Follow Your Heart (2024) s01e32 Episode Script

Episode 32

[Follow Your Heart]
[Episode 32]
[Tusu Wine]
I've done what you asked me to do.
Other than Yi Yuanshan,
how were the others taken care of?
You only asked me to kill Yi Yuanshan,
so I did what was told.
But Chief,
I think we should also eliminate
Jiang Xinbai and his wife
to prevent future troubles.
They're useful.
You want to keep Yan Nanxing, right?
get me a bowl of noodles.
I'm full.
No need anymore.
Are you okay?
Wake up.
How do you feel?
How do you feel?
Let me help you up.
Are you hurt anywhere?
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
Yan Nanxing,
what about you?
Are you hurt?
No, I'm fine too.
That's good.
The Zornia here
smells different
from before.
Maybe it's because it's grown
in a different place.
What's wrong, Xinbai?
Do you have a headache?
I'm fine.
Are you really okay?
Don't worry.
I didn't expect
something so evil
to grow even in a desert.
The weather here is warm.
The land is moist.
It's quite similar to the South.
However, no Zornia field
can be spared.
Let's burn it before leaving.
what's wrong?
Young Sir.
Young Sir.
Young Sir.
Young Sir.
Little Girl.
Little Girl?
♫Sit with you at night and listen to the wind♫
You're the Young Sir.
♫When the wind flutters, the heart does too♫
You're the Young Sir
♫Step by step, no words are spoken♫
I've been looking for.
♫Barged into sight♫
When you grow up
and want to find me,
How can you describe
just say, "Are you cold?
Have my clothes."
and I will know it's you.
♫We're soul mates♫
♫Only after I met you♫
Little Girl,
♫Did I know true love existed♫
are you still cold?
The winter flowers are blooming.
♫The world is ever-changing♫
♫We still remember♫
Little Girl.
♫To be the stars♫
♫That light up each other's worlds♫
In Yazhou,
♫Don’t fear the night as dark as ink♫
I couldn't save you.
♫Just take up your pen and sketch♫
It was my fault.
♫You and I, recognizing each other with our hearts♫
But I promise you
♫Waiting for you in the blooming splendor♫
that from now on,
♫To pick the colors of spring for me♫
no one can hurt you again.
♫Waiting for the starry sky♫
♫To offer your dreams to me♫
I knew it.
♫I invite you♫
I knew you're still alive.
♫To hold a place in my heart♫
♫Stay together forever♫
♫The world is ever-changing♫
♫We still remember♫
♫To be the stars♫
♫That light up each other's worlds♫
♫No matter how unfamiliar the road is♫
♫As long as we are connected♫
♫I'm willing to be with you♫
♫Waiting for you in the blooming splendor♫
♫To pick the colors of spring for me♫
Yan Nanxing.
♫Waiting for the starry sky♫
♫To offer your dreams to me♫
It's me.
♫I invite you♫
Do you know
♫To hold a place in my heart♫
how hard I've searched for you?
♫Stay together forever♫
It was so hard.
What's wrong with me?
You were poisoned by Zornia.
You might've hallucinated.
Zornia poisoning?
When did you
When did you
recognize me?
Why didn't you tell me?
That day
when you set off fireworks for me.
I'm sorry, Yan Nanxing.
I shouldn't have kept it from you.
I wanted to tell you that day
that I was the one you were looking for.
But later,
the fireworks interrupted me.
I wanted to wait
until everything was settled
before telling you.
I know. I know.
You did this
to protect me.
Yan Nanxing,
the people who drugged you
are the same as the people
who killed my father.
I will
make them pay sooner or later.
I don't want to get you involved again.
Do you understand?
let's seek justice together.
But you have to promise me
that you won't hide anything
in the future.
As long as you are here,
I won't be afraid of anything.
I promise you.
[Shanli Hall]
Chancellor, are you hungry?
I'll cook for you.
Prepare some tea for me.
tea for you.
I always
turn this place into a mess.
You just tidied up
and I messed it up again.
Would you
feel annoyed?
My Boss used to be like this.
I'd tidy up the product shelves
and she'd make it messy again.
I'd try to scold her,
but she'd even argue with me.
She'd say
there's a method to the madness.
You really
care for your Boss.
Instead of caring,
it's more like worrying.
My Boss and Sai'er
both have careless personalities.
Let me shamelessly say
that without me, Blossom Beauty
would fall apart.
Liu Ruoqian.
Didn't you say you're mine?
Why do you care so much about everyone?
I married Boss off.
Sai'er and I are her maiden family.
I must care for them.
it's different with you.
I treat you as a good teacher and friend.
Let me ask you.
If Yan Nanxing and I
were on opposing sides,
who would you help?
Why would you be on opposing sides?
I'm just asking.
If I
had conflicts with your family,
who would you help?
Help you.
Because if I help you,
Boss won’t blame me.
I shouldn't have asked.
You always say I'm your friend,
but my definition of friends
is different from yours.
You said before
that the people who stay by your side
no matter when or where
are your friends.
That's right.
I'm just an unreasonable person.
My definition
is not much different.
Friends should tolerate,
and trust each other.
Tolerate what's hard to tolerate,
support those who are incapable,
and trust what's hard to trust.
Tolerate what's hard to tolerate,
support those who are incapable,
and trust what's hard to trust.
Is there really
such a relationship in this world?
That's how I feel about you.
You're staring.
you look gorgeous today.
I'm sorry.
You're such a sweet talker.
why are you dressed so glamorously today?
What's the matter?
Her Majesty
is holding an event in the Imperial Garden.
She invited the unmarried members
of the aristocratic families.
It's a chance
for us to meet each other
and see if we are fated for each other.
Isn't it just a blind date?
You can say that.
I wish you
can find a good match today.
Of course.
I was busy these past few days,
so I didn't have time.
We can go together next time.
It can be eaten
after a while.
Wait a moment.
Come with me.
Mr. Yan, long time no see.
Mr. Wang, Mr. Li.
Long time no see.
Let's go drink.
I heard that many girls
in the capital admire you.
Look, it’s Commander Shang.
I haven't heard of that.
Maybe they are just curious about
how I look without a mask.
there are so many beauties here today.
Do you have your eyes on anyone?
Don’t make fun of me.
I'm not.
Her Majesty is here.
-Greetings, Your Majesty.
-Greetings, Your Majesty.
[County Princess Zhouyang]
-Thank you, Your Majesty.
-Thank you, Your Majesty.
Your Majesty,
why don't you name this music piece?
Very well.
How about
we call it Spring Garden?
Thank you, Your Majesty.
Commander Shang.
I invited you to the garden
to help you with your marriage.
am not in a hurry to get married.
They say you are impatient.
I think it's because
you don't have a wife watching over you.
Prince Guangping had a daughter at an old age.
His only daughter,
County Princess Zhouyang,
is beautiful
and gentle.
Did you
see her just now?
Forgive me
for not recognizing
who County Princess Zhouyang was.
She must've run away out of shyness.
She told me privately
that she is fond of you.
Why don't I
request His Majesty
to betroth her to you?
Your Majesty,
there are so many girls
here today,
but you only give County Princess Zhouyang special treatment.
Won't this make the others
feel jealous?
You're right.
How about
we choose another good time
for Commander Shang to meet County Princess Zhouyang
in private
and let fate decide things?
That'll be great.
Your Majesty,
I have a request.
Mr. Yan, go ahead.
Your Majesty,
the Duchess of Yuejiang and I
have feelings for each other.
We were engaged under the witness of the king
of the State of Miluo.
It's time to fulfill the engagement now.
I beg Your Majesty to grant me a marriage.
What great news!
why have you never told me about it?
I wanted you
to marry you into my family.
I didn't expect
you already have someone in your heart.
Your Majesty, please forgive me.
I didn't mean to hide it.
I don't mean to
blame you two.
Since you love each other
and you have an engagement agreement,
how about
I let you
get married next month?
Commander Shang, why not?
You say it.
Your Majesty,
marriage is the most important matter.
I want more time to prepare.
A month
is too hasty.
Suoluo is still young.
Getting married next year won't be too late either.
My father is old.
He has been waiting for me to get married.
One year
is too long.
It seems that
Mr. Yan is anxious to get married.
But what Suoluo said was right.
Let’s have the marriage after two months.
-Congratulations, Duchess and Mr. Yan.
-Congratulations, Duchess and Mr. Yan.
I don’t have a daughter.
I've always treated Suoluo as my own daughter.
Don't worry.
I will make sure
you have a grand wedding.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
Let's stand.
He doesn't have an official position
or a good education,
yet he wants to marry you.
You can't do it.
Hurry and tell the princess.
Our whole family already knows.
Everyone knows,
but no one stopped you?
Lower your voice.
What is Jiang Xinbai doing?
After all,
I agreed to the engagement myself.
I caused the trouble myself.
Don't worry.
I'll find a way.
Don't act tough now.
You are a duchess.
You can't submit to others.
We still have two months.
Let’s find a way together.
Thank you, Shang.
No need.
if it weren't for you,
I would've been in danger just now.
How about
you learn from Jiang Xinbai
and get married without permission?
You won't have to get married after that.
Her Majesty loves you so much.
She’ll just scold you at most.
can't you think of
some useful ideas?
Who can I marry at this time?
Anyone works,
as long as it's not Yan Biqing.
That's useless advice.
Big news.
The chancellor and dean are getting married.
The chancellor is getting married.
Where did you hear that
the chancellor and dean are getting married?
You're a slave. Of course you don't know.
Her Majesty
personally granted marriage to the chancellor and dean.
They'll get married
in two months.
Does that mean
we can do wedding pranks?
We must go together.
The chancellor is here.
Hurry up. Sit down.
Dean Yan, how can I help you?
I'm here to accompany you.
Congratulations, Chancellor and Dean.
May you live happily ever after.
-Congratulations, Chancellor and Dean.
-Congratulations, Chancellor and Dean.
-May you live happily ever after.
-May you live happily ever after.
Thank you.
Previously, we learned
that politics and nobility are constant.
It means the law and political order of the country
should be consistent
and persistent.
If it's too short,
it will be hard to see its effect.
If the court decrees change day by day,
the people will be confused
and be at a loss.
Liu Ruoqian,
are you inside?
I'm a little tired today.
don't have anything to say to me?
come out and let's talk.
I bought so many spices this time.
I'm sure I can heal
Shang's nose.
are you still unhappy?
that's your Shang.
I'll take my leave.
Excuse me.
We've met each other for so many days in a row.
Change the patrol route tomorrow.
These are all to treat my sense of smell with?
Your nose is so pretty.
It doesn't matter if you have a sense of smell or not.
I'm not treating you anymore.
What's wrong?
Who made you angry?
I'm not angry.
I just don't want to talk to you.
Is it because my nose still hasn't been cured,
so you're unhappy?
Just because of your nose.
My stupid nose that always upsets you.
I don't need it.
What are you doing?
Don't hurt yourself.
Give me the scissors.
I don't want you to be unhappy.
If you're unhappy,
I'll be sad too.
Fulfill the second promise.
Even if my nose
is cured,
you still can't leave me.
Is this
worth a piece of peach wood?
If this isn't worth it,
then what is?
Do you have something on your mind?
You have something on your mind too?
Why does he always ask me
to be with him?
Why can't I
stay with her all the time?
But when I think of him saying
he won't allow me to leave him,
I'm a little happy.
Why am I so sad
when I thnk of leaving her?
But he's like my big brother.
She's my chancellor.
[Blossom Beauty]
have you ever loved anyone?
What is love?
It means
If you don't see him,
you'll miss him.
When you see him,
you'll blush and your heart will race.
You'll want to escape.
Blushing, racing heart, and wanting to escape?
I've never had that.
Are you talking about the past?
I'm asking about the present or the future.
The present?
The future?
I don't know.
There's another feeling.
If you see him
with someone else,
you feel
that there's a boulder
stuck in your chest.
do you love your chancellor?
Am I right?
I'm talking about you.
I'm not like you.
You should be brave.
Since you have an opportunity to pursue her,
don't give up.
can't you fight for her?
I can't.
In this world,
how can there be a relationship
that you can't fight for?
Can I?
Of course.
You're the smartest person I've ever met.
Everyone likes you,
so why not?
Wait, you
Why are you taking off your clothes?
Are you supposed to bathe with your clothes on?
Take care
and wash up.
It's not my first time
seeing Shang take a bath.
Why am I so nervous today?
Don't race.
Don't race.
I must be sick.
I'm sick.
I love you.
I don't think I love you.
But I blush and my heart races when I see you.
Sai'er, where are my clothes?
It's not here.
Sai'er, what are you doing?
I'm here.
What are you doing here?
Oh no, Ruoqian.
You're right.
What is it?
and a racing heart.
I think I really
am in love with Shang.
Then tell him
you love him.
I dare not.
Why not?
I don't know why,
but I dare not.
I get nervous when I see Shang.
What should I do?
it seems Jiang Xinbai and Yan Nanxing
have left safely.
Greetings, Chief.
Both Heiao and Yi Yuanshan have died.
Jiang Xinbai has also left.
Let’s go back to Yuan Village
and celebrate tonight.
is our territory from now on.
No matter how strong the we are in Tingzhou,
we're still bandits.
Any official from the capital can come
and we'll be at their mercy.
Just kill them as they come.
Isn't that easy?
do you have a new plan?
Ask everyone to get ready.
I'm ready.
Is five jars of wine enough?
I'm happy. Maybe not enough.
Ten jars!
Yi Yuanshan was assassinated
on his way back to the capital.
[Yi Yuanshan is dead. Master can rest assured.]
Who did it?
I don't know yet,
but this person
helped us resolve a problem.
He gave me a favor
because he wants to join us.
Killing Yi Yuanshan
is his pledge of loyalty.
With Jiang Xinbai's
interference in Tingzhou,
Yi Yuanshan's clue
is now completely useless.
We need new partners.
I'll send someone to Tingzhou
to meet this person.
In other words,
Jiang Xinbai and Yan Nanxing
will return to the capital soon.
keeping these two alive
will always pose a threat.
Yan Nanxing
is the only medicine tester alive.
For us,
she's still useful.
What about Jiang Xinbai?
Jiang Xinbai
will fail sooner or later.
If he dies outside,
His Majesty will be suspicious.
Sooner or later,
His Majesty will—
Shut up!
You can't say these things.
[Taiji Gate]
Your Majesty.
Yi Yuanshan's death
clearly shows that someone
didn't want him to return to the capital.
He was silenced in death.
I dare to guess
that the mastermind behind this
is still in the capital.
I'd like to see
who had the audacity to do this!
Since he could hide until now,
it shows that he's dangerous and cunning.
Your Majesty,
the capital's protection need to be strengthened.
Jiang Xinbai.
Yes, Your Majesty.
I order you to return to the Inspection Office
as the deputy chief constable
to specialize in the Zornia case.
accept the order.
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