Falling Into Your Smile (2021) s01e31 Episode Script

Episode 31

(Three days before the finals)
(SUP group)
What can I say?
We won the finalist.
There should be no problem with the finals.
Actually, this season hasn't been easy for us.
Relegation-avoidance in the Spring Playoffs.
The final championship.
It's like the life of a fictional protagonist.
It's perfect.
With me in the bottom lane,
we can win even with some random shooters.
Not to mention our shooter
is not just some guy.
It's the god of shooter.
(AD group)
It's fine if we looked at each other
from a distance with him staying in South Korea.
He had to come to the Onmyoji Arena Pro League.
Confront him.
There is no reason not to fight him.
I will make you concede defeat
from the bottom of your heart.
Hello, I'm Lee Gun-hyeok.
Hello, I'm Lee Gun-hyeok.
For a long time,
I've been repeatedly asked by others,
"Who is the world's top shooter?"
Is it you or Chessman?
Such questions
are too disturbing and tiresome.
We should give everyone
a chance to see it through.
It's fun to beat him on his turf.
If possible,
I hope that I can hold the trophy
accompanied by your tears of remorse.
Is that what he said?
What's so troubling about
the question of who is the world's top shooter?
Ask me 800 times
and you'll still get the same answer.
It's me.
Little bugger.
(MID group)
What should I say?
This woman is too arrogant after all.
I will teach her a lesson
so that she'll understand
e-sports is male-dominated after all.
How dare he say that?
Then I can't wait to see
how good he really is.
Ai Jia is indeed an excellent player
in flinching and waiting for team fights.
I hope he won't flinch under the turret
but confront me.
I'll let him know
what a man said
is like spilled water.
(JUN group)
My jungle is mine.
His jungle is mine too.
Is that really what he said?
No way.
I won't give it to you.
(TOP group)
I'll have a one-on-one fight with him alone.
Just tell him not to bring his family.
What family?
Everyone knows that
ZGDX's top lane is home to two people.
I heard that if the jungler
doesn't go there once in a while,
this topsolo may lose his temper
and give him a silent treatment.
You want to die, do you?
Who told you that if K doesn't come,
I'll have a tantrum?
I'll send you a lawyer's letter
if you keep making such a rumor.
=Falling into Your Smile=
=Episode 31=
Who told you that if K doesn't come,
I'll have a tantrum?
I'll send you a lawyer's letter
if you keep making such a rumor.
You're good at telling lies.
That's right.
I'm talking about you.
Who are you on the team with?
You're such a little child.
None of your business.
You're so mean.
Come on.
The BP part is here.
Everyone, put on the headphones.
Don't waste time. Hurry up.
It's starting.
Okay, here I am.
Coming, coming, coming.
Hurry up, hurry up!
Hurry up!
Hello, everyone!
This is the site of the national finals
of Onmyoji Arena in 2020.
(I'm Dudou.)
(I'm Chen Yao.)
(Today is destined to be the night of)
In today's finals,
the two sides will fight for supremacy
and be triggered at any moment.
Thanks to BESTORE
for your support of this event.
Let's hold our breath,
looking forward to the finals tonight.
Ban Tamamo-no-Mae first.
I think Tong Yao will choose Tamamo-no-Mae.
Tamamo-no-Mae was banned again?
It seems that
Tong Yao only took Tamamo-no-Mae once
in the opening game
of the season.
The other time was
with LAN.
You remember it so well.
You haven't forgotten her yet?
It's a new chapter.
Tong Yao is quite capable.
If it were me,
I would be afraid of her Tamamo-no-Mae too.
It's safe to ban her. There is no problem.
Menreiki is also banned.
Does Ai Jia wimp out?
What about the head-on confrontation?
They can't ban all of the shikigamis.
She's good at a lot more shikigamis than these.
After banning my Tamamo-no-Mae,
they banned my Menreiki.
I haven't played with Menreiki for so long.
Why are they still thinking about it?
You didn't do a good job of secrecy.
Did you get set up by your best friend
in the backstage
and accidentally spill the beans?
How would they know
I was going to take Menreiki today?
How can the team
who made it to the national finals be stupid?
you didn't take Menreiki for so long.
Everyone knows you've saved it for a big move.
We trapped Hierophant once before.
Do you think he will still fall for it?
When we walked onto the field today,
he guarded me like a plague.
He could even put a zipper over his mouth.
So you're pretty upset?
Of course, I am.
I'm such a nice guy
and he guards me like a thief.
I'm hurt.
It's time for the national finals.
Can you guys be a bit serious?
Is this the time to
moan on your lost friendships?
Come on.
Let's ban Aobouzu.
The other side banned Yamakaze in return.
(It seems that this time)
(YQCB is not taking ZGDX lightly anymore.)
(Tamamo-no-Mae and Menreiki,)
(the two shikigamis Smiling is best at)
(have been banned.)
(That's right.)
(But ZGDX is not weak either.)
(They banned Aobouzu.)
(And YQCB banned Yamakaze.)
(It's getting more intense.)
Where are you going?
Ambush them.
I will suddenly jump out
and scare you to death later.
And we'll take some monsters by the way. Nice.
Play tricks as you wish.
You'll know when you become the first blood.
Let's take small monsters first
and then go to the lane.
(The finals has just started.)
Pick on us?
Cheng ordered him?
No way. Hit him.
(Umibozu acted on his own)
(or Chessman instructed him to harass?)
You've eaten too much, Chubby.
Still chasing?
I haven't even touched
the hair of the monster yet.
That's not worth it.
Cheng, come on, I'm going to die.
Why would you come back?
Why don't you just die there and be on-hook?
(After what Umibozu has done,)
(he used both his Flash and Bind.)
The bottom lane
is forced to embark the hard mode.
Don't goof off.
Let me tell you.
The moment Chubby walked into the river,
the bottom lane has been a failure
in this game.
K, let's gank in the top lane first.
I will carry this game.
Didn't you hear them say
our team's top lane is home to two people?
And you still asked K to help.
Shame on you.
How possibly can you scold others?
Come on.
The other side will reach level 3 in a minute.
According to Hierophant's habit,
he must launch an attack before level 4.
Even if he's conservative,
he will also call the jungler
to help cross the turret.
I'm level 3.
Come and ambush.
Coming, buddy.
Another fight?
Be careful not to give away a double kill.
The opponent support doesn't have a Bind or Flash.
I feel sorry for myself if I don't gank him.
I can feel the greedy eyes of the opponents
sweeping around my body.
Didn't you also try to
get around in the opposing jungle?
I was trying to lure Hierophant
to come after me with his Flash.
Who knew he wouldn't fall for it?
He's not stupid.
How can you fool him?
The only one who can fool Hierophant in this world
is our Cheng.
Be careful, the opposite jungler is coming over.
(Accelerate to chase after Chubby's Umibozu.)
(Third skill plus a set of crazy normal attacks.)
I will control him first.
I will go into the turret first.
Don't rush up at first.
I'm on.
(YQCB is about to do something again.)
(You see?)
(YQCB's bottom laner
is having some cooperative problems.)
(Why is Hierophant carrying
the turret damage now?)
(Hierophant wants to
cross the turret and kill him.)
(Chessman saved Chubby with his Shield)
(and let him escape.)
(After Hierophant entered the turret,)
he has only residual blood now.
He could only escape by Flash.
I told you.
Never do anything rashly.
Hierophant was almost killed there.
He would have been dead
if my Bind had been ready two seconds earlier.
If your Bind had been refreshed earlier,
he wouldn't have been in such a hurry.
He is a veteran of turret-crossing.
He had calculated the damage and everything.
He just wouldn't die.
Where's our jungler?
Lost in the jungle?
Where's my monster?
The opponent jungler is stealing something.
Tong Yao, come and help me beat him up!
I'm coming!
(Smiling's skill set)
(controlled Kim Eun-seok.)
(Follow up with a Flash.)
(Output a set of skill damage.)
(First Blood)
(Kim Eun-seok, who doesn't have a Flash, is killed.)
(ZGDX's Smiling and Jungler K)
(worked well together
to get the First Blood. Nice!)
What happened in this game has told us
never start trouble first.
Those who make trouble will pay a heavy price.
The bottom turret is gone.
Tong Yao killed a person.
She hit the turret
more than 10 times ahead of the other side.
The middle and bottom laners
should be winning, right?
That's not necessarily true.
Ai Jia is a player
who is very good at finding opportunities
in the face of pressure.
Fighting against him,
whenever you think you have
a little advantage and want to launch an attack,
that'll be bad.
No way.
(Smiling's skill set has made Ai Jia
residually bloodied.)
(Smiling wanted to use ult
to cross the turret and kill him.)
(But she was hit by the defense turret.)
(Ai Jia fights back with little blood.)
(He struck Smiling down with the second skill.)
(It doesn't look good for Smiling.)
(Go, go, go!)
(Smiling tried to retreat.)
(But Kim Eun-seok suddenly
came out from the grass.)
(Can't get away.)
(Smiling was killed in a second.)
As the saying goes,
there are three illusions in life.
"I have an advantage,
I can carry, I can fight."
Don't be impulsive.
Impulsiveness goes with a price.
Look at him.
He's overtaking you in soldiers.
Don't say that now, okay? Thank you.
when did Ai Jia become so cunning?
He not only ambushed me,
but also asked the jungler to ambush me.
So far in the game,
we can say that Smiling
is having a hard time.
(She was not only chased by
the opposing midsolo and jungler)
(but also targeted that
she can't even get the soldiers.)
(After five minutes,)
(her gold is only half of
the opponent's midsolo's.)
(Although Chessman)
(has some small advantages in getting soldiers,)
(but on the whole, it seems)
(Hierophant is still containing him.)
(There is no way to get out of it.)
(Yes, it's too bad.)
My middle lane is in adversity.
Push the turrets on the top and bottom lanes.
Chubby, go help.
Okay, I'll guard the turret, don't worry.
They're hitting the monster.
Do we want to grab it?
No fighting, no stealing, no team fights.
Develop ourselves.
- Okay.
- Okay.
(YQCB starts hitting the monster.)
They won't come this time.
You know it again?
Tong Yao will develop herself.
They won't pick up a team fight.
Let's finish the monster
and go straight to the middle lane
and make a forced team fight.
Don't let Tong Yao develop.
Otherwise, I'll be having a hard time.
Who said before the game
to teach her a lesson?
Not me anyway.
(Killed off monster)/
(We can see that YQCB has finished the monster.)
If we force to have a team fight like this,
it can be a loss for us.
They want to force to have a team fight.
Clear the lane and don't fight.
(Oh my God, Smiling has started a team fight.)
We can't fight!
What are you doing there, Tong Yao?
I've got it under control. We can fight.
Enemy's shikigami is sealed.
We can fight. You guys go on.
Fight. Go on.
Kill Chessman!
(God's Envoy)
(Hierophant and Liang Sheng are caught.)
(Chessman's Youko got into the field with an ult,)
(God's Envoy)
(and killed YQCB's bottom lane duo.)
(Kim's second skill with a Teleport froze 4 people.)
(God's Envoy)
(Ai Jia took out his ult.)
(- Unstoppable.)
(- Hit the target.)
A collection.
(Only Cat survived on ZGDX's side.)
(With the premise of)
(losing the bottom lane duo,)
(YQCB has killed four with two.)
Cat, retreat.
Definitely I should run, I'm the only one left.
(Double Kill)
Nice. Two for four. This is good.
Yes, yes.
Cheng, I
What did I tell you before?
Leave it to me.
Play as you want.
Come on, come on.
I'm on.
Orochi! Orochi! Orochi!
Let's go, let's grab it!
The other side is fighting Orochi.
Let's find a chance to grab it.
Come on!
I'm coming!
I'm ready.
It's your turn, K.
Go, go, go!
(On ZGDX's side,)
(K went around the back and followed quietly,)
(while Cat, Smiling, Chubby and Chessman)
(also went after them from the front.)
(Successfully reclaimed)
(YQCB was caught off guard)
(by Chessman)
(who reclaimed Orochi.)
(What's the situation?)
YQCB is about to get an ultimate chance.
The last battle.
(Guarding the base turret alone.)
(Defense turret requires support)
(ZGDX is coming after with a line.)
(Rong tries to resist.)
(- Defense turret requires support.)
(- Chased by Chessman.)
(YQCB lost the base turret.)
Chase, go, go.
(ZGDX has arrived at the YQCB base.)
(Ai Jia is still resisting.)
(- Double Kill)
(- Taken by Chessman in one fell swoop.)
(YQCB's midsolo Ai Jia has been killed.
Hierophant is left.)
(Can he hold on?)
(As long as the other teammates are revived,)
(there will still be a chance.)
(Double Kill)
Hierophant, be careful!
(Chessman won't give him the chance.)
(Triple Kill)
(Chessman, Triple Kill.)
(Here we go again.)
- Hit the turret.
- Attack.
(It's like it's invincible.)
ZGDX has destroyed YQCB's base.
(Congratulations to ZGDX for winning the game!)
That's great!
Yao won!
This is the national champion!
Calm down!
My ears
This is just the beginning, it's too early.
Besides, Yao didn't have a mature mind
in this first game.
Don't be happy too early.
First set.
♪The so-called rivalry is only
the demon of your own heart.♪
Are you still nervous?
♪Nothing can't be defeated♪
Let's go.
♪A monologue that boils at the bottom of the soul♪
♪Burning love explodes in a flash♪
♪The flash has paled♪
The much-anticipated
second match of the national finals of
Onmyoji Arena Pro League
is about to begin.
We would like to thank Opple Lighting
for their special sponsorship.
Opple Lighting lights up your comfortable life
and your championship moment.
But back to the point,
although ZGDX won narrowly in the first game,
in the early stage,
Smiling was clearly suppressed.
So it depends on what kind of shikigamis
both sides will bring out in this game.
Yes, let's wait and see!
Tong Yao picked Yuri Lowenthal.
Is she going to compete
who is more of a coward with Ai Jia?
I bet 10 yuan it's going to be a disaster.
I'll add 10.
I'll add 20.
These are some shitty words.
(What we should pay attention to
is the midsolo of ZGDX.)
(Smiling chose)
(her less frequently used Yuri Lowenthal.)
I can't believe she chose Yuri Lowenthal.
It seems that this girl
has really grown up a lot.
You're really good.
You're smarter than me.
Develop myself. Develop myself.
Am I hallucinating? What's that sound?
Are you chanting?
Tong Yao.
What are you chanting about?
Develop herself, don't be rash.
Our Tong Yao is such a fierce player.
Now you tell her to wait and develop.
It's like take a cat can,
put it in front of Biscuit
and tell her not to eat it.
K, come to ambush.
I'll try to see if I can cheat
to get the First Blood.
Here we go.
(Shield Disappeared)
(We can see)
(K is ambushing in the grass again.)
Don't chase,
the opposite jungler should be coming.
We can fight.
(Shield Disappeared)
K, go.
(Hierophant has fallen for it again.)
(Congratulations to ZGDX for taking first blood!)
(Sure enough,
the only one who can trap Hierophant)
(is Chessman.)
Hierophant fell for such a simple trick?
I'm sure there's an ulterior motive.
I told you.
The only one
who can fool Hierophant is Cheng.
I told you that you couldn't fight with
the opposite jungler there.
Are you a fool?
I can.
No, you cannot.
Trying to fight two people and got killed, right?
Did you hear the sound of your face being slapped?
Why don't you go wilder?
Hierophant succeeded
in driving his support crazy again today.
Compared to your brother,
your brother even looks kind.
(Now we can see)
(ZGDX's K has come to)
(the grass in the top lane near the river.)
What's going on here?
Ambushing the opponent's topsolo Rong.
They are going to change their tactics.
(But it's as if Rong)
(knows that K is in the grass.)
(He is very cautious.)
(This way, K can't find)
(a suitable opportunity to attack.)
Chubby, retreat!
(Kim Eun-seok's Onikiri appeared
in the bottom lane.)
(Chessman seems to sense that something is wrong.)
(He wants to evacuate.)
(It's too late.)
(Onikiri went forth with third skill in a flash)
(and kept the full blooded Chessman with ult.)
(YQCB's bottom lane duo,
Hierophant and Liang Sheng)
(quickly followed and killed Chessman.)
Good job, Hierophant.
This is excellent.
I said I can do it.
They timed it well.
While K was away,
not only did they get to kill
and harvest the jungle
but also they went down and gank the middle laner.
They are so rich now.
I don't think they can gank the middle laner.
(The enemy shikigami is sealed.)
Smiling is too impulsive.
She wanted to kill Ai Jia on her own
but didn't expect she couldn't
(escape the fate of being set up by Kim Eun-seok.)
(Yes. From this,)
(she's not as calm as player Lv.)
Give me your cell phone.
Give me your cell phone.
Why do you need a cell phone?
How could he say about my daughter like that?
I'm going to the square and shout for Yao.
Blame on me.
My bad. I didn't hold back again.
If we lose later,
I'm going to kill myself.
Don't talk nonsense.
Cheng, they are demolishing our second turret.
Cat, Chubby, you guard the turret.
K and I will steal Orochi.
Okay, here we go.
Go steal Orochi at this time?
If they are found out,
captain would be to blame.
It's true love, that's right.
You see, I was right, right?
ZGDX is out of luck in this game.
If it were me, I'd go get Orochi right now.
If we can get Orochi, we can still fight.
(Come on, Tong Yao!)
Hurry up, Cheng.
Prepare to steal Orochi.
Rong! Rong!
(Chessman and K have started to fight Orochi.)
(If they take Orochi,)
(they might still be able to fight.)
(But YQCB is already coming to Orochi.)
(Orochi has little blood now.)
(The rest of ZGDX's three players)
(are coming to support.)
(Can they take it?)
(YQCB moves in, five against two.)
(Chessman and K are surrounded this time.)
(Yes, it's impossible to escape.)
(They killed Chessman and K.)
(- Orochi was also snatched.)
- You're not watching?
(- It's a pity.)
- The game is over.
It's too late.
Here it comes.
There is more
(ZGDX trio is also caught by YQCB.)
Keep watching. Keep watching.
(It's gone. Ace.)
(YQCB is pushing the base.)
(The winner is decided.)
YQCB is doing as expected!
That's what the finals are supposed to be like.
YQCB played a great game!
(Congratulations to YQCB
for getting back into the game.)
What's wrong?
You're worried I'll get judged?
Do you remember what I said
when you first came here?
Which time did you mean?
You've criticized me too many times.
I need to orientate the speech.
The time at the supermarket, remember?
In e-sports being lame is the original sin.
In e-sports being lame is the original sin.
So we have to win the next game.
Let's go.
Let's go.
The last game, go.
I will try to beat you until
you cry with your midsolo.
If you have to say so,
I miss when you lost
and cried with your support.
See you on the field.
Come on, Chessman.
Break a leg.
Welcome back.
This is the scene of
the finals of Onmyoji Arena Pro League.
The opposing teams are ZGDX and YQCB.
The score on the field is one to one.
The two sides have tied
with each other as expected.
The deciding match
is about to start.
The Battle of Heavenly Mountain.
Well, as we can see now,
all players are already
in front of the computers.
The BP part is coming.
We still ban Tamamo-no-Mae first.
Tamamo-no-Mae must be banned.
Ai Jia, you must ban Tamamo-no-Mae.
Okay, okay.
It seems Smiling,
the NO.1 Tamamo-no-Mae in Chinese server
is really something.
Susabi and Menreiki are also banned.
ZGDX actually also banned a midsolo.
Are they all crazy?
What are they thinking?
(banned Susabi and Menreiki.)
(Banned Menreiki!)
(- ZGDX…)
(- That's tough.)
(Banned Kiyohime and Higanbana.)
(Now they're going to pick shikigamis.)
(- Let's take a look at what shikigamis…)
- Yang.
- Yang.
- each team will choose.
The third game is starting,
do you want to watch it?
Cat, is Ibaraki Douji okay?
K, choose Kuro Douji for Chubby.
Coach, I'll choose Shuten Douji.
All right.
Hierophant, what do you want?
Take Hakurou for me. I want to keep it safe.
All right.
Cheng, you can take Chin this time.
Take Mannendake for me.
Okay, we can see
both sides already
have made their choices.
That's right.
chose Shuten Douji for topsolo
with powerful outburst of damage.
The midsolo is Ootengu.
The jungler is Mannendake.
The support is Ichimoku Ren.
The shooter is Hakurou.
Overall, it seems to be a
relatively safe combination.
That's right. As for ZGDX,
except for Smiling who hasn't yet
been confirmed her final shikigami,
the other four people have all
decided their own shikigamis.
We can see that the topsolo Cat
chose the opposing Shuten Douji's CP,
Ibaraki Douji.
K, the jungler has taken Yasha.
The shooter Chessman got Chin
while Chubby's support took Kuro Douji.
Let's look at who Smiling will
actually take out today.
Chubby, chose Onikiri for Smiling.
(Oh my god!)
(Smiling has taken Onikiri!)
(Last time when ZGDX)
(played against YQCB,)
(Smiling took exactly Onikiri.)
(That's right.)
If I remember it right,
I think they lost last time.
That's right. I guess Smiling
probably wants to take revenge for this.
Yes, I think YQCB
is thinking the same way.
All the players don't look so good.
They're probably thinking,
What are you doing?
I've gone through a lot of trouble
to ban three of your shikigamis.
And you're playing a trick on me with Onikiri.
I I must be playing a fake final.
Let's wait and see if it's true or not.
Okay, let's go!
- Come on!
- Come on!
- Come on.
- Come on!
Come on, come on, come on!
(Struck Down)
(Smiling's Onikiri
is being contained hard by Ai Jia.)
You can gank Tong Yao here.
Okay, I'm coming to the middle lane.
(Kim Eun-seok has also arrived
in the middle lane,)
(ready to make a surprise attack.)
(It's quite intense in the middle lane.)
(Smiling is hiding under the turret,)
(too scared to go out contained by Ai Jia.)
(That's right.)
Tong Yao, let me help you this time.
Come on, Cat.
You two must be careful.
Okay, I'll go.
(And Kim Eun-seok is on.)
(Smiling moved to Ai Jia with her third skill.)
(Smiling was controlled.)
(Cat rushed out in time,)
(- worked with Smiling to kill Ai Jia.)
- Stop.
(Kim Eun-seok tried to die with Smiling,)
(- First Blood.)
(- but got distanced by Smiling with a Flash.)
(- First Blood.)
(- Cat killed Kim Eun-seok in time.)
(- Zero for two.)
(- Nice.)
(Ai Jia, Kim Eun-seok failed to gank Smiling)
(but got killed by Cat and Smiling instead.)
Come on, let's kill the monster.
Okay, I'm coming, Cheng.
I'm done ambushing.
(ZGDX is ahead by two heads.)
(We see that they're killing the monster.)
(Reinforcements join the battlefield)
(Okay, the monster has been taken down too.)
If I were the audience,
I'd have gone to the bathroom three times by now.
Do you have a weak kidney?
Young people need to control yourself.
I didn't do anything.
Ask her what she did.
Lu Sicheng.
There are so many people
listening in the backstage.
Can you shut up?
Backstage boss.
This cannot be released.
I don't want to receive any more
dead cockroaches or dead rats again.
And there are many minors in the fans.
What are you laughing at?
The other side is killing Orochi.
Why don't you come and help?
If I die, who will protect you?
I'm coming.
You complain all day long.
(Come and see this side.)
(- K hid in the grass.)
- This game took a bit long.
(Seems to be waiting for)
(- the prey to take the bait.)
- I'm worried about my brother's hand.
(And the whole YQCB is coming to the Orochi pit.)
(Orochi is destroyed.)
(They're about to take it.)
Why aren't they on it? What are they waiting for?
No hurry.
(How can ZGDX wait till now?)
(Orochi's blood is only a quarter left.)
(If they don't do it now, when will they?)
Almost there, almost there.
Let's wait a little longer.
- Go.
- Go, go!
(They're on!)
(Successfully reclaimed)
(K rushed there.)
(Just as YQCB was about to knock out)
(Orochi's last blood,)
(K rushed out from the grass.)
Follow up the victory.
The cooked duck is gone.
Looks like Kim Eun-seok is really pissed off.
(ZGDX has done a great job with Orochi.)
Where's Yang?
He's not watching?
In fact, at first
I didn't expect her to play so well.
I kind of have seen her…
There he is.
going from the group match
to shine on the stage now.
I'm also very happy.
I mean it
Although a year ago,
I would never have thought
she'd come to shake my hand as a rival.
(If you're really together,
treat us with wedding candies.)
(Will you never see each other again?)
(Poor Yang.)
(It's good for Cheng though.)
It's good for Cheng though?
After all, it's Cheng.
If I were a woman,
I'd like him too.
There is nothing wrong with it.
Really, really
Good wishes to them.
Of course, I can get jealous.
After all, the master starves to death
after teaching his disciple.
Now the disciple is striving for the championship
while the master was eliminated.
But I mainly wish them happy.
50 minutes has passed in this game.
It is the legendary bladder game
where people would be so bored to pee.
Let me interview
Lu Sicheng who has a hand injury at this time.
Does your hand hurt?
Not bad.
It's just that if I lose
after having played for so long,
I will be very unhappy.
I can't hold on.
Even if I think of it's the finals,
even if I think about
the tickets to the World Championships,
even if I think I can travel abroad
at public expense,
I still can't do it.
I'm too tired.
I'm also sleepy.
I've played few games
that last more than 40 minutes
in my career.
It's definitely not strength that
we rely on to win.
It's the will.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Hang in there for another 10 minutes.
If we lose this game, I'll collapse.
I'll just go ahead in the next fight,
I don't care.
Anyway, a life-or-death struggle.
Come on, Chubby.
Sing a song.
The battle song starts.
One, two, three.
Come on, goof off.
We've got plenty of time anyway.
What the hell is this?
Come on, love.
There's a lot of foolishness anyway.
Come on, wander.
There's plenty of direction anyway.
Come on, goof off.
We've got a lot of scenery.
I really didn't expect
the battle song of ZGDX that
I've been dreaming of joining in
would be this.
You never thought that one day
you'll use ult and pick up a team fight
while your teammates are singing, right?
What do you think?
Here's our chance. Go!
Go, go, go!
(ZGDX rushed into YQCB's base turret)
(with the line of soldiers)
(and forced to push the turret.)
(Can YQCB hold it?)
(It's on! It's on!)
(It's a fierce battle between the two sides.)
Chubby, you protect me, protect me.
It's okay, it's okay. I got your back.
Retreat if you don't feel well!
(Hierophant doesn't seem to have enough blood.)
You kill shooter first.
Cheng, watch your position.
(At this time,
Smiling was set on fire by Hierophant)
(and got killed.)
(The enemy sent strong reinforcements)
(At this point I have to praise)
(Hierophant, the world-class shooter)
(for his unique strength.)
Kim Eun-seok and Hierophant
don't have enough blood.
Cheng, harvest them.
Leave it to me.
Kim Eun-seok has little blood too.
(Kim Eun-seok was killed by Chessman.)
(Chubby didn't withstand it and got killed in a second.)
(- Chessman is still outputting damage.)
- Chubby, you…
(Can he kill Hierophant?)
(Double Kill)
Hierophant was also killed.
- Nice.
- Yes, yes.
Keep going. Keep going.
No, I don't have enough blood.
Chessman has little blood left.
(Ai Jia seized the opportunity and killed him.)
Good for YQCB.
Go Smiling!
Cat, retreat, retreat.
Retreat, retreat. Now.
Okay, retreat!
Press forward! Press forward!
- We can push.
- Come on.
Why are there so many minions at base turret?
Ignore them and clear the line first.
(Our defense turret requires support)
K, what are you doing? Clear the line.
I'm clearing, I'm clearing, look at my blood.
Hold on until Tong Yao resurrects.
Hang on, I'll revive in 10 seconds.
(Is this the ultimate fight?)
(Smiling will revive in nine seconds.)
(Let's see if she can save the day.)
I'm out of blood.
(Eight seconds.)
(Seven seconds.)
(Six seconds.)
(Five seconds.)
(Four seconds.)
(Three seconds.)
(Two seconds.)
(One second.)
(Tong Yao resurrects.)
Go girl!
(Support needed for our junction)
(Smiling rushed forward,)
(went near residually blooded Ootengu
with very fast speed.)
(She used one normal attack with Corrode)
(Double Kill)
(and killed Ai Jia with a skill set.)
Kill! That's it! Kill him!
Come on, Chubby. Back me up. I'll kill them.
I'm coming, I'm coming.
I'll cover, I'll cover. Go, go.
Triple Kill!
Smiling resurrected
at the last minute to get Triple Kill!
Okay, nice!
We have a chance.
Wait for my resurrection.
Cheng, Tong Yao, you can do it.
(Chessman is back from the dead.)
(They're countering fighting now in one breath.)
Tong Yao, follow me up to the base turret.
(Chessman and Smiling both rushed to
the opponent's base turret.)
(Golden boy and girl,)
(Diao Chan and Lu Bu,)
(Huang Rong and Guo Jing in the gaming world.)
Go! Go!
Cheng, Hierophant is coming back to life.
(Hierophant is alive here.)
(Let's see if Hierophant can withstand
the attack of the two)
(for a nice comeback.)
I'll take care of Hierophant.
Tong Yao, you'll go around and push the base.
I'll hold off Hierophant.
Right now. Go.
(Chessman's revenge battle.)
(A perfect interception.)
(It's a real lightning bolt)
(with Tong Yao.)
(It's really a textbook duel of Light and Shadow.)
Push it, push it.
Tong Yao go! Tong Yao go!
Hold on, hold on, Tong Yao.
Don't worry about it, just push!
Go, Tong Yao!
(In five seconds,)
(YQCB's players are about to resurrect.)
(Let's see if Smiling
can live up to our expectations)
(and take the final victory of the game.)
(There are too many reversals today.)
(It's really hard to predict
the outcome without seeing the end.)
Tong Yao.
Come on!
Resurrected, hold on.
Go on!
(Congratulations to ZGDX!)
- Nice!
(- The regret of the spring playoff)
(is finally made up tonight!)
(This is the glory of ZGDX!)
(Champion Team ZGDX)
(of Onmyoji Arena Pro League.)
(Let's give the loudest applause)
(to congratulate ZGDX!)
They win!
Yao wins! Yao is the National Champion!
Tong, Yao has won!
- National Champion!
- Yes!
- Yao wins, Tong!
- Champion!
- National Champion!
- Yao wins.
Our daughter is the national champion, Tong.
Yao's mother, you haven't kissed me in a while.
One more kiss. One more kiss.
Don't fantasize.
I should tell you Smiling is really capable.
- That's true.
- Cool, cool.
- I can't praise Smiling more.
- That's great.
- Awesome.
- She is really something.
Smiling is indeed capable.
I taught her.
I taught her.
- I know.
- You taught her.
- I got goose bumps.
- I taught her.
- I can't praise Smiling more.
- Cheers.
- Better than you, better than you.
- Cool.
- That's really cool.
We're the champion. We're the champion.
We won. We're the champions.
We won, we won, we won!
I didn't expect to lose in the end.
Congratulations, Chessman.
Thank you.
I didn't know you were so good.
You played well, congratulations!
It's no shame in losing to me.
Ai Jia, I love you!
Blow a kiss.
One, two, three.
We are the champion!
- ZGDX, we won!
- We won!
After ZGDX won the national finals,
they have started to prepare
for the World Championship.
As for the ZGDX Double Carry players
that you've been watching,
I heard that they went to attend
next-door midsolo's wedding.
(ZGDX Double Carry players got engaged?)
There is no fake news in E-sports Industry Farm.
I know you will continue to follow me.
See you next year.
♪You say the world
is always not gentle enough♪
♪Fortunately, you're free,
the most special player♪
♪Invite me to be your number one teammate♪
♪So I had my first encounter with my dreams♪
♪You said you'd always be behind me♪
♪Rumors ran to me and hurt you♪
♪How long will it take
from now to the future♪
♪You're love that never needs a reason♪
♪I want to be close to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless
and pretend to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones
in the world who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪I want to be closer to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless,
pretending to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪I like in every season♪
♪I'm at the top of your list♪
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