Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e31 Episode Script

The Takeout Mission

When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
[ Thunder rumbles ]Kelsey, let us in!
It's scary out here.
[ Thunder rumbles ]
[ Both scream ]
Um, hi, Mr. Neil.
Sorry for screaming,
We were
expecting Kelsey.
you're usually not here.
I work, and I'm working
from home today.
Kelsey's upstairs.
Whoa, hey!
Shoes, jackets.
You're soaking wet.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
[ Sighs ]
Guess we're not goin'
in the creek today.
Well, at least now you guys
get to stay for dinner.
Hey, Mortimer, I think you've
spent enough time on that sock.
[ Chirps ]
Wow, Kelsey, you've got
a whole library here.
Where'd you get
all these books?
Most of them used to belong
to my mom before she passed.
But my dad's helped me
add to the collection.
Ooh, ooh!
This was my mom's favorite.
She used to read it to me
before bedtime.
"Say Good Knight"!
Mr. Bern: Aah!
you okay?!
Kelsey, quick,
I need towels!
Not wash cloths --
but not the good ones!
[ Grunting ]
[ Man groans ]
I should've fixed that
stinking skylight last spring.
My files are all wet.
You okay?
Me and, ironically,
this photo of us
on The Drencher
will be fine,
but dinner --
that's another story.
Take a knee.
my brave knight,
I have to fix this crack
in our mighty castle's
I'm afraid I must task you
with a quest.
I need you
to order dinner.
It would be my honor,
Thanks, sweet pea.
take this 20 pence.
And please,
choose tastefully.
Whoa. Whoa.
I know you three
can handle the task.
[ British accent ]
I will not fail you, Father.
Wait, so your dad wants us
to order dinner alone?
That's kind of an adult thing,
and, I mean, we're kids.
[ Normal voice ]
Ah-ah-ah. Correction.
We're bigkids.
I'm 8, you're 9,
JP's tall.
We can handle this.
The sacred drawer
of menus.
Bow to the drawer.
Bow to the drawer.
We must choose between the five
holy realms of sustenance
within a five-mile
delivery radius,
and we got
to pick quick
because I think some of
these places close soon.
Okay, uh, what do you
feel like eatin', Craig?
I don't really care.
I'm just hungry.
Ooh! Wings.
Nah, too greasy.
Uh, can't go wrong
with a sandwich.
Uh, we can make sandwiches
any time.
Uh, pizza!
Everybody loves pizza.
Yeah, but I just had pizza
with my family last night, so
I thought you said
you didn't care.
how about I Larb Thai?
It's Thai food.
My dad and I order
from here all the time.
We have to order
Khua kling lamb for my dad.
It's super spicy,
and he makes the funniest face
when he eats it.
we'recalling them?
wehave to talk
to unfamiliar adults
over the phone?
Isn't there a way to, like,
order online?
Nah, this place
doesn't have a website.
We got to call.
I-I don't think they're gonna
take an order from three kids.
Nobody takes orders
from kids.
But what if we don't sound
like kids?
[ Grunts ] Remind me
why we're doing this.
Uh, it helps me
get into character.
it's ringing.
[ Clears throat ]
[ Deep voice ]
Good evening, ma'am.
I require an order of pad see ew
with chicken,
your finest larb,
and the Khua kling lamb.
And a side of rice.
Children, please,
I'm on the phone.
And a side of rice.
And I need it delivered.
Oh, dear.
Guys, their delivery driver
is stuck in the storm,
and they can only
do takeout.
Abort! Abort!
[ Groans, grunts ]
takeout's fine.
Bye. I love you.
[ Groans ]
Takeout is fine?
It's raining whales
[ Normal voice ]
I know! I panicked.
You weren't there,
what do we do now?
We pick it up
My dad
is counting on us.
He has trusted us
with this quest,
and I won't accept failure
no matter how many pits
cross our path.
Will your dad
even let us?
Hey, Dad!
We're gonna go get the food!
Mr. Bern: Okay!
Bring your pepper spray
and a Taser!
I don't have those!
Just be careful,
Here, Craig, take the money
for safe keeping.
Sorry, buddy, you'll have to
sit this one out.
[ British accent ]
Protect Father while I'm gone.
[ Thunder rumbles ]
[ Normal voice ] Now, it's time
to pick up our food.
This way.
We'll head up here
and go under
the Falling Branch Tree.
[ Gasps ] Ha!
Up to your same tricks,
I see,
Falling Branch Tree.
[ Applause ]
This way.
Over there.
Whoa! Aah!
Are you sure Mudslide Mountain's
the fastest way down?
[ British accent ]
Farewell, friends!
[ Normal voice ]
Remember, this is Splash
Alley, so be weary of --
[ Horn honks ]Car!
Trash-lid shields up!
[ Horn honks ]
How much longer now?It's straight down
the street.
You see it?I think so.
Hey, JP, do you mind
moving over a bit?
Sure thing.
Oh, I see it.
My booties are all wet
thanks to that puddle.
That was no puddle.
It was at least three ankles
below sea level.
[ British accent ]
Can you walk, squire?
I guess I can.
I'll just have to deal with
my wet socks the whole time.
Fear not,
because I always keep an extra
pair of dry socks on me --
sandwich-bag protected.
[ Gasps ]
[ Normal voice ] The money!
What --
What do we do?
We must
cross the street.
Cross it?
That street's got
like 50 lanes.
Oh, why'd your dad think
we could handle this?
Pull it together.
My dad didn't think
we could do it.
He knew
we could do it.
take my hand.
Oh, mighty crosswalk,
we ask for your guidance.
Please grant us
safe passage.
Ah! Ha!
Got it!
Man, you were right.
We canhandle this.
Guys, I don't want to ruin
the moment,
but the little walky guy
turned into a hand.
The spell's wearing off!
Move it!
[ All shouting ]
Yeah! Yeah!
[ Bell rings ]
Here we are.
pick-up only.
Our driver's
caught in the rain.
we don't have a jet ski.
Yes, we tried calling
the jet-ski place.
They don't deliver,
[ Sighs ]
how may I helpyou?
I'm here for pick-up.
[ Deep voice ] Pokoly.
Neil Pokoly.
Oh, yeah, the kids
pretending to be adults.
That'll be $19.29.
Keep the change.
Here you go.
Whoa. Whoa.
We really
got the food.
It's warm.
Feel it.
Wow, it is.
The table.
JP, there's some cups
hanging over there on the hooks.
Craig, check the dishwasher
for plates.
And don't forget
my chalice!
This is so fun.
Reminds me
of this one time
I went to Texas
to go see my grandma
who really isn't
my grandma.
Where's the rice?
Where's the rice?!
How could you
forget the rice?
My palate -- I'll never
taste [Echoing] again.
[ Screams ]
They forgot
to give us our rice!
My dad can't eat
his Khua kling lamb
without rice to soak up
the extra spice.
[ Sighs ]
I can't believe after
all the trials we faced,
we still failed
the quest.
All hope
is not lost yet.
We can make
our own rice.
I've never cooked rice before,
Do you think
we can do that?
[ Scoffs ] Are you kidding?
We can totally do that.
Yeah, look at
all we've done today.
We can definitely
handle this.
the pot is now waterized.
Okay, now we got to cover it
and bring the water to a boil.
I got a lid.
What's wrong?
We're kids.
We're not allowed
to turn on the stove.
You're right.
Hey, look,
it turned itself on.
Okay, we have to wait for
the water to start boiling,
so let's finish
setting up the table.
The rice is ready!
[ All groan ]
Oh! My eyes are melting
from the light!
what a bountiful spread.
Fair knight, once again,
you have shown this old man,
who is not that old,
the depth
of your ability and skill.
Thank you.
I assure you,
I could not have done it
if it weren't for
my trusted companions.
They really saved the day
by making the rice.
i-it was nothing.
although your initial inability
to take off your wet shoes
revealed your ignorance,
this meal has proven
you are both
somewhat competent children.
Thank you.
Oh. Oh.
Smile over.
shall we digeth in?
Yeah! Yeah!
Dad, the rice!
Mr. Bern:
The rice. Ahh.
[ Laughter ]
And laughing over.
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
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