Fireworks of My Heart (2023) s01e37 Episode Script


(Adapted from the web novel "Waiting for You in a City")
(Fireworks of My Heart)
(Episode 37)
Was it you?
Did you bribe someone with the physical examination
and make Song Yan fail the entrance exam?
Before he was going to be promoted,
you also got someone to fight with him,
create trouble, and harass him,
didn't you?
He wrote me more than 10 letters.
I didn't receive any of them.
Was that you too?
Who told you?
Song Yan?
Were you involved too?
Qin Qin.
Regarding this
I don't know how to explain it to you.
This matter
has nothing to do with your dad.
Your dad only found out after the incident.
was my doing.
Is that all you can say?
Forget an apology.
Don't you even have an explanation?
That's a person's fate and future.
He's the man I love.
I wanted to get close to him,
but I almost lost him
because I kept complaining that he didn't do anything for me.
How could you be so nonchalant
after ruining the man I love?
I've always treated you
as my real mom.
I was even thinking of initiating a reconciliation with you.
I thought
maybe this is just your personality.
It's not that you don't treat me like your daughter.
I'm just a fool.
I'm a tool that you raised
to be used for a business marriage.
This tool has become human.
She has a relationship she wants.
You're afraid she'll be out of your control.
That's why you want to destroy the one she loves,
so she has nothing to look forward to in this life
and just be your puppet.
Qin Qin.
You can't talk to your mother like that.
Is this how you talk to us?
Are those years of education
all in vain?
You've lived in this house
for over a decade.
Just because of this,
because of this man,
are you going to deny everything we've done?
You want to break ties with us?
I'm not a perfect mother.
But what about you?
Are you a perfect daughter?
Qin Qin.
You're such a disappointment.
What did you say?
I've disappointed you?
I've always followed the rules since I was little.
If you tell me to do something,
I won't dare to go against you.
How did I disappoint you?
I just fell in love with him.
You said he's not good enough for me.
What right do you have
to do such a thing
and think you're noble?
You're the one who's not good enough.
You can't even call yourself a good person.
Meng Qin!
What do you want to do then?
Go and report me.
Send your mother
to prison.
I won't hold you accountable
for what he suffered
and lost in the past.
From now on,
I have nothing to do
with you anymore.
I'm warning you.
Don't hurt him again.
To you,
I have nothing.
But I can die for him.
Yan Chen.
Ms. Fu.
Yan Chen.
Where are your manners?
You've taught me well.
Be a righteous person.
I thought you were one too.
I was taught
to be filial to you and respect you
since I was little.
No matter how much pain I was in,
I couldn't bear to hurt you.
I was afraid of disappointing you.
But now
Where are you going?
I'm going out for a while.
You can't go anywhere.
Please look at me.
Please look at my face.
The one standing in front of you is your son.
All these years,
he has been living in hell every day.
He has been living like an empty shell.
Can't you see that at all?
The only one you can see is yourself.
Yan Chen.
That's enough.
Stop pressuring them.
Do you have to drive them crazy for you to be satisfied?
are rules.
I admit.
I'm not proud
of those two things I've done.
But who did I do it for?
I did it for the Meng family.
I did it for my child.
I don't regret it.
Back then,
I was against
Qin Qin's relationship.
But since we've already separated them,
why must you hurt that boy?
His dad was a piece of trash.
His mom would leave them
just for a little bit of money.
What kind of a son
can such parents raise?
You want me to let Qin Qin
be with him?
Over my dead body.
Do you think
the two of them have broken up?
Don't worry about them.
We can't interfere in their affairs.
All you do is watch TV.
Why is he so unfortunate?
Song Yan.
Let's reconcile.
Let's get back together.
What do you mean?
We didn't break up.
Song Yan.
How did you survive all these years?
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have distrusted you.
I shouldn't have been willful.
I shouldn't have fought with you
and left home.
Don't be silly.
It's all in the past now.
You have no idea.
I missed you so much.
I missed you too.
I'm sorry.
Let's go inside.
I have to go back to the station.
They came back together.
That's good news.
I wonder if they've eaten.
They've made up.
Why are you going to them? Are you stupid?
It doesn't matter if they eat or not.
What matters is that they're like this.
You're so indecent.
How annoying.
Come on, let's go inside.
Let's go.
Mr. Meng.
Should I call Mr. Xiao?
But he hasn't been here for a long time lately.
It's okay.
This way, please.
Bring me my wine.
Bring me Mr. Meng's wine.
Mr. Meng, call me if you need anything.
These are our data from the past few days.
This one is better.
This one has better potential.
- It has to have that vibe to - Let me answer that.
- Hello. - Hey.
Ye Zi.
Didn't you ask me to call you
when Mr. Meng comes here?
He's here today.
He's there?
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Why are you thanking me?
Why are you looking for him?
It's nothing.
I just want to thank him for helping me before.
Thank you.
Zhai Miao, I'm going out.
Didn't you promise
to review this with me?
I'll definitely do it with you tomorrow.
I promise.
I'm running late. I'll put on makeup first.
Are you okay?
Why are you here?
You drank so much.
Are you in a bad mood?
I wanted to treat you to a meal
to repay you for last time.
You said you were busy.
Is something troubling you at work?
Why are you laughing?
Moths and butterflies
are similar insects,
but they're very different.
Some moths
have gorgeous wings like butterflies.
It's hard for ordinary people to notice,
but I can tell right away.
There's one more difference.
Butterflies like to fly under the sun.
But moths
always come out at night.
I don't understand what you're talking about.
Is that so?
It doesn't matter if you understand or not.
Right now,
I just want to be alone.
I like you.
But do you have to do this to me?
You like me?
What do you like about me?
I just think you're nice.
There's no reason.
Is that not allowed?
Your student loan.
How much do you pay every month?
How much do you need for your monthly living expenses?
What do you mean?
I'm a businessman.
I deal with all kinds of people every day.
Don't think you're so smart.
And don't think I'm too stupid.
I won't be fooled by you so easily.
So all this time,
you've just been tricking me.
What do you have that's worth tricking you for?
Go away.
Wen Ying.
You must also be tired today.
Get some rest.
I feel
very uneasy.
Yan Chen
has never acted this way.
Leave him be.
You know how he is.
He can't win against you.
He'll be fine.
I've called him several times.
He didn't pick up.
When has he ever not picked up my calls?
Don't worry.
Give him some time to think.
(Yan Chen)
Yan Chen.
Why didn't you answer my calls?
Who are you?
Where's Meng Yan Chen?
Class Monitor.
Help me.
Save me.
I was raped.
Right now,
I don't know
what to do.
Help me.
Mr. and Mrs. Meng.
Mr. Guo is here.
You still can't reach him?
Should we call the police?
But we have no reason to call the police.
And given the situation,
the other party is claiming to be the victim.
If we call the police,
we'll be walking into the trap.
Don't call the police yet.
These days,
our family has been through enough.
Whether this really happened or not,
if this gets out of hand,
it won't be good for us.
I want to know.
Do you want to pay her off to settle the matter?
do you want to teach her a lesson?
(How much do you want?)
(Five million yuan.)
(I hope you can do as you say.)
(Send your card number.)
(Yancheng Bank 62)
If you send that message,
you'll go to jail.
You're not drunk?
Not to the point of losing consciousness.
What do you mean by what you said just now?
If you send your card number,
you'll go to jail immediately
for extortion.
You can't defeat her.
I have proof.
Earlier, you
What did I do?
I have a video on my phone.
- You - I'm just drunk,
not dead.
Are you really not afraid that I'll call the police?
You'll be doomed if I call the police!
Try it.
I really want to see
how I'll be doomed.
Are you going to call the police or not?
I'll get going.
This is the 110 reporting center.
(Send your card number.)
Why hasn't she replied yet?
Do you think
she noticed something?
I don't think so.
Under such circumstances,
it's impossible for her to react so quickly.
Bad news, Mr. Meng.
Mr. Meng Yan Chen was taken away by the police.
Meng Yan Chen.
Do you have anything to say about the fact
that you raped someone?
We're Mr. Meng Yan Chen's parents.
Can we see him?
According to the rules,
except for the lawyer,
the rest of you can't see the suspect.
My son is not a suspect.
That woman blackmailed us.
There's something fishy about this.
We want to see him.
How about this?
Let my lawyer in.
It's no use even if the lawyer sees him.
He didn't deny it.
Come up with something.
I want to see him.
I'm afraid he's gone insane.
Xu Qin.
Why are you back at this hour?
There's an urgent matter.
Get changed and come with me.
What's wrong?
Hello, Xiao Yi Xiao. What's up?
Qin Er.
Listen, your brother is in trouble.
What happened?
Tell me if he's all right first.
Where are you?
I'll come to you. We'll talk in person.
What's going on?
See for yourself.
(It's fine even if you hack someone like that to death.)
Are they referring to Meng Yan Chen?
Listen, these netizens don't know anything.
They're just fanning the flames.
Could someone have a grudge against the Meng family,
so she's doing this to him?
I don't know.
The entire Meng family is in uproar now.
Most importantly, I don't know what Meng Yan Chen is doing.
He wouldn't say a word.
He wouldn't even say anything to the lawyer.
He didn't even explain himself.
Now that things have gotten out of hand,
we can't even see him.
If this drags on,
nothing will come out of the investigation.
If public opinion turns white into black,
he'll be ruined.
Last night,
he must have been home too.
He must have heard it.
What did he hear?
Dad, Mom.
Qin Qin.
If you have anything to say to your brother,
let Mr. Guo pass it on.
You must get your brother to talk,
so he won't do stupid things.
He'll ruin himself if he does that.
Please tell my brother
that if there's any problem,
we'll settle it at home.
Is that all?
Does that girl work at your bar?
She hasn't worked there for a long time.
I knew something wasn't right with her,
so I fired her.
I'm sure she went back there because the staff tipped her off.
I really didn't expect this
to become such a big deal.
The netizens are saying
that Meng Yan Chen and the bar owner are also good friends,
so any statement the bar makes
will be useless.
Are there no cameras in the bar?
There are in the corridor
but not in the rooms.
I also captured a customer by the door.
He should have seen what happened inside.
But I can't find this person.
And no one came forward to testify.
How is this person related
to Meng Yan Chen?
What relationship can they have?
Look at Meng Yan Chen's personality.
He's not me.
Let me tell you.
This girl is using her good looks
and she likes Meng Yan Chen.
She wants to be with him.
She was exposed,
so her love turned into hate.
"If I can't have you, I'll destroy you."
That's all.
You said the CCTV showed
a customer watching by the door, right?
The police took the video,
but I took a photo.
I can't find this person now.
I need to go somewhere.
Mr. Meng.
What did Yan Chen say?
He wouldn't say anything.
He wouldn't say a word.
Did you tell him
not to do this because he's mad at me?
He can hate me.
he can't gamble with his reputation.
I told him all of that,
but he wouldn't listen.
I know my son.
He would never do such a thing.
Now, we need to find a way
to tell everyone
the most believable truth.
Then we need to find a witness and evidence.
Didn't they say that a customer saw it?
Find this person first.
Why didn't you answer my calls?
What do you want?
Regarding what happened to Meng Yan Chen,
are you the key witness captured on the CCTV?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Stop playing dumb.
Even if you put on a sack and ran 100m away,
I can recognize you.
Then why are you helping them?
That's not right.
Why would the police show you the CCTV footage?
You're trying to fish up information from me.
Zhai Miao.
I thought you knew the priority of things
and won't do anything that harms people.
You don't think
the online post has anything to do with me, do you?
You're not that bad.
Say something.
Ye Zi called the class monitor.
The class monitor was heartbroken,
so she even called the Student Council.
Ye Zi was crying
and said she was raped.
Meng Yan Chen has a strong background.
Everyone was angry,
so they wanted to post something online.
Anyway, I didn't take part in it,
but I didn't stop them.
I was just watching the whole thing play out.
You know
that Meng Yan Chen didn't rape Ye Zi.
I don't know that.
How would I know?
Since you didn't want to join them,
why didn't you tell the truth?
What truth?
I didn't take part.
I have a clear conscience.
I had nothing to do
with the post they made.
I didn't even like the post or leave a comment.
You know that's not true.
You have proof.
You saw it by the door.
You took photos too, didn't you?
You know this matter is urgent.
If this drags on,
Meng Yan Chen will be ruined.
He'll be ruined?
Even so, he'll still be 100 times better off than you.
It's none of your concern.
If you just hate the Meng family,
there's no need to do this.
I don't care
about what happened in the past anymore.
Don't act up too.
But if you have proof,
come with me to the police station.
You don't care?
If I graduated from senior high
and sold socks at the overpass for 10 years,
then I told you
that I got into Yancheng University
because someone ruined my grades,
would you be okay with it too?
If I got into graduate school,
and someone reported me
and made me lose my right to take the exam,
would you be okay with that too?
Song Yan.
Can you really be okay with it?
Your youth,
the best decade of your life, was ruined by someone.
Everything you worked so hard for was in vain.
Have you forgotten all of that?
How did my dad beg her before?
Have you forgotten too?
Zhai Miao.
Song Yan.
Stop pretending with me.
You say you don't care.
You say you don't care. You say you don't harbor hatred.
If you really don't care,
when Xu Qin first came to see you last year,
why did you chase her away?
If you really don't care,
why do you have so many books at home?
Why are you working so hard too?
If it really doesn't matter to you,
if you really don't care,
our family wouldn't be so careful
in not mentioning what happened for so many years.
We were afraid it would hurt your pride.
Now, you want to forgive them because of Xu Qin.
That's your decision.
I won't.
I'll never forgive them.
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