The Longest Promise (2023) s01e33 Episode Script

Episode 33

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 33=
(White King's Residence)
(Movement Information of Kongsong Army)
Who's out there?
It's me.
Am I not welcome here, General Qing?
Of course, not.
Please take a seat.
I'm the princess of the White Clan.
Can't I know about military affairs?
Didn't you tell me
that I should put my concerns
on the bigger picture
and not be obsessed
with something trivial?
I want to chip in for the military too.
You despised me because I'm a woman?
Certainly, not.
Zhu Yan was so helpful
in relieving Xia City from danger.
She has done justice to her heroic name
as Jiang Bead Flying Flame.
She dedicated herself to the nation
despite her gender.
You can do this too.
Enough about Zhu Yan.
Both of you were always together
when you were in Jiuyi Mountain.
She has already rejected your proposal.
Why do you keep mentioning her?
Don't tell me
you can't get over her.
I've been recalling
what you said to me recently
and I've been studying books
on the art of war.
Can you tell me
what happened during the war
with the Merfolk Clan?
What are you interested in?
Let's start with this.
Why do you deploy defense
at the Dragon King Temple?
The river
was abruptly diverted.
And the Dragon King Temple
was built upon.
It must be something
suspicious going on.
When I got back that day,
I realized the moon in the sky
was as round as the one
we saw
at the foot of the Jiuyi Mountain.
General Qing.
Can I really choose another path?
Is that what you think?
Answer me first.
Of course.
Of course, you can.
What if
I made a lot of mistakes
Don't you mind it?
Now close your eyes.
I can't believe this is happening.
You're beautiful.
Thank you, General Qing.
I'll get going.
Hold on.
I have something for you.
This is my heirloom.
Please accept this.
The heirloom is precious.
General Qing,
you can't simply give it to anyone.
Please be prudent.
If I encounter dangers
on the battlefield,
I hope the last owner
of this jade pendant
can be you.
General Qing.
Priest wants to see you.
once the war is settled down,
I'll go to your father
to propose a marriage.
(Xuelu succeeded.)
This lady is the henchperson
of the Sea Emperor.
Take this drawing and
plaster it all over the city.
If we can find her,
we might lure the big fish out
and locate the Sea Emperor.
All right.
But you're already in a truce
with the Sea Emperor, right?
Why didn't you draw
the Sea Emperor's portrait?
(It seems that Shi Ying doesn't want us)
(to know the countenance of the Sea Emperor.)
(He must be hiding something.)
(I'm going to dig it out.)
(It'll surely be leverage against him.)
Do you know her?
How bold she is!
If she falls into my hand,
I won't let her off the hook.
I'll dispatch people to plaster
this notice all over
and search for this woman.
All right.
don't alert the enemy.
(How lucky.)
(Ruyi turns out to be
the subordinate of the Sea Emperor.)
(If I can seize the Sea Emperor)
(Xinghaiyun Pleasure House, Ye City)
Out of my sight.
Why hasn't she shown up?
Listen to me carefully.
I want Ruyi now.
Don't you brush me off
with such lowly jades.
Regardless of how precious she is,
she's merely a jade.
I'm loaded with wealth.
No one can snatch her from me.
I'm going to take a hard look
on how divine Ruyi is.
Evacuate all the members
through the secret passage
in my room.
Here's the list for the first batch.
They've collected most information here
over the years
and are the most dangerous ones
if they stay.
27 people in total.
What about you?
After all of you leave here safely,
I'll set off.
After all, Ruyi is the icon
of Xinghaiyun Pleasure House.
The Kongsang Army
will be alerted
if I disappear.
Go ahead.
Finally, we can
return to the Biluo Sea together.
Come on, come hither.
Mr. Wang.
Come on.
Come on.
Faster. Come on in.
Come and visit us.
Master, come on.
Come on and visit us.
Let's have some brew inside.
Come on.
Come and let's play.
Isn't this Mr. Bai?
General Bai.
What else can I do here?
Don't you know?
- No, Master.
- How dare you hit me!
No, Master.
How dare you snatch Ruyi from me!
Ruyi isn't going to meet
crude people like you.
I'll kill you.
Leave, everyone.
Please be careful.
I'm good. Go ahead.
Please come back safely.
I will.
Let's go. Ruyi.
Be good.
Miss Ruyi.
Bai Fenglin comes in.
And he has the army
to lay siege outside.
What do we do now?
It's fine.
Keep on moving.
Don't get affected.
Go in now.
Go on.
Ruyi is mine.
What about me?
General Bai.
Are these enough?
General Bai.
Please wait for a moment.
I'll invite Miss Ruyi here now.
No need.
I know where she is.
General Bai, no rush.
Miss Ruyi
She feels sick today.
I must go and check on her now.
- Ruyi!
- Ruyi!
I'm all right.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
It's so crowded here.
Why don't we
go to your room for a catch-up?
Every master here
are of noble origins and influential,
and they came from afar.
Besides, they're willing
to contribute generously for my sake.
I'd like to present a song
as a token of gratitude.
General Bai is the Governor of Ye City.
I believe you're generous enough
to spare us some time.
Do as you wish.
Be quick.
Go in.
Go in.
Hurry up.
Come on, keep on moving.
- Good!
- Good!
Bravo, Miss Ruyi.
you're too good for a traitor.
As long as you tell me
the whereabouts of the Sea Emperor,
I will keep you safe
concerning our good old times together.
Look at your dainty face.
I really can't
ruin it.
Good old times?
Staying with a scum
like you
in one room
makes me sick.
You undesirable and dirty
mermaid jade!
Who do you think you are?
Bai Fenglin.
If you don't take my life today,
I'll make
the evildoing
you've done all these years
known to the public.
Since you're determined to die,
I will have myriad ways to torture you,
but I won't kill you.
Over the past years,
you've been struggling inside this mire
for the sake of the Merfolk Clan.
You're tired now.
Go on and reveal all the secrets.
Let go of everything,
and you'll be free.
Not telling?
Come clean.
Let go of her.
Bai Fenglin.
She's the wanted criminal
of the imperial court.
You shouldn't skip past Shi Ying
to interrogate her directly.
why did you pretend not to recognize her
when you saw her portrait
and come here?
I knew you were up to something.
At first, the portrait
did ring a bell,
but I didn't recognize her as Ruyi.
That was why I came here
You may leave now.
Priest, you're benevolent.
If the Emperor of Kongsang
were to take the world
to his bosom like you do,
both of our clans wouldn't have ended up
in an endless desperate war.
How dare you make mischief here!
It was the Merfolk Clan
who turned against us.
Priest, you're like the immortal beyond.
How could you notice
scoundrels like Bai Fenglin
who keep pushing our clan
to death?
I won't comment on the war.
But you saved my life today.
By right,
I should return your favor.
I'm going to tell
a huge secret.
Confess about the whereabouts
of the Sea Emperor now.
What I'm going to tell you
is about Lady Qiushui.
I have an important task for you.
We must capture the leader.
Go undercover
beside Emperor Beimian
and beguile him
with your beauty.
But you should know
that you must stay
by Emperor Beimian's side
until you die
before you're allowed
to return to Biluo Sea.
Rest assured, Elder.
I've prepared to dedicate myself
for the sake of the clan.
You will stay here.
Xinghaiyun Pleasure House is the huge
intelligence network of Sea Kingdom
that sits in Kongsang.
It has been providing us
with constant fund flow and intel
as to restore our kingdom.
The Kongsang people killed your father,
brother, and loved ones.
You'll stay here
to avenge them
in another way.
Can you do it?
I can.
It's been a long while.
You never failed our expectations.
I, Qiushui, have fulfilled my mission.
Emperor Beimian has
been latching onto me.
Very good.
Now, you should
kill his elder son,
Shi Ying.
Shi Ying is an unparalleled prodigy.
If he were to ascend to the throne
in the future,
our restoration mission
will be more difficult.
So, before he grows strong,
we should eliminate him
as soon as possible.
Why are you hesitant
to kill the Kongsang people?
If you fail to take his life,
figure something out
to let Emperor Beimian lose trust in him
and strip him of his position
as the Crown Prince.
Remember this well.
This act is earthshaking.
You're not allowed to fail.
after years of being undercover
beside Emperor Beimian,
Qiushui dedicated her life
to her mission.
It turns out Lady Qiushui
is the spy planted
by the Merfolk marine force.
Qiushui's sacrifice was worthwhile.
If you were still the Crown Prince now,
Kongsang wouldn't have
rotten to its core now.
If it wasn't for Kongsang to reach
the brink of collapse,
the Sea Emperor wouldn't have returned
to rescue the Sea Kingdom.
I'll take you to the Emperor
and you confess everything to him.
Do you know
why I'd bring up this past
right now?
When you were listening to me just now,
I've already used my dream realm
to cover
all my memories.
I've forgotten everything.
If she were to end here,
that'd be her retribution.
How do you heal her heart meridian?
Over the years,
she's been in this mire
collecting intel.
She's just a pitiful soul
used by the Merfolk marine force.
she's already forgotten everything.
She deserves to live on
if she manages to survive.
Let her be.
You always put yourself
in others' shoes.
But now her mind is blank,
she can't prove you and
your mother's innocence
before the Emperor.
In fact, he's long known
the truth.
for the sake
of his dignity
and his beloved woman,
he'd rather wrong us.
the one who killed my mother
wasn't Qiushui,
but the Emperor Beimian.
With such a father
and emperor,
nothing much will change
even if I've found evidence.
I've been living for ten thousand years
and I've seen a lot of rulers
who fell prey
to honey trap.
you're not like him in the slightest.
It's a shame that I'm not a woman.
I could've defeated Lady Qiushui
and won over Emperor Beimian's heart,
telling him to take care of you.
Chong Ming.
I'm no longer the emotional boy
I was back then.
No need to comfort me.
Our priority now
is to capture the Sea Emperor.
Nothing is more important
than that.
But how can we capture him?
The Merfolk marine force
in Xinghaiyun Pleasure House
must be more than just Ruyi.
Besides, Ruyi is crucial
among the Merfolk.
I think
someone has already
informed the Sea Emperor
about our movements.
But I doubt Zhi Yuan
will risk himself for her.
I've seen the way
Zhi Yuan looked at her.
Your Majesty.
I came here for the Sea Emperor.
He cares about her.
he will come.
Watch yourself well along the journey.
Uncle Yuan, thank you.
Where's Ruyi?
Why hasn't she returned?
Your Majesty.
Miss Ruyi is trapped
in Xinghaiyun Pleasure House
by the Kongsang Army.
Xinghaiyun Pleasure House?
Why did Ruyi
Your Majesty.
Miss Ruyi has
taken charge
of Haihun Gorge
and collected intelligence
about Kongsang
in Xinghaiyun Pleasure House.
she's helping the members
of Haihun Gorge to evacuate.
But I failed
to protect Miss Ruyi.
- Please punish me.
- No.
Speaking of which,
it's my fault
for not taking good care
of my sister all these years.
I'll bring her back.
Don't go there rashly, Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
There's a secret passage
underneath Xinghaiyun Pleasure House,
which leads directly to Ruyi's room.
And that secret passage also connects
to Haihun Gorge,
the entrance to the Biluo Sea.
This is the reason
why Xinghaiyun Pleasure House
was built there.
(It's only been a few days.)
(The distance between Master and I)
(has grown apart.)
(Does he still hold onto
the misconception)
(about Yuan?)
Young Lady.
You tasked me
to scout for news.
I found this today.
This person
is on the wanted list
of the Kongsang Army.
Isn't this Yuan's younger sister?
Young Lady, do you know her?
Who's after her?
The Kongsang Army.
I suppose it should be Priest.
The current condition
is like from the frying pan
into the fire.
(If I encounter dangers
on the battlefield,)
(I hope the last owner)
(of this jade pendant)
(can be you.)
Qing Gang.
You're silly.
Would you still give me this
if you knew that I duped you?
For a woman who disregards
the interest of the nation like me,
General Qing couldn't care less
about me.
Princess Zhu Yan is here.
Show her in.
I need to see my Master
for something urgent.
What's it about?
I want to see him
not for something personal.
It's relevant
to the possibility of
a ceasefire of the war.
If you know his whereabouts,
please tell me.
(Zhu Yan was so helpful)
(in relieving Xia City from danger.)
She has done justice to her heroic name
as Jiang Bead Flying Flame.
She dedicated herself to the nation
despite her gender.
You can do this too.
He went to Xinghaiyun Pleasure House
to seize the Sea Emperor.
Xinghaiyun Pleasure House?
Got it. Thank you.
(They are wearing armor)
(under the garment.)
(Are they soldiers?)
The atmosphere around
this pleasure house
feels weird, though.
Why is Princess here?
(Xinghaiyun Pleasure House, Ye City)
(As I thought,)
(these patrons
are disguised by soldiers.)
(The Kongsang Army has)
(secretly taken hold of this place.)
Zhu Yan.
Why are you here?
Qing Gang.
Help me, please.
I have something urgent
to talk to Master.
Princess Zhu Yan.
You really enjoy
making difficult requests.
Priest is in the middle of interrogating
the courtesan, Ruyi.
He instructed me
not to let anyone disturb him.
Qing Gang.
I really have something important
to tell Master.
General Qing and I
want to help you.
But maybe you have no idea
what interrogation looks like.
Severe punishment will be used.
After the interrogation,
the suspects are likely
to be covered by wounds.
Do you think
I can let you
disrupt this session?
won't be so cruel.
Whether he's cruel or not
depends on how anxious Priest is.
As of now, Priest is eager
to find the Sea Emperor,
I'm afraid his cruelty
can be beyond belief.
If you don't let me in,
I'll force my way in.
Zhu Yan.
Stay composed.
Don't interrupt Priest.
General Bai.
Does Priest really shut
anyone out for now?
I've already told you
what Priest means.
If you keep
pestering us,
is it because
you think you're someone special
to Priest?
I'll leave.
Come up.
(We're setting up
to lure the Sea Emperor,)
(but Zhu Yan came here anxiously)
(insisting on meeting Shi Ying.)
(Does anything go on between)
(the Sea Emperor and Zhu Yan?)
(Shi Ying didn't draw)
(the Sea Emperor's portrait.)
(Is it because he was trying
to protect Zhu Yan?)
Where's Ruyi?
Did you capture her?
Did you come here
just for this?
Didn't I tell you
to stay out of this
when we were in Jialan last time?
I can't allow
both you and Yuan
to go against each other.
Zhu Yan.
Why are you here?
I'm on guard duty here.
No one comes in.
Just now, she was still here.
Chong Ming.
Inform Qing Gang and Bai Fenglin
that the Sea Emperor shows up.
Surround Xinghaiyun Pleasure House.
Zhu Yan.
Don't let them run off.
It's my fault.
I failed to look after you.
I will never let you
suffer again.
Sea Emperor.
Are you all right?
Why are you here?
Don't step into this trouble.
Yuan, it's fine.
I'll explain to Master.
Zhu Yan.
Are you aware of what you're doing now?
I know you lose your head in anger.
But you should realize
that it was Elder Jian
behind that incident.
Yuan has already killed Elder Jian
and he's trying
to withdraw the Merfolk marine force
from various places.
This is just a misunderstanding
between you two.
How could you
make that conclusion
after so many Kongsang people
have sacrificed?
Yuan isn't the cause of all chaos.
in front of the Sea Emperor,
I'll tell you
the rightful reason
why I must kill him.
And to clear your doubt too.
Ruyi committed herself to such a place
as to gather intelligence
and devoted herself
to the dignitaries of Kongsang.
Isn't she
ambitious enough?
She was willing to create a dream
to destroy her past
to stop me
from obtaining a slice of news
about the Sea Emperor.
Isn't she cruel to herself?
Besides, she's not the only one
who does this.
Ruyi told me
that Lady Qiushui
served the Merfolk marine force too.
Back then,
Lady Qiushui
was willing to enter the palace
to sow discord
just because of a prophecy
that the prodigy Crown Prince
of Kongsang was born.
she even killed herself
to ruin the Crown Prince.
At that time,
she was already eight months pregnant.
I'll tell you about this
not because I'm holding
personal grudges.
Instead, I want you to know
that the death warriors of Sea Kingdom
are so much determined
for the goal of restoring their kingdom.
As long as the Sea Emperor doesn't die,
they won't give up
causing havoc to Kongsang.
Besides, as the Evil Star manifested,
the Sea Kingdom
will exterminate Kongsang
in seventy years.
the Sea Emperor must die.
Once the war begins,
it's out of our hand
to stop it.
This is a war between two kingdoms.
Someone has to step forward
to take responsibility.
And this person
should be me,
the Sea Emperor.
The duel between Priest and me
is my duty to fulfill.
You should leave now.
The prophecy said that the Evil Star
would eliminate Kongsang.
But nothing is predictable.
Even the prophecy
may not necessarily come true.
How can we kill
an innocent person
for a disaster that hasn't happened yet?
I believe
you know perfectly well how it feels
when the world turns against you
and you're misunderstood by everyone.
Shut it.
How could you compare me
with the Sea Emperor
of the Merfolk Clan?
Zhu Yan.
Are you aware of
how heavy sin your words
will bring to the Crimson Clan?
Out of the way.
Out of the way!
Don't kill Yuan.
I won't.
Yan'er, go.
As long as I'm here,
I won't let you kill Yuan.
Zhu Yan.
Did you even listen to me?
I did!
Then why are you still defending him?
Get out of the way!
Because I like Yuan.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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