ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e32 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[man on TV] Next up,
starting right now, it's the
- Silver
- [groans]
- H-A
- [WilyKit] Huh?
- W-K-S
- [both groan]
All right, we got
the logo out of the way.
[man on TV] Silver
Ha [continues]
Well, never mind, I guess.
This show is
the absolute worst.
Maybe it'll get better.
[on TV] Silver Hawks,
time for battle.
- [all gasp]
- Check your parts.
- Arm-jets. Check.
- [all groan]
Foot-jets, check.
Elbow-jets, check.
For the love of Thundera,
change the channel!
ThunderCats HO!
- Where's the remote?
- Maybe it's in here.
- [sighs] Lion-O.
- [Lion-O] Cool! My sword.
Change the channel!
Did I check under my butt?
Hurry, my eyes are dying!
[whimpers] I can't find it.
- Oh, hey, I got it!
- [all gasp]
And don't forget
your gluteus jets!
Oh, no! The remote's
out of batteries.
But I'm too cozy to get up and
actually change the channel.
So that means
[on TV] Left ring-finger
toe-jets, check!
What are we gonna do?
I can't take it!
We need batteries!
It's getting boring-er.
Now my ears are dying.
No! Fear not, Thunder-chums.
If it's batteries
that remote needs,
it's batteries this Lord of the
ThunderCats is going to get!
[everybody] Yeah!
I am gonna B-R-B.
- [farts]
- Oh, wait, no, Lion-O.
- You could just change the channel on the
- [door slams]
Uh, I don't think
he heard that.
Wait, so that means
[on TV] Silver Hawks,
let's name
all the 107 space-food groups.
Me first! Space grain.
[all screaming]
Hang tight, ThunderCats.
Batteries coming right up!
I'll just take
a little Third Earth shortcut,
up the perilous
Cliffs of Vertigo.
Across the harrowing
Four-Day Drop.
Whoa, careful there,
little buddy.
Into the wretched
Forest of Giant Insects
and then batteries!
Oh, excellent choice.
Rocking the AAs.
- Let me just ring you up here.
- [beeps]
How's your day been?
Eh, pretty all right, you?
Can't complain.
[continues beeping]
Sorry, second day.
[chuckles] No problemo.
- [dings]
- Batteries got.
And now, I'll take care of some
unfinished business
in the
Forest of Giant Insects,
and then
I'll book it over the
You almost fell again,
you silly goose!
There. Have a nice day.
Now, back to [gasps]
Whoa! Who is that?
Is that the most
awesome guy of all time?
Calm down, champ.
We got to be super chill
or this unquestionably
rad stranger
will never respect us.
[chuckles] You're right.
We want his respect!
Good thinking, Brain.
Time to play it cool.
[clears throat]
Uh, greetings, dude.
I'm Lion-O,
Lord of the ThunderCats.
What's your handle?
- Hachiman!
- [thunder cracks]
Sweet, I like it!
Listen, Hachiman,
I am on urgent lord business,
so if you don't mind
giving a king some log room,
I would be toots-grateful.
What's going on?
He's not even looking at me.
Oh, man, he thinks
I am a goober!
[whimpers] He's so cool.
Show him the sword.
He'll totally respect that.
Of course, the sword.
Hachiman, I am on
a big-time mission
to save my friends
from certain doom.
By the Sword of Omens,
I insist that you step aside.
Thunder Cutter!
Double toots!
- He's got a sword too.
- [screaming]
- Get a grip, ding-dong!
- [groans]
Show him
yours is more powerful.
How? I don't want
to fight the cool guy.
I just want him to like me.
Chop the log bridge.
But we're over
the Four-Day Drop.
You won't actually
break the log.
When Hachiman sees
how fierce
the Sword of Omens is,
he'll know how awesome you are
and then he'll move
right away. Trust me.
Well, you are the brain, Brain.
Very well, Hachiman.
You've left me no choice.
Check this out.
[screams] He's chopping!
He's chopping!
It's a bluff!
Do not stop chopping.
Make him stop first
and then
he'll totally respect
- [wood creaking]
- Oh, toots!
Thank Jaga. I feel dumber.
That was the absolute worst.
Whatever's next, it cannot
be as bad as that.
[man on TV] Thank you
for watching Episode 1
of the four-day
Super Hawks Hawkathon!
Next up, starting right now,
it's the
It's not, is it?
Silver [continues]
[all groaning]
Haa [continues]
Where is Lion-O
with the batteries?
Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.
Oh, my gosh.
Stay calm! Do not break.
If Hachiman screams first,
then he has to admit
you are cool and brave.
I don't know if I can do this.
Dig deep, man.
No matter the cost,
you must play it cool!
[wind whistling]
[bird humming]
Just a little spa treatment.
Ah, so relaxed.
[alarm buzzing]
[ringing stops]
[both screaming]
[Lion-O] Everything's fine.
[both screaming]
Yes! You're totally screaming.
Yeah, I am totally screaming.
This is totally terrifying!
Oh, yeah, I am the best.
Oh, hey, Hachiman. I'm sorry.
My brain and I were
just trying to act super tough
so we would impress you.
Really? I was acting tough
to try to impress you.
I mean, look at you,
you're a cool cat-dude
with a cool sword.
Me? Look at you.
You are a cool
samurai guy with a cool sword.
Are you kidding?
So here we are,
both with our cool swords
trying to impress
the other guy.
Ain't that just like us?
And now, we are plunging to the
bottom of the Four-Day Drop
like a couple of rubes.
Oh, no. That's right.
We're almost at the bottom!
Ah, don't even worry about it,
cool new friend.
I've survived
much bigger falls than this.
Oh, I'm not
worried about the fall.
I'm worried about
what we're falling to.
- Hmm? What's that?
- The Doom Worm!
Yuck. Me no likey.
No problem, I'll just call
my metal sharpie guy.
Sword of Omens,
come to my hand!
Huh. I think that sword
is coming to my hand
at the exact same speed
we are falling to our dooms.
- Toots.
- And I could zip up there
and grab your Sword of Omens
if Thunder Cutter's batteries
weren't dead.
[powers down]
So, I guess we're worm food.
- [farts]
- Uh, just one sec there, new BFF.
Did you just say, "batteries"?
And if so, you mean
AA batteries?
- Yes!
- [in unison] Yes!
- Should we, uh
- Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Battery throw!
Thunder Cutter!
Truly a magnificent sword!
Here's your awesome sword,
awesome guy.
Aw, look who's talking.
Cool new friends!
[Lion-O yelling]
- Cool helicopter move.
- Thanks.
[Lion-O] Oops, a little too far.
[Doom Worm growling]
[both grunting]
[both screaming]
Super gross.
I think he's looking at me
Oh, yes, he is!
[Lion-O] Hey, Hachiman!
How about a hand?
Huh Oh!
Ha-ha. Nice pun.
- Oh!
- [screaming]
[all screaming]
Uvula jets! [gargling]
[all screaming]
[screaming] Hachiman!
I'm coming! Whoa!
So spiral-y.
I hope this is an earhole.
[Lion-O exclaims]
Super gross,
but nice to see you.
That's a lot of teeth.
Too many to dodge.
I don't want to get chewed!
[strains] Hey, Hachiman,
you know what time it is?
I sure don't.
That's a great pun
and a great idea.
Check this move out, Lion-O.
[yelling] Thunder Cutter!
I guess now,
it's a "gummy worm."
Now, that's a pun!
And that's still our doom.
Save yourself, Hachiman!
And now, maybe save me?
You got it, Lion-O.
Thunder Cutter!
Hey, Hachiman, let's, you know,
pick up the pace.
I'm almost there. Boom!
Thunder Cutter!
[spluttering and gagging]
[Doom Worm burps]
[both] We did it!
Great job, Lion-O.
Right back at ya, Hachi-friend.
Now I hate to defeat
a Doom Worm and run,
but I promised
the other ThunderCats
I'd be back toot-sweet
with these batteries.
Oh. Hmm, okay.
And I'd love to introduce them
to the coolest guy
I've ever met,
if you don't mind coming along.
Oh, yeah, I'd love to.
Great! Then let's
get a-climbin'.
Or we could just
take the elevator.
- [elevator dings]
- Yes! I get to push the buttons.
You might want to hold on.
It may be a Four-Day Drop,
but it's only
a three-minute ride to the top.
- [chuckles] Don't worry, I've
- [thuds]
Well, kid, it looks like
we've learned another lesson
about French.
[mechanical sounds]
[on TV] Ha, ha, ha.
You've got that right, kid.
- [crashes]
- [elevator dings]
Don't worry, ThunderCats.
- I am back with batteries.
- [ThunderCats shushing]
We don't need the batteries
anymore, Lion-O.
This show got pretty darn good
after Season 6.
- I love this show.
- Shh!
[on TV] It's the
[laughs] He's going
to say the thing.
- It's my favorite part.
- [on TV] Silver [continues]
- [all] Haaa
- [farts]
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