Ghost Force (2021) s01e35 Episode Script

Jinjoke / Hypnolion

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep ♪
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep ♪
Full of fear,
please make them disappear ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force, spooky hour ♪
Like the night, glow forever ♪
Ghost Force ♪
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere ♪
Creepy crawlies in their lair ♪
Out of sight, waiting in the night ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
(Mysterious music)
So cute!
It's going to go perfectly
with my feathered prom dress.
- How much for that?
- Five bucks, little lady.
(Gasps) Oh, no!
Ah! Aaah!
- Aaah!
- Aaah!
(Makes monkey sounds)
- Aaah!
- (Chuckles)
(Lively music)
Interesting! Ha!
I didn't know I had
this kind of boo energy in me.
- Check!
- How'd you do that?
I saw your move a mile away.
It's the same play Ms Jones always makes!
Bingo. You do everything Ms Jones does!
I bet if she dyed her hair
multicolour, you would too.
Affirmative. You copy Ms Jones
approximately 87% of the time.
Whatever. And so
what if I find her inspiring?
She's a scientific genius!
(Slurps) Inspiring, sure.
But you act like her total clone.
If you had stuck with your first
choice, I might not have won.
- (Slurps)
- Ghost!
(Worried cry)
- Ow!
- My console!
- Huh?
- Oopsie!
How many times have I told you
no drinks in the lab?
- Uh, I'm pretty sure never?
- Oh! Anyway,
remind me to remind you later.
We've got a boo alert and I'm not familiar
- with today's guest ghost.
- A new ghost to discover? Cool!
Perhaps, but let's not wait around
to see what its booster mode is.
May the Boo be with you!
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force, don't fear the glow!
(Lively music)
Ghost Force!
(Monkey sounds)
(Big cat meowing)
Uh, why is all of New York
playing animal charades?
Given their behaviour, it seems
more appropriate to think
they are under the spell
of a hypnotising ghost.
(Monkey sounds)
- Boo-sample incoming, Ms Jones.
- Ow!
Ugh! Hmm Thanks, Myst,
but I'm still trying to repair
the damage caused by the smoothie.
I'll have to find
another way to analyse it.
- (Squawking)
- They're about to take off!
Take care of the ghost.
I'll handle our wannabe birdies.
And hurry before it boosts!
- May the Boo be with you!
- You got it, Ms Jones Junior!
Spectral gate!
- Aaah!
- Aaah!
(Monkey sounds)
Time for boo-style!
Time for some boo-style!
Or not!
This one is so mighty!
(Evil laugh)
- Aaah!
- Flexy power!
Great! So now it can hypnotise
them with its roar!
So we've got a Hypnolion!
You sure his power
doesn't come from his paws?
Good news! I've analysed
the boo sample old-school style!
Bad news. We've got a level-7 ghost.
It's a shrieker, so its power
likely comes from its roar.
In other words, you've gotta muzzle it
- before you can boo-cap it.
- Great idea! Thanks, Ms Jones!
So you were right. Its power
activates every time it roars!
So, we've gotta muzzle it
before we can boo-cap it!
Anyone else hearing an echo?
'Cause I swear I just heard that
like two seconds ago!
- Aaah!
- (Growls)
(Action music)
- Uh-oh!
- Spectral gate!
Move on, Fury!
Flexy power!
- All: Fury!
- Huh?
(Monkey sounds)
Looks like Fury's got monkey business.
- It's down to us.
- (Ghost chuckles)
Back off! Or I'm calling animal control!
Krush, I'm teleporting you
behind the ghost
- for a rear attack.
- Wait. What if you're right?
I mean, it hits its paws
every time it roars!
Forget that. We gotta stick
to Ms Jones' plan.
(Trumpets like an elephant)
We'll aim at its tail first,
to stop it defending itself.
- Glowboo, you're with me!
- Affirmative.
Spectral bow!
(Monkey sounds)
Hey! Gimme that back!
(Monkey sounds)
Let's play pin the tail.
- Oh, no!
- (Growls)
(Monkey sounds)
Grr! Enough!
(Monkey sounds)
Ugh! That's not a toy!
(Monkey sounds)
- (Growls)
- (Gasps)
- Roar!
- Glowboo!
Nice one, Myst!
Fractal power!
I think we should fall back.
I I don't get it.
Ms Jones says its power
comes from its roar!
Well, Ms Jones was wrong, apparently.
I'm sure your first idea's right.
We gotta aim for its paws!
Initiate paw protocol.
But first, let's get
this kitty off the streets!
(Monkey sounds)
Watch out!
I am on it.
Now, Krush!
Fractal tra Aaah!
- No!
- (Monkey laugh)
Watch out!
I cannot hold out for long.
- (Monkey sounds)
- Yo, Monkey-Fury!
- Fetch!
- (Monkey sounds)
- Roar!
- Fractal power!
Let me show you how I roar!
(Animal sounds)
Huh? What am I doing up Aaah!
I am glad you are no longer
monkeying around, Fury.
What? And where'd the ghost go?
It's cat-napping,
all thanks to Myst's plan.
See? You have to trust your own ideas.
And another ghost bites the boo.
I can't wait to tame this one.
- Great job, kids!
- You too, Ms Jones.
Fixing the console
couldn't have been easy.
Well, it took a bit of elbow grease
and a lot of sponging up smoothie,
but there's nothing
this scientist can't do!
Except getting that boo analysis right.
It's all right. Everyone makes mistakes.
Even the world's greatest scientist!
Indeed! To err is human.
And kudos to Liv for calling me on it!
- Thanks, Ms Jones.
- Now how about a victory snack?
Ugh! Nah, I'm good.
I think I've had
enough bananas for the year!
Man: I'm going to get a coffee.
You want one?
Woman: Um I'm okay, thanks!
- (Farting sound)
- Aaah!
- (Woman laughs)
- Real mature, Anwar!
(Evil laugh)
Aaah! Aaah!
- Aaah!
- Ghost!
(Evil laugh)
(Action music)
Hey, Mike! You stoked for the test?
Test? What test?
The one Prof. Pascal said we have today?
What? This is not possible!
I never forget tests!
Both: April fools!
Ha, ha! Real funny!
I forgot today was April 1st.
Anyway, not everyone here
has got the gift of the gag.
Come on! It's not that hard
to get a laugh.
Here! Watch!
Yo! Charlie, how does
a ghost tell its future?
- Um I don't know, Andy.
- It checks its horrorscope.
(Laughs) Comedy gold, as always.
See? Easy-peasy.
Go on, give it a shot.
Just think of a joke.
Hmm Got it!
Um Why do parallel lines
never hang out?
- Mmm-hmm?
- They never get to meet!
(Awkward laugh)
(Awkward laugh)
Wow! My baby sister
can tell better jokes than you,
and she doesn't even know how to talk yet!
(Laughter) Now, that's funny and mean.
Okay, it wasn't your best joke,
but it's a good start.
Did you guys pretend to laugh?
You're just a little out of
um practice.
- (Pagers ring)
- (Gasp)
- Ms Jones?
- Red alert!
A ghost has breached the lab!
- I need
- (Gasp)
(Action music)
- (Metallic sound)
- Ah!
Behind you!
- Boo!
- Aaah!
(Laughs) April fools!
Ha, ha, ha! Nice one, Ms Jones.
- Oh! You got us good!
- Uh
Sorry, but I fail to see
the humour in this.
Thanks, kids! Glowboo and I
rehearsed that over and over!
Indeed, enough to drain my Boo energy.
Oops! Good thing
we're not dealing with a
Ghost! How'd I miss that?
'Cause you were too busy rehearsing?
How timely! Ha! That's Jinjoke,
a real prankster.
But don't be fooled by
its illusions, they're not real!
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force, don't fear the glow!
(Action music)
Ghost Force!
Man: Can I buy one of these flowers?
Seller: Yes, sir, everything's on sale!
- Boo!
- Huh?
- Aaah!
- Aaah!
(Evil laugh)
Myst: Hey, clown face!
- We wanna laugh too!
- Huh?
Check out its head!
It looks like your face, Myst,
with too many marshmallows in your mouth!
Ha! Nice one, Fury!
Yeah, or it looks like Fury with uh
You'll get the hang of it. Don't worry.
- Aw
- But for now,
let's boocap that ghost!
Roland: One surprise
oyster-kiwi-caramel hot dog,
- for the young lady! Heh, heh!
- Sweet!
- Aaah!
- Aaah!
(Evil laugh)
- Aaah!
- (Evil laugh)
Well, I guess we'll have to
boocap it the hard way now.
All: Aaah!
(Evil laugh)
(Evil laugh)
Oh, no! They're trapped!
Guys! Those powers
may still only be illusions.
So, theoretically, it should be dissipated
by any kind of boo-energy attack.
Copy that, Ms Jones!
- Aaah!
- Let's get outta here!
Target its nose. That's
the source of its illusions!
You mean we gotta
pulverise its proboscis?
Oh! That was a joke?
You're not there yet,
but you're getting closer!
(Ghost laughs)
And I need to get closer too!
Spectral gate!
Comedy is all about timing!
- (Evil laugh)
- Huh?
(Evil laugh)
(Evil laugh)
Ha, ha! Gotta admit
this prank was a good one!
- Really?
- We need a plan.
Krush, pin its tail!
Fury, you handle its fists!
(Evil laugh)
- (Scary sounds)
- Aaah!
(Evil laugh)
What's up with that?
(Evil laugh)
- Aaah!
- (Evil laugh)
Flexy power!
Fractal power!
(Comical boo sounds)
(Laughter) Actually,
this ghost is pretty funny!
So, even a ghost is funnier than me?
Fury: What? No! That's not what I meant!
Don't worry, Krush! It's just an illusion!
- What?
- Aaah!
(Evil laugh)
Oh, no!
Myst, wait!
- What?
- It's illusions
that have become real!
(Evil laugh)
Its powers must have evolved
when its nose changed colour.
So Times Square is gonna be
smooshed by these moo boxes?
Not if we can help it.
Krush, you stay on the ghost.
Solo? Are you kidding?
Spectral gate!
I don't have enough boo energy
to open an other spectral gate!
Fury, you're up!
All our hope rests on Krush now.
- (Evil laugh)
- (Screaming)
Fractal trap!
Fractal mace!
- Gotcha!
- Aaah!
(Evil laugh)
Not much of a comedian.
You're freezing up!
(Laughter) Nice one, Krush!
I got you!
Excellent work, kids!
- It's thanks to Krush!
- But how'd he pull it off?
Actually, I pranked the prankster!
And I did it my own way!
All: Booyah!
Wow! If anybody told me today
would turn out like this,
I'd have thought they were joking.
- Hey, what's so funny?
- Not much of a comedian.
You're freezing up!
Krush, isn't he the funniest
of all the Ghost Force?
- Ha, ha, ha!
- You got the last laugh!
You're right,
but I still prefer math jokes.
Is he being serious right now?
'Cause I can't tell.
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