ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e33 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
- [WilyKat] Ooh! Ooh! Uh, okay.
- [WilyKit] Look Out.
[WilyKat] Okay here. Yep, yeah.
[WilyKit] Jump now.
[chuckles] Sweet.
This game is awesome.
Yeah, dude, talk about
living life to the max.
[WilyKit] Ooh. Bonus level.
Wow. Video games
are so enriching.
I know, right?
Even though we've beaten it
like a million times
there is still nothing better
than playing video games.
- [Tygra making bird calls]
- Oh, no!
- Not this again.
- It can't be.
[bird calls]
- It is!
- Tygra's amateur bird calls.
I'm not emotionally
prepared for this.
All right, everyone,
it's time for
a rapturous
and relaxing walk
through nature.
- Ugh.
- Nature's the worst.
Okay everyone.
Take an itinerary.
Yup. Cloud impressions.
Air appreciation.
Same as last week.
Half an hour of tree touching?
I thought that was
on the shorter side too.
Let's make it an hour.
No! I mean
maybe can we do
something else
this weekend?
Oh, but what could compare to the
quiet glory of a leaf etching?
[whispering] If we stay quiet
maybe they'll just
forget about us.
Whoops, we almost forgot
Snarf and the
- [both] Ahhh!
- Hide!
- [shrieks]
- [grunts]
- He's gonna find us.
- C'mon, close.
Gimme that. [grunts]
Up there. [grunts]
- Come on.
- [Tygra] Oh, Thunderkittens!
Hmm, not in here.
Guess they're gonna miss out.
We gotta start now
if we wanna make it
to checkpoint one,
moss cataloging.
[Lion-O] Aw, now there's
gonna be moss?
That's the spirit Lion-O!
Layin' it on
a little thick, Tygra.
[Lion-O sobbing]
I wanna go home.
- That was close.
- Whoa!
- Cool.
- It's so spooky awesome up here.
- And dusty.
- [coughing]
I'll take good ol' indoor dust
over nature any day.
Oh, no!
[both] Ah! Nature!
Quick! Shut it! Keep it out!
I can't stand the outdoors.
Hey, look,
it's Tygra's old stuff.
Let's see, we've got
a trophy for sweeping,
a stack of
rejected love letters,
and what?
Ah, what is this?
[shaky voice]
I can't look away.
Oh, look. A chair.
You'd never find a chair
in dumb old nature.
- [thuds]
- [meowing]
Game cartridges? WilyKit, look.
Whoa! And it looks like
they're for Snarf.
Finally, some new games.
- Let's try 'em out.
- Hmm. How about this one?
Sure, why not?
- [reeling]
- [powering up]
[dramatic music plays]
[Swedish accent] Who vanten
lingonberries? [cheering]
Snarf! Stop that.
Wait, where did you get
these berries?
Why, from my baby berry pocket.
And who is Snarf?
I am Schnorp.
[chomping] Yum, Yum.
Yummy, yummy.
Maybe let's try
a different game?
I I don't know
about this one.
- Ahhh! Watch it!
- Oh, nature.
I have missed
your supple promise.
- Hey, can you close that?
- Huh. Little kins
do you not wish to speak
with the wind and the flowers?
[scoffs] No.
Nature is super snoozy.
We wanna stay close
to the fridge,
and play video games, you know?
Nature? It is never snoozy.
- [humming] La, la, la. Ha! Ha!
- Huh?
Come, hairy children.
Joinen me
in the glories of nature.
[gasps] There goes our
video games.
- After him!
- [both grunting]
Hey! Get back here.
Nobody steals our video games
and gets away with it.
[mocks] Nah!
Ugh! Come back here, Schnoop.
It's Schnorp.
Silly kinderkit!
Why don't you catch me?
- [WilyKit grunts]
- Yoo-hoo!
Behold, a leaf.
Ah! Gimme that.
Where'd he go?
- Okay, cool trick. Now, come on out.
- Gotcha!
Whooza caught me? You do.
Ha! Good one, Schnorp.
But, uh, can we go inside now?
- No, no, no!
- [growling]
Why, we have just begun.
Oh, just lovely.
An ambassador of nature
comes to join us.
[sneezing] [growling]
I'd say this looks like nature
telling us to go inside,
- [grunts]
- Can I interest you
in a berry
from my berry pocket?
- Eata berries.
- [growling]
- [whimpers] Oh, man, he's done for.
- [growling fades]
[vocalizing] Teedle le hee hee.
Teedle le hoo hoo.
Hee hee hee hoo hoo hoo.
Hee hee hee ho hoo hoo.
[growling musically]
[growling contentedly]
Kittens, join us.
Uh Nah, dude. We're good.
- Wha What's happening?
- How did you do this?
Do you want I teach you
through powers of music songs?
Actually, yeah.
That sounds great.
[instrumental music plays]
O, the many joys of nature ♪
Fill my belly up
with glee ♪
O, nature she's a teacher ♪
And the lesson's for free ♪
Follow little me
and you'll find ♪
The places
where you may unwind ♪
A playful world in nature ♪
And in me ♪
So whether
I am glad or blue ♪
I wish to sing
a song with you ♪
O, the many joys of nature ♪
We will know! ♪
- [all grunt]
- Uh, guys?
- [dramatic music plays]
- [whimpering]
[birds chirping]
[WilyKit] Huh. That one
kinda looks like Tygra.
[WilyKat] Oh, yeah.
Being out here,
laying on the grass,
enjoying the view,
really is perfect.
Wait. Are we
[both] Appreciating nature?
But how?
[all laugh]
Nature, she is odd, no?
Now that we have made
music songs,
let us do my other
favorite thing to do in world.
What's that, Papa Schnorp?
- The picking of the berries.
- [exclaims]
And what a wonderful
place to start.
These are the perfect sort
of eating-berries.
One must be certain
before picking,
and always be remembering
to ask an adult or a Schnorp.
And now that we're safe,
it's berry picking time.
- Big berries.
- Small berries.
Some berries. All berries.
Wow, we're starting to sound
like Schnorp.
Enough talking like me.
It is time to feast like me.
A berry for you,
a berry for you.
- [all] Huh?
- What is happening?
Schnorp's eyes cannot see.
Look! It's the Sword of Omens
distress signal.
Oh, my gosh.
We can't eat now!
Lion-O and the ThunderCats
must be in trouble.
- Let's go.
- [chomping and giggling]
Aw, man.
Why'd they have
to get in trouble
in such spooky woods?
[chuckles] Oh, ho, Kinderkit.
Nature is never spooky.
[frightened] I dunno, Schnorp.
That's Lion-O's
sword over there
but, no Lion-O.
Or the other ThunderCats.
I think that counts as spooky.
- [groans]
- Oh, me!
Looks like this
leggy beast needs a friend!
Schnorp! Maybe now's
not the time.
Hello. I am Schnorp.
This looks like a job
for capsule bombs.
Don't worry, Schnorp.
We'll protect you.
Oh, boy.
That's a lot of spiders,
a lot of spiders.
Nothin' we can't handle.
Let's do this!
- [groans]
- [snarling]
Ha-ha! This is way cooler
than that video game.
- [all groaning]
- [effort grunt]
- Nice one.
- I try.
- [snarling]
- What is this?
This is way worse
than that video game.
[blows raspberry]
Have I taught you nothing?
Nature is not
meant to be fought.
It yearns to be embraced.
- [growls]
- [thuds]
I will win over
your heart, friend.
I didn't want to
resort to this,
but you leave me no choice.
Want a berry?
You've done the berries
- so many times already.
- [yells] It never works!
[both dramatically] No!
Don't worry.
The other ThunderCats
are around here somewhere,
they'll help us.
[muffled noises]
[muffled screaming]
[muffled] Hello!
[gulps] WilyKat,
we should've stayed home.
Nature really does stink.
Indoors would
never do this to us.
Oh! Crud.
- [stomach growling]
- Were those like
lingonberries? Specifically?
Uh, yeah. I think so.
Uh, WilyKat?
I don't know. Schnorp
just called them berries.
Because spiders are allergic
to lingonberries.
[moans] Oh, like a lot.
- [stomach rumbling]
- [moaning]
It was lingonberries.
That was so silly, Milady!
- Schnorp
- You're okay.
Hello, kinderkats.
I missed you.
Hey! You think
you're gonna get
away with that?
No one makes
our mom sick.
Yeah! She already has
a sensitive tummy.
Don't tell them that, David.
- [groaning]
- Sorry, Ma.
[all screaming]
Free samples.
[yells] Ah! Get me out of here.
Get outta here,
you mean old spiders.
See? Every bit
of nature is delicious.
Nice, Schnorp
Wow. He sure loves those.
[Tygra] Ahhh!
There! You're all free.
Oh! Has anyone seen
my itinerary?
We got sidetracked,
but I think we can
still fit everything in
Ugh! Give it a rest, Tygra.
Let's just congratulate
the Thunderkittens
on a job well done.
And get outta here.
[all cheering] Nice work.
Hey, it wouldn't be possible
if not for the lessons
we learned
from our new friend,
Mr. Schnorp.
- Who dat?
- We have triumphed
with the power
of nature love.
I love this guy!
[gasps] Wait.
So you Thunderkittens actually
like nature now?
Nature is great.
Yeah! It's turns out
you just made nature
seem boring, Tygra.
[all laughing]
Come on!
Well, I liked the leaf etching.
Whoop! Buh-bye now.
My work here is done.
I must find the next children
who need my help
appreciating nature.
[triumphant music plays]
[birds chirping]
Okay now. I bye-bye.
I guess we'll just, uh,
put this back in the attic.
[Schnorp] The end.
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