ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e34 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[Berbil 1] What a great day
to be a Berbil!
[Berbils screaming] Why?
[laughs maliciously]
Thanks for designing
these evil bumper cars,
You're welcome. [cackles]
[laughs] This is great!
And the best part is,
no ThunderCats.
[Lion-O] Hey Mutants!
Oh, great,
it's the ThunderCats.
- [grunts]
- [groans]
[both grunt] Ya!
[cackles] How do you like
my new design, Panthro?
Not bad.
How do you like mine?
Oh, no!
I still like mine better.
[all groaning]
Aw, way to ruin
our cool new toys.
If you don't want
your toys ruined,
don't use them
to torment the Berbils.
Well, if they don't
want to be tormented,
maybe they shouldn't
have built them for us
in the first place.
Wait, you built
the Evil Bumper Cars? Why?
Vultureman had designs.
And so we built them.
Didn't you think
they'd use them for,
you know, evil?
But by that standard
we probably shouldn't have
built Castle Plun-Darr either.
You built Castle Plun-Darr?
[Berbil Bill] Yes.
And the Summer Castle Plun-Darr
and the Winter
Castle Plun-Darr.
They have more than one castle?
We build them stuff
all the time.
Just like we built
the Cats' Lair for you.
What do you want us to do?
Say no?
Yes. Stand up for yourselves.
Don't build them
anything ever again.
[Berbils] Hmm.
Okay. Thank you, ThunderCats.
Problem solved.
[announcer] Later
I am Berb-cules.
I will claim what is
rightfully the Berbils'.
[nervously] Well, it's not what
we expected, but it's a start.
Castle Plun-Darr
was built by the Berbils.
[Lion-O] That is a big Berbil.
Please vacate
the Berbil property.
[all screaming]
Thank you for your cooperation.
Wow. It looks like
those little Berbils
learned to stand up
for themselves.
- Good for them.
- [thuds]
[Lion-O] Hey, look, everyone.
He's coming to say hello.
Hello, big Berbil.
This also belongs
to the Berbils.
So say Berb-cules.
- [all screaming]
- [groaning]
Ow. What just happened?
[Berbils] Good job, Berb-cules!
Berbils! What did you do?
We listened to what you said.
We built Berb-cules
to stand up for us
and take back everything
we built for others.
- And he did.
- [all] Hooray!
I think this is our fault.
Berbils, that's not what we meant
by stand up for yourselves.
What did you mean?
Look, it's okay for you
to build things for us,
we're your friends.
But the Mutants are evil,
you shouldn't build
stuff for them.
Oh, I see the difference now.
Thank you for explaining it.
Too bad about your home,
should we build you a new one?
Can't you ask Berb-cules
to bring it back?
No, no, no.
Berb-cules will not listen to us.
We built him to take back
everything the Berbils built.
And the Berbils
pretty much built
everything on Third Earth.
You probably shouldn't have
told us to build him.
We didn't tell you
to build him!
- Okay.
- [frustrated grunt]
What are we gonna do?
Ooh! Let's use
our own giant robot
to defeat Berb-cules.
Thunder King Battle Lord!
- [mimicking robot] Beep-boop.
- Thunder King
- Battle Lord engage.
- Robot fight.
That's a good idea kittens, but
Berb-cules stole our lair.
Thunder King Battle Lord
is the lair.
Oh. Right.
I have to build a new robot!
Do you really think
you can build a robot
that can beat the one
built by the Berbils?
Berbils are the best builders.
Uh, no offense, Panthro.
Offense taken.
Besides, there's no one
who can help me.
Other than me and the Berbils,
who else on Third Earth
even likes to build things?
Well [chuckles]
- I've got an idea you won't like.
- [Panthro growls]
You want me
to help you build a robot?
You're right.
I don't like this.
Yeah, sure.
This is some kind of trick
where I help you
and then you kick our butts.
It's not a trick!
Tell him, Panthro.
[grunts] I really need your
- [smugly] Hmm?
- inventing
[egging] Inventing
[shaky voice] skills.
Oh, yeah?
You need my skills?
Tell me more about that.
You've had some
decent ideas.
Your inventions are solid-ish.
Okay, fine!
I can't beat Berb-cules
without you! Happy?
I'm flattered.
- And nope, you're on your own.
- Oh, come on!
I think you should do it,
Hmm? Really?
You want me to work
with this clown?
That clown is right.
Neither one of you
can beat Berb-cules.
But maybe if you work together
we can stop
living in this ditch.
I like the ditch.
Eh, I'm on the fence.
- Fine, I'll do it.
- [excitedly] Yes!
But if we win,
you have to get us
Castle Plun-Darr back.
And don't forget
the other castles.
The Summer Castle has a gazebo!
Ugh, your hand is wet. Gross!
[announcer] Later
[Panthro] Okay.
First things first.
I think we should make
our robot cat-themed.
No way!
It should be bird-themed.
Here's how we can make it fly.
Nope! Vetoed.
Flying's overrated.
You're the one who wanted
it to be bird-themed.
Birds don't have to fly.
The cool ones don't.
Let's give it eye lasers.
Better idea knee lasers!
Are you nuts?
We'll call it Panthro-bot.
How about Vul
Yeah, I'm pretty sure
that's already taken.
[exasperated sign]
You're just so
[both grunting]
[announcer] Later
So after lots of discussion,
we were finally able
to compromise on a design.
We present to you
[both] Catbird Manbot!
Catbird Manbot?
That sounds like
a jazz quartet.
You're wrong, it's awesome.
[laughs maniacally]
All right. Scoot over
and let's kick some robo-butt.
[Panthro] No, left leg first.
[Vultureman] No, right leg!
They're gonna be fine.
Berbil property coming through.
Thank you Berb-cules,
but we'd like to give
our friends
their stuff back now.
[angrily] Silence peasants.
The tower of Berbils
is almost complete.
Now that I am your emperor,
our days of being
push overs are over.
All will bow
before the Berbils.
That doesn't sound good.
A-ha! This village
was built by the Berbils.
I don't think
we built that village.
A-ha! Give me that stuff.
[people screaming]
[Panthro] Put down the house.
- Robo-doofus.
- What?
Who's that?
It's our new robot.
Catbird Manbot!
Hooray! The heroes!
No, it's our new robot.
Catbird Manbot.
Oh, no. Our enemies.
You know what to do,
Of course. Left leg forward.
What? No. Right leg forward.
[both arguing]
Gimme them parts.
You're doing it wrong.
- [screaming]
- [both] Oh, no!
[both screaming]
Leave this to me.
Activate fire cannon.
Ow!, Ow!, Ow!
Ha. I told ya he'd hate that.
Whatever, my ice cannon
is just as powerful.
Vultureman, no!
Ow! Ow! Oh!
What? What?
[yells] What?
- Oh, no!
- Oh, yes.
[laughs maliciously]
[both] Ah!
Flawless execution.
But Berb-cules missed.
Who's side are you on?
Oh, yeah. Go Catbird Manbot!
[Vultureman] Whoa!
- Defense Mode.
- Attack mode.
[Berb-cules grunting]
I don't think we can take
much more of this.
Looks like it's finally
knee laser time.
[Vultureman cackling]
- Hmm. I thought knee laser time was 4:30.
- [Berbils] Oh!
Nothing stands in the way
of the Berbil empire.
[both groaning]
[Panthro] Ugh. Our sword's
all chewed up.
You know what?
I think it is knee laser time!
Diverting all powers
to the knee.
What? No! Too much.
Knee laser time
is over! [screams]
[all exclaiming]
[Panthro and Vultureman scream]
Oh, my
That wasn't very nice.
[both screaming]
- That guy won't give up.
- Yeah.
[both] Time to activate
my secret weapon!
Activate chest laser!
[surprised gasp]
Your secret weapon
was a chest laser too?
Chest laser activated!
- They did it
- Yeah.
Yes, hooray.
You destroyed our son.
[awkwardly] Oh, sorry.
- Sorry.
- Our bad.
- [Panthro] All right! Yeah.
- [Vultureman] We did it!
[Panthro] Catbird Manbot rules.
[both screaming]
Remember the deal.
[frustrated sigh]
- Okay.
- Okay.
That was the best.
Catbird Manbot rules!
So what happens
to Berb-cules now?
We will turn Berb-cules
into a hundred normal Berbils.
[Berbils together]
Everything is fine.
Except for one Berbil,
which will have Berb-cules'
evil personality.
But we won't know
which one it is
because you guys
all look alike.
It will probably never come up.
[Berbils together]
Don't worry about it!
Can we help you put
the Cats' Lair back
where it belongs?
That would be cool.
And, can you also bring
all the Castle Plun-Darrs
back to the Mutants?
- Really?
- Yeah. [sighs]
That was the deal.
If Vultureman helped us,
they got their castles back.
I do not understand.
The Mutants are your enemies.
Yes, but sometimes
you have to work
with your enemies
for the greater good.
So, it's good to
build things for
- our friends the ThunderCats?
- Um Yes.
And sometimes
it's good to build things
- for our enemies, the Mutants?
- [hesitantly] Yes.
So, we should keep doing
what we were already doing?
Uh Yes.
I see. Thank you ThunderCats,
you are very wise.
Hooray for us!
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