Fireworks of My Heart (2023) s01e34 Episode Script

Making Choices

(Adapted from the web novel "Waiting for You in a City")
(Fireworks of My Heart)
(Episode 34)
Did he say anything?
What could he say?
He already couldn't make it in the car.
He said it hurts.
He said he was in pain.
He didn't say anything else.
How are we going to answer to his parents?
How are we going to answer to his parents?
Song Yan.
Song Yan.
Song Yan!
Are you okay?
Xu Qin.
I don't think I can promise you anymore.
What's wrong?
I can't let him die in vain,
no matter what it takes.
There might be changes
to what I promised you.
You can say that I go back on my word
and I am irresponsible.
That I lied to you.
Don't say that.
Song Yan, don't say that.
Are you disappointed?
Is this how life is?
This is how life is with me.
Help me.
(Shilitai Fire Station History Museum)
I've checked.
It wasn't an accident.
Do you know who owns that building?
I don't care who owns it.
Those scums
risked lives
just to save a few million on a multi-million yuan project.
Guokun Group
belongs to the Meng family.
The news about non-compliance with fireworks and firecrackers
is all over the Internet.
Together with our report,
Guokun Group will be in big trouble.
(Zhan Da Peng, First Merit)
The sky won't collapse.
Three people died.
One of them was a firefighter.
It's all over the Internet now.
Things on the Internet
go as quickly as they come.
They're all bandwagoners.
But I still find this incident
rather strange.
Mr. Gu pays attention to quality.
Why would he make a junior mistake
on this matter?
Mr. Meng, the driver is here.
Don't worry.
Tell Mr. Gu's people
to take care of it.
Talk to the right people.
Do some PR.
Problems that can be solved with money
are not problems.
I'll do it myself.
See you.
Your phone.
Don't worry too much.
- Sir, please leave. - I
Please leave.
- You can't go in. - Please leave.
Who are you?
Some of our colleagues are injured at work.
I'm representing the company
to visit them.
This is the emergency room.
Visitors are not allowed.
We have something very important
that we need to discuss
with our injured colleagues.
Also, I've already talked to your hospital's Mr. Liu.
It won't take long.
There are rules in the emergency room.
No one is allowed in.
How about this?
Call your superior to confirm it.
I'm busy.
The patients' dressings are waiting to be changed.
Let's go.
This is the message from Mr. Liu.
Read it yourself.
Dr. Xu.
Your superior
All right.
We'll come back
at a more convenient time.
Ms. Meng.
I am Mr. Wang,
Mr. Gu's secretary.
I paid a visit to your house with Mr. Gu.
We've met before.
I'm sorry.
I don't remember much.
It's okay.
Ms. Meng.
Mr. Wu?
Here's the thing.
These injured workers
are from the same project of our company.
Mr. Wang and I are here
to understand the situation.
Could you arrange for us to meet as soon as possible?
The site where the fireworks caught fire
belongs to Guokun?
It was an accident.
Since this happened,
we're all very anxious.
We hope that you
can help us make the arrangements.
(Work together to eliminate fire hazards)
(Participate in building a safe society)
(Zhan Da Peng)
Da Peng left this.
Dear Old Zhan
and Madam Hua.
I won't be able to go home this Lunar New Year
and spend it with you.
I know you must miss me.
I miss you too.
There are a lot of firefighters who haven't been home
for about six years for the Lunar New Year.
You'll have to get used to me
not being around.
I have good news for you.
I went into the fire to carry out my mission.
The real fire is nothing like
the fire I imagined.
It's way hotter.
I couldn't see anything clearly.
you don't have to worry about your son.
It's because I'm amazing.
I got first place in the evaluation.
Our station got first place too
in the city's martial arts competition.
We were so cool.
He's our chief, Mr. Song.
He's awesome.
But in the future, your son
will be even more awesome.
There's one more piece of good news that I want to tell you.
I'm seeing someone.
She's great.
When the time comes,
I'll bring her home to meet you.
Handsome me.
Beautiful Li Nan.
I can't cry.
Da Peng wouldn't want me to be sad.
But he
My heart
It hurts so much.
Da Peng.
Were you in a lot of pain
at the end?
(Zhan Da Peng)
What's wrong?
Yang Chi.
- Yang Chi. - What's wrong?
What's wrong?
File this in time for future reference.
- Okay. - Instructor.
Look at this comment.
It says the victims were killed
because the fire department were improperly commanded
and misjudged the fire.
And this one.
It's even weirder.
It says the firefighter who died was too young
and inexperienced.
What the heck?
That's enough. Ignore these haters.
Yes, I can ignore them.
One or two lunatics are fine.
But the comments about the fire?
Keep reading.
There are comments like this
with so many likes.
Yang Chi, calm down.
They're most probably not real comments.
They must be trolls hired
to create a ruckus.
What trolls?
Don't we know how Da Peng was sacrificed?
We all know.
Can't the higher-ups make a statement?
Why are they letting these trolls troll us like this?
The investigation is ongoing.
The result will be out soon.
Let's not panic.
We have to believe in the organization.
Trust the eyes of the public.
The innocent won't be guilty.
won't be buried.
- Yes. - Yes.
You're right. We understand the logic.
- But when I look at this - Then don't look at it.
Let's go back first.
(Report regarding the fire at Guokun Group's Junguang Square)
See this?
It's the third call today.
Each one is more powerful than the last.
They all told me not to make a big deal
and not to mention the fire safety
or the insulation.
They want us to mind our own business.
They think as long as there's money.
They can do anything.
You should be careful too. Even a worm will turn.
I'm not afraid of anything.
We made a deal.
This report,
we'll sign it together.
Have you thought about Xu Qin?
Before I was with her,
I felt like I could give her everything.
Now that we're together, I realize
that I haven't given her anything.
Actually, I'm afraid
that I would owe her.
I'm also afraid
that I know I'd owe her,
but I still want to.
Are you okay?
Dr. Xu.
I regret it.
Regret what?
That day,
if I hadn't said those things to him,
if I had gone to the movies
or had a meal with him,
maybe things wouldn't have been like this.
How could that be the last time I saw him?
Why was it the last time I saw him?
I have to get back,
so I'll keep it short.
This fire is especially serious.
Part of the reason
is the fire station found a loophole.
But the greater responsibility lies with the owner of the site.
That is
Meng family's Guokun Group.
I never get involved
with the family business.
Based on the investigation I've done so far,
the situation doesn't look good for them.
How are you going to handle it?
I'll tell the truth.
That's your responsibility.
I have nothing to say.
A lot of people came to talk to me
and told me not to trouble others
nor make trouble for myself.
That I should turn a blind eye.
Can you do that?
You can't.
There's a line you can't cross.
Once you step over it,
it'll all go downhill.
What happens after that
won't go the way you first imagined.
Because people
are just animals
that keep making excuses for themselves.
When you take that first step
to go against your original intention,
your original intention will never return.
What's wrong?
I think you're really nice.
I'm not that nice.
I'm a little selfish too.
For example?
For example, I also wonder
if you'll betray your principles
for me.
You don't have to do it.
But it feels like
if you do,
it would prove something.
But Da Peng
died at such a young age.
If you had ignored the victim
and you didn't care about the truth,
you would've been horrible.
That's not the person I like.
There's a lot at stake in this incident.
It's complicated.
If it's not handled well,
my promise to you
I know you have to do the right thing.
But it's so hard.
I can't imagine
what will happen to my family.
Nor can I imagine what will happen to you.
Your career.
Your future.
Our future.
Just thinking about it
suffocates me.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have dragged you into this.
We've worked so hard all this time.
But why do accidents and obstacles keep happening?
The future will be fine, right?
Song Yan.
It will be fine, right?
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
I'm just sad.
Why is the path to move forward so hard
for a good person like you?
It is hard indeed.
But don't worry.
I'll take care of this matter.
I won't let you down.
Stop knocking.
Mr. Gao isn't in?
He is.
But he can't see you now.
We want to talk to him
before the meeting.
He doesn't want to influence your judgment.
The Investigation Unit is here too.
As your direct leader,
he should avoid suspicion.
Those people even talked to Mr. Gao?
They're quite forceful.
Mr. Gao isn't one who backs down.
I believe that.
He has a message for you.
No matter what decision you two make,
he'll support you.
This is not the time to be in the limelight.
What was the cause of the fire?
Who's responsible for what?
The Investigation Unit will get to the bottom of it.
Don't make things hard for yourself.
So I should pretend that I'm mute?
I won't.
Think about yourself.
My late comrade was only 22!
He was also my comrade. It breaks my heart too.
Don't you get it? The nail that sticks out gets hammered down!
That's enough. Cut the crap.
- Sir. - Yes. You're here.
You're all here.
Stop dawdling.
Sit down for the meeting.
(Chen Gou He)
This time,
there was a major fire incident.
Three died and ten were injured.
One of our firefighters
was also killed.
The impact is severe.
Mr. Gao.
Brief us.
Yes, sir.
On February 4th,
at 9:27pm,
the command center
received an emergency call.
There was a fire at the construction site
of Junguang Square.
The command center immediately dispatched
27 fire trucks
from five fire stations
to put out the fire.
The first fire truck
arrived at the scene
at 9:42 am
and immediately began to extinguish the fire
and search for and rescue the trapped.
At around 2:10am on February 5th,
the fire was almost put out.
How did the fire start?
Based on our preliminary investigation,
to celebrate the completion
of Junguang Square,
they illegally purchased and set off fireworks
that exceed the standard,
igniting the flammable materials in the building,
thus causing this huge fire.
The main responsibility
lies on the contractors.
They are the ones
who caused this huge fire,
resulting in such a huge economic loss
and loss of lives.
Mr. Chen.
The fireworks
were just the cause of the fire.
But the fire spread quickly,
causing flashover and collapse.
In such a short time,
it became a three-dimensional combustion.
There must be a problem
with the building's materials itself.
I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the materials.
They comply with the building design
and fire codes.
If it's just ordinary materials that caught fire,
how could there be a flashover?
My team couldn't evacuate at all.
Fire situations
are complicated and variable.
The details of the situation
are still under investigation.
But one thing is clear.
The fire prevention supervisor of Junguang Square
did spot checks.
They passed every time.
Which fire station
was the first to arrive?
Sir, it was Wufang Street Station.
Let me add two things.
the firefighting facilities in the building
weren't of help.
there was a lot of smoke at the scene.
It wasn't normal.
Before the flashover,
if it hadn't been for Mr. Song's accurate judgment,
my team and I would have been in mortal danger.
You wrote this report,
didn't you?
Tell us
the content of your report.
After the fire broke out at the exterior of the building,
the fire went from the outside in
and from the bottom up
until it reached the 12th floor of the building.
It ignited a large quantity
of substandard insulation piled up in the corridor
and created a large amount of toxic fumes.
At the scene, I saw
that the insulation panels were filled with styrofoam,
an obviously substandard insulation material.
That's an important reason
for the rapid three-dimensional combustion.
the construction unit
stacked and placed all kinds of flammable building materials.
The fire prevention measures on-site
were in vain.
The impact of the fire is very bad.
The death of a firefighter
has attracted a lot of attention
from the public.
We must investigate it as soon as possible,
identify responsibility,
and make a decision
to answer the public
as soon as possible,
as well as give an explanation
to the family of our fallen comrade.
Don't let the wound get wet for a week.
Okay. Thank you, doctor.
Dr. Xu.
What is it?
Those people are back.
They locked the observation room from the inside.
We can't go in to change the patients' wound dressings.
Ms. Meng.
What a coincidence.
I came to see the injured workers.
This is a hospital,
not your office.
Come on.
I'll let you get back to work.
Dr. Xu.
What are they up to?
Sorry about that.
- Dr. Xu. - Dr. Xu.
What did the people who came in say?
Nothing much.
They just came to pay a visit.
I heard everything when I leaned against the door.
They said something about compensation.
- They really didn't say anything. - No.
They really didn't.
It's not true.
(Loyal to the party, strict discipline, )
(go through fire and water, be dedicated to the people)
Mr. Song.
Do you have a minute?
I'd like to talk to you in private.
Junguang Square
is the embodiment of Guokun Group's
ambitions and dreams.
It's also an important landmark for our city.
Unfortunately, the fire at the construction site
resulted in seven people with minor injuries,
three seriously injured, and three dead.
One firefighter died in the line of duty.
A city task force has been set up.
The cause of the fire is currently under investigation.
Mrs. Meng.
Do I prepare dinner as usual today?
The door is open. Enter.
Dad isn't home yet?
He's at the office.
He has been busy lately.
Did he bring his medicine?
If you really care about your dad,
don't get involved with that man.
Mrs. Meng, it's for you.
Madam Fu, this is Wu Yang.
Something happened.
Mr. Meng was taken away for investigation.
Didn't they talk
to the investigators beforehand?
Something went wrong in between.
Someone reported
that unqualified insulation materials were used
in the Junguang Square project.
Who was it?
A firefighter
by the name of Song Yan.
I got it.
Give Mr. Chen a call.
Tell him to arrange work.
Your dad
has been taken away for investigation.
Is it because of the fire?
Someone reported something to the task force.
He wants to bring us down.
It won't be that easy.
Let's eat.
I don't have an appetite.
The dishes at home
don't suit your taste anymore?
Your boyfriend
is very capable.
He has a responsibility to fulfill.
Is that so?
Is it a responsibility to fulfill?
Or is it
that he doesn't care about your feelings
and your family?
He knows
that we don't like him.
But he never thought about easing the tension.
Instead, he's doing this.
Adding fuel to the fire.
Maybe he doesn't care about you at all.
I just thought about it.
Guokun is a big company.
Junguang is just one of the projects.
There's a dedicated project team and person in charge.
I don't think it has much relation with Dad.
Dad is just cooperating with the investigation.
You don't have
to scare her like that.
The person in charge of Junguang
is Mr. Gu.
If he's affected,
your dad's influence in the group
will be greatly damaged.
Three people died.
And what you care about now is power?
Let's eat.
The higher-ups are taking your report seriously.
There will surely be
a fair investigation result.
Ms. Meng.
Madam Fu.
I've looked into it.
The fireworks were set off illegally.
The project manager, Zhao Cheng Xin,
acted on his own.
He took a kickback from the fireworks factory.
Mr. Gu
didn't know about this.
the fire inspection at the site
failed several times.
It affected the construction progress.
In the end, it was Zhao Cheng Xin
who took some unconventional measures
to get the permit.
These are problems
between the Project Department and Zhao Cheng Xin.
It has little to do with the group.
Mr. Gu didn't know about it either.
But he's bound to be implicated.
What else?
The focus of the investigation
is the insulation material.
Song Yan reported that Junguang
used substandard materials
which caused the fire to get serious.
So was there a problem with the materials?
Mr. Wang who works for Mr Gu said
the materials definitely meet the criteria.
But Mr. Wang didn't do the check himself.
Therefore, I can't guarantee
the reliability.
In the end,
the problem
is Mr. Gu's subordinate.
Mr. Wang
should take care of the aftermath.
They should bear the responsibility.
You only need
to give Mr. Wang a reminder.
Don't worry, I understand.
Thank you for your hard work.
You came all the way here.
Slow down. Watch your step.
They're all here.
Yes. Here too.
I swear.
The insulation material we use
is grade B1.
There's absolutely nothing that's not up to scratch.
Such good materials burned to a crisp.
What a waste.
Are all the materials here?
Why are the other floors
all clean?
How would I know?
The firefighters cleaned it up.
We didn't touch anything.
The firefighters
would protect the scene.
They couldn't have cleaned up so well.
That's common sense.
Come on.
I don't know about that.
But ever since the fire was put out,
this place has been sealed.
Not even a stray cat has been let in.
It's true. I swear to you.
There's a CCTV, right?
The lines were all blown.
The cameras are broken.
We're about to install new ones.
Take pictures.
They're all grade B1.
Hello, Mr. Song.
I have an important document to give to you.
What is it?
It's about the fire at Junguang Square.
It's very important.
If there's anything you want to report,
you can go directly to the station.
I can't go there.
I'm afraid I'd be followed.
I can call the police for you.
You don't believe me?
Forget it if you don't.
Come back!
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