Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e31 Episode Script

Episode 31
Go everywhere of Isfahan.
Capture all the soldiers
Kill all the resisters. We'll raid the
palace and seize the throne now.
Where are all the soldiers?
- Why is there nobody in town?
- We're here, Turan Shah.
We're waiting for you with our swords.
You trapped me.
Do you know why the
wolves like the misty weather?
Because the jackals come
out by thinking the wolves left.
But they don't know
the wolves are waiting to shred them.
I made the weather misty
by saying I'd go to Kuvel.
And you came our like a jackal.
Now, the wolfs claw will hit you.
Attacking to the city of throne
and trying to take Sultanate
it's an inexcusable
crime for the dynasty.
You tried to scare me by saying
all the dynasty will unite against me.
Now, when I kill you
the dynasty will say nothing.
Because the custom
you talked about a lot
you disobeyed it now.
Tapar and Sanjar surrounded
your soldiers outside of Isfahan.
Now, it's my right to take your head.
Until today, I was right and you
were guilty according to the dynasty.
Now, you're right and I'm guilty.
I'm ready to die.
But I'll make you an offer now
that you can never get again.
What offer are you talking about?!
Tekish and Hassan
Sabbah are working together.
I got them caught by my men.
They'll lock them in a cave.
Turan Shah!
He tricked us! Traitor!
It turns out Turan Shah is
a bigger devil than Melik Shah.
If we can't escape, it means
the end for all of us came, huh.
I closed his eyes so the eyes
of his heart would be opened.
It turned our I had to
take our Tekish's heart too.
I rebelled because I think
you have the throne unfairly.
I'm a rebel.
But I'm not a traitor.
The traitor is Tekish.
So I locked him together with
his partner Hassan Sabbah.
If I had the smallest betrayal
against the state inside me
I'd act with them.
Maybe, I'd not be like this now.
If you're going to
believe I'm not a traitor
I'll tell where Hassan
Sabbah and Tekish are.
My Sultan.
That's not an offer to ignore easily.
Hassan Sabbah is the
biggest enemy of our state.
Catching Sabbah is more
important than killing Turan Shah.
My Sultan
Let's inform Melik Tapar and Melik Sanjar.
They should attack and
catch Tekish and Sabbah.
Send a troop to Shalamzar, Haje.
They should arrest Tekish's
soldiers seize the place.
will say where Tekish and Sabbah are.
- You're waiting for nothing, Mitras.
- Lower your swords.
Sultan Melik Shah won't come here.
Attacking to Kuvel Castle
was a game to catch Turan Shah.
He caught Turan Shah
with his soldiers at Isfahan.
Melik Shah played a game.
Where are Sabbah and Tekish?
So you hold my father and Hassan
Sabbah as captives, Turan Shah.
I'll do my best and save them.
Turan Shah might tell him the place
of Sabbah and Tekish to save himself.
If Melik Shah catches them,
he will get Shalamzar back.
And if he gets Shalamzar
back, it will be Kuvel's turn.
No matter what happens, we
have to find Sabbah and Tekish,
before Melik shah and close Shalamzar.
We are going to find Sabbah
and Tekish before Melik Shah.
Come on.
My Sultan.
As you ordered, I took
necessary precautions
in the palace without
making it obvious.
Thanks to Allah, you caught the traitor.
Thank you Hatuns.
Turan Shah caught
Tekish and Sabbah.
He put them in a cave.
When Tapar and Sanjar bring
them we will punish all traitors.
Thanks to Allah, He
granted this dynasty
with Melik Shah.
If it wasn't for him, this dynasty
wouldn't achieve any success!
We dealt with Turan Shah's men.
Now let's go and save Sabbah and Tekish.
There are traces here, Hazrat Melik.
They must be new.
There were people who went to the cave.
There might be other people who
want to catch Melik Tekish and Sabbah.
There are two ways which
lead to the cave, brother.
We will follow the trace.
You will go the other way and set a trap.
If they try to use the
other way when we raid
the cave, they will be
leaded into another.
You will stay with my brother.
No matter what happens, do
not leave your position, brother.
Catching Melik Tekish and Sabbah
is more important than everything.
Do not leave.
Or we won't be able to look at
other people's faces when we go back.
Let's go Alps.
- Sabbah!
- My son!
You didn't leave us in our enemies' hands.
You are a real friend, Mitras.
Ahmed let me know that you were here.
Melik Shah's Kuvel war was fake.
He made this up to go to
Isfahan and catch Turan Shah.
Now he has Turan Shah.
Melik Shah ended Turan
Shah with this move.
It will be our turn now.
We received news.
Sanjar and his men are here.
Just like I thought.
He sold you out to save himself.
There is a secret passage
at the back of the cave.
They can't find
us if we use that way.
Come on.
We are going to use another way.
Go with our soldiers
and set a trap for Sanjar.
Turan Shah's soldiers are dead.
They must've found Melik
Tekish and Sabbah before us.
Byzantines abducted them.
We will raid from here.
If they use the other way, they
will be leaded into Melik Tapar's trap.
He was one of the soldiers
who went with Melik Sanjar.
They lured them into a trap.
Brother, no matter what
happens, don't leave your position.
Catching Melik Tekish and Sabbah
is more important than everything.
Do not leave.
Or we won't be able to look at
other people's faces when we go back.
We will catch Sabbah
and Tekish in the end.
But I can not leave you Sanjar.
I will take half of our
soldiers and go to Sanjar
you will stay here.
Let's go!
Byzantines abducted them.
There is a secret passage
at the back, Hazrat Melik.
They must've used that way.
They will find themselves
in Melik Tapar's trap.
We will follow them and make
them get stuck in two fires.
Isn't that Ayaz Alp's kopuz?
What haooened?
I raised Ayaz as my own child.
It is my duty to keep it.
You were a mother to Sanjar's Alps.
Different enemies killed their
their families.
When Haje placed them in our tribe
they didn't have any family.
I raised them like Sanjar.
I became their mother and father.
And Sanjar became their brother.
I loved them like I loved my
Tapar who I left in the palace.
You've been suffering from the
grief of losing a child because of Ayaz.
May Allah keep your
other children with you.
Inshallah, my girl.
Mitras got them. They're coming
Melik Tapar took half
of the soldiers and left.
If we attack, they'll kill us.
If we don't attack, they'll
escape in front of our eyes.
Melik Sanjar said catching them
was more important than anything.
We'll carry out our duty and attack.
Come on heroes!
It's an ambush! Kill them all!
You. Batini
I will take revenge of my brothers.
First I killed your brother
Ayaz and now I will kill you.
You are all going to die.
You can only hit from
behind like ignoble dastards.
Melik Sanjar won't let
you go away with this.
We're killing Sanjar's men
one by one for Shalamzar.
If he keeps dealing with
Shalamzar, he will be the next.
Come on.
Byzantine soldiers obviously
arrived earlier than us.
But Sanjar and Alps
have killed them all.
We're going back to Aydogdu.
Come on.
Aydogdu. Aydogdu.
Aydogdu! Aydogdu. Open your eyes!
- Aydogdu.
- My Bey
Who did this to you?
Where is Melik Tapar?
Melik Tapar took half of the
soldiers and went after you.
Faysal who killed Ayaz and Mitras did this.
I will be a martyr for
Shalamzar like my Ayaz brother.
Don’t say so, Aydogdu.
Now both the Shalamzar cause
and our vengeance are on you.
Give me your pardon in this
world and Qiyamah, brothers.
I bear witness that there is none
worthy of worship except Allah.
and I bear witness that Muhammad(SAW)
is His servant and Messenger.
Aydogdu. Don't let go!
Aydogdu, open your eyes!
- Sanjar
- They've become martyrs.
They all died because of you.
I told you not to leave!
I saw a wounded man coming and,
I went after you to protect you.
You shouldn't have left it even if I die.
How could I have known?
It was about your life!
Your life is more important
than anything else to me.
- What would you have done?
- I would have believed you.
I would have never left
my position by trusting you.
Everyone paid the price of your mistake!
- Your mistake!
- Enough!
Kill me if it's going to cool your anger.
I said do it.
My anger will cool off when I kill them.
And I will fight to the last
drop of blood for this cause.
But you should know this
I don't trust you.
Help us.
Sit down.
Tell me.
You think I'm vile enough to put
poison in the meal that I brought myself?
I said I would make a
decision according to the
information you'd give
about Sabbath and Tekish
No matter what
I'm on the rope.
Because of what I did.
And I take responsibilty for it.
You haven't come to this point
because of me, but your blind ambition.
The dungeon of ambition
where you imprisoned
yourself is much
worse than my dungeon.
Even if I forgive you,
As long as you don't get rid of
that dungeon, you can never be free.
My ambition was for the state.
When I learned that you disobeyed
the dynasty morals and got the throne..
And when you rewarded the guilty ones
I believed that a
rebellion would bring justice.
While my uncle Qavurd was being executed,
his last words were long live the state.
But you said it was
for the state and played
into the hands of
Batinis and Byzantine.
You gave a leverage
to the enemies of the
state which our fathers
fought together tough.
If you're not ashamed before your
state, be ashamed before your father.
If you care about the state
discuss the matter with yourself then.
Why did Sanjar and
Basulu stay hidden for years?
Why did I forgive Sanjar
and Haje? For my own desire?
I've never got my desire
involved in any state matters.
If I were overwhelmed by my desire,
I would have cut your head by now.
While you sleep comfortably
in the positions I gave you,
I sit on fire on the throne
of the state day and night.
I make every decision for the state.
Look at this rebellion matter
with the eyes of the state.
Weigh it in the scales of the state.
If you have a little
foresight left inside you
Then you should see the truth.
Melik Shah.
If what I did has harmed the
state even unintentionally..
I can't stand that.
I can't stand it if I'm going to
be called a traitor from now on.
If it's going to be so
I'm ready to die.
I won't make a decision until
Shalamzar issue is settled.
When we finish that matter,
everyone will see my decision.
Melik Shah learns what happened
he'll send a troop to capture Shalamzar.
We have to go there before him
and close the gates of Shalamzar.
We've fought for that for long time.
And I will never give up.
We'll take Shalamzar all
together and close the gates.
We need more soldiers and
Greek Fire for Shalamzar.
Don't worry.
I'll give you the soldiers
and Greek Fire that you need.
Just go there and capture
it before Melik Shah does.
Byzantine will always be with you.
Turan Shah's and Tekish's betrayals
revealed the gangrenes withing the dynasty.
Our Sultan knows that the only
remedy of gangrene is to cut it.
Just a swing of sword will be
enough to get rid of the rebels.
But Turan Shah gave you information.
If your diplomacy requires you to
forgive him in return for this informatidn.
we have nothing to say for that.
What happened when Tekish was
treated with the courtesy of diplomacy,
Zubeyda Hatun?
He got his eyes opened.
Too much diplomacy
cause mercy.
There's no need for that.
The state can't be ruled
with either violence or mercy.
The state can only be ruled with justice.
We'll see what justice brings
for Turan Shah when it's time.
My Sultan.
Hassan Sabbath and Melik
Tekish were taken from the cave.
Unfortunately, it was Mitras who took them.
What do you mean it was Mitras?
Didn't I send Tapar and Sanjar there?
How couldn't they
take Sabbath and Tekish?
Mitras reached there
before they did, my Sultan.
And we lost soldiers.
What a shame.
Its Meliks always disappoint this state.
Two of them turned out to be traitors.
The other two failed in the duty
which their Sultan gave them.
Two sons of great Sultan Melik Shah came
together but couldn't carry out a duty.
If Mitras, Tekish and
Sabbath escaped from them
..they will definitely
I've ordered to send a
troop near Shalamzar.
They should take
Shalamzar before they arrive.
As you order, my Sultan.
Wait. We both let Sabbath and
Tekish escape and lost our soldiers.
This was the last drop to
make the glass overflow.
But incautious ones will drown
in this water before the traitors.
Tell Tapar and Sanjar to come
in my presence immediately.
- Immediately!
- As you wish my Sultan.
We've taken Shalamzar and
closed all the gates, father.
Melik Shah's troops turned
back with their heads down.
We reached Shalamzar right on time.
Now that Byzantine soldiers
and Greek Fire have arrived
nobody can take it.
Now Shalamzar is
our last shelter
and the place where we will
devastate Sultan Melik Shah.
We'll defend this place
to the last drop of blood.
And Melik Shah will have a big
failure and start falling step by step.
For the throne that our friend Tekish
deserves, not the devil Melik Shah!
For our Byzantines friends to get rid of
Melik Shah and our Batini state to rise up!
Resistance to the end!
Fighting until the end!
I made a big mistake about the martyrs.
But Sanjar's life was in danger.
I left my position to save him.
Now neither does he trust me
nor does his anger cool off.
..was a part of our hearts.
Understand Sanjar's pain and anger.
You are his big brother.
Tolerate him for a while.
His anger will pass.
- May Allah curse whoever did this!
- We want blood for our blood.
Great warrior Aydogdu!
Great warrior Aydogdu!
- He's gone!
- Traitors!
Hazrat Melik!
We also lost Aydogdu after Ayaz.
How many more soldiers
we will lose against enemies?
You're a Melik of great Seljuks.
Can't you take Shalamzar?
How long will you wait to avenge them?
The life of this tribe is the life of mine.
The blood of this tribe
is the blood of mine.
We will take lives of those.
and shed the blood of
those who shed our blood.
Now everyone should know this
If I fail to take Shalamzar,
may this land be cursed for me.
If I fail to avenge
may my own sword
Karapolat be a curse for me.
If I come back here
before I keep my promise
may my tribe be cursed for me!
If I fail to be worthy
of my Melik position
may the milk I got from my mother
and the blood I got my ancestors be cursed.
If I don't take the heads of
our enemy with my own sword,
may this white sword get in my body
and get out with my red blood on it!
My Sultan, we've got news from the
troop that you have sent to take Shalamzar.
What happened?
Unfortunately Hassan
Sabbath, Melik Tekish
and Mitras arrived
there before our soldiers.
Batinis, Melik Tekish's
soldiers and Byzantine
ones got Shalamzar
and closed the doors.
This is all because we let
Tekish and Sabbath escape.
Two Meliks couldn't perform a simple duty!
Cruel fate, you have
devastate so many houses.
You have a grudge against us.
Cruelty is an old custom of yours.
If they tear the chest of this dark soil,
there are so many pearls.
My condolences.
- May Aydogdu's soul rest in peace.
- Thank you.
Our Sultan wants to see us immediately.
They say he's storming around with fury.
Shalamzar has got taken.
We have lost Melik Tekish and Sabbah.
It must be because of this.
I’m the only one responsible
Put the blame on me.
I'll pay the price.
Sultan has summoned you.
Obviously, he is furious.
The people talked about you too.
They're coming at you from everywhere, son.
You took big oath to take Shalamzar.
Your responsibility, is important.
But what if you go and not come back
Be worried about me going
and coming back with nothing.
I'll be either a martyr or a Ghazi.
But Shalamzar will be ours.
Take care of the plain now.
Go back to our tribe
and perform the custom.
Put a sword on our mattress.
Because if I fail to take Shalamzar
I will never see my tribe
or my mattress again.
Hassan Sabbath and
Tekish didn't get caught.
And they also took Shalamzar
and closed the gates.
Sanjar and Tapar are responsible for that.
Melik Shah's wrath on them will be great.
This is a big opportunity
for us, Tajulmulk.
We'll lay a trap for every move
of theirs and make them fail again.
And they'll fall out of favor.
When those two Meliks fall out of favor
Basulu will have no value left.
Besides, we'll have defeated two Meliks who
will be the opponents of my baby-to-born.
the future of my son will be in danger.
Watch every step of them,
And do your best to make them fail.
As you order, Terken Hatun.
My Sultan, Melik Tapar
and Melik Sanjar are here.
My Sultan.
You two are the only ones responsible..
for both our martyrs we're mourning for
and the fact that the enemy got Shalamzar!
How could you let Mitras take them?
How could lose so many soldiers?
My Sultan.
The only one
responsible of the martyrs
If there is a fault
it belongs to all of us my Sultan.
We'll take Shalamzar
back and make up for it.
Make u for what?
Will you lose more men
and be more ashamed?
I dismissed you two from
the mission of Shalamzar.
You won't get involved in anything.
I will take care of the Shalamzar issue.
You two Meliks failed.
You let our enemies laugh at us
and screw up the most critical duty!
What did we do to screw it?
Didn't they repel you when you attacked?
Weren't you there in every
attempt to take Shalamzar?
If we are to leave our duties against
a hardship, we all should do the same.
How could you talk to me like that?
You let those men escape and
disgraced yourself and our state.
Now I'm going to Shalamzar.
I'm going to Shalamzar.
We didn't fight to the last drop
of blood so we can't give up.
Two brothers of mine
died in my arms for this.
I say If I fail to take Shalamzar,
may my tribe and tent be cursed for.
I took an oath.
This matter is a matter of honor for me.
Even if you send me back, I'll go
there alone and be a martyr or ghazi.
But I won't turn back.
Don't exceed your limit, Sanjar.
The revenge is blinding you.
You will make more mistakes.
You failed the mission of Shalamzar.
Stand back now.
If there's a mistake, it's us
who should make up for it.
I have this determination
not only due to
revenge, but also my
responsibility for my state.
If I go back now, they will say
Melik Shah's son have returned.
And you would be ashamed, father?
And the Melik sword you gave
me would be cursed for me.
And I will never give up
to the last drop of blood.
I won't disappoint you or my state.
How will you take Shalamzar
after all these losses?
What do you rely on?
I'm both your Sultan and father.
If I dismissed you from this duty
but also to stop you from
dying with the rage of revenge.
You give the order. We go out for the duty.
Leave how we will perform it to us.
If you're my Sultan, trust your Melik.
If you're my father,
trust your son.
When this water clock completes
cycle, it will have been one day.
If I don't get the news of the attack
on Shalamzar when it's completed
I will dismiss both
of you from this duty.
And I will make you pay a heavy
price for exceeding your authority.
Your brother and you will lose your value.
And you'll never get a state duty again.
Know that very well.
I was going to say I had
the fault about martyrs.
Why didn't you allow me?
- Then he'd not get mad at you.
- That's in between us.
He was mad at both of us. Didn't you see?
It wasn't good at all that
you were against our Sultan.
If you can't take
Shalamzar until tomorrow,
you'll get a bigger
punishment that Sultan said.
There is no bigger punishment
if we can't take Shalamzar, Haje.
Byzantines will be there next
to Melik Tekish and Batinis.
They'll want to use greek fire against us.
We need to build bigger
siege towers than before.
For that, we need Isfizari
master and engineers.
Good. I'll give duty about this
to Isfizari and his engineers.
And I'll get the necessary
supplies at the forest with Alps.
Isfizari and engineers have to come
today with the necessary drawings.
Otherwise we can't
take Shalamzar tomorrow.
I'll send soldiers to
headquarter around Shalamzar.
You stayed at the Kinik
plain yesterday. How could
you leave me here like this
and stay with your family?
- Don't you think about me?
- I'm not in the mood for arguing.
I'm in a hurry. I'll gather
soldiers for Shalamzar siege.
What kind of mother Basulu is, so she
doesn't say son go to your pregnant wife?
I couldn't sleep last
night because of worrying.
Do you know what
I'm going through?
You! Do you really know
what I'm going through?
Do you? I am tolerating your words
because you are pregnant but it's enough!
the baby is coming.
Bring the doctors!
Hang on, Gevher.
The towers that are wanted by
Melik Sanjar are too big, Haje.
We need detailed measurements.
We need to work on it with other engineers.
Sanjar got under a big
burden for himself and his state.
If he can’t take Shalamzar tomorrow
Everywhere will turn
into a fireplace, Isfizari.
You have to do your best and finish the
drawings of tower plans that Sanjar wants.
We will do our best, Hazrat Haje.
Hang on, my daughter.
Stay with us, Gevher.
It is coming out, hang on.
Bring some clean towels!
It's going to be over now, my Hanim.
Keep going, Gevher.
Hang on
Hang on, my daughter.
Come on Gevher.
Thanks to You, my Allah.
You gave us true information
about Sabbah and Tekish.
They were there, even they escaped.
Now it is time to make
a decision about you.
Shalamzar is in the hands of
Batinis, Byzantine and Tekish.
There is a share of yours
with the things you did to us.
Melik Turan Shah didn't betray
like Melik Tekish on purpose.
he led their way without
knowing, my Sultan.
Even if his ambitions stopped
him from following the right way
his intention was good
for the state and the dynasty.
Besides, the folk loves
him because of his fairness
and good behaviors in
Kerman where he rules.
I think this should
be considered when a
decision about him is
being made, my Sultan.
I tried to kill you Nizam Mulk.
Why are you defending me now?
I am not defending you
l am defending the
truth, Melik Turan Shah.
This is the council of the state.
The emotions of people
are not valid here, the only
thing that is valid here
is the justice of the state.
hus, I think like the state itself.
I think Haje is right.
Even if your method led you wrong path
we know that you love your state.
Besides, it is important for
us that you are a fair ruler.
With all these facts
you are forgiven
because it was your first riot.
Not being called ’traitor' is the biggest
reward for me, Sultan Melik Shah.
If you allow me, I want to
join you in Shalamzar fight.
Take that Kerman papers back
it was also a part of the game.
Now go back and
keep doing your duty.
We will punish the traitors.
I had to leave my son Sanjar
for the sake of our state.
If we believed that you
care about your state
the best thing for you is
to believe what we do.
one day, it'd be a shame for you.
I am convinced that
your intention is good.
Give me your blessings,
Nizam Al Mulk.
Everything I've done until today
every steep I took, were for the state.
If you act for the state's interests
the state will give
you its blessings then.
You had a beautiful daughter, Gevher Hatun.
My girl. My child.
A son is an arrow. A girl is a stove.
May your stove burn
forever with your daughter.
May Allah give here a good
fate and a long life, Gevher.
Such a pretty girl, mashallah.
We need to give the good
news to father first. Come on.
Good news, Taper.
- May she bring good luck, brother.
- Thank you sister.
You had a daughter like a pearl, Tapar.
Gevher and the baby are healthy.
Now, I'll inform your father and mother.
Thank you Zubeyde Hatun.
We have a daughter, Tapar.
Come. Come closer.
My daughter.
Our daughter.
A piece from both of our lives.
Before holding my own kid
I didn't know what
the love of a child at all.
No explanation for that, Gevher.
Our child's and my health are good now.
You need to take care of
Shalamzar issue for our kid and for us.
If you can't Shalamzar
back and be an Emir of it
neither me nor our kid will be valuable.
We'll be despised.
Like always
You shouldn't be worried at all.
I won't allow that all.
Especially my daughter. Never.
You'll see.
We'll take Shalamzar tomorrow.
Sanjar is making siege towers
at the forest against Greek fire.
- I know he's doing that.
- If you know, why are you so comfortable?
Leave that saffron water!
If Sanjar makes those towers
Greek fire will be useless.
Our biggest defense will be broken.
He won't make those towers. Don't worry.
How come?
Your men attacked before while
towers were under construction.
Now Sanjar is there. We can't
do anything even if we attack.
I already informed my followers at Isfahan.
Not the towers
we'll destroy the scientists
who make the towers.
So the eagle Sanjar's wings will be
broken and he'll hit the ground, huh.
It was hard to do the
math of the towers but.
thanks to Allah we finished it.
Let's go to Melik Sanjar and give him.
If they can finish the tower, the
attack will start tomorrow to Shalamzar.
- Help for this poor man.
- Step aside, we're in a hurry.
Hurry for taking Shalamzar back?
How do you know?
Seyyiduna Hazrat told us and
he said his greetings to you.
Seyyiduna ordered us to take
the plans and destroy them.
The first grandchild
made you smile, mother.
When you got the
courage for the first time
I see that you made
the palace your home.
My grandchild was born.
- Of course, I'll come to see her.
- Even if she's your grandchild
the palace isn't a place
that you can enter freely.
And I guess you forgot.
Sultan Melik Shah
ordered for you to stay at the plain.
They're not acting impulsively.
I informed and called them.
She's Melik Tapar's mother.
It's her right to see his daughter.
Learn the rules if you're
the head Hatun, Zubeyde.
Even you have to ask permission
Sultan Melik Shah about this.
What if he doesn't want
to see them? Then what?
Sultan Melik Shah Hazrat!
Basulu Hatun and Turna Hatun
who did inform them about
my grandchild was born?
I did it, my Sultan.
Good job.
Basulu Hatun is a mother of two Meliks.
The palace is always open for her.
I was going to see my
grandchild. You should come too.
You're valuable just
because of those two Meliks.
But when Sanjar and Tapar fail
you won't even be valuable at all.
My beautiful daughter.
Look how her eyes are looking.
When I held my Ahmed for the
first time at that ruined house
he was looking like that.
Both of your intention l
was to name him Ahmed.
My son.
My Ahmed.
Tapar was my sheep.
Now he had a sheep too.
May Allah let her grow with her parents.
May He not let her leave her warm home.
What's the name, my girl?
Not yet, my Sultan.
When Tapar returns from
Shalamzar safe and sound
then we'll name her.
Give food to the people
on behalf of my grandchild.
Give sherbet like a lake.
Give clothes to the poor ones.
As you order, my Sultan
Turna Hatun and I brought
gifts for your child from our plane.
Give them to my helpers.
I'll check them later.
Let me take my child if you allow me.
The best visitation is the short one.
Let's go to our plain, mother.
The preparations are done, my Bey.
Now, we'll wait for Master
Isfizari and engineers.
Melik Hazrat!
News from Isfahan.
Master Isfizari and engineers were attacked
by Batinis while they were coming here.
- How are they?
- It's critical. They're under treatment.
Their tower drawings
were stolen by Batinis.
Is there no other engineer
to make the plans?
Not in Isfahan, Melik Hazrat.
And it'll take days for
the new engineers' arrival.
It seems like we can't finish
the towers, Melik Hazrat.
It's impossible to take Shalamzar tomorrow.
If I can't take Shalamzar,
the land I step will be a sin.
If I can't take our revenge,
my sword will be a sin for me.
If I come back here without keeping
my promise, my tent will be a sin for me.
How will you take Shalamzar?
What are you trusting?
You couldn't even fulfill
the Shalamzar duty.
How are Isfizari and engineers?
It's not vital but I think it'll take
long for them to stand up again.
So it means Sanjar won't
make the siege towers today.
And this means he can't
take Shalamzar tomorrow.
Tell Sanjar to go back to his plain. It's
impossible for him to take Shalamzar now.
I'll take care of this.
The order is yours, my Sultan.
I heard Isfizari and engineers
got stabbed. How are they?
It's clear it'll take a long
time for them to recover.
Batinis took the siege towers' plans.
Our Sultan ordered Sanjar to come back.
He'll make the Shalamzar attack personally.
I got the soldiers for the attack.
Sanjar going back means
I'm leaving the duty.
Sanjar's incompetence
burned you Tapar, right?
Whoever trusted him
..he made all of them ashamed.
Sanjar took this duty for the state.
If there is a fail, it goes to the state.
Because of your grudge about individual,
don't talk against the state, Terken Hatun.
Don't you try to teach me about the state.
I'm the daughter of a
dynasty of three centuries.
The individual's works
represent the state's power.
isn't enough to represent
state's power, it seems.
Because of him, the state's
reputation is getting damaged.
That's what happens if you make
a Melik from a person of plain.
He tries to get every duty
because of him being spoiled.
And at the end, he’ll be ashamed.
While an experienced Melik
like his brother Tapar is here
he tries to get attention.
Because of him, Tapar is burning too.
His issue is trying to elevate himself.
Not the state.
the man you raised
are trying to elevate
him immediately, Haje.
Stop making your own
orders inside the state.
While there is a Melik like Tapar here
don't try to give duty to Sanjar.
Look who is trustable.
That Sanjar should go to his plain now.
And the state's works
he should leave them to
the people who know the state.
He shouldn't damage the state's
reputation by trying to do big things now.
You see, Jihangir.
We promised to not go back
without taking Shalamzar back.
We had to go back because of a disaster.
Our people will turn their face to us now.
That was our fate then.
Not because you're back
people turned their
faces because you gave up.
- Who are you?
- The one who made your lineage
the one who named the state, son.
Seljuk Ghazi.
You went to enemy like an arrow.
Tell me now.
Does a son of Seljuk return
without reaching the target?
Many of my brothers were
martyred because of Shalamzar.
I fought with my brother and father.
I tried but
the enemy ruined all of our plans.
Even my own father doubts on me.
I'm alone
I had no option other than giving up.
When you feel alone
you take shelter in your Rab
and the essence inside you, son.
We were just a plain once.
Our surrounding was full of enemies.
We could give up.
We could surrender too.
But there was a promise.
We supposed to fight for
Allah's way against the infidels.
We hit the road by taking shelter in
our Rab and the essence inside us.
That plain bloomed and
became a world state.
Don't forget.
The closest time to light is the moment.
when darkness is most intense.
O, son!
Tremble return to yourself!
Do you know what's the meaning of
the arrow and the bow for our state?
Unity! Being alive!
Going to your target without giving up!
We promise by holding the flag,
the book, the arrow and the bow.
Now, give me a hand, son.
And remember your oath!
And remember your Rab!
What he says on His ayah?
O believers! When you face
the disbelievers in battle
never turn your backs to them
And whoever turns his
back to them on such a day
unless swerving [as a strategy]
for war or joining [another] company
has certainly returned with
anger [upon him] from Allah
and his refuge is Hell.
What an evil destination! (8:15-16)
As our Rab said
don't turn your back to them.
Aim your arrow on them for this Way.
Allah will surely ruin their traps.
You are the son of this state.
If you give up
you'll lose.
Now aim your target with the arrow.
Take shelter in you Rab
and the essence inside you.
Shoot your target by saying "O Allah!".
O Allah!
What happened?
Because of Isfizari and
engineers were stabbed
Sultan Melik Shah
ordered you to go back.
He'll take care of Shalamzar issue.
Tell our Sultan the time
he gave didn't run out yet.
I won't go anywhere before time runs out.
We'll take Shalamzar by tomorrow.
We need to build the towers tonight
to take Shalamzar, Melik Hazrat.
- There are no engineers.
- I still have hope, Ali.
Haje made me take lessons some time ago.
I'll try to make the calculations
with what I remember.
We'll take Shalamzar
with our claws tomorrow.
To our martyrs
to our people, to our state,
there is a promise we made.
We'll do everything to keep that promise.
Yes Melik Hazrat!
Come on then.
O Rab!
You don't let Sanjar's efforts go waste.
Don't give a chance to our enemy.
Grant him victory on
the way he hit for You.
Let him come his home safe and sound.
After my followers stabbed
Isfizari and scientists
they destroyed the tower drawings.
It'll take long time for
new scientists to arrive.
Sanjar with broken
wings is trying in vain, huh.
The followers sent news. Sanjar
is trying to build the towers again.
How come? We destroyed the drawings.
He found a way clearly,
otherwise he wouldn't continue.
And if he's doing right
now, he'll build them for sure.
It seems like we couldn't
break the eagle's wings.
His claws are still on us.
If we can't stop him those
claws will hit Shalamzar tomorrow.
We have to find a way to stop him, Sabbah.
Sanjar won't come back
before the time ends, my Sultan.
And whatever happens tomorrow
he'll siege Shalamzar and take it.
What does it mean he won't return?
How will he build the
siege towers without Isfizari?
How will he take Shalamzar?
But I know, he won't come
back because he's stubborn.
He opposed me that day too. He
insisted more when I said you won't go.
What he is doing isn't
just a being dissident.
Because he has loyalty to his duty.
I'm his father, Haje.
Sons shouldn't rebel
against their father's decision.
When you were eleven
we went to the conquest of
Meryem Nisin Castle together.
When the siege got longer, your
father Alparslan ordered you to go back.
But you didn't go back.
You fell in the water
from the castle's walls.
And you still didn't return.
Sultan Alparslan ordered you
to return! Why are you resisting?
You fell into water! You almost died!
Stop being stubborn!
My father gave me a
duty to take this castle!
Either I take it or I die but I won't
come back with my head lowered!
Don't, Melik Shah! It's your
father's order. Your Sultan!
Sultan's son Melik
Shah or father's son Melik
Shah, what suits to
him isn't going back.
Either my martyrdom news or
conquer news will go to my father.
Melik Shah!
you didn't return from
Meryem Nisin castle's
conquer even though
your father's order.
I wonder where Sanjar got
his stubbornness for his duty?
You conquered a castle when
you were eleven, my Sultan.
Now, I'm insisting to enter a castle.
I take my bravery from you.
That's different.
Not different, my Sultan.
The same.
Because a wolf cub becomes a wolf.
My Sultan, I brought
the greeting of your
sailors at Izmir, sea of
islands, Mediterranean.
May the peace be upon them.
Many thanks to my sailors.
Welcome, my ruler of the seas, Chaka
- Our hearts felt joy.
- We're honored by coming here, my Sultan.
Welcome, Chaka Bey.
Thank you, Haje Nizam Al Mulk.
My Sultan.
We earned so many victories
at seas with your supports.
Thanks to you, we established
the first navy of our history.
And I got the honor of
being the first admiral.
That's why I made this
ship for you with my hands.
It is Allah who subjected
to you the sea so
that ships may sail
upon it by His command
and that you may seek of His bounty;
And perhaps you will be grateful. (45:12)
Thank you. Now, Chaka Bey
bigger sea wars are waiting for us.
So Sanjar didn't return
against Sultan's order.
He's building towers for the attack.
It's good he didn't return.
Otherwise, I had to leave the duty too.
I'll lead the soldiers in the morning.
Don't look at what
Sanjar did as good things.
This much stubbornness
shouldn't be only for Shalamzar.
If he is successful, his
reputation will get bigger.
He'll be bigger than you. Think like that.
While an experienced Melik
like his brother Tapar is here
he tries to get attention. His
issue is trying to elevate himself.
Not the state.
You get some rest.
Don't make yourself tired with these ideas.
And I'll fight tomorrow too, not only he.
Everyone will get what they
deserve. And I'll get Shalamzar.
Sanjar will finish the siege towers
and attack to Shalamzar tomorrow.
If he takes Shalamzar,
it'll be bad for all of us.
Do everything to stop him.
We want Sanjar and Tapar fail too.
When their soldiers at the
headquarter get poisoned
the towers he made won't be useful.
When I was a captive in
Byzantine, I didn't give up.
I memorized their politics and army orders.
When I found a way to
escape from Constantinople
I gathered Turkmen Ghazis around me.
With your order.
I aimed at Izmir.
As you thought, taking Izmir
ruling the sea of islands and
Mediterranean were need to be done.
With 8000 Turkmen Ghazis
we attacked on Izmir. We took
Foca, Urla, Efes from the infidels.
We entered to Izmir port with our boats.
After we cleared all the infidels
we hung our glorious flag to that city.
After Sultan Alparslan's
Manzikert victory
we have been conquered
Anatolia from one side to another.
My Sultan. Now
from Izmir to Gallipoli
and the shores of the islands sea are
under your control, my Sultan.
Your conquests are always
made us proud, Chaka Bey.
Izmir is our arm that reaches to
sea of islands and Mediterranean.
And now
that arm
we'll make it to Rhodes,
Lesbos, Chios Islands.
You'll take these islands
from infidels with your claws.
We'll hit hard to Byzantine
where they don't expect at all.
When we take these islands
from Frank lands to Constantinople
not a single boat can come.
That will make us stronger about the
siege of Constantinople that we want.
They invaded some
Muslims lands at Black Sea.
But we'll end their world in both seas.
My Sultan. With your order and support
we prepared many war ships.
Our sailors are waiting for your order.
Indeed, We have given
you, a clear conquest. (48:1)
I made this flag for my
sailors with my own hands.
The ayah of Al Fath
surah will be your light.
The sing of our state will be your seal.
And may your war swords will be Zulfiqar.
In the name of Allah.
In the name of Allah.
Thank you, my Sultan. The
moment I return to Izmir
we'll open to the
sea and start fighting.
Inshallah, we'll send the good news
about three islands as soon as possible.
I swear
the victory flag that you made
with your hand will be on these islands.
And all the seals will
be shaken by the glory of.
Melik Shah who is the
Hakan of the lands and seas.
May our war be blessed.
Nobody hoped that you were
going to finish the towers in one night.
Well done.
The enemy didn't hope too.
But they must be shaking
because of fear now.
We need to attack quickly.
I'll take Shalamzar for my daughter today.
My child was born yesterday.
I had a daughter.
When we take Shalamzar, the
good news will be completed.
Now it's time to attack Shalamzar.
Either we'll be martyrs or Ghazis today.
But we'll hang our victory
flags on Shalamzar today.
We'll run with our horses and start a rain
of arrows for the soldiers on the walls.
The towers will come later.
Even if they use Greek fire for once
it'll take some time
to prepare new ones.
That's why if we keep shooting
they can't use the Greek
fire for the second time.
So we'll make their most
powerful leverage ineffective.
Come on heroes!
The day is the victory day!
- What's happening?
- Are you okay?
What's happening to the soldiers?
They got poisoned.
Help! Help!
They poisoned the water well.
The soldiers who drank water were poisoned.
We have a little bit soldiers left.
It'll take days for them to recover.
We can't take Shalamzar like this.
Something happened suddenly.
I told you we'd stop Sanjar.
Tajul Mulk fulfilled his duty very well.
Even they made the towers
but we poisoned their soldiers.
Now, he'll never attack to Shalamzar.
So Sanjar built the towers with his
knowledge and took them to Shalamzar.
They're about to attack, my Sultan.
I didn't expect he'd do this much.
But he kept his promise. Well done to him.
Now, let's see if he can
succeed to take Shalamzar.
My Sultan. News from army around Shalamzar.
The enemy poisoned the water wells.
Unfortunately, most of the
soldiers got poisoned and fell ill.
There are a few soldiers left, my Sultan.
They can't take Shalamzar
with the remaining soldiers.
Go now. We'll go to Shalamzar and end this!
Our Sultan is going to
Shalamzar, Terken Hatun.
Tapar and Sanjar?
I did what was necessary to make them
fail. They have a few soldiers left now
Our Sultan is going to
take Shalamzar by himself.
Now, Tapar and Sanjar can't take
Shalamzar and will lose their value.
Melik Hazrat.
Wouldn't it be go to death on
purpose to attack with so litle soldiers?
Should we return?
Everyone thinks we will fail.
They expect us to fall.
But I hit this road by taking shelter
in Allah first and then my heart.
I promised.
Now, I'll do it.
If I'm going to fall, it won't
happen when I'm going back
but I'll fall when I'm fighting.
Brave ones!
The enemy is more crowded than us now.
But while the wolf is attacking
it doesn't look at the herd's number.
I'll keep my promise
And I'll attack to enemy
alone if it's necessary.
The ones who are loyal to their oath
the ones who are ready to
fight until their last droop of blood
come with me.
The ones who won't come,
I give you my blessings too.
They should give their blessings too.
O believers! When you face
the disbelievers in battle
never turn your backs to them.
And whoever turns his
back to them on such a day
unless swerving [as a strategy]
for war or joining [another] company
has certainly returned with
anger [upon him] from Allah
and his refuge is Hell.
What an evil destination!
If our Melik is going to death
it's our duty to follow
him. Come on, heroes!
We’ll drive the towers
to the walls! Come on!
That's Sanjar.
He's crazy.
He's coming to his death.
Then we'll burn him!
Bum him!
"And you did not kill them,
but it was Allah who killed them."
"And you threw not, when you
threw, but it was Allah who threw that."
O Allah!
"but it was Allah Who did so,
rendering the believers a great favor."
"Surely Allah is All-Hearing,
All-Knowing." (8:17)
As such, Allah frustrates the evil
plans of the disbelievers. (8:18)
Let's throw Greek fire.
It'll take some time to put new Greek
fire. We can do it under heavy shooting.
Our followers should go
out i and kill Sanjar quickly!
He's alone in front of the walls! Come on!
Hit the doors!
We couldn't stop Sanjar
no matter what we did.
Now they're at the doors!
The walls couldn't stop them. If they open
the doors, it'll be so difficult, father.
Hold the door with all
your power, my followers!
Don't let them get inside!
Get all the soldiers here including
the ones from. Byzantine. Come on!
We brought all the soldiers, father!
- They're inside.
- Kill them all!
- We won't give Shalamzar!
- Kill them!
Shoot them all!
Shield wall!
They're trapped here.
They won't survive from shooting.
Each of them will die! Each one of them!
First, Melik Sanjar went. Then
Melik Tapar and Alps went after him.
They broke the door and entered
Shalamzar. They're all inside now.
Sanjar must have made his mind.
The inside is full of Batinis
and Byzantine soldiers.
That many men
can't leave there alive.
Tapar. Sanjar.
My sons.
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