Power Rangers s01e32 Episode Script

A Star is Born

So Tommy, are you gonna go to the beach with us tomorrow? Ah, I really wish I could.
Guess what? I'm trying out for a karate commercial.
Whoa! You mean like you could be on TV.
Yeah, can you believe it.
Cool stuff! It's an audition, isn't it? Of course I want a limo.
Better not get your hopes up about that screen test, cause I've got that commercial in the bag.
So you're going to do something like this.
Better do a little practice first, just in case.
Oh, man! Boy of boy, I'm pooped.
I want a day off.
But you must lead us to victory.
I don't want to, you do it.
Yes, my Queen and while you rest, I shall obliterate those pesky Power Rangers with the worst monsters the earth has ever seen.
Sorry, Bulk.
This looks like a good spot.
A good spot.
Your friend Tommy is history, muscle brain.
I'm going to get this commercial.
Let's just wait and see about that, Bulk.
Okay, we'll see.
Here get to work.
I need to get a tan before the audition.
Come on, I need to get a tan.
Ah, you airhead! I want to get a tan, a bath.
Here you go, Bulk.
Enjoy the view.
Ah, yeah.
Oh, boy am I going to look fresh for the audition.
Ha ha! Perfect, the Rangers have let their guard down, now I can take them by surprise.
The part's mine, Tommy.
Might as well go home, now.
Ow! Don't touch my sunburn, you dimwit! Next.
Not you, just him.
Can you take off the sunglasses please? In here.
Okay, let's see what you can do.
Oh, yeah.
Alright, check this out! Ow! Well, that's a wrap.
Good, great, well I think we've got our man.
Kiss Hollywood.
Goodbye, Tommy.
I'm their man.
- Hey.
- Alright.
I'll get it.
Oh, my gosh! Putties, attack them! It's Scorpina and Putties! It's Morphin Time! - Mastodon! - Pterodactyl! - Triceratops! - Sabretooth Tiger! Tyrannosaurus! Jason! Now meet my pet worm.
What is this stuff? I don't know, it's pretty strong.
Zordon, come in, come in.
My communicator signal is jammed.
Is any of yours getting through.
- No! - No! What can we do? Can we teleport out of here? No, and there seems to be no way out.
Keep looking.
There's got to be a way.
Roll them down the cliff and into the ocean.
We're moving, and it feels like we're on water.
Hang on, guys! Ai yi yi! Zordon, the Power Rangers are in trouble and we can't get through.
They will be both brave and clever and break the cocoon.
Meanwhile, we must contact Tommy.
Okay, what have your years of karate done for you, Tommy? Well, it's really helped me discipline myself.
Especially with my school work.
Plus it's given me a lot of self confidence.
Well, let's see what you can do.
Whoo! Well Tommy, we'd like to talk to you.
Ai yi yi! Zordon, Tommy's not answering.
You must keep trying, Alpha 5.
The air's getting thin.
Yes! Ha ha ha! Let's try our weapons, maybe we can blast our way out of here.
Set them on low power and fire on my Mark.
They're breaking through the cocoon.
Ai yi yi! Teleport them to their Zords as soon as they escape, Alpha 5.
Warn the Rangers, Goldar has sent down Babe Rithless, the baseball monster.
Alright, log on! Mastodon, time to kick it! Tricratops on line! Pterodactyl, ready to fly! Sabretooth Tiger, powered up! Ha ha ha! Play ball.
Let's do it! Batter up.
Try my curve ball.
Ah man, he's got Jase pinned down, we've got to do something.
Right! Let's come in from either side and draw him away from Jason.
When Babe Ruthless pitches his lightning.
All in it's path shall be punished.
Rangers, we have to take him down.
Everyone power up your weapons and give it all you've got.
Yeah, way to go! Yeah, that was awesome! Good work.
Zordon, what's happening? The Rangers need your help.
There at the industrail complex downtown Angel Grove.
Hurry! I'm on it, Zordon! Dragonzord! Alright, time for Dragonzord power! Alright, it's Tommy! Great shot! Now let's pull together and show 'em what we got.
Let's do it! Switching to remote.
Here I come.
With Dragonzord in battle mode, we've got ourselves a whole new ballgame.
Jason, we need the shield.
You're right, Billy.
Power it up! It's bottom of the ninth and we need a home run.
Alright, let's do it! Ha ha ha! Ha ha! Ow! Ah! Ow! You think you've won the first round? Well the worst is yet to come.
Yes, Zordon.
Scorpina is back in Angel Grove.
She's probably back in human form.
Let's go get her! Power Rangers! Well, it's the Power Geeks! Trap them my pet, and you better make the coccon really strong.
Ah, this doesn't look good.
Oh no, if he traps us again, we might never get out.
He's not going to get us again.
We need Dinozord power now! Let's go! Let's do it! Back in the groove again! Billy, back on track! Trini, ready to rock! Kimberly, set to soar! Rangers, power up your crystal.
Let's show them some Megazord power.
Megazord sequence has been initiated.
Megazord Activated.
Tommy, come in, we need your help! Ha ha ha! Yeah, at last victory is mine.
Prepare for final destruction.
Right here, Rangers, morphed and ready.
- Yes! - Alright.
Time for MegaDragonzord power! Lock on, full power! Nincompoop.
I take one day off and look what happens.
You think you bubbling fools could do somehing simple like destroy the Power Rangers, but no.
But, my Queen.
Don't you ever go after those Power Rangers again without me, understand? I didn't have anything to do with it.
Don't aim that at me, I didn't do it.
It was those stupid monster's Finster made.
Stop jabbering! Why can't I ever win? So, how was the beach yesterday, guys? Well, it wasn't exactly relaxing, Ernie.
And on the local front, those amazing heroes, the Power Rangers have once again successfully defeated another attack on the city of Angel Grove by Rita Repulsa and her seemingly engless horde of monsterous thugs.
While the city sustained some property damage, no harm befell any of the citizens.
Thanks to the incredible Power Rangers.
Wow! Great stuff.
You've got to love the Power Rangers.
Well, that about wraps it up.
Tommy, when are we going to see your commercial.
I can hardly wait myself.
I got the part, you know.
Oh, really? I say folks, have you ever tried karate? You might think you could learn this intricate art on your own, but you could end up looking like this.
Just a bundle of blubbering blubber.
Miserable, huh? But if you sign up for classes at the Angel Grove Karate Centre, you could look like this.
Alright, Tommy.
Come in to day and learn how to master karate at the Angel Grove Karate Centre.
Call yourself a manager, Skull, this is all your fault.
Captioned by Grantman Brown
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