Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e33 Episode Script

Jessica's Trail

Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
Now, I know that Shatanya's
salon is a far drive from home,
but, you know,
some folks would say
your mother is a rock!
I am there
for a lot of people,
and some days,
I need a little self care,
and your mama's gotta get
her box braids lookin' right.
It's gonna be
a long day,
so everybody's gotta be
a team player!
I'm talking
to you, Craig.
Ya! [ Grunts ]
[ Birds chirping ]
Now, keep still,
Miss Nicole.
So, anyway,
I told her,
"Ashley, you cannot have people
in my house
making Internet videos
about avocado smoothies,
leaving a mess
all over my new couch!"
I said, "Good gravy!
This is too much
for your mom
to clean up --
for free."
You ever have that
happen, Miss Nicole?
Well, I--
Keep still!
Now, I'm not gonna
tell you again.
But, girl,
isn't that crazy?
If Shatanya loses
her hair license,
then she'll have to go
back to business school,
and then she won't be able
to do braids anymore,
and it'll just
be a big mess!
don't you think?
can I color, too?
You know, normally,
I'd say yes.
'Cause you're
very diligent.
Like, you could do
all the sky parts.
But this time,
I'm likeno.
This is the master
version of my map.
It has to be
absolutely perfect!
[ Dejectedly ] I remember
when I had things to do.
Mom told us
to bring an activity
'cause this was
gonna take a while.
I brought my map,
and you brought a doll
you lost interest in
when you were 2.
So you chose poorly.
I'm so bored.
Yay! Yay!
[ Gasps ]
And she says,
all I need is
1 million subscribers."
I told her, "Baby, I've had
this salon for 15 years,
and I've only
had 32 clients."
Mom, can I have a quarter
for the rocket ride outside?
Oh, sure,
Craig, get me my purse!
I'm gonna need you
to take
Jessica outside.
But my map!
be a team player!
[ Sighs ]
It's starting!
It's starting!
Over already?
Well, life's
greatest thrills
are worth
the cost of a quarter.
Let 'er rip!
I need more money.
Mom only gave us
two quarters.
Just use your imagination
or something.
like this is fun.
[ Inhales deeply ]
Wow. I've landed
on an alien planet.
The air here
is so thick.
A sign
of alien life!
Are you my mother?
Speak up when you
talk to a lady!
I'll been in space so long,
I'll forget your face.
And I'll forget my face!
I'll forget
how to kiss.
Wow. I've been
so many places --
the sewers
the poison-ivy grove
the junk pile
Aw, man, why don't we
have garbage-bag pants?
the overpass
Craig: What do you think
they all mean?
Please don't hurt me
or my friends!
We're just -- We're just
trying to go home!
Please don't come back.
Jessica: I'm growing!
I'm growing!
I'm getting
my alien wings!
Craig: Jessica!
Jessica, come back!
Ah, my map
is useless here.
I'm so far away from home.
[ Grumbles ]
Jessica, where are you?
I've been gone so long
I won't know
how to kiss no mo' ♪
[ Panting ]
Excuse me.
Boy: Raj, what's going on
over there?
Some kid poked me,
and it startled me!
Hey! Startling a ranger
is a reportable offense.
I'm gonna need your name
and number.
Whoa, whoa. I don't think
this kid meant any harm.
Raj, you're not
thinking straight.
You're too startled.
I think he needs
our help.
You need help, kid?
I lost my sister!
She's small
with big hair,
and she would've grown up to get
her hair done at Shatanya's,
but I wasn't
a team player,
and now
she's gone forever!
Uh-huh, uh-huh.
Got it.
Okay, kid, we've got
all the clues we need.
We can help you
find your sister.
I'm Raj,
and this is Shawn,
and we're the
Honeysuckle Rangers!
[ Twinkle ]
I know, right?
We're awesome.
Lucky you ran
into us.
This creek has some
real unsavory types
crawling around,
you know?
But we can get you
outta this in a pinch.
We've got
your back because
we're all
friends here.
Don't worry, kid.
We're excellent trackers.
Nothing gets past us
in these ol' woods.
We've got information
on everything out here --
tree leaves, footprints,
bird calls,
in case
she turns into a --
Well, you know what?
It doesn't matter.
She's only been missing
for less than 48 hours.
There's still a chance
she hasn't turned into a bird
My mom hates birds!
We gotta find her!
Honeysuckle track!
[ Sniffing ]
Dirt, dirt
Kid, kid!
Oh, he's on her trail.
Let's go!
Okay, don't move.
This is an active scene!
Does your sister
Oh, my goodness, yes,
that's her! [ Gasps ]
She's a bird, and this is
all that's left!
Fear not! No one turns
into a bird on our watch!
She's this way!
[ Exhales deeply ]
Jessica, are you out here?
What is this place?
This was
the ancestral home
of the Knights
of Wisteria.
But that was
a long time ago.
They've all gone
to high school now.
Okay, so we went about
four backyards west
What are you doing?Uh, making a map
to find my way
back to the salon.
But what's on
the back?
Oh, my master map.
Both: Whoa!
That's pretty impressive,
my friend.
Uh, wait a minute.
What are these places?
The Ivy Grove?
The Splintery Butt?
The Junk Pile?!
This is all the stuff at
the creek where I usually play.
Both: Oh.
excuse us.
[ Whispering ]
Raj, this kid is from
a whole other neighborhood.
[ Whispering ] I know.
That's 295 and everything.
You know what?
Hewould love
to see this.
I bet it would
make up for
that thing
at the banquet.
It might.
[ Normal voice ] Uh, hey,
kid, we know somebody
who would really like
to take a look at this.
After we find your sister,
can we show this
to our
Uhyeah, sure.
Who's your friend?
-[ Screams ]
[ Panting ]
Oh, I was so worried!
I thought
we'd never find you!
When we get home, you're
never allowed to play again!
I'm so mad at you.
Mwah! If you got hurt,
I'd be so sad!
You're okay now.
So now I'm mad again.
I'm more than okay.
I've been exploring
the alien habitat, Craig!
But the logs here are smaller
than the ones back home.
Guess I put on
a few preschool pounds.
We'll help you get
this jelly bean unstuck!
Don't you worry.
The Honeysuckle Rangers
have unstuck
bigger kids than you,
and they never,
ever break in half.
I mean, there -- there was
that one kid, Rob Saul --
Shh! We don't
talk about him.
Craig: Those symbols.
They're like the ones from
the overpass.
Is he the friend they want
to show my map to?
All right, jelly bean,
suck it in!
[ Raj and Shawn grunting ][ Giggles ]
[ Laughs ] Craig!
Put me back in
and pop me out again!
Uhyou know what?
Uh, we don't have time for that.
We should really
be getting back.
Hey, wait!
I thought we could show
your map to our friend.
well, it's really
more of a work
in progress, so
Come on, man!
We helped you out,
and this would really
help us out a lot!
We just want
to take a look at it.
Come on.
We're all friends here.
-[ Grunts ]
-Hey! No! [ Grunts ]
Just let us
see the map!
We need this!
[ Grunts ]
[ Rip! ]
honeysuckle sprint!
[ Panting ]
[ Laughs ]
[ Grunts ]
I-It was an accident!
I'm sorry!
-I'm okay!
Now give us that map!
Where are we
running to?
We're running to --
[ Both scream ]
[ Both thud ]
[ Spits ]
I love this game!
this isn't a game!
What? Those aren't
your friends?
No! They were
just acquaintances,
and now
they're after my map!
[ Gasps ]
We gotta get outta here!
Shawn: Freeze!
Listen, all we want to do
is see the map again.
Come on.
Your drawings
are sorealistic.
And if you don't show us,
there are more
where these came from!
The trees!
Sorry, Jessica.
No one can save us now!
What about
that kid?
Both: The Green Poncho!
It smells
like toots!
[ Both coughing ]I'm choking on toots!
This way!
[ Coughing ]
We lost them.
It's fine.
I got this.
I thought I told you
not to come back here.
I didn't even know we were on
the other side of the overpass.
My mom's
running errands.
Say no more.
Errands are the worst.
Why'd you help us?
You chased me before.
I didn't realize we were from
the same side of the creek.
I was just
keeping my oath.
This poncho protects me
from rain and light winds,
but it also comes
with a responsibility --
to guard the overpass and
protect our side of the creek
from invaders
who threaten playtime.
Beware those who bear
the mark of the Mill.
Thank you again
for the help.
You were my favorite
alien today.
Uh, is that your mom
calling you?
I don't hear anythi--
[ Wind blows ]
Ribbit! Ribbit!
My froggies.
Thanks, Craig!
And thanks for watching
the ship, small uncle.
Hey, you two. Y'all ready
to get out of here?
It's been a long day.
I want chicken nuggets!
Ooh, a lady that knows
what she wants.
My kinda woman!
That sound good to you, Craig?
[ Dejectedly ]
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
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