Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e34 Episode Script

Bug City

Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
Lookin' snazzy.
JP's Fine Creek
Boutique Bracelets
are very "flashionable",
if I do say myself.
That's flashy and fashionable,
by the way.
All we need
are some more gemstones.
-I found a ruby!
-Ooh, really?
Oh, nope, no.
It's just an eraser.
[ Grunts ]
come check this out.
Wait. What is it?
Can't be better than an eraser.
Way better
than an eraser.
It's a whole bug town.
Dang, there's ants, beetles,
pincher bugs, other beetles.
Ooh, there's a bunch
of pill bugs!
I call those roly-polies.
I call them
little dirt biscuits.
I'm gonna call this one Pillip.
Man, there's so much
going on down there.
Beep beep!
Hey, dingus!
Watch where you're going!
You drive like a maniac!
I have an idea.
Split this apple with me!
-Oh, yeah!
Wait, wait, wait!
Come on, bud, eat up!
Grow strong, mighty warrior.
Whoa, they love it!
I think one of them
looked at me!
Which one?
That one,
the grateful-looking one!
Oh, yeah, I see him.
They like me.
Especially you, Pillip.
Oh, Mortimer!
I know
you want a better look,
but we don't want
to scare the bugs
because most birds
would want to eat them.
Bernard: Wow, I can't believe
you're gonna build this.
Jojo: Well, it all depends
what the senator says.
Careful, you're getting
strong now.
I didn't know you were coming
to visit us.
And you brought me
a gift.
I'm sorry, sweetie.
This isn't for you.
It's a model for a project
I'm working on with the rest
of the city council.
It's a beautiful library,
I can see so much learning
happening inside of here.
Why look, a young mind
just discovered
Anyways, why'd you
bring it here?
I'm spending the night here
so that I can go into DC
to meet with our senator.
I'm going to ask him to help us
better our city
and build
this library!
Oh, I'll fix it.
Well, look at that.
Too bad I can't hire you
to build the library for me.
But if some bugs
ever need some help,
I'll know who to call.
I'm gonna better this bug town
and turn it into a bug city.
Craig, you freak of the creek,
you did it.
Well, due to the sudden gem
drought we appear to be having,
I found something else to add
some shine to my bracelets.
All of the candy is
sustainably sourced
from the bottom
of my mom's purse.
Dare I strive for
such beauty?
Hey, guys!
Come check this out!
I present to you
Bug City.
Let's take a tour,
shall we?
We've got a public
transportation system.
A four-star luxury pool
and spa!
And the world-famous
Craig Art Museum!
Not a lot of patrons yet.
Aww, he likes it.
And he brought
a friend.
And let's not forget
about the park,
complete with a statue
of the city's founder.
Go ahead.
Climb anything you want!
Oh, watch the face,
watch the face.
Well, it really looks like
everyone's having a good time!
Except for that guy, who's
getting devoured by a spider.
Uh, I think that was there
before I started.
Well, you incorporated it
beautifully, my friend.
What the --
Ah, dang it, Bobby!
You quit eating my bracelets!
Get! Get!
Get, get, get, get!
Drop it, Bobby!
Get the spray bottle!
He hates that!
[ Screeches ]
[ Screams ]
What are you doing?!
What kind of sick animal
eats bugs?
Leave him alone!
He's just a bird!
That's what they do!
please don't be mad at me!
I'm so sorry.
Pillip, you understand.
Oh, no, Pillip's gone.
Oh, wait,
that's not Pillip.
There's Pillip!
I'm so glad you're okay.
I swear,
I'll make this better.
Oh, hey, no, Bobby, no!
N-- Drop it!
Bad Bobby!
Jojo: I can't believe
the senator rescheduled.
We've had this meeting set up
for months.
It could be a whole year
until I get another chance.
And that's another summer
where the kids don't have
a place to go when school's out.
Sorry, Mom.
I thought this would be more
of a celebratory dessert.
I guess it's
a little bittersweet now.
So let's put these scoops
on some cookies!
Um, Grandma,
what do you do
when your town is threatened
by something dangerous?
Like a storm or a flood
or a giant bird?
Do you mean like a big pigeon
or something?
A really big pigeon
that eats people.
Honey, are some birds at school
giving you trouble?
My guy, let's let Grandma
enjoy her dessert.
She's had a long day.
But I'm serious,
This is a question that only a
city council grandma can answer.
It's all right, Duane.
my philosophy is
you use the power you have
to help how you can.
Whenever I'm confronted
by any giant obstacle,
I buckle down and try my hardest
to fight
for the people
that believe in me.
You know what?
I'm gonna call
that senator again
and demand
another meeting!
Citizens of Bug City --
as your leader,
I take responsibility for the
Great Bird Attack of Tuesday.
But if you stick with me,
I promise nothing
will ever harm you again!
Or my name isn't supreme
bug helper Craig Williams.
Kelsey, JP.
My newest creation
is complete!
I call it Neo Bug City 3000.
-Oh, wow.
It's fortified
with aluminum foil,
rigid soda-can walls,
and a plastic bin that nothing
in nature can get through.
I'll keep all of my subjects
safer than safe.
Do you feel safe, Pillip?
Do you?
I hope you know
Craig loves you.
Uh, Craig?
You guys,
she liked my speech!
Oh, wow,
that's really great.
So we're worried
about him, right?
Hey, Craiggy.
JP and I are gonna go try
and sell some jewelry
at the Trading Tree.
Cool. I'm just gonna stay here
to protect my city
and make sure
all the bugs live forever.
Well, maybe you should
take a break, though,
at least to get food
for your citizens.
they do need supplies.
Orange slice
For my buggy babies
My bugs,
I have returned.
[ Gasps ] What?!
They're leaving me!
W-Where are you going?
Was the school system
no good?
The metro overcrowded?
Do you want more food?
I-I can get more,
I promise!
Why don't you like my city?
[ Crying ]
I thought I had done
everything right.
Pillip, you tell them!
Wait. Where's Pillip?
[ Gasps ]
You too, Pillip?!
Maybe --
maybe your bug friends
weren't so into all
the stuff you're into?
Yeah, uh, bugs have
unique needs, Craig.
It was perfect and beautiful!
There we go.
Now let's take you back
to Neo Bug City 3000
where you belong.
[ Chomp! ]
They bit me!
A revolt!
Grandma, are you
leaving me, too?
The senator finally agreed
to fund my project.
So I've got to
head back home.
Something wrong?
Want to tell me
about it?
Grandma, have you ever had
the citizens of your town
rise up against you, bite you,
then make you fall in the mud?
Honeybun, what on Earth
are you talkin' about?
I did like you told me.
I used my power
to build a city for bugs.
And they liked it.
But then the city got attacked
by a bird,
so I made them
an even better city.
But then all the bugs
tried to escape, and one bit me,
and I guess that's technically
a violent revolt
and now the bugs
don't love me anymore.
A bug city.
Yes, now things make
slightly more sense.
Craig, I think it's great
you were doing
what you could
to help out.
Yeah, I wanted
to be like you.
So why did the bugs
have to turn against me?
the people in my town
tell me what problems
they need fixing.
Your bugs can't really
tell you their problems
well, they're bugs.
I named my favorite one
you got a good heart.
You want to
help those bugs?
Let 'em be bugs.
And besides,
they're not constituents,
they're "constitu-ants"!
That was a good one.
Hey, Duane, come walk
your mama to the car!
I got a knee slapper
that'll really get ya!
Oh, I got to hear this!
But, Craig,
what about the bugs?
Bug City was never really
for the bugs.
It was for me.
They don't need it,
and neither do I.
You think those bugs
will be alright?
Yep. They're back to living
the way they want to.
Uh, I think he means the ones
you dropped the rock on.
Oh, uh, yeah.
They're bugs.
They'll be fine.
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
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