The Longest Promise (2023) s01e36 Episode Script

Episode 36

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 36=
Zhu Yan,
after Ying's soul stabilizes
in three days,
what are your plans?
Your Supreme Majesty,
please rest assured.
I'll leave him.
In this lifetime,
we shall never meet again.
Zhu Yan
I'm the cursed lady for him.
I have already caused him to die once.
How could I dare to stay by his side,
causing him pain,
or even death again?
The feeling of watching
the most important person
slowly dying
in my hands.
Experiencing it once
in a lifetime is enough.
Very well.
Once Ying's soul returns,
he'll forget everything that happened
within these three days.
At that time,
you should do
what we discussed today
and leave the mountain alone.
All right.
Did you see anything just now?
Your Highness,
I didn't see anything.
Who are you?
What is this place?
You're finally awake.
What time is it now?
Why am I here
when it's Father's birthday celebration?
This letter is for you.
For me?
(To Shi Ying)
(when you killed the Sea Emperor,)
(you were accidentally hit
by the Merfolk's spell.)
(Your spiritual power
was temporarily sealed,)
(and your memories
are in a state of confusion.)
(You should stay in the mountains
and rest quietly for several days.)
(You'll naturally recover
and be perfectly fine.)
The High Priest has gone to Jialan
to report to His Majesty
about the uprising
of the Merfolk marine force
that you've ended.
The Merfolk marine force revolted?
That's right.
The High Priest asked me
to take good care of you.
So just nurse yourself back to health
in Jiuyi Mountain without worries.
There is no need to be concerned.
Then who are you?
I'm your maidservant.
You're my maidservant?
How come
I've never seen you before?
I came after His Majesty's birthday.
I guess you have forgotten about me.
Your Highness, you must be thirsty.
I'll go and get you some water.
You just regained your consciousness.
Don't exert yourself too much.
Thank you.
(That's odd.)
(What's wrong with me?)
(I can't tell if it's cold or hot.)
(You should also guard)
(against the infiltration of the energy
from the realm in-between.)
The damage
caused by it is serious.
It can bring you
unforeseen and immeasurable aftereffects.
(Sight, sound, smell, taste,
and touch, the five senses.)
(The first step is losing
the sense of touch.)
(Could this be the aftereffect
of the enery from the realm in-between?)
Your Highness,
your water is here.
You scalded your hand.
It's okay.
Wait here.
Let me help you apply this ointment.
That's weird.
How did I know this ointment
was in that box?
You probably have forgotten.
You used to stay
at Jiuyi Mountain frequently.
This is your residence.
Your wardrobe is over there.
are all the clothes you usually wear.
Follow me.
No wonder
the furnishings in this place
match my preferences perfectly.
Your Highness,
do you wish to bathe and change clothes?
Then you should step aside.
(If I leave Master by himself here,)
(what if he discovers)
(something amiss again?)
(It could disrupt his memories)
(and eventually extinguish his soul. )
Absolutely not.
I was the one who assisted you
in washing and grooming.
It's my responsibility.
The knot in front is not loosened.
Let me do it myself.
Then I'll help you prepare
the washing items.
You're not my maidservant.
Because there would never be
such a clumsy maidservant in the palace.
Who are you really?
Why do you
insist on staying by my side?
I have a feeling
that we're more than just a simple
master-servant relationship.
(Oh, no.)
(Master's soul fire is changing.)
(Could it be that he's remembering
the scene at Cangwu Abyss?)
I don't know why,
but this scene feels familiar.
Your Highness, you guessed it right.
I'm not your maidservant.
I've done you wrong
in the past.
Since then, I couldn't face you.
When I heard
that you was injured
and needed someone to take care of you,
I hurried over
to make amends for my past mistakes.
Who exactly are you,
and what have you done to me?
Your Highness, since you have
lost your memory,
there's no need to dwell on the past.
Even if I were to tell you,
you wouldn't remember.
The moment
you regain your memory,
you'll surely despise me.
When that time comes,
there will be no need
to bring up old matters.
Your Highness.
Thank you.
(Master has lost his memory.)
(I'm afraid he won't like)
(the tastes developed
in Jiuyi Mountain.)
(I should prepare)
(some food that the Crown Prince likes.)
(With an increased appetite,)
(Master can recover faster.)
Your Highness,
you're awake, huh?
Who are you?
Why do you look
so familiar?
He's Chong Ming,
the divine bird of the mountains.
He has crossed paths
with Your Highness before.
Nice to meet you.
Your Highness,
I'm the Grand Marshal Feng,
the leader of the Four Grand Marshals
in Jiuyi Mountain.
This morning, the High Priest
sent a message from Jialan.
His Majesty
has made further arrangements
regarding the Merfolk marine force.
Your Highness is advised to rest
and recuperate in the mountain.
There's no need to return
to the imperial city with haste.
I may be physically weak.
But I'm still capable of moving.
I can't stay here for too long.
Oh, no.
No, no, no.
You can't leave.
You barely stayed alive
Chong Ming
has always been straightforward.
I hope you don't mind it.
Did it take
a great deal of effort to save me?
All thanks to the High Priest.
So it's better to wait
for High Priest's return
and express your gratitude
before leaving.
Yes, she's right.
That's exactly it.
I have other matters to attend to.
So I shall take my leave.
See you later.
I'll go and see them off.
Please take good care of Shi Ying.
Make sure nothing untoward will happen.
Don't worry.
Go now.
You three are behaving strangely.
Especially you.
You seem to be quite familiar
with the situation in the mountains.
That's because I stayed
in these mountains
for several months before.
Although I can't remember who you are,
since the High Priest
assigned you to stay by my side,
and the divine bird and Immortal Official
also trust you,
it shows you're not a bad person.
Maybe you did do something to wrong me.
that was already in the past.
I won't make a fuss about it anymore.
I forgive you.
But it doesn't mean
I need you to take care of me.
you can leave with them.
Your Highness,
are you sure
you don't need me to take care of you?
This mountain is quiet.
The Immortal Officials
are carrying out their duties.
Your Highness will be bored alone.
It's just a few days,
so it's fine.
The Immortal Officials usually
have light meals.
Are you all right with that too?
It's just a few days,
so it's fine.
In that case,
Your Highness will be confined
to this Cultivating Hall for a few days.
Jiuyi Mountain is steep
and overgrown with dense grass.
You have lost your memory,
and you can't use magic technique.
If there was no one to accompany you
when you get lost in these mountains,
you don't even have anything to eat.
When that happens,
you might end up absorbing
the spiritual energy around you.
Come on.
Your Highness,
please let me stay.
I swear
that I won't be a chatterbox
in these few days.
Very well.
Since you insist on staying,
then I'll trouble you
to take me to the Emperor Valley first.
It's the burial place of my ancestors.
So I should pay my respects.
Greetings, Your Highness.
Watch your steps, Your Highness.
Greetings, Your Highness.
Greetings, Your Highness.
Your Highness,
please follow me.
What's going on?
Are you lost?
Go now.
This is bad.
That's the direction
to Empress Bai Yan's tomb.
Your Highness,
wait for me!
Your Highness, slow down!
Your Highness!
Your Highness,
the dense forest in the valley
has many forks.
We must not enter rashly.
I don't know why,
but after paying respects
to the ancestors,
I still feel there are some
unfinished rituals.
It's in the woods behind you.
Your Highness,
it's already late in the day.
Jiuyi Mountain's rules
prohibit nighttime visits
to the Emperor Valley.
We should leave now.
I've heard
that the fireflies in the Emperor Valley
have always accompanied
the tombs of the emperors
and empresses of Kongsang.
They are quite spiritual.
But why are they
taking refuge in your sleeve today?
They seem to have lost their way.
They look like
How about this?
We'll leave after we send them back
to the forest.
Your Highness possesses great kindness.
That is their mother.
They've found their home.
Why do I
feel so sad?
(Master left his mother at a young age.)
(Even without memories,)
(after witnessing such a scene,)
(it's natural to feel)
(an unconscious sadness.)
(Master can never see)
(the late Empress again
in this lifetime.)
(In this dream of three days,)
(I'll let him reunite
with his mother once more.)
(Yesterday's thoughts
are realized today.)
(The previous owner of this object)
(returns to the world.)
Why are you here?
I know everything
that you've done
for the world.
You have grown up.
I'm proud of you.
it feels like
I haven't seen you for a long time.
take good care of your injuries.
I'll be waiting for you in the palace.
Your Highness.
when you were still recovering,
Chong Ming brought a message
from Empress Bai Yan.
So I replayed it.
do you think
my Transmission Spell is great?
Thank you.
You know what?
Every year at this time,
Jialan City is filled with Snowy Rosa.
Mother would personally
make snow cakes for me.
The ones she made
were the most fragrant and delicious.
Throughout Kongsang,
there's no other pastry
that tastes better than hers.
The Empress must be
very skilled in cooking.
Everything I eat in the palace
is personally prepared by my mother.
She said
she loved watching me eat voraciously.
She said
that's how a child should behave,
rather than pretending
to be a grown-up prince.
Oh, there's a dish
called Cloud Mist Shrimp,
made with river shrimp and tea leaves.
It signifies trying a new tea
with new flavors
and enjoying poetry and wine
in the prime of life.
It's exceptionally delightful.
Don't just stand there.
Come and have a seat.
If there's a chance,
I'll ask my mother
to make
to make snow cakes for
for you.
(During these three days,)
(Shi Ying's soul is in
an intermediate state)
(where it's not complete.)
(He'll sleep at sunset)
(and rise at sunrise.)
(Every year at this time,)
Jialan City is filled with Snowy Rosa.
Mother would personally
make snow cakes for me.
The ones she made
were the most fragrant and delicious.
Throughout Kongsang,
there's no other pastry
that tastes better than hers.
♪Jade Bone in the hair♪
♪Whose longing has been stirred up♪
♪Unfinished fate and love
while passion has gone♪
♪Like a nightmare♪
I'm gathering these many Snowy Rosa
to make snow cakes for you tomorrow.
♪The constant missing♪
♪Like the bright moonlight
quietly sneaking into the night♪
Why doesn't
this Snowy Rosa smell fragrant?
♪Snowy Rosa at the temple,
blooming the most beautiful verses♪
It's not that the Snowy Rosa
isn't fragrant.
It's just that I can't smell it.
♪I will forever remain in the past♪
♪Waiting a lifetime, just for one glance♪
♪Imprinted in my flickering soul,
the most touching connection♪
♪Asking what year, asking about tomorrow♪
♪Crossing over eternal rendezvous♪
♪It's my missing for you♪
(I've only spent one day with her.)
(Why do I feel closer to her?)
Your Highness.
You said you did
something wrong to me.
So I despise you.
But it's strange.
I don't feel any of that
toward you in my heart.
even if a person loses their memory,
their body
would naturally reflect
their attitude toward others,
Your Highness, you're overthinking it.
(Ying may have lost his memories.)
(But during these three days,)
(his feelings toward you)
(will become stronger)
(with each passing day.)
(So you must be careful.)
(Don't be discovered by him.)
That's because
you're a person of great virtue.
Even if I've grown extremely repulsive
in your heart,
you'll still treat me
like anyone else.
Your Highness,
please stop worrying about me.
And stop bringing up the past again.
Did you make this?
My cooking skills
may not be as good
as your mother's cooking.
But it's better than nothing.
Have a taste.
Thank you.
It's delicious.
I don't know why
I always feel
more at ease
when I'm with you.
It's like
It's like we used to
sit side by side like this,
eating something.
How could that be possible?
Your Highness, you're noble and esteemed.
How could I
behave with such impropriety?
But I think
By the way,
you mentioned
so many foods you wanted to eat
the other day.
So I have instructed the divine servants
to go down the mountain and buy them.
If you don't mind my cooking skills,
I can make them for you
one by one and serve them
for you to taste.
Thank you.
Is there a marketplace nearby?
I want to go
and wander around by myself.
You can't!
Your injury has not fully healed.
How can you wander around freely?
I want to understand
the sentiments of the people.
If you're worried,
you can accompany me.
Why does Ying suddenly want to go
to the marketplace?
Could it be
that subconsciously
he wants to relive the time
when you both went
to the marketplace in Ye City?
Whatever the reason may be,
I can't stop Master.
Chong Ming,
the people in Jiuyi District
all know us.
We should go to a further marketplace.
With me around, it's easy.
(Cultivating Hall)
So this is the legendary divine bird,
Chong Ming.
Can it fly us there?
Later, you can sit behind me.
If you're afraid,
you can hold onto its feathers.
Chong Ming, let's go.
Lotus pods!
Fresh lotus pods!
- Ruyi pastry! Ruyi pastry!
- Lotus pods!
Lotus pods!
Homemade pastries!
Miss, try this lotus pod.
Have a taste.
Come and have a taste!
Lotus pods!
Do you like it?
Chong Ming, pay for it.
- Here you go.
- Don't drop it.
Come and take a look
at some fresh fruit.
Fresh and sweet figs.
Would you like some?
Chong Ming, buy some.
Come on.
Watch this.
Then I'll wait for you up ahead.
What is this?
Why do I feel
you'll definitely like this creature
when I see it?
(Could it be)
(that Master is remembering something?)
Thank you, Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Priest of Grand Preceptor?
How about this?
I'll buy one and give it to you
as a token of gratitude
for taking care of me these days.
It's okay.
I won't be able to take care of it.
We're not meant to be.
aren't you
I don't know you.
This is my first time here.
That's not right.
Back in Jiuyi District,
you were clearly
Aren't you
Jiuyi Mountain's Priest
Your little white creature has escaped.
Go after it now.
- Let's go.
- My little white creature!
Your Highness.
Actually, I have average appearance
since I was young
and don't stand out among the crowd.
I often get mistaken for someone else.
I've gotten used to it.
Average appearance
and don't stand out among the crowd?
We should hurry
and find Chong Ming.
Miss Zhu Yan.
This is the seasoning you requested.
However, the seasoning in the mountains
is made from heaven and earth's
condensed spiritual essence.
It's different from the mortal world.
This is "Susha",
derived from rocks in the wind.
It tastes salty.
This is "Mishuang",
extracted from the fragrant fruits
of ancient trees.
It tastes sweet.
This is "Huojing",
formed from the residual ashes
of ancient wood.
It's spicy.
This is "Meihe",
refined from green plums used
in brewing.
It tastes sour.
All right.
It's all because I lost
my sense of touching.
I can't feel the weight.
(Soon, all your senses)
(will gradually fade away.)
(I've lost my sense of taste.)
Never mind that.
I'll go ask the divine servants instead.
His Highness insists on coming to ask
Is there anything I can help with?
Haven't you heard the saying
that the kitchen is the battlefield
of the Kitchen God?
We can't allow anyone else to interfere.
If you want to help,
just wait to eat.
Come, let's go.
- Off you go now.
- Let's go.
It's all right.
We can help you wash the vegetables.
Am I right, Chong Ming?
You don't have to.
Take these.
Don't drop them.
Just listen to me
and rest here.
Leave the rest for us.
We'll be happy
when we work together with you.
Or else
we won't enjoy
this meal either.
Am I right, Chong Ming?
Let's wash the vegetables.
(I'm fortunate enough to be able)
(to spend time with my master
during these three days.)
(Heaven has been kind to me.)
(This will be the last time)
(I cook for Master in this lifetime.)
(I must not disappoint him.)
(I'll taste each seasoning one by one.)
It stimulates my stomach.
This is Meihe.
It's Huojing.
Oh, Zhu Yan.
Remember not to add too much of this
when you're cooking later.
It's salty.
I've overcome
the first obstacle.
Here you go.
Your Highness, please eat more.
So you can recover faster.
Chong Ming,
eat with His Highness.
I'll go and clean up the kitchen.
Why is your voice hoarse?
What happened to your face?
I didn't think you would notice.
It's just an old condition of mine.
I always have some allergy symptoms
during seasonal changes.
It seems like
it's going to rain.
Is your allergy that serious?
Your Highness.
Sorry for my abruptness.
Let me fetch some tea.
I'm sorry.
I don't know why.
But seeing you like this,
I feel deeply saddened.
I really want to comfort you.
It was just a moment
of impulsiveness so
I understand.
It's just
that I'm a guilty person.
I'm not worthy
of Your Highness's sympathy.
I can feel it.
The relationship between you and me
is not as you described.
I may have lost all my memories.
But my heart tells me
that I have never minded or blamed you
for whatever mistakes
you may have made.
On the contrary,
I feel a strong connection with you.
Your Highness, you should eat your meal.
If the food gets cold,
it would truly be a shame
after all my hard work.
If you don't stay,
it'll be tasteless for me.
Have a seat
and eat with me.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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