Till The End of The Moon (2023) s01e34 Episode Script

Episode 34

I'm afraid
of being exposed one day.
I fear they will discover
that I'm the devil fetus
in the immortal sect
that everyone wants to kill.
But now,
after having verified it,
I actually feel a sense of relief.
It's funny,
That is because I now know
you drove those spikes into me
not because you hated me.
He is the one that you hate.
I don't have the evil bone
and can't turn into the Devil God anymore.
You changed me through and through.
You gave me
a second chance in life.
I will never taint myself
with the Devil God's power again.
For you,
I will keep my promise.
I haven't had a chance
to thank you,
whether as Tantai Jin
or Cang Jiumin.
I did not change you.
I was just eradicating evil.
Anyway, let's go.
I have a parade to watch.
I knewyou would pass through here
if you were leaving.
-That's why--
-Is that why you are out here
waiting for me?
Are you hurt?
I'm fine.
How can you be fine?
You're bleeding badly.
I do have some medical skills.
Please pardon the indecency.
I just can't bring myself
to leave an injured person unattended.
You are very impressive.
Was it you who subdued the demon
that plagued the capital of Jing?
It wasn't me.
It was probably one of my peers.
You told me that
you were going to the capital of Jing
to search for an answer.
Did you find it?
I suppose so.
Will it put your mind at ease now?
Ms. Mo, this is…
Where did Ms. Mo go?
Did she take her own life?
Ms. Mo!
Ms. Mo!
She patched it up.
A camellia?
You're up early.
Are you leaving for the sect?
This is your robe.
I hung it out to dry overnight.
It should be dry by now.
It was very kind of you
to mend the tear.
It was my pleasure.
I'm glad you like it.
Ms. Mo, last night…
This morning,
I picked some mushrooms in the woods.
Would you care for breakfast
before you leave?
I hope you don't mind the simplicity.
It's a mushroom filling.
Growing up in Hengyang Sect,
I was fed and clothed
by the sect.
No one ever made me breakfast
or mended my clothes for me.
I mean that you are benevolent, Ms. Mo.
It's just basic housework
that I learned in the past.
In the past?
In the past,
I had a husband.
Back then, I cooked for him.
But he is gone now.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I live alone here.
I have long moved on.
But he and I were once a family.
What we used to have
are memories I hold dear.
And I always will.
Life is full of challenges.
If you ever need someone to talk to,
you are welcome to come here for a meal
or a cup of tea.
I'm always here.
It's unbelievable.
The Water-Splashing Festival
is still full of joy and excitement
after all these years.
Since the wizard pointed at him,
he has been chosen as the Devil God.
Move along.
Come on.
It's a Teleportation Array.
-Cen Mi.
Chief Cen brought a few disciples
to Hengyang Sect today.
The disciples who went said
Li Susu and Xiaoyao Sect's Cang Jiumin
were not there.
They apparently went to the Jing Kingdom
and didn't bring anyone else.
Cang Jiumin and Li Susu?
How dare they play me like a monkey?
Pick a few men
with a high level of cultivation.
Bring plenty of weapons
and come with me now.
How dare you demons show yourselves
in the mortal realm in broad daylight?
These mortals can neither see
nor hear us.
What do you think?
Isn't this fun?
What do you want?
We just want to have a chat with you.
I'll chat with you.
Shall we go elsewhere?
Let's do it right here.
If we go somewhere else,
I'm afraid you might slip away.
Cen Mi, what's the matter?
Something is wrong.
I sense something.
Cang Jiumin,
you've gotten too comfortable
being an immortal sect disciple.
Come with us.
The Devil Realm is your home.
After becoming the Devil God,
you will know
what real power is.
I don't need
that kind of power.
Don't you?
I forgot.
You're not the Devil God yet.
You have no idea
that we nearly gobbled up
your immortal lover last night.
Without the Devil God's power,
you're just like them.
A tiny ant that others
can trample upon at will.
Are you going to push us into killing her
before you regret not accepting
the Devil God's power sooner?
Give me the Shadow Pearl.
This look in your eyes
is starting to look demonic.
Did you come
just to tell me this?
Cang Jiumin,
you only have two options.
If you are willing
to leave the immortal sect
and return to the Devil Realm,
we will honor you as our lord
and pledge loyalty to you.
If you insist on staying in the sect,
you will eventually be exposed
as the devil fetus.
By then,
you will be on the chopping block
and completely at their mercy.
Pledge loyalty to me?
Very well.
Since you want to regard me as your lord,
show me your sincerity.
What do you want us to do?
It seems that
you don't truly want me as your lord.
After you return to the Devil Realm,
we will naturally pledge loyalty to you.
Is that so?
Then you can wait patiently.
My lord,
please return with us
to Barren Abyss.
Cang Jiumin, how dare you?
You're meeting demons in secret.
Stay put.
I'm going to catch him red-handed today.
I'll make my own decision
about which path to take.
You have made your intentions clear.
You may go now.
When the time is right,
I'll go to Barren Abyss myself.
When the time is right?
When will that be?
Are you questioning me?
Did he pop out of nowhere?
Is it some kind of magic?
He suddenly appeared.
Out of the way!
Move it!
Cang Jiumin,
I've got you.
If I tell the immortal sects
about this little rendezvous,
not only will your reputation
be ruined tomorrow,
but you'll also be chained
to the Devil-Subduing Platform
and beaten until your soul disperses.
What Xiaoyao Sect genius?
You can be my dog.
Maybe I'll spare your worthless life.
Go away!
They killed someone!
Go now!
Go back and report this!
Go now.
I'm helping you!
If I don't kill them,
you'll be the one to die!
Ungrateful devil fetus!
I guess you want to do this the hard way.
Chief Cen,
thank you for your help
in sealing the Bone-Refining Seal.
This is Mi'er's magic artifact.
Why would it be here?
Chief Cen!
Bad news!
Cen Mi was killed by Cang Jiumin!
Go in the formation
away from the demonic music.
This immortal is protecting us!
Quickly hide behind the formation!
Cang Jiumin,
do you really want to watch them die?
-My child!
Let go of her.
What do you want?
We can talk it out.
Now you want to talk?
Too bad it's too late.
-My child!
-Give it up.
-My child!
-You won't be able to stop us
with your level of spiritual cultivation
and the speed of your sword.
The immortal sect disciple Cang Jiumin
whom you long to be
cannot save her.
Besides, she's not the only one
you need to save today.
Please let go of my child!
do you still think
you don't need that power?
On the count of three,
all these people will die.
Can you continue to be Cang Jiumin
with a clear conscience
after watching them die?
Ever since I joined the immortal sect,
I've always heard
everyone talking about the Devil God.
I'm worried
that the one they talk about
and the one in their prophecy
is all me.
I'm afraid
of being exposed one day.
I fear they will discover
that I'm the devil fetus
in the immortal sect
that everyone wants to kill.
You changed me through and through.
You gave me
a second chance in life.
I will never taint myself
with the Devil God's power again.
For you,
I will keep my promise.
My child!
I'm sorry.
I broke my promise.
Mother, help me!
My child.
Let's go.
Come on. Run!
First, it's the Bone-Refining Seal.
Then the God-Slaughtering Crossbow.
How can you still deny
being my lord's devil fetus?
Siying, hurry!
Infuse him with devil energy
while his guard is down!
If we can energize the evil bone,
our lord will come back.
This is strange.
Why don't I feel the evil bone responding?
I won't let you have your way.
Why is it in your body?
Ye Xiwu,
you actually took the risk
and sealed the evil bone in your own body.
No one
can find out about this secret.
Release Lady of Spirituality!
He's the one who killed Chief Cen's son!
Devil God,
you once carried out a massacre
in the Four Continents and Three Realms,
caused my wife Chuhuang's tragic death,
and imprisoned me in Barren Abyss
for 10,000 years.
Now, your devil fetus has appeared.
How can I believe that he is innocent?
I won't be so easily bewitched
by the devil fetus like Susu.
Nor will I watch her make a grave mistake.
For Susu's sake,
I will destroy your devil fetus
at all costs.
Damn it.
He is clearly our lord's devil fetus.
Why didn't the evil bone respond
even after we instilled him
with our thousands of years of power?
Could we be wrong about him?
Even if we were wrong,
would our lord's Bone-Refining Seal
and God-Slaughtering Crossbow
be wrong as well?
so many mortals have died without cause.
Cang Jiumin
will surely be in big trouble.
Why don't we go to Hengyang Sect
to watch the show?
Let's go.
It was such a sunny day.
But why is Devil-Subduing Peak
covered with ominous clouds?
Don't you know?
There is thunder and lightning
all year round here.
Look at the Devil-Subduing Pillar.
It will direct lightning to the offender.
What crime did Cang Jiumin commit?
Such a big fuss has been made.
I heard he colluded with demons,
slaughtered mortals,
and even killed Chief Cen's son.
As an immortal sect disciple,
isn't it a heinous crime
to collude with demons?
Isn't Cang Jiumin
Immortal Zhaoyou's favorite disciple?
Does Chief Zhaoyou have a part in this?
That can't possibly be.
I heard from the seniors of Xiaoyao Sect
that Cang Jiumin is an upright person.
Perhaps there is a misunderstanding.
Jiumin, I just want to ask you.
Did you do it?
All right. I believe you.
Chief Cen
has lost his son at such an old age.
He is devastated.
He wants to convict and punish you.
I'm afraid
he won't spare you.
I have caused trouble for Xiaoyao Sect.
I'm sorry.
There is justice in the world.
I believe the truth will speak for itself.
How is Susu?
Copious amounts of devil energy
eroded her body.
She hasn't woken up yet.
Susu has a pure spiritual body.
Why would her body have
so much devil energy accumulated?
Li Susu is still unconscious.
And the chief has been summoned
to Xiaoyao Sect.
Master, what should we do?
She is fine for now.
But the devil energy in her body
can't be expelled for the time being.
I don't know when she will come around.
Those stupid Taoists.
As expected, they started blaming him
without investigating the truth.
He brought it upon himself.
Had he minded his own business
at the Water-Splashing Festival,
he wouldn't have ended up like this.
Cang Jiumin!
Today, you killed my son
in the capital of Jing,
injured my disciples,
and hurt innocent people.
Do you admit to your crimes?
I didn't kill him.
The ones who killed him
and the Chixiao Sect disciples
were the drought demon Siying
and the evil cultivator Jingmie.
Since Cang Jiumin is determined
to be an immortal sect disciple,
we should just let him suffer
so that he knows
that he has chosen the wrong path.
Unrepentant lad!
Even now, you dare to quibble!
Here is the proof.
I'll see how you can defend yourself!
Everyone, please watch!
My lord,
please return with us to Barren Abyss.
I'll make my own decision
about which path to take.
You have made your intentions clear.
You may go now.
When the time is right,
I'll go to Barren Abyss again.
When will the time be right?
Cang Jiumin,
I've got you.
If I tell the immortal sects
about this little rendezvous,
not only will your reputation
be ruined tomorrow,
but you'll also be chained
to the Devil-Subduing Platform
and beaten until your soul disperses.
Go away!
He really killed Cen Mi.
It really was Jiumin.
He killed Cen Mi.
It was him!
He colluded with demons
and killed a fellow disciple.
What is going on?
Is that really Cang Jiumin
in the Shadow Pearl?
I feel so bad for Cen Mi.
We cannot spare this murderer!
Did you all see it?
If my son hadn't exposed him today,
I'm afraid the immortal sects
would still be in the dark,
unaware that Xiaoyao Sect
is harboring a demon!
In the immortal sect competition,
I thought it was strange
that two devils were able
to sabotage our plan,
which was only known by sect chiefs.
It turns out there was a mole
in the immortal sects!
Chief Cen,
before the truth is made clear,
how can you assert
that my disciple is evil?
Jiumin, ignore everything else.
What exactly happened
at that time?
At that time,
Siying and Jingmie stopped me in the city.
They wanted me as their lord.
I firmly rejected them.
Those two devils
are second to none in the Devil Realm.
Why would they demean themselves
to take you, a novice cultivator,
as their leader?
Does anyone believe it?
-Does anyone believe it?
It's impossible!
Who believes it?
We don't.
-We don't believe it.
-It's impossible!
If the immortal sects won't tolerate him,
we can take him back to Barren Abyss.
Look at this!
Even Heaven is getting justice for me!
Cang Jiumin, today,
I'll make you pay with your life
for my son's death.
We're interrogating him today,
not punishing him.
Do not abuse your authority.
Chief Qu,
your daughter was also injured
because of this bastard,
and her survival is still uncertain.
How can you speak up for him?
Of course it pains me that she is hurt.
But today, we need to find out the truth.
Then we'll decide on a punishment
that fits the crime.
I don't know when Susu will wake up.
We can't just keep waiting.
I'll look after Susu here.
Go to Devil-Subduing Peak
to see what the situation is.
All right.
Yue Ya,
what is this about an attack
by a devil weapon?
They captured Cang Jiumin
and will condemn him
on Devil-Subduing Peak.
Devil-Subduing Peak?
This is bad.
My lord's identity has been revealed.
We have all witnessed his crime.
What else is there to investigate?
What the eye sees may not be the truth.
The Shadow Pearl
only showed a few snippets.
We don't know the whole story.
There were many citizens present.
We can find them and ask them about it
to see if the truth
is as Chief Cen believes.
That's right.
We can't be so arbitrary.
It's a matter of life and death.
-We have to be careful.
I feel sorry for the loss of your son.
But you can't
sentence my disciple to death
based only on this evidence.
You would be delusional.
I'm sorry, my lord.
I didn't expect this to happen to you.
Who may you be?
This is bad.
Dimian has come.
This old bastard might have known
the devil fetus is here.
What should we do?
Should we get him back?
We haven't recovered our energy.
There are too many of them
for us to fight.
Let's wait and see.
Chief Qu.
Why has he come?
Chief Qu,
it has been many years.
How have you been?
Thank you for your concern.
All is well.
this is Dimian, the Lord of Evil
who helped to destroy Devil God
and made great contributions
10,000 years ago.
When I was injured
and fell into Barren Abyss,
he saved me.
The legendary Lord of Evil is still alive.
After the Devil God was destroyed,
I was sealed in the Barren Abyss
and tortured to no end.
The barrier has weakened recently,
and I used all my strength to escape.
What can we do for you today,
Lord of Evil?
I once went down the wrong path
and followed the Devil God for many years.
As a result, I lost my wife.
Since then,
I swear to be a sworn enemy
of the Devil God.
I came here today
to prevent the Devil God from being reborn
and bringing disaster upon us all.
Young fellow,
your identity as the devil fetus
can finally be revealed to all.
-Did I hear that right?
-How can it be?
-Is he the devil fetus?
The devil fetus?
Is Cang Jiumin the devil fetus?
No wonder the two devils
want him as their leader.
-How can it be?
It makes sense now.
He's actually the devil fetus.
I'm not.
I'm not.
Of course you're not the Devil God
because the Devil God is long dead.
You shouldn't be alive either.
Only if you're dead
will the Devil God never be reborn.
And all disasters will come to an end.
I've found irrefutable evidence
that you are the devil fetus.
It's just as I thought.
the eye of the Devil God,
the God-Slaughtering Crossbow,
is currently in him!
What? It has appeared!
God-Slaughtering Crossbow?
This devil weapon hasn't appeared
in 10,000 years.
God-Slaughtering Crossbow.
Why would he have the Devil God's weapon?
It's really unexpected.
Who on earth is he?
God-Slaughtering Crossbow?
I detect it!
It's the God-Slaughtering Crossbow!
The God-Slaughtering Crossbow is in him!
Jiumin, this is no trivial matter.
You need to be honest.
Don't be forced into a confession.
The God-Slaughtering Crossbow
is indeed in me.
How can it be in Jiumin?
He admitted it himself.
Is he really…
Whether he's guilty or not,
eliminate him before he becomes a problem!
-We cannot let him live!
-Kill him!
-Kill him!
I won't become the Devil God.
I didn't kill anyone
with the God-Slaughtering Crossbow.
I didn't kill anyone!
The Devil God is indestructible.
As long as there are living beings
and hatred and bitterness exist,
the Devil God will never die.
The Ruo River
is where all spirits return to.
That is why the Devil God
chose the Yiyue Tribe there.
He made a pact with them,
giving them the responsibility
of birthing and raising the devil fetus.
Well, then.
Tell us.
What is your relationship
to the Yiyue Tribe?
The Yiyue Tribe
is my home tribe.
He admitted it.
It's really terrifying.
How can you explain yourself now?
So what if the Devil God made a pact
with the Yiyue Tribe?
Whatever my destiny is,
I have a choice
to be righteous or evil.
I will
never become the Devil God!
Won't you?
Let me tell you another secret.
On the day the Devil God
made the contract with the Yiyue Tribe…
My lord.
If that day ever comes,
how can we identify the devil fetus?
The evil bone is concealed
and not easily detected.
My devil fetus
will naturally be out of the ordinary.
I hear that mortals
like to make up stories.
Well, I will follow their example
and determine the devil fetus's fate.
He shall kill his mother upon birth.
He shall grow up in an imperial palace
but will be neglected and bullied.
He's a monster.
I'm going to make him our puppy.
-Come on!
-What a coward.
He doesn't even fight back.
-Punch him.
-Even a dog will bite.
You're just an eyesore!
I shall have him rise to the top.
-Greetings, Your Majesty.
-Greetings, Your Majesty.
He will have a taste of being above all.
When he is riding high
and has all that he could ever want,
he shall once again fall to the bottom
and face betrayal and resentment.
Although he has ascended to the throne
and expanded his territory,
he still cannot escape fratricidal war
and marital strife.
He shall experience all human suffering.
Tantai Jin.
Kill me now.
I will curse and laugh at you
every day!
Ye Xiwu!
Kill me!
Don't say any more.
They were all your nearest and dearest.
Whatever he does, it will be in vain.
All the beautiful things in his life
will be illusions.
All that he loves and seeks
will disappear in the end.
Suffering will be his reality.
Ye Xiwu.
He shall lose everything.
That is still not enough.
I shall have him join an immortal sect.
He shall think
that he has taken the righteous path.
He shall feel the warmth
from his master and fellow disciples
only to find out
that it was just an illusion.
In the end,
he shall kill his master
and become a devil.
Dimian, do you think
it is a wonderful story?
Are you still insisting
that you are not the devil fetus?
It turns out that
all that I have suffered
really was predetermined.
he can no longer deny it.
We can conclude
that every word I say is true.
Do you want to wait
until he becomes a devil
and kills his master?
True or not, all devils ought to die.
Yes, he must die!
Will he bring about the end of the world
as predicted?
I can't believe that the devil fetus
has been hiding among us.
-There is irrefutable proof.
-Tantai Jin.
Do you feel it?
Do you feel cold
from your heart to your fingertips?
Do you find it hard to speak?
I made you experience the mortal world
and grow a love line
just for this very day.
It was to allow you
to better experience all of this.
The lightning is flashing more frequently.
Is it drawn to the devil fetus?
It's the will of Heaven.
It's truly the will of Heaven!
The Devil-Subduing Pillar of Xiaoyao Sect
has been standing for hundreds of years.
Today, we'll use it
to judge you, Cang Jiumin.
We shall see
if it will spare you, devil fetus!
Come forth.
Take Cang Jiumin up there.
Look at these people.
Does anyone really care who you are?
In their eyes,
you will always be the devil fetus.
You tried your best to fit in with them
and imitate them.
But in the end,
look where that got you.
How pathetic you are!
Will they really let you go
because of what you say
or what you do?
You rebellious disciple.
You've lost control.
Quick! We must strike first.
Hesitate no more
or he will turn around and kill us!
Immortal Zhaoyou,
are you still protecting your disciple?
Kill him!
Kill him to save the Three Realms!
This is a worthwhile trade!
Did Chief Cen call it a trade?
-Does Chief Cen want revenge?
-Jiumin is our fellow disciple.
-I can't do it.
Let's stop and make things clear.
The evidence is certain.
What are you hesitating for?
The facts are evident,
yet you're protecting him.
What is your purpose?
Everyone, when facing a devil,
we can't be soft-hearted!
Help me kill this devil!
Cang Jiumin,
I still believe in you.
Control your mind.
That's right.
I still have Master.
Master still believes in me.
I can't let him down.
The Devil-Subduing Pillar
is reacting so violently.
You have nothing to say now, do you?
Do you all see it?
Cang Jiumin is the devil fetus!
-Kill him!
-Kill him!
He's the devil fetus! Don't spare him!
Kill him!
-Kill him!
-Kill him!
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