ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e36 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
Foolish ThunderCats.
You cannot stop the Chest
of Eternal Winters.
- So windy.
- Ugh, the wind.
- We gotta close that chest.
- Right.
ThunderCats, HO!
- Ugh. Give up already.
- [all] Whoa!
[all grunting]
- Keep away.
- [all] Ah!
Keep your grubby paws
off of that.
- This is not for cats.
- [both screaming]
- Evil snowball!
- That's not good.
- [screaming]
- Panthro.
New plan. I'll distract Mumm-Ra
while Tygra closes the chest.
You really think you can distract me?
I have excellent focus.
Well, we have excellent
But first, we all gotta
vote on my plan.
- Um. What?
- Well ya see, I'm for sure The Lord of the ThunderCats,
but we actually
vote on all our big decisions.
And every ThunderCat
gets a vote.
If even one cat objects,
we call the plan off.
- I've never seen you do that.
- It doesn't come up very often.
Now, all in favor of my plan?
- Aye.
- Aye.
- Aye.
- [affirmative meow]
Vote all you want,
you'll never distract me.
- But I just did.
- Aye!
- I did it.
- Aw, c'mon.
The Ancient Spirits of Evil
just gave me that chest.
- Hey, Mummy-Butt.
- Uh-oh.
[all grunting]
Good job, Thundies. Now let's go
home and drink hot chocolate.
[all] Yeah! We did it!
Curse those ThunderCats. How
can they be so annoying?
Ow. Ugh.
Imagine, voting on everything,
how ridiculous.
Why, all it would take is one
evil person with a vote to
Mess up their whole deal.
Ancient Spirits of Evil.
Grant me your power, transform
me into a Thunderian,
and I will infiltrate the ThunderCats.
[evil chuckle]
Did you hear me or uh
Mumm-Ra, you keep
using our powers
for evil schemes
and then failing.
Sure, but
And you always tell everyone,
we gave you
the power.
It makes us look bad
when you beef it.
I have never
beefed it.
No more power for you.
Spirits out.
[scoffs] I don't
need their help.
How hard could
a disguise be?
Crafting with Mummra ♪
[laughs] Mummy likey. Shame
to cut it up, though.
Mmm. [chuckles] A little of this,
little of that. There we go.
It's perfect, the ThunderCats
will never suspect a thing.
[evil laugh]
Morning, Tygra.
I don't feel so good. [coughs]
What's wrong? Did you drink too
much hot chocolate last night?
No, I think I got a cold
from being half-frozen.
That makes sense. I drank
too much hot chocolate.
[stomach rumbling]
What are you trying to
tell me?
Out of the way, buddy.
Dr. Panthro coming through.
Diagnosis, you're sick.
You'd better lie down and get plenty
of liquids, till you feel better.
Yeah, rest up, Tygra,
and we'll handle
everything today.
No one will bother you.
He's like
a bubbly angel.
- [doorbell rings]
- It's the front door. Let's check it out,
and whatever it is, not
bother Tygra about it.
Who's there?
[all gasp]
I'm a disgusting
cat-person just like you.
Your planet blew up and that was
my planet, so I'm here now.
My name is Pumm
Yes, Pumm-Ra the Cat-Man.
Uh That is all correct.
[all] Uh
[all talking simultaneously]
Wow. So great
to meet another Thunderian.
Sadly, you can't meet
Tygra because he's sick,
but you'll have plenty of
time to meet him later
because you should for
sure join the ThunderCats.
Lion-O. Thunderian or not, we
can't just make him a ThunderCat.
Hmm. You're right. Pumm-Ra can
only join the ThunderCats
if each one of us
votes to let him in.
But how will
we decide?
Easy, we'll each test Pumm-Ra
on whatever we think is most
important to being a ThunderCat.
And as Lord of the ThunderCats,
I hereby dub these tests
The Trials of Thundera!
- Cool.
- Great name.
- Awesome.
- Yeah.
Uh, cool, cool, cool.
That sounds great.
While you guys set that up, I'll just find
the litter box and do my cat business.
And maybe I'll catch and
consume a live mouse.
You know, cat stuff.
He's kind of weird.
[Lion-O] The Trials
of Thundera begin.
All right, Pumm-Ra.
For your first trial,
you have to get past
level one of Trash Fighter.
It's pretty much
the best game ever.
- "Trashed."
- [chuckles] This will be child's play.
Look. A vacuum.
Quick, fellow felines,
we must hide.
Time to cheat with my Mummy magic.
Phew. That was
a close one.
Anyhoo, while I was cowering in
fear, I beat your little game.
- Triple trashed.
- Wow. It took me weeks to get to triple trashed.
Well, you passed the trial.
Excellent. All is according
to plan. [laughs]
Don't look at that.
[groans] I guess
we gotta vote "yes."
Listen up, Pumm-Ra.
Being a ThunderCat is all about speed.
There's no way you're
gonna be as fast as me,
but you still gotta be
pretty dang fast
to make it all the way around
this track in ten seconds.
You're the boss, Cheetah-lady.
Ready, set, go.
You're toast, Pumm-Ra.
Dang it. I'm surprised to say
this, but you passed the trial.
That's a yes vote from me.
Hit the showers.
But I don't need a shower.
I'll bathe myself
with my tongue
and pretend
that's just as good.
For my trial,
you'll be learning sword moves.
Every ThunderCat needs a weapon,
but swords are the best kind.
The Sword Of Omens.
This move creates fire.
And this one creates water.
Pretty cool, huh?
Uh. I think I get it. Oh, ho, ho.
Dropped the sword.
One second, boss.
Wow. Good form. I don't
even know how you did that.
I just gave you a stick
Um Uh Hey look.
A couch.
I'm gonna scratch it
all up even though
it looks expensive.
Meow, meow. [chuckles]
Eh, you get it.
Well I guess
you passed the test.
- Maybe Snarf'll vote against
- [sleepy meow]
- Aw, Snarf.
- [all groan]
it's just your trial left.
You gotta make sure
he fails.
Yeah, boot him outta here.
But I thought you were all
voting for Pumm-Ra to join.
Sure, cause he passed our
trials but he's so weird.
He drinks his milk from
a bowl on the floor.
- [slurping] Hello.
- Okay, that's weird.
But only the greatest of Thunderians
could pass my obstacle course.
You've got nothing
to worry about.
I hope you're right.
During my trial he
[all whispering]
Hmm, it seems these contemptible
ThunderCats are on to me.
I better cool it
with the magic cheating
and really double down
on the cat stuff.
Time for your last trial.
Good luck.
You're gonna need it.
Hey, uh
Where did everybody go?
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Behold, the final
trial of Thundera.
You gotta get through
my obstacle course,
defeat the bad guys and save the
innocent Third Earth bystanders.
- Oh, help me, Thundercats.
- Gross.
Now, go!
- You can do it.
- Do your best.
Don't worry.
He's totally gonna lose.
Time to use my very own signature
cat-beast weapon Yarn ball.
- [groans]
- So tacky.
Uh Take that.
Thank you for saving me.
Man, I can't believe he beat
my challenge so dumbly.
All right.
Think like a cat.
I know, I'll rub my head
up against his leg, annoyingly.
Purr, purr, purr.
Well. This is
making me uncomfortable.
At least he can't
beat the challenge doing that.
Purr, purr, purr.
Purr, purr, purr.
[robot] Overload.
- [all groan]
- How is that even possible?
There. He blew himself up
because I'm so irritating.
You are a true hero.
[Mumm-Ra] One more challenge
to go. I'm doing great.
[all exclaiming]
Meow, meow, meow.
Uh-oh. [screams]
Ugh, water.
A cat's worst nightmare.
What is he
even talking about?
[grunts] Well, just one big
handsome robot left. No big deal.
- You gotta do something.
- Stop him.
Don't worry, guys.
I got this.
Whoa. That's a lotta me's.
Oh, what if I Uh [gagging]
got something in my throat.
Oh, grody.
Cover your eyes. Ah. Now
somebody cover my eyes.
I gotcha, man.
Huh. Just a little hairball. Another
totally normal thing that cats do.
Thank you. I've been trapped under the
floor ever since we built this lair.
Oh, yeah. I did it. I get
to be a Thundercat now.
And so, as Lord of the
ThunderCats, I hereby declare
that Pumm-Ra is
an official ThunderCat.
Unless someone
has a way out of this?
We all voted, so I think
we're stuck with him.
Maybe it won't be so bad?
[laughs] Now I will use
my vote as a ThunderCat
to undermine my enemies and become
the undisputed ruler of Third Earth!
[evil laugh]
- [screams] It's Mumm-Ra! He's in the base.
- Aw, dang it, Tygra.
I'll get you next time
- That was Mumm-Ra?
- Wait. You couldn't tell?
- Seriously?
- Oh, right.
Tygra needed to vote too.
So Pumm-Ra isn't a Thundercat.
Yay, Tygra.
[all cheering]
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