Thundercats (1985) s01e35 Episode Script

044 - Sword in a Hole

Mayday, mayday.
This is space liner Vertus.
Two, seven, niner, space liner Vertus.
Space liner Vertus, two, seven, niner.
- What is your position, Vertus? - Six light-years past Orion - in the Sea of Stars.
- I can't hear you, Vertus.
Give me a damage-control report.
A galactic wind shear took out our port control vane.
We're taking on nitrous gas.
Hurry, before it's too late.
Control to Feliner, prepare for takeoff.
- Standing by.
- Course computed and implemented.
Make your final corrections.
- Corrections entered.
- Are you ready, Thundercats? - Lion-O, ho.
- Cheetara, ho.
Feliner is off.
I knew those miserable Thundercats would never be able to resist an S.
From outer space.
But all they're heading for is a rendezvous with extinction and I will be rid of the Sword of Omens forever.
What causes the turbulence here? Galactic wind shear.
This is a dangerous area.
Then why would that space liner try to cross it? Probably blown off course.
We're getting a course correction.
Six, four, niner.
That ship is right on the edge of a black hole.
What in the world is a black hole? No one really knows, Snarf.
A void left by a collapsing star perhaps.
It's like a pocket in space.
And if you fall in, you'll just simply vanish.
Look, there's our liner.
Right on target.
It's huge.
Can we handle it? Once we get a laser line aboard, we can try to tow it to a repair port.
Hello, the Vertus.
Permission to come aboard.
Can you hear me, Vertus? This is the Thundercats' Feliner rescue responding to your mayday signal.
No answer.
Come on, Snarf, we better take a look.
I'll monitor you with a comm.
That snarfs.
Sorry, but I thought you'd prefer that to dropping down there.
It looks so close.
Yes, but it's probably a dozen light-years away.
Come on, Snarf, we've got a job to do.
Anyone there? Entering the liner, Cheetara.
This ship must hold over a thousand passengers and crew.
Where are they? Maybe they were sucked into the black hole.
Someone sent out that distress signal.
Hey, Snarf.
Look at that.
The coffee's still hot.
It's hot, all right, but it doesn't smell right.
Look out! Come in, Lion-O.
Come in.
Do you read me? So this fuzzy fellow has come around.
Welcome, I am Captain Shiner.
- Where's Lion-O? - Bring him in.
- Lion-O.
- It's all right, Snarf.
I'm okay.
But who are they? - Hijackers.
- Mercenaries, if you please.
- But what do they want from us? - He has what he wants.
The Sword of Omens.
Why? As I told you, I am a mercenary.
I did it for the money.
And I paid the money.
One sword as per our agreement.
Without your wretched sword, Thundercat, you are nothing.
You're wasting your time.
The Sword of Omens does not work for evil.
I may not be able to use it but I can certainly destroy it.
Let the ceremony of expulsion begin.
I offer up the Eye of Thundera.
I consign to the deep This defender of the right The just and the weak Now! Let's hope we can pick up the Vertus at the same position.
And get there in time.
- Stand by to get under way.
- Standing by.
I will leave you now, Captain Shiner.
I thought you had left.
First, I want to be sure that Thundercat Lion-O is taken care of.
I've got him and the fuzzy chained in the Reactor Room pulling boron rods.
- Fine.
A good dose of radioactivity will cool them down.
This is the location.
Let's hope they haven't got under way, or we may never catch them.
We won't last 24 hours down here.
I'm afraid that's the idea.
- There it is.
- Pull up over the top and put the Feliner on its back.
- Ready? - Ready.
Geronimo! Engines, half speed of light ahead.
The engines.
They're getting ready to blast off.
This is your captain.
I would like to welcome two new Engine Room members.
A lion and a fuzzy dog.
That little joke will cost you, clown.
Now I know where they are.
- Snarf! - This heat - You two.
Get back to work.
- We need water.
I'll give you water.
How's that? You two cooled off yet? Water.
- Panthro.
- Are you two all right? Slightly parboiled.
What's happening here? Who is their captain? Shiner.
A mercenary.
Mumm-Ra used him to get the sword.
They have the sword? Worse.
Mumm-Ra threw it into the black hole.
It's gone for good.
How many of these sea raiders are we up against? Maybe a dozen.
First, we shut this monster down then we deal with them.
Full ahead, Engine Room.
What's the matter with you people? Wake up down there.
What's going on? We are in command of the Vertus, Shiner.
All secure, Panthro.
The rest of the crew is neutralized, and Snarf is standing by the Engine Room.
Stay on this course, captain.
You're directing me back to the black hole? Not back to it.
Into it.
You're mad.
We'll disappear forever.
I have a theory about that.
She's breaking up.
Turn back.
Stand by to enter the black hole.
We're going in.
What's happened? Everyone stay calm.
It should pass quickly.
We made it through, but where are we? Inside some gigantic force field, I suspect.
Look there.
Dead spaceships and old satellites.
It's like an astral junkyard.
- The legendary Sea of Lost Spaceships.
- But what caused it? Look there.
Must be some kind of super power station.
Now hear this.
Stand by to take our tow beam.
- By whose orders? - By the orders of N.
- Neptune? - The Navy Engineers Power Tower Under Nuclear Energy: N.
Please bring all your records logs and registry.
Step lively.
Greetings, I am the voice of N.
Sir, I demand to see your human control.
I am in control here.
You mean, there is no human force in control here? Fortunately not or this plant would have broken down eons ago.
But what is the purpose of this huge power station? Why did you create a black hole? To clear the space ways of derelicts, burned-out satellites - and other dangerous space hazards.
- Who built these towers? Venusian public works.
But Venus has been a burned-out planet for thousands of years.
, we are here to retrieve a lost sword.
May we proceed with its search? No.
All property entering the station - is claimed by salvage right.
- What? Then instruct us in the procedure to return home.
There is no return.
Follow the arrows to the old space sailors' rest.
- Wait a minute.
- No use resisting.
You can't reason with a computer.
- Watch it.
Watch it.
- I demand officers' quarters.
Vertus entered the black hole at 0800.
Lion-O, Panthro and Snarf were aboard.
- All communications are dead.
- Come home, Cheetara.
No one ever returns from a black hole.
- No.
- But you're almost out of fuel.
I have to stay.
Let's get out of here.
Easier said than done.
That's solid titanium.
If I could get into the central power station I think I could rig it to let us escape.
- How? - Well We were pulled into here by a positive magnetic force.
If I reversed that force, it would push us out.
All very well, Panthro, but we're still stuck in here.
- Yes, that's true.
- Jaga.
The Eye of Thundera is with you, Lion-O - the source of the Thundercats' power.
- But I cannot summon it, Jaga.
Shiner has sealed the Eye.
It sleeps, Jaga, and I cannot awaken it.
- Your young friend talks to himself? - Jaga? Sealed or not, the Eye sleeps only until needed.
Don't leave us, Jaga.
The Eye sleeps only until needed.
Thunder thunder thunder.
Thundercats, ho! - You did it.
- Sword of Omens, come to my hand.
- Fantastic.
- Okay, Panthro, let's go.
Lion-O, these doors.
I'll cross-wire the transformers.
Go aboard the Vertus and get her steam up.
When those magnets reverse, watch out.
Steam up and stand by to get under way instantly.
Come on, Panthro.
Come on.
We'll never make it.
I know it.
I know it.
- Look.
- Shove off.
Shove off.
Reverse half a light-year.
Hang on.
Those magnets are going to reverse.
She's going down.
Come with us, captain.
It's no use.
I'm in command.
I order you to jump.
Come on, Shiner, you don't have to go down with the ship.
Oh, yes, I do.
- Lion-O.
- Yes, Snarf? There's a star moving toward us at a good clip.
It couldn't be a star, Snarf.
He's right.
It's traveling too fast to be a star.
That means it's I never expected to see you again.
I made one last pass before my fuel ran out.
It was a near thing.
Without Captain Shiner's spacemanship we'd never have made it through the Sea of Lost Ships.
That's true.
But in order to get that far, Panthro had to rewire those magnets.
Who else had electrical know-how for that? But in the first place, Lion-O had to bring the sword back.
And I couldn't have done it without Jaga.
It sounds as though it took the teamwork of all of you to see it through.
- That's right.
And if it hadn't been for my cheerful optimism we would have given up without a fight.
If that's optimism, I'd hate to see you depressed.
I'm sorry Captain Shiner went down with the ship.
He was on the wrong side, but he was a brave man.
Don't be too sure he didn't survive.
He was a remarkable space seaman.
But surely, if the Vertus was as badly damaged as you say - it was hopeless.
- Yes, but what could he do to save her? You never know with a man like Shiner.

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