Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e34 Episode Script

Episode 34
We're close to passing
the border, sister.
When we pass it,
nobody can stop us.
So you're going back to the
Kipchak lands, Baturalp Bey.
What are you doing on my way?
I'm done with you.
- Get out of my way.
- That's Hassan Sabbah.
What is this, Baturalp!?
are you working with this devil?
There are things you don't know, sister.
And they're not important anymore.
Let's go our own way.
how could you work
with this devil, Baturalp?
Don't you know he's our enemy?
- I'll kill you.
- Hold on, sister.
This dog must have set up a trap.
Otherwise he doesn't help.
It's nice to listen your
elders, Baturalp Bey.
But it's so late for you.
What is that mean?
The fire I made you fall in is nothing.
The real fire will come to
these lands when you are dead.
Seljuks and Kipchaks will make
that fire bigger with each others blood.
You You said you were helping me.
But you set up a trap.
I'll cut your head.
I protected and raised you as my own son.
So you supposed to give me
the poisonous fruit of betrayal.
Baturalp. Hang on, brother.
This is the end.
I'll start with Baturalp's head.
Let's see who will save you from me.
I'll save.
Son of Alp Arlsan, Melik Shah.
- And us too.
- Sultan Melik Shah's sons.
You attack too! Don't stop!
We're going back to the palace.
Terken Hatun will pay the price of putting
soldiers in our army from Karakhanids.
Come on!
Release those soldiers, Zubeyde!
You're putting soldiers in
our army from Karakhanids.
This is clearly a betrayal.
Now it's obvious that you are a traitor.
It's my right to have
soldiers under my command.
And I had these soldiers
brought for the sake of our state.
No one can blame me for betrayal.
If you call me "traitor"
I'll make you pay for it.
Terken Hatun is right.
You've planned a game to
dismiss her soldiers from duty.
The only game that can be your betrayal.
Both of you are traitors.
You will be taken to our Sultan.
He'll make the decision.
Everyone will see if
you are a traitor or not.
My Sultan You are hurt
Let’s take the arrow out.
It's not important. They
took Sabbah! Go after him.
I cut that dog's finger.
Baturalp! Are you alright, brother?
l am, sister.
Now I will behead them.
We will ruin all of their places.
I came here with Hassan
Sabbah's provocation.
And I agreed with him because I've
been holding a grudge against you.
But I found myself a betrayal circle.
I don't know what I can say
as an answer to your bravery.
The important thing for you was
to get rid of that betrayal circle.
Now we have to treat your wound.
Take Baturalp Bey to
Kinik tribe for his treatment.
And bury Kipchak martyrs
according to our morals.
Come on.
Take these.
I will take care of the other side.
I didn't expect you to come
after you got my letter.
You said we didn't need to talk to
Baturalp Bey anymore, my Sultan.
What are we going to do then?
Where words fail, the swords speak, Haje.
To get Basulu back
I will draw my sword if I have to.
But I won't leave her.
I sent a messenger to the tribe.
Because of the Kipchak issue,
I wanted you to come to the palace.
But you were gone when
the messenger arrived.
You wanted to take me to the palace, huh?
The war wouldn't have stopped
even if I had gone to the palace.
I left with Baturalp to end the war.
I didn’t expect you to come after me.
I couldn't see you wouldn’t
be intimidated by the threats.
The only reason why I came here
wasn’t only not being intimidated
..but also not losing you
after I found you years later.
The pure of the wound opened in your life..
isn't finished yet.
Take this.
Let's go then.
Let's heal your wound that you got for me.
Hacip Kamac.
Who caused unrest between Kipchaks and us.
Who tried to stop the
Kuvel campaign was Batinis.
Tell the soldiers to go
around and hunt for Batinis.
Tell them to take their heads
and destroy their places.
Now we’ll go on the Kuvel campaign.
We’ll destroy Batinis with one
hand and the heathens with the other.
As you order, my Sultan.
Let's go.
You cut my finger off.
You gave me the worst
suffering, Melik Shah!
But I will make you a much worse price!
They may be coming after us.
We’ll go hide in the
cistern. And from there
we'll make our last move
to devastate Melik Shah.
Let's go!
Hazrat Melik.
What did you see, Arslantas?
There are blood stains on
the ground, Hazrat Melik.
They're not dry yet. These must
belong to Sabbah and his followers.
It goes that way, Hazrat Melik.
Considering they've come so deep in
the forest, they must have a secret place.
Our Sultan led us to the right trail.
This way will lead us to Sabbah. Let's go.
We’ll follow the trails. Let's go!
You'll stay here until our Sultan comes.
There will be
guards at the door.
I'm a Hatun of Sultan.
You can’t treat me like this.
In the eyes of the state, everyone
who commits a crime is equal!
You will get what you deserve.
I told you not to start war against
me which you wouldn't be able to win.
I put the crime
label on your neck.
And Sultan is going to hang you.
Now, we'll go on the Kuvel campaign.
Did you send a messenger to the
castle by the battle morals, Haje.
My Sultan, how about
we heal your wound first?
Did you send a messenger to Kuvel?
- Take that arrow out.
- I did, my Sultan.
The messenger will invite Mitras
to Islam by our battle morals.
If he doesn't accept
he'll ask them to surrender the
castle in return for their lives.
If they don't accept that either
he’ll tell them we will
get the castle by fighting.
But he probably won't accept the surrender.
I also know that he won't
accept the surrender.
Despite everything, even
he is our biggest enemy
carry out the battle morals.
Head doctor, apply this
ointment on our Sultan.
It's a special cure for our Sultan.
My Sultan, Baturalp Bey
wants to come in your presence.
Let him in.
Alright. You may leave.
Sultan Melik Shah.
My wound has been healed.
You both saved my life and ruined
their betrayal plan that we fell into.
You woke our sleeping eyes.
If I have to pay my
debt to you with my life
..I'll gladly do that.
We're the brothers of the
same kin, Baturalp Bey.
We only have a debt to our holy cause.
You know that.
If you don't do thing which
wouldn't stop or dishonor our cause
you’ll have paid your debt.
Don't even doubt that,
Sultan Melik Shah.
From now on, we have a vengeance
against Batinis and the heathens.
We can back up your Kuvel campaign
with Kipchak soldiers if you like.
Make Kipchaks brothers to
support us with the army of prayers.
Our swords are enough to
destroy both Kuvel and Batinis.
Your Kipchak soldiers
became martyrs in our lands.
Send our regards and
respect to their families.
You shouldn't doubt that
we will avenge them too.
I won’t worry about you, sister.
You are where you deserve, under
protection of the shadow you deserve.
May Allah protect you, my brother.
Our doors will always be open for you.
My Sultan.
Now that Kipchak war has
ended, I’ll stay in the tribe.
Your home is the palace now.
Sanjar has such a brave,
skillful and handy hatun.
He doesn't need his mother anymore.
We need you in the palace, Basulu Hatun.
The injustice you’ve been
subjected to is going to be finished.
Nobody will be able to
treat you like a spy anymore.
You'll be the hatun of your palace.
When your preparation is finished,
my soldiers will take you to the palace.
we should go, Haje.
Let's perform our salaat with
people like before every campaign.
and let them pray for us.
Our sons will hit one our
claws on Hassan Sabbah.
We should prepare the
claw that we'll hit on Kuvel.
Provide strict security around the cistern.
This is our life blood.
We keep our top secret information here.
If Seljuks find this
place, they'll burn it down.
For this reason, don’t let
them come close to the cistern.
As you order, Hazrat Seyyiduna.
You hit the biggest blow of
my life on me, Melik Shah!
Now I'll hit such a big blow on you
you won't be able to forget
your vengeance or go to Kuvel.
Trails shows that Sabbah is hiding here.
We also looked for Arslantas' mother here.
It seems Sabbah is
hiding in his secret place.
Our Sultan said he cut Sabbah's finger off.
We should find his secret
place and cut his head off.
A Batini is passing by, Hazrat Melik.
The entrance of the
cistern must be in that way.
Are we going to attack, Hazrat Melik?
They must have taken
positions around the secret place.
But I know how to make them come out.
It’s your turn now.
Make those rats come
out of their secret positions.
Send arrows on them!
Good boy.
Even your horse is
smarter than Batinis.
Well, he has Seljuk blood too.
Tell the soldiers to wait
here and be cautious.
We'll go and burn that place down.
There are four guards.
We have to find out where Sabbah is.
Let’s go quickly!
You're wasting time, Balaban.
So what?
My style is choking with a bow.
Traditionally, Melik Shah
will perform the Zuhr prayer
before the campaign with people today.
In Isfahan, leave these six
daggers in the places I told you.
Our followers hiding in
Isfahan are going to take them.
My orders are written in
the sheathes of the daggers.
After the Zuhr prayer, Melik
Shah is going to be killed.
Melik Shah will pay for
my finger with his life.
And he'll never be able to reach Kuvel.
Guard are waiting here.
It means Sabbah is here as well.
There is nobody here.
He must have run away
when he heard the fight.
There must be a secret passage here.
It got in here easily.
It means it's a trap.
We’re having difficulty here.
It means the door will be opened from here.
That dog ran away from here.
Let's go after him.
Make holes in their bodies with arrows!
We won't leave our cistern to them!
We're trapped, Hazrat Melik.
If we don't stop the arrow rain,
we can't get out of here.
The plan worked! It's time to attack now.
Let's go.
Take the documents and
burn the cistern immediately!
While we were trying not to
leave the cistern, we got trapped!
We can't let them capture the cistern.
There are important
news about Kuvel in there.
Fight back, my followers.
Fight until you die!
We won't leave the cistern
to them, my followers.
Resist until death! Come on!
We can't save the
cistern, Hazrat Seyyiduna.
They'll catch us we don't leave.
You also cut my life blood, Melik Shah!
But I will finish you off
before you finish me.
Go to Isfahan from different paths
and place the daggers in no time.
My followers will get my orders
and Melik Shah will die today.
Even if they get the
information about Kuvel
they'll never be able to conquer.
That follower has just left Sabbah!
He’s heading for Isfahan.
He must be up to something.
Follow him immediately.
Why did you run towards Isfahan?
- Tell me the order you got.
- What order?
- I was just running away from you.
- If you wanted to run away from me
you would have gone with Sabbah.
It's obvious that you got some orders.
What were you going to do in Isfahan?
I'll cut your heads off.
What does he mean?
He took an order of
assassinating Sultan Melik Shah!
-He's supposed to inform the followers
in Isfahan -Even if you catch me,
our followers will get the orders today.
Today, the head of Seljuks will be cut off.
We will avenge Seyyiduna and
you won't be able to reach Kuvel.
Tell me which followers are
going to assassinate our Sultan.
Only Sayyiduna knows the secrets.
Now I'll go to the heaven
that he promised us.
Our Sultan was going to perform the Zuhr
prayer with people before the campaign.
We need to find the
followers immediately then.
Let's go.
Our Sultan was keeping
his eyes on me, anyway.
If you punish us for betraying
I will have a death sentence.
Stop feeling guilty. There
will be no such a decision.
We didn't betray the state!
We did what they thought was a
fault for the welfare of the state.
Is our Sultan back?
Is he summoning us in the hall of wishes?
Our Sultan went to the mosque.
I came here to tell you about this.
I wish a miracle would happen and we
wouldn’t have to stand in his presence.
Sayyiduna promised us the health.
Now we'll kill Melik Shah and go to heaven.
We'll kill him after the prayer. Come on.
May Allah be pleased with you.
- May your army be victorious!
- May your swords be sharp, my Sultan!
- May Allah give you a safe journey!
- May Allah let you be victorious.
My Sultan! My Sultan!
My Sultan! I am suffering!
Let me tell you about my problems!
You are a merciful man!
You'd listen to this poor man
Let him come closer
I'll talk to him.
My Sultan, we are suffering
Help us.
Protect the Sultan!
For Sayyiduna!
Protect the Sultan!
Back side is clean, my Sultan.
This side is also clean.
My Sultan, are you alright?
How did you realize the assassination?
My Sultan, we ruined Sabbah's cave.
And we understood that
they were planning an
assassination from the
dagger of a Batini we captured.
Thanks to Allah, we arrived on time.
Sabbah did this to take his revenge
and stop us from going to Kuvel.
Ruining his cave upset him.
He’ll be destroyed after we kill
his followers and ruin his places.
This assassination was his last stand.
Brokers should wander around
Isfahan and calm the folk down.
They must announce
that we defeated those
traitors and we are
ready to set off for Kuvel.
And we will go back to the
palace and get ready for the fight.
No matter what they do
they won't be able
to prevent this fight.
Our claws which we had on Batinis,
will also destroy Kuvel.
Sultan Melik Shah is ready
for the Kuvel war with his army.
If you accept Islam, he won't touch the
castle, it's one of our war rules.
I'm a Christian.
I'd rather fight like a Christian
than agree with a Muslim.
Then, Sultan Melik Shah won’t hurt
anyone if you give the castle to us.
We are not worried about our lives.
We are all here to fight.
Then Sultan Melik
Shah will come with his
army and take the castle
from you with swords.
What's your last word?
My last word is, ’’Sword
to a sword, blood to blood.”
Killing a messenger was forbidden
according to the rules among the states'.
Melik Shah will get angrier.
Do you think I'm unaware
of our rules, Carius?
I don't care about Melik Shah's anger.
He must understand that
we are not scared of him.
Sabbah also didn't
keep his promise. Seljuk,
and Kipchaks were
going to kill each other.
Let alone fighting, they made peace.
Now Melik Shah is pushing us.
Sabbah is also pay for this.
My soldiers.
The army that the emperor is
going to send will be here soon.
Resist until they arrive. Protect
Kuvel until you give your last breath!
And destroy Melik Shah
and his army when they come!
I believe in you.
You are going to be rewarded for
the pain you suffered for years, mother.
You are going back to the palace
you deserve as an innocent woman?
Having a genuine position in Sultan Melik
Shah's heart is the actual reward for me!
It wasn't easy for him to
look at me with the same
feeling after all those years.
He also emotionally got in a dead-well.
When he told me that
he had a duty of loyalty
as I was the mother
of his two children.
I thought I was never going to be
able to achieve his genuine love again.
I lost my hope.
But our Sultan's heart
got out of that well.
The cloudy water is now clean and pure.
And when he faced the fear of losing you
the genuine love in his
heart must've blossomed.
It was obvious that there was
going to be a storm for some time.
I knew that we were going
to be in that dead-well.
But I left it to time like I kept being
patient for years and trusted Allah.
There is no wound
that can not be healed.
It will be enough
someone knows how to heal it.
The only cure of the
wound which gets deeper
by years is time.
The ointment that you gave to our Sultan.
was the ointment of the wound which
was expected to heal for years, mother
He found it's cure in the end.
The pain you suffered was worth it.
If he was someone else, he might
have acted in an impulsive way.
He would open deeper wounds.
But he showed his magnanimity.
And I am proud of having
the genuine love of that heart.
Dastard how could he kill my messenger?
I didn't go against our laws
and sent him a messenger
although I knew that he
wouldn’t give the answer.
But he did the most evil thing he could do.
I will destroy Kuvel castle and
build a tower from their heads.
My Sultan these are the
documents we took from Sabbah’s cave.
Letters from Mitras.
Sabbah must've been visiting Kuvel castle.
We also haven't received information
about these doors from our spies.
So they were hiding it.
We are going to attack Kuvel from outside.
But this.
If we can learn where their secret
doors are, we can cut their veins.
We will push them from inside and outside.
Thus, we will conquer the castle quicker.
Inform our spies around Kuvel.
They must find these secret doors.
We will also hit them from these secret
doors while we are attacking from outside.
Yes, my Sultan.
We also sent your order to Turk Beylics.
They will be on alert in any case.
We completed the catapults
which throw fireballs.
I will inform the soldiers
and tell them to set off.
The catapults will be placed
before we arrive in the quarters.
And I will go back to the
tribe and organize my Alps.
My Sultan
News from Haje's spies.
They captured Batinis in Beylem
and Sahrud and beheaded them.
They detected their places and ruined them.
The chasing continues.
The claws that we hit to Batinis
will also destroy Kuvel.
This alliance of evil will be destroyed.
From now on, they won't be
able plant evil seeds on our lands
and they won’t be able to protect Kuvel.
But it's important for us to learn
where these secret doors are.
You will make a raid with your Alps when we
receive information from our spies, Sanjar.
When you start the raid,
we will attack from the outside.
Yes, my Sultan.
We failed in the assassination we planned
against Melik Shah, Hazrat Seyyiduna.
Your followers were captured and killed.
They destroyed our
only move that we trusted.
They cut out hands the
moment we try to reach.
We are also receiving bad
news from Beylem and Sahrud.
Seljuq killed our followers.
They ruined our places.
Melik Shah cornered us.
We wanted to stop them
from going to Kuvel
but we gave them the
most important information
about Kuvel with the
documents in the cave.
We couldn’t make Kipchaks
and the Seljuk become enemies.
We couldn’t kill Melik Shah.
Mitras must be angry right now.
We need information about the war
to preserve our friendship with him.
Inform Tajul Mulk.
He must bring us all important
information about Kuvel.
Kuvel is our only shelter.
If we lose it, we will be ruined.
We want to see our
Sultan if he is not busy.
I'll ask him, Zubeyde Hatun.
May it be good inshaAllah,
Zubeyde Hatun
Our pursuit came up with a result, Haje.
Terken Hatun brought soldiers
from Karakhanids secretly
and sneaked them in our state.
Both of you planned
a sneaky game.
You are making me go in that
room with a rope on my neck.
But I know how to
put that rope on your
neck and leave that room.
There were people who tried this before.
And they learned what their limits are.
You will also learn.
You yourself put that rope on your neck.
We are just holding that rope.
The decision will be made inside.
Then we will see who learns their limits.
You were always afraid because
I'd take your position, Haje.
You always tried to put me down whenever
my Sultan liked something about me.
But I will get rid of your sneaky game.
Then you should be scared of me.
You are just a pawn.
Who are you to be scared of?
I only care about the
hands that make you play.
Now you will see what check-mate is.
This game will collapse on you.
Our Sultan is waiting for you.
My Sultan.
Why do you want to see me at the same time?
The issue is about Terken
Hatun and Emir Tajul Mulk.
We've been following Terken Hatun's.
soldiers because of some doubts.
And we were right.
Terken Hatun has been placing
soldiers who she brought from
Karakhanids into our state.
We caught her red-handed.
What does that mean Terken?
It is my right to have soldiers
under my command, my Sultan.
And I brought them
for the sake of our state.
We were dealing with Kuvel
and Kipchaks at the same time.
I wanted them to focus on Kuvel
while you are dealing with Kipchaks.
Zubeyde Hatun thinks it’s betrayal
because she doesn't like me.
I want to make a complaint about her.
She apparently has been bringing
soldiers from Karakhanids for a long time.
Besides, she brings the gold that
she gives them from Karakhanids.
Since when do we feed the state
of Seljuk with Karakhanids gold?
Since when do we need Karakhanids soldiers?
What is it if it's not betrayal?
Such a shame.
I let you command
the soldiers in our state!
How dare you sneak
soldiers from Karakhanids?
How dare you use their gold?
Are you trying to build
an army in our army?
Are you trying to become
a state in my state?
We were also upset about Kuvel like you.
Is it a guilt?
The ones you call Karakhanids
is my dynasty, not our enemies.
I took the gold from them because I
didn’t want to touch our state’s vault.
Is it my guilt?
You are right.
Karakhanids is not our enemy.
But it's an opponent state.
Kipchaks were also not our enemies.
But Basulu Hatun was exiled because
she was blamed for leaking information.
Is there any difference between spying
and the thing you did, Terken Hatun.
These are not the words
that can be told to Sultan's
Hatun and an Emir who
gave his years to this.
I was brought here because
of different slanders, my sultan.
Now they must tell you.
Have I ever leaked
information for Karakhanids?
Or have I ever ordered my soldiers
something against the state?
If I have, and if they can prove it.
then I will accept the
titles like "traitor" and "spy".
My Sultan.
We don't have anything that says
Terken Hatun leaks information.
but we can't know if she did something
against the state with her soldiers.
As you can see my Sultan, I
am not a traitor, and not a spy.
Now I want to make a
complaint about them my Sultan.
They both have to be punished
because of putting a slander on Sultan.
You snaked in another state's soldiers
in our army without informing our Sultan.
You broke the rules of our
state and the word of our Sultan.
They can't deny this, my Sultan.
It's proven.
These guilt can be seen as betrayal.
And execution is the
punishment for betrayal.
Terken Hatun and Tajul Mulk
deserve to be strangled with bowstring.
The decision is yours, my Sultan.
Don't forget our tribe because now
you belong to the palace, mother.
Our tribe is your tribe,
our tent is your tent.
something bad
happens in the palace
It's not going to happen, son.
Don't worry.
Neither your father,
nor I will let that happen.
You, our tribe and our tent
are entrusted to Turna Hatun.
My daughter
Are you alright?
- You are in sweat.
- I am alright, mother.
It's too hot, that's why.
It'll pass when I have some rest.
Don't worry.
Go safely.
Okay, my girl.
May Allah protect you, my girl.
Turna Hatun?!
My daughter.
Baby is coming, Sanjar. It’s coming!
She says baby is
coming, What will we do?
We know what to do, son.
Alaca, get the midwives! Turna
Hatun is delivering the baby.
Let's go my girl Come on!
Zubeyde Hatun, Haje, Nizam Al Mulk.
You turned out to be right about your
suspicions about Terken Hatun’s soldiers.
Your perceptions are praiseworthy.
Terken Hatun and Emir Tacul Mulk.
While we were working for
Kuvel campaign day and night.
you raised troubles against us.
You deserve to be punished
even only for this reason.
And, my decision.
For letting the soldiers of
another state in our state
and feeding those soldiers
with the golds of another state
you are guilty.
But your guilt is not betrayal or spying.
It's abusing your duties and
the privileges given to you.
For this guilt
Emir Tajul Mulk has been exiled.
to a remote fortress for a year.
He’s going to leave the palace tomorrow.
Terken Hatun.
has got deauthorized completely.
There will be no soldiers
under her command.
Her servants are going to be
appointed by Zubeyde Hatun.
She's going to just
live in the palace
with no duties or authorities.
This punishment literally
means finishing me.
What difference will I
have from a palace servant?
You will learn to serve your country
much as a palace servant does
instead of abusing your duties.
For years I couldn’t get
what I deserved in this palace.
And I always tried to
serve you and my country.
And I don’t regret anything I have done.
Now you can exile me
from the palace for a while.
No need for that.
Your punishment is enough.
Come on! Push it, Turna Hatun!
Come on, my girl.
Come on Push in one breath.
Be strong, Turna Hatun.
For your baby. Come on
It got all quiet.
Did she?
Thanks to Allah.
Your baby has been born, Hazrat Melik.
Congratulations Melik Hazrat.
Congratulations, my son.
You have a baby girl.
Both the mother and
her baby are fine.
A daughter?
I'm a father.
I have a daughter.
Ak Bilge.
Give the great news to the tribe.
Hand out food and sherbets.
May you be an army with your son and
a tribe with your daughter, inshaAllah.
Let my father and brother know.
Our baby was finally born.
My daughter.
My child.
A piece of life from both of us.
They say babies smell like heaven.
This is the voice of Allah's angel.
- It's His blessing for us.
- Nobody can understand this miracle.
Take her.
My daughter.
You were my sparrow to love.
Now our baby was born from you.
You two are the greatest
blessings of my Allah.
You always loved and
protected me under your wings.
- Now, you'll be the best father.
- Of course I will.
I will never leave her without a father.
I won't let her heart feel cold.
My daughter won't miss her father.
I'll never leave you or
my child under my wings.
Terken Hatun.
I heard our Sultan's decision about you.
Inshallah the best
will happen for all of us.
It will Gevher. It will.
They took everything from me but
I won't let them crush me or my son.
They extinguished me many times
but I burned stronger each time.
It'll happen when the time comes.
Basulu Hatun is coming to the palace.
She's the reason you got cold with Tapar.
When the time comes, we need
to know how to stand against them.
If Basulu Hatun comes,
she has a room next to me.
There is nothing here that we'll unite.
Everyone should follow their path.
Are you talking like
that because I lost value?
This is being ungrateful.
I did the real ungratefulness
against my husband Tapar.
When I regret, my eyes
were opened. I saw the truth.
I don't do anything to lose him again.
Have a nice day.
- Mother!
- My son. My Mahmud.
I struggle against all these hardships
and ungratefulness just for you.
Everyone is trying to betray.
But us, mother and son
we'll beat all the hardships together.
I promise.
I promise.
I know you're uncomfortable that
I didn't accuse Terken with betrayal.
Mother of my son. My Hatun.
If she did such a betrayal to my state
it would burn me but I'd
give the necessary punishment.
But about justice, there wasn't
any evidence about eh betrayal.
I didn't want that because of my
personal anger. In my opinion
everything against
the state is betrayal.
That's why I wanted her punishment.
But you're the ruler.
Our opinions aren't
better than your justice.
Since you came, you're trying for the
state affairs and for the palace's order.
And your efforts exposed this event too.
I'm okay with you, Zubeyde.
You should be okay with my decision too.
When the time comes, you'd be better.
I'm okay with you too.
I don't doubt on your justice.
If you say this is right
my heart is pleased.
I could exiled her but
I suffered a lot because of Basulu.
Now, my son and my Hatun
I couldn't let them end up like that.
And Basulu supposed to be at the palace.
Why didn't she come yet?
My Sultan. Haje Nizam Al Mulk
wants to give you good news.
Let him in.
What happened, Haje?
My Sultan.
News from the plain.
Sanjar had a beautiful daughter.
My lion son.
- Finally he became a father.
- Mashallah.
Our dynasty got another child.
I'm happy as I got a grand daughter.
You had a grand daughter too.
You were his father for years.
Let's give sherbet to people at Isfahan.
All the people should get aid.
Let's go to the plain.
Tell your men
if any news come from spies at
Kuvel, they should bring it to the plain.
Yes, my Sultan.
Come on.
Isn't this pain enough?
I want to talk to you.
There is nothing to talk.
My brother got a child.
I'll go to the plain.
- Don't bother me.
- Tapar.
I understood my mistake.
I don't hear anyone's voice other than you.
I won't allow their bad words.
Basulu Hatun has a place in my heart.
Forgive me. Don't keep
me away from yourself.
Allow me to go to the plain with you.
Let me fix the mistakes I made
against your brother and mother.
This is one of the secret
doors that Haje asked us to find.
I understood that soldiers
were carrying barrels secretly.
Let's send a pigeon to the
palace and tell the door's place.
There will be an attack here tomorrow.
Seljuk agents.
I know you're looking for the
secret doors that lead to Kuvel castle.
I put a bait and you took it.
You were going to inform Melik Shah, right?
Don't worry. I'll inform him.
My blessed daughter.
You brought joy to our family
and abundance to our dynasty.
May your fate be bright
like your beautiful bright face.
The son is the secret of his father.
And daughter is his beauty.
Being a father of a
daughter calms your heart.
Makes your heart deeper.
You know the absence of a
father and the value of a father.
I don't doubt on that
you'll be a good father, son.
Thank you, father.
You'll raise this beautiful girl.
You'll make her a real Hatun like yourself.
Mother's right is more
important than anything.
Put her name, my daughter.
What's your choice?
The best father of a daughter I know
was my father, Emir llteber.
If I had a daughter one day,
I wanted him to name her.
But you are the father of all of us.
Like our real father.
And you're one of the best
father of a daughter I know.
That's why I want you to name her.
Since we said a daughter
is the beauty of a father.
Then her name is Zaynab.
It means a father's ornament.
And it's also the name
of our Prophet's daughter.
One of the first Muslim people.
May our Zaynab be your
ornament as her name, son.
May she be with you during all
the hardship. May she help you.
Allah is most great.
I bear witness that
there is no deity but Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad
isthe Messenger of Allah.
Hasten to the prayer.
Hasten to the salvation.
Allah is the greatest.
There is no deity but Allah.
"Your name is Zaynab."
We gave her name, may Allah give her life.
May she live with her name, Turna Hatun.
- Amen.
- May Allah keep her with her parents.
- May she bring good luck to your home.
- Thank you, Gevher Hatun.
Let our Turna get some rest.
And let me give you food and sherbet.
My Alaca.
Thanks to your hands
It seems like we'll have more guests.
Leave sherbet to me and get more honey.
Sure, Basulu Hatun.
I know
I don't have a right to look at you.
I know my words have no value but
You can say whatever you want, my daughter.
Your words are valuable to me.
I despised you. I couldn't
even kiss your hand.
But you never closed the
doors of your heart to me.
Palace and rank are no better than this.
Because of the mistakes
I've made, I hurt Tapar too.
If I can't fix your heart
his heart won't get better too.
And I don't have a home
other than Tapar's heart.
If you forgive me and
accept me once more
I'll do everything to be
good for you two, Basulu.
Mistakes for human.
Everyone does it.
The real thing is to have a good
heart to accept the mistake.
Allah doesn't close the repentance
door for those who regret.
He is the One who forgives.
He wants us to be like that.
You're my bride in law
and also my daughter.
And I'm your mother.
Since Tajul Mulk can't leave the palace,
we talked to his close men, Seyyiduna.
Sultan Melik Shah exiled him.
He'll leave the palace tomorrow.
Stupid Tajul Mulk.
Right now?
He was going to inform us about the war.
That Melik Shah!
He's cutting our arms at our every move.
He kills our followers,
he raids our places.
He'll end us, if he
keeps going like this, huh.
We only have one option.
Going to Mitras and
taking shelter at Kuvel.
We'll tell him to take
us Kuvel no matter what.
Otherwise we'll be food
for the wolf Melik Shah.
My Sultan. My Sultan.
Right now, I see your
father Alp Arslan here.
How come, Ak Bilge?
During the war times, he keeps
thinking with his eagle eyes.
The wild horses were running inside his
eyes and war sparkles were coming out.
His power was just like yours
by spreading fear to the enemies.
When he walks, all the soldiers
follow him without any fear.
When they say Sultan
Alp Arslan got his sword
the enemy castles starts to tremble.
He never left his horse and even
most of the time, he slept on his horse.
It was just a new state.
The enemies around
us were stronger than us.
But Alp Arslan's dreams
while his father Caghri and
his uncle Tughril Bey were alive
was big as the world.
He, just to get the Prophet's
(PBUH) appreciation
was looking Rum lands
when he was even Balkh's Emir.
My grandfather Alp Arslan wouldn't
come back without a victory from a war.
Inshallah, we
will go to the Kuvel attack
and come back with victory.
When the info about the secret
doors come from our spies
Kuvel will tremble with our swords.
The drums? Inshallah it's good.
- May I come in, my Sultan.
- Come in, Kamac.
My Sultan. Mitras killed one of
our spies at Kuvel and sent us.
My Sultan. It seems like
Mitras caught all of our spies.
I think we won't learn the
secret doors at Kuvel, my Sultan.
That doors were so
important for the attack.
The life of the castle.
Also news from our spies around Black Sea.
They saw a crowded Byzantine army
around Hopa. And it's going to Kuvel.
It seems like he asked
support from the Emperor.
He won't defend the castle
with that many soldiers.
It's obvious he'll welcome
us outside of the castle.
A pitched battle.
Okay then. We'll go there
and do what's necessary.
Our army should be
prepared for a pitched battle.
While we fight at the battlefield, the
catapults should start to hit the castle.
We'll take their heads
at the battlefield first
then we'll hang our
flag on their castle.
I nailed these two on the cross and
killed them so it'll be a lesson for Turks.
They all should know that
they’ll all die for our holy cross.
If he has a thousand eyes
in our castle, we'll poke them.
If they try to reach their
hands, we'll cut them.
If they come with their armies
we'll fight until the
last drop of our blood.
- And we won't give our castle.
- We won't.
When the army that Emperor sent comes
we'll attack and then we'll
put all the Turks on the crosses.
Death for Melik Shah.
Death for Turks.
Death for Melik Shah.
Death for Turks.
Death for Melik Shah.
Death for Turks.
My Sultan.
I did everything for our state until today.
And I'm comfortable about this matter.
But you didn't believe
the crown of your heart.
That's the only thing that hurts my heart.
Now, it'll be better for
you to take care of our son,
not the state, Terken.
- Thank you, my Sultan.
- Thank you.
Thank you, my Sultan.
It's nice to see you at the
palace you deserve, Basulu Hatun.
Welcome, you brought joy, my kids.
Thank you.
It was a nice decision to stay
away from everyone at the palace.
If this place is the right of people who
did sketchy things against the state
staying away suits us then.
From now on
I forbid to say those
words about Basulu Hatun.
Don't make it any longer, Terken.
Come on.
Let's do the last preparations for Kuvel.
My Mahmud! My son!
Let them think they left us alone.
While you're with me
the whole world is with me.
I was patient to get you
in my arms until today.
Now, I'll be patient to raise you.
Years ago
this place that leaded to our room
..I remember the days
I was waiting for you.
When I was pregnant to Tapar.
You went to wars.
You didn't come back for days and nights.
Whenever I came, I found you waiting here.
I remember the day I came
to the palace for the first time.
It's like I left here yesterday.
It didn't change at all.
You were scared like a sparrow.
I was jealous by thinking you
like fighting more than me.
Sometimes, I dressed you unwillingly.
Then I learned to love everything
you love as much as you love them.
so my armor will be on
me with your love again.
My Sultan. The army is
waiting at the exit of Isfahan.
The catapults took
their position, my Sultan.
They'll shoot the castle's
walls while we're fighting.
We're going to the Kuvel
attack we've been trying to do.
The prayers and hopes of the
state, community are with us.
May Allah make our sword sharp
open our way
and make our end as victorious.
My loyal friend Mitras, I came here
to help you in this difficult war day.
I'm a loyal friend Sabbah,
but you are not.
You didn't keep any promise.
Melik Shah is coming to destroy Kuvel now.
Get out of my castle now.
Melik Shah burned and
destroyed all of my places.
They’ll kill my followers one by one.
I don’t have any place to go.
I burned many times but I was
born from my ashes many times.
If you lose me, you'll
lose a huge ally, huh.
And there is info I can
learn about Melik Shah.
And the most useful info about this war.
Enough with info, Sabbah!
You're fool enough to
believe that you can fool me.
But I'm not fool enough to believe you.
The army sent by Byzantine came.
We'll destroy Melik Shah soon.
I don't need a miserable one like you.
Melik Shah is killing your
followers to punish you.
Then I'll punish you.
Now leave Kuvel. Get out.
Allah is the greatest.
May the peace and
mercy of Allah be with you.
O Rab! We're going to fight for your cause.
May You allow us to destroy the
oppressor's wall and put flag of justice.
This war is the war of right and wrong,
the believer and the oppressor.
May You make the oppressors lose,
and the believers win!
May You make our swords
sharp, our army victorious!
The fearless warriors of Byzantine!
Once upon a time, Sultan Tugril
started the first war against Byzantine.
Alp Arslan did the greatest one.
We lost many of our castles and lands.
And unfortunately, Alp Arslan
opened Anatolia to the Turks.
Now, they even want
to reach Constantinople.
But we'll never allow that.
We'll bury Melik Shah and
his army in Kuvel's lands.
The time for the big battle came.
Today victory will be ours
and the lose will be Turks'.
Allah is the greatest.
Allah is the greatest!
Allah is the greatest!
Allah is the greatest!
This sword isn't Sultan Melik Shah's.
It's the sword of innocent people
who you killed and oppressed.
I'll take your head for their revenge!
Before you, we took many infidels' heads.
After you, we'll keep taking heads.
Until forever.
My Sultan. We're beating Kuvel Castle
with the catapults since the morning.
We opened a hole on
the wall. Our soldiers entered.
We have the castle now. We're
waiting for you to announce the conquest.
Kuvel was the biggest
obstacle before Constantinople.
Now, by hanging our
conquest flag on Kuvel castle
we'll finish the duty which
was from my father Alp Arslan.
The custom says the victorious
Sultan take down the enemy's flags.
So let the conquest be seen.
For a while, you showed so
much effort for the Kuvel's conquest.
Father and his sons should
take down the infidel's flags.
Long live Sultan Melik Shah!
May your sword reach to the sky!
Long live Sultan Melik Shah!
May your sword reach to the sky!
Long live Sultan Melik Shah!
May your sword reach to the sky!
Long live Sultan Melik Shah!
May your sword reach to the sky!
From now on
as the sign of the conquest
recite the Adhan of Muhammad.
Allah is the greatest!
Allah is the greatest!
I bear witness that
there is no deity but Allah.
I bear witness that
there is no deity but Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad
is the Messenger of Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad
is the Messenger of Allah.
Hasten to the prayer.
Hasten to the prayer.
Hasten to the salvation.
Hasten to the salvation.
Allah is the greatest.
There is no deity but Allah.
We're the protectors of Islam
hopes of the innocent
ones, fear of the oppressors.
We're the holder of Tawhid's flag
the soldiers of
Allah's struggle, Seljuks!
Islam's dignity and Turk's custom
until we spread
them all over the world
we'll keep fighting against
the cruels and infidels.
The war is ours, the victory is Allah's.
Allah is the greatest!
Allah is the greatest!
Allah is the greatest!
Allah is the greatest!
2 weeks later
Sultan Melik Shah Hazrat!
My sons.
My dearest ones.
The pride of my state.
After the Kuvel conquest, it suits
you to be an Emir of a bigger land.
Because you proved that with your
intelligence, power and talent.
From now on
you're the Emir of Gania, Tapar.
It's huge and important.
The way to enter Anatolia.
You carry the name of Muhammad
from your grandfather Alp Arslan.
The borders of Anatolia which your
grandfather opened the doors of it
of course, it suits you to rule it.
My entire life
first, my grandfather,
I got my name from him
then I worked to be
good for you, father.
maybe it'll be hard for us to meet.
Give your blessing.
I give, son.
I give.
From now on
you're the Emir of Khorasan, Sanjar.
is the pillar of the east
is the light.
Your brother Tapar will be our arm.
And you'll be our light.
When the time comes
you'll brighten our
state with your light.
Many years
you were away from the state.
I'm sure that you'll
keep brighten our state
for long years.
This state was the stove which
warmed me when I didn't have a father.
Then you took me under your wings.
Whatever I've done until today
it was for you and the state.
Going and not coming back.
Coming back and not seeing again.
Give me your blessing just in case, father.
I give, son.
I give my blessings to both of you.
For years
my heart burned by missing you.
But after I found you..
there is no trace left about them.
Now, don't be sad because
your son isn't here, mother.
Our hearts will always be together.
You'll always be in my heart.
May Allah protect you.
you don't have a son to worry
about his troubles, mother.
- Don't worry.
- What kind of word is that?
Thanks to Allah, my heart is not worried.
You're under merciful and powerful wings.
Give your blessings, mother.
I give, son
May your way be opened, my lion sons.
Give your blessing, my Sultan.
I give.
May Allah protect you,
my beautiful daughters.
After Berkyaruq, the little
eagles left the nest, my Sultan.
May Allah give them good
victories that suit their father.
What's your order now, my Sultan?
Our kids fulfilled their duties against us.
Now, we have one duty
left to do about my father.
After the damages of Sultan
Melik Shah, Batinis were shattered.
And Hassan Sabbah
who didn't have any place,
aimed for the Alamut
castle as a last target.
He was going to use all of his
power to settle in to Alamut Castle.
Very nice, huh.
Melik Muhammad Tapar was going to
be a successful Emir in Ganja for years.
He was going to follow his
grandfather Muhammad Alp Arslan
with his courage and justice.
Melik Ahmed Sanjar was
going to rule Khorasan for years.
At the lands which his grandfather
Alp Arslan enlarged the Seljuk
he was going to struggle
make his state more powerful.
The light of an era which
the pencil was brightening it
he was going to write it to
the golden pages of history.
My Sultan father.
This is from Kuvel.
You may sleep well.
The most important castle at
Anatolia which you opened its doors
is ours now.
The state we got from
my father Alp Arslan
we brought it here.
Now, we're the biggest state of the world.
My father did the hardest thing.
He protected the newly
established state against enemies.
He did the wars and conquests
that everyone said impossible.
Before I was born
you know my father.
Tell me. How did he do all these hardships?
The real epic of Seljuk
was started to be written
at Sultan Alp Arslan's era.
Knowing the struggles of that era
understanding the epic
written by Sultan Alp Arslan
will be understanding the Seljuk Empire.
With the big war that we'll start soon
the sun of Seljuk
will rise to the world.
Our great epic will begin.
The army is waiting for you.
Are you ready to write the
epic of Seljuk, Alp Arslan?
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