Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e32 Episode Script

Episode 32
Hit the doors!
We couldn't stop Sanjar
no matter what we did.
Now they're at the doors!
The walls couldn't stop them. If they open
the doors, it'll be so difficult, father.
Hold the door with your
all power, my followers!
Don't let them get inside!
Get all the soldiers here including
the ones from Byzantine. Come on!
We brought all the soldiers, father!
- They're inside.
- Kill them all!
- We won't give Shalamzar!
- Kill them!
Shoot them all!
Shield wall!
They're trapped here.
They won't survive from shooting. Each
one of them will die! Each one of them!
First, Melik Sanjar went. Then
Melik Tapar and Alps went after him.
They broke the door and entered Shalamzar.
They're all inside now
Sanjar must have made his mind.
The inside is full of
Batinis and Byzantine
soldiers. That many men
can't leave there alive.
Tapar. Sanjar.
My sons.
We're trapped here.
If we stay any longer, we will die.
Our Sultan has come to help us.
Attack, my brave soldiers!
Attack, brave soldiers!
Melik Shah is also here.
They've got rid of all our traps!
They're going to turn
this place into bloodshed.
Now we should run away before
we drown in this lake of blood.
They may be coming after us, Faysal.
Let's split up and meet in Karaorman.
Alright, father.
You ignoble!
I'll wet my sword with your blood Faysal.
Although we got the soldiers
poisoned, Sanjar attacked Shalamzar.
They entered Shalamzar. And our
Sultan attacked the city after them.
If Sultan Melik Shah has
entered Shalamzar,
he won't get out before he
captures it, Tajul Mulk.
You just couldn’t stop Sanjar.
Now Sanjar will take Shalamzar
and get stronger with Tapar.
You failed all our plans! Get out!
Mother, are you alright?
- Call the midwives immediately!
- Servants!
Servants, call the midwives immediately!
Your run is over, Faysal.
I told you I would wet
my sword with your blood.
Ayaz and Aydogdu couldn't escape either.
I wet my swords with their blood.
I poisoned your wife's father Emir
llteber and killed him in great agony.
Hazrat Melik
We killed all the enemies
in Shalamzar, Hazrat Melik.
Shalamzar belongs to us again.
You killed many innocent ones.
You killed my faithful friends.
I took an oath
that if I don't take
revenge, may this white
sword get in my body.
and get out all red.
It's time for vengeance, Faysal.
You will pay the price
for all the blood you shed.
Whoever rebels
against our state like you,
your head will be a
good lesson for them.
Oh my baby.
Don't let it get any harm this time.
Don't bring any harm to by son.
Bring him alive.
Don't think of bad things, Terken Hatun.
Do what the midwife says.
Push strong, Terken Hatun.
The baby is about to come.
You have a pretty son, Terken Hatun.
Thanks to Allah.
Thank you, my Allah.
My son.
You've become a mother with a son finally.
Congratulations, Terken Hatun.
InshaAllah, he'll be honest, faithful
and religious like his sultan father.
InshaAllah, he'll a worthy
leader of our dynasty.
MashaAllah, he takes after my father.
What about his health?
I won't lose him this time, right?
He's quite healthy. May
Allah give him a long life.
My Allah has given
me you healthily at last.
Thank you, my Allah.
My son.
My Sultan, we killed all the
Byzantine and Batini soldiers.
Shalamzar belongs to us now.
May your swords be sharper, soldiers!
Have Sabbah and Tekish got caught?
Turan Shah?
You didn't allow me
but I joined the battle of
Shalamzar both for the
state and my own reputation.
I hid somewhere outside.
If you had had difficulty,
I would have helped you.
But your sons took the victory.
And I caught these
while they were escaping.
- Brother.
- Shut up!
You still call me
brother with no shame.
I'm neither a brother nor a
sultan for ignoble man like you!
Your punishment will
be more severe this time.
This traitor did things behind your back.
Now you've caught him
Now it's your duty to execute
his punishment, Turan Shah.
Blind his eyes in such a way
that they can never be opened.
Put him in a dark dungeon in
Kirman and never let him out.
As you order, my Sultan.
Brother, give me another chance.
Don't do this, brother!
Brother! Don't do this!
My Sultan.
You faced too many hardships.
Even I thought that you
wouldn't be able to succeed.
When I learned that you
attacked with a few soldiers,
..I worried about your lives.
But you proved yourselves
to everyone including me.
You made us proud.
May you be proud!
They said you started to attack
alone at the most desperate moment?
You have the lion's share.
Make your wish.
Don't see what Sanjar
does with good intention.
His determination isn't only for Shalamzar.
If he succeeds, his reputation
will increase and get ahead of you.
Think of it this way.
While there is an experienced
Melik like his brother Tapar here..
he tries to get every
duty. His issue is
raising his rank. Not the state.
Shalamzar's Emir is Melik Tapar my Sultan.
We did everything under his command.
From now on, we are on a
Batini hunt on Seljuk lands.
We will descend upon jackals
like wolves and eagles.
Then we will hit infidels
in Kuvel with our claws.
The soldiers of this blessed
state will keep Allah’s path going!
Allah will prevail and heathens perish!
(Allah The Greatest)
My Mahmud.
My Mahmud
Did you escape from the servants
and sit on the throne again, my lion?
Sultan Mahmud.
It will happen due time, my lion.
You will sit on the
throne after your father.
All of the world will
kneel in front of you.
All of the world will kneel in front of his
brothers first, then my Mahmud, for sure.
- Come here.
- Father!
My lion!
So my son protected his father's
throne when we were on a hunt.
We put off the war of Kuvel to
clean those Batinis on our lands.
We've done all the work.
The winter is over, our army is ready.
Now we will detect
a headquarters
and start building launchers.
I informed Tapar, Sanjar and Haje.
Emir Tajul mulk and his
men are getting the quarters
and the launchers ready
for the war, my Sultan?
They will take the duty from you, I hope.
You won't need somebody else.
We gave the duty of
preparations to Tajul Mulk.
But if he makes mistakes, I won't
let him and his men join the war.
And I won't take your words
into consideration about the state.
Know that.
My Mahmud.
My Sultan, we've received
news from our spies.
They've found traces of Hassan Sabbah
north, around Shahrood and Kazvin.
Our spies are after him.
He wasn't around for a while.
Even if we broke the strength of Sabbah,
he will do his best to take a revenge.
Let our spies trace him.
And make the preparations for the meeting.
After demons took Shalamzar
they thought they destroyed us.
But we hid under these lands like seeds.
We laid our roots from Kazvin
to Baghdad and Samarkand.
Now it's time to blossom
on the Seljuk land.
We will refreshen our faith first.
Since the Prophet is
not alive, only one person
can tell people about
his rules on the world.
That person took
his talent from the,
Great Imam and God
manifest in his soul.
Who is that person who leads you
and makes what the Prophet made?
O, my Rafiqs.
Those who are very competent of the
unknown doesn't care about the known.
Thus, we don't need water
to perform an ablution
we don't need to go to Mecca for Hajj
we don't need sajdah to pray.
we don't need azan to start our prayers.
Ablution is going back to
the science of the religion.
Azan is inviting people to the unknown.
Praying helps our
struggle to be everlasting.
Hajj is leaving the organization of demons
and joining the organization of Batinis.
Veiling is to hide our
secrets from our enemies.
I took my talent from the Great
Imam And God manifested in my soul!
I am talking to you with the
orders that comes from the sky!
Spread yourselves from Baghdad
to Isfahan, sneak into people’s souls.
From now on, we will make
our biggest attack to Seljuk.
Now I am holding the flag of doomsday.
Either it will be their doomsday
or we will destroy them in our doomsday!
Holy Seyyiduna!
There was a tree at the peak of the
mountain. A girl was sitting under it.
Her eyes were prettier than the sky, it
was like she was the daughter of light.
Her hair was wavy like a river
Kagan fell in love with her.
He held her hand.
Their both had the same goal.
And their dreams came true.
This tree is the sign
of birth and blessing.
We talked and laughed under it.
We talked about our
child under it's shadow.
InshaAllah, our child will be born
and it will make our family blessed.
Then we will visit the shadow
Tree means life.
It will lay down it's roots like this tree.
It will give life to our generation.
Tree is also a way that
reaches the sky from the ground.
The ones in this world and the ones
at the other side will witness our love.
Is it partridge?
It is What happened?
You want to eat partridge meat.
What's wrong, Bozkus?
A messenger came from
the palace, Hazrat Melik.
Sultan Melik Shah is
calling you for a meeting.
So it's time for Kuvel war.
I was going to hunt a bird.
Do we have to hurry?
I Should we tell our
Sultan that Melik Sanjar is
going to hunt a bird
and that's why he is late?
Don't please. The Sultan
is calling you for a meeting,
it's not the right
time for hunting?
I just wanted it for a short
while, I don't want it right now.
Don't keep our Sultan waiting.
That meeting is important.
Don't worry about me and our child.
May the peace be on you.
May the peace be upon you.
Buy it if you are going to buy it,
don’t play with the bread.
Weigh this one.
It's lighter than it
should be, Hazrat Melik.
Don't make noise.
How dare you sell light bread to my folk?
How dare you steal
bread from them?
Take him.
Shave his eyebrows, beard and hair.
Make him ride a donkey
and show him to everyone.
So the folk will see what
kind of a dastard he is.
Hazrat Melik!
My Fatima.
My dear daughter What
are you doing in the bazaar?
My grandfather wants to see you, father.
We received news. Sultan Melik Shah
is calling you for a meeting about the war.
So it's time for Kuvel war.
Apparently we'll talk about
the quarters and launchers.
Terken Hatun became a Melik mother and gave
her daughter to a Caliph. It made her even
She gave the duty of getting
prepared for the war to Tajul mulk..
Her own men will steal the
light and she will get stronger.
We shouldn't stay behind her, Tapar.
You must shine during
getting ready and in the war.
Preparations are too important.
Our state's future is more
important than our future.
If Tajulmulk made preparations
well, than it's good. If he didn't
..we'll do it.
Batin is say that they know
all the unknown things
they make committing
sin, the forbidden
and other things
permissible for the people.
If every bad thing is
permissible, people lose their
minds, hearts, souls and their morals.
It's not enough to have
knowledge about the unknown
just like it's not enough
to have knowledge about
We have to have knowledge about
both of them and be a mature person.
Mature people can protect
their minds and hearts.
They can see the ugly faces and the ways
that lead to the wrong behind the curtain.
In the name of Allah.
Why did you wait there
in a disguise, Hazrat
Haje? I would've welcomed
you in the front desk.
I didn't want you and your students
to see me as it might be disturbing.
It's an honor for us to be a nest of
science, even if we sit at the back.
Thank you, we enjoyed your class.
You've built many schools
around the state to tell
the truth and tell about
science to the people of
You've spent years for that.
Now it makes me happy that
people attend to these classes.
We just built a basis for the schools.
What makes it a school
is you and your science.
Your words teach the
folk science and the truth.
Especially, your classes
about Batinis are talked about.
That's why students attend to your classes.
Thanks to Allah, we were
granted with showing the
right way to those who
were about to set off for Batini
As you know, Baghdad is the
land of Seljuk and city of Caliphate.
It is one of the most important
cities for the people of Islam.
And after our Sultan married
his daughter Mahmelek
with the Caliph, he cares
more about Baghdad.
According to some information,
Batinis showing effect on there as well.
There are arguments about Batinis going on.
Now we want you to
show your talent about
exposing the actual
goals of Batinis there.
It will be good for you if you
work in Nizamiye school there.
We are granted with knowledge like water.
It's our duty to put off an
evil fire wherever it comes out.
Hazrat Haje, Sultan Melik Shah ordered the
meeting to be started and you to arrive.
As they gathered for the meeting,
preparations for Kuvel must've started.
It's very important this time.
If you allow me, I have
to go to the palace now
Terken Hatun.
We've made the necessary preparations for
the war with our loyal men in the state.
We are ready to inform
our Sultan in the meeting.
My loyal valiants!
We've picked all of you
especially from the Seljuk army
and from Kharakanids lands.
Today, we will take
the duty from the Sultan.
We will shine in the war.
Then we will be the most
powerful party in the state.
- Do not disappoint me.
- Yes Terken Hatun!
Present our gifts to my valiants.
I vouched for you for the
preparations, Tajul mulk.
Do not disappoint me in the meeting. If
you can't take the duty from the Sultan
all of our soldiers will be
freed from the war. Know that.
We worked day and night, Terken Hatun.
Don't worry. There is nothing missing.
Nizam Al Mulk, Sanjar and Tapar
are going to be in the battle council.
They'll want to get the duty to
prevent us from getting stronger.
Don't let them do that, Tajul Mulk.
Otherwise, they'll get
stronger. And we'll get weaker.
And that will affect the
future of my son Mahmud.
And if that happens,
..I will show mercy to nobody. Know that.
As you order, Terken Hatun.
Hurry up! Winter is over!
Melik Shah has started the
preparations to attack. Fortify the walls!
Keep the boiling oil cauldrons ready.
There may be a scout attack any moment!
Who put this tiny cauldron here?
Didn't I say that these cauldrons
must kill at least four people?
I got them made, commander Mitras!
I thought that cauldron would
be enough to kill four soldiers.
See? It's enough for only one!
What matters is not what
you think, but what I ordered.
If you disobey me, the
punishment will be death.
Sir, I understand you concern.
But you are too furious lately.
I'm afraid that you'll harm yourself.
How can I be not furious, Karius?
Melik Shah will begin to attack soon.
And we don't know what he prepared.
If we had contact with Hassan Sabbah's men
in the palace, we would know what he did?
But unfortunately Sabbah hasn't
been around since he lost Shalamzar.
- Commander Mitras.
- What!
Someone in the church says
he wants to see you immediately.
I say that we should set up the camp
for the conquest in this valley, my Sultan.
Besides, we should produce
catapults to throw bigger stones.
The location of the factory,
the necessary material
and labor force for the
catapults are written.
If you give the order,
I and my men will
finish the preparations
of the conquest quickly.
And we'll be the
striking force of our army.
This location gets too
much rain in the spring.
If we settle there, our army
will be wasted in the mud.
We can't move either the
horses or the catapults there.
You’ve been preparing for
months. Couldn't you think of that?
All of my men joined sieges of
castles many times, Hazrat Melik.
Don't worry. They're
all good at their jobs.
The siege of Kuvel is nothing
like taking Shalamzar with swords.
We know what to do.
My Sultan, to attack Kuvel
we need special catapults
throwing fire, not ordinary
ones throwing stones.
Sanjar is right, my Sultan.
Even if we make
holes in the walls with
stones, Byzantine
soldiers can fill them fast.
But if we attack with fire balls,
the castle will be in flames.
Then they won't be
able to resist our attack.
Your men joined so many sieges, Tajul
Mulk. But it seems they learned nothing.
Your objections are like making a
mountain out of molehills, Hazrat Melik.
Your intention is obviously
not the success of the conquest.
Are you objecting together only to prevent
me and my men from getting the duty?
This is a state council.
Don't personalize the matter.
Meliks are completely right.
Your men did an amateur
job before investigating well.
If we give a duty of conquest to such
men, we will get an absolute defeat.
If your men were good at this duty, our
Sultan would have given the duty to you.
Tens of men have
made great efforts for this.
You are fictionalizing and trying
to make us look unsuccessful, but
..we won't let anyone to
steal our efforts, Hazrat Haje.
Tajul mulk!
Stop arguing.
These preparations are so important.
If there is anything missing or a delay
I won't forgive that.
The fire balls to throw on the
walls shouldn't be the usual ones.
They should spread well and
shouldn't be put out. Just like Greek Fire.
And the catapults should be produced
a way that they can throw fire balls.
My Sultan, Ali can make fire balls
by using the material of Greek Fire.
He said they used them in
the European lands before.
If you give the order, I'd like to be
responsible for producing the catapults.
And Ali can take care of the material of
Greek Fire that we brought from Shalamzar.
Then we can produce the catapults.
If there is anything missing, we
can complete them, my Sultan.
We worked so hard for this
plan. Don't ignore our efforts.
You made preparations for months
and brought wrong information.
And now you're talking
about filling the missing?
I told you that these
preparations were so important!
It seems that you and your men
prepared haphazard plan to get the duty!
Melik Sanjar is responsible
for producing the catapults.
If Ali knows the secret of this job,
provide him with whatever he needs.
And Melik Tapar is responsible
for the location of the camp.
The support needed for all these
will be provided from Haje's men.
As you order, my Sultan.
What about me and my men, my Sultan?
We worked for the conquest of Kuvel
for months. We devoted ourselves to it.
Those men made so many
mistake even during the preparation
I won't let such men carry
even water in the camp!
I dismissed you and your men.
You won't be involved either for
preparations or the conquest itself.
Battle council is over.
Everyone get back to their jobs.
I gave you authority
to crush snakes and
scorpions and overcome
the enemy's strength.
Nobody can harm you.
Hassan Sabbah.
The words I have just
said from the Bible of Luke.
It's so encouraging, right?
Why are you so afraid of
your enemy Melik Shah, Mitras?
Don't you believe in your holy book enough?
Sabbah, I believe in my
holy book and my pod.
But I don't believe or trust people.
I helped you much about
Shalamzar. But you lost.
Then you also disappeared. Melik Shah has
started the preparations to attack Kuvel.
You're also responsible for what happened.
Why do you think I'm here, Mitras?
I predicted that you needed me.
I have a never ending fire of
vengeance in my heart against the Seljuk.
This time, I'll appear in
their eyes with vengeance.
For this reason, we'll
continue our alliance
against Melik Shah
in a stronger way.
I need a Sabbah who has men in the palace
and knows whatever MelikShah does.
Do you think you still
have the same, Sabbah?
Even if our enemies
burn us, we always
revive from our ashes
as stronger flames.
We've spread around so much that
you'll see us everywhere
like in churches,
masjids, synagogues
and even in the palace.
I'II extend my hand
into the palace and learn
about Melik Shah's
preparations of conquest.
The castle of Kuvel is
very important to us.
It's our biggest shelter and
friend against the Seljuks.
For this reason, we
won't let them take Kuvel.
We have a deal, Sabbah.
Like old days.
Learn about Melik Shah’s
preparations so we can break his back.
We’ll both protect Kuvel
and take our revenge.
Greet Fire materials are in the
deserted mines near Shalamzar.
Nobody but Haje and our
men know about it's location.
Take them to the factory
through the woods.
I'll join you when the
catapults materials are ready.
My private soldiers will escort you, Ali.
The catapults throwing
fire balls are very important.
We got the duty from our Sultan
by putting forward these catapults.
And only you know how to make fireballs.
For this reason, be careful.
As you order.
I'll go bring the materials of Greek
Fire with my men immediately.
What do you think you are doing?
What are we doing, Terken Hatun?
Tajul Mulk and his men have been
dealing with the preparations for longtime.
In the battle council, you
three pushed him all together.
You confused our Sultan and
got him dismissed from the duty.
We didn't get a duty from anyone.
As they couldn't get the right information,
our Sultan gave us the duty.
This is not a personal
matter, but a matter of state.
Not personal.
Go try to deceive someone
else with these lies.
You don't want the group
around me to grow stronger.
You spoiled the efforts of so many men
and a duty of the state for your ambitions.
We never confuse state matters
with personal ones, Terken Hatun.
But it seems we can't
say the same thing for you.
You close your eyes for the
truth and get lost in delusions.
Should we have let those incapable
men to fail the duty of conquest?
Whoever doesn’t do well in a state
position will get out of here for good.
You three set him up together.
Now enjoy it. But remember this.
Your wind can't make me
fall even if it shakes me.
But the storm of mine will destroy you all.
I won't let you weaken me,
my son or the group around me.
For your information!
Beautiful girls make their wishes and bury
them under the rose trees in Hidirellez.
Come on. Let's make our wishes.
My Allah, please let us see our
martyr father in our dreams every night.
Give strength, power and
health to my son Berkyaruq.
The love between me and my
Sanjar grew tall like a tree of life.
Please let us take our baby, to
be the fruit of that tree, in our arms.
Make a wish, mother.
Every heart has a wish deep inside.
Today is Hidrellez.
Your wish may come true.
It’s a keepsake from..
..the father of my two
sons and my only love.
We came together around the
fire of love burning in our hearts.
Keep our fire alive, my Allah.
Today is the day when Khidr (AS)
and Ilyas (Elijah)
meet once a year.
That's why we call it Hidrellez.
Today winter ends and spring begins.
The nature wakes up and revive in green.
The glorious waters
run roughly. The ground
gets warm. Herbs and
animals come to life again.
Hidrellez is the season
of battle as well as fertility.
In the spring, armies take
arms. Flags are drawn.
Our Sultan has started the
preparations of a new fight.
Fight means victory for Seljuk.
A punishment for some.
A light for some.
clears the unholiness.
It's a custom.
We'll jump over the fire and
welcome the new season with luck.
First heroic men and women.
In the name of Allah.
May our Allah keep our swords
sharp and make our armies victorious.
Tajul Mulk.
About they got the war duty, you
being irresponsible is responsible. much as their game, Tajul Mulk.
Didn't I warn you to not get exposed?
Don't you know they'll provoke our
Sultan when they get the smallest leverage?
To make my words listen
I tried for years patiently.
Now, because of your mistake
my words don't have any
value in our Sultan's eye.
There was no fault about our
war preparations, Terken Hatun.
They did this to not
let us gain power.
That Sanjar from plain effected our Sultan.
If they stop our future
then we'll stop their moves.
They'll ruin their duty, Tajul Mulk.
Our Sultan will give us the duty
about war preparations again.
How will we do that, Terken Hatun?
We can't attack Sanjar's workshop.
The supplies for Greek fire
that Ali will use are hidden.
We don't know where they hid.
Did I create my own class
inside this state for nothing?
What is confidential to
everyone is always obvious to me.
Here, in this paper
The location of Greek fire
supplies is written in this note.
If there is no Ali and supplies
they can't build a catapult
Do what's necessary about this.
The people that we used for our
secret things are missing for a while.
We can't do it with our soldiers but
I'll try to find a way.
- Mother!
- Son.
My lion.
They ignored your mother's
rights at this palace for years.
She got crushed but
you won't live what
she has lived trough.
My Mahmud.
I forgot the pencil's struggle because
of fighting with enemies for a long time.
This madrasa of Shalamzar
Melik Tapar organized a land.
The tax that comes from that land..
he gave it to the madrasa.
Every student will get
ten dinars from that land.
Also madrasa will get books
of 1000 dinars every year.
May Allah bless him.
Charity is always in our blood.
But supporting them with
an organization, it lasts longer.
The hand we give today here
reaches to the people all over
the world, orphans, poor ones.
Sultan Melik Shah sells
the wooden stuff he makes
at the market and donates the income.
This organizations last a life time
it will give good deeds to
the owner after even they die.
They leave the goods of earth and
get the forever happiness of after life.
Is there any bigger earn
that this, master Khayyam?
Great Allah says in surah Al Imran..
Never will you attain
the good until you spend
in the way of Allah
from that which you love.
And whatever you give is
certainly well known to Allah.
Many wise men explain this
ayah as a charity organization.
Giving the goods of earth for charity
is a duty of a being human
and necessary of our religion.
We always support charity organizations
which are our tradition as a state.
Because without these establishments
our hands can't reach to students,
orphans, people in need all over the world.
May Allah bless all the
people who work for this cause.
How will I make someone
get the Greek fire supplies?
I came alive at the lands of Seljuk
which I was wandering around like a ghost.
It's time to refresh our eternal
ally and become stronger.
You came out when I needed
you the most, Hassan Sabbah.
Partridge sounds
- Was that a partridge?
- Yeah it is.
What happened?
You craved some partridge meat.
Just for a moment.
It ended now.
Come on, don't Sultan keep waiting.
The war meeting is important.
Don't worry about me and our child.
I'll hunt that partridge
and come back, Alps
You don't bother yourself,
Melik Hazrat. I'd do that.
He needs to hunt it by himself
and carry it to Turna Hatun, Balaban.
Don't interrupt.
The little Melik is lucky
to have a father like you.
You don't forget him
even when you're busy.
After he is born, we'll give him
the wolf leather as a blanket.
- -Eyvallah.
- Maybe it will be a Melike.
Then I'll give the gazelle leather to her.
Thank you so much friends.
May Allah give you blessed wives and kids.
- Amen.
- Inshallah.
We'll all be an army with our sons
and be a tribe with our daughters.
Amen, Inshallah.
Come on, let's go.
Soldiers are looking everywhere and
you're drinking saffron
water at the middle of Isfahan.
Are you crazy, Sabbah?!
What could happen if they were
looking everywhere, Tajul Mulk?
They believed they'd end
us by taking Shalamzar but
we're everywhere like shadows
from Baghdad to Qazvin, to Damascus.
Come, sit down.
We heard that Melik
Shah will attack to Kuvel.
Look, Mitras is a part
of our alliance, huh.
He being strong will
be useful for all of us.
That's why we have to stop
Melik Shah's preparations for Kuvel.
I need you for this.
Listen, Sabbah. They'll build special
catapults which will throw fire bales
with the Greek fire supplies.
And Ali knows how to do. If you
remove Ali and the supplies now
the preparations will be ruined.
They'll get weaker and be shattered.
And the strong ones like us
will swallow the weak ones.
Look, Sabbah.
When the preparations get
disrupted, Sultan will give me the duty.
At that time, don't ruin my business
to get along with Byzantines.
You getting raised will be good for me.
Will I ever bother your business?
But we need Byzantine's support for now.
Then we'll destroy those infidels too.
Nizam Al Mulk's special
men will be with Ali.
You need to be crowded. Prepare well.
Don't worry about that.
Just tell us where they
hid the Greek fire supplies.
So we'll set an ambush for that.
Why did you bother yourself?
If your lives aren't well
my work won't go well.
I'll be at the workshop until
the war preparations are done.
If you need anything, send me a messenger.
I'm so worried that Terken
Hatun is against you.
Since she had a son and
married her daughter to Caliph
..she made her mind.
I'm worried that
she'll do something bad.
Don't worry.
Wind only removes the dust on the rock.
Let's finish the preparations
then she'll shush.
- May I come in, my Bey?
- Come in, Bozkus.
The special materials were arranged
for the catapults, Melik Hazrat.
- We're ready to go to the workshop.
- Okay.
Ali will come with the
Greek fire supplies soon.
I'll be with you soon.
Preparations of war create
great responsibilities for us.
To end infidel's bad games
to end the evil
voices inside the state
this preparation is so important.
We can't embarrass
our Sultan. Keep praying.
Every pray that comes out of my
mouth, there is our kid's voice too.
We always pray for you.
May Allah be your helper.
Melik Sanjar must be at the
workshop now and he's waiting for us.
We have to take the supplies immediately.
Melik Shah found the stuff
to destroy Kuvel Castle.
He could only seize the castle
with the bales made from Greek fire.
But I won't let those
supplies and traitor Albert.
The road that we use to
carry supplies was a secret?
How could they set a trap?
- Fire!
- Bring water.
Protect yourself!
You were really enthusiastic
about fighting against us, Albert.
You sold your old friends so quickly.
It has been a long time since my
old friends turned into enemies, Mitras.
Also my name isn't Albert.
It’s Ali.
Sultan Melik Shah's claw, Ali.
Now I'll hit you with that claw.
What happened, Melik Shah's claw Ali?
Is your claw broken?
You are treacherous enough to back stab me.
But none of your traps will
work against Sultan Melik Shah.
He'll destroy Kuvel!
Since you've started to
eat at Melik Shah's place
you also started to bark like his dogs.
While you're trying for Kuvel,
we'll burn down all other cities.
We'll turn your masjids into churches.
We'll hang you on bell towers.
We'll erase you and your
religion with our swords.
This man knows how to
make fire bales from Greek fire.
Without him
they can't throw fire
bales with catapults.
Let's kill him and it'll be
a punishment for Melik Shah.
We got the Greek fire supplies, Sabbah.
They can't do anything without it.
I need him now.
I'll learn all of their plans
about Kuvel with a good torture.
Come on.
When your soldiers
dismissed from the war
I guess you're getting rid of your
anger with your sword, Terken Hatun.
Don't get mad by making
state affairs as personal issues.
Otherwise, that anger will
come back and burn you.
You're talking just like them.
If you're going to talk like them
you'll share your part
from my anger, know that.
show me your anger.
Let's hit.
Whose anger will punish who.
Your father from
Kharakanids taught you well.
But don't try to do it at Seljuk
palace what you learned there.
I won't allow you to be a state
inside the state with your own class.
There is only a state.
I'll do what's necessary for that state.
You assimilated Sanjar and
Tapar for your son Berkyaruq
but Mahmud won't
be like that, know that.
We didn't assimilate anyone.
if you continue with this ambition..
you'll cause that little Mahmud burn.
If Mahmud burns
there will be no children
or anyone, Zubeyde.
I'll take my and my son's
rights no matter what.
Even the Head Hatun
position that you got unfairly.
You are already like this.
If you were Head Hatun,
you'd ruin everything.
But I won't leave it to you.
The war you entered for your own future
..will choke you in blood.
I didn't lose any battle until today.
Very soon.
My victory sounds will
come to you. Don't worry.
These catapults will throw big fire bales.
Thick steel will be under
the bales so it won't melt.
Yes, Melik Hazrat.
Ali should already be here.
Where has he been?
A messenger is coming, Melik Hazrat.
Inshallah it's good.
I came from the forest way, Melik Hazrat.
The group that was carrying Greek
fire supplies was raided by Byzantines.
- What's the loss?
- They took the Greek fire supplies.
Our soldiers were martyred.
- And Ali?
- No trace about Ali. They kidnapped him.
They'll want to ask info
about our Sultan from Ali.
That's why they kidnapped him.
Send Alps to Kuvel's ways.
If they try to take Ali and the
supplies to Kuvel, they should attack.
Melik Hazrat.
The place of Greek fire supplies
and their path were a hidden.
How did they get attacked?
And we had all the
responsibility of the preparation.
Both the supplies and one of our most
important men are at the enemy's hand.
Sultan Melik Shah's fury will be great.
In this private room
we keep your grandfather
Alp Arslan's belongings, son.
Flag of Tawhid.
Your grandfather
kept this flag in his tent.
And carried to every battle he went.
Hanging this flag on
the lands he conquered
and he announced the good
news that land was an Islam land.
His life was spent
by fighting for his flag.
Look at the dress. Come.
The white dress he wore
at the Manzikert Battle.
He always wore white dress during wars.
So if he got martyred, it'd be his shroud.
As you see, son.
Your grandfather went to all of
his war by risking to me a martyr.
His praying rug.
His rosary.
His pitcher and his Quran.
That's all of your grandfather's
private belongings.
Wasn't my grandfather rich?
You grandfather was so rich
he fitted the holy
struggle, love of war
and the dream of conquering
many lands inside his heart.
When our state was
established, we were
surrounded with Byzantine,
Fatimids and enemies.
They were all waiting to swallow us.
But your grandfather Alp Arslan
hit the road with the fire of war.
He didn't leave his horse and sword.
He didn't come back to his
home and homeland for months.
He turned the heretic
Caucasus lands into Islam lands.
By conquering the Byzantine
castles at the Anatolian border
he hung our flag.
From east to west, he
conquered without stopping.
At Manzikert.
by ending the Byzantine army
which was five times bigger than his
he turned Anatolia into Turk's home.
Your grandfather Alp
Arslan was mentioned
as the father of conquers
all over the world.
What should I do to be like my grandfather?
While your grandfather Alp Arslan
was ruling a small land at Khorasan
he aimed to be a state of world.
You should have aims, son.
For his aims, your grandfather trusted
Allah first, then the essence inside him.
You should always trust Allah.
..and not lose your essence.
Your grandfather Alp Arslan
..did all these conquers
to spread justice the
world, peace and Islam's light.
You shouldn't leave this path.
Every hero who accepts this as a rule
is an Alp Arslan.
Seljuk will set a trap on Kulve way when
they learn the workshop attack, Sabbah.
We can't take Albert and Greek fire
supplies to Kuvel. We'll get attacked on.
I know every cave in this forest.
Let's take Ali to a cave and torture him.
We'll learn what we need.
We're following Sabbah. To the caves.
We found a suitable place
for the headquarter near Kuvel.
I'll get Sultan's approval
and start soldiers working.
Good. When the preparations
are done at the workshop
- we'll go to the attack, Inshallah.
- Inshallah.
Why did Sanjar come?
What happened? Why did you come to
the palace? Is there something wrong?
Byzantines attacked on the group
that had the Greek fire supplies.
They took the supplies and
martyred all of our soldiers.
And kidnapped Ali.
What are you saying?!
The place of supplies
and the way were secret.
Only Haje's men and us knew it.
It's impossible for Byzantines
to get info all by themselves.
It's possible that someone
from inside leaked it.
I'll investigate it thoroughly.
Send a pigeon to our soldiers near Kuvel.
They should go after Ali
and Greek fire supplies.
They should inform us when
they see a trace. Come on.
It wasn't good at all that enemy
got Ali and Greek fire supplies.
We trusted ourselves and
got the responsibility but
it'll be really difficult
to tell this to our Sultan.
Come on.
Your order fulfilled, Terken Hatun.
Ali and Greek fire supplies were removed.
Now, they're going to tell that to Sultan.
If they cross their limit
and try to get our right
they'll pay the price just like that.
Sultan will ruin them all right now.
He’ll see I’m right and
believe my word again.
And we'll get the duty again.
We knocked them down, Tajul Mulk.
Now, we'll rise.
You'll tell everything that you know
about Melik Shah's Kuvel attack.
His army, his guns, his attack plans
you'll tell everything that
you know about Seljuk state.
Or this cave will be your grave, Albert.
"Allah has already aided
him when those who
disbelieved had driven
him out as one of two."
"when they were in the
cave and he said to his
companion, "Do not grieve;
Indeed Allah is with us."
And Allah sent down
His tranquility upon him
and supported him with
soldiers you did not see..
and made the word of those
who disbelieved the lowest
while the word of
Allah, that is the highest
And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.
What's he saying?
A verse from Surah At Tawbah, what he said.
He's saying he's taking shelter
in Allah and he's not afraid.
The devils filled with your
mind with the Quran's apparent.
They made you their slave.
The real meaning of what you just said
is obvious for us.
If you give info about the devils
then Allah will help
you and you'll be saved.
And the Quran's apparent
meaning will go away.
You'll find yourself with
the esoteric meaning.
"But if they intend to deceive you
then sufficient for you is Allah.
It is He who supported you with
His help and with the believers."
So, you're answering with a
verse from Al Anfal this time, huh?
Look at this recruited one?
He just became a Muslim yesterday but
acting like he's Muslim for a long time.
We're here until you talk.
Was the place where the
ingredients were hidden?
Was the way that they'd use hidden too?
How did Byzantines attack?
How could they kill our
soldiers and kidnap Ali?
How could they take the supplies
that are so important to us?
- The investigation
- What investigation?!
Everyone can do the investigation
after the disaster started.
Your duty is to prevent the disaster.
And you?
You trusted yourself to get the duty.
Greek fire supplies
and soldiers were ruined.
Ali is at the enemy's hand.
You're responsible for this!
How will you pay this?
Haje gave a duty to
soldiers to find a trace.
And I made the Alps close the Kuvel ways.
We'll find Ali and the supplies, my Sultan.
Then we'll start building the catapults.
You got the duty because Tajul
Mulk did preparations not fully.
But you ruined all of the preparations.
After now, why would I trust you?
Ali's life is important more
than Greek fire supplies.
He escaped from infidels
and took shelter in us.
If we leave him to the
infidels now, shame on us.
He's our most needed
man about Kuvel attack.
Without him..
the fire bales we need
for attack can't be made.
That's why, until Ali and
Greek fire supplies are found
the preparations of
war has been stopped.
We took the duty from Tajul
Mulk because of his mistakes.
After your mistakes
- we can't leave the duty to you.
- My Sultan.
If we caused this disaster
it's our duty to make it up.
Give us an order to save Ali.
If we can't succeed, we'll
accept every punishment of yours.
It's not the duty but
saving Ali's life here.
To not harming the state.
Three of you got this duty.
Taking back Ali and Greek fire supplies
is your duty again, three of you.
You'll pay the price if you
can't find him immediately.
You two can't get any duty again.
You'll be Meliks freed from the state.
Your reputation will be ruined.
You'll pay the price of your ignorance.
I'll end you, your men inside
your class and even your order.
There will be no place for a man who
made these many mistakes inside my state.
We didn't get the war preparation duty to
get more reputation inside the dynasty
we got it to be useful
for the state, my Sultan.
The reason we want to save Ali isn't
that we're worried about our reputations.
Don't hesitate on that we're
ready to give our lives for this.
We won't leave Ali and
our state to enemies.
You may leave.
Wait at the plain until we learn
from our men who are tracing Ali.
I'll inform you. We don't
have any other option.
I'll stay at the palace.
I'll hit the road when
the news about Ali come.
And if we start searching together
with Sanjar, we'll find him easier.
We'll stay at the palace tonight, Gevher.
- What happened?
- I'll go with Sanjar when the news come.
That's why we'll stay at the palace.
You were responsible about headquarter.
Ali issue belongs to Sanjar.
- Why do you get this duty?
- We all got this duty
If there is a responsibility, it is ours
Come on. Let's go to the room.
The place of Greek fire
supplies and the way were hidden.
I'll expose that how our
enemies got this info for sure.
Come on. Safe trip.
Don't hesitate on that we're
ready to give our lives for this.
We won't leave Ali and
our state to enemies.
Game of mangala sharpens
your mind like a sword, Mahmud.
Get sharpened now, so you
can be a hero like a sharp sword.
Your mind should be sharp so you
won't make mistakes like your brothers.
I'm trying to calm my anger
about the workshop matter.
Don't make it bigger
with your woords, Terken.
And even if they make a mistake
..they are his big brothers.
Don't show a brother to another
brother as a bad example.
Don't get mad, the Shah of my heart.
If they made a mistake..
we have good men to make it better.
It seems that only Tajul Mulk and
his men can do this war preparations.
And justice shows that
they need to get this duty.
I won't start the war preparations
before Ali and supplies are found.
If they find them
they'll do the preparations again.
If they can't find, then, maybe
I'll give the duty to Tajul Mulk.
You took the duty from Tajul Mulk at
his first mistake and gave it to Sanjar.
Now, they're making a bigger mistake
but you're still giving them a chance.
Don't the men that you took the
duty from them think this is unfair?
While you erase everyone
at their first mistake
don't they think you are
giving privilege to them?
I did what was fair, Terken.
They're mistaken. They
have a duty to fix their mistake.
Like I said, if
they can't find Ali
and Greek fire supplies
then I'll make my final
decision and free them.
If all of this depends on Ali's and
Greek fire supplies' to be found
good then.
Don't get sad because
your father got mad, son.
He wants that the state's
Meliks ti be successful.
When there is mistakes like this
..he can't suit this to you.
That's why he's mad.
That's why I'm mad at myself, mother.
To calm this anger
to make my father's heart better
is finding Ali and supplies.
And if I can't do that
what is the point of being a Melik?
Even if my father doesn't
take it, I won't suit it to myself.
And there may be people inside the
palace who leaked the info to the enemy.
We're having days that the
jackals dressed like sheep.
The moment the wolf enters the herd
then we'll understand who
sheep is and who jackal is.
And Allah is the best of planners.
And this plan will be ruined for enemies.
You hurt yourself enough.
Go get some sleep.
I can't sleep tonight.
And I'm waiting news from Haje.
I need to hit the road according to that.
Who knows what kinda
tortures Ali is facing.
It won't be suitable for me
to be comfy when he is not.
You go sleep. Don't worry about me.
- May Allah give you peace, son.
- May Allah give you peace, mother.
May Allah give you peace.
Sabbah. Get ready we're leaving.
- We can't stay here anymore.
- What happened?
They saw Seljuk around.
They're looking for a trace.
They'll find us if we stay here more.
Calm down. Only Nizam Al
Mulk's scouts come this side.
It seems like the old wolf sent them here.
It's possible that if they find
a trace Sanjar will come too.
The roads to Kuvel are closed.
We have to do something, Sabbah.
- Otherwise, Sanjar will find us here.
- Calm down.
Since we don't have any place to go
then we'll put a bait and mislead them.
And attack to Sanjar where they'll go.
You tell your soldiers to leave
traces at the south part of the forest.
We'll lead them far way from here
and we'll set a trap to end Sanjar.
They're being unfair
to us again, Tajul Mulk.
At your first mistake, Sultan took
the duty from you and gave to them.
Now, they're making a
bigger one but they're excused.
They effected Sultan
with heir poisonous words.
They didn't leave any option for
us to take our right with our hands.
If they find Ali and supplies
Sultan will give them the duty again.
We have to do our best
for them to not find it.
Nizam Al Mulk is after Ali and supplies.
When the news come,
Tapar and Sanjar will go after.
Don't lose Tapar.
When he leaves the palace,
to stop him and Sanjar
you'll go after them.
Yes, Terken Hatun.
Only stop them, Tajul Mulk
I don't want anything else.
The way of Greek fire supplies was hidden.
Someone inside must have leaked it.
Not about your men's ignorance
I doubt on two people's betrayal.
Terken Hatun and Tajul Mulk.
Terken Hatun got mad by
thinking we took her right.
She can never resist losing power.
I thought about if she could
betray because of her anger.
All of my experience and latest events
point out these two.
Terken Hatun thinks we were unfair to her.
she'll do everything to get her right
Tajul Mulk is Terken Hatun's tongs
My men will be following him.
If we can see he's
talking to who and where
then our doubts will be certain.
Haje Hazrat. News from your scouts.
I have to talk to our Sultan immediately.
Without saying Allah
Allah, things don't go well.
Without swinging your sword
the enemy doesn't act well.
A son is the eye of his father.
That son is the fire of the state.
What can a son do if nothing
comes from the father?
What can you do with
everything if there is no state?
May Allah protect you from
people who don't have a state.
My Sultan.
Haje Hazrat wants to see you.
- It's important.
- Let him in.
My Sultan. News from our men whowere
searching Ali and Greek fire supplies.
They found traces at the southern
part of the forest at the west.
There is no place to hide Ali and
supplies at that part of the forest.
Is your man sure?
Yes, my Sultan. Melik Tapar and Melik
Sanjar were waiting to follow the trace.
If you allow us, we'll inform them.
Do it, Haje.
Tapar and Sanjar should
go there from south.
The traces at the south part of the forest.
Let's find Ali and Greek fire. Come on.
Tapar left the palace at sunrise and
was going to the south side of forest.
It seems like they
found the trace of Ali
and supplies then went
after them with Sanjar.
We left the traces at south on purpose.
We expected only Sanjar but
so Tapar would come too.
We planned a trap according to Sanjar.
Now, we have to make the
trap bigger by adding Tapar.
How could you set a trap
to Sanjar without telling me?
Terken Hatun ordered me to
only stop them, not kill them
- And now you'll kill both of them?
- Of course not!
If I don't set a trap,
how will I stop them?
They'll lose at the trap
so they'll be ashamed.
So we can move Ali and
Greek fire supplies comfortably.
You want to take Raysal's
revenge but keep your
personal grudge out
of our alliance, Sabbah.
Only stop them.
If they die, I'll be blamed for it.
And I'll take your head.
You all will eat each
other's heads very soon.
I'll take Sanjar's
and Tapar's heads now.
I will take very bad
revenge on Melik Shah
for the suffering of
losing a son they gave me.
I will.
I told that these jackals would set a trap.
Now they'll get their
punishment from my sword.
It won't be easy this time, Sanjar.
You trusted your sword when
you see little bit soldiers.
But look. We're more crowded now.
And you fell into our death circle.
Melik Shah will suffer because
of his two sons' death today.
I think so, Mitras. I think so.
I'll take your head if
you take one more step.
I caught you, Tajul Mulk.
Your true color came out.
You'll pay the price of betrayal heavily.
Open your face.
Raise your head and
open your face, traitor!
Since you don't have the
courage to open your face
then I'll remove your shame of curtain.
Non of you will leave here alive.
Melik Shah?
Melik Shah!
Tell them Haje. Tapar and Sanjar
should go from south.
But as I said.
There is no place to
hide Ali and Greek fire
supplies at the south
part of the forest.
They might have baited us.
While Tapar and Sanjar
are going from south
we'll move from north.
We'll come out when they're ambushed.
Tapar and Sanjar should know this.
Did you think we'd be food for jackals?
Now this, when the wolf gets ambushed
it thinks about how to take
revenge, not how to escape.
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