Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e33 Episode Script

Episode 33
I told that these jackals would set a trap.
Now they'll get their
punishment from my sword.
It won't be easy this time, Sanjar.
You trusted your sword
when you see little bit soldiers.
But look. We're more crowded now.
And you fell into our death circle.
Shame. Melik Shah will suffer
because of his two sons' death today.
I think so, Mitras. I think so.
Non of you will leave here alive.
Melik Shah?
Tell them Haje. Tapar and
Sanjar should go from south.
But as I said.
There is no place to
hide Ali and Greek fire
supplies at the south
part of the forest.
They might have baited us.
While Tapar and Sanjar
are going from south
we'll move from north.
We'll come out when they're ambushed.
Tapar and Sanjar should know this.
Did you think we'd be food for jackals?
Know this, when the wolf gets ambushed
it thinks about how to take
revenge, not how to escape.
Go to the cave. Kill Albert.
Take the Greek fire supplies.
Melik Shah won't win no matter what.
If you take another step I will behead you.
I caught you, Tajul Mulk.
Now you are exposed.
You will pay for the
betrayal you committed.
Show me your face.
Lift your head and show
me your face, you traitor.
So that you don’t have
courage to show your face
I'll take down your curtain of your shame.
Who are you? What are you doing here?
Nizam Al Mulk is following
you, according to my observers.
He will go mad when he
sees my follower instead of you.
I am a healer from a town near here.
I was wandering around to collect herbs.
I am looking for an alder leaf.
Did you walk all this
way for an alder leaf?
My father is ill, my
Bey. Only cure that can
take his pain away is
made with alder leaf.
- Go then.
- EyvAllah my Bey.
This man confronted us when
we were looking for Tajul Mulk.
It can't be a coincidence.
Follow him. Let’s see
if he is telling the truth.
Mitras is not around,
my Sultan. He escaped.
That dog will take shelter in his castle.
Our soldiers are going to
be placed near Kuvel castle!
They will stop him before
he gets into the castle.
Tell me! Where are the materials and Ali?
Our soldiers went to destroy them.
You'll learn where they are soon.
We have to catch them before
they harm Ali and the materials.
Mitras! Are you insane?
Where are you going?
Sabbah, stay out of my
way I have to go to Kuvel.
If you go to Kuvel,
Melik Shah will catch you.
Melik Shah must’ve guessed
that you would go to Kuvel.
He directed his soldiers
to Kuvel to catch you.
Melik Shah closed
all the ways for me.
He wants to kill me in
pain with these wounds.
We will take you to the vault as soon as
possible. I will treat your wounds there.
You can close all the ways and
think that you won, Melik Shah.
I will destroy Albert and the materials
of Greek fire. Victory will be ours.
Let's go to the vault.
Did you think you
could leave alive, Albert?
We'll send your head to Melik Shah.
Let Ali go!
I’m sorry, Sultan Melik Shah. I will
kill Albert first, in front of your eyes
then destroy the
materials of Greek fire.
Destroy them.
My Sultan, we are private soldiers
under Haje Nizam Al Mulk's command.
He learned you would be around
here and ordered us to take measures.
Long live brave soldiers like you and Haje.
You were going to send
Ali’s head to me, huh?
Now I'll send your head to Mitras.. he will know in advance
what will happen to him.
It seems they tortured you too much Ali.
Can you endure until Isfahan?
I can, Hazrat Melik.
Thanks to Allah, we
saved you and materials.
We won't stop until that dog called
Mitras dies and we hang our flag in Kuvel.
Not only Mitras but also Sabbah
are involved in it, my Sultan.
While I was being tortured in
the cave, he was there as well.
It seems Sabbah showed
up after a long time.
Alright then. We'll destroy them both then.
My Sultan, your wound is deep too.
If we have you permission, we'll
get you and Ali healed in the tribe.
- Pack up, we are going to the tribe.
- Let s go.
While we were following Tajul Mulk,
we found someone else just like him.
So I got suspicious.
For this reason, I got him followed too.
Tajul Mulk must have realized
that we got him followed.
We should still continue watching them.
We can follow him with
other ways if we have to.
Hazrat Haje, Ali and the
Greek Fire materials got saved.
- Thanks to Allah.
- But..
Our Sultan got a deep
wound during the fight.
They took him to Kinik
Tribe to get him healed.
Inglorious heathens.
Melik Shah got so many
wounds like that before.
He'll recover again and
make them pay for this.
Look after the palace, Zubeyde Hatun.
I'll take the head doctor
and go to the tribe.
May Allah be pleased
with you, Terken Hatun.
Our children get fed
thanks to your great charity.
May Allah give your son a bright future.
Thanks, hatun. Amen. InshaAllah.
Thank you so much.
It seems the old wolf suspected
us and got you followed.
Nizam Al Mulk won't
give his suspicions easily.
He's going to make new moves.
Be cautious against any
kind of possibility, Tajul Mulk.
When they can't save Ali
and the Greek Fire materials
their wings will get broken
anyway, Terken Hatun.
Don’t worry.
Terken Hatun.
Sultan Melik Shah went to help
Melik Sanjar and Melik Tapar.
and the Greek Fire materials got saved.
None of us knew that our
Sultan would help them.
Our Sultan got a deep wound and
was taken to Kinik Tribe for healing.
Why would our Sultan go to the
tribe instead of the palace doctors?
Sultan Melik Shah's game
spoiled our plan, Terken Hatun.
What's done is done, Tajul Mulk.
We'll make new plan.
But our Sultan's going to the
tribe has made me suspicious.
Basulu Hatun is going
to do her best to win..
..our Sultan's favor.
Hazrat Sayyiduna
Melik Shah saved both Ali
and the Greek Fire materials.
What do you mean he saved
the Greek Fire materials?
Albert and the Greek Fire materials
were supposed to stop Melik Shah.
What are we going to do now?
Don't worry. We'll prevent
Melik Shah's Kuvel campaign.
How can I be not worried, Sabbah
I lost almost all of my soldiers.
I begged the emperor for soldiers.
If Melik Shah comes to
Kuvel before those men arrive..
I already ignited the unrest fire to
make Seljuks turn against each others.
That fire must be about
to arrive Seljuk lands.
This ignited fire of unrest is going
to stop Melik Shah's Kuvel campaign.
What's the unrest?
This is a crane.
Crane (Tuma) is a messenger
carrying great news to people.
We weave rugs with patterns of cranes
and hang them in our tents so that
..our house will always get great news.
Are you alright?
Do you have pain?
No, mother. I'm fine. Don't worry.
It often kicks these
days, keeps struggling.
Our crane also brought great news.
It means your baby will be born soon.
Thanks to Allah, they're back alive.
- Melik Shah?
- They saved Ali too.
Our Sultan is wounded.
Our Sultan and Ali are wounded.
They need to be healed quickly.
Take Ali to the healing tent.
We'll treat our Sultan in my tent.
Turna, take care of our Sultan personally.
Alaca, our Sultan bled too much.
Bring some molasses.
Wait. Our Sultan eats liver to
produce blood. Cook liver immediately.
I don't need that for now. Thank you.
Let it be treated first.
Then you'll know best
what will make me stronger.
Your arm is blood-soaked.
First I'll clean it and see
how deep it is, my Sultan.
My Sultan, get well soon.
When I heard you got wounded, I
took the palace doctors and came here.
The muscles between
the middle side got hurt.
The muscles which help the
wrist and the fingers move.
We need to treat it
with effective ointment.
Otherwise, you may not be able
to move your wrist or fingers again.
This wound
What about this wound, mother?
Do you know something?
Turna Hatun is needed for
the treatment. Others may leave.
I'm going to see Baturalp
Bey. He's expecting me.
You are a stranger.
Before you go in our Bey's
presence, walk over the fire.
Walk over the fire
So your evilness will be cleaned.
The man you expected here, my Bey.
When you sent me the message
I left the Kipchak land.
And I just arrived here.
You say my sister Basulu Hatun is alive.
She did all these to help
Melik Shah keep his sultanate.
But Melik Shah ignored her
and didn't let her in his palace.
And didn't let my nephews be heirs.
Is that so?
Ali is doing better. The
doctors say he will recover soon.
How is our Sultan's condition, Turna Hatun?
The head doctor made
ointment from french
lavenders and applied
on our Sultan's wound.
But we don't know how much it'll work.
If it doesn't heal completely
..our Sultan may not able to use his hand.
I'll go see my mother.
What are you doing, mother?
I’m preparing ointment
for your father's wound.
The head doctor already made
some and applied it, mother.
We’ll wait for it to take effect.
Don’t bother.
The ointment the head doctor
prepared is made with french lavenders.
French lavender ointment is
applied on everyone's wound.
But not everyone has the same body system.
Only ointment made with common marigolds
and vinegar will heal your father's wound.
MashaAllah, mother.
Many years passed but you still
remember everything about him.
Stop talking.
You're always close to him. But
neither of you knows nothing about him.
Let us help you then, mother.
- I don't want.
- Yes, mother. Let us help you.
You couldn’t learn your father's cure
for years and now you want to help?
Go mind your business.
I'll do what is necessary.
My precious
and dearest sister Basulu.
We let them get married just
because she loved Melik Shah.
While we were fighting with blood
against Seljuks, we made peace.
But Melik Shah couldn't
protecte her. He let her get exiled.
Besides, she’s left alone with our
nephew in her tribe for his sultanate.
Melik Shah still keeps
her in tribal corners.
He declared Sanjar as
a Melik only for show.
Although Tapar achieved so much
bravely, he didn’t declare him as his heir.
This openly means challenging
you Kipchaks, my Bey.
I came a long way from Kipchak
Land to bring Melik Shah to account.
He'll pay for not taking
Kipchaks into consideration.
I'll take my sister back and get one
of my nephews declared as the heir.
Sultan Melik Shah won't let that happen.
Then the peace will be broken completely.
Our army is waiting readily.
If Melik Shah doesn't declare
either of my nephews as the heir
If he doesn't let my sister come with us,
..there will be a war between
Kipchaks and Seljuks again.
And nobody will stop that.
A sneaky snake like you
..does nothing without
interests, Hassan Sabbah.
Tell me.
What's your interest in informing..
..and helping us about this?
Melik Shah's tyranny is making
us suffer terribly, my Bey.
I want us to unite and end this oppression.
I know what they can do.
We can support you with our swords, huh.
Are these your men?
They are my followers, my Bey.
They can help you whenever you want.
Why did you kill my
followers, Baturalp Bey?
I only trust my soldiers.
And I didn't want to leave any
witnesses back who saw you with me.
If I have a little doubt about you
you will face the same ending.
know that.
Sultan Melik Shah,
betrayed the peace we had.
Our Basulu Hatun was said to
be dead to protect his sultanate.
Our nephews were left ownerless.
And they couldn't get what they deserved.
Now the hostility between
Seljuk and Kipchak started again.
Now we will take Basulu Hatun
to our own lands, and will not
send her to Seljuq lands again.
If they attempt to stop us, we will
wage war against Sultan Melik Shah.
What is going to happen if
your ointment doesn't work?
Won't I be able to move my hand?
We need a more effective ointment for your
wound, but this is the best we could get.
Come, Basulu.
I prepared an effective ointment.
I want to apply it on your
wound if you allow me.
How do you know that this
ointment is going to heal?
You would come and
visit me when I was exiled
and pregnant to Sanjar.
Our enemies set a trap for you once.
You got over it and came.
But you were injured.
It was like this.
You weren't going to be
able to move your fingers
if we hadn't prepared
an effective wound.
You were pregnant.
but you went into the forest
collected herbs. found vinegar
and helped my wound.
I remember.
And thanks to you, I
could fight in Berzem war.
The day of Berzem.
deeper wounds were opened in our lives.
There is no wound
that can not be healed.
It’s enough if there is someone
who knows how to treat it.
The only cure of the wound
which gets deeper by years
is time.
You came to the tribe when
you were injured before.
And you didn’t drop your sword
even when you were injured.
While nobody could take it
I took it.
I saw you in the tent.
But I thought it was a dream.
You were really with me.
You knew how to heal me for years.
You cured all of my wounds.
And your voice
was also a healing for me.
I dropped my sword with a word of yours.
You said that the cure of the wound
which gets deeper for years is the time.
If years and ways get longer
this wound can not be healed.
Hurting the same wound
will not bring the ones who left back.
I heard that our Sultan got wounded.
Is the doctor taking
care of him in the tent?
He is in the tent.
But he is not with a doctor
he is with Basulu mother.
My Sultan, the doctor said
that you were badly injured.
If you wish, go to the
palace and have some rest.
The ointment which Basulu Hatun
put on my wound will be a healing soon.
There is no need for rest.
When I was injured and
laying down, in this tribe.
I saw my father Alparslan in my dream.
My son.
We do not fight simply for the
glory of conquest, we fight for Allah.
We spend our life to be worthy of
our Noble Prophet Efendi(Pbuh).
"Verily you shall conquer Constantinople
What a wonderful leader will he be, and
what a wonderful army will that army be!"
You must strive to become that commander.
I give you the strength to save
yourself from darkness, to stand up again.
That is all we fight for.
To be worthy of
that blessed news.
One day..
the flag of Muslim Turks
on the walls of this city.
To hear the Adhan Muhammad in its sky.
That is what I strive for.
My son.
Know that this conquest
will be the gift of Muslim
Turks, with the permission of Allah.
You took Anatolia
and brought our
borders to Constantinople.
Constantinople will be taken thanks to you.
Stand up because of that.
Get rid of the darkness.
Your goals are the strongest
light, they will lead the way.
When you fall, Ummah stricken with grief.
Get up for the Ummah that waits for you.
Get up to, stand against the enemy
that wishes to destroy the state.
He indicated Constantine
and gave me strength to rise.
Kuvel and the area around it
..are our targets before the Constantine.
We will focus on Kuvel war.
Kipchaks are coming.
When I heard that you were alive, I set
off from Kipchak steppes and came here.
You are in front of me now Thanks
to Him who brought us together.
Thanks to Him, brother.
I missed you a lot
A lot, my dear.
Where are my nephews?
You look like a lion, mashaAllah.
Everyone knows you for your eagle eyes.
You really have eagle
eyes and a body of a lion.
Welcome Baturalp.
Thank you Sultan Melik Shah.
You must be tired.
Go into the tent,
I will bring ayran for you
and cook some food.
I am not here to sit in the tent, sister.
I came here to take you.
We will go back to our lands together.
This is not your home
Kipchak land is your home.
Kipchak Bey Baturalp went to
Kinik tribe, Hazrat Sayyiduna.
Baturalp is going to be an
obstacle in Melik Shah's way.
Our followers checked the ways
in the forest that lead to Kuvel.
There are no Seljuq soldiers.
Even if Kipchaks can’t
stop Melik Shah's Kuvel war,
they will put it off for
some time at least.
And the soldiers that
the Emperor is going to
send will have arrived
in Kuvel by that time.
I should go back to Kuvel now.
Yes, Mitras. You will take action
when the Emperor sends his soldiers.
Let alone a war, Melik Shah is
barely going to save his own lands.
May God protect you.
What are you saying, Baturalp?
Why do you want to take Basulu?
We gave my sister to you
to let her be Hatun with a state.
But you couldn't
prevent her exile.
The people who were close to
you told you that she was dead
and you couldn't expose the truth.
And you are not giving her what she
deserves after she came up after years.
You didn’t even let my nephews be heirs.
Basulu got what she deserves.
And the heir issue is our internal affair.
And everyone obeyed our decisions.
This isn't the truth for
us, Sultan Melik Shah.
My nephews have been suffering
because of a dirty secret for years.
You declared Berkyaruq as
the heir and left them behind.
What you did to my sister and
nephews means literally ignoring us.
Baturalp, my decision
doesn't concern anyone.
And nobody can take away
the mother of my two sons.
We can, Sultan Melik Shah. We can.
You have no authority on my sister.
According to morals, my sister
belongs to us. I'll take her with me.
No matter what you do, I
won't leave her here to you.
Don't, Baturalp.
Nobody complains about Sultan's decision.
We don't accept Sultan Melik
Shah's authority on you, sister.
That's what our morals orders.
Even if you don’t want to
come, we’ll take you with us.
You're making a mistake, uncle.,
This will break the peace.
We'll go for Kuvel campaign
to crush heathen Byzantines.
What you've done will
turn us against each other.
We shouldn't turn against
each other instead of heathens.
Sultan Melik Shah has left
peace after what he has done.
We said what we said.
The heir must change.
My sister will come to
Kipchak Land with us.
And she'll never turn back here.
And you won't go for the
campaign until our matter is settled.
If you try to stop me
we'll come with my
army and take my sister.
Get this into your head, Sultan Melik Shah.
I won't give you either someone from
family or even a stone from my lands.
If you keep insisting
I'll think you broke the peace.
I'll give you such a thing in return that..'ll have no lives or
lands left to make peace again.
Pull yourself together.
Don't force me to
..shed the blood of brothers
instead of hitting the heathens.
Just as we were about to go for
Kuvel, this issue impeded the campaign.
If we go for it before
we settle Kipchak issue
we'll leave a huge danger
behind us, my Sultan.
If Kipchak army moves while we’re on
the campaign, we can't deal with them.
Get Baturalp followed, Haje.
If he doesn't leave our lands today,
I'll declare war.
Then we'll put forces on Kipchaks.
Kuvel Campaign is postponed for now.
There're no Seljuk soldiers on our way.
- We can go to Kuvel now.
- Good. Let's go start the preparations.
We’ll attack when the
emperor's soldier arrive.
Turks are set against each other.
We can attack with our present soldiers.
You think we need
the emperor's soldiers?
We do, Karius. We do.
When the emperor's
soldiers arrive,
we won’t only destroy Melik
Shah and his army
..but we'll also head for Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is a holy place for us.
My brother Marcus died for this cause.
While Turks are confused, we'll
go and take back what is ours.
Let's go.
Sultan Melik Shah's orders.
Remove your tent immediately.
Leave this land.
Our Baturalp Bey ordered
us to build tents here.
Without his orders,
we're not going anywhere.
You asked for this.
What's going on here?
Sultan Melik Shah ordered
you to leave our lands.
Remove your tent and leave.
Otherwise, he’ll declare war.
We're already here either to
take Basulu Hatun or to fight.
Arrest them.
I planted our plume of war on your land.
We’re afraid of nobody.
Sultan Melik Shah will come to
our tent to make a deal with us.
Until then, his soldiers
will be our captives.
Sultan Melik Shah won’t come
for the deal, but to take your heads.
If he sheds a drop of
blood here, it will be a
reason of war between
Kipchaks and Seljuks forever.
He can't go for a campaign
for Kuvel or anywhere else.
Go tell him now.
His soldiers will be our captives until
he comes here and gives me what I want.
And this plume of war won't
be removed from his land!
All of us risked our
lives for Kuvel campaign.
It's so bad that Kipchaks came here.
Aren't they Muslims too?
Why do they fight each other instead of
uniting against the enemy?
This is only an interest of mortal life.
It separates the ummah against the enemy.
The way things are
the enemies will take the world from us.
Because they can't unite
against the heathens,
..they will lose both this
world and the afterlife.
They don't have the foresight to see this.
Today, Kuvel campaign is
postponed. But tomorrow..
If they don't unite, Damascus,
Baghdad, Jerusalem
will be crushed under the enemy feet.
What makes us world conquerors is
that hold the rope
of Allah tightly
..and that we preserve our morals.
And that we give up the
interests of this world
..and sacrifice our lives
for the cause of Allah.
Whenever we did this,
the spring of union babbled.
The hands plugging this spring
aren't each other’s hands actually.
But the hands of the devil.
May Allah let us have the
foresight to see the devils
..and the power to get rid of them.
Our trouble didn't end for years.
My existence always
created issues for Melik Shah.
Because of me, Kuvel
attack got stopped now.
Baturalp is stubborn.
If Kipchak army comes
Kuvel attack will be totally ruined.
Don't upset yourself, mother.
You weren't a problem for our Sultan.
Contrarily, you suffered a lot
for his happiness and Sultanate.
I don't know, daughter. I think,
it's better if I go with Baturalp or not.
Our duty was always
doing sacrifices for this state.
I'd do this sacrifice too.
Just the attack to not stop.
Nothing should stop Melik Shah.
What leaving are you talking about, mother?
Nobody can take you. I'm sorry.
I don't even care Kipchaks or their laws.
While my uncle keeps staying here
he'll see the bigger return.
- May I come in, Melik Hazrat?
- Come in, Bozkus.
Baturalp took Seljuk soldiers as
hostages and hung a war flag, my Bey.
If Sultan Melik Shah
doesn't give what he wants
..he won't free the soldiers.
and he'll call Kipchaks to war.
He crossed the line now.
My father will go there
the moment he hears this.
- I'll go with him.
- Brother.
Hold on.
My father shouldn't go there.
Why not?
Can't you see, they're opening a war?
If my dad goes there, he'll take his head.
Then there will be a war
between us and Kipchaks.
Kuvel attack will be ruined.
We'll go there.
We'll take the captive soldiers
and give him time to leave.
That's the only thing to
do to not stop the attack.
Bozkus, send a message to the palace.
We'll take care of that. Our
Sultan shouldn't see Baturalp.
Yes, Melik Hazrat
Don't upset yourself.
Neither we'll leave you to them..
..not we'll bother the Kuvel attack.
Don't worry.
Kipchaks stopped the Kuvel
attack for nothing, my Sultan.
Nothing is more important that
state's peace and Kuvel attack now.
And Zubeyde Hatun stayed
with her son Berkyaruq for years.
What would happen if Basulu
Hatun stays with Kipchaks?
Are these two the same, Terken?
Zubeyde was with her son in these lands.
Basulu Hatun will go
to Kipchak lands forever.
What does make you think like this?
What would happen if Basulu
Hatun wasn't in our lives from now on?
Is the reason of you don't want to send her
because she's the mother of you boys or
The Great Seljuk Sultan
isn't helpless enough to give his
Meliks' mother because of a threat.
Nobody should be worried about Kuvel.
Even if Baturalp starts a war
we'll postpone the Kuvel
attack for a while. That's all.
Kuvel is our target for years.
We won't give up.
If that Kipchak man's tongue
gets longer, we'll cut it
or if he raises his head, we'll cut it.
We won't ruin our state's reputation.
Baturalp asked the heir
issue to be considered again.
There were some who aren't
happy with the heir decision.
It's good to think about
the heir again now.
Who are the ones who
didn't like my heir decision?
Or do you still keep
questioning my decision?
Not at all, my Sultan.
Basulu won't go.
I won't change my heir decision.
Basulu is the mother of my two sons.
Berkyaruq is my heir until I die.
That Baturalp will leave my lands.
Otherwise I'll take his head.
My Sultan.
The soldiers we sent to
warn Baturalp were captured.
Baturalp Bey hung his war flag.
If Sultan Melik Shah comes
here and give what we asked.
we'll free the soldiers
and not start a fire, he said.
How could that ignorant do that?!
If I go there, I'll go there to
tear his head. Doesn't he know?
Get the soldiers now.
He'll pay this with his head.
My Sultan.
Melik Sanjar sent news. He
went to Baturalp with Melik Tapar.
They'd take the soldiers
and warn him for the last time.
They asked us to leave this matter to them.
Will they make that dog to
pay for this by warning him?
I'll go save my soldiers and give
his punishment with my sword.
We allowed him to not shed brotherly
blood. He made us run out of patience.
He's responsible for the blood now.
They know you won't let them
without taking their heads, my Sultan.
But if you take his
head, Kipchaks will act.
Kuvel attack will be ruined.
To not bother Kuvel attack
they want to handle this.
That makes me crazy.
We spent days and nights for Kuvel attack.
Now, his ignorance
stopped all of us.
My Sultan, because of
someone's ignorance
let's not bother Kuvel attack.
I know you don't want
to shed brother blood.
Melik Sanjar and Melik Tapar will fix
this without bothering state's reputation.
But the order is still yours.
How could you dare to bend the
knees of Seljuk soldiers?! Free them!
Calm down, nephew.
What's this anger?
Nobody can bend the knees of my soldiers.
What do you think you're doing, uncle?
You took soldiers hostage
and threatened to start a war.
And called our Sultan to here.
Don't you know he'll take
your head if he comes here?
I'll give my head but
I don't give up on my law.
My sister Basulu Hatun belongs to us.
I'll take her to our lands.
Also, I came here to
defend your rights too.
- Being an heir is your right too.
- My dad gave the right to who deserves it.
We all accept my brother
Berkyaruq being the heir.
Don't make it any longer now.
Now, we'll take these soldiers.
And you'll go back to Kipchak lands.
No other solution.
We came here to save
you from our Sultan's fury.
Otherwise, blood will be
shed and a war will start.
Then Kuvel attack that we were
doing for a while will be ruined.
Won't you be disappointed when we
attack each other instead of infidels?
When the brothers shed each other's blood.
I don't care your attack. And the ones
who ignored the law can't be a brother.
You used my sister for
throne games for years.
Our honor can't accept that.
I won't give up on war or give the
prisoners without taking my big sister.
Who are you going to take?!
My mother doesn't even want to come.
The custom is above everyone's words.
Your father and Nizam Al
Mulk made my sister silent.
Of course, she doesn't say but when
we take her to our real homeland
she'll get the respect she deserves.
- Take the soldiers.
- Don't give them.
Take their heads if they don't give.
Our Sultan gave you a day.
If you free the soldiers, we'll
give you time until tomorrow.
You'll have a day to live.
Know that, in the war you want so much'll be against your sister's sons.
Your reputation among
Kipchaks will be ruined too.
If you resits, uncle
..we'll come to your lands with my mother.
But to ruin your army that you trust.
Then well hang Seljuk
flags there, know that.
- What will we do now, my Bey?
- Let's wait for tomorrow.
Of course we'll make a decision.
You don't have any right to talk about my
sister. She belongs to us according to law.
I'll take her. Do whatever you want
- we won't leave her here!
- What makes you do dedicated?
What would happen if Basulu
Hatun wasn't in our lives from now on?
Is the reason of you don't want to send her
because she's the mother of you boys or
- May I come in, my Sultan?
- Come in Haje.
News from Melik Tapar and Melik Sanjar.
They took the soldiers. They gave
Baturalp one day to leave our lands.
My sons.
They're working to not
stop the Kuvel attack.
If Baturalp starts a war
and stops the Kuvel attack
..I'll destroy him for my sons' right.
Our soldiers patrol near
Baturalp's tent at the forest.
Let us know his every move. If he
gives up on Basulu and leaves tomorrow
- we'll go to Kuvel attack.
- Yes, my Sultan.
Seyyiduna Hazrat.
My son.
We put you among Kipchaks many years ago.
We wanted you to be
Baturalp's helper and you did.
Now, when the
Seljuk-Kipchak war starts
the big share on what we'll
win because of this war is yours.
But there is another
issue, Seyyiduna Hazrat.
Sanjar and Tapar,
took the captive soldiers.
They threatened Baturalp.
They gave time until tomorrow.
- What did Baturalp say?
- He said we'll make a decision tomorrow.
But I got suspicious of him.
Baturalp made his mind but
he may think and change his decision.
If he changes his decision,
our plan will be ruined.
We can't let him think until tomorrow.
When the Kipchak soldiers
get shot with Seljuk arrows
he'll see that Melik Shah's threaten.
And he'll get mad.
Then he'll make the war decision
without waiting for tomorrow.
So kids. Where were we?
Oghuz Kagan made an
attack to the dark country.
He beaten the creatures
with dog heads there.
But one of Oghuz Kagan's Alps died.
His Hatun gave a birth
alone inside a tree's trunk.
Oghuz Kagan took that kid as his own kid.
And he named him Kipchak.
Kipcak grew up.
He became brave.
He conquered the north lands
with the order of Oghuz Kagan
He settled in there. Kipchak,
Uighur, Kalach, Karluk
and 24 Oghuz tribes.
All the names of Turk tribes
come from Oghuz Kagan.
All the names of Turk
come from Oghuz Kagan.
All the Turk tribes
from Altai to Danube
from Jerusalem to Anatolia
all over the world, they
knew it as their homes.
Turk lineage is a great plane tree.
Turk tribes are branches of this tree.
Some branches got offended to the tree.
They get dry.
A war starts between the brothers.
But the important thing
is to hold the roots tightly.
Because what makes us
brother is in these roots.
When you hold the roots tightly
the branches become green again.
The branches grow.
The tree gets longer.
The spring comes to the Turk lands again.
Just be united about our path, our essence.
Then, not a single hurricane
not a single fire
not a single attack
can ruin that plane tree.
When our state was established
the east and the west sides
of it were managed differently.
When Sultan Alp Arslan ascended
the throne, he ended this duality.
He united our state under
the shadow of a power.
the state can't live
only with unity of aim,
unity of politics or
unity of lands, Khayyam.
Unity of law is a must.
For a while, complains
came from people all over.
At every areas, they make different
decision about different religions.
It's a must to make
a constitution to end their troubles.
We'll be responsible of
the eras after us, Khayyam.
That's why, after
us, I decided to
make a constitution
to keep our justice.
My Sultan. Haje Hazrat wishes to see you.
My Sultan. Master Khayyam.
As you ordered, our lawmen
were working to make a constitution.
Thanks to Allah, they finished it today.
As you know, the most
complained topics are
property trade and women rights.
They found a way and proposed it to you.
What's the decision, Haje?
My Sultan, first
it's about harsh
precautions about false
witnesses and fraud
which became a lot lately.
According to the law
you can't seize the
debtor's properties easily.
The property owners won't
lose because of false witnesses.
Hatuns' Mahr right is protected.
It's more difficult to be a
witness against a woman.
Now, only one person's
testify wont be enough.
When there is a doubt,
to calm the hearts
and to stop the confusion,
they'll ask more evidence.
During all of your works
you got troubled with the trouble
of Hatuns and people of these lands.
You had prepared a constitution for them.
The justice comes from your
soul makes a lot of people refresh.
Not a single Seljuk Sultan
made a constitution before.
You're the first Seljuk
Sultan who makes a constitution.
One of the rare rulers on the
earth who prepares a constitution.
This is a historical action.
Inshallah. Inshallah. But
not our name but our
justice should be historical
that's enough for me.
My Sultan. Our lawmen
named this constitution
as Mesaili Melik Shahi.
It'll be knows as Sultan Melik
Shah's constitution all over the word.
The constitution should
be copied by clerks.
And send it to the Emirs on our
lands. Announce it to the people.
All the people on Seljuk lands
will be responsible
of this constitution.
Hacip Kamac.
So we'll make the
unity of law in our lands.
Justice is the foundation of sky.
Our laws should be solid..
so we won't lose our ground.
and the blue sky won't collapse on us.
Seljuk soldiers are
patrolling the forest, my Bey.
Will they do anything bad to us?
They can't dare to do anything bad.
They gave us time until tomorrow.
We'll think well.
If they do anything bad before tomorrow
they'll pay it heavily.
My Bey!
They killed our soldiers!
What are you saying?!
These are Seljuk arrows.
I told you, they'd do
something bad, my Bey.
It seems like they're
threatening us to leave quickly.
They want to scare us
by killing our soldiers.
And they were telling
stories about brotherhood.
Even the infidels don't do this.
No need to wait for tomorrow anymore.
My decision is final.
The Kipchak-Seljuk war will start.
Now, they'll see the real threat!
Move! We're going
to attack the plain.
Dedicating yourself to great
Imam's way, the best way of praying.
There were some when
they faced with the devil
they didn't stop fighting and
saying great Imam's name to them.
Faysal and many more offered
their lives to Great Imam's cause.
They lived for Batinis
when they were buried
even the soil got sad.
Seyyiduna Hazrat.
We fulfilled your order.
We killed two Kipchak
soldiers with Seljuk arrows.
Very well. Very nice.
Now, Baturalp will ruin Seljuk
lands like a war hurricane.
Melik Shah's Kuvel attack will be ruined.
And our attack to Seljuk lands will begin.
We gave time to my uncle until tomorrow.
Inshallah, he won't stop our Kuvel
attack by starting a war between brothers.
Don't make yourself sad.
We survived many troubles.
We'll survive this too, evelallah.
Inshallah, my son.
If Kuvel attack gets delayed
because of Baturalp
your efforts will be wasted.
I can't forgive myself.
Kipchaks are coming, Melik Hazrat.
What happened, uncle? You're
coming here at the middle of the night.
My two soldiers were killed at the forest.
I came here to ask about it.
How do you know we did it?
They were murdered with these arrows.
They have Seljuk seal on them.
And Sultan sent his soldiers to the forest.
You did it to warn us.
Sultan Melik Shah isn't someone
who scares people like that, Baturalp.
There is a game.
Don't lose yourself.
Enough protecting that man, sister.
You can't even see open things
because he made you blind.
He killed my soldiers.
You gave us time until tomorrow
and you betrayed.
Time is over now.
Either I'll take my sister and leave now
- or the war will start.
- Enough, uncle.
They set up a trap to
shed blood in between us.
It seems like you went blind.
Watch your mouth, Sanjar.
If you're a Melik
my Bey is the Kipchak Bey.
It's clear who shed the blood.
I didn't shed that blood but I
shed the first blood in between us.
If you keep talking like
that, I'll cut your tongue.
Even though you shed
blood, give my sister
and this will be closed, I said.
Since you're not doing
it, the war is started now.
I send the other arrow
to Sultan Melik Shah.
He and you should know this well..
if my sister doesn't come to us
we'll come with our army and
take my sister next to your lives.
Ah, Baturalp.
He did it.
He'll ruin everything now.
They'll want to take my mother no
matter what. Increase the precautions.
Yes, Melik hazrat.
We were preparing for Kuvel attack.
But it didn't happen.
After now
the Kuvel attack is stopped.
Here, son. Eat this
too so you can grow.
- Where is my Fatima daughter?
- Sleeping, my Sultan.
My Sultan. Forgive me for interrupting
your meal but there is something important.
- What happened, Haje?
- Two Kipchak soldiers were murdered.
There were our arrows.
Baturalp Bey sent one of the arrows.
We questioned our patrolling
soldiers but they didn't do it.
Doesn't that Baturalp know
we don't do this kind of thing?
It's clearly a game. How
could he believe that?
He's already like this, my
Sultan. He won't believe us.
Sending arrow shows that he'll open a war.
While we were aiming at
Kuvel, he made himself a target.
Hell pay the price.
Send news to our army,
Haje. Kuvel attack is postponed.
Soldiers should hold
the gates at the north.
We'll prepare for the war with Kipchaks.
Then we'll move to Kuvel.
Will a lot of people die
for one Basulu Hatun?
All the preparations
will be ruined for Kuvel.
Now, it's time to make
a sacrifice for the state.
If Basulu hatun goes to the
Kipchak lands with her brother
- all the issue will end.
- What?
We have to take care of Basulu right now.
Sanjar must have taken
precautions at the plain.
But Kipchaks will come with their armies.
Baturalp will do everything
to take back Basulu.
The most secured place for
Basulu is the palace now, my Sultan.
We should take her to the palace.
Otherwise we may lose Basulu.
Send a messenger to
the plain tomorrow, Haje.
Basulu Hatun will be at
the place tomorrow night.
From now on
Basulu hatun will live at the palace.
Yes, my Sultan.
Come on. Come on. Drink up.
Come on. Fill it up.
- Commander Mitras!
- Long live commander Mitras!
Drink, my heroes.
Tonight is our night.
The blood is in between Turks tonight.
They'll cut each other with the
swords they sharpened for us.
Melik Shah will never take Kuvel!
This is the achievement of our sharp minds.
Long live commander Mitras!
Long live commander Mitras!
Once, Romanos Diogenes
said to Alp Arslan
we'll wash your horses in our capital.
Maybe he couldn't do it. But we
by killing Alp Arslan's
son Melik Shah
we'll do it. We'll hang their
dead ones on our bell towers.
Drink my heroes! Just
like drinking Turks' blood!
Father of my two children.
From the only love of my life.
We were together
around the fire of our love.
We keep our fire alive, my Rab.
There is no wound
without the cure.
Just need someone how to make it.
The wound which got deeper after years
the only cure for that is the time.
Even though you shed
blood, give my sister
and this will be closed, I said.
Since you're not doing
it, the war is started now.
I send the other arrow
to Sultan Melik Shah.
He and you should know this well..
if my sister doesn't come to us
well come with our army and
take my sister next to your lives.
For the cure of our heart wound..
they didn't even give
us time, Melik Shah.
I always be a trouble for you.
Again, because of me
I won't let them stop you.
We did everything to get rid of Basulu
and Melik Shah brought her to our face.
And she'll live at the palace now.
Will I stay silent against this?!
If that woman comes to the palace,
she'll get support from her Melik sons.
Even Melik Shah's feelings may come alive.
I will never allow it.
What do you think to do?
I'll set up such a trap
she'll never come to this palace.
Send a word to our
Kharakanid men, Tajul Mulk.
They should send soldiers
as many as we want.
They should meet at the forest
and then I'll go there to give the duty.
Everywhere will be mixed up with the
move we'll make against Basulu Hatun.
A war between Seljuk and Kipchak
we can't know where
it'll lead us, Terken Hatun
The only war I care
the war I fight for my son's future.
And that will lead to my total domination.
I gave my years to this palace, Tajul Mulk.
I buried my kids under
ground with my hands.
And I didn't give up.
From now on, everything and
everyone that come to my face
I'll cut them without mercy.
Did you prepare the room for Basulu?
Yes, Zubeyde Hatun.
As you ordered, we prepared
it suitable for Sultan's Hatun.
Good evening, Zubeyde Hatun.
We were following the man
who looked like Tajul Mulk.
We asked. We didn't
see anything suspicious.
We still need to be alert.
And now, Terken Hatun got so mad
that Basulu Hatun will come to the palace.
We never know what she can do.
You are right.
Haje Hazrat.
We're following Emir
Tajul Mulk as you ordered.
We learned that he sent a pigeon.
But we couldn't learn where he sent it.
You just said she was mad that
Basulu will come to the palace.
Will they do something about that?
The pigeon that Tajul Mulk
sent might be about that.
If we follow all of Terken
Hatun's connections
we'll learn if she makes a move.
You're already following Tajul Mulk's men.
I'll follow Terken's loyal men.
Then we'll learn what
she is doing for sure.
Good evening.
After the secret revealed, there is
nothing bad left that didn't happen.
Just because Basulu
Hatun doesn't want to go
Kipchaks are starting
a war against Seljuk.
That woman suffered a lot for
this state, for my dad and for me.
She wanted to leave
just to not bother the state.
But we couldn't let her and we won't.
If you want to talk about my mother,
first, sacrifice as much as she did.
What are you saying, Tapar?
- I was saying that for the state
- You were talking because of your grudge.
What did my mother do to
you other than goodness?
What did she do? You're keep
talking badly since she came out.
- Ta.. Tapar.
- With that Terken Hatun's mind
you are acting. I
know it. But know this
she can't even be the
dust of my mother's shoes.
And if you keep being like
this; Your value will be like her.
You tried to insult my
mother with her words.
You didn't even kiss my mother’s
hand because of her mind.
I didn't say anything to
not ruin our family's peace.
But there is no more forgiveness.
Pack your stuff and go to another room.
Our rooms will be separated
when we return to Shalamzar.
If you don't come to your senses,
you won't have any place next to me.
You're making impulsive decisions, Tapar.
Don't do that. What's this separation?
I can't stay away from you.
The ones who doesn't respect my
mother, doesn't respect me either.
And the one who doesn't
respect me can't be with me.
Get another room for Gevher Hatun.
She'll stay there from now on.
Come on.
Give me.
Turna Hatun
The soldier came from
the palace with a message.
- Tell me.
- Sultan Melik Shah's order.
Melik Sanjar, his
mother and his wife will
be at the palace until
Kipchak danger is over.
Thank you. Melik Sanjar,
Basulu mother and I
will come to the palace quickly.
Let's inform Basulu mother.
Basulu mother was there?
She'd never leave there.
- Where did she go?
- I don't know, my Hanim.
But I didn't see her for a while.
Who are you?
Basulu Hatun.
- Is Baturalp Bey in the tent.
- Yes, Basulu Hatun. Please.
Welcome sister.
Come to my tent.
The army hit the road to
fight Sultan Melik Shah.
- Is that right?
- Yes, sister.
They didn't give me another choice.
If I go back to Kipchak lands with you
will you stop the army?
Will you stop being an
obstacle for Sultan Melik Shah?
Yes, sister.
I'll not bother him again.
I won't stay against.
Okay then.
Send a message to stop the army.
I'll go with you and live in Kipchak lands.
And you won't bother Sultan Melik Shah.
Send a message to stop the army.
No more war.
We'll return to Kipchak lands
with my sister Basulu Hatun.
Kipchaks acted from the north.
They're coming at us.
We have to postpone the war preparations.
We'll continue after we finish this.
First, we'll beat
Kipchaks. We should take
Kuvel and hang them
on the walls but anyway.
He's from plain's Alps, Melik Hazrat.
Turna Hatun sent me, MeliK
hazrat. Basulu Hatun left the plain.
She took her stuff with her.
Nobody knows where she went.
Our Sultan called us to the
palace. Maybe she went there.
She left the plain before
Sultan's messenger.
Basulu hatun doesn't
know Sultan called her.
She was blaming herself.
When she heard
preparations were stopped
She got her things
and went to my uncle.
She'll go to Kipchaks lands to stop
the war. Let's stop her. Come on.
You're still going to
talk to Baturalp and
giving him a chance even
though he started a war.
Instead of fighting against infidels
because of Baturalp's
stubbornness, all the blood will be shed.
Now it's time to think
about our cause not our ego.
I'll go talk to him. If he insists
I'll start the Kipchak
war with taking his head.
My Sultan.
Did you tell Basulu Hatun
to come to the palace?
My Sultan. Basulu Hatun
left there before I arrive.
Nobody knows where she went.
She left this for you.
My love for you never turned into ashes.
But I see my state and our
path higher than our love.
That's why, I accepted separation
for years and I mad the sacrifice.
My share is to make another
sacrifice for you and for your case.
I'm going to the Kipchaks lands.
To end the war, to stop
shedding brother blood.
You just not stop your Kuvel aim.
Even if I'm afar, yours and our sons'
achievements will give me happiness.
This cure named time
wasn't enough to help us.
Now there is another crossroads of destiny.
My sons are entrusted to you.
And you're entrusted to Allah.
What is Basulu Hatun saying, my Sultan?
Won't we go to talk to
Baturalp Bey, my Sultan?
No need to talk anymore.
News from our follower next to
Baturalp, Seyyiduna Hazrat.
Basulu hatun will go to
Kipchak lands with Baturalp.
Baturalp ordered to stop the war.
When we make a move, they make too.
But I won't give up. This war
between Kipchaks and Seljuks will start.
What's your order, Seyyiduna?
Get all of our followers.
We'll make our last move.
We shot two Kipchak soldiers yesterday.
Now, we'll shoot Baturalp and
his soldiers and even Basulu.
Their dead bodies will
start the war we want.
There is no tent!
They left. It's clear
they took my mother too.
The ashes are fresh.
They couldn't be far.
Let's go after them.
We'll go north.
If they pass the border,
we can't take my mother.
Let's hit the road, come on.
Baturalp will come here.
Now, we'll attack them with Seljuk arrows.
When the fight ends, we'll
leave the signs of Seljuk.
Kipchaks will think Seljuk made this.
And then they'll start
a war to take revenge.
Take your positions.
We came here because of Terken
Hatun's order. What will she order?
We don't know either. Terken
Hatun will say when she arrives.
- What's happening?
- Trap!
I understood Terken was doing something.
So you brought soldiers from Kharakanids.
This is sheer espionage
and betrayal of the state.
You and Terken will pay the price.
She caught our soldiers and
the ones from Kharakanids.
We did what we've been
ordered at Kharakanids.
We don't care your state affairs.
- We won't surrender to you.
- But I
will take your head!
Arrest them all!
Tell me. Terken called you for which duty.
We don't know. She was going to say.
Then she’ll say that to
the Sultan at the palace.
I'll take you all to the palace.
Terken, by knowing that it's a betrayal,
put Kharakanid soldiers inside the state.
There is no escape from that crime.
I'll end you now, Terken.
Zubeyde ruined everything.
That's not good at all, Tajul Mulk.
Not at all.
We're close to passing the border, sister.
When we pass it, nobody can stop us.
So you're going back to the
Kipchak lands, Baturalp Bey.
What are you doing on my way?
I'm done with you.
- Get out of my way.
- That's Hassan Sabbah.
What is this, Baturalp!?
are you working with this devil?
There are things you don't know, sister.
And they're not important anymore.
Let's go our own way.
how could you work
with this devil, Baturalp?
Don't you know he's our enemy?
- I’ll kill you.
- Hold on, sister.
This dog must have set up a trap.
Otherwise he doesn't help.
It's nice to listen your
elders, Baturalp Bey.
But it's so late for you.
What is that mean?
The fire I made you fall in is nothing.
The real fire will come to
these lands when you are dead.
Seljuks and Kipchaks will make
that fire bigger with each other blood.
You You said you were helping me.
But you set up a trap.
I'll cut your head.
I protected and raised you as my own son.
So you supposed to give me
the poisonous fruit of betrayal.
Baturalp. Hang on, brother.
This is the end.
I'll start with Baturalp's head.
Let's see who will save you from me.
I'll save.
Son of Alp Arlsan, Melik Shah.
- And us too.
- Sultan Melik Shah's sons.
You attack too! Don't stop!
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