Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e35 Episode Script

Deep Creek Salvage

When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
[ Fly buzzing ]
Direct hit!
Man, I'm getting good at this.
And it only took you
187 tries.
That's a new record.
Hey, Craig.
Sorry I'm late, guys.
I had to finish my dumb chores.
My mom said
my room was a dump,
and she wouldn't give me
my allowance
until it was spotless.
Ah, man.
That's the worst.
How are we supposed to reach
financial stability
with such impossible
Don't you guys know?
The allowance structure
is rigged, man.
Parents don't want us
to be rich.
It would create
an economic collapse.
All I know is, someday
I'm gonna have enough money
so I never have
to clean my room again.
All: Go-o-o-al!
That was worth at least
three points.
That was nothing.
I bet I can hit this can
through that fork in the tree.
20 points says
I can knock it off.
You're on.
-That was bad.
Looks like you need
a little more practice.
Well, that was
out of my control.
It's this part
of the creek.
All the garbage is in the air,
and it blocked my shot.
[ Gasps ]
Guys, look.
There's something shiny
down there.
It looks like gold.
Eh, it's probably
just some oil
or a shattered
katana blade.
[ Sighs ]
Oh, come on.
Let's go hang out somewhere
that isn't covered in garbage.
So the junk pile?
Ah, you're right.
[ Sighs ]
It's probably not gold.
[ Fly buzzing ]
But what if it is gold?
[ Sighs ]
All right.
Fine, let's just poke
around with this.
Whoa, this spot
is deep and gross.
There's no way
I'm going in there.
Maybe someone else
could go and get it?
Yeah, I've met me, guys.
You don't have to do
the someone thing.
I'll go. I'll go.
[ Plop! ]
I can't do it!
Then we'll have to try
a different approach.
-Whoa, what is it?
-A sub.
Oh, good, I'm starving.
No, like, an actual sub,
a submersible so we can see
what's at the bottom
of the creek.
Wait. How did you come up
with this so fast?
Oh, I already
had blueprints for it.
Look. It's my journal
of contraptions
I think of
when I'm asleep.
"For the day we find
something shiny
at the bottom of the creek
but need to get a better look."
Real convenient, Craig.
Are you a witch?!
-He be a witch!
-No, I'm not.
-Oh, okay.
-But pull out your phone.
I need you to video-call me.
Take this apart.
[ Cellphone rings ]Answer the phone.
[ Chuckling ]
We'll place the phone
in here,
cover it back up
and there.
While the submersible goes
on its journey,
the phone will be able
to show us what it sees.
JP, could you grab
the end of the hose?
You got it.
That seems to be
the spot.
Okay, so use that hose
to suck the air from the bottle.
When you do that,
the bottle should sink.
All right!
[ Inhales ]
Nothing yet.
Except garbage.
Keep going, JP.
[ Inhaling ]
Hold on.
I think
I see something yellow.
There, hold it steady.
[ Straining ]
It's a gold bar!
[ Gasping ]
[ Panting ]
I'm okay.
You're gonna be better
than okay
because that was
definitely gold.
We're rich!
Ah, man.
This is so cool.
You guys, if we get
that treasure,
we'll never have
to do chores again.
Oh, good point,
but how are we gonna
"Giant robot claw
for grabbing the treasure
at the bottom
of the creek."
What else do you see
in your dreams, Craig?
Whose is the gold
in the creek ♪
Who needs the gold
Give me that gold
Give me that treasure,
treasure, sweet treasure ♪
Ooh, ooh
Treasure, treasure,
sweet treasure ♪
Huh, just like
he drew it.
All right, guys.
Take your stations.
Locking onto grabber.
Can you move it
over a little more?
Oh, yeah.
-No, more to the right.
No, I mean my right,
your left.
-Oh, so here?
-No, near the diaper.
-No, the baby diaper.
Lowering grabber.
JP, stand by.
Standing by.
Wait. Stop.
I think I feel something.
grabbing mechanism.
JP, pull.
Pulling with arms.
Could it be?
Come on.
Craiggy needs a new pair
of shoes.
Ah, man.
It's an old pair of shoes.
Ah, I want to buy shoes,
not find shoes.
Who throws a shoe
in the creek anyway?
I don't know, some jerk.
Want me to throw it
back in the creek?
Nah, better just
start a trash pile.
That's okay, Squeeze Rex.
You'll get it next time.
Make Daddy proud.
Lowering grabber.
JP, stand by.
So you guys thought
about what you're gonna do
with your share of the gold
once we find it?
Well, I was thinking
I'm gonna get a pet
Komodo dragon to spar with.
Brutus will become
my most trusted partner,
second only to Mortimer.
We'll train together
and fight swarms of enemies.
I'll out-fight her
and move on
to real dragons,
and one day the especially
humongous dragon
will be too much for me,
and then out of nowhere,
sacrificing her own life
so that I might live
No. [ Sniffles ]
There, there, Kelsey.
None of that happened.
It happened to me
in my head.
Well, I know exactly
what I'd do with that gold.
I'm a simple guy
who just cares
about bettering himself.
That's why I want to take
that gold bar,
melt it down to liquid
and stick it to my hand.
Them I'll become
a crime-fighting superhero,
Naturally, I'll have
super-strong fighting skills,
and I'll make sounds when
I punch like a tennis player.
Medium punch.
Large punch.
Silver punch.
But also
it'll be a rocket fist,
but then once
I'm all old and junk,
I'll pass down my fist
to future generations
so that the world
will always have peace.
All I need
is that gold bar.
[ Grunts ]
Ah, dang it.
What are you gonna do
with your share, Craig?
When I get that money,
things are gonna change.
That's for sure.
Craig, this is
the 287th time
I've asked you
to clean your room.
It's a dump.
Oh, it is, but I don't
need this room anymore
because I'm moving
into Bernard's.
Oh, my goodness!
Here you are,
Mother Dearest, rent money.
That should cover the, uh,
first billion years.
You always were
my favorite son.
I know.
And poor Bernard,
he won't know what to do.
He'll be all in the hallway
Where will I live, Craig?
I'm dreadfully sorry,
old boy.
There are no vacancies here
on account of this
being my quarters now,
but don't fret.
I bought you a nice little shack
down by the lake.
He'll be so miserable.
I'm so miserable.
Craig has my room
but also my respect.
I think I got something.
Reel it in, JP.
Kelsey: What is that?
I don't know,
but I'll tell you what it's not.
It's not gold.
Ready the net.
JP: Come on, guys.
Keep those spirits up.
We'll get it next time.
I'm beginning to lose faith.
Ugh, I know
it's down there.
The water is still
too milky to see clearly.
Maybe we'd have more luck
if we cleared out
that dirty dam over there.
On it.
The water is flowing.
Let's give it one more go.
Locked onto grabber.
Lowering grabber.
I got something.
grabbing mechanism.
JP, get ready to pull.
We got it!
Wait for me.
Oh, man.
Guys, it's a 100-karat bar.
Let me see.
Oh, no.
This isn't a gold bar.
It's a candy bar.
I've never been
more disappointed
to see chocolate
in all my life.
I can't believe I wasted
my robot claw on this.
What a letdown.
Yeah. I knew it was too good
to be true.
Oh, my gosh.
It says instant winner.
-Let me see.
-Yeah, look.
Bring this wrapper
to the McGoldy Candy Factory,
and you will receive
a special tour
from our reclusive owner,
Moldy McGoldy,
and $50,000.
Kelsey, where's the McGoldy
Candy Factory?
Eh, bad news,
the McGoldy Candy Factory
is in Kentucky.
And Moldy McGoldy
passed away.
And the McGoldy
Candy Company folded in 1964
due to too many
winning candy bars.
So we don't get the money?
Man, that's so --
that's sosuch a whack!
I'm gonna be doing chores
for the rest of my life.
[ Crying ]
I'll never be able
to become Silverfist now.
The gold was
a necessary component,
but, hey,
we got each other,
and we got this chocolate
from the bottom
of the creek.
That's nasty.
You nasty.
[ Sighs ]
We spent all day pulling trash
out of the water.
We've got nothing
to show for it.
Yeah, but this place
does look like
less of a dump now.
It's kind of nice.
I'd get in that water.
I'd get all up
in that water.
You're right, Kelsey.
I'm glad we cleaned
this place up.
I mean, we've only got
one creek,
and now we've got another sweet
spot where we can hang out.
Yeah, and I could always
use another place
to wash the blood off my sword.
-All right.
Well, I guess we can't
just leave this stuff here.
You think the junk lord
would want some of this?
Yeah, definitely.
But would he pay
for it, though?
He might.
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
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