The Longest Promise (2023) s01e32 Episode Script

Episode 32

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 32=
Are you sure you want to
give up your priesthood?
I've made up my mind.
Won't you regret it?
I got it.
whatever decision you make,
I'll support you.
you got it all?
That's what you were trying to tell me
the day before yesterday, isn't it?
I look forward to this day.
since you already know my feelings,
I'll protect you
for the rest of your life.
What are you writing?
I'm writing a letter to Zhu Yan,
telling her where we are
and to come and visit me
when she has time.
You shall invite her
to attend our wedding then.
I'll write that in too.
Why are you writing bad things about me?
No, I'm not.
Give it back to me.
Give it back to me.
Give it back to me.
Watch out.
Come on.
Priest of Grand Preceptor,
the camp of marine force
has already been cleared.
Our men will be evacuated by today.
It's finally done.
Do you miss your mother?
I miss her.
I want to avenge her.
It's not bitter in your heart
when you've got sugar in your mouth.
That's what you told me.
I'll teach you a magic technique.
When you Merfolk pass away,
your souls return to Biluo Sea.
We'll send it to your mother,
Thank you.
(A lifetime together, never lose,
never forget, never be separated)
(Shi Ying, Zhu Yan)
(Why is the Evil Star lit up again?)
there's an extra star.
I think
I've seen something like this before.
I saw a star
suddenly light up.
I remember now.
It's in the cave I sent you
and your mother to.
what's wrong with you?
what's wrong with you?
please check on this kid.
What are you doing here?
There's a search
for the Merfolk in Ye City.
Get him out of here.
Please check on him.
I'll pay 10,000 golden pearl.
Let me check on him.
(Something's not right.)
(His bloodline has
a special power reserve.)
(This is the power
of the God of Dragon.)
(Is this boy
the Sea Emperor of the Merfolk?)
(That's why she's willing)
(to pay 10,000 golden pearl.)
Sir, how is he?
(She's wearing the Dragon Blood Jade.)
(The boy is definitely the Sea Emperor.)
So it's a Merfolk
practicing the magic techniques
of the Kongsang people.
He's really seeking death.
Magic techniques are second to none?
(Sumo must have been)
(eager to avenge his mother's death,)
(so he stole my book
of magic techniques.)
the one you're wearing
should be a sacred relic
of the Merfolk Clan.
You can try to help him with it.
You mean this?
Put it on his chest.
what's going on?
This jade
contains true dragon's blood,
so it can save the lives of the Merfolk.
How about this, Miss?
I'll take the boy
to the second floor for
a further treatment.
I'll take him there.
It's okay.
I'll do it.
Please wait here.
I don't want anyone to interrupt.
Got it?
Thank you, sir.
This is what I should do.
What a kind physician.
Young Lady.
Young Lady, the physician said
no one's allowed in
while he's giving treatment.
I'm feeling a little uneasy about it.
Don't worry.
I'm sure I won't make any noise.
I just want to see if he's awake.
Young Lady
Sumo's gone.
Young Lady.
Young Lady.
We must get Sumo back.
Is it true that
this kid is the Sea Emperor?
His name is Sumo.
he ended up in the hands
of the Crimson Clan's Princess.
I saw him
absorbing the Dragon Blood Jade
worn by the Crimson Clan's Princess.
There's only one drop
of true dragon's blood in the world
and only the Sea Emperor
who returned after
7,000 years can absorb it.
Isn't that right?
The dragon's blood identifies him,
and the dragon's mark reveals him.
But if the Sea Emperor
doesn't recognize his identity,
the dragon's mark will fade away.
I've tried my hardest
to get to you in time
for you to see the dragon's mark.
Don't forget to reward me handsomely.
So you're the Sea Emperor.
Sister, where are you?
Sister, come and save me now.
It's the Crimson Clan's Princess.
We have completed the deal.
I'll take my leave now.
How dare a Kongsang man
try to make a deal with us Merfolk.
What is this place?
Let go of me!
Let go of me.
Guard the chamber.
I'll change his dreams.
I'm going to fabricate the memory
of the Crimson Clan's Princess
abandoning him
to deepen his hatred for Kongsang people
and overwrite his previous memories.
We, the marine force,
don't need a Sea Emperor who's a traitor.
(Lord Left Envoy's something.)
(How dare he place
the hopes of the Sea Kingdom)
(in the hands of a Kongsang person)
(and trick us into
withdrawing our army.)
(Perhaps he's still indulging)
(in the illusion of
peaceful coexistence)
(between the two clans.)
We're a few hours away from success.
Elder Jian,
someone delivered this just now.
(Jialan City Map)
Jialan City Map.
Where is he?
He's gone.
He also left a message
saying that it would be useful to you
and that you would know who he was.
Could it be
that he's the one who sent
the Extreme Wind City Map then?
Who is he?
How does he know so many
Kongsang secrets?
Whoever he is,
we can use this opportunity
to attack Jialan City,
break the truce
and blame it on Zhi Yuan,
and then use Shi Ying
to get rid of Zhi Yuan who's a traitor.
Why did the Evil Star
suddenly light up last night
when it was already dim?
It's in the sky,
but it's not something dangerous.
Don't worry, Your Supreme Majesty.
You solved
this matter,
and earned a great deal of credit.
I am worried
that something unexpected will happen.
Your Supreme Majesty, look.
The Evil Star has turned into
a nebula of great evil in an instant.
What's going on here?
Judging from this,
the Evil Star will replace
the Kongsang Emperor Star
in 70 years,
and will destroy Kongsang.
Excuse me,
have you seen this boy?
excuse me.
Have you seen this boy?
It's murder!
Thank you.
The marine force is here! Run now!
It's murder!
Run now!
The marine force is here.
The marine force is here.
Run now!
Run now!
Who are you?
Why do you hurt people?
Where's the Sea Emperor?
Go. Go.
Go home now.
Isn't there a truce?
(The Merfolk in the Sea Emperor's care)
(are living in my old house.)
(No one can cause them any trouble.)
(Don't worry.)
Lord Immortal Official.
Thank you, Lord Immortal Official.
Thank you, Lord Immortal Official.
Please rise.
Go home now.
the Evil Star is intensifying.
The marine force is on the rampage.
It seems
the Sea Emperor deceived you.
Your Supreme Majesty, please
return to the palace immediately
to protect the Emperor.
Chong Ming,
send a letter to Qing Gang
and Bai Fenglin as soon as possible
and tell them to lead their troops
here immediately
to control the situation.
Got it.
The marine force isn't one of us,
and they won't submit to us.
You've already given them a chance.
will go to the Sea Emperor now.
Don't hurt my son!
You're liars!
You're beasts!
Kill them.
Stop it!
Why did you kill them?
I'm helping you, Lord Zhi.
The Evil Star has turned vicious.
So the Sea Emperor
must do something vicious.
You took Sumo
That's right.
We've taken back the Sea Emperor
from Kongsang people.
These people
and the people in the city,
they're all dead because of you.
You fantasize about peace.
Today, I will use their blood
to break your pact with Shi Ying.
These blind men
have been assimilated
by Kongsang people.
Anyone who offends the Sea Kingdom
shall be punished by death.
Kill them.
No, Elder Jian!
Elder Jian!
Elder Jian.
Elder Jian.
Elder Jian.
Elder Jian.
Priest of Grand Preceptor is on his way.
Take them away.
I'll hold him off.
Lord Zhi,
you've endured
so much suffering for us
so that we Merfolk can live
in peace and security as we did.
But they're
so cruel
that they don't care
about our life and death.
The marine force
is rotten to the core.
They deserve to die.
Lord Zhi,
just stay out of this mess.
Yeah, stay out of it.
Lord Zhi, stay out of it.
I understand what you said.
But there are
millions of
innocent people like you
among the Merfolk.
How can I leave you behind?
There are many people
in the marine force
who have gone astray
under Elder Jian's influence.
Now the only way out
is for us to be united
and return to Biluo Sea.
I'm taking over the marine force
from today.
I'll protect my people.
You will all
follow my orders from now on.
From now on, we'll follow
your orders, Lord Zhi.
Lord Zhi,
Elder Jian is bent on
killing our people.
The marine force
is no match for Kongsang Army.
It's not going
to be easy for the Merfolk.
Sumo and the people
are waiting for you to come back
and straighten things out.
Lord Zhi,
take care!
Lord Zhi, take care.
Get up now.
I'll leave it all to you.
lead everyone to retreat with me.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Lord Zhi, take care.
Take care, Lord Zhi.
Lord Zhi, take care.
- Lord Zhi, take care.
- Lord Zhi, take care.
Did you
kill them?
(They did die because of me.)
You're the reason
the marine force broke the pact,
and the Evil Star rose.
(I can't let Shi Ying know about)
(Sumo's existence.)
It's me.
You'll die for your crime.
(Sumo and the people)
(are waiting for you to come back
and straighten things out.)
(Lord Zhi,)
(take care.)
(I can't die yet.)
It ate the bait.
It ate the bait.
It's all my fault
for failing to be
a good judge of character.
I will avenge you.
Rest in peace.
Who did this?
Sea Emperor, Zhi Yuan.
he's no longer
the Keeper Yuan you knew.
He's now
the Sea Emperor of the Merfolk.
When the interests
of the two clans clashed,
he sided with the marine force.
there must be a misunderstanding.
Yuan may have done this for some reason.
Stop it!
I don't want to hear any more
explanations about him.
I'm going to kill all Kongsang people!
I'm going to kill all Kongsang people!
No wonder the Evil Star
has turned vicious.
Dream alteration
can be quite harmful to people.
A slight mistake will
result in death or insanity.
He's just an immature kid.
Kill them all.
I didn't expect Elder Jian
to be so heartless as to do this.
He's caught in a nightmare
that was deliberately created for him.
I wonder when he'll wake up.
If he sees the nightmare as reality,
even if he wakes up,
he'll be filled with hatred
for Kongsang people.
After the Evil Star turns vicious,
Shi Ying will not let
the Sea Emperor go.
Now that the war has resumed,
Kongsang people are in an uproar.
It's not safe
for the Merfolk to walk around,
whether they're in
the marine force or not.
Stay here
and look after Sumo for the time being.
Alright, Yuan.
As if facing an abyss.
As if facing an abyss.
I had a hard time
following the paper crane to find you.
I don't believe you're going
to lead the marine force to war,
let alone kill
my master's former followers.
Elder Jian did all this
and passed the blame on to you,
didn't he?
it's already happened.
Nothing I say is going to help.
The marine force started the war.
It's me who failed
to abide by the pact I made
with Priest of Grand Preceptor
and let him down.
I've killed Elder Jian.
I will try to get
the marine force to call a truce.
Elder Jian
had been in charge
for hundreds of years,
and his power is deep-rooted.
Will the marine force obey you?
I'm the Sea Emperor.
They'll obey me sooner or later.
I'll do my best to make everything right.
You must believe in me.
I believe in you.
I took Sumo
to the physician a few days ago.
He was abducted by a man
named Shen Tu.
I couldn't find him with the paper crane.
(the paper crane can't get into)
(Merfolk's dungeon.)
the Dragon Blood Jade you gave me
was also absorbed by Sumo.
(So that's how)
(Yan'er, Sumo)
(and the Dragon Blood Jade are related.)
(I can't let Yan'er know
how miserable Sumo is.)
I didn't expect so much to happen
in such a short time.
The situation is critical.
The physician
brought him back because he didn't want
the Merfolk's child to fall into
the hands of Kongsang people.
He meant well.
Is Sumo awake now?
Where is he?
Why don't you take me to see him?
asked someone
to send him back to Biluo Sea.
The Merfolk is more at home
in the sea after all.
I'd like to explain
something to Master
but I can't
see him now.
You don't have to explain.
You just have to trust
that I'll take care of everything.
What's wrong with you and your master?
This is my younger sister, Ruyi.
This is the Crimson Clan's Princess
I've been telling you about, Zhu Yan.
it's so good
to see you two reunited.
Princess Zhu Yan,
I've heard a lot about you
from my brother.
Thank you for taking care
of my brother all these years.
regardless of the reasons behind the war,
now that the relationship
between the two clans
is so intense,
it would be inappropriate
for you to stay by my side
to avoid being used by someone
who has an evil intention.
That will cause harm
to the Crimson Residence.
And I'll be careful not
to let anyone know
that I used to be the housekeeper
of the Crimson Residence.
It's a time of crisis.
Take care of yourselves.
Be careful.
Prince Shi Ying has arrived.
Your Majesty.
Spare the formalities
when you're with me.
Your Majesty.
I'm here to ask for forgiveness.
The marine force went back on their word
and resumed the war.
I believed them
and gave them time
to regain their strength.
It's all my fault, Your Majesty.
Things have come to this.
What do you think you can do about it?
Without the Sea Emperor,
the marine force
is like a scattering of sand.
I will do my best
to capture the Sea Emperor.
I want you
to kill the Sea Emperor,
wipe out the marine force
and end this war
once and for all.
If the Sea Emperor doesn't die,
there will be more marine forces
to attack Kongsang.
As long as the Sea Emperor is alive,
the Merfolk will never give up.
The rise of Evil Star threatens
the peace of Kongsang.
It doesn't matter if the Sea Emperor
is a man or a woman,
old or young,
it doesn't matter
what his reasons are,
what matters is that
he must die.
This is the only way to dispel
the doubts of the officials,
relieve the anger of the people,
and stop the potential turmoil of the Merfolk.
(His Majesty's words may be biased,)
(but it's the only way to solve
the millennium-long chaos)
(caused by the marine force.)
Yes, Your Majesty.
I'll kill the Sea Emperor myself
not to get credit but
to atone for my mistake.
We all make mistakes.
If you can make it up in time,
it's not too late.
If I want to make up for it,
I have to admit my mistake
before the public,
not to mention
that there are some mistakes
that can't be made up for.
I shall take my leave now.
All these years,
we've been holding back here,
waiting for
the Evil Star to rise,
and the return of the Sea Emperor.
our chance
has finally come.
This time,
we'll beat Kongsang!
Beat Kongsang!
Beat Kongsang!
Beat Kongsang!
What is our goal?
Restore our kingdom!
Restore our kingdom!
Restore our kingdom!
Restore our kingdom!
Is it the summon of Biluo Sea?
I've been wanting to go back
to Biluo Sea for a long time.
why should we put up with
the suffering of war?
Do you want to go back to Biluo Sea?
We don't want a war.
What do you want?
We want to restore our kingdom.
We don't want a war.
Shut up!
We don't want a war.
You're lowering
the morale of the troops.
Do you want to live?
I'm the Sea Emperor, Zhi Yuan.
I never meant to start a fight
with Kongsang people.
I just want my clan
to have enough for a living.
Those who wish to return
to Biluo Sea to live in peace,
I will do everything in my power
to open a way out for all of you.
That's great.
That's great.
That's great.
We can finally go back.
We Merfolk are born on the sea
and our souls will return to Biluo sea.
We've been wandering
in the world of Kongsang people
for thousands of years.
It's time to return to our own land.
I'd like to return to Biluo Sea.
We'd like to return to Biluo Sea.
(Movement Information of Kongsong Army)
It's already 3 pm now.
Those who would like
to return to Biluo Sea,
come with me.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Over there. Quick.
General, we just found this.
There's no one here.
(Movement Information of Kongsong Army)
Come here and search.
Let's go over there.
General Qing, what have you found?
There's information about
our day's movements
in the camp of the marine force.
That's why
the battle with the marine force
dragged on lately.
It seems there's a spy
among our generals.
This is a very serious matter.
We must find this man.
He must be eliminated.
Why are you still
reading military books at this hour?
You're a woman,
do you wish to
lead the troops in battle?
You wouldn't have come to me
if you didn't have something to ask.
If you have something to say,
just say it.
Though our clan is large,
you and I are the only
two outstanding ones.
Father has passed on to me
the most precious treasure
of the clan, the Moon Blade.
If I can master it,
it means I have
the best magic techniques
of the White Clan.
We're bound together.
Together we glory, together we lose.
If something happens to me,
you won't just sit back
and do nothing, right?
I have left a military letter
in the hands of Qing Gang
and I need you to retrieve it for me.
Since I am a woman
and can't lead troops
on the battlefield,
I will not be involved
in military affairs.
I'm sorry that I can't help you.
Please leave now.
That's a coincidence.
I know you miss your mother so much
so I moved her memorial tablet
to a quiet place.
I thought once the war is over,
I'll take her memorial tablet
back to the house,
don't you want to?
Don't worry.
If you bring me back what I want,
I will fulfill your filial piety.
What do you want?
It's not something important.
It's just a piece of information
I accidentally left at Xichuan Camp.
Xichuan Camp?
You secretly sent information
to the marine force?
Because I don't want the war to end.
Only when the war lasts
will I be able to
call the shots with
my lucrative Jade Tears.
Only if the war is tough
will I be able to take the credit
for this battle.
Are you out of your mind, Bai Fenglin?
You're treating this war
like a child's play
for your own gain.
You've committed a heinous crime.
You and I are on the same boat.
I am the White King's only son.
If I'm convicted for this,
do you think everyone in our family
can get away with it?
Except for your mother's
memorial tablet,
the lives of hundreds of people
in the residence are at your mercy.
All I need is for you
to retrieve the thin sheet of paper for me.
If I get the letter back,
Qing Gang will find out immediately
that you're the one who did it.
Words alone are no proof.
There's nothing he can do about me
without the evidence.
you're a smart girl.
You should know
the pros and cons, right?
Just tell me
you'll do it or not.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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