Ghost Force (2021) s01e31 Episode Script

Graffurious / Levisfer

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep ♪
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep ♪
Full of fear,
please make them disappear ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour ♪
Like the night, glow forever ♪
Ghost Force ♪
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere ♪
Creepy crawlies
in their lair ♪
Out of sight,
waiting in the night ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
(Sigh of relief)
Ha, ha!
- Aaah!
- Whoa!
- Oh!
- Ha, ha!
- Aaah!
- (Evil laugh)
Hey, Mr Vladowsky, did you hear
that some people say
the sun is a giant lightbulb
put in the sky by Martians?
A lightbulb I'd like to smash!
Now back in line!
Aaah! My umbrella!
- (Tittering)
- It is way too nice out
to be cooped up
in a tower with the principal.
- Who even picks these trips?
- What an awesome field trip!
The Kasenti Tower
is stacked with high-tech!
And soon
all they'll show you losers
is the greatest basketball
player of all time,
Drake Miller!
Good for you, dude!
Uh, you might wanna
bench your ego, Drake.
Let him dream, Liv.
Besides, his biggest and only
fan, Bobby, isn't here today.
Whatevs, one day my picture's
gonna be all over New York City.
The Kasenti Tower,
5th Avenue and
Blah, blah, blah. Yeah, we know!
You told us the same thing
yesterday, and the day before,
- and even in your
- (Commotion)
Ho, ho! See? Told you so!
Wait. You graffitied this
with your own face?
Gotta say, it's as swoon-worthy
as you, Drake!
- I know. Awesome, right?
- No way he made that.
He once did a self-portrait
in art class.
- We thought it was a potato.
- Autographs, anyone?
- Get in line!
- Argh! Vandalism!
How revolting!
Lieutenant Callaghan
is on the scene!
Gah! What monster made this?
Hmm Fresh paint!
The resemblance is striking.
Hope you got a good alibi, kid.
Hands off the crime scene!
She did it!
She's got a major crush on me.
Who can blame her? But still
- What? I was just
- A crime of passion, eh?
That's why you're disposing
of the weapon!
Should've known
a Baker did this.
Oh, come on,
that is a big stretch.
Spit it out, Drake, it was you!
I've never seen
this stuff before!
She's innocent!
Liv was with us
the whole time.
Either you clean this up
or you're coming downtown,
- young lady!
- (Screaming)
(Evil laugh)
- Aaah!
- (Evil laugh)
- Ha, ha, ha!
- Oh!
- Aaah!
- Oh, no!
(Evil laugh)
Stay calm, younglings,
I've got you covered!
(Mocking laugh)
(Evil laugh)
Easy boy! Easy
(Evil laugh)
- Drake's so gonna pay for this!
- First, we must stop New York
from turning into
a paint-by-numbers poster.
It's Boo time now!
ALL: Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force,
don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
Ugh! What a mess!
Time to reorganise
the Boo energy tubes.
Oh, hey! What's greener?
Pickle or olive?
KRUSH: Miss Jones!
We got a Boo emergency here!
It's a level 5. Breathrill.
Watch out. It blows more wind
than me on chilli night.
Uh, too much information.
You should neutralise
the source of its blow.
But don't worry.
Glowboo's got your backs!
Oh! I am trapped.
he's gonna need a moment.
Let's start the Boo fight guys!
(Evil laugh)
- We must plug up its nozzles!
- I'll take the left one.
- I'll take the right!
- And its head is all mine.
- Hmm.
- Spectral Gate!
Flexy Power!
Watch out!
You gotta be kidding me!
(Gasps) Unbelievable!
Hey! Yeah, you!
- Uh, Fury?
- No, Myst.
Is that your masterpiece?
Nah. It was some girl in my class.
Liv Baker.
You wouldn't be lying,
would you?
You! Come back here, you!
Myst! We could sure use a portal
to catch the ghost by surprise!
Flexy blast!
Fury! Are you OK, Bro?
Loving your new colour!
Although you're kinda
stepping on my style.
Not funny.
Drake's on a graffiti blitz
and he's still accusing me!
Don't worry.
We'll deal with Drake later.
We have a ghost to Gah!
- Ugh!
- (Evil laugh)
Whoa! Pretty!
KRUSH: Pretty awful.
- Huh?
- Where is it?
Huh! I'm pink!
Looks like
you're stepping on my style now.
pink actually works for me!
Forget it. Pink is my style.
I am here.
Query. Where is the ghost?
It's heading
for the Brooklyn Bridge!
(Evil laugh)
Bobby! Aaah!
- Bobby?
- Bobby?
- Hi, Drake!
- I can't believe it.
- You're the graffiti artist?
- Yep. Check it out.
Drake, king of b-ball!
Dude, you've really gotta
get rid of that.
- Priorities, Myst!
- Get back here!
(Evil laugh)
Let's focus on the ghost!
- I thought you'd like it.
- It is cool,
but you're gonna be
in major trouble unless you
I'm the graffiti artist!
Arrest me!
Huh? That's sweet, but not true.
You're a good friend, though.
But going around accusing
a totally innocent girl
is not cool!
Yeah, I know. I get it.
(Evil laugh)
Oh, no!
Run for cover!
We've gotta stop it spinning
or it'll make another getaway.
And now that you're here,
it's gonna be easy!
Glowboo! Bring him back here!
Fury, Krush, immobilize it!
Fractal Power!
Flexy Power!
Oh, no!
Low ink level.
All right!
- Yeah!
- Woohoohoo!
Yeah! Boo-yah!
After a thorough investigation,
I was able to trace the culprit.
It's you!
It's not Liv. I did it.
I just wanted to do
something nice for Drake.
It's you!
Nothing gets past me, kid.
I knew it was you all along!
Oh, well, confessing
is no good without redressing.
Listen, I'm sorry
for accusing you back there.
Same. I shouldn't have accused
you without proof either.
Well, it's a shame,
'cause I'm looking good!
Oh, no! My phone!
Boo! Huh?
(Evil laugh)
Relax, Mike.
Your invention rocks!
You're gonna "Krush"
this competition.
(Worried groan) I don't think
it's there yet, Liv.
I've still got loads of kinks
and calculations to work out.
Don't worry. Teamwork makes
the dream work, right, Andy?
(Gulps) Uh, yeah!
We can totally help
tweak your whatchamacallit?
bubble transmitter.
Spreads a wave
with no interference
inside a huge bubble.
Whoa! Sweet gizmo, Mike.
We both brought our A-game
to the Science Fair finals.
- (Sighs)
- Check mine out.
- (Gasps)
- (Gasps)
The future has arrived!
You made that all by yourself?
Of course. There would be
no merit in getting help
for the competition.
Care to demo it?
Um It's um
it's still got a few kinks.
Nothing we can't fix
with a tweak or two.
Nothing I can't fix, you mean?
Whoa! You dudes are in
for some real competition
from whatever invention's
doing that.
That looks more ghostly
than sciency to me, Andy.
(Evil laugh)
There's a ghost!
- (Evil laugh)
- Aaah!
Oh! Whoa!
(Evil laugh)
(Phone rings)
Good morning, kids!
Actually, it's not so good.
We've got a level-8 ghost
on the loose called Levisfer.
And hold onto your hats,
'cause it can modify gravity.
Modify gravity?
What do you mean?
Thanks to its power, it reverses
the gravitational attraction
on our planet.
In other words, we'll all rise
towards the stratosphere
- if you don't stop it!
- Any idea how to do that?
Maybe I can create a gizmo
that can neutralise its powers
by converting
my anti-reverse-gravity blanket.
It helps me stay in bed whenever
I dream that I'm flying.
- Like once
- Maybe tell us another time,
Ms Jones.
We got a ghost to capture.
Oh, yes! I'll send Glowboo over
while I get going on my gizmo.
ALL: Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
- Aaah!
- (Evil laugh)
Let's move! Who knows
what Floaty McFloat Ghost
might boost into!
(Evil laugh)
ALL: Huh?
(Evil laugh)
(Shocked cries)
Looks like we just found out.
It's going after
the New Yorkers!
Put your hands up,
and put me down!
Oh! I was this close
to handcuffing that perp!
(Evil laugh)
My robo-baker!
- Hmm.
- Ugh!
Your invention
is almost as advanced as me.
Thank you.
- Hmm.
- (Evil laugh)
(Evil laugh)
So what's the plan?
Its body always separates
during its grav attacks.
So if we stop it from splitting
up, it can no longer attack!
Fractal Power!
- Need a hand?
- No!
I got this. All I need
is my fractal Boo energy.
MYST: Look out!
I believe Fury needs our help.
(Evil laugh)
Worst bowling game ever!
It's got more moves than me
on the basketball court!
And it shoots better than you,
We need your gadget
or we can't get near the ghost.
Its gravity perimeter
isn't wide enough.
But it kind of works
on very close range.
(Gasps) Like a bubble!
If we combined your gizmo
with Krush's electromagnetic
bubble transmitter, we could
trap him in a gravity well.
I'm not sure it's a good idea!
Nifty! That could work!
Uploading my gizmo now!
But my invention
still isn't working, remember?
We'll help you fix it.
You don't have to
do it all alone.
Glowboo, Fury,
keep the people safe.
I'll stay with Krush.
No, you guys go.
I'll handle this on my own.
OK. But promise
you'll ask if you need help.
I can totally handle this!
Krush, what's your ETA?
We're in a bit of a time-crunch!
Almost there, I'm just
a little tied up right now.
Then call Ms Jones for help!
No, I can do this on my own!
Just a few more seconds
and presto!
Why isn't it working?
Hurry, Krush! We're all
getting slammed, literally!
We all need help!
(Evil laugh)
Huh? What's it up to?
(Evil laugh)
MYST: Oh, no! Krush, hurry up!
Um Ms Jones? Are you there?
- What's going on?
- I'm gonna need your help.
All you had to do was ask!
I thought diverting the circuit
would activate it,
but it's just not working.
Could be a bug in the cache.
Have you checked the wavelength?
Wavelength that's it!
We've got to
switch up the frequency!
Thanks, Miss Jones!
- We got your back, Bro!
- Oh, no!
Let's play bowling!
You're up, Krush!
I'm not doing this alone!
It has to work this time.
And Strike!
(Battle cry)
Maybe, now,
we can win the Science Fair!
Or not.
- (Applause)
- You totally would've won
if your invention
didn't blow up like it did.
But Rajat deserved to win.
He didn't need any help,
like me.
There is no shame in asking
for help when you need it.
I once had someone
to help me with everything.
Really? Wow! Suddenly,
I feel a whole lot better,
and dumber
for not asking sooner!
Anyway, Mike,
could you teach me how to build
your electromagnetic
bubble transmitter?
It would be a great gizmo
for my collection!
Yeah! With pleasure!
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