All Saints (1998) s01e31 Episode Script
Parting Friends
Previously on All Saints -
You be civil to him.
You reckon I should clip him over
the ear for how he's treated you?
I'll come straight to the point,
Mr Parkin.
I'm not doing your thoracotomy.
Because I'm HIV positive?
What sort of surgeon
do you think I am?
He's a risk. I value my stats.
Mortality stats?
You sure that's all this is about?
It's because you want to
stick it to Bron, isn't it?
What does he mean to you?
He's one of the most decent men
I've ever met.
I like redheads.
BOB: Your dad won't change his mind
unless he gets something in return.
You want me to try and save this
challenge to my child's affections?
I know you don't care about them.
I don't give a damn!
That's enough.
For God's sake, stay out of this!!
There's one Craig too many here.
You want me to resign?
There's a clever girl.
How I must threaten you!
What have you done?
Once I expose that area of lung,
it's a matter of resecting
the damaged tissue.
Chopping it out, you mean?
I don't chop, Mr Parkin.
Nothing to eat or drink
this morning, Bob.
I tried to nick toast
but they wouldn't be in it.
We'll feed you when you're better.
You'll have trouble
eating for a few days,
but then life will be much better.
You can try and deal with
your other problems.
You can try and deal with
your other problems.
If I was a horse you'd shoot me, eh?
If I was a horse you'd shoot me, eh?
Lungs ravaged by smoking
are always problematic.
But why don't you ask Sister Craig?
She has full confidence in me.
The best in the business.
Very safe hands.
Luke will be assisting.
Bloody hell, an L-plater.
Back soon with your pre-med, Bob.
And I'll see you in theatre.
I'm sure that Sister Craig
has attended to EVERYTHING.
Oh, yes, Professor.
All the details - as discussed?
Better get moving.
Have fun on your shopping trip.
Yeah, right.
We'll schlepp around
to 15 dress shops.
She'll try everything on.
I'll tell her she looks good.
She, of course, won't believe me.
Then we'll go to some overpriced
restaurant for lunch,
which I'll have to pay for
On your gold Amex.
..and then home - for a lot of sex.
Poor bastard.
Shall I shoot you now?
Every time we sleep with each other
she thinks the wedding's back on.
And it's not?
Well, tell her the truth.
This is Amanda we're talking about.
She doesn't understand
the word "no".
Make up an excuse.
Tell her you've got a headache
or sore back
or sudden unexplained impotence.
Then there's Disprin,
back massage and Viagra.
Take her to a lousy restaurant
for lunch and, ah, order pork.
It won't make any difference.
I know what will happen.
There's this pattern, right?
We argue all day
about every little thing.
Then she wants to make up - in bed.
Agree with everything. Don't argue.
Then the synagogue
will be booked for next week.
You're stuffed, mate.
Have fun on the old workbench.
Just one boy from Emergency so far.
Okay. Joel Gomez.
Abdo pain, suspected appendicitis.
I'll put him in two.
Oh, thank you. I could do with
a dose of youthful enthusiasm.
We've got a Mrs Davis coming up,
Connor. She fell in her garden.
Let me guess -
fractured neck of femur.
Maybe a head injury. We're trying
to fit her in for a scan.
Bron, can you help Connor?
Yep, as soon as Bob goes to theatre.
Mrs Mavis Davis.
You always get the sweet old ladies.
What can I say? They love me.
They're old they're confused
Ah, Mavis Davis.
Come here.
Don't forget to feed the chooks.
Better keep the sides of the bed up.
What time's the op?
A lot to do before then.
Assuming I survive this shave.
Hey, hey, don't you go wobbly on me.
We'll be okay.
Go for it.
Your blood pressure's fine.
And your temperature's normal.
Must've been that medicine
you gave me, fixed me right up.
That's saline solution, Joel.
It'll stop you dehydrating
before you have the tests
but it won't cure anything.
Let me know if you need anything.
Hey, don't sit on the buzzer.
How about some breakfast?
Sorry. Can't help you until we know
what's wrong with you.
Another day,
another needle in the bum.
It's an anti-nausea drug, Bob,
in case the anaesthetic
upsets your stomach.
Temazepam, Bron?
Gave it to him earlier.
That should be kicking in.
You got some for yourself?
Got any valuables here, Bob?
I'll lock them up for you.
My stuff? Don't be ridiculous.
You'll have a ventilator tube
during the op
so you might have
a sore throat after.
As long as I sleep through it
I'll be happy.
Once you get me in there you can
dress me up as Queen Victoria
and shove bagpipes up me bum.
Okay. Thanks for the suggestion.
Mmm, wowie-zowie.
Who spiked the punch?
Apparently upstairs
are holding off funding
for the new transplant unit.
I thought they couldn't get money.
Oh, no, it's there.
Put it this way - they don't want
Professor Craig to stay around.
Should you mention this to Luke?
Let him enjoy his period
of hero worship.
This pre-med stuff is great.
It's like downing a six pack without
having to syphon the python.
You got any more?
No. That's it.
Until the next operation, eh?
How you doing, Bob?
Hello, gorgeous.
Cheap drunk.
I came by to wish you well.
You're not a bad sort, you know?
Thanks, Bob.
Marriage, kids, that's supposed to
be the good Catholic thing to do.
I reckon being a nun is
a pretty good Catholic thing to do.
You happy, though?
Yes, I am.
God tells you what to do, eh?
He helps me see things clearly.
Makes me very happy.
How do you know about God?
I mean, is it in your head
or is it in your heart?
It's a bit of both.
I'm jealous, you see. You've got
a God and heaven to go to.
I bet you Pattie's there.
I'd love to see her again.
Well, we'd like you to stick around
here a bit longer.
We'll chat about it
when you're feeling better.
It's a date.
Alright, that's everything.
You're all ready to go.
Let's get on with it, eh?
I'll be up and about soon
and then we'll all have porridge.
I'm just a little tired.
Good morning, ladies.
You've all met Mrs Davis.
Excuse me, you may be
my husband's brother,
but it doesn't entitle you
to take liberties.
You're in hospital.
I'm Connor. I'm looking after you.
Girls, get your dressing gowns on.
You're not decent.
Oh! Don't touch me!
Mrs Davis, I'm going to take
your blood pressure.
Oh, you horrid man!
Mrs Davis, your hip's broken.
Can't you be more gentle, Connor?
Look how old she is.
I can do it myself.
I'm not a beached whale.
Come on, wriggle.
Superman doesn't wriggle.
No moving the trolley, mate.
You okay there?
Mmm. Drugs for my friend Bron.
I'm right.
Get them in the right order.
I don't want them
circumcising me by mistake.
STEPH: You behave yourself now.
Um, right.
You got a licence for this thing?
Bob, before you go, how about
a hot tip for Randwick?
Hang round outside the members'.
Bye, smiley.
Yeah, see you in a couple of hours.
Not if I see her first.
See you, Bob. Have a good one.
I'm only going up a few floors,
not being fired out of a cannon.
What have you done
to my filing system?
Is that what you call it?
I want Joel Gomez's file.
Thank you.
I saw that, Jasmina.
Good morning, good morning.
Can you tell me your name, sir?
Bob Parkin.
You want my phone number,
too, sweetheart?
Thank you, Mr Parkin.
Can you tell me what operation
you're having today?
They're chopping a bit
out of my lung.
No taking advantage of me
while I'm out of it.
My heart belongs to
a certain redhead.
I'll try to remember.
Thank you.
How are the odds, kid?
You backing me for a win?
On the nose.
Yeah, well, just don't stand there
using up taxpayer dollars gawking.
Go on, bugger off.
You know I do.
(coy giggle)
Don't be silly.
(clears throat)
Um, I have to go now.
Ten minutes? Okay, thank you.
Um, they can fit Mrs Davis in
in ten minutes.
I'm glad your boyfriend's
a radiographer.
Yeah, so am I.
Bron, can you give me a hand
getting Mrs Davis down for a scan?
I guess.
Let's hope her head's okay
so we can sedate her.
Connor's losing his touch
with old ladies.
Mrs Davis hates him.
No, it's classic dementia.
Hating you makes her
demented, does it?
Well, it does if
she still thinks it's 1945.
I appreciate this, Professor.
You can't buy
this sort of experience.
This isn't going to be a very
interesting operation, Forlano,
but you're bound to learn something.
Of course.
But, ah, it's definitely one
for double gloves.
This is interesting.
Young Joel Gomez
was in All Saints two weeks ago.
What for?
Same symptoms.
He spent the night in A&E.
They couldn't find anything wrong.
Sometimes I feel funny all over
and I never know what it is.
MRS DAVIS: I don't want to
go on a picnic!
The ration cards.
We can't get jam without them.
Even more interesting.
His home phone number doesn't exist.
Right, I'll go talk to him,
sort it out.
Be gentle.
I'll be a lamb.
I think you're bunging it on, Joel.
You're no sicker than I am.
How would you know?
You're just a nurse.
It's all in your file.
You tried this on
a couple of weeks ago.
And you lied about
your personal details.
(pained) Argh, Jeez!
We'll do it the hard way.
Right. Good morning, everybody.
Sister, are all your staff aware
that this patient is HIV positive?
Yes, Professor.
Ah, Forlano, would you make
the initial incision?
If you're sure.
He's no male model.
That's very good, Doctor.
Don't forget to breathe.
You have a steady hand
and a certain style, Forlano.
You're very welcome on this team.
Thank you, sir.
I still have a lot to learn.
Oh, well, there's heaps of time.
We all make our mark.
Elevator here now, please.
Let's see how this fool's lungs
are holding up.
Long-term smoker.
The day will come when we won't
waste theatre time on them.
Are you sure I should've
bought the red one?
You look great in the red.
The blue was really gorgeous.
Blue looked as good.
You think so?
But you don't like velvet, do you?
Hey, I've come around.
I think velvet's fine.
It'd be good for a wedding
reception, or a going away dress.
Yeah, you'd look great.
I saw a gorgeous apartment
Completely refurbished.
Harbour views.
It could be
your mother's wedding present.
She's already offered.
And, ah, while we're making plans
I was looking through the job ads.
There's plenty of vacancies in good,
PRIVATE hospitals around there.
I have a job.
If you must nurse - fine - but let's
not do it in the western suburbs.
Unzip me.
Shall I try on that new lingerie?
Sure. Ah, I'm going to
grab some lunch.
You hungry?
(sultry) Definitely.
Ah, great. Sandwiches okay?
You were kissing her, Oberon,
don't lie.
It's Connor, Mavis. I'm Connor.
He's been horrible to me and
now he wants to marry my sister.
Don't let him, Mavis.
He's not good enough for her.
Betty, don't you think Mavis
needs a hand into the real world?
Why hurt the old dear's feelings?
Anyway, it's great, all this stuff
about the olden days.
The porridge.
I forgot to turn it off!
Mavis, leave your head alone.
Mustn't touch your stitches, Mavis.
Oh, Alex, help me.
Get your hands off me!
I'll go and check and see
if your results are there, Mavis.
I'll sort this out.
I want to, but I have to
work back tonight.
I've got all this filing to do.
Do it tomorrow.
Come on, tonight should be for lurv!
You're such a dag.
Alright. Let's do lunch.
Danny've got to go.
Just lunch. Lunch?
Yes, yes, lunch.
Okay, cool.
Gidday, Tina.
He's gorgeous, eh?
I suppose.
Hey. Jealous?
No. It's just
He's young, healthy, hasn't done
a day's work in his life.
He thinks he can come in here
and sit on his bum for a few days.
You can't be certain of that.
Every time I threaten
to show him the door,
he doubles up with abdominal pain.
Badly acted, too.
I'll get the resident
to look at him.
If we discharge him
and his appendix ruptures
Alright, alright, you play it
by the book, but he is faking it.
Bloody dole bludgers.
Terri, can I have a word?
Mavis is out of her tree.
She reckons I'm some sex-crazed
brother-in-law back from the war.
Typecast again.
We can't act until we know
if she has a head injury.
We've got to do something.
She's had a go at her stitches,
she's had a go at me.
I'm scared she'll hurt herself.
When's she due for theatre?
Not till five
when the specialist comes in.
Leave her arms free,
but bind and glove her hands.
Restrain her?!
If she's a danger to herself, yes.
Makes sense.
I can't do that.
You can't stay with her.
You have eight patients.
What's she on for pain relief?
Morphine four hourly.
She's due when?
Not for another hour.
Give the RMO a call, see
if she'll authorise an early dose.
Yeah, that'll calm her down.
I want you to bind her hands.
Terri, she already thinks
I'm the nurse from hell.
MAVIS: What are you doing?
You're beating me again!
Make a fist for me, Mavis.
Stop it!
We've got something for the pain.
Now he's trying to kill me,
put me down like a dog!
Help me, girls!
It's just morphine.
Bron, can you hold her still?
(distraught) No, no.
Oh, just spare the girls!
Leave my darling girls alone!
Nearly done, nearly done.
(distraught) Make them stop.
(begging) Please, please.
Mavis, that should keep you
out of trouble for a while.
Sorry about the fuss, ladies.
Can I get you anything?
It's for her own good.
This isn't a profession that gives
much time for family, Luke.
I don't think I'd bother
if I had my choice again.
There we go.
You know, Bronwyn was
always difficult as a child.
She'd always choose the course
of action that annoyed me most.
She still does.
A nurse!
What a waste.
She's a very good nurse, sir.
Yes, well, I'm sure, but she's much
brighter than the other two.
She's got a very good mind.
One's a doctor, one's a lawyer.
And, Bronwyn, well, she's wasted.
It's a great shame the two
of you have fallen out.
I don't lose any sleep over it.
Bronwyn is an irritation,
that's all.
One I will be quite happy
to do without.
You've done everything else, I see.
Yeah. Thanks.
Look, we all know
you're under pressure today.
He's a mate.
So, if there's anything I can do.
There is something
I need to see you about.
Well, I have to get a quick report
out, but after that?
You know where to find me.
I can't move, and now they'll elope.
Somebody help me, please.
He's tied me up
like a prisoner of war.
We can't, Mavis,
it's against the rules.
Look, she's no harm to anyone.
Take those things off her.
I can't, Betty. I'd get the sack.
I didn't think you were
so selfish, Connor.
I'm not!
She could hurt herself.
Even dogs at the RSPCA
get treated better than that.
Alright, you win.
I'll be good. I promise.
You'd better be, Mavis.
If something goes wrong,
you ring the buzzer, okay?
Right you are, dear.
That's better.
Now, please behave, Mavis, okay?
There's a fox in the chook pen.
Get the gun!
Get it.
That is enough.
Get out!
Take your army kit and skin rashes
and leave my sister alone!
There's something
you should know, Mavis.
Your sister is mine any time I like,
so behave or else!!
Anybody got a tranquilliser gun?
For you or Mavis?
At this stage it doesn't matter.
Dr O'Hara was just checking
her scan results.
Oh, please, let it be sedation.
I've got the doctor
looking at Joel Gomez.
She shouldn't be long.
How is he?
Moaning a lot - at the wrong time.
I just popped my head
into room four.
You took Mavis' gloves off.
Oh, well, at least
she won't be biting anyone.
I won't ask how you got those.
Von, Joel Gomez.
There's still nothing
showing up in tests.
Probably time he went home then.
He's still complaining
of acute pain.
Best hold him for observation.
Oh, Lord, no!
Still nil by mouth?
We'll start him on fluids,
see what happens.
Ah, Mavis Davis.
Who's looking after her?
Ah, not Jared.
Did I mention Nurse Levine?
No, but it's his day off - at home.
Is Mrs Davis still disoriented?
Ah, yeah.
Terri mentioned you bound her hands.
Yeah, well, I didn't like
doing it, but
I know it seems barbaric but,
what can we do?
We can't have her doing any more
damage to herself.
Her CT scan is clear
so you can sedate her if you like.
Let's say, haloperidol point five
of a milligram. I'll write it up.
Thank you, doc!
Mavis Davis, bring on the sedation.
Okay, what's up?
I'm bleeding.
You made me bleed.
This is great.
This is great!
Eat up. I thought we might
go for a drive after lunch.
How does the mountains sound?
To your mum and dad's place?
Well, I rang while you were
making lunch and it's free.
We're getting on fine.
I noticed.
It's been lovely, and it could be
lovely all afternoon.
Um, I've been thinking.
I'd like to start using condoms.
You sweet thing.
Have you been talking to my sister?
Not about that.
How did you know the Pill
hasn't been agreeing with me?
The doctor said I should go off it.
That's so thoughtful of you.
I can't lie to you.
There is a chance, although
it's small, that I'm HIV positive.
I won't know for sure
for another ten weeks.
So, until then
That prostitute!
You said you never
You saw what happened.
She had blood everywhere.
I had a cut on my arm.
I was going to sleep with you!!
I wouldn't do anything unsafe.
The risk is tiny.
It will be if you don't touch me!
The risk is tiny.
It will be if you don't touch me!
Oh, my God, you kissed me, Jared!
Oh, my God, you kissed me, Jared!
Kissed you?!
Where have you been?
You kissed me and you never said!!
More adhesions back here.
We'll be here for weeks.
What's your record?
13 hours.
A lot more interesting than
damn it!!
You nicked the pulmonary vein.
I do not nick.
This man's insides are deplorable.
Give me some suction.
Heart rate's up.
We're losing pressure.
What's happening there?
It's just a bleed.
A four-oh prolene suture,
now, please.
Forlano, give me more light.
Quickly, quickly.
(soothingly) That's it.
I'm in.
It's all over now, Mrs Davis.
Can you connect the drip, make sure
it's taped in place securely?
I want this one staying
exactly where it is.
The tests we did
show there's no serious damage.
Now you can have a nice long sleep.
As a rule, I do not speak with
Jehovah Witnesses.
But thank you.
Connor, want to do the honours?
Not really. I think I've done enough
damage for one day.
Give me suction here, please.
NURSE: Get another sucker.
Make sure defib's standing by.
Set up the blood warmer.
I need four units of FFP
and eight platelets.
We're still up to our armpits here.
Heart rate's 140.
Blood pressure, David?
70 over 40. I'm onto it.
Blood in the ET tube.
You're not making this easy,
Mr Parkin.
Not easy at all.
What are you doing?
Injecting a horse?
Don't worry. I won't be injecting
anybody or anything.
Don't ask.
A little fishing expedition.
Thank you.
Can I get some food now or what?
I don't think so.
Hasn't the surgeon
been in to see you yet?
No. What's going on?
Since you were sick again,
he's had to take another look
at your scan and blood test.
What do you mean? They were clear.
These things can be
very difficult to diagnose.
There is a problem
with your appendix.
Gonna have to whip it out.
What?! You're kidding?
Nothing for you to worry about.
They don't lose anyone
with appendectomies any more.
Well, not many, anyway.
This is bull. You can't cut me up.
Remember the forms you signed
when you were admitted?
Okay. Your pre-med.
Hey, your stomach,
it's empty, isn't it?
This examination
can make you feel queasy.
Look, just tell them I'm okay.
I just I just needed
a bed for the night.
Did you now?
You bitch.
Joel, I can't throw you out,
but you can discharge yourself,
so someone REALLY sick
can have this bed.
Get that blood in!
Full bore.
The heart's pumping blood
straight into the chest cavity.
Damn this man!
We've got runs of VT.
Hit the arrest buzzer.
Alright, long enough.
Are you decent?
I'll take you through the paperwork,
I'll take you through the paperwork,
then I don't want to see you
here again.
Then I don't want to see you
here again.
What are they?
Come on.
Tell the doctors about that?
They didn't see them.
They're quite recent.
Who did it?
No-one, mate.
You've been lying, Joel.
That's more than enough
to get me offside.
Just tell the truth now.
What's to tell?
They are cigarette burns.
Alright. Mum's got a new boyfriend.
And you got help?
Nah, I got out.
About a month ago.
I thought it would be easier,
but the street kids scare me.
Same with the refuges.
And it was a cold night.
Yeah, but it was warm in here.
At least some of you guys
are friendly.
Can't justify you
taking up a hospital bed.
But you're not going anywhere
until you've had a decent meal.
LUKE: Get the defib paddles ready.
Come on, keep the blood up.
Come along, Sister.
Come on, Bob.
Okay, here we are.
We're charged.
Forlano, do some heart massage.
And again.
Right. Up the adrenaline.
Try some more Aramine.
HIV positive and a smoker.
I should have known
this would happen.
Still VF.
Come on! I'll try open heart again.
No. Ah, I don't think so.
But this is
This is a patient!
We have done everything
that could be reasonably expected.
Huge blood loss, Luke.
Enormous hypoxic insult
to all major organs.
Forlano, close up, please.
Sister, have I got time for a shower
before my next operation?
NURSE: Mersilene to close?
You're leaving in two weeks?
That's the minimum notice, isn't it?
What hang on, I don't understand.
I thought you were happy.
I am happy.
I love it here.
So what's the problem?
Can't tell you that.
Look, I know things have been
strained with Luke and Connor.
If I talk to them, would that
They've got every right to be angry.
I lied to them
..about my father.
Your father's not going to be
a problem.
I have a feeling he'll get tired
of All Saints soon.
Well, that's not going to
make any difference.
You're a great nurse, Bron.
You're part of our family.
Let me tear this up, please.
I can't, Terri.
Is there anything I can say
to change your mind?
I'd appreciate it
if you didn't tell anyone.
Shame about the bleed, Forlano.
But, really, we should be
expending our resources
on patients with a better prognosis.
Keep our morbidity stats down, too.
Oh, come on, Forlano, get over it!
You'll never cut it
with the big boys if you don't!
Need a hand?
Ah, yeah, you could get
some Panadeine Forte for Betty.
Oh, no, no, I couldn't stand it.
She doesn't look quite awake.
I'll get Dr O'Hara
to write up a new dose.
You can't keep her
doped up all the time.
I'm not going to
let her hurt anyone
and I don't care
if all of you hate me for it.
Hello, petal.
I'm in hospital, am I?
I was in my garden
and a magpie swooped.
What have you done
to your cheek, dear?
I was, ah, walking to work and a
a magpie swooped.
Fancy that.
It's a spring thing, you know.
What a day we've had.
Can I offer you lovely people a nut?
Oh, thanks.
Nuts, huh?
That's pretty appropriate.
(clears throat)
Those almonds,
they're chocolate coated,
but Mrs Jackson only likes
sucking the chocolate off
then she spits them
back in the bowl.
Oh, no!
Has anyone seen my teeth?
What's Mrs Jackson in for?
Nothing contagious. We're safe.
Except for marauding magpies.
Give her a minute.
I'm sorry, Bron.
You should know
It was supposed to be easy.
It was supposed to be routine.
You need to know, Bron.
It might make it easier.
The procedure was going smoothly
until a vein ruptured.
Well, you clamp veins, don't you?
We pumped blood in.
But it took time and his heart
emptied and he arrested.
He never reverted to sinus rhythm.
We did our best.
Did he? Did he do his best?
He was completely professional,
The resus effort was spot-on.
He's supposed to be the best.
I begged him to do it!
I begged him
You know what shape Bob was in.
Sometimes you can't win a fight
like this, even with the best team.
(deep breath)
Why don't we go somewhere
where we can talk about this?
I'm sorry, Bron.
Someone else can do this today.
No, room one, it's me today.
You go home, we'll manage.
You know, the idiot smoked,
he was HIV positive.
It's not as if I'm surprised
this would happen.
You know, expecting to have a beer
with him 20 years down the track.
He was your mate, Bron.
I might bugger off.
She alright?
Yeah, she's gone home.
Look, is there more to this?
Do I need to know about it?
It was a one in 100 bleed, you know.
He went by the book.
Expert. Diligent.
That's good to know.
And he didn't give a damn.
I watched him work and suddenly
I saw him just the way Bron does.
He is an amazing surgeon,
but he doesn't care about Bob,
he doesn't care about anyone.
He tries to keep a professional
distance. We all do that.
I let her down, Terri.
Luke, you're exhausted.
You know, she told me. She told me!
I just wouldn't listen.
Too busy trying to be
the perfect surgeon.
Richard Craig's protege.
Bron's opinion is entirely personal.
No. She's spot on.
You care about patients.
What sets you apart
is your compassion.
I don't know, Terri.
All I can think about is Bron.
Yeah, yeah.
I left a message there as well.
Can you, um, tell her I called
if she gets in tonight?
Thanks. Ta.
I've been looking for you.
Got a beer?
BOB: "Dear Bronny,
I know you're backing me to get home
by the length of the straight.
I'm have a bit of a bet each way
on this one.
So, if you're reading this
it means I never crossed the post.
Tell your old man, no hard feelings.
I was hoping to be around
for another couple of years,
see you settle down.
Maybe play Uncle Bob to your kids.
I know you'll never admit it, but I
reckon you would've liked that, too.
Don't fret, love.
Wherever I am,
I'll keep an eye on you.
Think of me when you get a whiff
of someone's ciggie.
And don't be a loner forever,
You deserve better.
So, thanks for everything, mate.
Now, bugger off.
I used to, um
I used to dance with Dad.
In my PJ's.
A little tutu over the top.
I'd spin all around the room
for him.
And he'd just look right through me.
I was the kid who got in the way
of everything with him.
In the way of his career, basically.
And I wasn't quite sure
I think, um
when did I work that out?
I was pretty little.
And I just wanted his love.
It doesn't have to be
that way, Bron.
And just for a minute, with Bob,
he just made me feel like the sort
of person I really wanted to be.
You should never get should never let people
get that close to you.
It just hurts too much.
It just hurts so much.
Oh, Bob
Previously on All Saints -
You be civil to him.
You reckon I should clip him over
the ear for how he's treated you?
I'll come straight to the point,
Mr Parkin.
I'm not doing your thoracotomy.
Because I'm HIV positive?
What sort of surgeon
do you think I am?
He's a risk. I value my stats.
Mortality stats?
You sure that's all this is about?
It's because you want to
stick it to Bron, isn't it?
What does he mean to you?
He's one of the most decent men
I've ever met.
I like redheads.
BOB: Your dad won't change his mind
unless he gets something in return.
You want me to try and save this
challenge to my child's affections?
I know you don't care about them.
I don't give a damn!
That's enough.
For God's sake, stay out of this!!
There's one Craig too many here.
You want me to resign?
There's a clever girl.
How I must threaten you!
What have you done?
Once I expose that area of lung,
it's a matter of resecting
the damaged tissue.
Chopping it out, you mean?
I don't chop, Mr Parkin.
Nothing to eat or drink
this morning, Bob.
I tried to nick toast
but they wouldn't be in it.
We'll feed you when you're better.
You'll have trouble
eating for a few days,
but then life will be much better.
You can try and deal with
your other problems.
You can try and deal with
your other problems.
If I was a horse you'd shoot me, eh?
If I was a horse you'd shoot me, eh?
Lungs ravaged by smoking
are always problematic.
But why don't you ask Sister Craig?
She has full confidence in me.
The best in the business.
Very safe hands.
Luke will be assisting.
Bloody hell, an L-plater.
Back soon with your pre-med, Bob.
And I'll see you in theatre.
I'm sure that Sister Craig
has attended to EVERYTHING.
Oh, yes, Professor.
All the details - as discussed?
Better get moving.
Have fun on your shopping trip.
Yeah, right.
We'll schlepp around
to 15 dress shops.
She'll try everything on.
I'll tell her she looks good.
She, of course, won't believe me.
Then we'll go to some overpriced
restaurant for lunch,
which I'll have to pay for
On your gold Amex.
..and then home - for a lot of sex.
Poor bastard.
Shall I shoot you now?
Every time we sleep with each other
she thinks the wedding's back on.
And it's not?
Well, tell her the truth.
This is Amanda we're talking about.
She doesn't understand
the word "no".
Make up an excuse.
Tell her you've got a headache
or sore back
or sudden unexplained impotence.
Then there's Disprin,
back massage and Viagra.
Take her to a lousy restaurant
for lunch and, ah, order pork.
It won't make any difference.
I know what will happen.
There's this pattern, right?
We argue all day
about every little thing.
Then she wants to make up - in bed.
Agree with everything. Don't argue.
Then the synagogue
will be booked for next week.
You're stuffed, mate.
Have fun on the old workbench.
Just one boy from Emergency so far.
Okay. Joel Gomez.
Abdo pain, suspected appendicitis.
I'll put him in two.
Oh, thank you. I could do with
a dose of youthful enthusiasm.
We've got a Mrs Davis coming up,
Connor. She fell in her garden.
Let me guess -
fractured neck of femur.
Maybe a head injury. We're trying
to fit her in for a scan.
Bron, can you help Connor?
Yep, as soon as Bob goes to theatre.
Mrs Mavis Davis.
You always get the sweet old ladies.
What can I say? They love me.
They're old they're confused
Ah, Mavis Davis.
Come here.
Don't forget to feed the chooks.
Better keep the sides of the bed up.
What time's the op?
A lot to do before then.
Assuming I survive this shave.
Hey, hey, don't you go wobbly on me.
We'll be okay.
Go for it.
Your blood pressure's fine.
And your temperature's normal.
Must've been that medicine
you gave me, fixed me right up.
That's saline solution, Joel.
It'll stop you dehydrating
before you have the tests
but it won't cure anything.
Let me know if you need anything.
Hey, don't sit on the buzzer.
How about some breakfast?
Sorry. Can't help you until we know
what's wrong with you.
Another day,
another needle in the bum.
It's an anti-nausea drug, Bob,
in case the anaesthetic
upsets your stomach.
Temazepam, Bron?
Gave it to him earlier.
That should be kicking in.
You got some for yourself?
Got any valuables here, Bob?
I'll lock them up for you.
My stuff? Don't be ridiculous.
You'll have a ventilator tube
during the op
so you might have
a sore throat after.
As long as I sleep through it
I'll be happy.
Once you get me in there you can
dress me up as Queen Victoria
and shove bagpipes up me bum.
Okay. Thanks for the suggestion.
Mmm, wowie-zowie.
Who spiked the punch?
Apparently upstairs
are holding off funding
for the new transplant unit.
I thought they couldn't get money.
Oh, no, it's there.
Put it this way - they don't want
Professor Craig to stay around.
Should you mention this to Luke?
Let him enjoy his period
of hero worship.
This pre-med stuff is great.
It's like downing a six pack without
having to syphon the python.
You got any more?
No. That's it.
Until the next operation, eh?
How you doing, Bob?
Hello, gorgeous.
Cheap drunk.
I came by to wish you well.
You're not a bad sort, you know?
Thanks, Bob.
Marriage, kids, that's supposed to
be the good Catholic thing to do.
I reckon being a nun is
a pretty good Catholic thing to do.
You happy, though?
Yes, I am.
God tells you what to do, eh?
He helps me see things clearly.
Makes me very happy.
How do you know about God?
I mean, is it in your head
or is it in your heart?
It's a bit of both.
I'm jealous, you see. You've got
a God and heaven to go to.
I bet you Pattie's there.
I'd love to see her again.
Well, we'd like you to stick around
here a bit longer.
We'll chat about it
when you're feeling better.
It's a date.
Alright, that's everything.
You're all ready to go.
Let's get on with it, eh?
I'll be up and about soon
and then we'll all have porridge.
I'm just a little tired.
Good morning, ladies.
You've all met Mrs Davis.
Excuse me, you may be
my husband's brother,
but it doesn't entitle you
to take liberties.
You're in hospital.
I'm Connor. I'm looking after you.
Girls, get your dressing gowns on.
You're not decent.
Oh! Don't touch me!
Mrs Davis, I'm going to take
your blood pressure.
Oh, you horrid man!
Mrs Davis, your hip's broken.
Can't you be more gentle, Connor?
Look how old she is.
I can do it myself.
I'm not a beached whale.
Come on, wriggle.
Superman doesn't wriggle.
No moving the trolley, mate.
You okay there?
Mmm. Drugs for my friend Bron.
I'm right.
Get them in the right order.
I don't want them
circumcising me by mistake.
STEPH: You behave yourself now.
Um, right.
You got a licence for this thing?
Bob, before you go, how about
a hot tip for Randwick?
Hang round outside the members'.
Bye, smiley.
Yeah, see you in a couple of hours.
Not if I see her first.
See you, Bob. Have a good one.
I'm only going up a few floors,
not being fired out of a cannon.
What have you done
to my filing system?
Is that what you call it?
I want Joel Gomez's file.
Thank you.
I saw that, Jasmina.
Good morning, good morning.
Can you tell me your name, sir?
Bob Parkin.
You want my phone number,
too, sweetheart?
Thank you, Mr Parkin.
Can you tell me what operation
you're having today?
They're chopping a bit
out of my lung.
No taking advantage of me
while I'm out of it.
My heart belongs to
a certain redhead.
I'll try to remember.
Thank you.
How are the odds, kid?
You backing me for a win?
On the nose.
Yeah, well, just don't stand there
using up taxpayer dollars gawking.
Go on, bugger off.
You know I do.
(coy giggle)
Don't be silly.
(clears throat)
Um, I have to go now.
Ten minutes? Okay, thank you.
Um, they can fit Mrs Davis in
in ten minutes.
I'm glad your boyfriend's
a radiographer.
Yeah, so am I.
Bron, can you give me a hand
getting Mrs Davis down for a scan?
I guess.
Let's hope her head's okay
so we can sedate her.
Connor's losing his touch
with old ladies.
Mrs Davis hates him.
No, it's classic dementia.
Hating you makes her
demented, does it?
Well, it does if
she still thinks it's 1945.
I appreciate this, Professor.
You can't buy
this sort of experience.
This isn't going to be a very
interesting operation, Forlano,
but you're bound to learn something.
Of course.
But, ah, it's definitely one
for double gloves.
This is interesting.
Young Joel Gomez
was in All Saints two weeks ago.
What for?
Same symptoms.
He spent the night in A&E.
They couldn't find anything wrong.
Sometimes I feel funny all over
and I never know what it is.
MRS DAVIS: I don't want to
go on a picnic!
The ration cards.
We can't get jam without them.
Even more interesting.
His home phone number doesn't exist.
Right, I'll go talk to him,
sort it out.
Be gentle.
I'll be a lamb.
I think you're bunging it on, Joel.
You're no sicker than I am.
How would you know?
You're just a nurse.
It's all in your file.
You tried this on
a couple of weeks ago.
And you lied about
your personal details.
(pained) Argh, Jeez!
We'll do it the hard way.
Right. Good morning, everybody.
Sister, are all your staff aware
that this patient is HIV positive?
Yes, Professor.
Ah, Forlano, would you make
the initial incision?
If you're sure.
He's no male model.
That's very good, Doctor.
Don't forget to breathe.
You have a steady hand
and a certain style, Forlano.
You're very welcome on this team.
Thank you, sir.
I still have a lot to learn.
Oh, well, there's heaps of time.
We all make our mark.
Elevator here now, please.
Let's see how this fool's lungs
are holding up.
Long-term smoker.
The day will come when we won't
waste theatre time on them.
Are you sure I should've
bought the red one?
You look great in the red.
The blue was really gorgeous.
Blue looked as good.
You think so?
But you don't like velvet, do you?
Hey, I've come around.
I think velvet's fine.
It'd be good for a wedding
reception, or a going away dress.
Yeah, you'd look great.
I saw a gorgeous apartment
Completely refurbished.
Harbour views.
It could be
your mother's wedding present.
She's already offered.
And, ah, while we're making plans
I was looking through the job ads.
There's plenty of vacancies in good,
PRIVATE hospitals around there.
I have a job.
If you must nurse - fine - but let's
not do it in the western suburbs.
Unzip me.
Shall I try on that new lingerie?
Sure. Ah, I'm going to
grab some lunch.
You hungry?
(sultry) Definitely.
Ah, great. Sandwiches okay?
You were kissing her, Oberon,
don't lie.
It's Connor, Mavis. I'm Connor.
He's been horrible to me and
now he wants to marry my sister.
Don't let him, Mavis.
He's not good enough for her.
Betty, don't you think Mavis
needs a hand into the real world?
Why hurt the old dear's feelings?
Anyway, it's great, all this stuff
about the olden days.
The porridge.
I forgot to turn it off!
Mavis, leave your head alone.
Mustn't touch your stitches, Mavis.
Oh, Alex, help me.
Get your hands off me!
I'll go and check and see
if your results are there, Mavis.
I'll sort this out.
I want to, but I have to
work back tonight.
I've got all this filing to do.
Do it tomorrow.
Come on, tonight should be for lurv!
You're such a dag.
Alright. Let's do lunch.
Danny've got to go.
Just lunch. Lunch?
Yes, yes, lunch.
Okay, cool.
Gidday, Tina.
He's gorgeous, eh?
I suppose.
Hey. Jealous?
No. It's just
He's young, healthy, hasn't done
a day's work in his life.
He thinks he can come in here
and sit on his bum for a few days.
You can't be certain of that.
Every time I threaten
to show him the door,
he doubles up with abdominal pain.
Badly acted, too.
I'll get the resident
to look at him.
If we discharge him
and his appendix ruptures
Alright, alright, you play it
by the book, but he is faking it.
Bloody dole bludgers.
Terri, can I have a word?
Mavis is out of her tree.
She reckons I'm some sex-crazed
brother-in-law back from the war.
Typecast again.
We can't act until we know
if she has a head injury.
We've got to do something.
She's had a go at her stitches,
she's had a go at me.
I'm scared she'll hurt herself.
When's she due for theatre?
Not till five
when the specialist comes in.
Leave her arms free,
but bind and glove her hands.
Restrain her?!
If she's a danger to herself, yes.
Makes sense.
I can't do that.
You can't stay with her.
You have eight patients.
What's she on for pain relief?
Morphine four hourly.
She's due when?
Not for another hour.
Give the RMO a call, see
if she'll authorise an early dose.
Yeah, that'll calm her down.
I want you to bind her hands.
Terri, she already thinks
I'm the nurse from hell.
MAVIS: What are you doing?
You're beating me again!
Make a fist for me, Mavis.
Stop it!
We've got something for the pain.
Now he's trying to kill me,
put me down like a dog!
Help me, girls!
It's just morphine.
Bron, can you hold her still?
(distraught) No, no.
Oh, just spare the girls!
Leave my darling girls alone!
Nearly done, nearly done.
(distraught) Make them stop.
(begging) Please, please.
Mavis, that should keep you
out of trouble for a while.
Sorry about the fuss, ladies.
Can I get you anything?
It's for her own good.
This isn't a profession that gives
much time for family, Luke.
I don't think I'd bother
if I had my choice again.
There we go.
You know, Bronwyn was
always difficult as a child.
She'd always choose the course
of action that annoyed me most.
She still does.
A nurse!
What a waste.
She's a very good nurse, sir.
Yes, well, I'm sure, but she's much
brighter than the other two.
She's got a very good mind.
One's a doctor, one's a lawyer.
And, Bronwyn, well, she's wasted.
It's a great shame the two
of you have fallen out.
I don't lose any sleep over it.
Bronwyn is an irritation,
that's all.
One I will be quite happy
to do without.
You've done everything else, I see.
Yeah. Thanks.
Look, we all know
you're under pressure today.
He's a mate.
So, if there's anything I can do.
There is something
I need to see you about.
Well, I have to get a quick report
out, but after that?
You know where to find me.
I can't move, and now they'll elope.
Somebody help me, please.
He's tied me up
like a prisoner of war.
We can't, Mavis,
it's against the rules.
Look, she's no harm to anyone.
Take those things off her.
I can't, Betty. I'd get the sack.
I didn't think you were
so selfish, Connor.
I'm not!
She could hurt herself.
Even dogs at the RSPCA
get treated better than that.
Alright, you win.
I'll be good. I promise.
You'd better be, Mavis.
If something goes wrong,
you ring the buzzer, okay?
Right you are, dear.
That's better.
Now, please behave, Mavis, okay?
There's a fox in the chook pen.
Get the gun!
Get it.
That is enough.
Get out!
Take your army kit and skin rashes
and leave my sister alone!
There's something
you should know, Mavis.
Your sister is mine any time I like,
so behave or else!!
Anybody got a tranquilliser gun?
For you or Mavis?
At this stage it doesn't matter.
Dr O'Hara was just checking
her scan results.
Oh, please, let it be sedation.
I've got the doctor
looking at Joel Gomez.
She shouldn't be long.
How is he?
Moaning a lot - at the wrong time.
I just popped my head
into room four.
You took Mavis' gloves off.
Oh, well, at least
she won't be biting anyone.
I won't ask how you got those.
Von, Joel Gomez.
There's still nothing
showing up in tests.
Probably time he went home then.
He's still complaining
of acute pain.
Best hold him for observation.
Oh, Lord, no!
Still nil by mouth?
We'll start him on fluids,
see what happens.
Ah, Mavis Davis.
Who's looking after her?
Ah, not Jared.
Did I mention Nurse Levine?
No, but it's his day off - at home.
Is Mrs Davis still disoriented?
Ah, yeah.
Terri mentioned you bound her hands.
Yeah, well, I didn't like
doing it, but
I know it seems barbaric but,
what can we do?
We can't have her doing any more
damage to herself.
Her CT scan is clear
so you can sedate her if you like.
Let's say, haloperidol point five
of a milligram. I'll write it up.
Thank you, doc!
Mavis Davis, bring on the sedation.
Okay, what's up?
I'm bleeding.
You made me bleed.
This is great.
This is great!
Eat up. I thought we might
go for a drive after lunch.
How does the mountains sound?
To your mum and dad's place?
Well, I rang while you were
making lunch and it's free.
We're getting on fine.
I noticed.
It's been lovely, and it could be
lovely all afternoon.
Um, I've been thinking.
I'd like to start using condoms.
You sweet thing.
Have you been talking to my sister?
Not about that.
How did you know the Pill
hasn't been agreeing with me?
The doctor said I should go off it.
That's so thoughtful of you.
I can't lie to you.
There is a chance, although
it's small, that I'm HIV positive.
I won't know for sure
for another ten weeks.
So, until then
That prostitute!
You said you never
You saw what happened.
She had blood everywhere.
I had a cut on my arm.
I was going to sleep with you!!
I wouldn't do anything unsafe.
The risk is tiny.
It will be if you don't touch me!
The risk is tiny.
It will be if you don't touch me!
Oh, my God, you kissed me, Jared!
Oh, my God, you kissed me, Jared!
Kissed you?!
Where have you been?
You kissed me and you never said!!
More adhesions back here.
We'll be here for weeks.
What's your record?
13 hours.
A lot more interesting than
damn it!!
You nicked the pulmonary vein.
I do not nick.
This man's insides are deplorable.
Give me some suction.
Heart rate's up.
We're losing pressure.
What's happening there?
It's just a bleed.
A four-oh prolene suture,
now, please.
Forlano, give me more light.
Quickly, quickly.
(soothingly) That's it.
I'm in.
It's all over now, Mrs Davis.
Can you connect the drip, make sure
it's taped in place securely?
I want this one staying
exactly where it is.
The tests we did
show there's no serious damage.
Now you can have a nice long sleep.
As a rule, I do not speak with
Jehovah Witnesses.
But thank you.
Connor, want to do the honours?
Not really. I think I've done enough
damage for one day.
Give me suction here, please.
NURSE: Get another sucker.
Make sure defib's standing by.
Set up the blood warmer.
I need four units of FFP
and eight platelets.
We're still up to our armpits here.
Heart rate's 140.
Blood pressure, David?
70 over 40. I'm onto it.
Blood in the ET tube.
You're not making this easy,
Mr Parkin.
Not easy at all.
What are you doing?
Injecting a horse?
Don't worry. I won't be injecting
anybody or anything.
Don't ask.
A little fishing expedition.
Thank you.
Can I get some food now or what?
I don't think so.
Hasn't the surgeon
been in to see you yet?
No. What's going on?
Since you were sick again,
he's had to take another look
at your scan and blood test.
What do you mean? They were clear.
These things can be
very difficult to diagnose.
There is a problem
with your appendix.
Gonna have to whip it out.
What?! You're kidding?
Nothing for you to worry about.
They don't lose anyone
with appendectomies any more.
Well, not many, anyway.
This is bull. You can't cut me up.
Remember the forms you signed
when you were admitted?
Okay. Your pre-med.
Hey, your stomach,
it's empty, isn't it?
This examination
can make you feel queasy.
Look, just tell them I'm okay.
I just I just needed
a bed for the night.
Did you now?
You bitch.
Joel, I can't throw you out,
but you can discharge yourself,
so someone REALLY sick
can have this bed.
Get that blood in!
Full bore.
The heart's pumping blood
straight into the chest cavity.
Damn this man!
We've got runs of VT.
Hit the arrest buzzer.
Alright, long enough.
Are you decent?
I'll take you through the paperwork,
I'll take you through the paperwork,
then I don't want to see you
here again.
Then I don't want to see you
here again.
What are they?
Come on.
Tell the doctors about that?
They didn't see them.
They're quite recent.
Who did it?
No-one, mate.
You've been lying, Joel.
That's more than enough
to get me offside.
Just tell the truth now.
What's to tell?
They are cigarette burns.
Alright. Mum's got a new boyfriend.
And you got help?
Nah, I got out.
About a month ago.
I thought it would be easier,
but the street kids scare me.
Same with the refuges.
And it was a cold night.
Yeah, but it was warm in here.
At least some of you guys
are friendly.
Can't justify you
taking up a hospital bed.
But you're not going anywhere
until you've had a decent meal.
LUKE: Get the defib paddles ready.
Come on, keep the blood up.
Come along, Sister.
Come on, Bob.
Okay, here we are.
We're charged.
Forlano, do some heart massage.
And again.
Right. Up the adrenaline.
Try some more Aramine.
HIV positive and a smoker.
I should have known
this would happen.
Still VF.
Come on! I'll try open heart again.
No. Ah, I don't think so.
But this is
This is a patient!
We have done everything
that could be reasonably expected.
Huge blood loss, Luke.
Enormous hypoxic insult
to all major organs.
Forlano, close up, please.
Sister, have I got time for a shower
before my next operation?
NURSE: Mersilene to close?
You're leaving in two weeks?
That's the minimum notice, isn't it?
What hang on, I don't understand.
I thought you were happy.
I am happy.
I love it here.
So what's the problem?
Can't tell you that.
Look, I know things have been
strained with Luke and Connor.
If I talk to them, would that
They've got every right to be angry.
I lied to them
..about my father.
Your father's not going to be
a problem.
I have a feeling he'll get tired
of All Saints soon.
Well, that's not going to
make any difference.
You're a great nurse, Bron.
You're part of our family.
Let me tear this up, please.
I can't, Terri.
Is there anything I can say
to change your mind?
I'd appreciate it
if you didn't tell anyone.
Shame about the bleed, Forlano.
But, really, we should be
expending our resources
on patients with a better prognosis.
Keep our morbidity stats down, too.
Oh, come on, Forlano, get over it!
You'll never cut it
with the big boys if you don't!
Need a hand?
Ah, yeah, you could get
some Panadeine Forte for Betty.
Oh, no, no, I couldn't stand it.
She doesn't look quite awake.
I'll get Dr O'Hara
to write up a new dose.
You can't keep her
doped up all the time.
I'm not going to
let her hurt anyone
and I don't care
if all of you hate me for it.
Hello, petal.
I'm in hospital, am I?
I was in my garden
and a magpie swooped.
What have you done
to your cheek, dear?
I was, ah, walking to work and a
a magpie swooped.
Fancy that.
It's a spring thing, you know.
What a day we've had.
Can I offer you lovely people a nut?
Oh, thanks.
Nuts, huh?
That's pretty appropriate.
(clears throat)
Those almonds,
they're chocolate coated,
but Mrs Jackson only likes
sucking the chocolate off
then she spits them
back in the bowl.
Oh, no!
Has anyone seen my teeth?
What's Mrs Jackson in for?
Nothing contagious. We're safe.
Except for marauding magpies.
Give her a minute.
I'm sorry, Bron.
You should know
It was supposed to be easy.
It was supposed to be routine.
You need to know, Bron.
It might make it easier.
The procedure was going smoothly
until a vein ruptured.
Well, you clamp veins, don't you?
We pumped blood in.
But it took time and his heart
emptied and he arrested.
He never reverted to sinus rhythm.
We did our best.
Did he? Did he do his best?
He was completely professional,
The resus effort was spot-on.
He's supposed to be the best.
I begged him to do it!
I begged him
You know what shape Bob was in.
Sometimes you can't win a fight
like this, even with the best team.
(deep breath)
Why don't we go somewhere
where we can talk about this?
I'm sorry, Bron.
Someone else can do this today.
No, room one, it's me today.
You go home, we'll manage.
You know, the idiot smoked,
he was HIV positive.
It's not as if I'm surprised
this would happen.
You know, expecting to have a beer
with him 20 years down the track.
He was your mate, Bron.
I might bugger off.
She alright?
Yeah, she's gone home.
Look, is there more to this?
Do I need to know about it?
It was a one in 100 bleed, you know.
He went by the book.
Expert. Diligent.
That's good to know.
And he didn't give a damn.
I watched him work and suddenly
I saw him just the way Bron does.
He is an amazing surgeon,
but he doesn't care about Bob,
he doesn't care about anyone.
He tries to keep a professional
distance. We all do that.
I let her down, Terri.
Luke, you're exhausted.
You know, she told me. She told me!
I just wouldn't listen.
Too busy trying to be
the perfect surgeon.
Richard Craig's protege.
Bron's opinion is entirely personal.
No. She's spot on.
You care about patients.
What sets you apart
is your compassion.
I don't know, Terri.
All I can think about is Bron.
Yeah, yeah.
I left a message there as well.
Can you, um, tell her I called
if she gets in tonight?
Thanks. Ta.
I've been looking for you.
Got a beer?
BOB: "Dear Bronny,
I know you're backing me to get home
by the length of the straight.
I'm have a bit of a bet each way
on this one.
So, if you're reading this
it means I never crossed the post.
Tell your old man, no hard feelings.
I was hoping to be around
for another couple of years,
see you settle down.
Maybe play Uncle Bob to your kids.
I know you'll never admit it, but I
reckon you would've liked that, too.
Don't fret, love.
Wherever I am,
I'll keep an eye on you.
Think of me when you get a whiff
of someone's ciggie.
And don't be a loner forever,
You deserve better.
So, thanks for everything, mate.
Now, bugger off.
I used to, um
I used to dance with Dad.
In my PJ's.
A little tutu over the top.
I'd spin all around the room
for him.
And he'd just look right through me.
I was the kid who got in the way
of everything with him.
In the way of his career, basically.
And I wasn't quite sure
I think, um
when did I work that out?
I was pretty little.
And I just wanted his love.
It doesn't have to be
that way, Bron.
And just for a minute, with Bob,
he just made me feel like the sort
of person I really wanted to be.
You should never get should never let people
get that close to you.
It just hurts too much.
It just hurts so much.
Oh, Bob