Power Rangers s01e33 Episode Script

The Yolk's on You!

- Hi, Mr C.
- Oh hi, boys.
Looking forward to a great show of talent! Gonna be awesome.
This is a great idea, Mr Caplan.
Thanks for thinking of it.
- How's rehearsal going? - It's going fine.
Except we're having a hard time keeping track of everybody's props! Yeah, we're still look for a few things.
Oh, no.
Speaking of props, Jase, I forgot our belts.
Ah, don't worry about it.
We'll get our belts later.
No n-no, we have to have them! Look, I'll be right back.
All right.
All right! We'll wait for you here.
Wonderful! Marvellous! Stupendous! Ah-haa ah-ha! Ahhh! Now let's see, a few more fangs here and there perfect! Oh, she'll be so surprised! It's the perfect birthday present for her Evilness! Power Rangers, beware! It's good to be on Planet Earth! Power Rangers! And I'm here! Kimberly, Trini, Zack, Billy, help me sort this stuff out! - Oh sure, Ernie.
- Hey, I smell boiled eggs! Ohh! Skull, I found the eggs! I found the eggs! Eggs, eggs, eggs! - Eggs! - Looking for something, boys? Ah, no, no! N-- Mr Caplan, we were just I was just looking for my guitar! Yeah.
He like to check his instruments before he performs! Oh, really? Well, fine then.
And you, Skull? What are you doing here? - No! - Just checking my cymbals, Mr C! Hehe-hehehe! Er-heh! Destroy! Destroy! Heh-heh-heh-heh! Huh! Who? Who sent that creature, without getting my authorisation? - Yes, who? - Uh I, uh - Not me! - I told Finster it's my birthday today.
He created it on his own and sent it as a surprise! - Happy Birthday! - Well, I'm sure it needs a hand! - Huh? - So get down there now, Goldar! - Yes, O Evil One! - Right! - Okey-dokey! - To the park! Okay, we're ready! This is gonna be cool! After I win, it's gonna be great! Yes! It's gonna be cool! Yeah Finster! Finster! Yes, my Queen? Goldar and Fang are about to attack, but Tommy's there, and he could ruin everything! - Ah-hah.
- What are you gonna do about it, Finster? We wouldn't want him to do that.
I shall send the Putty Patrol! Oh, so you want to play, huh? I could use the practice before the show anyway! Give me communicator back! Look! I'm done fooling around! Huh? Whoa! Ohh! Oh! Ah! C'mon! Let me outta here! - Nope! - Ah! You Putty! Come on! Oh! Uh! You just wait! Uh! C'mon! Let me outta here! Oh! - Hey, I'm getting hungry! - Quiet, you're always hungry! - Yeah! - Uh, look! There's some eggs! What are you fools doing? Get back here! - Ooh, yum-yum! - Yeah! Woohoo! Ooh, I like this! Oohh! Mm! That was delicious! Tasty! Hm.
Scrumptious! Put that down! Hey! There's Fang! It look like Fang is cracking up! - How could you? - What? - Whadaya mean? - You ate my gooney bird eggs! Do you know how hard it is to find these? You can't just walk into a store and buy these, you know! Finster! Oh, I was going to have these eggs for lunch! - Really? They were good! - Were good? Rrh! Ah! I'm gonna tear you apart! - I wonder what's keeping Tommy! - I don't know.
He's not answering his communicator, and he should've been back half an hour ago.
Yeah, did he go to Japan to pick up the black belts, or what? Y'know, it's not funny, you guys.
I mean he could be in trouble.
I'm sure something's wrong.
- We read you, Zordan.
- Teleport to the Command Center, immediately! We're on our way.
Zordan! Tommy doesn't answer his communicator! That is why I have called you here.
Observe the Viewing Globe.
He is being held hostage by Rita's Putty Patrol.
- Oh no, Tommy! - He's really in bind.
- We gotta help him.
- Not so fast, Zack.
We have another problem.
Rita has released a gnarling fang monster, who intends to destroy the Earth.
- Man.
Now he's ugly! - Precisely.
An absolutely atrocious beast! But, Zordan shouldn't we help Tommy first? He is capable of handling his situation.
Your first priority must be to destroy Fang before he can unleash his awesome power.
It's Morphin' time.
- Mastodon! - Pterodactyl! - Triceratops! - Sabretooth tiger! Tyrannosaurus! Power Rangers! - Huh! You! Attack! - Okay? No! Not until I get some gooney bird eggs! The Power Rangers have all the gooney bird eggs! - Attack, and you can have them! - Really? Yeah! With sprinkles on 'em! - Rangers! - Whoa! - Let's send this guy to the dentist! - Huh! I want gooney bird eggs! You'd better leave, or I'll be forced to raise my voice in anger! Go get 'em, Fang! Begone! Skedaddle! - Huh? - Fang! Attack them! Yes! I'll mash them into moondust! Hey! Hey Fang, you really know how to rock! Hey! Goldar, you were splendiferous! Yeah! Tommy, come in, man, can you hear me? Haha! Yes! Huh? I'll never get my gooney bird eggs! They're gone! Leave me alone! Fang! W-where ya going, Fang? Get a box or something! My gooney bird eggs! They ate my gooney bird eggs! So Fang, what's the matter? - What's so funny? - Huh! Do as I command, and you shall have your eggs! Do you promise to obey? Watch this! Oh boy! My eggs! Oh! No! - My eggs! - You want eggs? Destroy the Power Rangers! - Anything you say! - Now grow, Fang, grow! - Uh, okay! Get 'em, Fang! - Yes, my Evilness! We need Dinozord Power now! Power Rangers log on! - Let's do it to it! - Powered up and online! - Ready to rock and roll! - Let's nail this buck-toothed bully! All right Rangers, time to power up! We need Megazord Power! Bring 'em together! - Engage Megazord Battle Mode! - Right! Megazord Sequence has been initiated! Megazord activated! Eggs! I want eggs! I don't know what he's talking about, but we'd better stop this thing before he does some real damage! Eggs! Rita say you have eggs! I want them now! Give them! Back off! We don't have any eggs! Rita lied to you! If you don't stop fighting, we're gonna have to make you stop! Got it? Uh! I'm gonna get you! All right, let's finish him, guys! Whoa! All right, Rangers, let's get it together! This lizard's not going down easily! We got to give it all we've got! Give me the eggs! Now! Give me! Yeah! - Give me! Eggs! - Oh, man! Now I'm going to finish you! This reptile's a lot tougher than he looks! - Eggs! - We could sure use Tommy's help! Where is he? Hah, the dam! Okay now snomp it to the ground! Yeahh-heh-heh-heh-heh! We'll soak them! - He's heading for the dam! - We are victorious! Heh! That's what you think! After him, Rangers! Let's do it! Tommy! Tommy, do you read me? I'm right here, buddy.
Where are you guys? We're at the Angel Grove Dam! We need your help! Hurry! I'm on my way! Dragonzord All right! Switch to Dragonzord Battle Mode! Switch Modes! We need Titanus now! Ultrazord! Power up! Let's finish it! - All right, Rangers! - Lock on and fire all weapons! Ohh noo! Please Guess we took care of you, Frogface! - All right! - Yeah! - All right! - We did it! You'll pay for this! Good news, Zordan.
We destroy Rita's plans again! Yeah, it was Morphinomenal! Congratulations, Power Rangers, on a job well done! Hey! Where have you guys been? You're up next! Rock the house, fellas! Okay, next up we got Tommy and Jason.
Let's give 'em a big hand, huh? And now Bulk and Skull! - My name is Bullk! - My name is Skull! Ever get envious watching us roll? - We're tough! - We're meann! - And that's the truuuuthh! - 'cos we're baadd! - We're baadd! - All you geeks out ready to scam! - Yeahh, ready to scam! - 'cos we're cool! How cool? Man.
Captioned by Grantman Brown
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