Ghost Force (2021) s01e33 Episode Script

Paniclick / Sandyrok

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
Shadows crawl, in the street
Up a wall and watch them creep ♪
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep ♪
Full of fear
Please make them disappear ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force
Feel the power ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force
Spooky hour ♪
Like the night
Glow forever ♪
- Ghost Force ♪
- Appearances in the air ♪
Got to watch out everywhere
Creepy crawlies ♪
In their lair
Out of sight ♪
Waiting in the night ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
No, no, no, no, no!
Not the movie posters!
Come on, Jay,
we agreed this yard sale
was the perfect opportunity
to get rid of some old things!
(Sad groan)
Can you help me out
with the other boxes?
There! A fresh new batch
of super old junk
to sell for profit!
Don't forget this hunk o' junk.
Oh, the Shutterbug? Hold up.
Mom and Dad love that camera!
It takes forever to take one pic
and it can't even post it online!
It was pretty revolutionary
when it launched,
but it is kinda obsolete.
Watch your mouth.
This is vintage! Check this out.
Just aim, focus, switch on
the flash with this button,
then click!
- Gah!
- Gah!
There! Now we patiently wait
for the photographic magic
to happen.
Uh Ugh! Nobody's got
that kinda time, Liv.
Not even our folks,
and they're old!
My phone
does all that in seconds.
Oh, yeah? Then let's ask
Mom and Dad what they think!
- Huh?
- Yeah! Of course it works!
Look! Oh! Ow!
- Ow!
- We've got all the classic
movie posters.
Stay right here.
No! Oh, I'm begging you!
Star-crossed Luvees
is a rom-com masterpiece!
and the lady wants to buy it!
Then let her buy the poster
for the sequel! It stinks!
Dad: Aaah!
(Evil laugh)
- G-G-Ghost!
- Aaah!
(Evil laugh)
- Boo!
- Aaah!
Dad: Ah! Help! What just happened?
Mom: We've been posterised!
Dad: Oh! Now we're
the rom-com poster!
I hope you're not planning
on selling us this time.
Mom: Maybe we can give
a two-for-one discount!
(Screaming in the background)
Oh! No!
(Evil laugh)
- Mom: Kids!
- Huh?
- (Wailing)
- Dad?
Watch out!
(Evil laugh)
(Deeper evil laugh)
A camera ghost, huh?
Well, if it's as slow
as a Shutterbug,
this'll be a snap!
Get it? Eh? Eh?
Right. We'd better hurry, then!
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
I just noticed
a level-four Boo signature
in your neighbourhood.
Everything OK?
Myst: We're fine, but it just
flattened our parents!
Krush: And it merged
with an old camera.
Then let's call it Paniclick!
It's currently heading
to Midtown.
I'll send you Glowboo.
Good hunting!
- Hmm.
- Paniclick: Boo!
(Evil laugh)
Oh, run! Run!
- Aaah!
- Aaah!
Oh, no! Ugh! You just had to try
and get rid of the Shutterbug,
didn't you?
Oh, so this is my fault?
Watch out!
Its lens is the source
of its spectral beam.
Then let's shove a lens cap
on it to shut it down!
Followed by a boo-cap.
Let's move!
(Evil laugh)
Got ya! Aaah!
Fractal Pow Aaah!
Myst: Spectral Arrow!
- (Evil laugh)
- Whoa!
That Shutterbug's
a real jitterbug!
Then let's photobomb it!
(Evil laugh)
Fury, fire in the hole!
Smile, you're on camera!
Paniclick: Boo!
I can't see a thing!
(Evil laugh)
- (Evil laugh)
- No!
Flexy Beam!
(Evil laugh)
Oh, no! I'm so sorry!
No way this is
the last pic of you guys.
Glowboo, wait! It's too risky!
Indeed. I have already
calculated a risk assessment
and there is a good chance
that we are
Doomed! I know!
I already lost Myst and Krush.
We gotta come up
with an attack plan.
- (Evil laugh)
- Watch out!
Fall back!
We're gonna have
to deactivate its flash
if we wanna get close
to ol' Shutterbutt!
- Any ideas?
- Negative.
My technical database does not
include ancient technology.
Ancient tech?
Don't tell me
too cutting edge to know this!
(Evil laugh)
How are we ever gonna
boo-cap this ghost
without Krush and Myst?
Ha, ha!
- (Evil laugh)
- (Screaming)
(Evil laugh)
If only I had listened to Liv!
- What's your status, Fury?
- Uh
Random question for someone
as old as that camera:
Any idea how to switch off
a Shutterbug flash?
Watch your language, young man.
I did have one of those
when I was your age.
It's pretty amazing!
Also, you're never quite sure
what the photo's gonna look like
when you're taking it,
but that's the fun!
OK. The flash, Ms Jones!
How can we switch it off?
It does depend on the model.
But there must be a button!
Look for some kind of lever
on the side,
you know,
shaped like a drop of water.
Fury: Copy!
(Evil laugh)
Glowboo! Happy to have you back!
- Distract the ghost!
- Executing pogo protocol.
Fury: Hmm. A lever on the side
shaped like a drop of water.
That's it!
Fury: Whoa!
Gah! I almost got it!
(Evil laugh)
Flexy Power!
What's the matter?
No more juice?
Maybe I can share some of mine.
Say cheese!
Aaah! Ah!
Good to see ya
outta that selfie.
- (Phone)
- Huh?
Excellent work, Fury!
Wha What just happened?
Well, I did
a little boo-capping!
I'll fill you in
on the big picture later,
but first
All: Booyah!
Now that this is over,
how about we all watch a movie?
Why not Star-Crossed Luvees?
Huh? Ha, ha!
Oh, a classic! Cool!
You mean radical,
like we used to say
back in my day. Ha, ha!
Aw, man, that's worse
than watching a cave painting!
I'm kidding!
It was a joke!
I admit old stuff
can be pretty, um,
radical too.
Sorry if I didn't get it
right away, sis'.
How about
we capture this memory?
In three, two, one
- Andy, wait! The flash!
- Say cheese!
Yeah! Vacation, here we come!
Huh? (Chuckles)
- Boo!
- Aaah!
(Evil laugh)
- Aaah!
- (Evil laugh)
(Phone rings)
Hey, Mike! Our folks are taking
us to the funfair. Wanna come?
I hear the flying-saucer ride
is outta this world!
I'll pass. Me and my dad
are going
to TechnoCon this afternoon.
I'm so excited
to spend time with him for once!
We're so happy for you, Mike!
No worries,
we'll find another space cadet.
Oh, my dad must be on his way.
Gotta go!
Hey, Dad, I'm waiting
in Times Square,
on the red steps.
In Times Square?
But I'm throwing
a little promotion at home
for my new sneaker line!
You should totally
be here, Mikey!
But I thought (Sigh)
Um, actually, I've got a thing
with my friends.
See ya.
on this promotional ceremony,
Mr Collins.
Hey, kid!
Can you take a picture of us?
Both: Huh?
- Oh, my gosh!
- (Evil laugh)
Woman: Ghost!
Thanks for inviting me, guys.
Hope you don't have
a weak stomach, Carla,
'cause we're going
on the Flying Saucer
till our heads spin!
Real flying saucers
don't make you dizzy, Andy.
I know, 'cause my cousin
got beamed on one
from a cornfield.
He's so lucky.
Uh Are you sure your cousin
wasn't trying
to play a prank on you?
Wow! Tell us everything!
Aliens never go out of style,
you know.
- We gotta go.
- Buy all of you lucky people
some cotton candy.
Liv: Be right back!
So, where was this cornfield?
Hey, Ms Jones.
Uh, what's up with Glowboo?
I upgraded his affection chip,
maybe a little too much!
Glowboo loves you.
- Huh?
- Anyhoo, we've got
more urgent matters.
Get to 5th Avenue pronto.
We've got a spectral anomaly
that's already merged
- and messing around!
- Andy: We're on it!
Mike, you coming?
Mike: Uh Yeah, I'm
Liv: Is Glowboo coming?
In a bit. Just gotta
dial back his lovey-doveyness.
Everybody needs affection!
All: Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
Too bad you're gonna miss
your thing with your dad.
I know. I had to bail on him
right outside TechnoCon.
Then let's wrap this mission
before he even notices
you're gone!
Huh? Aaah!
(Evil laugh)
Target its forearms
to disable
I've got this! Fractal Power!
Someone's in a hurry.
- Krush!
- Krush!
Fury! Now! Target its forearm.
Flexy Blast!
Sweet! Bull's eye!
I'm happy to see you!
If I could,
I would give you a hug.
- Krush: Fractal Power!
- Huh?
See? Done and dusted!
Or not.
(Evil laugh)
All: Aaah!
Those sand whirlwinds
are the source of its powers.
That's where we've gotta strike!
It is going
for the Collins Tower!
Good thing your dad's
at TechnoCon!
Yeah, that would be perfect.
(Anguished cries)
Woman: Ghost! Get out of here!
(Evil laugh)
Um why is there a party
at your place?
And why is your dad here
and not at TechnoCon?
Fractal Power!
Initiating hug.
Glowboo, it's really not
a good time. Aaah!
Oh, no! Glowboo, you gotta
Dude, what's gotten into you?
I'm just doing my job.
No, I mean, why did you lie
to us about your father?
Krush, tell me. If you can't
talk to me, who can you talk to?
He bailed on me!
That was the first time
we were gonna hang out since
I can't even remember!
OK, sure, but your dad's cool.
I'm sure he didn't mean it.
Did you talk with him about it?
No. I mean
See? He wouldn't be
looking for you
if he didn't care about you.
So what if he cares?
He's never around.
At least your folks
spend time with you.
Fair point. But you can't keep
your problems all bottled up.
The best thing would be for both
of you to talk about it.
Fury! Krush! Are you OK?
We need a little help here!
- (Liv groans)
- (gasp)
That is not nice.
Myst: Glowboo!
Glowboo: Ouch.
Ow! Why is it so mean?
Krush: I can't stand sand,
it gets everywhere!
Time to sweep up!
It's opening up. Fury! Its legs!
Need a hand? Spectral Gate!
Oh, no!
I know. It needs a big hug!
Everybody needs love!
Time to put this sandman on ice!
Woman: That's Ghost Force!
Thanks, Ghost Force!
- Booyah!
- (Phone rings) Ooh!
Now to analyse
and tame this ghost.
Way to be heroes, kids,
as always!
Myst: Thanks, Ms Jones.
Oh, and about Glowboo,
we're bringing him in
for a deep clean.
In addition
to his extra affection,
he doesn't deal well with sand.
I love you (Malfunctions)
guys so much!
Mike's dad: Mike!
Where are you?
Go on!
- Dad!
- Mike! Are you all right?
I was so scared
something happened to you!
Nah. I'm good. I'm cool.
Um, actually, no.
I'm really not cool.
I should have told you
earlier on the phone
but you bailed on going
to TechnoCon with me today.
Huh? Oh, man!
I am so sorry, Mike.
I totally blanked. My schedule's
so crazy I can barely keep up.
(Phone rings)
Mike's dad: Hello?
No, listen,
I'm not available today.
I'm all booked up
with my boy!
So? Are we going
to TechnoCon or what?
Hey, you guys wanna come?
Thanks for the invite, but
Carla and our folks
are still waiting
for that cotton candy
we promised them!
Bring on TechnoCon!
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