The Longest Promise (2023) s01e35 Episode Script

Episode 35

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 35=
Greetings, Lord Left Envoy.
I order you to disguise yourselves
and take Sumo away
by land tonight
and go to the God of Dragon
in Cangwu Abyss
to heal his wounds.
I can't run away
in the face of approaching enemies.
This is an order.
You can have someone else
send Sumo away.
It doesn't have to be me.
It's strange.
The thought of being separated
from you makes me very sad.
we've only just met.
this child
is important to the Merfolk.
You protecting him and raising him
will mean much more
than you staying here,
do you understand?
I understand.
I will not let you down.
Your Lordship,
have we ever met before?
Please take care, Your Lordship.
Sumo and I will be waiting for you
at the Cangwu Abyss.
All right.
(May the rest of your life)
(be restful and content.)
(War is rife, and our clans have suffered.)
Many Merfolk were able to escape
(I ask that we meet for a duel)
owing to the mercy
(to resolve this crisis. From: Yuan)
of the Priest and General Qing.
But I am worried
that doing so goes against
His Majesty's orders.
What if the unwanted grow again
when the breeze blows?
They will not return.
Tomorrow will be the end.
This is a letter of challenge
from the Sea Emperor.
He has challenged me to a duel
at the Xinghaiyun Pleasure House tomorrow.
There are only two other
sea entrances in Ye City.
The Xinghaiyun Pleasure House
and the Zhaoyun Crossing.
Tomorrow, I will head
to the Xinghaiyun Pleasure House.
You will go to find the sea entrance
in Zhaoyun Crossing.
If you encounter the Sea Emperor,
seize him with all your might.
If you do not see him,
then let the Merfolk go.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Are you really going to go alone?
I'm still not convinced about this.
I know Zhi Yuan's intention.
He wants to trade his life
for the safety of his people.
I will grant his wish.
Chong Ming,
tomorrow, you will observe the city
from a high place, just in case.
The Sea Emperor
might be a man of his word,
but I worry that there might still be
undeterred marine force
causing trouble.
All right. Leave it to me.
But your injury.
I will have no issue
slaying the Sea Emperor.
we will all evacuate Ye City
and return to Biluo Sea.
Danger will surely abound tomorrow.
What is your plan?
I will lure Shi Ying
to the Xinghaiyun Pleasure House.
The rest of the Merfolk
will evacuate via the Zhaoyun Crossing.
All right.
I'll go with you
to the Xinghaiyun Pleasure House.
Zhaoyun Crossing matters more to me.
if you truly want to help me,
then go there
and help my people.
They need you more.
Before the last person enters the water,
I will use the conch
to give you a signal.
you'll be going up against
my master alone.
Don't worry.
I'm only going to lure him away.
I'll meet up with you right after.
All right.
Be careful.
I'll be waiting for you.
If my master gets
to the Zhaoyun Crossing,
I will hold him off for you.
do you remember that it was you
who brought me here for the first time?
I do.
You came to pay your respects
to the Crown Prince.
Why is it
that every time I come here,
I have to say goodbye
to someone close to me?
Before, it was the Crown Prince,
now, it's you.
It's my fault
for not being able to keep both of you.
This is improper of me.
How can I shed tears
on the eve of the battle?
I shouldn't upset your mind.
we will meet again.
When all of this is over,
you can come back
and visit me sometime.
Or maybe
when my powers are strong enough
to part the sea,
I might become the first Kongsang person
to visit the homeland of the Merfolk.
When that time comes,
I'll come and see you and Sumo.
Thank you
for all you've done for me.
Thank you
for letting us meet.
Take care,
(Zhaoyun Crossing, Ye City)
Elder Jian.
Elder Jian is dead.
Who are you?
(I'll transform myself into a Merfolk)
(to deceive them.)
(I only know a handful)
(of the Merfolk authorities.)
(Who should I become?)
(I've got it.)
I'm not Elder Jian,
but I'm here to help.
If you trust Zhi Yuan,
you can trust me.
Continue the evacuation.
I'll shield you.
From now on,
I am your Sea Emperor.
- Hurry!
- Move!
- Hurry!
- Go!
- Keep up!
- Quickly!
The battle is fierce.
I wonder if the Sea Emperor
is actually in this chaos.
Why don't we just eliminate all of them?
General Bai,
we agreed we'd capture the leader first.
The Sea Emperor
will not abandon his people.
Let's go to the front and take a look.
I'll stall them.
I'll leave this to you.
May we know who you are?
Thank you for everything
you are doing for us.
Not for you,
not for us,
but for all of us.
When you return to the Biluo Sea,
rest and recuperate.
I believe
that the two clans
will be reunited in the future.
We will meet again.
Quickly! Hurry!
I am the Sea Emperor.
All of you, come at me!
Is this man the Sea Emperor?
He didn't go
to the Xinghaiyun Pleasure House.
We'll know
after we capture him.
Surrender yourself, Sea Emperor!
Take me hostage.
All of you, get back!
Or I'll kill your commander!
Let Qing Gang go!
your demands.
Let my marine force go,
and I will go with you.
The Merfolk no longer wish to fight.
Why must you insist on killing us?
All right.
The Sea Emperor
is most heinous!
He has taken General Qing as hostage
to force me to withdraw the troops.
He is delusional.
General Qing has said
he would rather sacrifice himself
than let the Merfolk go.
He will die for his nation
and have no regrets.
Shoot the Sea Emperor
and kill the Merfolk!
Let him go.
Bai Xuelu?
This is the best opportunity
to get rid of Qing Gang.
If he exposes us,
then you'll never become the Empress.
If you don't let them go,
I'll reveal your secrets right now.
What did you say?
Don't let your emotions
Qing Gang changed his mind!
Let my people go!
Let them go!
(It's done.)
(why hasn't Yuan come back yet?)
I allowed you to take me hostage
to let your people go.
But I cannot
let the Sea Emperor go!
You're not a Merfolk.
This is a fire technique
of the Jiuyi Mountain.
It's me.
Zhu Yan?
How can it be you?
The Sea Emperor is fighting my master
at the Xinghaiyun Pleasure House.
By his request,
I came to help the Merfolk escape.
Qing Gang,
you and I share the same thought.
When the battle is over,
I will turn myself in.
After him!
You tried to get rid of me as well
when the Sea Emperor
held me hostage, didn't you?
We must settle
this score.
The Sea Emperor escaped!
This is all your fault!
This is an order
from the Priest of Grand Preceptor.
The Sea Emperor has reached
the Xinghaiyun Pleasure House.
Both of you are to guard Ye City
and prevent any remnants from escaping.
Even if I lose today's battle,
I lose with honor.
Even if I were to die,
I die with no regrets.
All right.
I will grant your wish.
Master, stop!
The Merfolk marine force
have returned to the Biluo Sea.
Yuan didn't lie!
He does want to end this war!
Zhi Yuan.
I know your character.
But for the sake of Kongsang.
Don't do it, Master!
I am the one who should thank you.
For the sake of the Merfolk,
do it.
Master. Don't do it!
Don't do it, Master.
Take care of her for me.
In this life, you and I were enemies.
If there is to be a next life,
I hope we can be friends.
Very well.
No, Master!
Don't die, Yuan! Yuan.
Yuan! Yuan.
Don't go!
The Sea Emperor, Zhi Yuan,
leader of the rebels,
has been executed.
The Sea Emperor, Zhi Yuan,
leader of the rebels,
has been executed.
The Sea Emperor, Zhi Yuan,
leader of the rebels,
has been executed.
The Sea Emperor, Zhi Yuan,
leader of the rebels,
has been executed.
The Sea Emperor is dead.
Ying has accomplished a feat
that will be remembered
throughout the ages.
The sword is dead.
Its owner is dead.
The sword is dead.
Its owner is dead.
Send another message.
The war between Kongsang
and the Merfolk
Why did you kill my Yuan?
I told you
the Merfolk marine force
will destroy Kongsang in 70 years.
How do you know
if the prophecy will come true?
Yuan already ordered the Merfolk
to retreat back to the Biluo Sea.
Why would you rather believe
the prophecy
than me?
The prophecy will come true.
Yuan is dead
all because of some prophecy.
You killed my Yuan.
You did it!
You killed my Yuan!
It was you.
You killed him!
You killed him.
You killed my Yuan!
you're going to avenge him?
You're mocking me again.
I am not as skilled as you.
I can't avenge him!
But I hate you!
I hate you!
I never want
to see you again.
Do you love him that much?
I thought you could read minds.
Master Master!
I'm sorry.
I killed the man you loved.
I'll use my life to make up for it.
No, Master.
The Jade Bone.
The Jade Bone will keep you safe.
Will you be sad
if I die?
More than when that man
It's not like that.
That's not true, Master.
that's not what I meant.
This isn't how
it was supposed to be, Master.
The one I love
The one I love
is you, Master.
Why didn't you read my minds?
I have loved you
since you were the Crown Prince.
But I didn't dare to tell you.
You are the one I love.
I love you.
It's the backlash
of the Heart-Crushing Curse.
Wake up.
High Priest of Grand Preceptor!
High Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Please save him!
Please save my master.
Please save him.
Was I too late?
Why did the Heart-Crushing Curse fail?
You killed Ying!
I killed him.
He went so far for you.
how could you have been so foolish?
How could such a foolish being exist?
How could you use your own life
to break her Heart-Crushing Curse?
What curse?
Ying died for you.
you will join him in the other world.
♪The endless rebirth of flowers♪
♪A single step♪
You would protect her
even in your death.
♪The gap between you and me♪
I will not kill you today.
Ying cast his final spell
on the Jade Bone
to protect you.
♪Lost in the remaining years♪
♪Even the radiance between the eyes
has turned into a flower♪
Get lost!
Even if I rip you into pieces,
it will not be enough to ease my fury!
♪The fleeting nature of worldly pleasures
makes no difference without you♪
You let me fake my death
and destroyed the vessel of Xingzun
to gain Shi Ying's trust
and acquired this opportunity for us.
both Shi Ying and Zhi Yuan are dead.
The world will descend into chaos.
Houtu has finally reappeared
in the mortal realm.
My Lord,
you are brilliant-minded indeed.
Your Lordship has divine insight.
We congratulate you
for achieving your wish.
My Lord, what is our next step?
The Heavenly Divine Ring.
With the Ring of Houtu in hand,
- we will assist you in every way we can
- We will assist you in every way we can
- to obtain the Heavenly Divine Ring.
- to obtain the Heavenly Divine Ring.
Your cousin, Shi Ying, eliminated
the Kongsang Dynasty's greatest threat!
His achievements are immeasurable!
No one can compare to him!
After this battle,
Shi Ying will surely return
to imperial court.
you must
serve him well
and restore the name of the White Clan.
you will be a benevolent empress.
The day he recovers and returns
from Jiuyi Mountain
will be the day
the White Clan rises again!
I am guilty.
I'm afraid the first thing he will do
once he returns to Jialan
will not be to reward the White Clan
but to prosecute me for my faults.
what do you mean?
I was too eager to make a mark,
and I despised the Merfolk so much
that I delivered false information
to the marine force
just to lure them into a trap
and capture all of them.
But Qing Gang intercepted it
before my plan succeeded.
He had always meant
to compete for merit against me.
So he would not listen
to my reasoning at all
and insisted on reporting me to Shi Ying
for conspiring with the enemy.
I cannot defend myself.
Bai Fenglin,
it was you
who conspired with the marine force
for your personal gain.
You even coerced me
into stealing the military report.
But here you are,
trying to twist the facts.
What do you two have in mind?
Bai Fenglin made a mistake,
and I am his accomplice.
I will accept the punishment.
I will confess everything
to the Priest of Grand Preceptor.
have you ever thought
that if you and I
are convicted for this,
when Shi Ying returns,
not only will the White Clan
not be rewarded,
but we will even
become the laughingstock of the court?
What's more,
you don't seem to show
any consideration for our father at all.
Father only has three children.
You, me, and Xueying.
Now, Xueying has eloped with Shi Yu,
and we have lost all news of her.
If your reputation is tarnished as well,
then are we going
to hand over the position of Empress
to another branch of the White Clan
when Shi Ying is crowned the emperor?
you'll leave
for Jiuyi Mountain tomorrow.
Not to report your brother's crimes
but to win Shi Ying over
when he is at his weakest
and secure your place as his empress.
Embarrassed, are you?
This is no big deal.
Back then,
your mother seduced me too.
I wouldn't have
even spared her a glance otherwise,
with her background.
You might want to use
some of your mother's techniques
to ensure that title is yours.
I won't mind.
A splendid idea, Father.
We will kill two birds with one stone.
this will ensure
that Xuelu becomes the Empress.
once Shi Ying
becomes the son-in-law
of the Bai Family,
he won't hold
such petty mistakes over me.
I refuse.
You refuse?
Do you not want
to bring your mother's tablet
back to the family?
If my mother knew about this,
she wouldn't let me
betray myself and go against my will.
She traded her body
for a life of luxury for you.
If I hadn't taken you in,
you would've ended up just like her.
Now is your time
to repay the White Clan.
I will give you another chance.
Will you marry Shi Ying or not?
She will not.
My sister's marriage
is a matter of the White Clan.
It has nothing to do with you.
Of course, it does.
Xuelu and I
have promised ourselves to each other.
What a heroic rescue!
You say that you and my sister
are in love.
Do you have proof?
I gave you
my family's heirloom jade pendant.
I know you always carry it with you.
How dare you, Bai Xuelu!
♪With your eyes filled with starlight♪
♪Treading through the long years♪
♪Burning away obsessions,
soothing old wounds♪
Let's go, Xuelu.
♪Why fear the vast unknown ahead♪
♪I am by your side♪
If you dare to step out
of the residence,
you will no longer be my daughter!
You shameless girl!
think carefully.
Don't let all of your mother's efforts
go to waste just because
you act in the heat of the moment.
♪Why fear the vast unknown ahead♪
♪I am by your side♪
Stop them!
♪Life is but a dream,
the world is ever-changing♪
♪No need to be too hasty♪
(Ninghui Pavilion)
Valorous Cavalry!
Qing Gang has trespassed
on my residence
and taken Princess Bai Xuelu hostage.
Kill him!
The Moon Blade is
the ultimate treasure of the White Clan.
It belongs to the wielder
with the strongest magic power.
Does that mean Princess Xuelu
has surpassed Bai Fenglin
and become the strongest
of the White Clan?
Why didn't you tell me
you had reached
such a high level of mastery?
The same reason why I didn't tell you
General Qing and I
had gotten together.
You don't deserve to know.
(White King's Residence)
your magic technique
has surpassed Bai Fenglin's.
I never stopped training
after leaving the mountain.
But I was too focused
on trying to please others.
Until I saw you
in danger today.
That's when I realized
I had such tremendous power within me.
So, after this, we
give me more time.
Your father and brother
will not let you go just like that.
I must go to Jiuyi Mountain
and explain everything
to the Priest of Grand Preceptor.
I'll come with you.
it is all my fault.
I shouldn't have let you
give up priesthood.
I shouldn't have used Zhu Yan
to sway you from your path.
I was so conceited
that I thought
I had everything under control.
I thought I could defy
the will of heaven
and change the prophecy.
If I had known this would happen,
I would've made you stay in the mountain
and remain a noble priest.
I shouldn't have let you out
to suffer in this mundane world.
High Priest of Grand Preceptor,
please allow me to go inside
and pay my final respects to my master.
(Cultivating Hall)
It was Zhu Yan who hurt Shi Ying.
Why did the Heart-Crushing Curse
not activate?
held Zhu Yan's sword
and plunged it into his chest.
He took his own life.
I shouldn't have taken any chances.
I should've known
that the prophecy
always comes true.
She is still kneeling outside.
Let her in.
Lord Chong Ming.
His death blames on you.
I will never forgive you.
Go inside.
Zhu Yan,
Shi Ying did this because of you.
I know.
You know?
Did you know that he was destined
to die by your hands
the first time you two met
on Jiuyi Mountain?
I will tell you everything.
Back then,
I had Ying fake his death
and took him away from Jialan.
But because of your prayer,
you became the one doomed to kill him.
If he met you
before he turned 18,
he would die by your hand,
according to the prophecy.
So I instructed him
to seclude himself
within the Emperor Valley.
That he should not meet any woman
before he turned 18.
Jiuyi Mountain
had no female disciples back then.
I thought I had prepared for everything.
But the High Priest of Grand Preceptor
overlooked you.
We didn't know you would barge
into the Emperor Valley.
Why don't I have
any recollection of this?
Back then,
he should've killed you.
But in a moment of weakness,
he hid you
from the High Priest of Grand Preceptor.
He only used magic
to erase your memories.
you saved him by accident.
But it proved
that you were the cursed lady.
You consoled him
over his mother's death.
It made it even harder
for him to bring himself to kill you.
So he only made you leave.
After that.
After that,
he tried to make me leave the mountain.
He only did it to protect me.
if he knew that I would hurt him,
why did he accept me as his disciple?
Was it also
to hide my identity
from the High Priest of Grand Preceptor?
To protect me?
You spent a lot of time
with him in the mountains.
He grew fond of you.
That's impossible!
How could he have feelings for me?
After the incident at the Cangwu Abyss,
he became certain of his feelings.
Can't you see everything
that he has done for you?
(This is an ancient divine artifact)
(passed down by Empress Bai Wei.)
(It is also your graduation gift.)
(I'll carry you up the mountain.)
Hold on tight,
or you'll fall.
(One life, one destiny, one pair.)
Never lose, never forget,
never be separated each other.
I plan
to give up priesthood
after the troops are withdrawn
and leave my post.
Master likes me.
he planed to leave priesthood
for my sake.
He planed to come back
to the mortal world to be with you.
He loved you deeply,
but you let him down
time and time again.
You even told him yourself
that you love that Merfolk.
The Jade Bone is not only a sacred relic
left behind by Empress Bai Wei.
It is also the token
given by the emperors of Kongsang
to their empresses.
The Jade Bone.
The Jade Bone will keep you safe.
Why didn't you tell me?
I've loved you
from the first moment I saw you.
High Priest of Grand Preceptor,
is there a way
to return the dead to the living?
I remember asking you this back then.
You said there was not.
I'll ask you one last time.
Is there really no such thing?
Be it a miraculous elixir,
heaven-defying technique,
or a blasphemous forbidden spell,
even if there's only
a one in ten thousand chance,
I am willing to pay any price
to bring my master back.
Ying's soul has been
shattered into pieces.
Even if I use every power I have,
I can only extend his life
for seven days.
He is currently neither alive nor dead.
He is in the liminal state
between death and rebirth.
What will happen after that?
If we cannot restore his soul
within seven days,
the pieces of his soul
will vanish,
reaching the end of his life,
and returning to dust.
I can do it.
Please tell me how.
There is a forbidden technique
that allows one to defy fate
and change one's destiny.
But no one
has ever succeeded.
It requires the caster
to establish a spiritual connection
with the deceased
and retrieve his soul
from heaven and earth.
Within three days,
using oneself as the cauldron,
they must refine and solidify his soul
in order to bring him back to life.
Make any mistake,
and all will be in vain.
I can do it.
This spell
takes a huge toll on the caster.
You must sacrifice half of your life.
I've calculated your remaining lifespan.
You have 54 years left.
That means whether you succeed or not,
you only have 27 years to live.
Are you certain?
I am willing to try
even if it costs my life.
All right.
Come with me.
trust me.
We will meet again,
no matter where we are.
This book contains
the most profound
magic techniques of Yunhuang.
It also records the forbidden technique
we're searching for.
(Blood Curse)
How can this be?
Isn't this the notebook
my master gave me?
Except mine
has a lot of his annotations.
You said Ying
made a copy for you?
Where is it?
Zhu Yan,
only the final page of this book
contains the forbidden technique we seek.
The Star Revival Blood Oath.
The Star Revival Blood Oath.
He tore out that page.
(Blood Curse)
It seems that he tore out that page
from this book too.
He knew this day would come.
To think he came this far for you.
That fool.
I've lived for more than 10,000 years,
and I've never met one more foolish.
High Priest of Grand Preceptor,
is there any other way?
I'll do anything
to save him.
Even if it takes a life for a life.
Ying has torn up
the record of the Star Revival Blood Oath.
There is nothing else I can do
to let him open his eyes again.
I refuse to believe this.
Zhu Yan.
High Priest of Grand Preceptor,
there must be another way.
Your Supreme Majesty.
Please connect my master and me
through a spiritual barrier.
Since his soul still remains,
and the trace of Gong Shang
has rekindled.
I may be able to find
the page of the Star Revival Blood Oath
in his spiritual barrier.
You're right.
Within the spiritual barrier exists
the memories of one's past,
and you've been inside
your master's spiritual barrier before.
that wasn't a dream.
You had a spiritual connection,
and he was in love with you.
That is how you were able
to enter his spiritual barrier.
Zhu Yan,
there is nothing else I can do.
It is up to you now.
I'll try.
They are divided by life and death.
No living has ever been able
to enter the spiritual barrier
of the deceased
and communicate with them.
I will not give up,
even if there is only a glimmer of hope.
(I must warn you.)
(The spiritual barrier)
(will not last long.)
(You must find)
(the Star Revival Blood Oath
as soon as possible once inside.)
(But remember this.)
(You must not touch anything inside.)
(If you leave)
(even the slightest trace behind,)
(it will cause)
(the most horrifying damage to you.)
What do I do?
I've already wasted a day.
I made it.
(Cultivating Hall)
He cannot see me in his memories.
Who made
this horrendous wreath?
Her again?
Why did you choose hers?
You have always been particular
about cleanliness.
This grass wreath is untidy.
In the past, you'd have thrown it away.
It is ugly.
I'll fix it for her.
Why did you choose it, then?
I said a lot of hurtful things
to break Zhu Yan's heart.
Other people would have been
devastated and disheartened,
but Zhu Yan never changed her heart.
I want to give her some encouragement.
Don't tell me you've been swayed by her
because of the Magpie Branch.
Don't forget
that she is the cursed lady.
I don't care about that.
Life and death are determined by heaven.
I do not let myself dwell on it.
she will not remain
in the mountain for long.
She doesn't have what it takes.
I'm asking you what you think.
Of course, I won't keep her.
If she knew
that her beloved Crown Prince
was such a disappointment,
she would be devastated.
♪In the face of
the unpredictable nature of life♪
♪The gap between you and me
is just one step off the cliff♪
♪Wasting away countless lifetime♪
♪The lonely fleeting youth of beauty
disperses in an instant♪
♪Lost in the remaining years♪
Don't be mischievous, Yan'er.
♪Painting an eternal dream
for a thousand years♪
♪Even if others laugh at my foolishness♪
♪The fleeting nature of worldly pleasures
makes no difference without you♪
He cannot see me.
You do see me as an outsider, Master.
You won't teach me your greatest skills.
I can do as I please
since I'm more powerful.
What do I do?
Where should I go?
The Hall of Books. Yes.
I must return
to the day he wrote me that notebook.
That's my only chance.
(The Star Revival Blood Oath)
(The Star Revival Blood Oath)
(contains the power of heaven and earth)
(that transcends life and death.)
(Its laws are closely connected)
(to the movement of the stars.)
(But no one has been able
to figure it out)
(for millions of years.)
(You will have to comprehend
the mysteries within it by yourself.)
(I will set up an array
at Starry Lake for you.)
(Find all of Shi Ying's soul pieces)
(within heaven and earth,)
(and you will complete)
(the first step to his revival.)
(Will Zhu Yan be able to handle it?)
(She has been corrupted by the energy
from the realm in-between,)
(but she refuses to let me expel it.)
(The damage to her is severe.)
(She will gradually lose
her five senses.)
(It is irreversible.)
(Is there any other way, then?)
(She is the only one)
(who can save Shi Ying.)
(She has to sacrifice herself.)
I will save you.
Try this.
You eat it.
You should eat more.
What would you like to order?
The two of you are a perfect match.
Your husband is so thoughtful.
You are a lucky woman.
We didn't perform the three bows.
Well, you ought to try harder, young hero.
You shouldn't let someone else
take such a quiet and gentle girl from you.
May your words be a blessing.
I hope to marry her soon too.
Who said I was going to marry you?
Your soup.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I know you were forced
to say yes that day.
But everyone in Ye City knows
that you and I have eloped now.
I will never let you down.
Xuelu, watch out!
How dare you touch my man!
Oh my god.
Let's go.
Are you all right?
No. You are
a good fighter, young heroine.
You are a lucky man, young hero.
You looked completely different
when you were fighting
and when you were eating.
It's as if you're a different person.
You scared me.
Which one do you prefer, then?
The gentle one or the fierce one?
I like them all,
as long as it's you.
No one can help her.
But she hasn't had any rest
in three days!
At this rate,
not only will she not be able
to save Shi Ying,
but she'll die too!
What do I do?
If I fail to save my master's soul today,
I'll never get another chance.
Mirror image.
I drew it the wrong way.
(I must enter the water with my mind)
(to activate the Star Revival Blood Oath.)
That's right.
The blood symbol I inscribed
at the crossroads of Yin and Yang.
It is reversed in the mortal world.
One becomes two.
Two become three.
Three become infinity.
Reverse the universe.
(I am running out of qi!)
(you are stronger than you think.)
(Remember. As long as you're willing,)
(you can make it,)
(and you can always do it.)
(The pain she is enduring now)
(is as if she is being pierced
by a thousand arrows)
(and her body engulfed in flames.)
(Shi Ying might actually return to us!)
(When that happens, they)
If Ying wakes up,
I will not force him
to leave priesthood again.
Nor will I force him to return to Jialan
to succeed the throne.
Let him be
an immortal official free from
the mundane desires of the world.
Let him embrace
the ways of heaven and earth
and benefit countless lives
in the world.
Just as he vowed
when he became
the Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Maybe then
he can live a long life.
you're back.
I'm coming to see you.
Zhu Yan!
Don't force yourself.
I'll carry you up the mountain.
Don't waste your breath.
Save your energy for when you see him.
Did I do it?
I think you did.
Zhu Yan,
this is the Star Revival Blood Oath
that transcends life and death.
No one has ever been able
to make it happen
in millions of years.
Your Supreme Majesty!
The next three days
are crucial for Ying.
If he survives,
he will be reborn.
Ying went through
the ordeal of life and death.
I have come to realize
that all worldly attachments are futile.
I only hope
that once he wakes up,
he will live a long and peaceful life.
But he and his mother
have been wronged for decades.
Even if Ying
is willing to leave the past behind,
I will not let his name
continue to be sullied.
A few days ago, word came from Jialan
that Emperor Beimian was terminally ill.
I am going to see it for myself
and try to save Beimian
so that their names may be restored
and the injustice
made known to the world.
Go with ease, Your Supreme Majesty.
I'll make sure
nothing goes wrong this time.
You are the cursed lady for him.
There is something you need to know.
Before Ying's soul is fully restored,
he will only have the memories
before he met you.
Before he met me?
That means
in these three days,
he will think
he is the Crown Prince
before the banquet.
both of you must cooperate with him,
or else
his memories will be
confused and disordered,
and his soul flame
will be distinguished.
It is that bad?
Especially you.
You mustn't let him remember
anything about you.
You are
the last person
who should stay by his side.
But you carry
his soul flame within you.
You cannot stay away from him.
Get up.
I have words to tell you in private.
Do you remember what I said?
I have no qualms about your plan.
I worry Master will not be convinced.
That matters not.
I will write him a letter.
Give it to him,
and he will believe it.
In his memories,
I am his uncle.
Zhu Yan,
what do you plan to do
after Ying's soul is stabilized?
Rest assured, Your Supreme Majesty.
I will leave him.
I will never
see him again.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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