Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e36 Episode Script

The Shortcut

Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
[ Bird screeches ]
Ugh. Ugh.
It's so hot, and my sleeves
are stickin' to me.
[ Panting ]
Don't worry.
We're almost to
the Trading Tree,
and you know
what that means.
All: Ice pops! Ice pops!
Everyone back!
I told you,
there's no more ice pops.
They've all melted.
-[ Gasps ]
-My ice pops.
[ Slurping ]
[ Coughing ]
[ Kids murmuring ]
Kit, how did this happen?
It's this heat wave.
My usual trade route is too long
for the ice pops to last.
By the time I get my cooler
back to the Trading Tree,
they're just warm juice
with sticks floating in them.
[ Slurping ]
Hey, that stuff
isn't free.
You're gonna have to
trade me something
if you want to keep
sucking that dirt juice.
We -- we can't stay
out in this heat
without ice pops.
What are we gonna do,
go inside?
But we can't stay out here
in this unseasonable inferno
without the frigid
healing power of ice pops.
Exactly, and what will we do
when it's summer
and it's hot all the time?
Are we just gonna stay
inside all day
while the best years
of our lives pass us by?
Yeah, staying inside
is for wrinkly people,
which isn't their fault.
It's just --
it's just different.
Yeah, we can play inside
when we're old
or it's raining or there's
something good on TV.
We just need
to find a shortcut.
Kit, where do you get
your ice pops from?
[ Clears throat ]
Uh, around here.
Oh, from the Duck Mart?
From near the Duck Mart.
There should be a foot bridge
right around here.
We can cross that and be there
in half the time.
There's only
one problem.
The person I trade my ice pops
with only deals with me,
and I can't leave my post,
not during the midafternoon
snack rush.
We can run
the Trading Tree for you
while you're gone,
right, JP?
Oh, that sounds like fun.
Can I wear your belly bag?
How about your glasses?
Just get those ice pops.
We've got this.
[ Groans ]
[ Grunts ]
Here's some Quencher-rade,
on the house.
[ Gulping ]
Ew, banana?
Hey, it's free,
isn't it?
Hi. Can I have
a Choco-Roll, please?
Ooh, our first trade.
Hey, don't be too eager.
We got to make sure
we're getting a good deal.
What are you trading?
-A pear.
Uh, a pear
for a Choco-Roll?
Um, I'd give you a fruit cup,
but a Choco-Roll?
No trade.
Uh, pickle chips please.
You got it.
Hey, hold on.
You trying to pull a fast
one on me, bub?
This nib-nub dispenser holds
12 nib-nubs,
but I only see 11,
unless invisible is a flavor.
Uh, they're --
they're cherry.
Get out of here!
That's it!
You are banned from
the Trading Tree, all of you!
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Wait, nobody is banned,
you guys.
Look, I know you don't want
to make a bad trade,
but we don't want
to scare away
all of Kit's customers.
Let me take over
for a bit.
[ Gasps ]
There's the bridge!
Wait, Riddle Bridge?
Mm, guess I got
to update my map.
[ Both scream ]
Ah, hello.
I am Roger, the troll.
Wait, you want to be
a troll?
Trolls are cool.
Huh, okay.
Well, can we cross?
No, this is
a riddle bridge.
To gain passage,
you must solve a riddle.
Oh, this will be easy.
I love riddles.
Hmm. Let's see.
What's black and white
and red all over?
Oh, I know this one --
a newspaper.
An embarrassed zebra!
[ Laughing ]
Oh, so funny.
Okay, next one.
What's black and white
and red all over?
An embarrassed zebra?
A sunburnt penguin.
This is impossible.
There's like
a million answers.
What is black and white
Hold up.
Can we just trade you
something for passage?
I am but a simple troll.
You have nothing I want.
[ Laughing ]
How about the rest
of this Quencher-rade?
It sure is hot.
I drink from the creek.
-Uh, don't do that.
We are about to pick up
some ice pops.
How about we give you one
on the way back?
Sugar and cold hurt my teethies.
Oh, how about this staff?
Kit, let's just look
for another way across.
there's a fallen log.
Let's just cross that way.
Oh, wait, don't leave.
Just answer another riddle.
They're so funny!
I dub thee
Craiggy Bridge.
[ Laughing ]
Oh, that was almost as funny
as a riddle.
-[ Growls
-Come on. We're across,
and my supplier
is just on the other side
of these bushes.
It's so hot,
hopefully he'll just go home
before we get back.
Um, I got this.
It's just a rock.
I can handle this.
It's just a rock, sir.
Is there something
special about it?
It's a, um,
a lucky rock.
A lucky rock,
for real?!
Why didn't you say so?
Come again!
I got some sand,
lucky sand.
Lucky sand?
This is my lucky day.
Just take
whatever you want.
I got some
lucky fingernails.
[ All talking at once ]
Kelsey, can you believe
how lucky we are
that everyone has so much
lucky stuff to trade?
Okay. Okay.
Back off, you bandits.
Your way isn't working
either, JP.
I think
we need to compromise.
[ Grunts ]
This route
is so much better.
I don't have to sneak past
the security guard.
This doesn't look
like a store.
Now, Craig, you got to swear
you'll keep
what you are
about to see a secret.
Of -- of course,
but what is this place?
Oh, my goodness.
It's like a wall of heat.
Hi, Grandma.
you back again today?
I need an ice pop restock.
My friend Craig here found
a faster way to get them back
to the Trading Tree
so they don't melt.
a boy with gumption.
You don't see that
much these days.
So more ice pops, huh?
But what you gonna
Well, you'll be very proud
to see
that I received a good grade
on this math test.
Evelyn, the boys are raring
to play some backgammon.
I got a big bag of mints
if you got a board.
Burl, don't you see
I'm busy window-sitting?
Now, you throw
in some hard candies,
and you got yourself a deal.
Hot dog,
I'm shakin' a leg.
And youthis is a B-minus,
not quite an A.
But also not a C.
Ooh, you driving
a hard bargain.
I'm gonna cut you a deal,
and not because I love you,
but because
it's buns-hot out here.
Your grammie trades
ice pops for good grades?
Good grades make
my grandma happy,
and happiness is
the best kind of trade.
-Okay, bye, Grammie.
I'll be back this weekend
for our visit.
Oh, I wouldn't trade it
for anything in the world.
Nice meeting you,
Grandma Kit.
Psst, psst, Kit.
Yes, Grammie?
Don't trade that boy
anything for your heart.
[ Chuckling ]
Burl: Hey, Evelyn,
this backgammon board
doesn't have any dice.
You asked for the board,
not the dice.
What you got to trade?
He's gone.
I knew you'd be back.
Everyone needs a little joy
in their lives.
We don't have time
for riddles.
I know what to trade
this kid -- a punch.
Wait, maybe we can trade him
something less violent.
But what?
He doesn't desire
kidly possessions.
what should it be this time?
I love riddles.
[ Gasps ] You said happiness
is the best kind of trade.
Hey, troll.
We'd like to trade you
something -- a new riddle.
If you can solve it,
it's yours to keep.
And if you can't,
we get to cross.
Ha, I know more
than 100 riddles,
101 riddles,
to be specific.
There's no way
you can stump me.
Oh. If this doesn't work,
I'm gonna punch him.
So what's the riddle?
[ Whispering ]
Okay. The sun that brings me
out today
Is the very thing
that makes me go away.
Both: What am I?
Hmm. A sun shower,
like when it rains
when it's sunny,
but then the sun
evaporates the puddles
and makes the water
go away.
A flower in the desert.
Sun helps it grow,
but then it's too hot.
-I don't know, a sad man.
He comes outside
to brighten his day,
but then he remembers
that the sun
will turn into a supernova
and destroy the whole universe,
so he gets sad.
I don't know.
You may pass.
Geez. It's hot.
Maybe my brain is melting.
Hey, thanks.
Keep thinking about it.
The sun that brings me out today
is the very thing
that makes me go away.
Ow! Ooh, my teethies.
Oh, I get it.
It's an ice pop!
That is so funny.
[ Laughing ]
Listen up, everyone.
We've put
our heads together
and figured out
the best way to run
the Trading Tree --
by not running it.
The Trading Tree
is closed forever!
Craig: Ice pops,
get your ice pops here.
[ Kids cheering ]
They're not free.
Bring something to trade later.
I'm gonna remember
all of you.
Whew, that was close.
Oh, thanks
for the ice pops, guys.
Both: You bet.
We did it, partner.
So do I get
a cut out of this?
Craig, you know
better than that.
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
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