ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e35 Episode Script

King of the Machines

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[all laughing]
That really was a picnic fit
for the Queen of the bats.
Thanks, Barbastella.
But you know,
I think I gotta take a break
and feed my babies real quick.
I know you're afraid, but,
you wanna help out?
[nervously] Yeah. Uh, I
definitely wanna do that, yes.
Come on, man, you got this.
Just lay the grub
flat on your palm
and let the bats do the rest
of the work.
[laughs] Awesome job.
You're getting a little
closer to them every time.
Yeah, 50 feet is my
personal best.
You know, Panthro,
I really appreciate how hard
you're working to get over
your fear of bats,
but I like you just
the way you are,
phobias and everything.
[both laughing]
It's almost like
you're telling me
not to conform my entire identity
to fit our relationship.
- Wait. That's exactly what I'm telling you, Panthro.
- [rats squeaking]
Whoa! Are those rats?
[laughing maniacally]
Those aren't just any rats,
that's Skrimm,
Queen of the rats.
Hey, hey! I thought
that was you, Barbastella.
Long time, no swarm.
Whoa. You guys know each
Who's the dingus, Barbie?
Oh, sorry. This is Panthro,
my boyfriend. Not a dingus.
Hi. I'm the dingus.
How do you know Barbastella?
Eh, not to brag or anything,
but, me and Barbie
used to date.
Whoa, whoa! I didn't know
you dated other royalty before.
Uh, I've dated all over
the class system.
Yeah, but you always stay loyal to royal.
Right, Barbie?
No, uh, that is not actually
a thing I do.
- [growling]
- [child] Oh, no, there's a Gomplin on the loose.
- [all screaming]
- What's a Gomplin?
[all barking]
Oh, that's a Gomplin.
I don't like it.
All right, we better stop this
thing before someone gets hurt.
Let's do this, royal style.
Yeah. [chuckles]
Me too. Here I Huh?
Panthro, you might
wanna sit this one out.
I'm gonna be flying my big
scary bats everywhere.
Oh, sure, Barbastella.
I totally get it.
You just wanna hang out with
your royal friends.
All right, you stinky freak.
Eat rats.
[growls, yelps]
[laughs] Skrimm's got moves.
Now, Barbastella!
Yeah! Just put him right over
there for a rat fist punch!
[Gompy the Gomplin yelping]
Okay, Gompy, let's go this way.
Nice work, you guys.
That's how royals do it.
Yeah. Royals.
Ooh, sorry, Panthro.
You wouldn't get it,
not being royalty and all.
Actually, I am royalty.
Uh, Back on Thundera,
I was King of the machines.
All the machines
on the planet worshipped me.
Oh, really? All machines
worshipped you?
Like your refrigerator
and lawn mower?
Especially them. The air
conditioner and the heater too.
Okay, Panthro,
you don't have to
Hey, hey, maybe this guy
has what it takes
to hang out with
the royals after all.
Why don't you show me around
your kingdom sometime?
Yeah, sure. Come by Cat's Lair
tomorrow and check it out.
You'll see me and all
my machine subjects.
[narrator] On the morrow.
- Oy.
- [screams]
[in British accent] Make sure you put the
cap back on before you put her back in.
You guys, the toilet
just yelled at me.
You too? The air conditioner
just asked
if I could borrow
"five guineas."
But I only have four.
[in British accent] That air conditioner
is not getting a tuppence from me.
[in British accent]
What about a shilling?
Oy. If I said not a tuppence,
why would I give a shilling?
What is going on?
Morning, guys.
[machines] Hail King Panthro!
I told Barbastella I was
King of the machines
back on Thundera.
You did what? Don't you
remember what happened
the last time you
lied to Barbastella?
I know, I know.
But this time is different.
I uploaded an AI program
that made my lie come true
so technically
it's not a lie anymore.
[doorbell] Ding-dong, it's me
the doorbell.
Someone is using me.
Oh. That must be Barbastella.
Actually her ex-girlfriend
Skrimm is coming too.
She's like, Queen of the rats
but more importantly,
she's also really cool,
and I need her
to think I'm really cool,
so I need you guys to leave.
So sorry. Love you guys.
All right, Panthro. Let's see
these subjects of yours.
Of course. After you,
your fellow Majesties.
[all] Hail King Panthro!
I told you I was King of
the machines.
You sure are.
Ooh, yeah. Great.
Um, doth thou Majesties
desire a feast?
Step right this way.
After you,
your fellow Majesties.
A seat for the Queen?
Hey, loyal subjects,
would you mind whipping up
some grilled cheese sandwiches
for me and my royal friends?
We have ingredients to make
Welsh rarebit.
Is that all right?
What's Welsh rarebit?
Toasted bread
with melted cheese on it.
Oh, sounds exotic.
Let's try that. Thank you.
Compliments of the stove.
You see, Skrimm
I'm royalty. Just like you.
[chuckles] I don't know,
You're pretty chummy
with your subjects.
Yeah, we're cool like that.
No. I meant are you sure
you're their king?
You ask for things
like a friend, not a royal.
A royal demands.
- Umm. You got a little schmutz.
- Hmph.
You want me to use the mixer
as a napkin?
That might be painful.
It doesn't matter. Your
subjects should be cowering
at your every whim.
[in British accent] Not politely
making conversation with you
like some well-run
Man, I've been going about
this all wrong.
Ugh. Panthro, ignore her.
Let's just enjoy
this odd cheese-bread.
Hmph. A real king wouldn't
settle for cheesy bread.
[SPUTTERS] But I am a king!
Oh, stove?
Yes, loving King?
You call this lunch?
Oh, dear.
I'm so sorry, Majesty.
- Make it again!
- [whimpering]
Now you're talkin'
like royalty.
And make it ten times
more fancy.
Yes, me lord.
Wow. I feel so
morally conflicted.
[fanfare music playing]
I said more air conditioning!
- Eh?
- Panthro.
No. No, no, no, no! This is
the wrong romantic comedy!
[television] But you keep telling
me to play movies that don't exist.
I really think that last one
was just a typo.
Are you questioning me?
You are banished to
the basement!
Eh? Eh?
- Yeah. Yeah!
- Oh, brother.
You missed my crumbs. You're
banished to the basement!
Ha-ha? Eh?
- [grumbles]
- Yeah, yeah.
So toaster, where do you see
yourself five years from now?
Uh, going back to
Wrong. You're going to
the basement!
That was some real nice
ruling, Panthro.
Okay, that's it, you two!
This is the last straw!
- Panthro, you
- [mixer] Aye, you scallywags!
Fellow machines, attack!
[all screaming]
What's going on?
Oy. We've had it with you,
mean ol' King Panthro.
We're rebelling.
Yeah. A rebellion is
what we're doin'!
And you're our prisoners.
Take 'em to
the automobile dungeon.
The auto-whatta-whatta?
Oh, I see. The garage.
Oh, you and your fancy words.
Well, I've got
some fancy words.
Let's make toast out of 'em.
No. Let's boil em in oil.
Let's blend them!
Don't worry, guys, I'm
just gonna call for help.
Oy. What's all this then?
- [all gasping]
- You're trying to make an escape.
No! No, I wasn't.
I was trying to call someone
and they would
help me escape. Uh
[fridge] Get them.
[television snarling]
Hey, Barbastella, what about
those scary bats of yours?
You know my bats sleep
during the day.
- Rats!
- I know. We're in big trouble.
No. Rats.
- [rats squeaking]
- Attack!
[fridge grunts]
[mixer] Time to meet
your blender! Whoa!
[television] Cheerio.
[television screaming]
Whoa. They're beating
the machines.
That's nothing.
Put your backs into it!
- Uh
- Scratch their screens!
Chew through wires!
Make this personal!
[yelps] If only we had
a king what cared.
But I do care.
[all yelping]
- Help. Help me!
- [Skrimm cackling]
No. Stop it.
You're hurting them.
Stop hurting my subjects!
- [squeaks]
- [grunting]
Come on.
Come on. [yelps]
[grunts] Gotcha now.
Go, Panthro.
Yeah, that's right.
Run to Mommy.
[sighs in relief]
King Panthro. You saved us
after we revolted.
But why?
Because I care about you guys,
as my buddies, not my subjects.
Me Me lord.
[sighs] Guess I'm not
king material after all.
Sorry to let you down, Barb.
What? Panthro, I don't care
if you're a king or not.
Huh? But what about
staying loyal to royal?
I never said that.
- I said that.
- Oh, yeah. Sorry.
I guess I thought you
and Skrimm looked so cool,
I didn't wanna be left outta
your royal buddy club.
[groans] Panthro. Skrimm
is cool
-Y eah.
- but I never liked the way she treated her rats.
It's one of the reasons
we broke up.
- Oh, yeah.
- [squeaks]
But it's all good, Panthro.
We got a special
buddy club of two.
- Just me and you.
- Oh, yeah. [chuckles]
So, Skrimm, do you
and I fight now?
Nah, I think I got
my fill for the day.
That was some pretty cool
rat-versus-machine fighting.
We should do it again sometime.
Rats, we out.
- So cool.
- Ahem.
My semi-loyal subjects, I
hereby step down as your king.
You are free to pursue
your own destiny.
[all] Hurray!
[mixer] Come on, everyone.
There is a prophesy
what tells of a machine land
where machines like us
roam freely.
A machine land where they roam free?
- Yeah, It's pretty much the dump.
- Oh.
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