ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e31 Episode Script

Corporate Buyout

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[eagle screeches]
So hot. Need water. Ugh.
Much better.
Awesome job planning
the company retreat, Jan-Jan.
It is my pleasure.
Come on, man!
You're just gonna
let her stand there
without a cucumber club soda?
Ha-ha. I knew I picked
the right seven-year-old kid
to run my multibillion-dollar
Are you kidding me?
I love being a CEO!
Miss Jan-Jan,
can we all get
full body massages?
Of course! Put it
on the company card.
Can I buy this
useless snow-globe?
Put it on the company card.
- Puca shell necklaces?
- Company card.
- All this shrimp?
- Company card.
- These dolphins?
- Company card.
- This resort?
- Put it on the company card!
I'm sorry, Miss Jan-Jan,
your last transaction
could not be completed.
What? Impossible. Try it again.
This just in.
CEO Jan-Jan has
bankrupted Cheetara Corp.
The once powerful company has
been purchased by Baron Karnor,
and all of its assets now
belong to Karnor Industries.
Including me!
[clears throat] Are we rolling?
Oh [laughs nervously]
Okay. Nobody panic.
Everything will be fine
as long as we have
the company credit card.
I already told you your card
has been declined.
Also declined. [groans]
- Oh, what now? Uh-oh.
- [gargoyles squawking]
Oh, that's not good.
No. No!
Don't worry, terrified employee.
I'll save you.
[grunts] I'll save you.
I'll save you. I'll save you.
Oh, no,
I can't save any of you!
Hey! Get outta here!
Those are our dolphins.
Hey, that shrimp belongs
to Cheetara Corp.
This is all my fault.
Jan-Jan, what are you doing?
I lost the company!
I give up, gargoyles,
take me away!
[gasps] No.
Oh, no, you don't.
You're not allowed to give up.
We aren't about
to let our company
get snatched out from under us
by some big corporate bully!
I was thinking
I'd just go back
to being seven years old.
You know,
running a business isn't
Stop right there!
Whatever you were
gonna say is wrong.
Running our business
is everything.
Now, we're gonna march right
into Baron Karnor's offices
and take our company back.
- Jan-Jan!
- I'm not Jan-Jan.
I'm a fountain.
[groans] Come on, let's go.
But Cheetara,
Karnor's tower is located
in the deepest,
darkest part of the jungle!
And I hear
he's a real mean dude.
Come on. Being a CEO
isn't all about spending money
and riding dolphins.
Sometimes you're gonna need
to get out there and rough it.
Ugh! That wasn't
in orientation!
Was this in orientation?
[gasps] Emergency
business supplies?
That's right. Now let's go
risk our lives for the company.
[pop music playing]
They fight hard
For the company♪
So hard for it, honey♪
They fight hard
For the company♪
A real boss
Should risk their life!♪
They fight hard
For the company♪
By fighting a cobra♪
They fight hard
For the company♪
Sometimes a stapler
Is a knife♪
They fight hard
For the company♪
Escaping a cobweb♪
They fight hard
For the company♪
A real boss
Will win the fight!♪
[Cheetara humming]
Oh, yeah. Now that's climbing
the corporate ladder.
And that's just
sitting in dirt.
Jan-Jan, what's wrong?
I don't know
if I can keep going.
When I signed up to be a CEO,
I didn't realize it would involve
so much climbing and jumping.
Jan-Jan, this is no time
for that kind of talk.
Now chop-chop, we've got
a Baron to out-business.
[both] Closed?
[both] Whoa.
Karnor must be one tough CEO
if he works
in a big old evil tower.
- Appointment?
- [both screaming]
- How about you appoint
- Wait, I got this.
Just tell your boss the CEOs
of Cheetara Corp are here.
Don't you need to, uh,
pick up the phone or something?
Appointment? Appointment?
We don't have an appointment!
[both screaming]
Uh, what is this place?
Aah! That's it!
I can't do this anymore.
I resign as acting CEO
of Cheetara Corp.
No job is worth getting sent
to a creepy dungeon,
unless your job is
creepy dungeon janitor.
Huh? Aw!
What are you so scared of?
It's just the HR department.
Aah! Cycloptopus!
I've been getting a lot of
complaints about you two.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. [screaming]
I'll deal with you later.
No. Aah! Cheetara!
Jan-Jan, my protege,
I'm coming for you.
That was a warning.
If you don't stop
trying to run,
we're gonna have to
terminate you!
[evil laughter]
Sorry, I think I'm gonna go
over your head on this.
- [muffled grunting]
- [Jan-Jan screaming]
- Cheetara!
- [gasps]
[gasps] Jan-Jan! Hang on,
little CEO, I'm coming.
Well, at least no monsters
can get me in Huh?
Mail! [screaming]
Uh-oh. Whoa. Whoa!
That's fine.
I needed a trim anyway.
I'm so sorry, Jan-Jan.
I should have never put you
in this dangerous scenario.
- Cheetara
- No. No, I mean it.
Jan-Jan, you're a kid.
You're supposed to be
having fun, not working.
Wait. But Cheetara
No, it's true. You are.
And, well,
if you don't wanna be
my business partner anymore,
that's cool.
I totally understand.
You're still my bud
no matter what.
Wow, I guess I deserve that.
Cheetara, thanks
for the kind words.
But we're kind of in the middle
of an office full of gargoyles.
[phone ringing]
Jan-Jan, stay back here.
I'll go save the company.
No. We'll save
our company. Together.
I'm acting CEO, and it's time
I start acting like it.
[dramatic music playing]
- Let's fight for our company.
- Yeah!
They fight hard
For the company♪
So hard for it, honey♪
They fight hard
For the company♪
A real boss
Should risk their life♪
Unpaid interns?
I've got this.
Free bagels!
Those guys can fly, right?
Yeah, I wouldn't
worry about it.
There it is.
Baron Karnor's office.
All right, let's give
this evil CEO
[both screaming]
[both groan]
- Oh, no!
- You two again.
Prepare to be crushed
for insubordination!
[both grunting]
Okay! That's quittin' time.
Have a good one now!
Oh, and if you wanna get back
up to Karnor's office,
just take the CEO tube.
[both] Oh, okay, thanks!
No problem.
And sorry about the whole
"trying to crush you
out of existence" thing.
You know how it is.
We totally get it. It's
[all] Just business!
[both] Whoa!
All right, let's show Baron
Karnor what we're made of.
[both grunt]
So, this is
Baron Karnor's office?
Yep. And there he is.
Let's get him.
Say goodbye to your company,
you soulless
corporate overlord!
We're taking Cheetara Corp back
because last time I checked,
you're not named Cheetara.
Or Jan-Jan.
Hello? Can you hear us?
Uh, ripping you apart, dude.
[both] Whoa!
[bone cracks]
He doesn't look so good.
[fly buzzing]
[sniffs] Yeah, these bones
are pretty old.
I think he's been skeleton
for a while.
Baron Karnor must have
set up his business
so it just kept running
and acquiring assets
even after he went
all bones-up.
Maybe there really are
more important things in life
than running a business.
Like, you know, living.
You know
what this means, Jan-Jan?
I sure do!
It means some pile of bones
thought he could just
steal my business from me!
Well, think again, skele-dork!
[flies buzzing]
I declare everything here
now part of Cheetara Corp!
Boom! CEO!
I knew I picked
the right seven-year-old
to run my multibillion-dollar
[Jan-Jan] Company card!
Gimme that! Endless luxury.
There's a $10 limit.
Boom! Responsible CEO.
In your face, Karnor.
[both laughing]
They fight hard
For the company ♪
So hard for it, honey ♪
[fly humming] Oh! Me?
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