some Kerman lands under your control..
I'll give it to our new Melik.
Since I have the duty
of Shalamzar's security
from now on, Melik
Tapar won't enter Shalamzar.
Because his hostile attitude
is dangerous for Shalamzar and for us.
I accept.
Melik Tapar can't enter to Shalamzar.
My Sultan.
If you allow me, I want to
bring Greek fire supplies.
So we can know how many
supplies there are and check it.
Everyone got some lands.
The lands I deserve were forbidden to me.
There is nothing about me here, my Sultan.
- If you excuse me.
- Son, don't you
make a mistake because of your anger.
Focus on the Kuvel issue.
Because it'll help us to defeat
Turan Shah and take Shalamzar back.
Wait for the results of our moves.
Sanjar Bey is Melik Sanjar now.
Because you're his Hatun
you're the Hatun of a Melik, Turna.
You belong to the Seljuk
dynasty and its custom.
From now on, everything you do
you're responsible against our
Melik, our dynasty, and our state.
Our Melik, our dynasty and our state
are always dutied
to protect your rights.
Spreading the light of our
dynasty with your beauty
carrying the state with your power
being a Seljuk Hatun
with your bravery
we don't hesitate on that.
I know I have a big responsibility.
I will devote myself to this state
my head Hatun.
From now on, whenever
you come to the palace
your position is Melik's Hatun
and Basulu Hatun's
position is Sultan's Hatun.
Sultan Melik Shah did the
thing we didn't expect at all.
He awarded Sanjar and Nizam Al Mulk
and he'll take my lands away from me.
You stayed quiet to not lose Shalamzar.
- It's about the state!
- It's not about Shalamzar.
I acted like I've accepted it
to earn time against Sultan.
There is no time, Tekish.
Didn't you see Sultan's decisions?
We don't have any
option other than coming
to Isfahan with my
army and take the throne.
Wait a little bit more.
Let's inform the other dynasty members.
- They should join us too.
- No time to wait.
Didn't you see, Tekish?
He'll take my lands tomorrow.
Before he takes, I have
to act and take the throne.
He'll leave Isfahan for the war tomorrow.
That's a chance for me.
The moment he leaves
Isfahan, I'll seize the throne.
I'll give you the support you need.
you know the result if you attack to the
throne city and you can’t get the throne.
You'll be guilty for a failed
rebellion against the Sultan.
The dynasty won't support you.
- They'll think Melik Shah is right.
- That won't happen.
Because we'll attack
and seize the Sultanate.
Then I'll be the big sultan
and you'll be the small sultan.
I told you he'd announce Sanjar
as a Melik and give him lands.
He leaves the city to the
rebels that you deserve..
..and give lands to
Sanjar who is a new Melik.
They don't care about us, Tapar.
It seems that our unborn
child will be like us too.
Your father makes up
some excuses to silent you.
Neither I listen some excuses now wait.
I'll do my own work now.
Where are you going by taking your swords?
Thanks to Allah. You're
a part of the state now.
You got the rank you deserve.
You got the award of the
secret that hurt you until today.
While I watched you at the ceremony.
my eyes were dazzled.
The other meaning of
the state is happiness.
If I reached to the state without
you, my happiness would be half.
You are the love of my heart.
You are the foundation of my tent.
You'll be the light of my dynasty now.
We had us, our love, our home until today.
We have our dynasty and our state now.
Like how we worked together
for our love and home
we'll work for our dynasty
and our state from now on.
Melik Hazrat.
As you ordered, we
started to watch Melik Tapar.
According to our Alps, Melik Tapar
went to Shalamzar with his soldiers.
If he goes to Shalamzar,
he'll do something bad.
Get the Alps. We'll stop him.
- You go back to the plain, Turna.
- Okay, Sanjar.
I won't let Tekish take Shalamzar.
Since I can't enter the
city that I'm the Emir
then Tekish can't got Shalamzar alive.
Ready to shoot.
- Move! They'll escape.
- Let them escape.
It's not the time now.
You'll ruin everything.
It won't be right.
I won't learn the
truth or wrong from you.
Didn't you see how they
ruined my reputation?
That Tekish made fun of me.
I can't even enter the
city that I'm the Emir of it.
If you're my brother
you'll come and unite
with me against them!
My father left Shalamzar to those
rebels just to stop the throne war.
If you go kill them,
it'll come out you did it.
Then dynasty will be shaken
Don't throw the state into
a fire. Think about Kuvel.
We don't have any option other
than waiting for my father's move.
I don't have power to wait for anyone.
I'll do what's necessary
for my reputation now.
Enough with your selfishness!
Do you think it was
easy for my father to
leave Shalamzar to those
rebels instead of you?
Think about the state now, not yourself!
What happened, Melik
Hazrat? Did you start to
give lessons about the state
when you became a Melik.
You got everything.
My father will give you a
land too. You go enjoy it.
- Don't interpret me!
- Do you hear what you're saying?!
- Don’t interpret me!
- Do you hear what you're saying?!
I spent my life for this
state while I was nothing.
Do you think I care being
a Melik or having lands?
I did everything for you,
for my father, for this state!
If you are going to fight for me,
come fight for your brother's reputation.
They are the enemy of us.
But even if they're enemy,
we can't hit them vulgarly.
I won't allow you to do this vulgar thing
How could you call me vulgar?
Draw your sword if you want.
But I won't let you do this mistake
You won't burn yourself,
my father and the state.
Everyone get their
shares from our fury
according to their
mistake about the secret.
But I know
the friendships which
have difficult tests
they'll get stronger after years.
Our friendship will be like that.
You have such a heart so your
love beat every difficulties, my Sultan.
You gave Sanjar the Melik duty he deserves.
Haje took his duty back.
- Your heart must be refreshed.
- I'm refreshed about them but
the members of my family cause storms.
The Melik of dynasty, Turan Shah,
doesn't want Sanjar being a Melik.
And Basulu issue
is causing unrest
among the palace's Hatuns.
The reason I didn't bring
Basulu to palace yet
because I know the disasters
that will happen at the palace.
I think you made the
right decision, my Sultan.
Because Basulu Hatun was slandered
after two years she came to the palace.
She couldn't manage to
handle with palace's games.
Now, while she had all the
attention, she couldn't manage at all.
You protected her.
But don't get upset.
No matter how well the sultan decides..
there will be bad
results somewhere for sure.
That's the balance of the world, my Sultan.
I'm sad because of being a father
not because I'm a Sultan, Khayyam.
You order if you're a
Sultan and everyone obeys.
But being a father isn't like that.
You have to manage everyone
with your attention and love.
You have to help everyone's problems
and give your heart to everyone fairly.
Being a father of a family is harder
than a being a Sultan of the world.
Your path is always sunny, my Sultan.
The ones who don't obey
will be under the darkness.
Then they’ll come to their senses
and understand their mistake.
Find and live the
happiness inside the trouble.
Be fair and live inside the unfair order.
Anyhow absence is the end of the world.
Live after getting rid of everything.
There will always be a problem, my Sultan.
The important thing is to find
the joy among the troubles.
Just like refreshing your heart by
making happy some of your family
while the rest of is unhappy.
What if the whole world was
not happy with your decision?
Isn't it important to be right?
You be right even in the unfair order.
Of course, justice and right
will win at the end, my Sultan.
Inshallah, Khayyam. Inshallah.
You said Melik Shah wouldn't come to
Kuvel because of being busy with Shalamzar.
You said we'd hit from the
east and you from west, right?
Melik Shah is preparing to attack to Kuvel.
He has already started to build
a head quarter around the castle.
Melik Shah decided suddenly.
We couldn't guess that was going to happen.
I need to strengthen Kuvel.
Send back the Greek fire
master and supplies I sent you.
Sultan Melik Shah wanted
the Greek fire supplies.
We'll send it to him.
What do you think you're doing?
Is this a joke?
What do you mean we'll send him?
You're making Melik
Shah stronger against me.
You'll pay the price.
Kill them.
Stop. Stop!
Lower your swords!
I said lower it!
Calm down, Mitras.
I won't send the Greek
fire supplies to Melik Shah.
I promise.
If those supplies go to Melik Shah
I'll tell him everything you two did
and I'll give him the control.
And he'll kill both of you..
My Sultan. Melik Tapar and
Melik Sanjar wish to see you.
My Sultan.
How could you disobey my order
and make an ambush for Tekish?
I went to save my pride.
I went to take my right from the traitors.
We're doing everything
good for the state
and you are being selfish.
How is this being a Melik? Didn't
I teach you to think for the state?
Thanks to you, me being
Emir became disgraced.
I was ashamed in front
of the rebels and traitors.
I can't even look at my Hatun's face.
My state let me stepped on.
My sultan father didn't protect my right.
What right are you talking about?
It seems your anger
makes you not think well.
Otherwise I'll make
you pay for these words.
Didn't I tell you to only
think about Kuvel issue?
Didn't I tell you this will
help us to beat Turan Shah
and take Shalamzar back?
Why are you still impulsive?
How does Kuvel issue help us to beat Turan
Shah and take Shalamzar back my Sultan?
Tell me with details so
I can control my anger.
We'll hide the supplies
for Greek fire immediately.
We won't give to Melik Sanjar
by giving him some excuse.
Sultan Melik Shah shouldn't have them.
What are you doing, Melik Tekish?
Why don't you send Greek
fire supplies to Sultan?
If Sultan gets these supplies
he'll burn Kuvel Castle immediately.
His reputation will get bigger. It'll
be harder of us to take the throne.
That's why I don't send.
I say we'll attack to
Isfahan and take throne
and what you're telling me.
After we take the throne, he can
do whatever but can't save himself,
My army will be here soon.
You should send the supplies so
Sultan will leave for Kuvel tomorrow
and leave Isfahan so we can attack.
He will go to war even if we don't send.
It doesn't depend on the Greek fire.
What's happening, Tekish?
You were silent for Shalamzar
You don't want to send Greek fire.
Are you doing deeds that I don't like?
What could I do that you don't like?
I only try to weaken the Sultan.
Then we'll deliver the Greek fire supplies.
And Sultan will leave Isfahan for
the war. Then we'll take the throne.
Did you get it?
Oghuz Khan sent an envoy
to his enemies and said this
I'll come to your land
as soon as possible.
You all should know that.
Then don't say Oghuz Khan
beats us when we aren't aware.
That doesn't suit to our custom.
Pick the battlefield and get ready.
We will come.
Come, Terken.
Put this book about Oghuz to
the library of madrasah, Kamac.
Anyone can read it.
I came here to talk to
not Sultan Melik Shah
but the father of
our family, Melik Shah.
The decision you made
do you know what it did to our family?
Forgiving Nizam Al mulk,
Sanjar and especially Basulu
will make the dynasty angry.
And you took Tapar's Emir
duty and make Sanjar a Melik.
And even more, you
promised lands to Sanjar.
Everyone will make plans, Melik Shah.
- The family will be ruined.
- I did according to our custom.
I try to keep my family together for years.
Don't teach me how to be a father, Terken.
Being busy with the state for years
of course you don't see
what's happening at the palace.
And that Zubeyde doesn't tell you anything.
But we're uncomfortable
by being equal with liars.
I'm uncomfortable of you
being uncomfortable, Terken.
I know you as my crown.
I keep you with me.
What's this seeing everything
as a danger for your future?
It has been a long time that
gave up on myself, Melik Shah.
Our unborn child's future
was shattered in front of me.
Since I'm your crown, then tell me
and I'm with you for years
how these liars are same
with me and our unborn child?
Because Sanjar is my son.
My child.
- Basulu is the mother of my two kids.
- But they are liars!
They played a game behind you!
They caused so many
issues to you and to the state.
And you're talking about
the custom now, Melik Shah.
Which custom does
forgive these kind of liars?
Terken, I'm thinking about the war.
Tomorrow is a big day for our state.
Don't argue my decisions.
Don't lose your value for me.
Since tomorrow is a
big day for the state
you'll be successful for sure.
We don't doubt on you
being a Sultan, but
with the decision you made
you being a father was shaken.
Forget everyone, the shah
of my heart's throne, you
and even me as you said my crown
look what happened to us.
You can see it.
Why are you checking it so hard?
We don't steal it.
- It's Sultan Melik Shah's order.
- Did I ask you, devshirmeh?
Ali is more Seljuk than any of you.
You stole the huge Shalamzar from us.
We never know what
you'd do with these supplies.
It's our right of sword. Talk right!
The rightful sword didn't come here yet.
But he'll come here one day for sure.
Then you'll get what
you deserve, you cheeky.
Behave, Sanjar.
Your father isn't here. This time
swords won't go lower, know that.
When I took your man's
head, my father saved you.
Otherwise I was going
to take your head too.
You should be scared that
my father isn't here, Turan Shah.
Neither I'll give you the state's lands in
Kerman not the being an Emir for the state.
Enjoy your rank for now.
You don't have anything very soon.
Melik Tekish used to say that too.
Then he found himself
begging to our Sultan.
Let's see you'll have time to beg or not.
Come on, heroes.
We don't have time to
listen meaningless words.
We'll attack to Kuvel
tomorrow. Let's leave here now.
You'll see when I raid Isfahan
and take the throne tomorrow.
Not begging I won't
allow anyone to breathe.
Where have you been, Sabbah?
I had to give the Greek fire supplies.
How you had to give them?
Turan Shah insisted about
Melik Shah going to a war soon.
If I insisted, he'd understand
I was doing secret deeds.
If he learns that I'm
working with you and Mitras
he'll ruin all of us.
I gave the Greek fire supplies
Mitras will want to end all of us now.
Calm down.
I learned you gave the supplies.
But don't worry.
Greek fire supplies and
Sanjar won't reach Isfahan.
They're like swamp
flies. Don't end by killing.
Our swords became blunt by killing you!
Alps! They'll burn the supplies!
This didn't burn. Let's check the other
The wheel is broken, Melik Hazrat.
We need to fix it immediately.
Come on, valiants.
Come on, valiants
Let me check your wound, Melik Hazrat.
Batinis attacked us, but we've
beaten them all, my Sultan.
We sent the Greek fire to the
hiding place safe and sound.
You are always the proud of the state.
You’re the apple of my eye.
I'm proud of you.
- Are you injured?
- It's not important, my Sultan.
Bring ointment!
You gifted Jihangir to me the day we met.
He went to his father, Yelbora.
We two orphans were friends.
Now, he must be at the
place he was missing.
Kids shouldn't be
separated from their father.
My Yelboru was so sad
when he lost Jihangir.
Wherever he went, he carried
him in his heart like an ember.
When he remembers Jihangir
he gets sad and sad.
His heart burned with missing his kid.
The wind of absence a father
was always in Jihangir's heart.
Whenever he thought about his father
his heart got colder.
He hugged sometime his
hopes, sometimes his longing.
But he always knew
reaching his father
would warm his heart.
I burned for years
you were cold for years.
Now, the father's stove melted the ices.
The far is close.
From now on
you won't get cold.
May Allah not separate, my Sultan.
Sultan and his Melik.
When they are alone.
They talk as a father and his son.
I never
looked at my father
and said father, my Sultan.
I don't know how to say it.
It's like a scream in my heart but
I can't say even if
it comes to my mouth.
My son.
It seems like your father
managed to silence you again.
You give up quickly.
You'll sit and wait what your
father is going to now, right?
Why did you say I gave up?
I dedicated myself to attack on Kuvel.
When the war time comes
we'll take Turan Shah down
and take Shalamzar
back. Don't talk about it more.
Now, I'm talking about it, Tapar?
You always only get mad at me.
Only me. You couldn't even bring my
dad and mom because of Zubeyde Hatun.
Sanjar has more reputation than you.
Turna was a Bey's Hatun yesterday
but she's equal to me in a day
And we're empty
handed. If you talked to the
people around you as
much as you talked to me
- it wouldn't happen like this.
- Enough.
Don't ruin my meal.
Thanks to you even the air we
breathe at the palace was ruined.
Our unborn kid will be
valueless because of you.
- Where?
- Anywhere away from you.
Otherwise I'll hurt you.
See, Jihangir.
We both got our fathers.
Our hearts won't be cold anymore.
My anger made me blind today.
I hurt you.
But you did good by stopping me.
I didn't make a big mistake thanks to you.
Thank you.
We're brothers.
We'll walk on the right path together
and stop each other on the wrong path.
But we'll always hold each other's hand.
I'll go to the plain with you tonight.
We'll leave right on time in
the morning and join my father.
Is there something wrong?
Shalamzar issue.
It ruined my meal..
and also my home.
Don't worry. When the time
comes, you'll get the Emir duty
and there will be peace at your home.
Let's wait my father's
move to ruin Turan Shah.
Where are you going?
They gave me some food
from the palace's kitchen.
I'll go to my home and eat, Melik Hazrat.
Is this the food to be
given to a hero like you?
The plain's table suits you.
Come with us. Let's
eat on the same table
so we can be brothers better.
Tell me, Haje.
While queen walks around as she wants
what stops the king?
Delusion, my Sultan.
King's power isn't in
his arms but in his mind.
The king's smartness about the state
that makes the queen a shield
or send her to the battle field.
Every game is a test.
The queen's test is
the loyalty to the king.
But what is the king's test, Haje?
The king's test is the
biggest test, my Sultan.
While the enemies are attacking
the king faces with
the attacks patiently.
His intention is to learn his enemy.
To find his weakness.
Then the king starts to get
the reward of his patience.
While his enemies are attacking
the king's soldiers
surround the enemy slowly.
Now, the enemy's mind isn't at the
battlefield but his emotions are there.
That's his weakness.
While the enemy thinks they win
they lost against their
arrogance and ambition.
The one who lost his
mind against his emotions
can't stop his captivity.
The foundation of the holy
Seljuk state are justice and custom.
But Sultan Melik Shah
took the throne by cheating
disobeyed the dynasty's custom
and ruined justice by
awarding the criminals.
Like that's not enough,
he wants to take our lands.
We won't give the lands
we took by loosing our blood.
We won't!
We'll save our holy state by
dethroning unfair Melik Shah.
- We'll avenge for my father Qavurd Bey.
- Revenge!
We'll take the throne and Sultanate.
Melik Shah will be dethroned and
- Sultan Turan Shah era will begin.
- Long live Sultan Turan Shah!
Long live Sultan Turan Shah!
See this?
This army will attack to Isfahan
tomorrow which is thirsty for revenge.
Melik Shah will lose the throne
while he wants to take Kuvel.
Even if we lost the Greek fire, Melik
Shah couldn't use that against you.
Because he'll have to return from
Kuvel when his throne is taken.
You should trust us. Don't
do anything wrong, Mitras.
We need each other
more than anything now.
Very well.
I won't tell anything about you
and Sabbah to Melik Shah for now.
I forget that you lost the Greek fire.
Turan Shah's attack to Isfahan
is so important for us Tekish.
Let's pray so he can
take Melik Shah's throne.
I'll set an ambush on Melik Shah's way.
So he won't enter to
Kuvel or go back to Isfahan.
We'll go to attack on Kuvel
tomorrow with our Sultan's order.
I wanted to gather my family
under my tent before the war.
And share my joy.
So we can get a little bit joy
during these difficult times.
Our Ali brother is our brother at the war.
He's a part of our family now.
Sultan Melik Shah's claw, Ali.
When the family's parts are together
there is no greater joy
to a man other than this.
But if one of the parts get
hurt, that hurts the man the most.
Family is like a tree, brother.
Even the leaves fall during the winter
it blooms again at the spring.
We were far away from my dad for years.
But now all the world knows I'm his son.
We argued this morning.
But we're at the same table now.
We passed many tests on the
way I entered with Turna Hatun.
We became a couple under a tent.
You're right, Melik Hazrat.
The ones who get their seeds from love
even if there are a
lot of winters or rocks
they'll bloom at the spring.
You don't lose your respect
to your ranks and positions.
But when you have a war, or
have a pain or eat together
you find the warmth
of a family immediately.
What's the secret
of being a family?
This stove full of fire
has many secrets and
wisdom about being a family, Ali.
The stove means family.
means conversation, lineage.
The stove unites the family.
Warms them up around itself.
Cooks the food and feeds.
It heals. The wounds get cauterized
with the fire inside the stove.
Hearts get healed.
If the stove of the home is
burning, there is a peace.
There is abundance, unity.
There is a blessing, a family.
It is important for the
family to be able to
stand alive like fire in
the stove against storms.
The day comes, and
you warm up the family.
The day comes and you feed the family.
The day comes and you heal.
The day comes and you cure the heart.
There will be no ashes on the
stove of the person who can do that.
It always burns.
The best example of a
family is the Prophet's family.
So His Ahl al-Bayt.
(Speaking in Arabic)
There is no hero like Hazrat Ali,
and there is no sword like Zulfiqar.
Our Prophet's son in law
you got your name
from Hazrat Ali's heroism.
Know that the best soldiers
is the best father for his family.
May Allah grant everyone be
a good father like Hazrat Ali
and marry good women like
his wife, our Fatima mother
and have good kids like
Hazrat Hassan and Hussein.
- Please.
- In the name of Allah.
I convinced Mitras that Turan
Shah will take the throne tomorrow.
He'll set an ambush to
Sultan's way tomorrow.
So Sultan neither will go to Kuvel,
nor will return to Isfahan.
He'll burn to ashes between two fires.
Everything is depending on Turan Shah's
taking the throne from Melik Shah tomorrow.
Give all the troops to support Turan Shah.
If it's necessary we'll do our best.
Melik Shah will be dethroned.
Turan Shah will take the throne tomorrow.
He'll be the big and
I'll be the small Sultan.
You'll live freely on my lands.
- Turan Shah!
- From your actions
I understood you were
doing secret things, Tekish.
So you're working with our state's
biggest traitor, Hassan Sabbah.
Listen to me before you make a decision.
I opened both of yours eyes.
I'll cut your tongue, Sabbah!
Who are you to open my eye?
Who do you think that sent Sanjar's
secret with a message to you?
Thanks to me, you learned Melik
Shah's cheat and betrayal to your state.
Thanks to us, you have the chance
to take your father Qavurd's revenge.
Who are you so that I'll take my
father's revenge thanks to you?!
Sabbah is telling the truth, Turan Shah.
We took Shalamzar with his help.
Since I let you in Shalamzar later,
you thought I took it with my sword.
How could you play such
a dangerous game, Tekish?
Thanks to this game,
we cornered Melik Shah.
Thanks to this game, we'll
take the throne tomorrow.
The enemy of our enemy
is our friend, Turan Shah.
Sabbah wants to overthrow
Melik Shah as much as we want.
He'll always make us stronger.
I'll attack to Isfahan and
take the throne tomorrow.
Don't leave Shalamzar until
I come back, Sabbah.
We'll work together more.
A real trouble, huh?
All the preparations are done,
my Sultan. We can leave.
Melik Sanjar and Melik
Tapar will join us on the road.
Sultan Melik Shah left Isfahan.
I surrounded the south gate
with our army as your order.
Let's hit the road and lead our army.
It's time to attack Isfahan.
Did our soldiers set an ambush
on the both side of the way?
Yes sir.
Melik Shah won't leave our trap.
- They'll never reach to Kuvel. And.
- Since he can't go back to Isfahan
we'll take Melik Shah's head.
My followers.
The roots of a tree
that are buried under the
soil always go deeper,
breaking through the soil.
The root makes the three
stronger by staying away from it.
If it faces with a rock under the ground
it will pierce the rock
even thought it's thin and soft.
But if the power of the root
isn't enough to pierce the rock
that moment it changes its
way and goes above the ground.
It becomes a sapling and
it turns into a great tree.
The rock under the
ground thinks it stopped it.
- What's happening?
- Raid!
What's happening here?
Catch Hassan Sabbah and Faysal.
Let's leave here, Faysal! Move!
Who did send you?
No escaping, Hassan
Sabbah. You are ours now.
Sir, the watchers said they
couldn't see Melik Shah yet.
Melik Shah should have traveled
this way already. Where is he?
Go everywhere of Isfahan.
Capture all the soldiers
Kill all the resisters. We'll raid the
palace and seize the throne now.
Where are all the soldiers?
- Why is there nobody in town?
- We're here, Turan Shah.
We're waiting for you with our swords.
You trapped me.
Do you know why the
wolves like the misty weather?
Because the jackals come
out by thinking the wolves left.
But they don't know
the wolves are waiting to shred them.
I made the weather misty
by saying I'd go to Kuvel.
And you came our like a jackal.
Now, the wolfs claw will hit you.
Attacking to the city of throne
and trying to take Sultanate
it's an inexcusable
crime for the dynasty.
You tried to scare me by saying
all the dynasty will unite against me.
Now, when I kill you
the dynasty will say nothing.
Because the custom
you talked about a lot
you disobeyed it now.
Tapar and Sanjar surrounded your
soldiers outside of Isfahan.
Now, it's my right to take your head.
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